May 12, 2016 - ikap o"kksZa dh NwV ,oa vU; fiNM+k oxZ ds fy, vk;q lhek esa rhu o"kksZa dh NwV½A. 2- ;g lHkh in iw.kZr;k
Division of Genetics ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi – 110012 Walk in interview for the posts of SRFs and Skilled helper (Unreserved) Four post of SRFs, two post of JRFs and two post of skilled helpers are available in the Division of Genetics in the various ICAR/DBT/ITC funded projects purely on contractual basis. The details along with interview date and venue are as under:
S. No.
No. of posts
Emoluments (Fixed per month)
Essential qualification
Date of Interview and Venue
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in ICAR Funded project entitled “CRP on Molecular Breeding (Wheat)” PI: Dr. Vinod
Rs. 25000 + 30% HRA (As per ICAR memorandum F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HR D Dated 13.07.2015 and F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HR D Dated 09.10.2015)
Essential: Master’s degree in Genetics/Plant Breeding/ Genetics and Plant Breeding/Biotechnology/Life Sciences with 4/5 years bachelor’s degree. Those with 3 years bachelor’s degree must have UGC/CSIR/ICAR NET qualification or equivalent or Ph.D. in any of above disciplines (As per ICAR memorandum F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD Dated 13.07.2015 and F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD Dated 09.10.2015) Desirable: Experience in use of molecular markers and proficiency in computer skills.
Date: 25th May, 2016
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in ICAR Funded project entitled “CRP on Hybrid Technology (Wheat)” PI: Dr. Vinod
Rs. 25000 + 30% HRA (As per ICAR memorandum F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HR D Dated 13.07.2015 and F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HR D Dated 09.10.2015)
Essential: Master’s degree in Genetics/Plant Breeding/ Genetics and Plant Breeding/Biotechnology/ Seed Science and Technology/Life Science with 4/5 years bachelor’s degree. Those with 3 years bachelor’s degree must have UGC/CSIR/ICAR NET qualification or equivalent or Ph.D. in any of above disciplines (As per ICAR memorandum F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD Dated 13.07.2015 and F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD Dated 09.10.2015) Desirable: Working experience on research and development of hybrids in crops and proficiency in computer skills.
Date: 25th May, 2016
Venue: Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110012
Venue: Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110012
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in DBT Funded project entitled “Marker assisted pyramiding of APR and SR gens for durable rust resistance in wheat (T. aestivum L.)” PI: Dr. Vinod
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in ITC Funded project entitled “Marker assisted transfer of Rht gene in wheat variety C306” PI: Dr. Vinod
Skilled helper in DBT Funded project entitled “Marker assisted pyramiding of APR and SR gens for durable rust resistance in wheat (T. aestivum L.)” PI: Dr. Vinod
Skilled helper in ITC Funded project entitled “Marker assisted transfer of Rht gene in wheat variety C-306” PI: Dr. Vinod
Rs. 25,000 + 30% HRA. Or Rs 28,000+ 30% HRA with 2 years experience. (As per DST OM No. SR/S9/Z09/2012 Dated 21/10/2014)
Rs. 25000 + 30% HRA (As per ICAR memorandum F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HR D Dated 13.07.2015 and F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HR D Dated 09.10.2015)
Rs.11000.00 (Fixed)
Rs.10998.00 (Fixed) As per the minimum wages of Govt. of NCT, Delhi. (F. No. 12(142)/OL/MW/ VII/348, Dated 31.03.2015).
Essential: Master’s degree in Genetics/Plant Breeding/ Genetics and Plant Breeding/Biotechnology/Life Sciences with 4/5 years bachelor’s degree. Those with 3 years bachelor’s degree must have UGC/CSIR/ICAR NET qualification or equivalent or Ph.D. in any of above disciplines Desirable: Experience in use of molecular markers and proficiency in computer skills Essential: Master’s degree in Genetics/Plant Breeding/ Genetics and Plant Breeding/Biotechnology/Life Sciences with 4/5 years bachelor’s degree. Those with 3 years bachelor’s degree must have UGC/CSIR/ICAR NET qualification or equivalent or Ph.D. in any of above disciplines (As per ICAR memorandum F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD Dated 13.07.2015 and F. No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD Dated 09.10.2015) Desirable: Experience in use of molecular markers and proficiency in computer skills. Essential: 10th or equivalent Desirable: Experience in field and lab work related to agriculture
Essential: 10th or equivalent Desirable: Experience in field and lab work related to agriculture
Date: 25th May, 2016 Venue: Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110012
Date: 25th May, 2016 Venue: Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110012
Date: 25th May, 2016 Venue: Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110012 Date: 25th May, 2016 Venue: Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110012
Terms & Conditions i.
Age limit: Maximum age is 35 years for SRF and 30 years for skilled helper (age relaxation of five years for SC/ST & women and three years for OBC)
The posts are purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis initially up to March 2017, extendable till the termination of the project subject to satisfactory performance.
The candidate shall not claim regular appointment at this Institute, as the post is co-terminus with the project.
The interview of eligible candidates will be held according to schedule given above.
The candidates will have to compulsorily bring the filled in application form (as per the format annexed), all the original certificates from matriculation onwards, date of birth certificate, NET/equivalent certificate, degree certificate either original or provisional and one set of the self-attested photocopies of all the required certificates from matriculation onwards and an attested copy of recent passport size photograph pasted onto the application form. Proof of experience and publications also need to be submitted.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Only the candidates meeting essential qualifications would be interviewed
Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of such candidates.
The candidates are required to submit the application at the time of interview as per the format annexed along with the declaration
The candidate intending to attend the interview, if any of his/ her near or distant relative is an employee of the ICAR/IARI, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties, relationship in writing so as to reach Principal Investigator of mentioned projects, Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI New Delhi (
[email protected]) by 20th May, 2016. If on the date of interview such declaration is furnished and found that his relative is an employee of ICAR/IARI, such candidate will not be allowed for interview.
All the other candidates are also required compulsorily to furnish the declaration duly signed in the format annexed and submit on the date of interview.
The candidates have to strictly submit the form annexed (typed/filled) duly signed and submit on the date of interview
Reporting time for interview: 9:00-10.00 AM at Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi - 110012
Senior Administrative Officer Division of Genetics, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi-110012
Application Form Application for the post of ………………………………… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Full Name (In Block letters) Father’s Name Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age as on date of Interview Address with pin code {a. Permanent address and b. For communication}
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Mobile No. E-mail Address Sex Marital status Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/General (Attach proof)
Attested Passport size photograph
11 Details of Educational Qualification from 10th onwards (Attach attested copies of certificates) Degree
Year of passing
Maximum marks
Marks obtained
12. Details of Experience (include experience of one year and above only, attach the proof) S. No
Period (from)
13. Details of publications (only published research papers with proof) 14. No objection certificate from present employer 15. Additional information, if any 16. Self declaration regarding truthfulness in application
Period (to)
Total experience
I also hereby declare that none of my near or distant relative is an employee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)/ Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). If found otherwise and in the event of non-declaring the same as prescribed in the advertisement, my candidature to the Interview and my selection to the post be cancelled. I ……………….hereby declare that all statements made in the application are true/ correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect, my candidature/appointment may be cancelled without any notice.
Date & Place
Full name of the Candidate
Declaration I …………………………………, is willing to attend for the interview of …………………………. on 12.05.2016 in Genetics Division. The following particular of my relative in ICAR is furnished as per the requirement of the advertisement for attending the interview: Name
Nature of duties : Relationship
Date & Place Signature Full name of the Candidate
vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx] Hkk-Ñ-v-i-&Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuql/a kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh&110012 ofj"B vuqla/kku v/;s;rk dq'ky lgk;d inks ads fy, izR;{k lk{kkRdkj ¼vukjf{kr½ vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx esa Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuql/a kku ifj"kn,
डी बी टी, आई टी सि
}kjk fofRr; lgk;rk izkIr fofHkUu
ifj;kstukvksa esa ofj"B vuql/a kku v/;s;rk ¼,l-vkj-,Q-½ ds चार, जे.-vkj-.,Q- ds nks ,oa dq'ky lgk;dksa ds nks iw.kZr;k vLFkkbZ in miyC/k gSaA lk{kkRdkj dh rkjh[ksa ,oa LFkku ds lkFk fooj.k fuEu izdkj ls gSa% Øe la-
Hkk-Ñ-v-i- }kjk fofRr; lgk;rk izkIr vkf.od iztuu ij la?k vuql/a kku ifj;kstuk ¼गेहू½ esa ofj"B vuqla/kku v/;s;rk ¼,lvkj-,Q-½ Á/kku vUos"kd% डॉ. विनोद
Hkk-Ñ-v-i- }kjk fofRr; lgk;rk izkIr ladj izk| s kSfxdh ij la?k vuql/a kku ifj;kstuk ¼गेहू½ esa ofj"B vuqla/kku v/;s;rk ¼,lvkj-,Q-½ Á/kku vUos"kd% डॉ. विनोद
inksa IkkfjJfed ¼izfr ekg dh fLFkj½ la[;k ,d :- 25000 $ 30 izfr'kr x`g vkoklh; HkRrk ¼HkkÑ-v-i- ds Kkiu Qkby la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@ 2014&,p-vkj-Mhfnukad 13-07-2015 rFkk la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@2014 &,p-vkj-Mh- fnuakd 09-10-2015½
vko';d% 4@5 o"kksZa esa Lukrd mikf/k ds lkFk vkuqokaf'kdh@ikni iztuu@ vkuqokaf'kdh ,oa ikni iztuu@ tSoizks|ksfxdh@tho foKku esa LukrdksRrj mikf/k vFkok bUgh fo"k;ksa esa ih-,p-MhA rhu o"khZ; Lukrd mikf/k okys mEehnokjksa ds ikl usV ¼;w-th-lh-] vkbZ-lh-,-vkj-]lh,l-vkbZ-vkj½ ;k blds led{k ;ksX;rk vfuok;Z gS ¼Hkk-Ñ-v-ids Kkiu Qkby la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@ 2014&,pvkj-Mh- fnukad 13-07-2015 rFkk la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@2014&,p-vkjMh- fnuakd 09-10-2015½ okafNr% vkf.od fpUgdks ds iz;ksx dk vuqHko ,oa lax.kd dkS'ky esa izoh.krk :- 25000 $ 30 vko';d% 4@5 o"kksZa esa Lukrd izfr'kr x`g mikf/k ds lkFk vkoklh; HkRrk ¼Hkk- vkuqokaf'kdh@ikni iztuu@ Ñ-v-i- ds Kkiu vkuqokaf'kdh ,oa ikni Qkby la- Ñf"k iztuu@ tSoizks|kSfxdh@ cht f'k{kk@6@27@ foKku ,oa izk| s kSfxdh tho@ 2014&,p-vkj-MhfoKku esa LukrdksRrj mikf/k fnukad 13-07-2015 vFkok bUgh fo"k;ksa esa ih-,p-MhrFkk la- Ñf"k A rhu o"khZ; Lukrd mikf/k f'k{kk@6@27@2014 okys mEehnokjksa ds ikl usV &,p-vkj-Mh- fnuakd ¼;w-th-lh-] vkbZ-lh-,-vkj-]lh09-10-2015½ ,l-vkbZ-vkj½ ;k blds led{k ;ksX;rk vfuok;Z gS ¼Hkk-Ñ-v-i-
lk{kkRdkj dh rkjh[k ,oa LFkku fnukad% 25 ebZ] 2016 LFkku% vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx] Hkk-Ñ-v-i-&Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuql/a kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh&110012
fnukad% 2016
LFkku% vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx] Hkk-Ñ-v-i-&Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuqla/kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh&110012
डी बी टी
}kjk fofRr; lgk;rk
गेहू में टटकाऊ रस्ट
प्रतिरोधी क्षमिा के सऱए A P R एिं S R जीन की माककर
असिस्टे ड वऩरासमडडंग¼जे.vkj-,Q-½
:- २५000 $ ३0 izfr'kr x`g vkoklh; HkRrk ि :- २८000 $ ३0 izfr'kr x`g vkoklh; HkRrk २िर्क vuqHkoके िाथ
Á/kku vUos"kd% डॉ. विनोद
¼tSoizk| s ksfxdh विभाग ds Kkiu Qkby la- SR/S9/Z09/2012fnuakd
ds Kkiu Qkby la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@ 2014&,pvkj-Mh- fnukad 13-07-2015 rFkk la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@2014&,p-vkjMh- fnuakd 09-10-2015½ okafNr% Qlyksa dh ladj fdLeksa ds vuqla/kku ,oa fodkl esa vuqHko ,oa lax.kd dkS'ky esa izoh.krk vko';d% 4@5 o"kksZa esa Lukrd mikf/k ds lkFk vkuqokaf'kdh@ikni iztuu@ vkuqokaf'kdh ,oa ikni iztuu@ tSoizks|kSfxdh@ cht foKku ,oa izk| s kSfxdh tho@ foKku esa LukrdksRrj mikf/k vFkok bUgh fo"k;ksa esa ih-,p-MhA rhu o"khZ; Lukrd mikf/k okys mEehnokjksa ds ikl usV ¼;w-th-lh-] vkbZ-lh-,-vkj-]lh,l-vkbZ-vkj½ ;k blds led{k ;ksX;rk vfuok;Z gS okafNr% vkf.od fpUgdks ds iz;ksx dk vuqHko ,oa lax.kd dkS'ky esa izoh.krk
fnukad% 25 ebZ] 2016 LFkku% vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx] Hkk-Ñ-v-i-&Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuql/a kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh&110012
21/10/2014 के
आई टी सि
}kjk fofRr; lgk;rk
माककर की िहायिा िे गेहू
की ककस्म C -306 में R ht जीन का स्थान्िरण
Á/kku vUos"kd% डॉ. विनोद
:- 25000 $ 30 izfr'kr x`g vkoklh; HkRrk ¼HkkÑ-v-i- ds Kkiu Qkby la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@ 2014&,p-vkj-Mhfnukad 13-07-2015 rFkk la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@2014 &,p-vkj-Mh- fnuakd 09-10-2015½
vko';d% 4@5 o"kksZa esa Lukrd mikf/k ds lkFk vkuqokaf'kdh@ikni iztuu@ vkuqokaf'kdh ,oa ikni iztuu@ tSoizks|kSfxdh@ cht foKku ,oa izk| s kSfxdh tho@ foKku esa LukrdksRrj mikf/k vFkok bUgh fo"k;ksa esa ih-,p-MhA rhu o"khZ; Lukrd mikf/k okys mEehnokjksa ds ikl usV ¼;w-th-lh-] vkbZ-lh-,-vkj-]lh,l-vkbZ-vkj½ ;k blds led{k ;ksX;rk vfuok;Z gS ¼Hkk-Ñ-v-ids Kkiu Qkby la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@ 2014&,pvkj-Mh- fnukad 13-07-2015 rFkk la- Ñf"k f'k{kk@6@27@2014&,p-vkjMh- fnuakd 09-10-2015½ okafNr% Qlyksa dh ladj
fnukad% 2016
LFkku% vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx] Hkk-Ñ-v-i-&Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuqla/kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh&110012
डी बी टी
}kjk fofRr; lgk;rk
गेहू में टटकाऊ रस्ट
कुऱ मात्र
प्रतिरोधी क्षमिा के सऱए A P R
fdLeksa ds vuqla/kku ,oa fodkl esa vuqHko ,oa lax.kd dkS'ky esa izoh.krk fnukad% 11000 vko';d% 10oha ikl vFkok 2016 led{k
okafNr% Ñf"k lEcaf/kr [ksr ,oa iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z dk vuqHko
एिं S R जीन की माककर असिस्टे ड वऩरासमडडंग
esa dq'ky lgk;d Á/kku vUos"kd% डॉ. विनोद 6
आई टी सि
}kjk fofRr; lgk;rk
izkIr माककर की िहायिा िे गेहू की ककस्म C -306 में R ht जीन का स्थान्िरण esa
dq'ky lgk;d Á/kku vUos"kd% डॉ. विनोद
:- 10998 ¼fLFkj½ jkjk-{ks- fnYyh ljdkj ds U;wure osru ds fglkc ls ¼Qkby la- 12¼142½@vks-,y@,e-MCY;w-@7@ 348 fnukad 31-032015½
LFkku% vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx] Hkk-Ñ-v-i-&Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuqla/kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh&110012
vko';d% 10oha ikl vFkok fnukad% 25 ebZ] led{k 2016 okafNr% Ñf"k lEcaf/kr [ksr ,oa iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z dk vuqHko LFkku% vkuqokaf'kdh laHkkx] Hkk-Ñ-v-i-&Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuqla/kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh&110012
fu;e ,oa 'krZsa 1- vk;q lhek% ofj"B vuqla/kku v/;s;rk ¼,l-vkj-,Q-½ ds fy, vf/kdre vk;q lhek 35 o"kZ ,oa dq'ky lgk;dksa ds fy, vf/kdre vk;q lhek 30 o"kZ ¼vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr rFkk efgykvksa ds fy, vk;q lhek esa ikap o"kksZa dh NwV ,oa vU; fiNM+k oxZ ds fy, vk;q lhek esa rhu o"kksZa dh NwV½A 2- ;g lHkh in iw.kZr;k vLFkkbZ gSa rFkk ekpZ 2017 rd vuqc/a k ij Hkjs tka,xs tksfd dk;Z larks"ktud gksus ij ifj;kstuk ds [kRe gkus rd c