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Torbay Newsletter Flying High, Learning for a Successful Future. FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Term Three 25th July - 23rd September Week 7
5-9 Sept
5-9/9 Tongan Language Week & Money Week 9/9 School Disco 9/9 School Closed 1pm - 3pm
Week 8
12-16 Sep
12-16/9 NZ Chinese Language Week 12/9 BOT Meeting 13/9 Cluster Speech Finals 13/9 PTA Meeting 14-16/9 60th Celebration/Art/Writing Exhibition 14/9 Open Day Whole School
Week 9
19-23 Sep
19-20/9 60th Celebration/Art/Writing Exhibition 22/9 Rakino 1 & 2 Civic Opera Trip 23/9 Term 3 Ends
Team Torbay Values Commitment Aroha Respect and Responsibility Excellence
Term Four 10th October - 15th December Week 1
10-14 Oct
Week 2
17-21 Oct
17-21/10 Nuie Language Week 17/10 BOT Meeting
Week 3
24-28 Oct
24/10 Labour Day
Together Everyone Achieves More
Check out our School Website for the latest updates KEY COMPETENCY / VALUE:
DEAR PARENTS KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week— Izzy, Jaime, Denham & Maia Rm 14, Alex & Eres Rm 11, Isaac & Elia Rm 8. Ka pai everyone! CONGRATULATIONS to the following children who all received certificates from their class teachers this week: Finn, Emily, Khoi & Jesse Rm 3, Cameron & Luna Rm 4, Paora, Vivien & Lydia Rm 7, Sean & Brooklyn Rm 10, Nikita, Kohl, Holly & Ethan D Rm 16, Kevin & Tiger Rm 17, Jayden, Andrew, Nicholas & Emily Rm 18, Grace & Ashley Rm 19, Noah, Hazel, Isla & Brooklyn Rm 20, Robbin & Zoe Rm 21, Roshina, Cairo, Alvin, Allae, Sacha & Stefan Rm 22, Emma & Janielle Rm 23. NZEI & PPTA STOPWORK MEETING - 9/9/2016 NZEI Te Riu Roa and PPTA are holding combined meetings of their members on 9th September, 2016. The meetings are to plan a response to the government’s "global funding" proposal, which is effectively a return to the failed bulk funding experiment of the 1990s. All learners who remain at school will be supervised by a skeleton staff - classes will be joined together to allow this to happen. Please check at the office, to locate your child. Please let us know if your child will remain at school in the afternoon
[email protected]
Torbay School will be closed from 1.00pm to allow the teachers to attend the meeting. Learners can be collected at 12.30pm at the end of morning class time.
TORBAY SCHOOL 1956-2016 Next week we will be celebrating our 60th year. On sale in the office are 60th celebration pens and stickers. $2 for a set. Limited number available.
MEETINGS Thanks to the parents who have come to our recent meetings. We appreciate your support of our programmes and welcome your point of view. The next BOT meeting is on Monday 12th September at 7.00pm in the Staffroom The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 13th September at 7.30pm in the Learning Centre ART & WRITERS EXHIBITION This wil be open next week during the following times: Wednesday 14th 8.00am-7.30pm Thursday 15th 8.00am-5.00pm Friday 16th 8.00am-5.00pm Saturday 17th 1.00pm-3.00pm Sunday 18th 1.00pm-3.00pm Monday 19th 8.00am-5.00pm STAFFING Farewell to Fiona Williams who left our school last week. Thanks for everything you have done for our learners and school. We wish you all the best in your next career steps. Welcome to Rosanne McHugh and Kirsten Richards who will be teaching in Room 11, job sharing this position. KIDSCAN DISCO Our next disco on Friday 9th September will be our annual Kids Can appeal. Please deposit your can in the box provided on the night of the disco to be given to the Salvation Army. Thanks for your support! PLAYER OF THE DAY Hockey - Yr 3/4: Nikau H & Isla W Netball - Yr 3 Torbay Magic: Neve K, Zoe C & Isabella T
Wendy Sandifer Principal
2017 ENROLMENTS If your child or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone and who is turning 5 next year please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office). 2017 OUT OF ZONE ENROLMENTS: Enrolment at Torbay School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office. The Board has determined that two (2) places are likely to be available for Out of Zone Year 1 New Entrant enrolments next year. Closing Date for Year 1 New Entrant Out of Zone Applications is 12 October 2016 and the Ballot Date will be 21 October 2016 (if required). PLEASE NOTE: The Board of Trustees will not consider any late out of zone applications for Year 1 New Entrant students starting in 2017 which have not been received before 12 October 2016. If you have a child who is turning 5 next year with a sibling who currently attends Torbay School and you are considering moving out of zone, please URGENTLY contact the office
[email protected].
WINTER HOCKEY Over this winter season our school entered three teams in the Harbour Hockey competitions and our season has now ended. We would like to congratulate all our players for the hard work they have put in developing their skills and the team work and determination that was evident in all their games. Our Y3/4 Boys team equally topped the table for their division, Year 5 /6 Boys Development came third in their division and our Year 5/6 Advanced team won their division. Special congratulations go to Moby, Rickus, Ben and Joel who were all selected for Harbour Rep squads. Registrations are now open for Summer Hockey Year 3-6- these will close on Tuesday 13th September and teams will be dependent upon numbers registering.
This weeks Walking School Bus trophy goes to Rose B from Room 11, who is new to the Waiake Walking School Bus route. Rose is doing a great job walking - she is super friendly and always walks with a big smile! Keep up the great walking Rose! All our walkers have been invited by Auckland Transport to attend a free movie on Sunday - "The Secret Life of Pets". We hope you all have a great time and well done for walking through the wet winter months, you all do a great job. The windy wet mornings are almost over!!
SPORTS UNIFORMS If you have finished playing sports for the season or you were issued with a uniform for the recent Rippa Tag & Winter Sports Competitions, please could you return your uniform/s to the office as soon as possible. Thanks!
WATERWISE INSTRUCTORS COURSE TERM 4 2016 In order to deliver our Waterwise programme we heavily rely on parents to come and help instruct. The next course dates (subject to change) for those that are able to participate: First Theory night: 10th October 7pm-9pm (Torbay Scout Den) Second Theory night: 17th October 7pm-9pm (Torbay Scout Den) Third Theory night and exam: 25th October (time to be confirmed) Glamorgan Primary Room 8 Three day practical course and practical exam: 26th, 27th, 28tth October 8am-3pm (Waiake Beach) This course will take place at Awatuna Scout Den in Torbay and Glamorgan School. If you would like to take part in this training can you please collect a notice from the office, fill in the form and return it by the 19th September. If you have any further questions please feel free to email
[email protected]
YUMMY STICKERS Thanks to all those families who have supported our collection of yummy stickers, which enable the school to receive free sports equipment. This year’s collection finishes at the end of next week, 16th September, so make sure to bring all that you have collected to date in to the office. Don’t stop there though as we will still be collecting to get a head start on 2017.
COMMUNITY NOTICES LOCAL NEWS & EVENTS Help Wanted - I am looking for someone to collect my daughter from School on Wednesdays at 2:20pm and take her to the Wilson Centre for Physio. It's 30 min each way driving then 1 hour free whilst she is doing Physio which will be paid, plus petrol. I can pay $20 p/hour. If you can help please ring Gemma on 022 64 35 240 or email:
[email protected] Harbour Sport Mud Rush Event - 10th & 11th Sept at Massey University Albany. 2.5km muddy obstacle designed for children ages 6+ but suitable for any age group, adults & families can participate together. Additional info: or Ph The Event Team: 09 415-4610 Torbay Playcentre Second Hand Sale- Sat 10th Sept 9am-3pm, St. Annes Hall Browns Bay Cnr Glencoe Rd & Beach Rd. Clothing-good quality all sizes, baby toys/items, Books, Household items and Bake sale. Cash only. We will also have a playdough table for children while you shop! All proceeds to Torbay Playcenre. Citizens Advice Bureau Free New Migrant Session on ‘Fire Safety in the Home’ - 29th Sept, Norman King building in Northcote at 10am to 12pm and a morning tea will be provided. Call Esther 489-3873 or email:
[email protected] Torbay Plunket What A Woman Wants Show - Sept 12th at 7pm, Netball North Harbour (44 Northcote Rd, Takapuna), Tickets: $25 and include a complimentary dessert supper – enjoy spot prizes and $1 raffle tickets. All proceeds from the event will be used to support Plunket North Shore. ASB Kids Auckland Marathon - 11am Sun 30th Oct, 2.2km run, Age 7-13. Enter online: Football Fix Junior Summer Leagues- Ages 5 to 14 - Sign your kids up for 7-a-side at our familyfriendly Greenhithe competition or play 5-a-side at our new, purpose-built, all-weather Albany Football Centre. Adam Frisby Mobile: 027 536 3734 Big Buddy Mentoring - Big Buddy matches screened male volunteer mentors (Big Buddies) with 7-14 year old boys (Little Buddies), who do not have a father/male role model in their lives. More information, stories and newsletters can be found on our website, . I am happy to talk to you answering any questions you may have, on 027 207 8662 or by email,
[email protected] Peer Relationships PhD research - Participants in this study need to be a parent or caregiver (this can include grandparents, aunt/uncles, or anyone else who acts as a main caregiver or guardian) who has at least one school-aged child. Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. Visit: where potential participants can learn more about the overall research project and from there they are linked to the questionnaire. A Lion in the Meadow and Other Stories by Margaret Mahy Production - 24 Sep-8 Oct, PumpHouse Theatre Takapuna, Book now: Ph 489-8360 or via website: The Gruffalo Musical - Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Fri 30th Sep - Mon 3rd Oct with performances at 11.30am & 2.30pm. Bookings Ph: 09 970-9745 or email:
[email protected] FREE Pantomime: Commander Claire and the Pirates of Provence - Sat 17th Sep, 11am & 2pm, Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna. Visit: or 0800 111 999 North Shore Trampoline Club-
We are offering a discount on birthday parties for September and October, we also have a great holiday programme planned for the next holidays. Visit our website to check all the details. Beyond Sight - FREE Event! - Gracegate - A conversation with fearless blind surfer Derek Rabelo. 42 Parkway Dr, Sunnynook, Sat 10th Sep 10.30am (speaking) plus a screening of the ‘Beyond Sight’ movie Sat 10th Sep 6.30pm. East Coast Bays Cricket Club - Registrations for the 2016/17 junior cricket season are now open at: Cricket for all children from Yr 1 to Yr 8, both girls and boys. Contact our club manager, Louis Delport, for more information at
[email protected] Mid-Term Marrzipan Madness Special! - We run awesome drama classes which focus on key life skills in the Library, after school Wednesdays. We play fun engaging games and perform at the end of term once to parents and once to the school. All children receive an end of term progress report too. Give me a call to come along for a no obligations trial, or just a chat to discuss how our classes can benefit your child's development. Get in quick before spaces fill up, with only 10 to any one class... Contact Zac on 02102373421 or email
[email protected] for more info about our mid-term madness special Centrestage Theatre After School Drama Classes - Term 4 starts October 17th 5-7 yrs, 8-10 yrs, 11-13 yrs, 14-16 yrs, adults. For more information or to book please phone 09 426 7282 October school holiday show at Centrestage Theatre: Robin Hood and Maid Marian - A pantomime full of fun for the whole family. Shows 10.30am & 1pm daily, Oct 1-3 & 5-9. Book at Centrestage theatre 09 426 7282 or Glenfield Tag Junior Module - starts 25th Oct, Cost: $50 p/child for the season. For more details contact James:
[email protected] Neighbourhood Support Group in your street - If this sounds like something you would be willing to do please email:
[email protected] or Ph: (09) 353 0427 / 022 6759431 or A Working Relationship with - North Shore Police - Safer Communities Together Spring School Holiday & Term 4 Children’s Art Workshops - Community House, 130 Beach Haven Road, Beach Haven. Places limited, bookings essential. For bookings or more information: or
[email protected] Conscious Kids - 100% nature-based Holiday Programmes - Western Springs Park, Albany and Onepoto Domain. An antidote for technology, kids get the opportunity to have unstructured play in the bush and a lot of fun. Come get muddy, climb a tree and just play! Visit for more information and bookings: Call 027 847 4487 or email
[email protected] Coerver First Skills Soccer Coaching - Starts Sat 15th Oct - 10th Dec (8 sessions), Northcross Intermediate School, Bookings: or Ph: 0210 885 9955, email:
[email protected]
ADVERTORIALS Disclaimer: These advertisements are placed as a community service - publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.
LEARN KARATE TODAY Not only do you learn Self Defence, but develop Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Co-ordination, Discipline, Focus, and Concentration. Kids 5-5:45pm, Teens 5:45-6:30pm and Adults 6:30-8pm Classes. Mondays and Wednesdays at Torbay Primary School Hall. Give us a call for more information, Shane Rynne Ph: 021959073 or Allister van Mil Ph: 0211325767 Or Visit (Albany/Torbay School)
For the latest news and photos of events, sports & achievements go to Deep Creek Road, Torbay, Auckland • Tel: 09 473 8603 •
[email protected] •