I am Mahendra Mapagunaratne - Barrister - at - Law from Toronto, Canada. I am
an independent cricket analyst and have been intrigued by the ongoing debate.
in Wales and will form the foundation for the establishment of managed clinical networks to deliver these .... Assembly
There can be no doubt that in both men's and women's cricket Wales could be
one of the ... Roy Morgan, Encyclopedia of World Cricket (Cheltenham 2007),
specific deaths are identical to those used to define alcohol specific hospital admissions . .... As with the data prese
Oct 24, 2017 - gallant i fynd i'r afael â phroblem. Ond nid yw hyn yn fater newydd, mae'n rhaid i'r byrddau iechyd lleo
Statement given by CHC on Transfers out of Hospital S4C – Senedd 21:00h 24.10.2017
“CHCs in many parts of Wales are seeing too many people waiting too long to be transferred out of hospital. We know that the longer people stay in hospital when they don’t need to can have a detrimental effect on their overall health and well-being. CHCs are working with Local Health Boards to make sure they are doing everything they can to tackle the problem. But this is not a new issue, and local health boards must work together in partnership within the NHS, with local authorities and the Welsh Government to address this long-standing problem to improve people’s overall experience of care.”
Datganiad a roddwyd gan CIC ar Drosglwyddo allan o'r ysbyty S4C – Senedd 21:00h 24.10.2017 " Mae’r CICau mewn sawl rhan o Gymru yn gweld gormod o bobl yn aros yn rhy hir i gael eu trosglwyddo o'r ysbyty. Rydym yn gwybod pryd mae pobl yn aros yn yr ysbyty pan nad oes angen iddynt fe gall hwn gael effaith andwyol ar eu hiechyd a'u lles cyffredinol. Mae CICau yn gweithio gyda byrddau iechyd lleol i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn gwneud popeth y gallant i fynd i'r afael â phroblem. Ond nid yw hyn yn fater newydd, mae’n rhaid i'r byrddau iechyd lleol gweithio gyda'i gilydd mewn partneriaeth o fewn y GIG, gydag awdurdodau lleol a Llywodraeth Cymru i ddatrys y broblem barhaol i wella profiad cyffredinol pobl gofal."