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Seniors get another computer free email option
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Written by Staff Tuesday, 06 February 2007 Making email and other communication technologies accessible to technophobes, seniors and others with access to computers and the 'net is becoming a big service business.
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Seniors get another computer free email option
TROY, NY (Feb. 5, 2007)--Computer-shy seniors use "Celery" to exchange email valentines. Winner of a coveted 2006 "Best of What's New" award from Popular Science, fax-based Celery mail service allows longhand letter-writers to send and receive email without a computer. The system requires only a home phone line, which it shares, and promotes two-way communication between computer-shy and computer-savvy loved ones. Celery subscriptions bought between now and Feb. 14, 2007 will receive free service through Valentine's Day.
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Celery was "inspired by friends and family who don't use computers," said CEO Andrew Gibson from company headquarters in Troy, NY. "They
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guided our efforts to create a computer-free email exchange system that was as simple and easy-to-use as possible. We designed Celery to let
people correspond in the way that suits them best." The person who purchases Celery for a relative or close friend becomes the user's Celery Buddy, a trusted helper. Celery is an affordable and
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popular gift, according to Gibson. "Our most reluctant users quickly discover how easy it is to use, and they love it--we get thank you notes every day." Send Longhand Love Letters as Email Celery users just block print recipient names at the top of a handwritten letter or other paper document, place it in a Celery device, and press two buttons. Celery scans the letter, locates the recipient names in the user's Celery address book, and sends the image of the
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Receive Heartwarming Email and Color Photos To receive email, Celery users simply answer a friendly phone call. Celery then delivers and automatically prints the incoming message and photo attachments. Each Celery user is given a unique email address, so computer users reply to Celery messages just like regular email.
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Trudy Mahoney of Long Boat Key, Florida, doesn’t use a computer. Because her "whole family uses email," Mahoney's son, who lives in the Midwest, purchased Celery for her as a gift. "I just want to let you know how happy I am with Celery," stated Mahoney. "Now I can keep in touch with my family in Thailand, Greece, and Argentina." University of Illinois student Becky Bloom gave Celery to her skeptical 78 year-old grandmother, Sassy. "She told me that I was crazy," stated Bloom. "But on her birthday she received tons of emails--and then she called me [to say] she really, really, really likes the service." Celery Roots
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letter as email.
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The name "Celery" is a whimsical play on the Latin word Celeritas, which means speed. "We bring old-fashioned mail up to speed," said Gibson. "Communication nourishes loving social connections, and our service helps intergenerational relationships flourish. We feel the naturally restorative power of these interactions is well expressed in our snappy, down-to-earth name."
Denver, Colorado Weather Denver, Colorado Weather Celery-ready fax devices and subscriptions can be purchased online at www.mycelery.com :: 42F Partly cloudy or by phone at 1-866-MY-CELERY. Twelve months of color service with a device costs 42F Partly cloudy $259, and includes free and friendly technical support. Forecast for Today Partly sunny. Highs 54 to 64. Warmest near the foothills. Forecast for Tonight Partly cloudy. Lows 26 to 34. Forecast for Wednesday Mostly sunny. Highs 40 to 46. Forecast for Wednesday Night Mostly cloudy. Lows 21 to 27. Forecast for Thursday Mostly cloudy. Highs 39 to 44. Forecast for Thursday Night Mostly cloudy. Lows 19 to 25. Regis University News ADSMANAGER MENU
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