Sensors in medicine - NCBI

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A dosed loop device (VIA Medical, San Diego, CA) is ... neonate. * Scientists have developed a lightweight fully auto- matic system ... ambulatory programs outside the home. Hospital .... nomic classes with access to sophisticated medical tech-.

Best Practice

treatment of addictions, such as smoking and drug misuse, via the generation of immune responses against nicotine and cocaine, for example.

SOCIAL FACTORS Social factors have also had an impact on vaccine development. For example, more effort is being made to eliminate the need for syringe injections, in an effort to make vaccines both more accessible in parts of the world and more acceptable from the patient's perspective. Likewise, the knowledge that each year millions of children worldwide die from infectious diseases for which vaccines exist, has spurred efforts to make more stable vaccines that do not need refrigeration or devices for delivery. And finally, the very success of vaccines at eliminating untold morbidity and mortality and the increased understanding of immune responses have raised expectations to desire prevention or cure of a myriad of diseases in addition to infectious diseases. The proved value of vaccines, coupled with powerful new technologies, promise that they will have an increasing role in efforts to improve the health of the denizens, both human and animal, of the planet. ....................................................................................................


1 Guleria I, Teitelbaum R, McAdam RA, et al. Auxotrophic vaccines for tuberculosis. Nature Med 1996;2:334-37. 2 Levine MM, Galen J, Barry E, Noriega F, Chatfield S, Sztein M, et al. Attenuated salmonella as live oral vaccines against typhoid fever and as live vectors. J Biotechnol. 1996;44:193-196. 3 Ferrari G, Humphrey W, McElrath MJ, et al. Clade B-based HIV-1 vaccines elicit cross-dade cytotoxic T lymphocyte reactivities in uninfected volunteers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1997;94:1396-1401. 4 Polo JM, Belli BA, Driver DA, et al. Stable alphavirus packaging cell lines for Sindbis virus and Semliki Forest virus-derived vectors. Proc Natd Acad Sci USA. 1999;96:4598-4603.

Sensors in Charles B Wilson

Institute for the Future Menlo Park, CA

94025-7020 Correspondence to: Dr Wilson

[email protected]. edu Competing interests: None dedared.

This paper was originally published on the BMJ's website


Sensors are devices that detect physical, chemical and biological signals and provide a way for those signals to be measured and recorded.1 Physical properties that can be sensed include temperature, pressure, vibration, sound level, light intensity, load or weight, flow rate of gases and liquids, amplitude of magnetic and electronic fields, and concentrations of many substances in gaseous, liquid, or solid form. Although sensors of today are where computers were in 1970, medical applications of sensors are taking off because of advances in microchip technologies and molecular chemistry.2'3 Sensors have played an important role in many industries, providing the mechanical "vision" used for counting,

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5 Donnelly JJ, Ulmer JB, Shiver JW, et al.. DNA vaccines. Annu Rev Immunol. 1997;15:617-648. 6 Belshe RB, Mendelman PM, Treanor J, et al. The efficacy of live attenuated, cold-adapted, trivalent, intranasal influenza virus vaccine in children. N Engo J Med. 1998;338:1405-1412. 7 Nichol KL, Mendelman PM, Mallon KP, et al. Effectiveness of live, attenuated intranasal influe nza virus vaccine in healthy, working adults: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 1999;282:137-144. 8 Giuliani MM, Del Giudice G, Giannelli V, et al. Mucosal adjuvanticity and immunogenicity of LTR72, a novel mutant of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin with partial knockout of ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. J Exp Med. 1998;187:1123-1 132. 9 Douce G, Turcotte C, Cropley I, et al. Mutants of Escherichia coli heat-labile toxin lacking ADP-ribosyltransferase activity act as nontoxic, mucosal adjuvants. Proc Nad Acad Sci USA. 1995;92:1644-1648. 10 Kodoff KL, Noriega F, Losonsky GA, et al. Safety, immunogenicity, and transmissibility in humans of CVD 1203, a live oral Shigella flexneri 2a vaccine candidate attenuated by deletions in aroA and virG. Infect Immun. 1996;64:4542-4548. 11 Tacket CO, Kelly SM, Schodel F, et al. Safety and immunogenicity in humans of an attenuated Salmonella typhi vaccine vector strain expressing plasmid-encoded hepatitis B antigens stabilized by the Asd-balanced lethal vector system. Infect Immun. 1997;65:3381-3385. (Correction in Infect Immun 1997;65:3981) 12 Sizemore DR, Branstrom AA, SadoffJC. Attenuated bacteria as a DNA delivery vehide for DNA-mediated immunization. Vaccine. 1997; 1 5:804-847. 13 Hone DM, Wu S, Powell RJ, et al. Optimization of live oral Salmonella-HIV-1 vaccine vectors for the induction of HIV-specific mucosal and systemic immune responses. J Biotechnol. 1996;44:203-207. 14 Mason HS, Ball JM, Shi JJ, et al. Expression of Norwalk virus capsid protein in transgenic tobacco and potato and its oral immunogenicity in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1996;93:5335-5340. 15 Tacket CO, Mason HS, Losonsky G, et al. Immunogenicity in humans of a recombinant bacterial antigen delivered in a transgenic potato. Nature Med 1998;4:607-609. 16 Glenn GM, Rao M, Matyas GR, et al. Skin immunization made possible by cholera toxin. Nature. 1998;391:851. 17 Minutello M, Senatore F, Cecchinelli G, et al. Safety and immunogenicity of an inactivated subunit influenza virus vaccine combined with MF59 adjuvant emulsion in elderly subjects, immunized for three consecutive influenza seasons. Vaccine. 1999; 17:99-104. 18 O'Hagan DT. Recent advances in vaccine adjuvants for systemic and mucosal administration. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1998;50:1-10.

sorting, reading, and robotic guidance. Tactile sensors, typically piezoelectric materials, generate voltage when touched, squeezed, or bent, or when their temperature is changed. Other sensors can detect specific chemical pressures and fluid levels. Cars, homes, and offices are loaded with sensors. In the short term, sensors used in medical applications will emit a signal that can be read at the point of determination or transferred by wire or wireless transmission to remote locations. Advances in microprocessor technologies have created a smart sensor that unites sensing capability and data processing in a single integrated circuit chip. The next step is combining sensing and processing with an actuator, such as microelectromechanical systems.4'5

Best Pract'ice1

SENSORS AT THE FOREFRONT Many sensor technologies used in industry can be applied in medicine, and in the future, as unique sensors and sensor dependent microelectromechanical systems are designed and tested, non-medical industries will adapt them for industrial applications. Within the medical world, there is a broadening intersection between information technology and biotechnology, and increasingly the role of sensors, signal transducers, actuators, and micromachines will broaden too. Some examples of new generation medical sensors indicate new roles that these devices will have in many areas of health care: * A subcutaneous system for the continuous monitoring and recording of tissue glucose concentrations in diabetic patients has just been approved in the United States. The next generation of implanted glucose sensors will give continuous values that can be read from remote hand held devices or desktops6-8 * One glucose sensor that looks like a watch sits on the skin and produces small electric shocks, which open up pores so that fluid can be extracted to monitor tissue glucose concentrations6 * Engineers for the Japanese company Toto have designed a toilet that analyses urine for glucose concentrations, registers weight and other basic readings, and automatically sends a daily report by modem to the user's physician * A new microtool can measure anatomy and movement in three dimensions using miniaturized sensors (18 mm x 8 mm x 8 mm), which can collect spatial data for the accurate reconstruct of ultrasound images of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, and other organs * A dosed loop device (VIA Medical, San Diego, CA) is now available for blood analysis of neonates in critical care units. Through an indwelling line blood is circulated through a chemistry sensor, analyzed in a minute, and returned, with no loss of blood to the neonate * Scientists have developed a lightweight fully automatic system for the detection of biological weapons. This system uses fluorescent antibodies, diode lasers, fiberoptics, and photodetectors to find airborne

bacteria9 * Pathogens can also be detected by another biosensor, which uses integrated optics, immunoassay techniques, and surface chemistry. Changes in a laser light transmitted by the sensor indicates the presence of specific bacteria, and this information can be available in hours * An Australian team has developed a highly stable and sensitive biosensor, which operates by switching the

* Sensors are all around us * Now sensors are moving into health care * Leading the way are sensors for the monitoring of

glucose and vital signs * Sensors will change the site of health care * Smart sensors will initiate an appropriate response, including treatment

ion channels in a lipid membrane. When activated, biological receptors such as antibodies and DNA convert a chemical event into an electric signal. One team reports it could measure the increase in sugar content of dropping one sugar cube into Sydney harbor * The next generation of cardiac pacemakers will become "smart" by receiving readings from various places in the body, such as oxygen saturation in the blood and cardiac wall pressure, allowing the pacemaker to adapt the heart's pacing to those real time

readings10 * Polymer wafers can be saturated with therapeutic agents, such as drugs or insulin.10 In the latter case, the wafer contains an enzyme that enables the wafer to change the pH and solubility of the insulin in response to changes in blood glucose concentrations. Smart wafers being tested on animals use magnetism or ultrasound to alter the dose of drug or to switch to another

drug * Scientists and engineers at Johns Hopkins Institute have developed a biochip photosensor, which can be implanted in the eye as an artificial retina for patients with macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa10 * Bacteria causing ear, nose, and throat infections can be instantly identified by an electronic "nose" that detects and differentiates the odors of growing bacteria11 * More than 20,000 people worldwide have been implanted with auditory sensors that bypass the nonfunctioning parts of the hearing mechanism. The first device that successfully interfaces with the human brain has become totally implantable with a battery that is digitally programmed and rechargeable by a portable inductive charging unit.12

IMPLICATIONS To say that sensors will have a transforming effect on health care overstates their impact in the short term but is realistic within 10 years. Sensor technology will move the place at which health care is delivered in the future, changVolume 171 November/December 1999 wjm 323

Best Practice

ing the roles of hospitals, outpatient sites, homes, and ambulatory programs outside the home.

Hospital The vent on the ceiling of the lobby will be an air monitor, which detects and reports any visitor who might transmit an airborne infection to a patient. Other sensors will be located in sinks for staff and visitors who are required to wash their hands before and after going into a patient's room. Any carrier will be swept with a handheld biosensor,13 which identifies the specific organism and its sensitivity pattern. The central laboratory will no longer exist. Less frequent tests will be done at a regional facility. The bacteriology laboratory will have been replaced by handheld biosensors, some of them functioning as electronic noses and others detecting and characterizing organisms in sputum, urine, and other secretions. The biochemistry laboratory will be gone too and replaced by chemical sensors worn by or implanted in every patient. For acutely ill patients, similar arrays of chemical sensors will be components of infusion catheters and beds. Values can be read by authorized staff on devices at any site. The table used in operating rooms, the gurney, and the hospital bed will be the same piece of equipment, which will be wheeled around by robots. A sophisticated life support for trauma and transport unit (LSTAT, Northrop Grumman) designed for use under battlefield conditions and commercialized after the turn of the century, was the forerunner of this mobile bed. The apparatus combines aerospace materials, information processing, and integrated systems technologies in a unit that is capable of autonomous function. Through the use of embedded sensors the bed can monitor vital signs and blood chemistries, and it is also equipped to provide, under the control of sensors, mechanical ventilation, suction, intravascular in-





Northrop Grumman's life support for trauma and transport unit, which was designled to be used on the hattlefield, uses emhedded sensors to monitor a patient's vital signs 324 wjm Volumc 1-1 November/D)ecenmber 1999

fusion, and cardiac defibrillation.The patient can remain on this unit for surgical procedures and for recovery, while being continuously monitored by smart sensors that can activate homeostatic programs in response to changes in the patient. A central intensive care unit will no longer be needed for monitoring patients who are acutely ill or who have had surgery, reducing the risk of cross infection. The cardiac catheter laboratory will have entered the age of molecular cardiology. Because pharmaceuticals have reduced the incidence of atherosclerosis and can dissolve plaques and clots, the number of patients requiring coronary angioplasty has dwindled.14 Instead, catheters directed by sensors will be used to deliver angiogenesis factors and cultivated myocardial cells to ischemic and damaged heart muscle. A few patients are being treated with new sensor-based micromachines that can remove plaque from coronary arteries.'5 OUTPATIENT SITE Patients provided with smart pacemakers, artificial retinas, and chemical sensors will be seen in a local ambulatory primary care clinic. The physician or nurse will obtain information on line about a patient's blood chemistries, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and temperature. A diabetic patient will have had no diabetes-related problem since having a smart glucose sensor or insulin reservoir system implanted. An elderly woman with transfusionrelated AIDS who seems healthy will be managed by a smart viral count sensor integrated with an implanted reservoir containing a drug. A smart sensor or drug reservoir system witl be equally effective in the management of a patient whose dysfunctional manic depressive illness is now modulated by chemical sensors that detect the initial chemical imbalance and actuate the injection of appropriate drugs. Home health care Telemedicine and sensor technologies will have moved the outpatient laboratory and the doctor's surgery into the living room. Interactive video conferencing, educational programs, and a broad range of sensors will provide health care at a distance. Patients will not need to tell nurses their weight because it, vital signs, and blood chemistry values will be seen by the nurse on a handheld device. The nurse will be able to inform patients whether their toilet reported bacteria in their urine, and the pharmacy will deliver a prescription accordingly.

Ambulatory treatment Smart blood pressure sensors will manage the drugs for patients with hypertension, sending an immediate alert to the central monitoring unit when integrated sensors for

Best Practice

cardiac function and vital signs indicate an unexpected problem. Episodes of diarrhea in patients with an irritable bowel syndrome will be detected as they begin to evolve and patients will be able to terminate these abrupdly by pressing a drug-filled subcutaneous reservoir. FINAL THOUGHT Within 10 years, biosensors will cause changes in sites of care and the configuration of delivery systems. In many cases, the quality of care will be improved and patients can be managed in their homes. Hospitals will operate differently, as well as more safely and efficiently. These advances will, however, be expensive and in many parts of the world irrelevant. New and better vaccines for preventing common conditions afflicting many millions throughout the world would be a far greater benefit to mankind than all the sensors that will be developed and manufactured in the next decade. The contrast between the upper socioeconomic classes with access to sophisticated medical technologies and the lower socioeconomic classes that continue to bear unnecessary morbidity and mortality underscore eliminating health inequities as one of our highest priorities.


I Heilman H. Beyond your senses. New York: Lodestar Books, 1997. 2 Buerk G. Biosensors. Theory and applications. Lancaster, PA: Technomic, 1993. 3 Fraden J. Handbook of modern sensors. 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 1996. 4 Frank R. Understanding smart sensors. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1996. 5 Joseph H, Swafford B, Terry S. MEMS in the medical world. Sensors

1997Apr:47-51. 6 Wiebe C. Keeping close watch. Am Med News 1 999:Jun 21. 7 Federal Drug Administration. Summaries of the meetings of the Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology Devices Panel. Federal Drug Administration, 1 999;Feb 26. 8 Pollack A. Stalking the wild glucose level. New York Times 1999 Feb 11. 9 Robinson K. Sensors detect biological weapons. Photonics Spectra 1 999;Jan:43. 10 Solovy A. Techno-treatment and the bodx eclectic. Hospitals and Health Networks 1998:Jul 5. 11 A taste of the future: the electronic tongue. CNN Interactive 999:Jan 28. 12 Zenner HP, Leysieffer H. Totally implantable hearing device for sensoriniural hearing loss. Lancet 1998;352:1751. 13 Allgood G, Manges WW, Smith SF. It's time for sensors to go wireless. Sensors 1999;Mav:70-80. 14 Pitt B, Waters D, Brown WV, Van Boven AJ, Schwartz L, Tide LM, et al. Aggressive lipid-lowering therapy compared with angioplastv in stable coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med 1999;341:70-76. 15 Regis E. Nano: the emerging science of nanotechnology. New York: Little, Brown, 1995.

Are we providing doctors with the training and tools for lifelong learning? Medical practice is evolving rapidly as new information supplants old. Gone are the days when newly graduated doctors were armed with most of the information they would need for a lifetime of practice. Today's clinicians are required to be lifelong learners so that they continue to adapt to the changing ecology of the medical environment. Are our educational systems preparing doctors for this role? LEARNING TO LEARN Learning and developing competency in medicine is a little like running a bakery. We begin our medical education by having professors and teachers stock our empty shelves with new "loaves" of information. We, of course, do all the heavy lifting-the actual learning-to get this information onto the shelves, but our teachers are always there to tell us what bread to stock and what to do with it. People who are good at "stocking their shelves" with information given to them by their teachers make good medical students. They excel in school and perform well on tests. They become expert at storing the right answer on their shelves, ready to pull it down when the question comes up in the examination.

Information overload

Allen F Shaughnessy

Many doctors become frustrated, however, when they find that the skills that allowed them to excel in the classroom, and even as house officers, are of litde use in their medical careers. They have learned much, but they have not learned effectively how to learn."2 The skills that got them through the pedagogical process are of little use when they are faced with a flood of information.3 No one is there to direct them toward the new information they need to learn or how to identify those pieces of their hard earned knowledge that are no longer correct.4'5 Unlike in a bakery, their loaves of information are not tagged with expiration dates. This information overload can also be a handicap, since it sets up prejudices and biases that prevent us from embracing new ideas.4 This shutting out of new information causes us to see the world in one, constrained way. When the only tool available is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Except for problem-based learning,6 7 the traditional "lecture and test" method of teaching arms the learners with plenty of information, but does not give them the skills to update and replace this knowledge. One result is the inability of continuing medical education to affect the

Harrisburg Family Practice Residency Program Harrisburg, PA 17055 DC Slawson

University of Virginia Health Services Center Charlottesville, VA 22908

Correspondence to: D C Slawson

[email protected] Competing interests:

Royalties from the sale of InfoRetriever software and the newsletter Evidence Based Practice: POEMs for Primary Care. This paper was originally published on the BMJ's website

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