Tarrant County Senate District Convention. March 19, 2016 ... Representative Chris Turner District 101. d. ... Page 2 of
“We’re “Gonna” Keep the White House” Tarrant County Senate District Convention March 19, 2016 R. L. Paschal High School 3001 Forest Park Blvd TIME: 7:30 – 9 AM
Breakfast in Cafeteria
8:00 AM
Sign In (in the Cafeteria, North end of Bldg.)
9:00 AM
Call to Order (in Auditorium, South end of Bldg.)
9:05 AM
Color Guard: JROTC from Daggett Middle School
9:10 AM
Pledge of Allegiance – to be led by
9:15 AM
National Anthem – to be sung by
9:20 AM 9:25 AM
Blessing: Commissioner Roy Brooks Video and speaker: Candidates for President of the United States (7 min each) a. David Saenz, Jacob Lemon, Campaign for Bernie Sanders b. Jason Smith, Pam Durham Campaign for Hillary Clinton
9:40 AM
Elected Officials (or their representative): (3Min each) a. State ChairGilberto Hinojosa b. Congressman Marc Veasey District 33 c. Representative Chris Turner District 101 d. RepresentativeNicolle Collier District 95 e. RepresentativeRamon Romero District 90
10:05 AM
Elected Officials (recognized, but not speaking) a. b. c. d. e.
Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Constable PCT 8 Constable PCT 5 SDEC
Sergio DeLeon PCT 5 Lisa Woodard PCT 8 Michael Campbell Ruben Garcia Committee persons
10:15 AM
New Candidate Introductions
10:25 AM
Introduction of Temp. Senate District Chairs
10:35 AM
Announcement of our Permanent Secretary and Appointment of Parliamentarian
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
Convene Precinct and Senate Conventions District 10 meets in Auditorium (down in front, on the right side) District 22 meets in room 110 District 9 meets in Cafeteria (north end of bldg.) District 12 meets in Library (near foyer by Main front doors)