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Dylan Andrews. Michael Czubek. R.A. Conatser. Jim Ference. Terry Jackson. Jon Martin. Micah McCreery. Kevin Smith. June 10, 2008. ABSTRACT. A ballpoint ...
BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE CREATED FOR NPA EMPLOYEE WITH SEVERE MOBILITY LIMITATIONS Team Redundancy Team Dylan Andrews Michael Czubek R.A. Conatser Jim Ference Terry Jackson Jon Martin Micah McCreery Kevin Smith June 10, 2008

ABSTRACT A ballpoint pen assembly device was created for an individual named Roy who has severe mobility and dexterity limitations. Roy is employed by ProPoint, a local non-profit agency (NPA) in Athens, Ohio, that provides work for individuals with mental and developmental disabilities. ProPoint produces professionally imprinted pens customized for businesses and organizations. The pens are produced in a multi-step assembly process that includes Roy’s individual responsibility of pressing the pen together using an assembly jig. Roy’s disabilities make it very difficult for him to use the current assembly jig. The purpose of our project was to produce a new assembly device that increased Roy’s productivity, while decreasing physical strain. This report documents the research, benchmarking and customer-led design refinements that resulted in the production of an assembly device that reduced the time it takes for Roy to press one pen from an average of 11 minutes down to 4 minutes. Design validation, operating instructions and manufacturing details are also presented. The design is also transferable, which means ProPoint can use our design to provide additional employment opportunities for people with similar severe disabilities.


Table of Contents ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Initial Needs Statement ......................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Analysis of Approach ............................................................................................................ 6 2.0 Our Customer ............................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Initial Customer Needs .......................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Refined Customer Needs ....................................................................................................... 9 3.0 Revised Needs Statement and Target Specifications .............................................................. 11 3.0.1 Roy’s Productivity ........................................................................................................ 11 3.0.2 Roy’s Physical Strain.................................................................................................... 11 3.0.3 Exposed Gears/Pinch Points ......................................................................................... 11 3.0.4 Total Cost ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.0.5 Size of New Device ...................................................................................................... 12 4.0 External Search ....................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Benchmarking ..................................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Applicable Patents ............................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Applicable Standards........................................................................................................... 18 4.3.1 Ohio University Mechanical Engineering Department Standards ............................... 18 4.3.2 NISH Standards ............................................................................................................ 18 4.3.3. Atco Standards............................................................................................................. 18 4.4 Applicable Constraints ........................................................................................................ 18 4.5 Manufacturing Possibilities ................................................................................................. 19 5.0 Concept generation ................................................................................................................. 19

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE 5.1 Problem Clarification .......................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Concept Generation ............................................................................................................. 19 5.2.1 Manually Powered Concepts ........................................................................................ 21 5.2.2 Electrically Powered Concepts ..................................................................................... 21 5.2.3 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Powered Concepts ..................................................................... 21 5.2.4 Pre-Assembly Concepts................................................................................................ 22 5.2.5 Automatic Component Feed Concepts ......................................................................... 23 5.2.6 Manual Part Feed Concepts .......................................................................................... 23 5.3 Initial Screening for Feasibility and Effectiveness ............................................................. 24 6.0 Concept Selection ................................................................................................................... 25 6.1 Data and Calculations for Feasibility and Effectiveness Analysis ...................................... 25 6.1.1 Force to Assemble a Pen Test....................................................................................... 25 6.1.2 Destructive Force Test .................................................................................................. 26 6.1.3 Actuation Test............................................................................................................... 27 6.1.4 Actuator Cost Feasibility .............................................................................................. 29 6.1.5 Actuator Size Feasibility .............................................................................................. 29 6.2 Concept Screening............................................................................................................... 30 6.3 Concept Development, Scoring, and Selection ............................................................... 31 7.0 Final Design ............................................................................................................................ 34 7.0.1 Heuristic-Based Design Techniques............................................................................. 35 7.0.2 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) .............................................................. 39 7.0.3 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) ..................................................... 39 7.1 Pen Assembly Device Operation......................................................................................... 40 7.1.1 Pre-Assembly Phase ..................................................................................................... 41 7.1.2 Pressing Phase .............................................................................................................. 42 Page 3 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE 7.1.2 Maintenance and Service .............................................................................................. 42 7.2 Manufacturing Details ......................................................................................................... 43 7.2.1 Handles ......................................................................................................................... 43 7.2.2 Base .............................................................................................................................. 44 7.2.3 Inserts............................................................................................................................ 44 7.2.4 Damper Housing Block ................................................................................................ 47 7.2.5 Junction Boxes.............................................................................................................. 47 7.2.6 Circuit Wiring ............................................................................................................... 48 7.2.7 Assembly ...................................................................................................................... 50 7.4 Design Validation through Test Results and Operating Experience ................................... 50 7.4.1 Voltage vs. Force Test .................................................................................................. 51 7.4.2 Customer Requirements Verification ........................................................................... 51 7.4.3 Quantitative Improvements .......................................................................................... 52 7.4.4 Qualitative Improvements ............................................................................................ 53 7.4.5 Customer Influence on Design Process ........................................................................ 53 8.0 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 54 References ..................................................................................................................................... 56 Appendix A: Assembly Parts List and Bill of Materials .............................................................. 57 Appendix B: Part Drawings .......................................................................................................... 59 Appendix C: Interview Guide ...................................................................................................... 72 Appendix D: DFMA and FMEA Charts ....................................................................................... 74 Appendix E: Electric Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................... 78

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1.0 Introduction Many working-age Americans have a disability that limits their opportunity for employment. In 2001, the Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey (CPS) found that 9.6% of people between the ages of 16 and 64 had a work disability [1]. Figure 1.0.1, shown below, illustrates that 29.4% of those people with a work disability were employed, compared to 82.1% of individuals without a work disability who were employed. People with a work disability faced an unemployment rate of 10.2%, compared to 4.4% for those without a work disability. CPS data indicates that while 82% of working-age Americans are in the labor force, and 65% are working full time, less than one-third (29%) of people with disabilities are in the labor force and only 18% are working full time. During economic downturns, all workers face barriers to finding good jobs [2]. However, people with disabilities who want to work face additional barriers to entering the workforce. These barriers include lack of physical access to the workplace, employers reluctant to hire people with disabilities, lack of transportation, lack of experience, and insufficient access to employment services [3].

Figure 1.0.1. Labor Force Participation Rate, Unemployment Rate, and Percent of Full-Time Workers for Disabled and Non-Disabled, 2001 [1] With this information in mind, it is our goal as members of the engineering community to open barriers by designing and building devices to assist persons with disabilities. This goal is in parallel with the National Institute for Severely Handicapped’s (NISH) National Scholar Award for Workplace Innovation & Design, whose purpose is, “to encourage college students to design creative technological solutions to barriers that prevent people with disabilities from entering or advancing in the workplace” [4].

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1.1 Initial Needs Statement Through the National Scholar Award for Workplace Innovation & Design, NISH is seeking submissions for assistive technology devices/systems that address employment for people with severe disabilities in these areas: “Technology for Special Populations, e.g., cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, low vision/blindness, hearing impairments, dysphasia, elderly interventions, service delivery programs” [4] “Augmentative and Alternative Communication, e.g., communication boards, computer-based communication devices” [4] “Computer Access and Use, e.g., innovation in software and hardware, training strategies, integration of computer technologies, alternative access” [4] “Environmental Accommodation, e.g., Environmental Control Units systems, work site modifications, ergonomics, farming and other rural interventions, universal design of products, places, and systems” [4] “Functional Control and Assistance, e.g., rehabilitation robotics, functional electrical stimulation, prosthetics and orthotics” [4] “Service Delivery, e.g., technology transfer, telerehabilitation” [4] “Seating and Mobility, e.g., seating and wheelchair interventions, seat pressure measurement, Transportation issues” [4]

1.2 Analysis of Approach Our project selection process followed a specific procedure. First, multiple need areas were studied to determine amount of need and specific areas of interest. Such need areas included wheelchair mobility, office mobility for the blind, and increased productivity at Atco, Inc., a local non-profit agency (NPA) in Athens, OH that employs adults with disabilities [5]. Next, specific requirements and criteria corresponding to each need area were identified and followed by more interviews and research. During this time, benchmarking and patent searching for related products was conducted in order to obtain a better understanding for the research area. After a group analysis of each need area, a single field of interest was chosen using weighted criterion including originality, difficulty of design and manufacture, available customer base, and willingness of test subjects.

2.0 Our Customer During our team’s search of a suitable project for the National Scholar Award for Workplace Innovation & Design, we toured Atco, Inc. Within Atco is a division called ProPoint, a small Page 6 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE business that assembles professionally-imprinted ink pens, customized for businesses and organizations. ProPoint provides employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities and helps them achieve meaningful lives as productive members of the community [6]. The pen making process at ProPoint consists of several steps. ProPoint starts with raw materials, such as ink pen cartridges, pen barrels, and plugs, and ends with ready-to-use ballpoint pens. Figure 2.0.1 shows the components of said materials, and Figure 2.0.2 illustrates the pen assembly process at ProPoint.

Pen Barrel Ink Pen Cartridge


Figure 2.0.1. Components of Ballpoint Pens

Figure 2.0.2. ProPoint’s Pen Assembly Process Included in ProPoint’s multi-step pen making process is the pen pressing step. In this step, ink pen cartridges are pressed into pen barrels by an employee using a pen assembly jig, shown below in Figure 2.0.3. Built over 20 years ago, ProPoint’s pen assembly jig uses a toggle clamp as the pressing mechanism. To operate the assembly jig successfully, the operator must pull a toggle lever that manually presses the ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder. This operation requires almost full-arm and upper-body mobility from the operator, which hinders productivity and prohibits potential job opportunities for people with physical disabilities.

Figure 2.0.3. ProPoint’s Current Pen Assembly Jig Page 7 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE While observing ProPoint employees assemble ballpoint pens, we witnessed several employees physically struggle to operate the toggle clamps on the assembly jigs. We noticed that one particular employee named Roy was almost unable to operate his assembly jig due to his limited range of motion. A picture of Roy using ProPoint’s pen assembly jig is shown below in Figure 2.0.4. Raw pen barrel container

ProPoint assembly jig

Raw ink cartridge container

Finished pen container

Figure 2.0.4. Roy Pressing Pen Using ProPoint Assembly Jig The purpose of our project was to improve Roy’s work experience by improving the design of his pen assembly jig to increase his productivity while decreasing his physical strain. Improving the design of the assembly jig meant determining a solution that was effective without designing a device that was overly-automated. Creating an overly-automated device would have defeated the purpose of helping Roy because it would have risked eliminating his job, which goes against ProPoint’s goal of helping employees be productive members of the community. Working directly with Roy allowed us to receive instantaneous feedback from our customer, which helped us design an effective and efficient device. Since Roy has the most severe physical limitations at ProPoint, designing a new pen assembly device for him could create job opportunities at ProPoint for other people with similar or less severe disabilities.

2.1 Initial Customer Needs Various methods were used to assess the customer’s needs. One method consisted of visiting the customer’s location, the ProPoint workshop. Physically being in the workshop enabled us to gain an understanding of the project goals and customer requirements. We were able to observe, first hand, some of the struggles that persons with disabilities encounter throughout a day in the Page 8 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE ProPoint workshop. During another visit to the workshop, we asked specific questions regarding ProPoint’s expectations for our project. To help define the customer requirements, a list of Roy’s limitations was collected, as shown below in Table 2.1.1. Table 2.1.1. Roy’s Limitations Obtained from ProPoint

Roy has extreme difficulty grasping objects, and is unable to apply significant forces across his body similar to that of a person without any disabilities. Based on Roy’s limitations, and the input of several ProPoint administrators, we were able to develop a list of customer needs, shown below in Table 2.1.2. Table 2.1.2. Initial Customer Needs for Pen Assembly Device Obtained from ProPoint

2.2 Refined Customer Needs To gather further information and obtain a more detailed customer needs list, additional team members were sent back to ProPoint. During this visit, team members were able to quantify and compile some of the requirements set by the customer, such as Roy’s range of motion and his production rate, by watching him perform. Also, we discovered that Roy’s most difficult task was grasping objects, such as pen cylinders and pen cartridges, and that his motor skills and abilities fluctuate from day-to-day. The compiled list of requirements and constraints were constantly modified by continuing our ongoing communication with Jeff Beirlein and other Page 9 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE ProPoint associates. Table 2.2.1, shown below, quantifies Roy’s limitations through tests of time trials. Table 2.2.1. Roy’s Quantified Limitations for Pen Assembly Device Obtained from Testing

In order to get an idea of existing similar products and their customer needs, we conducted benchmarking research. Through this research, we found that ProPoint’s current assembly jigs are unique with respect to materials, function and purpose. Many existing presses and assembly machines on the market, both related to and not related to pens were not produced for persons with disabilities. Many key aspects of existing products, such as safety and usability, did not meet our customer needs. The market only has assembly machines that are either fully automated or not user-friendly for persons with disabilities. After assessing the requirements, constraints and benchmarking, we decided that our initial needs table needed slight modification in order to continue with advancement of this project. Table 2.2.2, shown below, lists the refined needs. Table 2.2.2. Refined Customer Needs for Pen Assembly Device Obtained from ProPoint

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3.0 Revised Needs Statement and Target Specifications According to the NISH Workplace Innovation & Design competition application, there is a need for assistive technology “…to create employment opportunities for people with severe disabilities…” More specifically, there is a need at the ProPoint division within Atco in Athens, Ohio, to develop a more efficient and profitable device for the assembly of ink pens. The device must safely assemble, or be a part of an assembly process of the typical pen created by ProPoint. During the process, Atco administrators and workers will represent the end users. Exact specifications for the device are listed below in Table 3.0.1. Table 3.0.1. Target Specifications for the Product

3.0.1 Roy’s Productivity Roy’s productivity is measured by the amount of time it takes him to assemble one pen. Specification #1 states that our device shall increase Roy’s productivity. This means that our device must enable Roy to reduce the average time it takes for him to assemble one pen, which is approximately 11 minutes per pen using ProPoint’s existing jig. This average lies within Roy’s range of 7-11 minutes per pen. All data was obtained through formal testing

3.0.2 Roy’s Physical Strain Roy’s physical condition is increasing along with his age. At 80 years of age, Roy’s motor skills, strength and flexibility are declining. Specification #2 states that our device shall seek to decrease Roy’s physical strain required to assemble pens. Although this specification cannot be quantified, we will work closely with the customer to ensure our design qualitatively addresses and meets this specification.

3.0.3 Exposed Gears/Pinch Points Safety is a top concern at Atco. To ensure that our device does not create any safety concerns for Atco officials and workers, our design shall meet Specification #3, which states that our device shall not contain any exposed gears or pinch points. In the event that said specification is not met, the device will not be used at Atco.

3.0.4 Total Cost Specification #4 states that our device shall not exceed the amount of $300. This amount is only material inclusive and does not include labor. The materials covered by this cost include all Page 11 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE pieces, parts and fasteners required to duplicate our device. The targeted cost of $300 reflects the maximum amount of money ProPoint administrators would pay to reproduce our device. Since the workshop in Atco is operated primarily by volunteers, it was deemed unnecessary for us to include labor cost estimations.

3.0.5 Size of New Device During operation, ProPoint’s existing assembly jig is placed on a work station attached to Roy’s desk. The work station has the following area dimensions: 0.5 m x 0.25 m. Specification #5 states that our device must fit within said dimensions.

4.0 External Search This section includes information gathered from numerous sources about the design problem and products related to our device. We focused primarily on the information that is pertinent to the revised needs statement and specifications. A patent search was performed to determine key technologies used in similar designs. Patents were evaluated based on utility features. Also, manufacturing possibilities were considered and addressed.

4.1 Benchmarking To expedite the conceptual design process, currently available pen assembly presses were reviewed and compared to our target specifications. During our benchmarking process, we found only three products that were explicitly characterized as pen assembly presses. For a more detailed analysis, the group also considered widely available universal pneumatic presses. The pen assembly presses reviewed below in Table 4.1.1 are similar to the current presses used at ProPoint. One press is made entirely of wood, instead of having a metal toggle-clamp, and one press is manufactured by a vendor who distributes it to numerous companies. Table 4.1.1. Comparison of Multiple Press Types Pneumatic capability Assembled with readily available tools Durable Adjustable piston stroke All-in-one pen assembly(multiple stations) High cycle life Ambidextrous (one-sided disability) Easy to clean/maintain Safe and easy way to load pen components Easy-to-use power switch No exposed gears/ pinch-points Affordable Lightweight/easily portable Able to fit on provided workstation

Atco Press No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A No Yes Yes Yes

Penn State Press Pneumatic Press No Yes ? ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Yes ? N/A ? No No Yes No Yes No ? Yes

Wood Press No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes ? N/A No Yes Yes Yes

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Figure 4.1.1. Pneumatic Press

Figure 4.1.3. Wood Press

Figure 4.1.2. ProPoint Press

Figure 4.1.4. Penn State Press

Since our goal is to eliminate the use of a manual lever, different power sources were considered. Alternative power sources included hydraulics, pneumatics, and electro-mechanics. One issue we noticed was that the pneumatic presses are generally heavier and if this technology is used, it may hinder our goal of designing a lightweight device. It may be beneficial to explore the use of an electromechanical piston.

4.2 Applicable Patents An extensive patent search was performed in order to seek information about or related to existing devices that are used to assemble or manufacture ballpoint pens. All applicable patents are shown below in Table 4.2.1 Page 13 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Table 4.2.1. Applicable Patents

US Patent 1,081,230 claims the combination in a punching machine, of a head having a punch; various combinations of components for simultaneously punching a plurality of pen blanks, shown below in Figure 4.2.1, from a strip of material. A side view of the entire pen-making machine is shown in Figure 4.2.2. The process of producing the body of said pen blanks could be modeled to produce the cartridge, cylinder, or a combination thereof.

Figure 4.2.1. Top view of pen blank as claimed in US Patent 1,081,230

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Figure 4.2.2. Side view of Pen Making Machine as claimed in US Patent 1,081,230 US Patent 5,904,432 claims a method for manufacturing the ball tip of a ballpoint pen that has a strong ball-receiving seat and gives the operator a smooth writing feeling for an extended period without cracking the ball-receiving seat. This manufacturing method could be utilized to ensure said ball tip does not fracture during pressing. US Patent 7,131,181 claims a tool for manufacturing a seat area and a cone of ballpoint pen tips; a monolithic tool for manufacturing, by chip removal, a seat area and a cone of ballpoint pen tips. These areas must be considered when designing a press-fitting mechanism that suitably allows for a continuous, uninterrupted pressing operation. US Patent 2,896,250 claims an apparatus for making a ballpoint pen cartridge comprising an extruding member including a central part having a bore therethrough. Methods for improving the construction of cartridges will be examined in the design process. US Patent 4,259,780 claims an apparatus for assembling a ballpoint pen by placing a barrel assembly onto a cap assembly with inserted refill assembly and spring. The described method seeks to perform a similar task to this project.

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE US Patent 3,295,659 claims an apparatus for orienting and feeding articles having a portion of reduced cross-section at one end, comprising a hopper including a bottom wall secured at a fixed position at an angle to the horizontal. The method for feeding said parts is applicable to ink cartridges having an attached ball tip and seat area. US Patent 4,635,338 claims a method for assembling an automatic pencil having a plurality of parts. Steps of assembly include pressing the lead plunger onto the lead and pressing the eraser into the barrel. The method of assembly is directly applicable to that of the ballpoint pens that will be assembled in this project. US Patent 2,356,509 claims a method of producing tips for mechanical pencils, which includes pressing a cylindrical collar into a metallic nose portion and a coil spring of a mechanical pencil. The pressing method could be modified for use in this project. US Patent 4,648,786 claims a transfer device for use in a press machine to infeed workpieces for work, to advance workpieces from one workstation to another, and to outfeed finished workpieces. An illustration of this device is shown below in figure 4.2.3. A transfer device may be implemented in this project to allow a plurality of pressing mechanism that correlate to different pen styles.

Figure 4.2.3. Overall perspective view of the Press Machine as claimed in US Patent 4,648,786 US Patent 4,587,999 claims a process for production of great quantity of ballpoint pen cartridges, placing the cartridges into a container, and controlling a high-pressure gas in the container at Page 16 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE various pressures. The method of producing cartridges will be evaluated in this project. US Patent 5,762,434 claims a method of manufacturing a metallic ballpoint pen tip including the process of providing a body member having distal end portion and a ball holding portion, and a method of manufacturing a ballpoint pen tip including the steps of providing a body member having an open end at a distal end portion thereof and a recess containing a ball. Also included is a method of manufacturing a ball tip of a ballpoint pen including the step of providing a tubular body member having a ball holding portion at a first open end thereof. These methods will be evaluated when designing a method to press the tubular member, the cylinder, into the cartridge that includes said ballpoint pen tip. US Patent 3,671,616 claims a method for manufacturing synthetic resin ballpoint pen tips having an ink supply opening, ink flow grooves communicating with the supply opening, and a ballreceiving recess having an ink exit opening. The pressing action included in the manufacturing method will be considered when designing the pen press for this project. US Patent 4,789,263 claims the process for the production of a ballpoint pen tip to be supplied with liquid ink by means of capillary member. A cutaway side view the tool used for producing the seat for the ball is shown below in Figure 4.2.4. Also claimed is a method of chamfering the pressing mechanism such that the cartridge slides easily into the pressing device.

Figure 4.2.4. Tool used to produce the seat for the ball as claimed in US Patent 4,789,263 US Patent 6,563,493 claims a method of molding a pen tip of an input pen for inputting a mechanical vibration to a coordinate input apparatus, the apparatus detecting coordinates indicated by the input pen by detecting propagation of the mechanical vibration on a mechanical vibration plate. The described molding method will be considered when designing the penholding mechanism that grips on which the pen cylinder rests when being pressed.

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE US Patent 3,772,118 claims a continuous production machine for the manufacture of a composite tubular element, comprising successively in the direction of formation of a tubular element from the upstream to the downstream end. The aspect of continuous uninterrupted pressing production must be considered for this project. US Patent 3,452,693 claims an apparatus for very rapidly pressing small metal workpieces; an apparatus having a horizontally disposed series of work stations through which workpieces pass in succession along a horizontal path, each of the work stations having a pressing mechanism therein comprising members disposed on opposite sides of the path and movable toward and away from each other to press the workpieces between members, and a conveyor means for moving workpieces stepwise along a path. The method of very rapidly pressing small metal workpieces could be modified for pressing ballpoint pens in this project.

4.3 Applicable Standards Our project abided by the standards of the following three sources: Ohio University’s Mechanical Engineering Department, NISH and Atco.

4.3.1 Ohio University Mechanical Engineering Department Standards As students of the Mechanical Engineering program at Ohio University, our device will reflect the University, and more specifically, the Mechanical Engineering Department. Our device must meet all Mechanical Engineering Departmental standards, including health, safety, environmental, and social standards.

4.3.2 NISH Standards As participants of NISH’s National Scholar Award for Workplace Innovation & Design, our device must meet all of NISH’s standards, including health, safety, environmental, and social standards.

4.3.3. Atco Standards As ambassadors of Ohio University to Atco and vice versa, our device must meet all of Atco’s standards, including health, safety, environmental, and social standards. Our device will be implemented at Atco upon completion, and a guaranteed pre-requisite to implementation is verification that our device meets said standards.

4.4 Applicable Constraints Our design addressed two constraints: safety and simplicity. Safety is a high priority at Atco. We took this into account throughout the design of our device in order to help ensure a satisfied customer. Our device was bound by Atco’s safety regulations, the ability of Atco officials to set up and maintain our device, and the ability of Atco workers, namely Roy, to use our device.

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4.5 Manufacturing Possibilities Entering this project, a team decision was made to work specifically for Roy only, which allowed us to focus on his individual needs directly. This decision was the deciding factor not to mass-produce this product, but to donate it exclusively to Roy and ProPoint. Although only one prototype will be created, our design is completely transferable, which means that along with the pen assembly device, a parts list, assembly instructions and manufactures’ contact information will be provided. Our design is simple enough that it can be fixed or recreated in the Atco workshop. The tools used to make our device include a vertical mill, drill press and other common tools. Atco has access to all of the necessary tools, making our device easy for Atco to duplicate. The electronic portion of our device is also simple, allowing people with limited training to wire it with no trouble. Once donated to ProPoint, they will obtain the exclusive rights to do with the device what they desire.

5.0 Concept generation We used several processes to generate creative alternative conceptual designs. An initial screen for feasibility was performed, taking into account our design goals and customer input.

5.1 Problem Clarification The current pen assembly jig used by ProPoint is difficult to operate, especially for persons with severe physical disabilities. One specific individual using the current assembly jig has problems grasping and moving the handle on the jig due to lack of strength and motor skills. This individual, Roy, was the focus for the conceptual design of a new assembly device. The primary goal of our project was to design a new assembly device that would be semi-automated, or have a mechanical advantage in order to decrease stress on the operator and increase productivity.

5.2 Concept Generation Several concepts already in existence were discussed and investigated. The concepts have been divided into three sub-systems, all of which are shown below in Table 5.2.1. The most important idea for the new concept was how the device would have been powered. Table 5.2.1. Sub-System Concepts for New Pen Assembly Device

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE We generated four ideas for operator input: push lever, pull lever, crank and push-button. Since Roy’s movement is limited in range and dexterity, the existing 180° horizontal operator input required simplification to reduce strain and decrease time. We generated three ideas for the power system: manual, electric, and pneumatic/hydraulic. These systems have been divided into a morphological chart, shown below in Figure 5.2.1. Manually Powered

Electromechanically Powered

Pneumatic/Hydraulic Powered




Figure 5.2.1. Morphological Chart of Power System Concepts

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5.2.1 Manually Powered Concepts The manually powered device would have consisted of a device that would have given the operator a mechanical advantage for the pen pressing operation. We developed two concepts that are shown above in Figure 5.2.1. This device would have greatly benefited an operator who is severely disabled or someone who has reduced arm strength. The concept would have consisted of a gear design, different from the current assembly jig that uses a horizontal lever. Problems with the horizontal lever were that it required a 180° movement, it would have taken a large amount of force to press the pen parts together, and it would have been difficult for a disabled operator to grasp the handle. One concept proposed replacing the horizontal handle with a vertical pull lever, using gravity to the operator’s advantage. Another concept included a gearbox with a turn-handle. Designing the gearbox for a manually-powered device would not have been a simple task. The outcome of a good gear design would have been a great advantage for the operator but would have taken an excessive amount of time to develop. Overall, our goal for the manually powered device concept was to require less effort from the operator to advance the driving mechanism used to press pens.

5.2.2 Electrically Powered Concepts One of the original electrically-powered concepts involved a high torque output servo or DC motor that would drive a piston. The piston would press the pen parts together. To activate the motor, the operator would have been required to press two buttons simultaneously, in order to prevent accidental actuations. A servo or DC motor could have also been used to drive a gear system attached to a rod for pressing. An example of a gear system is shown in Figure 5.2.1. The gearing system is a C. Parsons Device. A device of this nature would have allowed us to use a motor that only had to rotate in one direction. If this type of device were to be used, the programming would have been fairly simple, eliminating the need for a timer system. Similar to the pneumatic actuator, an electrically-driven linear actuator could have also been used with a similar activation system as the electric motor. Finally, some sort of linear actuator or solenoid used to press the pen, actuated directly by pressing a push-button, was proposed. The pushbutton would close a circuit with the actuator/solenoid and a battery, thus initiating the pressing operation.

5.2.3 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Powered Concepts The pneumatic and hydraulic concepts are shown above in Figure 5.2.1. The pneumatic and hydraulic concepts consisted of a linear actuator and a valve system. A pneumatic power source was initially the preferred choice because compressed air is clean and the system would have been easier to maintain than systems with most other power sources. With this pneumatic system, electronics would not have been required. Pneumatic activation can be initiated with a push-button, similar to the one in the electrically-powered system. The pneumatic system would have required the operator to press two buttons simultaneously to advance and return the actuator. An actuator would have been used to press the pen. Options for actuators included a Page 21 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE linear track, a non-guided linear and miniature linear actuator. The push-button system would have been connected to pneumatic or hydraulic valves allowing the operator to control the flow of fluid in and out of the actuator’s cylinder.

5.2.4 Pre-Assembly Concepts Another concept to assist Roy in the pre-assembly process was to incorporate an alignment fixture that would have allowed him to easily line up and insert the ink cartridge into the pen cylinder. Roy primarily uses his left hand to operate the current ProPoint assembly jig. His right hand is very weak and has low mobility, making it difficult for him to align the barrel and ink cartridge. The purpose of a pre-assembly alignment fixture was to enable Roy to only use one hand/arm during the alignment process. Some of the concept ideas we developed for automatic and manual alignment and feeding of the pen components are shown below in Figure Automatic Feed

Manual Feed



Figure Morphological Chart of Part Feed Concepts

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5.2.5 Automatic Component Feed Concepts Figure shows the two automatic feeding device concepts that were initially developed. The first concept in the figure illustrates an electrically-powered feeder and component loader. The component loader in this concept consisted of two bins with a rotating drum attached to the bottom of the bins. The ink pen cartridges and cylinders would have been loaded into their respected bins in the appropriate orientations. The rotating drum would have had grooves that allowed the barrel and cartridge to pass through in order to be loaded into the pressing device. The components would have fallen from the loading device to a feeder tray that would have guided them into the pressing area. The component feeder and loader could have been attached to any of the power concepts illustrated in Figure 5.2.1 and could have been mechanically or electromechanically powered. The second component feeder and loader concept consisted of a rotating drum below a holding station in the shape of a triangular prism. The holding station of this component loader would have been divided into two bins that would have held the barrels and ink cartridges for the pens separately. The drum’s rotation would have would have forced each bin to pass over a hole in the bottom of the device. As the bin passed over a hole, one cartridge and one barrel would have fallen into the drum, and then into a grooved track which would have guided each component into the pressing fixture to be pressed. This component loader could have also been attached to any of the concepts from Figure 5.2.1 and could have also been powered manually or electromechanically.

5.2.6 Manual Part Feed Concepts The first manual part feeder concept in Figure consisted of a feed tray that allowed the parts to be dropped down by Roy, similar to a coin slot in a vending machine. The tray would have guided the parts into their respective grooves on the pressing fixture and would have only accepted the correct pen component in the correct orientation due to size and grooving in the tray. This feeder tray could have been attached to any of our pressing fixture concepts. The second manual part feeder concept in Figure is not a feeder, but a fixture that would have assisted Roy to pre-assemble pens before inserting them into the pressing device. The preassembly fixture concept consisted of a depressed section on the left side of the system in the shape of a pentagon, which would create a funnel effect. The pen barrel was set in a depression in the middle of the system at a level such that the ink cartridge would be able to slide smoothly from the pentagonal depression directly into the barrel. Once the ink cartridge had been inserted into the cylinder, Roy would have been able to remove the pre-assembled pen and place it into pressing fixture. This pre-assembly fixture could be used with any of the pressing fixture concepts.

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5.3 Initial Screening for Feasibility and Effectiveness Potential concepts and ideas were screened using the inverse pyramid method, as shown in Table 5.3.1. All concepts and ideas are filled in at the top of the pyramid, as well as the top of the elimination table, shown in Table 5.3.2. Table 5.3.1. Example of Elimination Using Inverse Pyramid Method Manual

Electric ?

Pneumatic ?


Hydraulic ?

? Final Concept

All criteria relevant to the selection process were selected and filled into the elimination table; the specifications must be included and other criteria may be added. Each criterion is assigned a “+”, “0”, or “-” with respect to a base or reference option. Table 5.3.2. Example of an Elimination Table

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE If improving an existing design, the existing unmodified design is the option to which all criteria are compared. The columns are summed and the lowest scoring option(s) are eliminated. The remaining options are researched and developed further, tested if necessary, and the process is repeated until only one option remains. It is important to note that idea or concept elimination does not prevent new ideas from being added, potentially causing the pyramid to resemble more of an “hourglass” shape. This procedure is work intensive but with care, it does not have to be time intensive. The elimination of ideas or concepts takes serious consideration which reduces dismissal of ideas and concepts too early in the design process.

6.0 Concept Selection This section describes and explains the processes used to screen concepts, while providing justification for key design decisions.

6.1 Data and Calculations for Feasibility and Effectiveness Analysis The proceeding data feasibility tests helped us narrow our focus to specific components for our pen assembly device. Procedures and results are shown for each test, including a statistical summary and conclusions. All tests were performed using the same model of ballpoint pen.

6.1.1 Force to Assemble a Pen Test The purpose of this test was to find the minimum force required to press a pen, which helped us decide which type of pressing fixture to use. The test was performed by sliding the pen along a grooved piece of wood into a force gage and using the force gage's peak function to find the highest force required to push in the ink cartridge. Each test was stopped prior to full insertion to avoid the higher force that would result from the shoulder of the ink cartridge bottoming out on the pen barrel, which is not related to insertion force. A 1/32-inch spacer was placed between the block and the force gage that prevented full insertion and ensured that the gap was always the same size. The key statistical results are shown below in Table Twenty-eight trials were performed and the results are displayed below in Figure Table Statistical Data: Force to Assembly a Pen

Minimum Force (lbs.) Maximum Force (lbs.) Average Force (lbs.) Standard Deviation (lbs.)

1.00 2.90 1.86 0.52

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Force (lbs.)





0.0 1








9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Test Number

Figure Test Results: Force to Assemble a Pen Based on these test results, we knew that we had to use a pressing fixture with a minimum output force greater than 1.0 lbs. However, this data alone did not yield enough information to choose a pressing fixture because this test did not measure the maximum allowable force that could be applied to a pen before yielding or fracture occurs.

6.1.2 Destructive Force Test The purpose of this test was to find the maximum force that could be applied to a pen without causing irreversible damage to the pen, such as yielding or fracturing. This test was performed by holding the force gage in a vise and placing the pen in the chuck of a drill press and pressing it into the force gage until destructive failure. In almost every test trial, the ball of the ballpoint pen was pushed in too far, cracking the tip of the pen. The key statistical results are shown below in Table Ten trials were performed and the results are shown below in Figure

Table Statistical Data: Destructive Force Test

Minimum Force (lbs.) Maximum Force (lbs.) Average Force (lbs.) Standard Deviation

57.00 63.50 59.42 2.11

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Force (lbs.)

64.0 62.0 60.0

58.0 56.0

54.0 52.0 50.0 1










Trial Number

Figure Test Results: Destructive Force Test Based on these test results, we knew that we had to choose a pressing fixture with a maximum output force less than 57.0 lbs. Combined with the results from the Force to Assemble a Pen Test, our target pressing fixture range was between 1.0 and 57.0 lbs., respectively.

6.1.3 Actuation Test The purpose of this test was to compare the actuation force of the pen assembly device currently used at ProPoint with a button-actuated pen assembly device. The test was performed in two stages. In the first stage, the force required to actuate ProPoint’s existing jig was measured with a force gage. The statistical data is shown below in Table Ten trials were performed on ProPoint’s existing jig, yielding the results shown below in Figure Table Statistical Data: Actuation Force for ProPoint’s Existing Jig

Minimum Force (lbs.) Maximum Force (lbs.) Average Force (lbs.) Standard Deviation

0.20 0.90 0.35 0.21

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Force (lbs.)

0.7 0.6 0.5

0.4 0.3

0.2 0.1 0 1










Trial Number

Figure Test Results: Actuation Force for ProPoint’s Existing Jig In the second stage of the test, the force required to actuate various push-buttons, listed below in Table, was measured. A force gage was used to record the peak force generated by the forge gage, as in the first stage of this test. Table, shown below, lists the statistical data from the push-button test, while Figure displays the results. Table Push-Buttons Tested for Actuation

Table Statistical Data: Push-Button Force Test

Minimum Force (lbs.) Maximum Force (lbs.) Average Force (lbs.) Standard Deviation

0.10 1.70 0.94 0.47

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1.8 1.6

Force (lbs.)

1.4 1.2

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4

0.2 0.0 1




5 6 Trial Number





Figure Test Results: Push-Button Force Test The force to actuate ProPoint’s existing pen assembly jig averaged 0.4 lbs., which requires less force than pushing a button. However, we deemed the button-actuated device as the better option due to the ergonomics of actuation, not force of actuation. That is to say that the strain on the operator is reduced by making actuation easier with respect to his mobility limitations rather that his strength.

6.1.4 Actuator Cost Feasibility During initial pricings of components, we found that pneumatic and hydraulic components would have cost significantly more than electric and manual options. The cost of the pneumatic and hydraulic actuators was then compounded by the fact that infrastructure for the use of those systems would have then needed to be installed at the Atco premises. In all, the cost of pneumatic and hydraulic systems ranged from $150 to $200, while electric and manual options could have been attained in total for less than $60. With the total cost of the materials needing to be below $300 to meet our cost specification, the use of hydraulic and pneumatic systems would have significantly increased our budget and most likely would have prohibited us from meeting the cost specification.

6.1.5 Actuator Size Feasibility In order for our design to be feasible for everyday use, it had to fit Roy’s workspace, shown below in Figure, which has an area of 0.5m x 0.25m. With this in mind, we realized that the actuator must not only fit within the specified area, but also be small enough such that it did not dominate his workspace. Pneumatic options would have disobeyed this criterion because an external source of compressed air would have been needed to operate the device. Similarly, Page 29 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE hydraulic options would have required a pump which would not be allowed on the workspace. Conversely, both manual and electric options could have been completely contained within the workspace and would have left room for other features.

Figure Roy’s Workspace in the ProPoint Workshop

6.2 Concept Screening Our initial concepts were screened by Atco administrators. Table 6.2.1 lists the resulting feedback from that screening. Table 6.2.1. Atco Administration Feedback on Generated Concepts

Thoughts from the concept screening process were then used in conjunction with the concept scoring and selection processes, outlined in Section 6.3. Page 30 of 78


6.3 Concept Development, Scoring, and Selection We used a free thinking and voting process to rate and select concepts. In this process, each team member came up with an idea or position and presented it to the rest of the team. The advantages and potential problems of each concept were discussed and rated. Positive points of the rejected concepts were revisited and an effort was made to combine as many of those aspects as possible into the selected idea. If more than one concept remained after re-examination of the specifications and requirements, the team employed the reverse pyramid and elimination methods, as described in Section 5.3 and displayed above in Tables 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. The operator input, actuation methods and feeder were judged based on reliability, fabrication difficulty, and cost. We were able to eliminate all but one option without using elimination tables, as shown in Tables 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 by examining the specifications and customer requirements. Table 6.3.1. Inverse Pyramid: Operator Input Selection


Dial Dial

Button Button


Table 6.3.2. Inverse Pyramid: Feeder Selection

Passive Guide

Vertical Rotation

Passive Guide

Horizontal Rotation

Horizontal Rotation

Passive Guide With respect to the power source, the team was able to initially eliminate all but the pneumatic and electric options as shown in Table 6.3.3. Upon further investigation and completion of the elimination table (see Table 6.3.4), specifically examining noise level, existing services, safety, ease and frequency of maintenance, control of speed, and cost as the main judging criteria, the team selected an electric power source.

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Table 6.3.3. Power Source Inverse Pyramid: Power Source Selection


Electric Manual

Pneumatic Electric


Hydraulic Pneumatic

Pneumatic Electric

Table 6.3.4. Power Source Elimination Table: Hydraulic Focus

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Table 6.3.5. Power Source Elimination Table: Pneumatic Focus

Table 6.3.6. Power Source Elimination Table: Electric Focus

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Actuator options were evaluated on the basis of safety, ease and frequency of maintenance, control of speed, cost, and control of force. The C. Parsons Device was eliminated due to fabrication complexity and used the elimination table for the final elimination (see Tables 6.3.5 & 6.3.6.) With the preceding information in mind, it was decided the final concept would be a push-button activated, electrically powered, linear actuator utilizing ink pen assembly device. Table 6.3.7. Inverse Pyramid: Actuator Selection

Mangle Rack

C. Parsons Device

Mangle Rack

Linear Actuator

Linear Actuator

Linear Actuator The components we decided to use for our system included a push-button switch, passive guide, using electric power and a linear actuator. We opted to use batteries for the power source and a solenoid for the linear actuation.

7.0 Final Design In order to promote individual accountability and maximize the team’s overall efficiency and productivity, we divided our team into two sub-groups: the base group and the actuation group. The base group assumed responsibility for the base of the pen assembly device and attachment clamps used to fasten and secure the pen assembly device to Roy’s workspace while in operation. The actuation group assumed responsibility for the method of linear actuation including all electronics. In addition to sub-groups, lead designer and lead manufacturer positions were created. Design refinement includes the overall design, engineering, manufacturing and purchasing of all components. Figure 7.0.1 shows the final system level view of our device. This section of the report summarizes the design methods, considerations, and analyses performed in the development of this pen assembly device.

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Damper Battery

Solenoid Push-Button Activation PreAssembly Hand Guide


Figure 7.0.1. Overall System Design

7.0.1 Heuristic-Based Design Techniques We used heuristic-based design techniques throughout our design process. Using heuristic techniques, we reduced the time it took to solve problems and make decisions. Techniques that were utilized include value engineering, design for safety, and mock-ups. Value Engineering Value engineering was helpful in the selection of base materials as well as choosing a pressing device. Initial pressing device concepts, shown above in Figure 5.2.1, included an electronic linear actuator and a small DC motor that could be added to a slider-crank-style linkage. We discovered that most electronic linear actuators were too expensive for our budget and that DC motors required expensive and complex controllers and/or linkages. Also, electronic linear actuators would have taken up too much critical space on Roy’s work station. Buying either of these actuation systems would have required months worth of Roy’s work just to make up for the high cost. Page 35 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Another idea for the pressing device included a manually-operated press, which would have only required a piston and handle assembly. While this assembly would have been inexpensive, it would have defeated the purpose of reducing Roy’s physical strain. Since actuation force reducing options were severely limited by Roy’s poor and declining range of motion and dexterity, a push-pull 24-V solenoid was selected for the pressing mechanism. A solenoid, shown below in Figure, is an electrical device which operates by energizing an inductive coil. An electromagnetic field is created around a steel cylinder that moves it in one direction through the inductive coil. This will drastically reduce the strain on Roy, as he will only be required to press one button for the solenoid to operate. Additionally, timing and reversing circuits are not required to operate the solenoid. It can be wired directly to a power supply through a switch, further reducing costs.

Figure Selected Actuation Method: Push-Pull Solenoid Design for Safety Safety was a high priority throughout our design process. Due to the physical condition of our customer, an increased demand for safety was required. One of the greatest safety measures included not having any sharp areas or pinch points on our device. To eliminate sharp areas, all corners and edges were chamfered or rounded. An example of rounded edges on our device can be seen in Figure, shown below. To eliminate pinch points, the solenoid and holding block were located such that it would be impossible for Roy to place his hand in a possible pinching zone. Additionally, all electrical components were enclosed and no wiring was exposed in order to decrease the possibility of shock. Our original design required a plug to be inserted into any standard 110 VAC wall socket, however, Atco is forbidden from using extension cords by OSHA. For this reason, it was decided that using a battery as a power source was be the best way to protect Roy and other Atco employees.

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Figure Rounded Corners of Pen Assembly Device Another safety consideration in the ProPoint workshop was a potential fall hazard. A fall hazard was defined by the pen assembly device falling from Roy’s work station and potentially causing injury to Roy or other Atco employees. To address this concern, a clamping device was used to secure the pen assembly device to Roy’s work station. The clamping device is pictured below in Figure

Figure Clamps Used to Secure Pen Assembly Device to Work Station

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Mock-Ups Two mock-ups were designed and built for experimentation and proof of concept. The template shown below in Table was used to guide the mock-up process. The mock-ups are illustrated below in Figures and Table Template used for Mock-Ups Name Mock-Up 1 Mock-Up 2

Type Relationship to Customer Needs Physical Address dexterity issues and proof of Physical concept

Figure Mock-Up 1

Materials Used Cost ($) Build Time Balsa Wood 10 3 hours Scrap Wood 0 2 hours

Figure Mock-Up 2

Mock-up 1 featured a rotating pen cylinder housing device. This device was created to aid Roy’s difficulty of using two hands to insert the ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder. Starting with the pen cylinder housing device in the vertical position, Roy would place the pen cylinder in the cylindrical slot. Next, Roy would slide the ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder, with the pen cylinder still placed the pen cylinder housing device. Next, he would rotate the pen cylinder housing device 90° such that the pen cylinder housing device is lined up with the linear actuator. For simplification, a box was used to replicate the housing of a linear actuator. After the pen cylinder housing device was lined up with the linear actuator, Roy would push a button to engage the linear actuator. The actuator would press the ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder. Upon completion of pressing, Roy would rotate the pen cylinder housing device back to the initial vertical starting position and remove the assembled pen. Mock-up 2 contained a pre-assembly fixture also to address Roy’s difficulty of using two hands to insert the ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder. Using this mock-up, Roy would first place a pen cylinder in the pre-assembly fixture, orienting the open end of the pen cylinder to his left. Next, Roy would slide an ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder. The required tolerances to allow the ink pen cartridge to slide into the pen cylinder were considerably tight, but they were required in order for the pre-assembly fixture to be effective. After pre-assembling the ink pen, Roy would then move the pen to the pressing area. Like Mock-up 1, a button would be used to Page 38 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE engage a solenoid to press the ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder thus completing the pen assembly.

7.0.2 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Conducting an FMEA evaluation helped us determine the most probable causes of failure. Methods of failure we considered were not limited to operational use. Failure could occur even while the pen assembly device is not in operation. For a complete list of failure modes and effects, refer to Appendix D. The two failure results with the largest risk priority numbers (RPNs) were loss of power due to failure within the electrical system and the failure of a timing circuit within the electrical system. In order to correct these problems, we simplified the electrical circuit by removing many components that were unnecessary for operation. The circuit was simplified to three components: the power source (battery), the actuator (solenoid), and the button. The simplicity of the final circuit design allows for simple troubleshooting of any error within the electrical circuit.

7.0.3 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) We considered several factors that were pertinent for a DFMA. From our initial to our final design, we made several manufacturing-related decisions. These decisions ranged from simple fasteners to major changes, such as reorienting the layout of the system. Our initial design was simple and manufacturing friendly, but after tests with Roy, we found that the design had to be unique to accommodate his severe physical limitations. One of our primary goals for DFMA was to manufacture as few parts as possible to keep the material and labor costs low. Other ways we tried to keep material and labor costs low was through material type and part geometry. At the start of our design process we were able to select a material that would meet or exceed our design requirements at relatively low cost. Several materials and their properties are listed in Table that aided us through the material selection stages of our design process. From Table, we were able to choose our base material for the pen assembly device; that material was PVC. Part geometry was also taken into consideration when developing our design. There were many complex geometrical shapes in our initial design. To simplify our design, we modified parts that were difficult to machine. As the project continued we considered all possibilities that kept manufacturing simple. The less time consuming and difficult the machining, the more we save on manufacturing cost. The DFMA for our current electronic system started in the beginning with a pneumatic cylinder for our pressing operation. This idea was a problem for several reasons. First, it required too many components for the system to work. Second, Atco had no air connections around Roy’s work area. The pneumatic system would require several components to actuate the cylinder, such as electric solenoid valves, speed reducers, air lines, air fittings, and regulators. The cost for this Page 39 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE system started increase with time. We eliminated the pneumatic idea and started looking into an electric linear actuator. At first this seemed like a feasible solution, until we realized the added amount of extra components we would need to build this system. The control system for each actuation method was considered and simplified along the way as well. The pneumatic cylinder had a control system comprising either a two-way valve or an electric reversing solenoid, both of which were expensive and complex. For the linear actuator or mangle rack, a circuit board with a timer chip and the ability to reverse direction would have been a required purchase. All of these options were expensive and complex. The pen assembly device’s control system was simplified to a normally open, momentary switch and the power source. After performing research, we found a solenoid that matched our specifications and requirements. The solenoid was also very low in price. Another consideration that we used for our final design was to change the 110-VAC wall source to a 24-V battery source. The battery will eliminate the use of a transformer. The disadvantages of using a battery is that took up valuable space and will need to be replaced in the future. Table Material Properties for Base Selection

7.1 Pen Assembly Device Operation The pen-making process at Atco consists of several steps. Atco starts with the raw materials to make ballpoint pens, such as ink, plastic ink cartridges, plastic pen cylinders, and plastic pen caps. Our pen assembly device was designed to perform one of the many steps needed to produce a pen: the pressing operation. Roy receives two pen parts at his station: the ink pen cartridge and the pen cylinder with non-writing end already pressed, as shown in Figure 2.0.1. Roy’s job is to press the ink pen cartridge into the pen cylinder. The ink pen cartridges and pen cylinders arrive at Roy’s station in separate boxes. Roy will take one ink pen cartridge and one pen cylinder to press in the pen assembly device. Operation of the pen assembly device consists of two phases: pre-assembly and pressing the pen.

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Pre-Assembly Ink Cartridge Guides

Ramps to Assist Movement of Part

Figure 7.1.1. Pre-assembly and Pressing Areas of Pen Assembly Device

7.1.1 Pre-Assembly Phase In the pre-assembly phase, the ink pen cartridge will be inserted, but not fully pressed, into the pen cylinder, as shown above in Figure One of the most time consuming tasks in Roy’s process is aligning the ink pen cartridge to fit inside of the pen cartridge before the pressing operation. To reduce the time it takes to do this, we have created an alignment fixture that eliminates the need for Roy to use both of his hands. Roy will take a pen cylinder from the box and place it in the designated slot on the right side of the device with the open end of the cylinder facing left. Next, Roy will take an ink pen cartridge from the box, place it on the surface of the pre-assembly fixture, and slide it with one hand into the pen cylinder. As the cartridge slides across the surface it is guided into the pen cylinder by two triangular shaped guides as seen in Figure After the pen is pre-assembled it will need to be transferred to the pen pressing fixture. To assist with this movement we have added a ramp large enough for an average size male hand which can also be observed in Figure This ramp will allow Roy to gain better access to the preassembled pen and the pen pressing fixture. Once the cartridge has been pre-assembled into the pen cylinder the part can then be moved onto the next phase of the ink pen assembly process.

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Ramps to Assist Movement of Part

Figure Pen Placed in Pre-Assembly Fixture

7.1.2 Pressing Phase The pen pressing process first starts from the finished pre-assembly phase. The pen can now be moved up the ramps shown in Figure into the holding blocks for the pressing operation. When the pre-assembled pen is in the correct position for pressing an activation button is pressed. The button controls an electrical solenoid that actuates, completely pressing the ink cartridge into the pen cylinder. The force applied to the pen is controlled with a shock absorber. From testing, the solenoid output over a pound of force for some trials. The shock absorber will only allow one pound of force to be applied to the pen at all times of the pressing operation. The electrical system that controls the solenoid uses a simple open-closed electrical circuit powered by a 24 volt rechargeable battery. Once the pen has been assembled completely it is removed from the pressing holding blocks and moved to an assembled parts bin for the Atco administrators to collect.

7.1.2 Maintenance and Service There are two maintenance tasks that need to be performed on a regular basis. One is to keep the surface and electrical components free of debris and dust. The other is to replace the battery in the device daily with a battery that is fully charged. Completing these two simple maintenance requirements on a consistent basis will ensure the longevity of the pen assembly device. If a part on our device breaks or needs to be replaced, whether it is a purchased part or a machined part, the included manual shall be consulted. All machined parts were attached using a

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE PVC compound adhesive. To replace a machined part on the device, the included CAD drawings should be used to accurately align the part to its original position.

Battery Must Be Charged Regularly

Areas That Must Be Free of Debris

Figure Targeted Maintenance and Service Areas of Pen Assembly Device One replacement part for each machined part will be included with the device. The electrical components of the jig can be replaced simply by ordering a new part from the respected vendors listed in the included manual, and in Appendix A of this report. All of the locations for the electrical components are also shown in the included CAD drawings. A wiring diagram will be provided, as well, in the case that a short circuit occurs.

7.2 Manufacturing Details This section seeks to provide step-by-step procedural instructions on how our pen assembly device can be reproduced. All manufacturing and assembly was performed in Stocker Center in Athens, Ohio.

7.2.1 Handles To make the two handles for the device, shown below in Figure, start with the ¾” thick PVC stock. The handles are 6”T X 5”W and are cut to size using a vertical mill. The cutout for the handle is milled using a 1” endmill. The rounded edges at the top corners of each handle are created by using a template to trace the radius. Use a vertical bandsaw to cut the rounds, then a metal file and steel wool to polish the surface. The holes for fastening the handles to the base of the device required two steps: a drill press to make the through-holes and a vertical mill or drill press to make the counterbores for the heads of the fasteners. Details for attaching the handles to the base are outlined in the “Assembly” section.

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Figure Handle of Pen Assembly Device

7.2.2 Base The first step in making the base of the pen assembly device (Figure is to obtain the ¾” thick PVC stock. The base dimensions are 22”L X 5”W and is cut to size using a vertical bandsaw. The next step is to use the vertical mill to machine the cutouts for the solenoid, preassembly, and hand ramp. A ½” endmill is used for all cutouts but it is important to note that the cutout for the solenoid is a plunge cut; therefore, the endmill must have all flutes come to a point in the center.

Figure Base of Pen Assembly Device The next step requires a 3/8” ball mill to make the groove for holding the pen barrel in the preassembly area. The next step is to use a 3/8 ” endmill to make the groove on the back edge of the base for the electrical wires. Another groove is milled just to the right of the pen barrel groove using a 1/8 ”endmill. This groove holds the pre-assembly stopping guide so it is easier to move the pen from the pre-assembly area to the holding block. The final step is to drill two holes on each side edge for the fasteners. This is done by lining up the handles with the base and drilling pilot holes for the self-taping fasteners.

7.2.3 Inserts The inserts include the following: hand ramp, pre-assembly ramps (x2), pre-assembly insertion guides (x2), holding blocks (x2), stopper guide for pre-assembly, and cover for the wires. Page 44 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE To make the hand ramp, cut a 3.5”X3.5” piece of ¾” stock PVC using a vertical bandsaw. On the vertical mill, attach the flat vise onto a tilting vise and set the tilt angle o 12° (see Figure Place the 3.5”X3.5” piece into the vise and mill the entire surface. Cut the ramp to size using a vertical bandsaw. Round off all of the edges using a sanding wheel and or metal file.

Figure Tilting Vise with Hand Ramp For the two pre-assembly ramps, use a vertical bandsaw to cut a 1”W X 3”L piece of PVC. Adjust the tilt angle to 12° and machine the entire surface evenly. Use a vertical bandsaw to cut the two ramps to their specified size. For the two insertion guides, use a vertical mill to create a 2”W X 6”L X 1/8”T piece of PVC. Cut the triangular guides to size using a vertical bandsaw and round all edges using a sanding wheel and/or metal file (see Figure Save the scrap material for the stopper guide.

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Figure Insertion Guide To make the holding blocks, use a vertical mill to create a 1”W X 3”L X ¼”T piece of PVC. Use the 3/8” ball mill to cut a groove in the center of the part at the specified depth. Cut each part to length using the vertical bandsaw (see Figure

Figure Machining Holding Blocks Using scrap material from the insertion guides, cut the stopper guide to its specified dimensions on the vertical bandsaw. Round all edges using sandpaper and/or metal file. The cover for the wires is made using 22”L X ¾”W X 1/8”T PVC. Drill five 1/4” holes in the center of the cover, spaced evenly apart. Countersink the holes using a 45° chamfer bit. Page 46 of 78


7.2.4 Damper Housing Block Cut the housing block for the damper (Figure 7.2.4) to its specified dimensions using the vertical bandsaw. Using a drill press or vertical mill, use a 19/64” drill bit to make the tap drill hole for the damper. Next, use the specified metric tap (M8 X 0.75) to thread the hole completely through. Next, use a #48 drill bit to make two holes at the outside center of the block for the fasteners. Use a #19 drill bit to make the counterbore for each hole to hide the fastener head. Thread the damper into the block and fasten the nut on the backside. Round off all of the edges using sandpaper and or a metal file.

Figure Damper Block for Pen Assembly Device

7.2.5 Junction Boxes The electrical components consist of the following: junction box (x2), push-button, solenoid, battery holder, wire, and terminal block. The push-button housing is a 4” X 4” X 2” PVC junction box. Drill a 1” hole in the center of one of the 2” wide sides. On the opposite side of the box, towards the bottom, drill a ½” hole for the cord grip (P/N CG-1) to feed the wires through the box. Insert the button and cord grip and reattach the cover. The other 4” X 4” X 2” PVC junction box is for the battery holder and terminal block. Drill a pilot hole and use two self-tapping screws to attach the terminal block to the bottom of the junction box. For the battery holder, take the cordless drill (where the matching battery comes from) and use a vertical bandsaw to cut off the part where the battery is attached (see Figure Make sure the conductive steel clips are not damaged. Next, use the vertical mill to make a cutout in the junction box cover that is slightly larger than the drill handle.

Figure Battery Configuration on Pen Assembly Device Page 47 of 78


7.2.6 Circuit Wiring A simplified wiring diagram is shown below, figure All components except the switch and the solenoid are located inside the battery box. All electrical connections are made via a terminal block, noted as 12VDC Battery on the simplified wiring diagram.

Figure Simplified Wiring Diagram To wire the electrical system, first take the terminal block and remove the screws on terminal 3 and 7, remove the metal bracket with e small screwdriver, and cut the bracket in half with wire cutters. Make sure to trim the bracket to ensure about 1/16” gap between the two halves when it is installed again. Connect terminals 6 to terminal 7 and terminal 3 to terminal 4 using jumpers, as shown below in figure

3-4 Jumper











6-7 Jumper

Figure Terminal Block Terminals Page 48 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Cut all required wires to appropriate lengths. There should be 2 wires cut to approximately 30” and 4 wires cut to approximately 7”. The wires included with the solenoid should be long enough to reach the battery box and connect to the terminal block. Run the wires from the switchbox and solenoid to the battery box through the appropriate holes and groves in the boxes and base, as shown in figure The wires from the switch are shown in blue and the solenoid wires are shown in red. The switch wires are inserted through a cord grip mounted to the rear of the switch box and the solenoid wires are routed through a hole in the base from the solenoid cutout to the wire groove. Both wires are then inserted through the hole in the rear of the battery box.

Figure Wire Routing Solder 7” extensions to the wires leading from the battery socket (from the cordless drill handle) and to the backup DC plug. Attach the spade terminals to the end of each of the remaining wires, ten in all, by crimping or soldering. Attach the spade terminals to the terminal block as shown in figure and table Insert the wires to the switch box into the groove at the back of the base and screw in the wire cover. Close both junciton boxes with the provided screws, insert a battery into the battery holder, and push the red button to test the actuator Table Terminal Block Wiring Connections Terminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Wire Momentary Switch Output Momentary Switch Input Rechargeable Battery Negative Terminal Backup DC Jack Negative Terminal Solenoid Connection 1 Rechargeable Battery Positive Terminal Backup DC Jack Positive Terminal Solenoid Connection 2

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7.2.7 Assembly Before any assembly begins, make sure all exposed edges and corners are rounded and smooth to the touch. Make sure all surfaces are clean and clear of any debris. Apply PVC cement to the bottom surface of each insert and to each insert’s respective location on the base of the device. Wipe off all excess cement. A crucial step in the assembly process is the alignment of the solenoid and damper. To do this properly, take a pen barrel with ink cartridge inserted but not pressed and place on the holding block. Next, align the center of the solenoid push-rod and damper so that it is perfectly aligned with the center of the pen and use a center-punch to indicate the exact location of the holes for attaching each. It is important to note that the damper’s location needs to be just to the left of the pen tip when it is in the pre-assembly. The solenoid holes are drilled completely through the base. Countersink the holes from the bottom of the base. Use a #29 tap drill for the damper holes in the base but do not go completely through the base. Next, use an 8-32 tap and thread the holes as deep as possible. Fasten the damper block to the base using 8-32 bolts.

Figure Attaching Solenoid to Base To attach the two junction boxes to the base, drill pilot holes in their specified location and use self-tapping screws. The final step in assembling the device is to attach the base clamps, or draw latches (P/N DL-1, DL-2). Drill pilot holes on the outside of the handles at their specified locations and use selftapping screws to attach the clamps.

7.4 Design Validation through Test Results and Operating Experience To evaluate our assembly device honestly and fairly to verify that we met the customer requirements, formal testing was conducted.

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7.4.1 Voltage vs. Force Test The purpose of this test was to validate the solenoid we bought. This test related voltage to force, simulating how the pen assembly device would act as the battery ran down and whether the actual force generated by the solenoid is appropriate for our application. A return spring was added to the solenoid to return the solenoid plunger to the retracted position which slightly reduced the actuation force. 45.0

Pushing Holding

40.0 35.0

Force (lbs)

30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0










Volts (V DC)

Figure Test Results: Solenoid Force vs. Voltage

7.4.2 Customer Requirements Verification All customer requirements have been met, by means of verification through formal testing. Roy’s physical condition is declining with time. At eighty years of age, Roy’s physical condition would be difficult to consistently measure over a long-term period. For the sake of this project in determining Roy’s change in comfort level, we evaluated Roy’s physical strain over several oneday trials to meet the specification. However, to validate that we met the requirement of reducing his strain over a long-term period, more testing is required. All customer needs were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated for verification through formal testing at ProPoint with Roy. A summary of the results is shown below in Table

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Table Customer Needs Verification # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Need No exposed gears, pinch points or fast-moving parts High cycle life Simple and safe to load, unload and operate Low maintenance Fit ProPoint table (1.0 x 0.5 m) Low total cost (procurement and operation) Increase operator productivity Decrease physical stress on operator Able to be operated ambidextrously


Customer specifications were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated for verification through formal testing at ProPoint with Roy. A summary of the results is shown below in Table Table Customer Specifications Verification # 1 2 3 4 5

Specification Increase Roy's productivity Decrease Roy's physical stain Not contain any exposed gears or pinch points Not exceed the cost of $300 Fit on Roy's work station (0.5 x 0.25 m)

Verification 55% YES YES $209.75 YES

7.4.3 Quantitative Improvements There were two key quantitative improvements that our assembly device boasts over the old jig: assembly time per pen and set-up time. It took Roy 11 minutes, on average, to press one pen using ProPoint’s old assembly jig. Using our assembly device, it takes Roy approximately 4 minutes per pen. This accounts for a 55% increase in productivity. It took Atco officials 4 minutes, on average, to set up ProPoint’s old assembly jig. Setup time included manually clamping the assembly device to Roy’s desk via C-clamps. Our assembly device design utilized draw-latches that reduced set-up time by 3 minutes, or 75%. Figure illustrates these significant improvements.

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Time (minutes)



55% 6

75% 4



Assembly (Per Pen) Assembly Time Time (Per Pen)

Set-Up Time

Figure Significant Quantitative Improvements with Our Device

7.4.4 Qualitative Improvements Along with improving Roy’s productivity, our device improved Roy’s work experience by reducing the physical strain required to perform his job. Instead of Roy having to insert the ink cartridge into the barrel with two hands, the pre-assembly feature of our design assists Roy by helping to guide the ink cartridge into the barrel. The pre-assembly fixture also requires only one hand. The need to use a toggle-clamp mechanism to press the pen together is no longer required with our device. This eliminates the need for Roy to struggle to press a pen. Our device includes a push-button that is used to activate the solenoid that is used to press the pen.

7.4.5 Customer Influence on Design Process We have conducted several interviews with Atco/ProPoint associates and visitations with our intended operator, Roy. Atco/ProPoint associates were interviewed to get their input on our latest design features. Their input was always considered, and in most cases used to modify the design of the pen assembly device. Visitations with Roy consisted of testing our latest mock-up modifications to help us ensure our design maximizes Roy’s productiveness while remaining ergonomically effective.

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Figure Evolution of Our Pen Assembly Device

8.0 Conclusions The objective of our project was to improve the work experience of an NPA employee, Roy, while satisfying the requirements for NISH’s National Scholar Award for Workplace Innovation & Design. We succeeded in accomplishing this objective through creating a new pen assembly device (Figure 8.0.1) for Roy that satisfied all customer requirements, including needs and specifications.

Figure 8.0.1. Final System-Level Design Our final design addressed Roy’s difficulty using the old pen assembly device on a quantitative and qualitative basis. Several unique features of our assembly device, shown above in Figure 8.0.1, enabled the device to be deemed effective by Atco associates. The pre-assembly fixture on our assembly device accounted for 55% increase in productivity by aiding Roy’s ability to load ink pen cartridges into pen barrels. A task that used to take him approximately four minutes with the old assembly device now takes him, on average, two minutes to complete.

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BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE Ramps for Roy’s hand and the pen were created to assist him with moving the pre-assembled pen to the pressing device. A simple solenoid was used as the actuating device and was paired with a damper to limit the maximum force and a large push-button for activation. A rechargeable battery powers the assembly device with an included spare. For back-up purposes, our device has the capability to be plugged into any wall socket. For set-up ease, easy-to-grab handles were installed and draw-latches were attached. Setting up the old jig required C-clamps and took approximately 4 minutes. The draw-latch clamps on our device reduced the set-up time to one minute, which accounts for a 75% decrease. The most important result of this project was the satisfaction of our customer. The Atco associates that worked side-by-side with us to ensure a quality product approved our device and are ready for implementation in the ProPoint workshop. The device also has the approval of the intended operator. Roy’s input throughout the design process helped us optimize his comfort and productivity, and solidified his consent to use our final product.

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References 1. Dixon, K.A.. "Restricted Access: A Survey of Employers About People with Disabilities Press Release." 01 Mar 2003, 11 Nov 2008 . 2. Dixon, K.A.. "Toward the Accessible Workplace: Strategies for Competitive Employment Among New Jerseyans with Disabilities." 01 Dec 2003, 05 Nov 2008 . 3. Jones, Cynthia. "Economics and People with Disabilities ." 01 May 2004 12 Oct 2008 . 4. NISH, "NISH National Scholar Award for Workplace Innovation & Design 2007/2008 Application Packet." Sep 2007, 8 Jun 2008 . 5. About Atco, Inc., 2007, Atco, Inc., Athens, OH, 2 April 2008, . 6. About ProPoint, 2003, ProPoint a division of Atco, Inc., Athens, OH, 2 April 2008, . 7. Penn State Industries, "Penn State Pen Press." Sep 2007 8 Jun 2008 . 8. Sakurai, Terushige, Press Machine, 1987, United States Patent Office, Washington, DC, 2 April 2008, 9. Occupational Safety & Health Administration, "Machine Guarding." Safety and Health Topics 06 Dec 2007 6 Jun 2008 .

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Appendix A: Assembly Parts List and Bill of Materials RB-1

TR-1 PC-1 DB-1 TR-2 HL-1


PS-1 BH-1

JB-1 CG-1






PP-1 BL-1



HL-2 PR-1

PR-2 MR-1



Table A1. Parts List Part # DL-1 DL-2 HL-1 HL-2 BS-1 MS-1 CG-1 JB-1 BL-1 JB-2 BL-2 TB-1 PP-1 BH-1 RB-1 WC-1 PS-1 PR-1 PR-2 MR-1 BK-1 TR-1 TR-2 PC-1 PC-2 DB-1

Description Draw Latch, Left Draw Latch, Right Handle, Right Handle, Left Base Momentary Switch Cord Grip Button Box Button Box Lid Battery Box Battery Box Lid Terminal Block Backup Power Plug Socket Battery Holder Rechargeable Battery Wire Cover Push Solenoid Preassembly Ramp, Front Preassembly Ramp, Rear Main Ramp Backstop Transition Ramp, Right Transition Ramp, Left Pen Cradle, Right Pen Cradle, Left Damper Block

Subassembly Group Safety Safety Safety Safety Assembly Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Preassembly Preassembly Preassembly Preassembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly

Drawing # N/A N/A HL-1 HL-2 BS-1 N/A N/A JB-1 N/A JB-2 BL-2 N/A N/A N/A N/A WC-1 N/A PR-1 PR-2 MR-1 BK-1 TR-1 TR-2 PC-1 PC-2 N/A

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Table A2. Bill of Materials Vendor McMaster-Carr McMaster-Carr McMaster-Carr McMaster-Carr

Vendor Part # 7527K44 7527K59 7869K131 3692K11

McMaster-Carr 8747K129 McMaster-Carr 8747K124 McMaster-Carr 1863A21 McMaster-Carr 6907K8 McMaster-Carr 91771A148 McMaster-Carr 91831A007 McMaster-Carr 92210A197 McMaster-Carr 92325A311 McMaster-Carr 91794A115 McMaster-Carr 90390A545 NewarkInOne 74K3604 Radio Shack N/A Jameco 262191CB 21009-CHIG0018 Lowes N/A Lowes N/A

Description Terminal Block 4 Circuits Jumper for 0.38" Terminal Block Flanged Spade Terminal (10 pack) Standard Shock Absorber M8 X 0.75" PVC (Type I) Sheet 3/4" Thick, 12" X 24" PVC (Type I) Sheet 1/8" Thick, 12" X 24" Draw Latch Zinc Plated Steel, 1.5" Nickel-Plated Brass Liquid-Tight Cord Grip Flat Head Machine Screw 6-32, 1/2" L Nylon-Insert Locknut 6-32, 5/16" Width Flat Head Sckt Cap Screw 8-32, 3/4" L Pan Head Screw SS Self Tapping, 1/2" L Fillister Head Machine Screw 4-40, 1" L Torx Thrd-Cut Screw , 1/4"-20, 1-1/2" L 65mm Mushroom Pushbutton Switch 5.5mm DC Power Socket Tubular Solenoid, 24 VDC, 18mm Cordless Drill (24V Rechargeable Battery) PVC Cement Junction Box (4"x4"x2")

Associated Assembly Part #'s TB-1 TB-1 TB-1 DB-1 BS-1, HL-1, HL-2, MR-1, TR-1, TR2, PC-1, PC-2 PR-1, PR-2, WC-1, BK-1 DL-1, DL-2 CG-1 PS-1 PS-1 WC-1 JB-1, JB-2, DL-1, DL-2 DB-1 HL-1, HL-2 JB-1 JB-2 BS-1 JB-2, BL-2 BS-1 JB-1, JB-2, BL-1, BL-2

Price Quantity $1.43 1 $2.15 1 $3.52 1 $28.13 1

Total $1.43 $2.15 $3.52 $28.13

54.68 $8.40 $5.73 $4.64 $0.05 $0.06 $0.11 $0.10 $0.08 $0.14 $27.12 $1.99 $23.95 $23.08 $3.50 $6.50 Total

$54.68 $8.40 $11.46 $4.64 $0.20 $0.24 $0.55 $0.99 $0.16 $0.56 $27.12 $1.99 $23.95 $23.08 $3.50 $13.00 $209.75

1 1 2 1 4 4 5 10 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2

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Appendix B: Part Drawings

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Appendix C: Interview Guide Questions for ATCO (10/11/2007) 1. Would a newer, slightly more automated device increase individual wages based on higher productivity? Yes 2. Do you have compressed air plumbing in your facilities? Yes 3. How many companies like ProPoint exist? (exist at PERCO, WASHCO, etc.?) None (that they know of) 4. Would it be beneficial to have the ability to perform more than one assembly stop on a single device? Yes (reluctantly) 5. Would you like accessories on the device, for example, an extra light source or a tray to hold the completed pens? Expressed interest in holding tray

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Hi ___________,

My name is Jim Ference and I am a senior Mechanical Engineering student at Ohio University. I obtained your contact information from the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association. As part of a senior capstone course, seven students and I are designing a ballpoint pen assembly device and we were hoping you could point us in the right direction of where we could find some technical information about the ballpoint pen assembly or manufacturing process that Davro Products uses. Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help,

Jim Ference Communications Director, TRT Mechanical Engineering Ohio University 216.702.5471 [email protected]

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Appendix D: DFMA and FMEA Charts DFMA: Actuation 1. Initially we started looking into pneumatic cylinders for our pressing operation. This idea was a problem for several reasons. First, it required several components for the system to work. Second, Atco had no air connections around Roy’s work area. Cost was also a great issue. Many components = More cost 2. After getting rid of the pneumatic idea, we started looking into an electric linear actuator. At first, we thought this would be the way we would go until we realized all of the extra components we would need to purchase just to make it work. Other problems were the sizes of the actuators; they were very large and would take up critical space on Roy’s work station. 3. The actuation control system for each actuation method was considered and simplified along the way as well. The control system for the pneumatic cylinder consisted of either a two-way valve or an electric, reversing solenoid both of which are expensive and complex. For the linear actuator or other rack and sprocket style actuation, a circuit board with timer chip the ability to reverse direction would have to be purchased or made. All these options are expensive or complex or both. The control system was simplified to a normally open, momentary switch and the power source. 4. Finally, after much research we found a solenoid that matched our specifications and requirements perfectly. As an added bonus it was also low in cost. There are many advantages for using the solenoid. Some of the advantages are listed: a. Less space requirement b. Low force output c. Simple 24V circuit to operate (with push button) 5. Another consideration that we used for our current design was to change the AC(wall) source to a 24V battery source. The battery will eliminate the use of a transformer. The only disadvantage using the battery is the space it will require. We decided that advantages outweighed the disadvantages. DFMA: Base Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) chosen as base material because of its easy machining capabilities, inexpensive, lightweight, corrosion resistant Milling a rectangular cutout in front of pre-assembly instead of original, complex fivesided geometry Simple/common dimensions used where possible (e.g., ramps and holding blocks are 1in. wide x ¼ in. tall) Both grooves for pen are machined by same cutter (3/8 in.) Using a fixture to manufacture ramps (because of their more complex geometry) End cutout for solenoid instead of a plunge cut (simpler machining process) Page 74 of 78

BALLPOINT PEN ASSEMBLY DEVICE All fasteners are same size All rounds/chamfers have same radius/angle Adhesive used for smaller components not receiving any load (pre-assembly fixture, ramps, holding block, guides) FMEA: Mechanical

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Appendix E: Electric Circuit Diagram

Figure E1. Electric Circuit Diagram for Pen Assembly Device

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