Semi-Supervised Multitask Learning for Scene Recognition

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we propose a multitask model to integrate scene images of different resolutions. ...... on deep-learned semantic transformations of their original features. .... [11] A. Mosleh, N. Bouguila, and A. Hamza, “Automatic inpainting scheme for video text ... [29] X. Gao, F. Gao, D. Tao, and X. Li, “Universal blind image quality assess-.


Semi-Supervised Multitask Learning for Scene Recognition Xiaoqiang Lu, Xuelong Li, Fellow, IEEE, and Lichao Mou

Abstract—Scene recognition has been widely studied to understand visual information from the level of objects and their relationships. Toward scene recognition, many methods have been proposed. They, however, encounter difficulty to improve the accuracy, mainly due to two limitations: 1) lack of analysis of intrinsic relationships across different scales, say, the initial input and its down-sampled versions and 2) existence of redundant features. This paper develops a semi-supervised learning mechanism to reduce the above two limitations. To address the first limitation, we propose a multitask model to integrate scene images of different resolutions. For the second limitation, we build a model of sparse feature selection-based manifold regularization (SFSMR) to select the optimal information and preserve the underlying manifold structure of data. SFSMR coordinates the advantages of sparse feature selection and manifold regulation. Finally, we link the multitask model and SFSMR, and propose the semi-supervised learning method to reduce the two limitations. Experimental results report the improvements of the accuracy in scene recognition. Index Terms—Manifold regularized, multitask learning, scene recognition, sparse selection.

I. I NTRODUCTION N COMPUTER vision, scene recognition has been standing as a hot research topic to understand visual scenes in the last decade. For example, we can recognize the context of an image as a scene (forest, highway, and living room, etc.). Some applications of scene understanding are of great value, such as object recognition/detection [1]–[5], content-based image retrieval (CBIR) [6]–[10], and video text detection [11] etc. Scene recognition is of great value for reducing the semantic gap between human beings and computers on scene understanding. However, it is a challenging task in recognizing the semantic category of a given image due to the content variations in complex scenes. Many scene recognition methods have been proposed to learn mapping between a set of low-level


Manuscript received December 5, 2013; revised July 29, 2014; accepted September 22, 2014. Date of publication November 20, 2014; date of current version August 14, 2015. This work was supported in part by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant 2012CB719905, in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61125106, Grant 61472413, and Grant 61100079, and in part by the Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant KGZD-EW-T03. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor L. Shao. X. Lu, X. Li and L. Mou are with the Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710119, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2362959

features and meaningful semantic categories. However, how to reduce the large semantic gap is still a challenging task in scene recognition. There have been many efforts to decrease the so-called semantic gap between low features and human semantics. Many scene recognition methods try to build an intermediate semantic representation to bridge over the semantic gap [12]–[15]. Although most scene recognition methods can obtain competitive state-of-the-art recognition accuracy, there exist two limitations for these methods to prohibit the improvement of accuracy in scene recognition. This is mainly due to two reasons. 1) Few methods can exploit the initial input and its different resolution versions to capture the relationship across different scales. Most scene recognition methods only extract low-level features from single resolution image which cannot well represent the whole scene completely. Hence, how to simultaneously exploit the information of different resolution images is crucially important for the scene recognition problem. 2) Some redundant features may disturb the accuracy of scene recognition. One critical issue of extracting features is whether the features are beneficial to recognize the semantic category of an image. The representation of an image from different resolutions can be regarded as a means to obtain invariance to scale, which can improve the accuracy of recognition from the dominant perspective in the recognition community [16]. Furthermore, Fei-Fei and Perona [12] and Lazebnik et al. [17] had declared that dense feature extractions work better than interest point feature extractions for scene classification. Thus, it is important to exploit the dense feature extracted from different resolution images to improve the performance of scene recognition. For different resolution images, there exist the differences in the features of local patch, while the global spatial structure keeps the same due to the commonness between different resolutions. Such the structural commonness and difference among different resolutions can be fused to infer reliable semantic concept. In this paper, we develop a mechanism to overcome the aforementioned limitations. To address the first limitations, we propose a multitask model to integrate scene images of different resolutions. The relationship of samples from different resolutions, including the commonness and the differences, can be captured by a multitask technique and sparse

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feature selection and manifold regularization (SFSMR). For the differences of different resolutions, we map the local features of different resolutions to a common subspace by using multitask technique. This is because multitask model can improve the performance of multiple related tasks by exploiting the intrinsic relationships among multiresolutions. In this case, the differences of local features can be reduced and the mapped feature of samples from different resolutions can be learned, which can preserve the structural commonness of different resolution images. For the second limitation, by combining SFSMR learning, the reliable features can be selected and the unreliable features can be ignored by borrowing the knowledge from some other related resolutions while preserving the underlying manifold structure of data, which can further improve the performance of scene recognition. Finally, by integrating the multitask model and SFSMR, the proposed method can be designed to relieve the aforementioned limitations and further improve the accuracy of scene recognition. Compared with the existing methods, the proposed method has the following three main advantages. First, our method takes multiresolution images as multiple-related tasks and utilizes the common knowledge of multiple tasks. This is because multiresolution images generated from the same scene have the same global spatial structures and different local features. In this case, different tasks are simultaneously learned in a joint framework to improve the performance in scene recognition. Second, by using the proposed method, the underlying manifold structure of each feature data is preserved and the optimal features can be chosen, resulting in a more faithful result. Third, by using the l2,1 norm term and the trace norm term, the correlation of different features at multiresolutions can be exploited and the information from different tasks can be transferred among multiple tasks. The contributions of this paper are as follows. 1) In this paper, scene recognition in different resolutions is considered as different but related problems, and then a multitask model is proposed to integrate scene images of different resolutions. 2) A new model of SFSMR is built to select the optimal information and preserve the underlying manifold structure of data. 3) The proposed semi-supervised learning method is a novel mechanism by integrating the multitask model and SFSMR, which can further improve the accuracy of scene recognition. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II briefly discusses the related work of semisupervised manifold learning. The proposed method for scene recognition is shown in Section III. In Section IV, the experimental results on different datasets are reported to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Section V concludes this paper. II. R ELATED W ORK To decrease the so-called semantic gap between low features and human semantics, the ability of semantic modeling

methods to assign semantic labels (i.e., scene categories) to images has motivated significant recent interest in scene recognition. The semantic modeling methods can be roughly divided into three categories: 1) object-based methods; 2) bag-of-visual-features (BoF) methods; and 3) attributebased methods. Object-based methods [18]–[23] defined a set of objects of the images as semantic representation to reduce the semantic gap. Generally, object-based method can be divided into two steps. First, different regions in a given image can be segmented and classifiers are exploited to label different regions which can be regarded as an object. Second, the global scene can be analyzed and recognized using the information of objects. The BoF methods, which stem from the technology of bag-of-words (BoW), have achieved considerable success in the field of text analysis [17], [24], [25]. The BoF-based methods constructed a set of visual words generated from the image on an evenly-spaced grid. In this case, the image can be represented by many visual words. Therefore, the BoF-based methods can obtain an intermediate representation by interpreting images at a high semantic level. For BoF-based methods, however, the process of describing an image with a histogram of visual words is sub-optimal. Moreover, the coarse quantization operated by using a predefined visual vocabulary will reduce the power of local descriptors and disregard the spatial layout of features [26]. Recently, attribute-based methods have been exploited to represent an image with a set of meaningful visual attributes in scene recognition due to their interesting properties [27], [28]. For example, Torresani et al. [27] divided an image into 2659-dimensional vector, which can be represented by a visual attribute. Parikh et al. [28] learned both discriminative and nameable visual attributes from a set of images in a semi-supervised manner. However, the attribute-based methods require a large amount of human efforts to defined visual attribute. Additionally, the classification performance of attribute-based methods is often below the simple BoW histogram when using the same low-level features. In this paper, we will show a multitask model which exploits the information correlation in different resolution images. Multitask framework has shown its success in various computer vision and pattern recognition problems [29]–[34]. The success of multitask framework may shed light on the problem of scene recognition. The main idea of multitask learning is that there are a set of models to be learned and these models are affected by some common factors. These models or tasks are related, i.e., they are not independent. The shared information can be transferred from one task to the other related tasks [35]. When the size of training set is small, the multitask learning method can improve the ability of generalization [36]. In addition, the prior semi-supervised learning work, including local and global consistency (LGC) [37] is briefly reviewed in this subsection. Denote [x1 , x2 , . . . , xp , . . . , xn ] as the n training samples from c classes and Y = [Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yn ] ∈ {0, 1}n×c as the corresponding label matrix. Let F = [F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn ]T ∈ Rn×c , where Fi is the predicted label vector of xi . LGC is a graph-based classification method, whose objection function


Fig. 1.


Flowchart of our method. A process takes us from the SIFT feature to the semantic category.

is shown as the following:  2 n n  F   Fj   i  gl (F) = Sij  √ −   +λ Fi − Yi 2 (1)  Dii  D jj i,j=1 i=1 F

where λ is a parameter and D  is a diagonal matrix with its diagonal element Dii = j Sij . Equation (1) can be transformed as   gl (F) = Tr F T MF + Tr(F − Y)T U(F − Y) (2) where M ∈ Rm×m is a graph Laplacian matrix and U ∈ Rm×m is a diagonal matrix. LGC and its variants can effectively exploit label information and manifold structure of the labeled data from both labeled and unlabeled data, resulting in remarkable performance [37]. Other semi-supervised learning methods, including flexible manifold embedding [38] and manifold regularized least square regression [39], have been applied to different applications. However, these methods are designed to deal with a single task. In this case, the structural information in multitasks is lost. III. P ROPOSED M ETHOD Fig. 1 provides a flowchart of the proposed method, which consists of four major steps. First, given an input image, the corresponding different resolution images can be generated by downsampling the image. Second, SIFT features are densely sampled from different resolution images. Third, we propose semi-supervised learning, incorporating multitask model, and SFSMR, to select the optimal information of the original features while preserving the underlying manifold structure of data. Finally, multiclass classification is done with support vector machine (SVM) classifier using the one-versus-all rule. A. Notations Suppose, we are going to select features generated from different resolution images for t tasks. And there are t tasks including all c scene categories. The lth task Xl includes m training data Xl = [xl1 , . . . , xli , . . . , xlm ] with ground-truth labels Yl = [y1l , . . . , yil , . . . , ym l ] from cl scene categories.

That is, Xl = [xl1 , . . . , xli , . . . , xlm ] is composed of c different scene images and Yl = [y1 , . . . , ym ] is the corresponding label matrix. B. Multitask Learning Model This subsection will discuss how the multitask model is employed to share the information among multiresolution images of the same scene. Recently, most scene recognition methods only extract lowlevel features from a single resolution image, which cannot represent the whole scene completely. Hence, how to simultaneously exploit the information of different resolution images is crucially important for the scene recognition problem. Researchers have witnessed the success of multitask learning in image processing and pattern recognition [40], [41]. Motivated by the success of multitask learning, a new model is proposed to share the information and structure of different resolutions image in scene recognition. We construct multiresolution images and extract the corresponding features. And these features at each resolution are regarded as one task. In this case, different tasks are simultaneously learned in a joint framework to improve the performance in scene recognition. Additionally, it is necessary to consider the manifold structure of the training data in multitask model, which can result in a more faithful result. Hence, the proposed multitask model can be written as the following: min fl

t  m 

      loss fl xli , Fli + g1 Fli


l=1 i=1

where loss ( fl (xli ), Fli ) is a loss function that measures the consistence between true and predicted labels, the definition of g1 (∗) can be found in (2), Fli is the predicted label of groundtruth label yil , and fl is the lth row of mapping f . The first term in (3) is the average of the empirical error across the multiple tasks, which can uncover the information shared by different resolution images. The second term denotes the label fitness and the manifold smoothness. To share the common knowledge across multitask and evaluate the informativeness of all features jointly for each task (each resolution), the mapping f in (3) can be restricted to be sparse. In this case, the objective



function in (3) can be redefined as min

t  m          loss fl xli , Fli + g1 Fli + αg2 ( fl ) + β( f ) l=1 i=1

(4) where g2 ( fl ) is the l2,1 -norm regularization function and ( f ) is the regularized term, α, and β are the parameters. The term g2 ( fl ) can ensure that common features of different resolution images will be selected by combining the tasks. Equation (4) can be expanded as the following: min

Wl ,bl ,Fl

t    T  W Xl + bl 1T − Fl 2 i l F l=1

Algorithm 1 SFSMR Method 1: Input Input different resolutions data Xl ∈ d×m (1 ≤ l ≤ t) and labels Yl ∈ c×m ; Laplace matrix Ml (Computed by Xl ); Regularization parameters α and β.

2: Output Feature selection matrix W l tl=1 . 3: Initialize Set r = 0, initialize Wl tl=1 randomly, W 0 = [W1 , . . . , Wt ]; 4: Repeat l = 1; Repeat Denote Hl as Hl = Il − m1 1l llT ; r Compute the ⎡ diagonal matrix Dl as:⎤  1    1 r Wl 

⎢ 2 ⎢ Drl = ⎢ ⎢ ⎣

+ Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl )   + Tr Fl Ml FlT + α Wl 2,1 + β ( f ) (5) T

where bl is the bias term, ll is a vector whose elements are all 1 and W2,1 is the l2,1 -norm regularization term. The term can combine the tasks and select common features of different resolution images by computing the 2-norm of the rows W l of matrix W and then the 1-norm of the vector σ (W) = (W1 2 , . . . , Wt 2 ). Given a matrix A ∈ Rm×d , we denote the ith row of A by Ai· . The l2,1 -norm of A is defined as m  Ai· 2 . (6) A2,1 = i=1

When the l2,1 norm is minimized, some rows of matrix A will shrink to 0. In [42], the common component of multiple tasks can be shared by the low-rank matrix of W = {Wl }tl=1 . It is well known that we can exploit correlations between features generated from different resolution images and improve predictive accuracy by restricting W to be a low rank matrix. Moreover, when W is low-rank, distances are equivalently computed in a low-dimensional subspace, which allows efficient storage and retrieval [43]. In this paper, the objective function of the proposed method is presented as the following: t    T  W Xl + bl 1T − Fl 2 min i l F

Wl ,bl ,Fl


+ Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl )T   + Tr Fl Ml FlT + α Wl 2,1 + β W∗ (7) where W∗ is the low rank term and the minimization of the rank of matrix is nonconvex. In this case, we replace the low rank term W∗ with the trace norm term, which is the convex hull of the rank of W. By using the term Wl 2,1 in (7), the proposed method can capture the informativeness of all features for each task and exploit the correlation of different features for multiple tasks. with the term W∗ , different features selection functions {W1 , . . . , Wt } can share the common components across multiple tasks. Given a matrix A, we denote the trace norm as the following: 1  A∗ = Tr AAT 2 (8)




⎥ ⎥ ⎥; ⎥ ⎦

 1   r  2 Wld  2 ˜ r as: matrix D

Compute   the  diagonal  ˜ r = 1 2 Wr WrT ; D Update Al by:   ˜ −1 ; Al = Xl Hl HlT XlT + αDl + β D Update Bl by: Bl = ATl Xl Hl + m1 1l 1Tl ; Update Fl by:  −1 Fl = Yl Il + Ml + (Bl − Il )T (Bl − Il ) + αATl Al ; Update Wlr : Wlr = Al FlT ; Update  bl :    bl = 1 m Fl 1l − WlT Xl Il ; l = l + 1; until l > t  W r+1 = W1,..., Wt ; r = r + 1; until Convergence; 5: Return Wl and bl for 1 ≤ l ≤ t.

where Tr is the trace operator. Therefore, our objective function in (7) can be formulated as follows: t    T  W Xl + bl 1T − Fl 2 + Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl )T min i l F Wl ,bl ,Fl


    + Tr Fl Ml FlT + αWl 2,1 + βTr WW T .


It can be seen from (9) that the proposed objective function has two main advantages compared with other scene recognition methods. First, based on multitask model, the relationships exploited in different resolutions images are beneficial for scene recognition. Second, by using the l2,1 norm term and the trace norm term Tr(WW T ), our method can reduce the redundant features and obtain better interpretability of the features by sharing the common knowledge across different resolution images. C. Optimization In this section, we give an iterative method to optimize the object function. The detailed procedure of


the proposed method is described in Algorithm 1. By considering (8) and (9), we rewrite the objective function as follows: t     T   W Xl + bl 1T − Fl 2 + αTr W T Dl Wl min i l l F

Wl ,bl ,Fl


   T + Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl ) + Tr Fl Ml Fl     1 β T T −2 + Tr W WW W (10) 2 T

where Dl is a diagonal matrix which is defined as ⎡ ⎢ Dl = ⎢ ⎣

1 2Wl1 2

⎤ ..

. 1 2Wld 2

⎥ ⎥. ⎦


By setting the derivative of (10) with respect to bl to 0, we get bl =

1 1 Fl 1l − WlT Xl 1l . m m


Substituting (12) to (10), we can get  2   t   T  1 1 T T  Wl Xl + Fl 1l − Wl Xl 1l 1i − Fl  min   Wl ,bl ,Fl m m F l=1   T T + αTr Wl Dl Wl + Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl )       1  β T T T −2 + Tr W WW + Tr Fl Ml Fl W , 2    2 t     T W Xl Il − 1 1l 1T − Yl Il − 1 1l 1T  min l l l   Wl ,bl ,Fl m m F l=1   T T + αTr Wl Dl Wl + Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl )       1  β T T T −2 + Tr W WW + Tr Fl Ml Fl W (13) 2 where I is an identity matrix. Denote Hl = Il − 1/m1l 1Tl as a centering matrix, (13) can be rewritten as min

Wl ,bl ,Fl

t    T   W Xl Hl − Fl Hl )2 + αTr W T Dl Wl l l F l=1

  + Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl )T + Tr Fl Ml FlT    − 1 β + Tr W T WW T 2 W . (14) 2

By setting the derivative of (14) with respect to Wl to 0, we can obtain  −1 Wl = Xl Hl HlT XlT + αDl + β  D Xl Hl FlT = Al FlT (15) ˜ = where Al = (Xl Hl HlT XlT + αDl + β  D)−1 and D −1/2    T 1 2 WW . When considering Wl in (15) and bl


in (12), (16) can obtain WlT Xl + bl 1T T  1 = AFlT Xl + Fl 1l 1Tl − m   1 T T = Fl Al Xl Il − 1l 1l + m   1 T = Fl Al Xl Hl + 1l 1Tl m = Fl Bl

1 Fl ATl Xl 1l 1Tl m 1 Fl 1l 1Tl m


where Bl = ATl Xl Hl + 1/m1l 1Tl . When W and b are added into (10), we have F ∗ = Tr (Fl Bl − Fl ) (Fl Bl − Fl )T T    Al FlT + αTr Al FlT

  + Tr (Fl − Yl ) (Fl − Yl )T + Tr Fl Ml FlT .


By setting the derivative of (17) as 0, we can get the prediction label F  −1 Fl = Yl Il + Ml + (Bl − Il )T (Bl − Il ) + αATl Al . (18) Once the prediction label is obtained, the matrix W in (15) can be obtained. The detailed procedure of the proposed method is listed in Algorithm 1. IV. E XPERIMENTS In this section, we will introduce the datasets and conduct several experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method. A. Datasets The proposed method will be evaluated over four commonly used datasets which are described as follows. 1) The first dataset is eight-category scenes dataset, namely OT dataset, which is proposed by Torralba [2] in MIT. This dataset includes 2688 images divided into eight categories. 2) The second dataset is 15-category scenes, namely LS dataset, which is proposed by Lazbnik et al. [17]. This dataset includes 4688 images divided into 15 categories, of which 2688 images are from Oliva’s eightscene dataset: coast (360 images), forest(328 images), mountain (274 images), open country (410 images), highway (260 images), inside city (308 images), tall building (365 images), street (292 images), bedroom (216 images), kitchen (210 images), livingroom (289 images), PARoffice (215 images), Calsuburb (241 images), industrial (311 images), and store (315 images). 3) The third dataset is eight-category sports events, namely LF dataset, which is proposed by Li and Fei-Fei [44]. LF dataset includes 1597 images and contains eight categories: rowing (250 images), badminton (200 images), polo (182 images), bocce (137 images), snowboarding (190 images), croquet (236 images), sailing (190 images), and rock climbing (194 images).


Fig. 2.


Illustration of multiresolution image.


4) The fourth data is SUN dataset containing a large variety of environmental scenes, places and the objects. Sun dataset is a larger and more challenging scene recognition dataset which provides a comprehensive collection of annotated images. The SUN dataset contains a full variety of 899 scene categories. In this paper, the experiment is conducted on the wellknown SUN-397 dataset provided by Xiao et al. [45], which sampled from the whole SUN dataset for scene recognition. (b)

B. Experimental Setup For each experimental setting, we generate the corresponding multiresolution images by downsampling the input images by a factor of 2 and 4, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2, the ratio of different resolutions is 1:4:16. To specify different resolutions samples from the same scene, we introduce the concept of group in the following experiments. Each group is composed of three images with different resolutions from the same scene. For each group, the other two resolution images can be generated using downsampling the high resolution image by a factor of 2 and 4, respectively. In this paper, there exist two free parameters: 1) α and 2) β. To comprehensively evaluate the proposed method, we choose the LS-15 dataset and OT dataset to conduct the experiments on these two parameters. The test values α and β are defined as {0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16} and {0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16}, respectively. We study how recognition accuracy varies with one parameter when the other one is fixed. First, we fixed the parameter value β = 0. Fig. 3 shows the experimental results varying with the value of parameters α and β. Fig. 3(a) plots the results varying with the parameter value α from 0.02 to 0.16 when the parameter β = 0. It can be shown in Fig. 3(a) that the best parameter value α is 0.1. Second, we fix the parameter α = 0, and then select the best parameter β. Fig. 3(b) plots the results varying with the values of parameter β from 0.02 to 0.16 when the parameter α = 0. Fig. 3(b) shows that the best parameter value β is 0.1. It is worth mentioning that the parameters (α and β) have few influence on the results from the aforementioned experiments. Moreover, we can find α = 0.1 and β = 0.1 achieve the best performance on the LS-15 dataset and OT dataset, respectively. Thus, we define the parameters α = 0.1 and β = 0.1 in the following experiments.

Fig. 3. Parameter selection results on LS-15 dataset and OT dataset. Recognition accuracy varies with parameter (a) α and (b) β.

C. Implementation We perform extensive experiments on four popular, benchmark datasets by cross-validation. Fig. 4 shows several samples from the aforementioned datasets. The prevalent training/testing configurations are followed in the literature. The appearance representation is based on SIFT descriptors extracted over 448 bins from 99 patches. And all experiments involving spatial pyramids with three pyramid levels aim to consider the spatial structure of images. For 15 scene categories dataset, each category of scenes is divided into two separate sets of images, 100 groups for training and the rest groups for testing. In training dataset, each group contains three different resolution images. Similarly, for eight sports event categories dataset, 70 randomly selected groups are exploited for training and other 60 groups are used for testing. For each category in SUN dataset, 20 groups are exploited to train the classifier and the other 50 groups are utilized to evaluate the performance of the feature. In this paper, multiclass classification is done with SVM classifier using the one-versus-all rule. The rule can be defined that a classifier is learned to separate each class from the rest, and a test group is assigned the label of the classifier with the highest response. The LIBLINEAR is used to train a linear SVM and switched from one-versus-one to one-versus-all multiclass classification. In the following, the experiments results on three datasets, including LS, OT, and LF datasets, can be conducted under multiresolutions and single resolution conditions.


Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.


Fig. 6.

Confusion table for the LS dataset.

Fig. 7.

Accuracy with different feature numbers for the OT dataset.

Fig. 8.

Confusion table for the OT dataset.

Sample images from OT, LF, LS datasets, and SUN dataset.

Accuracy with different feature numbers for the LS dataset.

Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method under multiresolutions and single resolution conditions. Figs. 5, 7, and 9 show the accuracy of recognition on different datasets under multiresolutions and single resolution conditions. Generally, it can be observed from Figs. 5, 7, and 9 that the performance increases when the feature number increases. On the whole, the computational time increases when feature number increases. Thus, based on the experimental results, feature number is set to 3000, which is a tradeoff between the performance and computational cost. Figs. 6, 8, and 10 show different confusion matrics of the annotation results over different datasets under the optimal condition (feature number is 3000).

D. Comparing to the State-of-the-Art In this section, we compare the proposed method with the state-of-the-art on three standard datasets respectively. First, the performance of some methods can be observed on the 15 scene categories dataset (LS dataset). The outstanding spatial pyramid matching was provided by Lazebnik et al. [17]. In [17], image was partitioned into the fine sub-regions and the histograms of local features within each sub-region were computed. In this case, the recognition accuracy of 81.4% can be obtained in [17]. Dixit et al. [46] presented a general formulation of Bayesian adaptation, which targeted class


Fig. 9.






Accuracy with different feature numbers for the LF dataset.

Fig. 11. Average accuracy of different methods on four datasets. (a) LS-15 dataset. (b) OT-8 dataset. (c) LF-8 dataset. (d) SUN dataset. TABLE I C OMPARISON TO THE S TATE - OF - THE -A RT ON DATASET

17 50

Fig. 10.

Confusion table for the LF dataset.

adaptation and exploited both the generative and discriminative strategies for the task of image classification. Kwitt et al. [47] proposed a new architecture, denoted spatial pyramid matching on the semantic manifold (SPMSM) for scene recognition and made a correct recognition rate of 85.4% on the 15 scene categories dataset. SPMSM established a connection between the semantic simplex and a Riemmanian manifold, and achieved similarity measure for the manifold structure of the semantic space. Dixit et al. [46] made a recognition accuracy of 82.3% on the 15 scene categories dataset by SPMSM. To verify the performance of the proposed method, the obtained features are adopted respectively as the learned features to run the SVM classifier for the task of scene recognition. As shown in Table I, the average performance of the proposed method over the LS dataset is improved to 3.5% compared with other methods. Similarly, it can be verified by comparing with the state-of-the-art on the eight sports event categories dataset (OT dataset). Socher et al. [48] introduced a recursive neural network architecture which can successfully merge image segments or natural language words based on deep-learned semantic transformations of their original features. By using the architecture, they showed that their system is capable of recognition these event categories with 87.8% accuracy. Wu and Rehg [49] showed that the histogram intersection kernel (HIK) is either more effective than the

46 49 45 47

Euclidean distance in supervised learning tasks with histogram features or is used in an unsupervised manner to improve the generation of visual codebooks. The HIK method has consistently higher accuracy than k-means codebooks by 2–4%, and can achieve the 84.3% accuracy on the eight sports event categories dataset. Kwitt et al. [47] have also tested their method on these sports event dataset and made a recognition accuracy of 83.0%. As shown in Table I, compared with the other two methods, our proposed method achieves the highest average value of recognition rate on LF-8 dataset(=94.2%). It can be seen in Table I that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. In general, the comparable performance between the proposed method and other methods is due to the proposed method’s capability to better learn and interpret the effective features. Finally, in order to further evaluate the performance of the features learned using the proposed method on the large dataset, our method is compared with other methods on the SUN dataset. The performance of the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods, as shown in Table I. It can be seen from Table I that the proposed method constantly outperforms [42] and [44], and the accuracy gained over the state-of-the-art [44] is up to 1.6% on the SUN Dataset. Moreover, the performance gaps between [42] and [44] become much smaller compared with


our method. Similarly, the best performance of the proposed method both beats the state-of-the-art on the LS-15 dataset. To further quantitatively evaluate the performance of the experimental results, we compare the proposed method with the state-of-the-art in the literature on four standard datasets. Fig. 11 shows the average accuracy of the testing methods on four datasets. It can be seen from Fig. 11 that the highest accuracy can be obtained by our method. V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, a new scheme for scene recognition utilizing multiple resolution information is reported. We combine SFSMR, to select the optimal information and preserve the underlying manifold structure of data. Finally, by integrating the multitask model and SFSMR, the proposed semisupervised learning method can further improve the accuracy of scene recognition. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank P. Cao for helpful discussions on this paper. R EFERENCES [1] Y. Huang, K. Huang, D. Tao, T. Tan, and X. Li, “Enhanced biologically inspired model for object recognition,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1668–1680, Dec. 2011. [2] A. Torralba, “Contextual priming for object detection,” Int. J. Comput. Vis., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 169–191, 2003. [3] G. Schneider, H. Wersing, B. Sendhoff, and E. Körner, “Evolutionary optimization of a hierarchical object recognition model,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 426–437, Jun. 2005. [4] Y. Lin and B. Bhanu, “Object detection via feature synthesis using MDL-based genetic programming,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 538–547, Jun. 2005. [5] Q. Wang, Y. Yuan, P. Yan, and X. Li, “Saliency detection by multipleinstance learning,” IEEE Trans. Cybern., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 660–672, Apr. 2013. [6] L. Zhang, L. Wang, and W. Lin, “Generalized biased discriminant analysis for content-based image retrieval,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 282–290, Feb. 2012. [7] D. Tao, L. Jin, Z. Yang, and X. Li, “Rank preserving sparse learning for kinect based scene classification,” IEEE Trans. Cybern., vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1406–1417, Oct. 2013. [8] S. Zhang, J. Huang, H. Li, and D. N. Metaxas, “Automatic image annotation and retrieval using group sparsity,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 838–849, Jun. 2012. [9] A. Bishnu, B. B. Bhattacharya, M. K. Kundu, C. A. Murthy, and T. Acharya, “Euler vector for search and retrieval of gray-tone images,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 801–812, Aug. 2005. [10] L. Chen, D. Xu, I. W. Tsang, and X. Li, “Spectral embedded hashing for scalable image retrieval,” IEEE Trans. Cybern., vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1180–1190, Jul. 2014. [11] A. Mosleh, N. Bouguila, and A. Hamza, “Automatic inpainting scheme for video text detection and removal,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 4460–4472, Nov. 2013. [12] L. Fei-Fei and P. Perona, “A Bayesian hierarchical model for learning natural scene categories,” in Proc. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. (CVPR), 2005, pp. 524–531. [13] P. Quelhas, F. Monay, J.-M. Odobez, D. Gatica-Perez, and T. Tuytelaars, “A thousand words in a scene,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 1575–1589, Sep. 2007. [14] A. Bosch, A. Zisserman, and X. Muoz, “Scene classification using a hybrid generative/discriminative approach,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 712–727, Apr. 2008.


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Xiaoqiang Lu is currently an Associate Professor with the Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China. His current research interests include pattern recognition, machine learning, hyperspectral image analysis, cellular automata, and medical imaging.

Xuelong Li (M’02–SM’07–F’12) is a Full Professor with the Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China.

Lichao Mou is currently pursuing the M.S. degree from the Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China. His current research interests include pattern recognition, machine learning, and computer vision.