High quality first teaching and additional interventions are monitored across the school by our. learning walks and clas
SEND Information Report
6 February 2017 SENCO: Mrs L Vernon
SEN Governor: Mr B Stephenson
Contact: 01902 556875 Dedicated SEND time: SEND Administrative Assistant available to help and guide 8am – 4pm Monday - Wednesday on 01902 556875. SENCO available Thursday mornings. Local Offer : see webpage for link (Aldersleyhigh.org.uk)
Whole School Approach: High quality first teaching and additional interventions are monitored across the school by our learning walks and classroom observation cycle; these help us to regularly review and record what we offer EVERY child or young person in our care and what we offer additionally. These discussions also serve to embed our high expectations among staff about quality first teaching and the application of a differentiated and personalised approach to teaching and learning. We make it a point to discuss aspirations with ALL our learners. Underpinning ALL our provision in school is the graduated approach cycle of:
All teachers are responsible for every child in their care, including those with special educational needs. (Reference: Teaching & Learning Policy 2015 - available on our school website.)
Assess: All students are regularly assessed by their classroom teachers. This takes place on a half termly basis. A report of progress will then be sent to parents. Statemented/EHCP and SEND support students have targets set which are reviewed 3 times a year. Annual review meetings and reports for statemented students are held annually. All students in intervention groups are assessed termly.
Plan: All lessons are planned and differentiated according to student need. Intervention groups are planned for a specific need. E.g. Dyspraxia, phonics. Do: Lessons are monitored during learning walks. Review: All subjects are reviewed half termly by class teachers. Student passports are reviewed 3 times a year. Intervention groups are reviewed termly. All students with a statement/ EHCP have targets reviewed 3 times a year. Annual review meeting held with parents and outside agencies once a year. Target setting day held with parents and students to discuss, review and set targets. Having consulted with children, young people and their parents, all our additional provision (internal or external) is based on an agreed outcomes approach.
SEND Needs: Children and young people’s SEND are generally thought of in the following four broad areas of need and support: 1. Communication and interaction Speech and Language therapist visits on a Thursday. Social Use of Language sessions for year 7. 2. Cognition and learning ALL lessons are differentiated. “TA” attached to specific classes in each year group. 3. Social, emotional and mental health Pastoral Managers attached to each year group to support students experiencing difficulties and monitor student welfare. 4. Sensory and/or physical needs See accessibility plan on Aldersley High webpage.
(Reference: SEND Policy – September 2016) As of (8.9.16), we have 151 children or young people receiving some form of SEND Support. We have internal processes for monitoring quality of provision and assessment of need. These include ...
Consulting with children, young people and their parents Involving parents and learners in the dialogue is central to our approach and we do this through: Action/Event Annual reviews
Who’s involved SEND Team
SEND target setting Day Parental Evenings
SEND Team Whole staff
Frequency Annually / As specific need arises. Once a year. Once a year
Staff development We are committed to developing the ongoing expertise of our staff. We have current expertise in our school: Initials of person
Area of expertise
Speech and Language Therapist S Fellows
Speech Therapy
C Preece
Whole team
Inclusive Education Cache Diploma in Childcare and Education (level 3). Foundation Degree in supporting inclusive Education. Bed (Hons), BA (applied Theology), DIP – pre-school practice.
Level (as per p58 of SEN Code of Practice 2014) Degree Supporting Inclusive Education – Degree.
Education – Degree.
Dyslexia trained
This year, we have put in additional training into whole school awareness on Dyslexia, Autism / Aspergers and strategies for teaching students with Speech and Language difficulties.
Staff deployment Considerable thought, planning and preparation goes into utilising our support staff to ensure children achieve the best outcomes, gain independence and are prepared for adulthood from the earliest possible age. Staff are attached to each year group according to student need.
School Partnerships and Transitions Our academic assessment for children and young people with special educational needs is moderated through our cluster of schools and neighbouring partners. This year, we worked with our feeder Primary schools to welcome 33 children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and we supported 14 children and young people’s transition to the next phase in education or employment. We closely monitor children and young people’s destination data. We visit students who have transferred to Sixth form colleges. Our Connexions advisor works closely with the school, students and parents to ensure all students are well informed of their options and all establishments are aware of their specific needs.
Complaints Our complaints procedure is available on our website at Aldersleyhigh.org.uk This year we have had no complaints raised.
Challenges this year Challenges for our school have included raising the attainment level in Maths. We have ensured that “LSA’s” have been attached to year 11 classes. A specialist SEND/Maths teacher has been employed. Closer links with students who are educated elsewhere to ensure they meet their target levels/grades.
Further development Our strategic plans for developing and enhancing SEND provision in our school next year include: To raise student achievement against the Key Stage progress 8 measure. To improve the quality of teaching through ongoing development of consistent and outstanding practice. To ensure parents views impact positively on student outcomes.
Relevant school policies underpinning this SEN Information Report include: Compliments and complaints. Teaching and Learning. Admissions. Absence monitoring. Attendance.
Health and Safety. Equal Opportunities. Marking and feedback. SEND Policy. Safeguarding and Child protection. Medical Policy. Conduct for Learning Policy.
Legislative Acts taken into account when compiling this report include: