Sep 11, 2004 - All personal information, account balances, deposit amounts and account ... Paychecks collected will be d
Marshall Community
Credit Union CU In School Student Volunteer Application Please Print. Fill out application carefully and completely in ink. Position Applying For: (you may check more than one) Branch Manager/Marketer - direct students from classroom to school branch and assist MCCU Youth Representative with Marketing (announcements, posters, etc.). Computer Operator – post member transactions on the computer. Reserved for 4th and 5th graders only. Bookkeeper - post member transactions to Management Ledger and track all student prizes earned. Teller - conduct member transactions (must be able to count money and use a calculator). Last Name_____________________________ First Name____________________________ Middle________________ Home Address ________________________________________________City _________________________________ State__________________ Zip Code_____________________ Home Phone___________________________________ Homeroom Teacher__________________________________________ Grade _________________________________ Work Experience (mowing lawns, babysitting, dishes, cleaning room, etc.)______________________________________ Other Activities (sports, hobbies, awards, school activities, etc.) ______________________________________________ Why do you want to work for CU In School? _____________________________________________________________ What are you most excited about learning by volunteering for CU In School? ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Notes to Students, Parents and Teachers:
All personal information, account balances, deposit amounts and account numbers are confidential. Student volunteers will be instructed to handle each transaction in a manner that assures the members privacy. Student volunteers will miss some class time on credit union days. Teachers should be aware of this time commitment and students will be responsible for completing missed classroom assignments. Student volunteers will earn $1 paychecks for each day worked at the CU In School branch. Students will need to turn in paychecks at the end of their scheduled volunteer time. Paychecks collected will be deposited directly into the students MCCU Savings Account (or returned in cash if an account is not currently open). Parent/Guardian Signature will authorize Marshall Community Credit Union to take and use photographs of student volunteers for appropriate business/education partnership purposes such as publications, news releases, training videotapes, and Social Media sites. Watch for you and your school photos monthly online. Go to and click on Accounts, Youth Products & Services, then CU In School and then your schools name.
We have read the above information and understand the time commitment and responsibilities involved if selected for a school credit union volunteer position. Student Signature_____________________________________
Date ______________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________
Teacher Signature ____________________________________
839 West Green Street Marshall, MI 49068 / 1157 East Michigan Avenue Battle Creek, MI 49014 Ph 269.781.9885 Fx 269.781.8099