Separation Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety Disorder or ...

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DSM-5 has chapters of disorders that are loosely organized based on when the disorders tend to emerge over the lifespan. Separation anxiety disorder, anĀ ...

Separation Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety Disorder or Deveiopmental Difference? DSM-5 has chapters o f disorders that are loosely organized based on when the disorders tend to emerge over the lifespan. Separation anxiety disorder, an extreme case o f fear and w o r r y related to current or potential separation from o t h ers, can occur across the lifespan but tends to emerge first in childhood. However, it is grouped w i t h anxiety disorders, not w i t h neurodevelopmental disorders (see Chapter 14). Is separation anxiety disorder i n the most appropriate place i n the DSM-5? O n the one hand, grouping the disorder w i t h a n x i ety disorders makes sense because it shares symptoms w i t h other anxiety disorders, including the pattern o f fear out o f proportion to danger, worry about possible future events, and physical symptoms triggered by anxiety. Treatment for this disorder is similar to treatment for other anxiety disorders.

Separation anxiety does not share the types o f symptoms related to executive and mtellectual functioning that are found in neurodevelopmental disorders. O n the other hand, separation anxiety disorder, like the neurodevelopmental disorders, typically starts in early childhood and can occur t h r o u g h o u t the lifespan. Separation anxiety itself is a normal developmental process; what makes this a disorder is the range and severity o f symptoms and the appearance o f symptoms at a later age than would be expected. This could be seen as a divergence from the normal path o f development. CRITICAL THINKING W h e n a disorder "fits" i n more than one category o f disorders, as does separation anxiety disorder, would it be better i f such disorders were cross-listed i n the relevant categories)? What would be the advantages and disadvantages to doing this? .(it ; Qames Foley, College of Wooster)
