Feb 23, 2018 - School trip to China October 2018 ... return flights, return coach journeys between school and Manchester
Senior Girls
February 2018
Dear Parents, School trip to China October 2018 As I mentioned in the Information evening on 7th December, the total cost for the trip (excluding the visa charge) for each student is approximately £1580. This includes the full itinerary in China, the return flights, return coach journeys between school and Manchester Airport, hoodies and £50 of emergency fund to cover unexpected events during the trip. Any remaining balance if the final revised price is less will be refunded and the same applies to the emergency fund. Thank you for paying the first deposit of £250 and the remaining balance of £1330 will be due in SIX instalments: – 1st one: £225 (Friday, 23rd February) – 2nd one: £225 (Friday, 30th March) – 3rd one: £225 (Friday, 27th April) – 4th one: £225 (Friday, 25th May) – 5th one: £225 (Friday, 29th June) – 6th one: £205 (Friday, 27th July) You may prefer to pay the full amount at one time, if this is the case can you please do so by Friday 23rd February. Payment options are: Telephone with a debit card to Jackie Barnes in the Finance Office on 0151 949 9356 OR Bank transfer: o Barclays Sort: 20 10 92 o Bank Account: 50840068 o Reference: student’s surname + Y0301CH (i.e. SmithY0301CH)- this is very important as it helps to identify the trip Visa Service and Charge: I will contact the travel agency to confirm whether they would be able to offer the group visa service or not. Please ensure your daughter’s passport has at least six month validity from the date of the visa application and the photograph for the visa application should be no more than 6 months old and of good quality. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at school. My email address is
[email protected]. Thank you very much and I wish you a happy Chinese New Year for 2018. Yours sincerely Mrs Y Blagbrough Teacher of Mandarin Chinese and EAL