15 Oct 2013 ... Murder Game by Christine Feehan. The Vision by Heather Graham. The First
Prophet by Kay Hooper. Dream Man by Linda Howard. White Lies ...
VOL 4, ISSUE 5 Sept./Oct. 2013 Library Closed:
101 N. Wisconsin Street Elkhorn, WI 53121 (262) 723-2678 www.elkhorn.lib.wi.us
September 2 November 1
IN THIS ISSUE: Book Giveaway: The Big Read— Fahrenheit 451 Mad Scientists’ Club Affordable Care Act Town Hall Trick or Trivia Night
Youth Services
Adult Services
Library Friends
*Programs with this symbol require registration in advance. Sign up at the library or online to save your spot at fun programs!
all will soon arrive, the hot days will be over and we will return to our regular programs the week of September 9th. We enjoyed a very busy summer with record check out. In July alone, we checked out 26,192 items, our busiest month ever! Our Summer Reading Program “Dig into Reading” was a big success and had participation from all ages. Our Chair Auction ended on August 8th and was a great fundraiser for the library. We were able to raise $1,300 for our building fund. I want to thank Sharon Kawczynski, all the students, and the other art teachers who helped to decorate the chairs. They were impressive! I also want to thank all those who bid on the chairs and helped to make our “Chair-ity Auction” a big success. September means Library Card Sign Up Month. Don‟t forget the most important school supply, a library card! We hope to issue 100 library cards to new patrons this month. Sara Krewal will be posting a display of library cards from all over Wisconsin.
Sign up for the online newsletter at: eepurl.com/jzOQ1 Follow us on:
Our children‟s department will be hosting a new program in September called Mad Scientists‟ Club. This will alternate with Lego Club and Messy Art on Thursdays at 3:30. Check our
Messy Art Club will make monster boxes for Halloween!
calendar for specific dates. Banned Books Week takes place during September 22-28. We will be giving away a free book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, on Monday, September 23 while supplies last. During the month of October, we celebrate Teen Read Week (October 13-19) and National Friends of the Library Week (October 20-26). We will host our annual Volunteer Appreciation Ice Cream Social on Monday, October 21. Please plan to attend the Trivia Night on Saturday, October 26. You can attend as an individual, a couple, or bring a whole team! This is sure to be a super fun event organized by the Friends of the Library. Keep reading this newsletter to learn more about the programs and events we offer at the library this fall. -Lisa Selje Library Director
A sampling of library cards that will be displayed.
SPECIAL SERVICES Computers for public use. There are 15 computers available for general use at the library. All of the computers have high-speed internet access as well as Microsoft Office 2010 Suite. We also have 5 computers that can be used to browse for materials housed within our library or throughout our 42 library system. With your card, you have access to more than 2.8 million items! Wi-Fi. With your laptop or other internet-ready device, you can have free access to the built-in Wi-Fi at the library. Simply connect to the lower level or upper level access points. eLibrary resources. Online access to free computer applications, such as the Auto Repair Reference Center, PowerSpeak language learning software, ReferenceUSA business database, HeritageQuest genealogy research, Zinio magazine database, Freegal music download service, and more! Available on the library website. Devices. Test-drive a Kindle, Nook, or iPad by checking one out from the library. NEW! Check out a Microsoft Surface or phone charger for in-library use. Take home an i-Vu personal digital magnifier to read small print. Adult Book Clubs. Page Turners Book Club meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. The Afternoon Book Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Study rooms. There are three study rooms available on a first-come, firstserve basis to study, hold meetings, etc. Interlibrary loan. We can obtain materials from around the state and across the country that are unavailable through our library consortium. BookMyne. The app that makes it quick and easy to access the library on the go! Search the library‟s catalog, download items, manage your account, and find suggested reading instantly. Available for Android or iOS devices.
tuart Woods was born on Did you know... January 9, 1938 in Georgia. He Stuart Woods is a licensed instrugraduated with a Bachelors ment-rated private pilot. Degree in Sociology, from the UniverHe lived in Dublin writing sity of Georgia. television commercials. He started his He now lives between Florida, career in Maine, and New York City. advertising in Sources: www.wikipedia.org and New York. Later www.fantasticfiction.co.uk he moved to England to NOVELS continue his career. While Under the Lake living overseas, White Cargo Woods became Palindrome interested in sailing and began L.A. Times competing. In 1977 he published a Dead Eyes nonfiction book about his sailing experiences titled Blue Water, Green Heat Skipper. Stuart‟s first novel Chiefs, Imperfect Strangers published in 1981, was inspired by a Choke police chief‟s badge that belonged to his grandfather. The book was STONE BARRINGTON rejected by three publishers before it New York Dead was picked up by Norton. Later it was Dirt made into a T.V. miniseries starring Dead in the Water Charlton Heston. Stuart Woods has Swimming to Catalina gone on to publish over 40 novels, several of them New York Times best...See more in the series on our sellers. His publishers have requested author bookmark!... that he publish three novels a year. Unintended Consequences His newest book, Doing Hard Time, Doing Hard Time will be released in October, 2013.
o you have questions about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Health Insurance Exchange/Mark etplace (a.k .a. “ObamaCare”)? Join us Monday, September 16th at 6:30pm for an informational ACA “ObamaCare” Town Hall session with Dr. Katherine Gaulke. Discussion will include: what the exchange/marketplace/ ObamaCare is, how you can apply, and changes to BadgerCare beginning January 1st. If you live or work in Walworth county, are uninsured, underinsured, or concerned about the
AUTHOR READ-A-LIKE: Karen Robards Karen Robards, author of suspense and paranormal romance, released her newest book The Last Kiss Goodbye. If you are waiting on the hold list or have already devoured this title try reading the recommended read-a -likes. Read-A-Likes are books written with a similar style or theme. Do you have a favorite author you would like featured in the Read-A-Like article? Email Sara:
[email protected] Source: http://web.ebscohost.com/novelist
AUTHOR READ-A-LIKES Julie Garwood Judith McNaught Sandra Brown Catherine Coulter Linda Howard Iris Johansen Title Read-A-Likes for
The Last Kiss Goodbye Murder Game by Christine Feehan The Vision by Heather Graham The First Prophet by Kay Hooper Dream Man by Linda Howard White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz
T affordability of your insurance, please join us to learn more. The purpose of this event is not to debate the Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare; this is an informational session only.
re you or will you soon be a Medicare beneficiary? Medicare Part D drug plans and Medicare Advantage may have big changes in the coming year. Medicare allows you to change Part D drug plans only once a year during the annual Open Enrollment Period,
October 15 through December 7, 2013 with an effective date of January 1, 2014. On Friday, October 18th at 11:00 a.m. the Elder Benefit Specialist from the ADRC will show you how to use the Medicare website to find the best 2014 Medicare Part D drug plan to meet your needs and hopefully save money. You must have basic computer skills to participate in this workshop to learn how to use the Medicare website. Registration is required. Contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Walworth County by Tuesday, Oct 15th. Space is limited, call early at 262-741-3366.
ur August class was so popular, we‟re having a second one! Learn how you can read free digital magazines on your computer or tablet. The class will cover using Zinio on your iPad, Android or Windows tablet, or your computer. Class will be held September 25 at noon. Register now
at the library — space is limited! Bring your device to class or use a library computer —you must have an email address and basic internet skills.
he Page Turners are a fun evening book discussion group that would love to have you join them!
Join us on September 4 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. Part travelogue, part murder mystery, this true story of the shooting of Danny Hunsford, local bad boy, captures the southern charm of Savannah, Georgia and its many eccentric characters. Join us on October 2 at 6:30 p.m. to chat about Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In a dystopian future, fireman (one who starts fires to burn books) Guy Montag begins to question his work and his society‟s values; he begins to illegally read the books he once burned and is forced to flee from the law. This classic criticism of government censorship is this year‟s Big Read selection for Walworth, Rock and Jefferson counties. Copies of the selections can be picked up at the circulation desk 3 to 4 weeks prior to the book club meeting.
For more information, contact book club guide Anna Merry by phone at (262) 723-2678 or email at
[email protected]
he Afternoon Book Club is a relaxed group of patrons who just enjoy sharing a great book!
Join us on September 18 at 2:00 p.m. to chat about Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. When a woman goes missing on her fifth wedding anniversary, her diary reveals hidden turmoil in her marriage, while her husband, desperate to clear himself of suspicion, realizes that something more disturbing than murder may have occurred. Join us on October 16 at 2:00 p.m. for Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. A classic novel of romantic suspense finds the second Mrs. Maxim de Winter entering the home of her mysterious and enigmatic new husband and learning the story of the house's first mistress, to whom the sinister housekeeper is unnaturally devoted. Copies of book club selections can be picked up at the circulation desk 3 to 4 weeks prior to the book club meeting. For more information, contact book club guide Lisa Selje by phone at (262) 723-2678 or email at
[email protected]
park reading with Fahrenheit 451! Shared experiences build a sense of community, and we hope reading and talking about the same book will do that for residents of Walworth, Rock and Jefferson counties during this fall‟s BIG READ! This year‟s selection, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, a classic novel of government censorship is sure to spark lots of discussion. Get a free copy of the book Monday Sept. 23rd
(while supplies last) to kick off Banned Books Week. Read, pass it on to a friend or neighbor, and talk about it together. Come to our book discussion October 2 at 6:30 p.m. or fill out a comment form at the Info Desk to be entered in our drawing for 2 tickets to Aquila Theater‟s performance of Fahrenheit 451 Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at UW-Whitewater. Keep an eye out for related displays at the library during the Big Read.
oin fellow gardeners for a Pruning Workshop on October 15, 2013 at 4:00pm at the library. The focus of this workshop is to learn how, when, and why to prune common landscape plants. The cost for this class is $5 and registrations can be dropped off at the UWExtension office (100 W. Walworth St.
Elkhorn, WI). Please bring gloves and pruning tools and dress for the weather! This hands-on workshop will be taught by Chrissy Wen, UWExtension Horticulture Educator. For more information contact the UW-Extension office at 262-741-4951.
o you need some personalized help with a technology or research question? Sign up for a one-on-one half-hour session with Adult Services Librarian Anna Merry. She will be able to help you with your new e-reader, using library databases like Auto Repair Reference Center, learning a new computer program like Excel, AND MORE! Not sure if your question, interest or problem is something Anna can help with? Just ask at the Info Desk!
Available Times—Sept./Oct. Tuesdays 11:00 & 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays 5:30 & 6:00 p.m. Thursdays 1:30 & 2:00 p.m. You may sign up for one half-hour session at a time. Sign up for another session after completing the first if you have more questions. Please sign up at the Circulation Desk at least one week in advance, so Anna can be more prepared to help you. Anna también le puede ayudar con sus preguntas en español.
uring National Friends of the Library week this October, the library would like to show its appreciation for all the work our volunteers do throughout the year. Volunteers keep our shelves orderly through the Adopt-a-Shelf program, take care of plants inside and outside the library, share their genealogy knowledge and help with a variety of other tasks that help keep the library looking good and running smoothly. We also greatly appreciate everyone who volunteers their time with the Friends of the Library. If you have volunteered at the library in the past year, you are invited to our ice cream social on October 21 at 3:00 p.m. Please RSVP to the library if you are able to come!
ocal authors will share their experiences translating true stories into published works during the Fall Author Panel on Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30pm in the Community Center. Join us to hear their journeys from the developed story to publication and the many obstacles in between. Presented by the Friends of the Library. Special guest panelists will include Linda Godfrey, author and investigator of Weird Wisconsin and Real Wolfmen, Patricia Harkness, who co-authored the biography What If The Glass Breaks about her father as a disability rights activist with Multiple Sclerosis, and children‟s author Carol March McLernon, who captured the story of a Native American leader in her latest book, Black Hawk, and more! Paranormal investigator Linda Godfrey to speak at Oct. 8 panel. Book signing to follow.
STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Tiffany Maxfeldt
iffany joined the library‟s circulation department in May and has been kept very busy checking in and out lots of books this summer. She has two boys, ages 6 and 10, who attend school here in Elkhorn. The family has enjoyed doing lots of biking this summer and taking advantage of local activities. Tiffany loves to play board games and is interested in natural health and cooking. She also enjoys a variety of different types of crafts. Her favorite type of books to read are popular books or those related to television shows and movies. Currently she is reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire and she is looking forward to starting Game of Thrones soon. Be sure to say hi to Tiffany the next time you see her here at the library!
oin the Friends on the second Friday of every month for Movie Night! Enjoy a free movie with family and friends at the library. Admission, popcorn and soda are all provided by the Friends. All films begin at 6:30p.m. and children under 13 need to be accompanied by an adult. September 13: The Great Gatsby Based on the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the film follows a young man‟s journey into opulent 1920s New York and the largerthan-life characters he encounters there. Directed by Baz Luhrmann. Stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan and Tobey Maguire. Rated PG-13. October 11: Iron Man 3 Catch the biggest box office hit of 2013! The film is the third installment into the world of enigmatic billionaire Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. When his world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist, Stark must begin an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution. Rated PG-13.
November 22: Puppet Story Theater: Winter Weather Tree December 2: Winter Reading Program Begins December 14: Santa‟s Kitchen
n October 3 at 6:30 p.m., four year old kindergarten students and their families are invited to the library to learn about early literacy resources available in the community. We will be offering tours, sign-up for library programs like 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, and a snack.
SHOW US YOUR COOL STUFF! Do you have an awesome creation or an amazing collection? Kids are invited to sign up for a display space September through May. Displays stay up for one month. Ask a librarian for more information.
e had a great summer at the library. Over 450 kids, ages 3-12, participated in our Dig Into Reading and Super Readers summer programs, reading 3,989 hours. More than 50 teens and middle schoolers joined the teen summer reading program and together they read more than 270 books. We had 41 Rubber Ducky Readers, kids age 0-3, participate in early literacy activities and earn a book and bath Children learned about (and touched) squirt. Debbie Michetti and Tibbets underground animals with Nature‟s Niche. Elementary School were the winners of the Queen of Summer Reading with a guest appearance at We Explore again this year with a science-themed 98 Tibbets summer readers. series aimed at young children, Thanks to all our summer donors who although all ages are welcome to made the program a success, attend. I will be adding a new after especially United Way and Kohls school club to our popular Lego Club Cares for Kids, who funded Rubber and Messy Art Club; Mad Scientists Ducky Readers, and our local donors Club! W e‟ll be doing different who helped provide summer reading experiments and projects and I can prizes, Peoples Bank, Eye Physicians definitely promise some (safe) and Surgeons, Balestrieri, and Carole explosions in the near future! Lange. Special thanks also to the local donors of passes, Old World These and many more favorite and Wisconsin, the Walworth County Fair, new events will be happening at the and Culvers, who helped make our library this fall. Drop by for a program, or just to hang out and play in the Super Readers program a success. children‟s area, check out some I‟m very excited to announce several awesome books, or say hi! new programs for the fall focusing on science! Pattie Woods will be making -Jennifer, Youth Services Librarian
Teens on Screen has moved to a new time this fall! Teens ages 13 and up are welcome to join us the last Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m. for screenings of popular young adult books that have been translated into film. Snacks will be provided, and copies of the featured book will be available for checkout. Join us Thursday, September 26 at 4:00 p.m. for a screening of the movie W arm Bodies (PG-13). After a highly unusual zombie saves a still-living girl from an attack, the two form a relationship that sets in motion events that might transform the entire lifeless world. Source: The Internet Movie Database
Our zombie marathon continues on October 31 at 4:00 p.m. with a Halloween party and horror movie screening (TBA). Snacks will be provided, and costumes are optional!
Tail Waggin’ Tutors
ome explore this fall with our Friday morning programs at 10am. Each program explores something different about the world around us. No registration is required, and all ages are welcome. September 13: Ice Age Trail Sept. 20: Science with Ms. Pattie September 27: Puppets/Imagination October 11: Block Party (at the Government Center)
October 25: Fall
Teens on Screen
We Explore the Ice Age Trail September 13 at 10:00 a.m. Join Barb Converse and the Ice Age Trail Alliance on a fun hike in and around the library. We‟ll learn all about the ice age, mammoths, and there will be lots of things to see, touch, and experience.
Walworth Homeschoolers The Walworth Homeschoolers will be kicking off the 2013 school year with a meet „n‟ greet at 6:30pm on September 9 in the Community Room. Regular meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 10am. Some meetings are held off-site (field trips, etc.). Contact Sara Tanner for more information,
[email protected].
Preschool Interactive Join us for an interactive, early literacy -based storytime on Wednesdays at 10am. Each program includes stories, movement, early literacy suggestions, and an art project. We are excited to welcome some of the four year old kindergarteners from Step Ahead School at some of our Preschool Interactive programs this year, so look forward to seeing some new faces!
October 18: Science with Ms. Pattie
We‟re having another Block Party on October 11 at the Gov‟t Center (100 W. Walworth St.)!
We are pleased to welcome Ms. Bobbie‟s Tail Waggin‟ Tutors, two vizsla dogs named Max and Jessie. They will be at the library once a month for children to practice their reading skills. You can register for a 10 minute spot at the library or over the phone. September 16 and October 21 from 4-5pm.
Mad Scientists, Lego Club & Messy Art This year we will be offering three rotating after school clubs! All ages are welcome to drop in between 3:30 and 5pm on Thursdays. Check Facebook or the calendar for the current week‟s club and project.
Middle School Madness Middle schoolers are invited to drop by between 3 and 4:30 on September 11 and October 2 for Wii gaming, snacks, a challenge and a project. Past projects have included marshmallow and pretzel challenges, sand art, and t-shirt decorating.
MISS PATTIE’S CORNER The following programs are sponsored by the Matheson Memorial Library and Elkhorn Area School District Parent Connections. Please check the library calendar for specific dates and breaks in programming. Tiny Tots: 2nd & 4th Mondays 6:30 p.m. Stories, songs, and discoveries for kids ages five and under. Toddlers ‘n’ Books: Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sessions are limited to 40 attendees. Stories, songs and discoveries following by a craft for 18 to 36 months. Books ‘n’ Babies: Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Stories, songs and discoveries followed by an open playtime for 0 to 18 months. Family Game Night: 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Kids ages 5 and under and their families are welcome to drop by and play games. Coffee, Kids, and Conversation: 1st Mondays at 10:00 a.m. Families are invited to drop by to chat with Miss Pattie and discuss community and development issues or just have fun!
Meet Pattie Woods: Pattie is the Elkhorn Area School District‟s Parent Connection‟s Parent Educator. She offers programs at the Matheson Memorial Library and throughout the Elkhorn community for children ages 0-5. Contact Pattie Woods, Parent Connections & 4K: Phone: (262) 723-3160 ext. 1416 Email:
[email protected]
November 22: Puppet Story Theater: Winter Weather Tree December 2: Winter Reading Program Begins December 14: Santa‟s Kitchen
n October 3 at 6:30 p.m., four year old kindergarten students and their families are invited to the library to learn about early literacy resources available in the community. We will be offering tours, sign-up for library programs like 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, and a snack.
SHOW US YOUR COOL STUFF! Do you have an awesome creation or an amazing collection? Kids are invited to sign up for a display space September through May. Displays stay up for one month. Ask a librarian for more information.
e had a great summer at the library. Over 450 kids, ages 3-12, participated in our Dig Into Reading and Super Readers summer programs, reading 3,989 hours. More than 50 teens and middle schoolers joined the teen summer reading program and together they read more than 270 books. We had 41 Rubber Ducky Readers, kids age 0-3, participate in early literacy activities and earn a book and bath Children learned about (and touched) squirt. Debbie Michetti and Tibbets underground animals with Nature‟s Niche. Elementary School were the winners of the Queen of Summer Reading with a guest appearance at We Explore again this year with a science-themed 98 Tibbets summer readers. series aimed at young children, Thanks to all our summer donors who although all ages are welcome to made the program a success, attend. I will be adding a new after especially United Way and Kohls school club to our popular Lego Club Cares for Kids, who funded Rubber and Messy Art Club; Mad Scientists Ducky Readers, and our local donors Club! W e‟ll be doing different who helped provide summer reading experiments and projects and I can prizes, Peoples Bank, Eye Physicians definitely promise some (safe) and Surgeons, Balestrieri, and Carole explosions in the near future! Lange. Special thanks also to the local donors of passes, Old World These and many more favorite and Wisconsin, the Walworth County Fair, new events will be happening at the and Culvers, who helped make our library this fall. Drop by for a program, or just to hang out and play in the Super Readers program a success. children‟s area, check out some I‟m very excited to announce several awesome books, or say hi! new programs for the fall focusing on science! Pattie Woods will be making -Jennifer, Youth Services Librarian
Teens on Screen has moved to a new time this fall! Teens ages 13 and up are welcome to join us the last Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m. for screenings of popular young adult books that have been translated into film. Snacks will be provided, and copies of the featured book will be available for checkout. Join us Thursday, September 26 at 4:00 p.m. for a screening of the movie W arm Bodies (PG-13). After a highly unusual zombie saves a still-living girl from an attack, the two form a relationship that sets in motion events that might transform the entire lifeless world. Source: The Internet Movie Database
Our zombie marathon continues on October 31 at 4:00 p.m. with a Halloween party and horror movie screening (TBA). Snacks will be provided, and costumes are optional!
Tail Waggin’ Tutors
ome explore this fall with our Friday morning programs at 10am. Each program explores something different about the world around us. No registration is required, and all ages are welcome. September 13: Ice Age Trail Sept. 20: Science with Ms. Pattie September 27: Puppets/Imagination October 11: Block Party (at the Government Center)
October 25: Fall
Teens on Screen
We Explore the Ice Age Trail September 13 at 10:00 a.m. Join Barb Converse and the Ice Age Trail Alliance on a fun hike in and around the library. We‟ll learn all about the ice age, mammoths, and there will be lots of things to see, touch, and experience.
Walworth Homeschoolers The Walworth Homeschoolers will be kicking off the 2013 school year with a meet „n‟ greet at 6:30pm on September 9 in the Community Room. Regular meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 10am. Some meetings are held off-site (field trips, etc.). Contact Sara Tanner for more information,
[email protected].
Preschool Interactive Join us for an interactive, early literacy -based storytime on Wednesdays at 10am. Each program includes stories, movement, early literacy suggestions, and an art project. We are excited to welcome some of the four year old kindergarteners from Step Ahead School at some of our Preschool Interactive programs this year, so look forward to seeing some new faces!
October 18: Science with Ms. Pattie
We‟re having another Block Party on October 11 at the Gov‟t Center (100 W. Walworth St.)!
We are pleased to welcome Ms. Bobbie‟s Tail Waggin‟ Tutors, two vizsla dogs named Max and Jessie. They will be at the library once a month for children to practice their reading skills. You can register for a 10 minute spot at the library or over the phone. September 16 and October 21 from 4-5pm.
Mad Scientists, Lego Club & Messy Art This year we will be offering three rotating after school clubs! All ages are welcome to drop in between 3:30 and 5pm on Thursdays. Check Facebook or the calendar for the current week‟s club and project.
Middle School Madness Middle schoolers are invited to drop by between 3 and 4:30 on September 11 and October 2 for Wii gaming, snacks, a challenge and a project. Past projects have included marshmallow and pretzel challenges, sand art, and t-shirt decorating.
MISS PATTIE’S CORNER The following programs are sponsored by the Matheson Memorial Library and Elkhorn Area School District Parent Connections. Please check the library calendar for specific dates and breaks in programming. Tiny Tots: 2nd & 4th Mondays 6:30 p.m. Stories, songs, and discoveries for kids ages five and under. Toddlers ‘n’ Books: Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sessions are limited to 40 attendees. Stories, songs and discoveries following by a craft for 18 to 36 months. Books ‘n’ Babies: Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Stories, songs and discoveries followed by an open playtime for 0 to 18 months. Family Game Night: 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Kids ages 5 and under and their families are welcome to drop by and play games. Coffee, Kids, and Conversation: 1st Mondays at 10:00 a.m. Families are invited to drop by to chat with Miss Pattie and discuss community and development issues or just have fun!
Meet Pattie Woods: Pattie is the Elkhorn Area School District‟s Parent Connection‟s Parent Educator. She offers programs at the Matheson Memorial Library and throughout the Elkhorn community for children ages 0-5. Contact Pattie Woods, Parent Connections & 4K: Phone: (262) 723-3160 ext. 1416 Email:
[email protected]
he Afternoon Book Club is a relaxed group of patrons who just enjoy sharing a great book!
Join us on September 18 at 2:00 p.m. to chat about Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. When a woman goes missing on her fifth wedding anniversary, her diary reveals hidden turmoil in her marriage, while her husband, desperate to clear himself of suspicion, realizes that something more disturbing than murder may have occurred. Join us on October 16 at 2:00 p.m. for Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. A classic novel of romantic suspense finds the second Mrs. Maxim de Winter entering the home of her mysterious and enigmatic new husband and learning the story of the house's first mistress, to whom the sinister housekeeper is unnaturally devoted. Copies of book club selections can be picked up at the circulation desk 3 to 4 weeks prior to the book club meeting. For more information, contact book club guide Lisa Selje by phone at (262) 723-2678 or email at
[email protected]
park reading with Fahrenheit 451! Shared experiences build a sense of community, and we hope reading and talking about the same book will do that for residents of Walworth, Rock and Jefferson counties during this fall‟s BIG READ! This year‟s selection, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, a classic novel of government censorship is sure to spark lots of discussion. Get a free copy of the book Monday Sept. 23rd
(while supplies last) to kick off Banned Books Week. Read, pass it on to a friend or neighbor, and talk about it together. Come to our book discussion October 2 at 6:30 p.m. or fill out a comment form at the Info Desk to be entered in our drawing for 2 tickets to Aquila Theater‟s performance of Fahrenheit 451 Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at UW-Whitewater. Keep an eye out for related displays at the library during the Big Read.
oin fellow gardeners for a Pruning Workshop on October 15, 2013 at 4:00pm at the library. The focus of this workshop is to learn how, when, and why to prune common landscape plants. The cost for this class is $5 and registrations can be dropped off at the UWExtension office (100 W. Walworth St.
Elkhorn, WI). Please bring gloves and pruning tools and dress for the weather! This hands-on workshop will be taught by Chrissy Wen, UWExtension Horticulture Educator. For more information contact the UW-Extension office at 262-741-4951.
o you need some personalized help with a technology or research question? Sign up for a one-on-one half-hour session with Adult Services Librarian Anna Merry. She will be able to help you with your new e-reader, using library databases like Auto Repair Reference Center, learning a new computer program like Excel, AND MORE! Not sure if your question, interest or problem is something Anna can help with? Just ask at the Info Desk!
Available Times—Sept./Oct. Tuesdays 11:00 & 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays 5:30 & 6:00 p.m. Thursdays 1:30 & 2:00 p.m. You may sign up for one half-hour session at a time. Sign up for another session after completing the first if you have more questions. Please sign up at the Circulation Desk at least one week in advance, so Anna can be more prepared to help you. Anna también le puede ayudar con sus preguntas en español.
uring National Friends of the Library week this October, the library would like to show its appreciation for all the work our volunteers do throughout the year. Volunteers keep our shelves orderly through the Adopt-a-Shelf program, take care of plants inside and outside the library, share their genealogy knowledge and help with a variety of other tasks that help keep the library looking good and running smoothly. We also greatly appreciate everyone who volunteers their time with the Friends of the Library. If you have volunteered at the library in the past year, you are invited to our ice cream social on October 21 at 3:00 p.m. Please RSVP to the library if you are able to come!
ocal authors will share their experiences translating true stories into published works during the Fall Author Panel on Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30pm in the Community Center. Join us to hear their journeys from the developed story to publication and the many obstacles in between. Presented by the Friends of the Library. Special guest panelists will include Linda Godfrey, author and investigator of Weird Wisconsin and Real Wolfmen, Patricia Harkness, who co-authored the biography What If The Glass Breaks about her father as a disability rights activist with Multiple Sclerosis, and children‟s author Carol March McLernon, who captured the story of a Native American leader in her latest book, Black Hawk, and more! Paranormal investigator Linda Godfrey to speak at Oct. 8 panel. Book signing to follow.
STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Tiffany Maxfeldt
iffany joined the library‟s circulation department in May and has been kept very busy checking in and out lots of books this summer. She has two boys, ages 6 and 10, who attend school here in Elkhorn. The family has enjoyed doing lots of biking this summer and taking advantage of local activities. Tiffany loves to play board games and is interested in natural health and cooking. She also enjoys a variety of different types of crafts. Her favorite type of books to read are popular books or those related to television shows and movies. Currently she is reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire and she is looking forward to starting Game of Thrones soon. Be sure to say hi to Tiffany the next time you see her here at the library!
oin the Friends on the second Friday of every month for Movie Night! Enjoy a free movie with family and friends at the library. Admission, popcorn and soda are all provided by the Friends. All films begin at 6:30p.m. and children under 13 need to be accompanied by an adult. September 13: The Great Gatsby Based on the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the film follows a young man‟s journey into opulent 1920s New York and the largerthan-life characters he encounters there. Directed by Baz Luhrmann. Stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan and Tobey Maguire. Rated PG-13. October 11: Iron Man 3 Catch the biggest box office hit of 2013! The film is the third installment into the world of enigmatic billionaire Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. When his world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist, Stark must begin an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution. Rated PG-13.
SPECIAL SERVICES Computers for public use. There are 15 computers available for general use at the library. All of the computers have high-speed internet access as well as Microsoft Office 2010 Suite. We also have 5 computers that can be used to browse for materials housed within our library or throughout our 42 library system. With your card, you have access to more than 2.8 million items! Wi-Fi. With your laptop or other internet-ready device, you can have free access to the built-in Wi-Fi at the library. Simply connect to the lower level or upper level access points. eLibrary resources. Online access to free computer applications, such as the Auto Repair Reference Center, PowerSpeak language learning software, ReferenceUSA business database, HeritageQuest genealogy research, Zinio magazine database, Freegal music download service, and more! Available on the library website. Devices. Test-drive a Kindle, Nook, or iPad by checking one out from the library. NEW! Check out a Microsoft Surface or phone charger for in-library use. Take home an i-Vu personal digital magnifier to read small print. Adult Book Clubs. Page Turners Book Club meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. The Afternoon Book Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Study rooms. There are three study rooms available on a first-come, firstserve basis to study, hold meetings, etc. Interlibrary loan. We can obtain materials from around the state and across the country that are unavailable through our library consortium. BookMyne. The app that makes it quick and easy to access the library on the go! Search the library‟s catalog, download items, manage your account, and find suggested reading instantly. Available for Android or iOS devices.
tuart Woods was born on Did you know... January 9, 1938 in Georgia. He Stuart Woods is a licensed instrugraduated with a Bachelors ment-rated private pilot. Degree in Sociology, from the UniverHe lived in Dublin writing sity of Georgia. television commercials. He started his He now lives between Florida, career in Maine, and New York City. advertising in Sources: www.wikipedia.org and New York. Later www.fantasticfiction.co.uk he moved to England to NOVELS continue his career. While Under the Lake living overseas, White Cargo Woods became Palindrome interested in sailing and began L.A. Times competing. In 1977 he published a Dead Eyes nonfiction book about his sailing experiences titled Blue Water, Green Heat Skipper. Stuart‟s first novel Chiefs, Imperfect Strangers published in 1981, was inspired by a Choke police chief‟s badge that belonged to his grandfather. The book was STONE BARRINGTON rejected by three publishers before it New York Dead was picked up by Norton. Later it was Dirt made into a T.V. miniseries starring Dead in the Water Charlton Heston. Stuart Woods has Swimming to Catalina gone on to publish over 40 novels, several of them New York Times best...See more in the series on our sellers. His publishers have requested author bookmark!... that he publish three novels a year. Unintended Consequences His newest book, Doing Hard Time, Doing Hard Time will be released in October, 2013.
o you have questions about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Health Insurance Exchange/Mark etplace (a.k .a. “ObamaCare”)? Join us Monday, September 16th at 6:30pm for an informational ACA “ObamaCare” Town Hall session with Dr. Katherine Gaulke. Discussion will include: what the exchange/marketplace/ ObamaCare is, how you can apply, and changes to BadgerCare beginning January 1st. If you live or work in Walworth county, are uninsured, underinsured, or concerned about the
AUTHOR READ-A-LIKE: Karen Robards Karen Robards, author of suspense and paranormal romance, released her newest book The Last Kiss Goodbye. If you are waiting on the hold list or have already devoured this title try reading the recommended read-a -likes. Read-A-Likes are books written with a similar style or theme. Do you have a favorite author you would like featured in the Read-A-Like article? Email Sara:
[email protected] Source: http://web.ebscohost.com/novelist
AUTHOR READ-A-LIKES Julie Garwood Judith McNaught Sandra Brown Catherine Coulter Linda Howard Iris Johansen Title Read-A-Likes for
The Last Kiss Goodbye Murder Game by Christine Feehan The Vision by Heather Graham The First Prophet by Kay Hooper Dream Man by Linda Howard White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz
T affordability of your insurance, please join us to learn more. The purpose of this event is not to debate the Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare; this is an informational session only.
re you or will you soon be a Medicare beneficiary? Medicare Part D drug plans and Medicare Advantage may have big changes in the coming year. Medicare allows you to change Part D drug plans only once a year during the annual Open Enrollment Period,
October 15 through December 7, 2013 with an effective date of January 1, 2014. On Friday, October 18th at 11:00 a.m. the Elder Benefit Specialist from the ADRC will show you how to use the Medicare website to find the best 2014 Medicare Part D drug plan to meet your needs and hopefully save money. You must have basic computer skills to participate in this workshop to learn how to use the Medicare website. Registration is required. Contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Walworth County by Tuesday, Oct 15th. Space is limited, call early at 262-741-3366.
ur August class was so popular, we‟re having a second one! Learn how you can read free digital magazines on your computer or tablet. The class will cover using Zinio on your iPad, Android or Windows tablet, or your computer. Class will be held September 25 at noon. Register now
at the library — space is limited! Bring your device to class or use a library computer —you must have an email address and basic internet skills.
he Page Turners are a fun evening book discussion group that would love to have you join them!
Join us on September 4 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. Part travelogue, part murder mystery, this true story of the shooting of Danny Hunsford, local bad boy, captures the southern charm of Savannah, Georgia and its many eccentric characters. Join us on October 2 at 6:30 p.m. to chat about Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In a dystopian future, fireman (one who starts fires to burn books) Guy Montag begins to question his work and his society‟s values; he begins to illegally read the books he once burned and is forced to flee from the law. This classic criticism of government censorship is this year‟s Big Read selection for Walworth, Rock and Jefferson counties. Copies of the selections can be picked up at the circulation desk 3 to 4 weeks prior to the book club meeting.
For more information, contact book club guide Anna Merry by phone at (262) 723-2678 or email at
[email protected]
VOL 4, ISSUE 5 Sept./Oct. 2013 Library Closed:
101 N. Wisconsin Street Elkhorn, WI 53121 (262) 723-2678 www.elkhorn.lib.wi.us
September 2 November 1
IN THIS ISSUE: Book Giveaway: The Big Read— Fahrenheit 451 Mad Scientists’ Club Affordable Care Act Town Hall Trick or Trivia Night
Youth Services
Adult Services
Library Friends
*Programs with this symbol require registration in advance. Sign up at the library or online to save your spot at fun programs!
all will soon arrive, the hot days will be over and we will return to our regular programs the week of September 9th. We enjoyed a very busy summer with record check out. In July alone, we checked out 26,192 items, our busiest month ever! Our Summer Reading Program “Dig into Reading” was a big success and had participation from all ages. Our Chair Auction ended on August 8th and was a great fundraiser for the library. We were able to raise $1,300 for our building fund. I want to thank Sharon Kawczynski, all the students, and the other art teachers who helped to decorate the chairs. They were impressive! I also want to thank all those who bid on the chairs and helped to make our “Chair-ity Auction” a big success. September means Library Card Sign Up Month. Don‟t forget the most important school supply, a library card! We hope to issue 100 library cards to new patrons this month. Sara Krewal will be posting a display of library cards from all over Wisconsin.
Sign up for the online newsletter at: eepurl.com/jzOQ1 Follow us on:
Our children‟s department will be hosting a new program in September called Mad Scientists‟ Club. This will alternate with Lego Club and Messy Art on Thursdays at 3:30. Check our
Messy Art Club will make monster boxes for Halloween!
calendar for specific dates. Banned Books Week takes place during September 22-28. We will be giving away a free book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, on Monday, September 23 while supplies last. During the month of October, we celebrate Teen Read Week (October 13-19) and National Friends of the Library Week (October 20-26). We will host our annual Volunteer Appreciation Ice Cream Social on Monday, October 21. Please plan to attend the Trivia Night on Saturday, October 26. You can attend as an individual, a couple, or bring a whole team! This is sure to be a super fun event organized by the Friends of the Library. Keep reading this newsletter to learn more about the programs and events we offer at the library this fall. -Lisa Selje Library Director
A sampling of library cards that will be displayed.