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Sep 15, 2000 - Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport (measured in. Sverdrups) is not sufficient for an adequate simulation of equatorial watermasses.

Sensitivity of Equatorial Watermasses

to the

Pacific and Indian Ocean


of the


Throughflow Keith B. Rodgers 1, Mojib Latif, and StephanieLegutke Max-Plam:k-Institut fiir Meteorologie, Hamburg, Germany

Abstract. The sensitivity of the thermal struct•re of the equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean pycnoclines to a model's representation of the Indonesian Straits connecting the two basins is investigated. Two integrations are performed using the global HOPE ocean model. The initial conditions and surface forcing for both cases are identical; the only difference between the runs is that one has an openingfor the Indonesian Straits which spansthe equator on the Pacific side, and the other has an opening which lies fully north of the equator. The resulting sensitivity throughout much of

the upper oceanis greaterthan 0.5øC for both the equatorial


and Pacific.

A realistic


of net

Model Description The model used for this study is the global HOPE

(HamburgOceanPrimitiveEquation)model[Wolff et al., 1997]. The modelwasoriginallyappliedto tropical circulationstudiesby Latif [1987]. Model calculationsareperformedonan ArakawaE-grid[Amkawaand Lamb, 1977],and horizontalderivativesare calculated using second-ordercentered differences. The


used here

is the

sanhe as that


for the ocean componentof the coupled GCM ECHO-

2 (ECHAM/HOPE)integrations as discussed by Latif and Barnett [1994,1996]and Frey et al. [1997]. The

IndonesianThroughflow(ITF) transport (measuredin ocean has 20 unevenly spaced vertical layers, with 10 Sverdrups)is not sufficientfor an adequatesimulation of these in the upper 225 meters. The meridional resof equatorial watermasses.The ITF must also contain a realistic source


of northern

and southern



olution is 2.8ø in the extratropics, and is gradually increaseduntil it reaches0.5ø within 10ø of the equator, enabling the model to have a realistic representationof the narrow equatorial current system and waves. The zonal resolution


The purpose of this study is to better understand the sensitivity of equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean watermassesto the position of the Indonesian Straits connectingthe Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is known

that the IndonesianThroughflow(ITF), with a mean transport of between 5 and 10 Sverdrups,plays an important role in determining the watermass properties

is 2.8 ø for the entire domain.

The daily forcing fields for momentum and heat used for the experimentsdescribedhere •ire taken from an integration of the ECHAM4 AGCM at T42 resolu-

tion [Roeckner et al., 1996]. The lowerboundarycondition for that integration consistedof AMIP climatological SSTs for the period 1979-1988. In addition to using the heat fluxes from the ECHAM4 integration, a relaxation term to AMIP climatologicalSSTs is accom-

plishedwith a restoringterm of 40 W m-2 K -•. Sea of the equatorialIndian and PacificOceans[Gordon, surface salinities were relaxed to observed values with 1986; Godfrey,1996]. Previousoceanmodelingstuda timescale of 30 days. For both cases,the model was ies [Hirst and Godfrey,1993;Murtuguddeet al., 1998; initializedwith annualmeantemperature[Levitusand Rodgerset al., 1999;Rodgerset al., 2000],comparing Boyer•1994]and salinity [Levituset al., 1994]climaruns with an "open" versus "closed"ITF, have shown a strong sensitivity in the resulting sea surfacetemper-

tologies, and integrated for 40 years. The two configurationsusedfor the sensitivitystudy ature (SST) in the EasternEquatorial Pacificof order described here differ only in their land-sea mask de1øC. The sensitivitystudy which we presenthere differs scribingthe northern coast of New Guinea. The landfrom the earlier onesin that we comparetwo runs which sea masks for casesA and B are shown in Figures l a both include an ITF, but with different representations and lb, respectively. In the figures,grey shadingindiof the coastline of New Guinea. cates land points for the model donhain,with the realworld coastlinessuperposedas black contours. For case Now at LSCE, Gif sur Yvette, France A, the northern coast of New Guinea doesn't reach the equator; its northernmost extent is 3øS. For caseB, it Copyright2000 by theAmericanGeophysical Union. reaches2øN. Case A is the control run; it is the landsea mask which has been used for the coupledECHO-2 Papernumber1999GL002372. 0094-8276/00/1999GL002372505.00 runs. This study was motivated by a desire to under2941





-. - ..L_•..I..•.,

1 x

Flowfield, Ca•

Flowfield, 6ase A. Z=125


B, Z=125

Figure 1. The modelflowfields in the westernequatorialPacificat 125m depthfor (a) caseA and (b) caseB.

stand why the ECHO simulationsare characterizedby a cold bias in eastern equatorial Pacific SSTs.

It is knownfrom observations [Godfrey,1996]that

Current (SEC) water flowingwestwardin the Pacific between 2øS and 8øS impinging on the coast of New Guinea near 150øW joins the ITF, and thus flows to the Indian Ocean. The ITF, however, is fed primarily by Northern Hemisphericthermoclinewater in caseB

the vast majority of the Throughflow passesthrough the Makassar Strait in the real ocean. In Figure la the Makassar Strait correspondsto the passagecross- (Fig. lb). Away from this region, the differencesin ing the equator at approximately 116øE. The Makassar circulation fields for the two runs are quite small. As Strait is bounded to the east by Sulawesi,whosenorth- we shall see, this relatively local change in circulation ern boundary at 3øN forms the southern boundary of has basin-wide consequencesfor the upper ocean heat the throughflow opening on the Pacific side. For the content and watermasspropertiesof the tropical Pacific model domain shown in Figure la, the position of the and Indim• Oceans. The annual mean vertically integrated Indonesian westernboundary point for the Throughflow is shifted 2 gridpoints,or approximately6ø longitude, to the east of throughflowtransport for caseA is 14.7 Sverdrups,and the real-world Makassar Strait. Given that the strength for case B it is 15.2 Sverdrups. Thus the differencein of the Throughflowcalculatedby the model is quite sen- mean transport between the two runs is lessthan 4 per sitive to the width of the passage,and our interest in cent. Howeverthere is a significantdifferencein the amunderstandingthe sensitivityof the oceancomponentof plitude of the seasonalcyclefor the two runs: for caseA the coupledECHO model to the position of the mouth the amplitudeof the seasonalcycleis 11.0 Sverdrups, of the Throughflow, the extendednorthern boundary of whereas for case B it is 4.8 Sv. The difference (caseB minuscaseA) in annualmean New Guinea shown in Figure lb is meant to represent dynamically the effective barrier posed by the coast of temperaturesat 125 m depth is shownin Figure 2.

Clearly the Pacificthermoclineis warmerfor caseB

Sulawesi in the real ocean.

After 20 years of model integration, the differences between the two runs change very little for the Pacific and Indian

Ocean thermoclines.

The results shown are

for the annual mean of the 30th year of model integration. First we describe differences in circulation fields, and then we describe differences in the temperature fields for cases A and B.

Results The differences

in annual

mean flowfields

for the west-

ern equatorial Pacific at 125 meters depth for casesA and B are shownin Figures la and lb, respectively.For each case,the even componentof the land-seamask cor30'E 60'E 90'E 120'E 150'E 18½ 153'W 12ffW ,90'W 60'W x respondingto the E-grid is shown. This depth horizon TemperatureDifference,Case B minusCase A, Z=125 is chosenbecauseit correspondsto the depth of maximum ITF transport for the model, where the differ- Figure 2. The annual mean temperaturedifference encesin circulation are expected to be largest. It can (caseB minuscaseA) at 125m depthfor the 30th year be seen(Fig. la) that much of the SouthEquatorial of model intergration.






there is a 2øC meridionalgradient in temperature across the equator along isopycnalsurfacesin the equatorial

Pacific[Figure11aof Rodgers et al., 1999],whichis due to differences

in surface


fitLxes between


North and South Pacific. For isopycnalsurfaceswithin the pycnocline, South Pacific waters are warmer and saltier





Secondly,the only significantchange in circulation between

case A and case B is local to the western bound-

ary region of the equatorial Pacific thermocline. When /•]•

....• 150'E


m 180'





150'W x

I 120*W

the ITF openingis to the southof the equator(caseA),

there is a tendencyfor warm southernhemisphericwater to feed the ITF, and for coldernorthern hemispheric waters to supply the EUC. Conversely,when the open-


Temperature Difference, CaseB minusCaseA,

Figure 3. The annum mean temperature difference ing is to the north (caseB), the ITF is primarily sup(caseB minus caseA) along Y=0øN for the 30th year plied by water from the Northern Hemisphere,and there of model integration. is a strongersoutherncomponentin the upwellingin the eastern equatorial Pacific. The structure of the open than for case A, and the Indian Ocean thermocline is ocean equatorial currents is largely the same for both cooler. Temperature differencesin excessof 0.5ø extend cases in both the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Thus, over much of the equatorial Pacific thermocline, with the basin-wide sensitivity in thermocline temperatures maximum differencesin excessof 1.5øCnear the equator which we have seenin this study results from localized changesin circulation. The flow scenariofor case B is at 160øE. These differences trace the downstream advective signature of the Equatorial Undercurrent. Like-

supportedby observations.Ffield and Gordon[1992]

wise for the Indian Ocean, where differences in excess have shown that the ITF is dominated by northern

of løC exist throughout much of the equatorial thermocline, maximum differences in excess of 2ø between

8øS and 12øS trace the position of the South Equatorial Current (SEC). Upon reachingthe coastof Africa at the western boundary, a portion of the SEC turns north, and then ventilates the equatorial thermocline. A vertical sectionof temperature differencesalong the equator (Figure 3) revealsa significantchangein the heat content of the upper tropical oceanswhen going from case A to caseB. Case B is warmer over much of the Pacific thermocline by more than 0.5øC, with differencesof greater than 1.0øC correspondingto the •pper part of the EUC. The maximum differenceoccurs

sources,and Tsuchiyaet al. [1989]and Giriou and Toole[1993]have shownusingsalinitymeasurements that the EUC is comprisedof more than 50% South Pacific


It will be of interest to seewhat the sensitivity of the coupled system would be to the changesin the landsea mask

as described




used here is

a component of the coupled atmosphere-oceanmodel

ECHO-G [Legutke and Voss,1998].An earlierversionof the coupled GCM, ECHO-2, exhibits SSTs which have

a cold bias in the easternequatorialPacific [Frey et al., 1997].Thus the land-seamaskshownin Figurelb

should improve matters, sincefor the stand-alone ocean model it results in more warm southernhemisphericwaport within the Indonesian Straits occurson a shallower ter being upwelled in the eastern equatorial Pacific. It isopycnalsurface than does the core of the EUC in the western equatorial Pacific. At 50 rn depth, the effects are clearly larger in the central and easternpart of the above the core of the EUC

since the maximum



The maximum temperat,re differencesseenin Figure 3 are not merely an artifact of changesin the mean depth of the pycnoline. These differencesare equally large when the model's output is analysedisopycnally. This can be seen in Figure 4, which showsthe annual mean temperature difference for the cr0=25.0 isopycnal surface. Here temperature differencesin excessof 0.5øC extendwithin the undercurrentto approximately 120øW.


Figure 4. The annual mean temperature difference The differencesin thermoclinetemperaturesbetween (caseB minuscaseA) on the cr0=25.0isopycnalsurface casesA and B are the result of two factors. Firstly, for the 30th year of model integration.







remains to be seenwhat the effect would be on coupled Frcy, H., M. Latif, and T. Stockdale, The Coupled GCM ECHO-2. Part I: The Tropical Pacific. Mon. Wea. Rev., atmosphere-oceanmodes of variability, such as ENSO.

For the 1/6ø ParallelOceanClimatemodel(POCP), GordonandMcClean[1999]haveshownthat the simulated ITF is dominated by Southern Pacific water, with the consequencethat their Pacific thermocline is too

cold. Wajsowicz[1999]has arguedthat this is largely due to the choiceof wind stressclimatologyusedto force the model, and points out that there exist important discrepenciesbetween commonly used wind stress climatologiesin the position of the mean zero wind stress curl line at the western boundary or the basin. This effect could certainly have the samesign as the sensitivity to model bathymetry we have discussedhere. Important questions regarding the dynamical controls on the Throughflow transport pathways and composition will require higher resolution than is currently available for ocean componentsof coupled models such

as ours. For example,Nor [1996]hasshownthat the retrofiectionof the SEC could play an important role in determining the compositionof the Throughflow.

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Case B exhibits

and a cooler Indian

a warmer


Ocean thermocline

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K. B. Rodgers, Mojib Latif, and S. Lcgutke, MPI, Hamburg. (e-maih rodgers(•,latif(•, and lcgutke(•dkrz.dc) (Rcceiw•'dJuly 16, 1999; revised December 23, 1999; accepted January 21, 2000.)