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November 2014 – Issue 1

Beacon Academy SEND News Changes to SEND 2014 Welcome to the Beacon Academy Special Educational Needs and Disability newsletter. It is an exciting time to introduce myself as Beacon Academy’s new SENDCO and look forward to working alongside you in the future to ensure we are supporting all our children inclusively, at Beacon Academy. I will therefore be sending out monthly newsletters to update you on many of the changes taking place, which impact children with SEND.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years 2014 The aim of the new SEND Code of Practice 2014 is to ensure parents and pupils are more involved in working alongside schools and other professionals, in order to provide the best education for all children. Here are the main changes:    

The new Code of Practice now covers children and young people from 0 up to the age of 25. Quality first teaching is to be provided to all children. Pupil voice has been highlighted as key to ensuring children and young people are listened to and aspirations for their own futures are heard. Working alongside parents and carers is vital in meeting the needs of the child.

Please see our Beacon Academy website for the SEND tab. Here you will find the school’s information report: detailed information of how Beacon Academy will support the needs of all children.

I look forward to meeting and working alongside you all in the future. Watch out for December’s newsletter with more updates and information about our SEND coffee mornings.

Donna Bishop SENDCO