September 14, 2017 - Krannert School of Management - Purdue ...

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Sep 14, 2017 - For more information on companies attending the career fair and their career ..... strategy, consulting,

FALL CAREER FAIR September 14, 2017

11 AM - 4 PM



Mondays, 9:30-11:30 am, Krannert Drawing Room Start your day off right with free Greyhouse coffee! Great opportunity for management students, alumni, and faculty to meet and share ideas and advice regarding professional development


10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Coffee & Critiques (Rawls Third Floor) 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Coffee & Critiques (Rawls Third Floor) 11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Company Presentation (Stewart Center) 6:30 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Krannert Cooks (Krach Lawn)


11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SMEF Fall Career Fair (PMU Ballroom, Main Lounges & PMU 118 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Company Presentations (Krannert Classrooms)


8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Interviews (Stewart Center & Young Hall)

For updated information, please visit and follow us on social media @krannertsmef For more information on companies attending the career fair and their career opportunities available, please visit or download the career fair app, Careers by Symplicity

Making the Most of a Career Fair Know Your Purpose: Networking •

 Attend a career fair to: - Meet and interact with employers - Gather information about career fields - Learn about internship, full-time and co-op opportunities

Before the Fair: Preparation is key • • • • •

 Revise your resume, have it reviewed, and make copies to distribute to employers.  Review the list of employers planning to attend the fair and research information about those in which you are interested.  Practice your 30-second elevator pitch to express your unique qualities to employers.  Prepare intelligent questions for recruiters based on your research of the employer or position.  Choose professional business attire to wear to all career fairs except the Summer Camp Fair.

During the Fair: Display confidence •

 Take a warm-up lap: - Walk through the fair to identify the location of employers you are interested in speaking with, and to observe the interaction between candidates and recruiters. - Make a game plan of which employers you would like to meet the most, depending on desire and wait time in lines.  Remember the following when approaching an employer: - Be confident: know your skills and be prepared to convey them to the recruiter. - Engage in small talk to break the ice. - Deliver your 30-second elevator pitch. - Ask questions about the organization and career opportunities. If you are interested in the position and company, offer the recruiter your resume to review. - Ask the recruiter for a business card, thank them for speaking with you, and make plans to follow up.

After the Fair: Take action • • •

  Review company materials received at the fair.  Send follow-up emails within 24 hours.  Request an interview with organizations you are interested in pursuing further.

CENTER FOR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, Purdue University, 2013-2014 Career Planning Handbook. Geneva: College Recruitment Media, 2013.

Looking for a First Class Internship?

From accounting to engineering, Republic Airline could be your runway to a successful career.   H e a d q u a r t e r e d i n I n d i a n a p o l i s , Republic Airline employs 5,200 talented professionals to support its operations in partnership with American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines. We operate 900 daily departures to over 100 U.S. cities, Canada, Central America, and the Caribbean. Our outstanding performance and safety records wouldn’t be possible without all of our Associates in the air and on the ground—you can be part of it!

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Republic Airways is a proud partner with Purdue University’s Aviation Technology program in the innovative iPOP career development program.

7/6/17 4:52 PM

Company Presentation Schedule Wednesday, September 13th STEW 202







West Monroe Partners

11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

Sears Holding Corp.


DOW Chemical

Plante Moran

John Deere

United Airlines

Rolls Royce North America

1:30 p.m.


NVR Inc. (Ryan Homes)

United Technologies

Blue & Co.

Caterpillar INC.


SC Johnson

2:30 p.m.

Eli Lilly & Company

Republic Airline

Cintas Corporation

Dauby, O’Connor & Zaleski, LLC.

Nielson Company

Toyota Materials Handling

General Motors

3:30 p.m.

Ernst and Young



Procter and Gamble

Target Corporation

Shell Oil Company

CNH Industrial

4:30 p.m.


Textron Inc.

Zimmer Biomet

General Cable



Stryker Corporation

KRAN G-4 Kronos KRAN G-4

KRAN G-9 Charles Schwab KRAN G-5 GEICO Insurance Company

Thursday, September 14th

5:00 p.m.

KRAN G-2 Crown Castle KRAN G-2

6:00 p.m.

Ford Motor Company

7:00 p.m.


Camping World

KRAN G-13 Dish Network KRAN G-10


Air Liquide Roche Diagnostics

Teach For America




Cummins Inc.


Presentation schedule will likely change. Please refer to or @krannertsmef for updates. *Anheuser-Busch is presenting from 8:00pm-10:00pm on Sept. 14th in HAMP 2101

Updated Company Info: Search the company list on myCCO or download our Fair App "Careers by Symplicity" (select Purdue CCO for the school)


Grad St udents OPT/CP T Eligib le Stude nts F-1


1st Yea rs

Sophom ores Juniors Seniors

r Intern s



Semest e

Summe r


Genera l Mgmt Human Resour ce Industr ial Mgm t Interna tional B us Manufa cturing / Operat ions / S u p p ly Chain M anagem ent Market ing Other Sales




Company Accenture Ace Hardware Corporation Aetna Air Liquide ALDI, INC. Allegion Alro American Woodmark Corporation Amway Anheuser-Busch Anixter, Inc Aramark ArcelorMittal Archer Daniels Midland Company Archway Technology Partners, Inc Arconic AT&T AXA Advisors, LLC Baldwin & Lyons, Inc. Bank of America Becker Professional Education Belden BKD, LLP Blue & Co., LLC BMM Transportation, Inc. Brooksource BRT Buckeye International, Inc. Camping World Cargill Caterpillar Inc Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Cintas Corporation CliftonLarsonAllen LLP CNH Industrial

Accoun ting/CP A Bus Ana lytics Consult ing CS / MIS Econ

SMEF - Company Recruiting Information

Updated Company Info: Search the company list on myCCO or download our Fair App "Careers by Symplicity" (select Purdue CCO for the school)


Grad St udents OPT/CP T Eligib le Stude nts F-1


1st Yea rs

Sophom ores Juniors Seniors

r Intern s



Semest e

Summe r


Genera l Mgmt Human Resour ce Industr ial Mgm t Interna tional B us Manufa cturing / Operat ions / S u p p ly Chain M anagem ent Market ing Other Sales




Company CNO Financial Group Consolidated Electrical Distributors Coyote Logistics Crew Carwash Crowe Horwath LLP Crown Castle Cummins Inc. Dauby, O'Connor & Zaleski, LLC. David J. Joseph Company, The Dayton Freight Lines, Inc. Defesnse Finance and Accounting Service Dell Inc. Deloitte US Firms DISH Network, LLC Dow Chemical Company Elanco Animal Health Eli Lilly & Company Enterprise Rent-A-Car enVista LLC Equifax Ernst & Young LLP Evonik Corporation Faurecia Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Ford Motor Company GE Appliances, a Haier Company GEICO Insurance Company General Motors Gexpro/Parts Super Center/Rexel Groupon Hillenbrand, Inc. Hormel Foods Hotta Liesenberg Saito LLP Huth Thompson LLP Indiana INTERNnet Ingersoll Rand

Accoun ting/CP A Bus Ana lytics Consult ing CS / MIS Econ

SMEF - Company Recruiting Information

Updated Company Info: Search the company list on myCCO or download our Fair App "Careers by Symplicity" (select Purdue CCO for the school)


Grad St udents OPT/CP T Eligib le Stude nts F-1


1st Yea rs

Sophom ores Juniors Seniors

r Intern s



Semest e

Summe r


Genera l Mgmt Human Resour ce Industr ial Mgm t Interna tional B us Manufa cturing / Operat ions / S u p p ly Chain M anagem ent Market ing Other Sales




Company Insight Global, Inc. Jellyvision Jet Support Services, Inc (JSSI) Jimmy John's Franchise, LLC John Deere John R. Waters & Company Katz, Sapper & Miller KPMG, LLP Kronos Lockheed Martin Lutron Electronics MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc. Monsanto Myers and Stauffer LC Napa Balkamp Nielsen Company Northwestern Mutual Nucor NVR, Inc. (Ryan Homes) OmniSource Corporation Orr Fellowship Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. PepsiCo Plante Moran Polaris Industries, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Procter & Gamble Purdue MBA & MS Programs Republic Airline Roche Diagnostics Rolls-Royce North America Ryerson SC Johnson Schlumberger Schneider Schneider Electric

Accoun ting/CP A Bus Ana lytics Consult ing CS / MIS Econ

SMEF - Company Recruiting Information

Updated Company Info: Search the company list on myCCO or download our Fair App "Careers by Symplicity" (select Purdue CCO for the school)


Grad St udents OPT/CP T Eligib le Stude nts F-1


1st Yea rs

Sophom ores Juniors Seniors

r Intern s



Semest e

Summe r


Genera l Mgmt Human Resour ce Industr ial Mgm t Interna tional B us Manufa cturing / Operat ions / S u p p ly Chain M anagem ent Market ing Other Sales




Company Sears Holdings Corporation Shell Oil Company Shepard Schwartz & Harris Sherwin-Williams Slalom Consulting Smithfield Foods Stryker Corporation Target Corporation Teach for America Textron Inc. The Clorox Company Toyota Material Handling USA Travelers Insurance Ulta Beauty Umbaugh Union Pacific Railroad United Airlines United States Cold Storage United Technologies US Foods Walgreens Welch Packaging West Monroe Partners WestPoint Financial Group/MassMutual Zimmer Biomet

Accoun ting/CP A Bus Ana lytics Consult ing CS / MIS Econ

SMEF - Company Recruiting Information

Wanted: builders of a better working world At EY, questions are at the heart of what we do. We ask better questions that unlock deeper insights and innovation for our clients, helping them operate more efficiently, manage risk, foster growth and inspire confidence. We have an ambition to build a better working work, and the question is will it begin with you? #LegacyBuilders

Learn more:

Krannert East/West Lounges







Company Locations



Fire Place

PMU 118





Company Table # Aetna 145 Bank of America 146 Camping World 141 CliftonLarsonAllen LLP 153 Elanco Animal Health 147 GE Appliances, a Haier Company 150 Jet Support Services, Inc (JSSI) 149 Jimmy Johns 148 Myers and Stauffer LC 142 Roche Diagnostics 143 Rolls-Royce North America 151 Sears Holdings Corporation 144 Shepard Schwartz & Harris 140 Travelers Insurance 152


PMU Ballrooms

Company Locations - Main Lounges Company

Ace Hardware Corporation Allegion Anheuser-Busch Anixter, Inc Aramark Archway Technology Partners, Inc AT&T AXA Advisors, LLC BMM Transportation, Inc. CNO Financial Group Crew Carwash Defesnse Finance and Accounting Service Dow Chemical Company Equifax Faurecia Hillenbrand, Inc. Hotta Liesenberg Saito LLP

Table # 117 116 128 121 136 131 108 134 115 137 118 114 132 125 123 127 109


Huth Thompson LLP Indiana INTERNnet Ingersoll Rand Jellyvision John R. Waters & Company Lutron Electronics MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc. Nucor OmniSource Corporation Orr Fellowship Polaris Industries, Inc. Schneider Electric Smithfield Foods Teach for America United Airlines United States Cold Storage US Foods

Table # 124 119 122 135 120 133 111 130 139 126 110 138 113 112 107 129 106

North/South Ballroom




106 1

132 12

133 13

134 14

136 16

135 15

137 17

107 2

138 18

119 14

120 15

116 11

115 10

114 9

113 8

130 10

109 2

131 11

108 1

118 13

139 19

117 12

128 8

127 7

126 6

121 1

129 9

125 5

123 3

West Main Lounge

112 7

122 2

East Main Lounge

111 6

110 5

Don’t just live in a wireless world. Enable it. Learn more about our Emerging Leaders Program.

©2016 Crown Castle

Company Locations - PMU Ballrooms Company

Accenture Air Liquide ALDI, INC. Alro American Woodmark Corporation Amway ArcelorMittal Archer Daniels Midland Company Arconic Baldwin & Lyons, Inc. Becker Professional Education Belden BKD, LLP Blue & Co., LLC Brooksource BRT Buckeye International, Inc. Cargill Caterpillar Inc Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Cintas Corporation CNH Industrial Consolidated Electrical Distributors Coyote Logistics Crowe Horwath LLP Crown Castle Cummins Inc. Dauby, O'Connor & Zaleski, LLC. David J. Joseph Company, The Dayton Freight Lines, Inc. Dell Inc. Deloitte US Firms DISH Network, LLC Eli Lilly & Company Enterprise Rent-A-Car enVista LLC Ernst & Young LLP Evonik Corporation Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Ford Motor Company GEICO Insurance Company General Motors

Table #

55 & 56 59 1&2 12 49 85 70 23 & 24 73 65 10 100 58 68 & 67 3 17 76 15 27 78 & 79 43 44 71 61 66 5&6 89 52 & 53 13 & 14 77 60 39 29,30,31 25 86 & 105 11 16 90 & 91 97 102 41 & 42 9 83


Gexpro/Parts Super Center/Rexel Groupon Hormel Foods Insight Global, Inc. John Deere Katz, Sapper & Miller KPMG, LLP Kronos Lockheed Martin Monsanto Napa Balkamp Nielsen Company Northwestern Mutual NVR, Inc. (Ryan Homes) Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. PepsiCo Plante Moran PricewaterhouseCoopers Procter & Gamble Purdue MBA & MS Programs Republic Airline Ryerson SC Johnson Schlumberger Schneider Shell Oil Company Sherwin-Williams Slalom Consulting Stryker Corporation Target Corporation Textron Inc. The Clorox Company Toyota Material Handling USA Ulta Beauty Umbaugh Union Pacific Railroad United Technologies Walgreens Welch Packaging West Monroe Partners WestPoint Financial Group/MassMutual Zimmer Biomet

Table # 98 94 45 103 37 & 38 34 47 19 48 87 46 22 4 92 101 7&8 95 50 & 51 93 72 18 99 33 26 54 88 96 62 32 & 57 81 & 82 20 & 21 64 80 63 104 28 69 75 84 35 & 36 74 40

Purdue Memorial Union Ballroom 79


77 76



Stage 75









65 64





















63 62


North Ballroom 82





1 2 3 4 5 6


8 9 10 11






29 34


30 35


31 36


32 37



















30 29 28 27 26

South Ballroom

25 24 20 23 19 22 18 21 20 19 18

17 12





Student Entrance

Nametags & Photo Booth

Coat Check

I’m making $80k a year and my own schedule. At ALDI, we believe in our people. So much so that we pay our District Managers incredibly well, invest heavily in their training - our 50+week onboarding program was named ERE’s Best for 2015 - and empower and entrust them to run a multimillion-dollar operation in an entrepreneurial environment.

Find out more at

Welcome to more.

All interested candidates are encouraged to sign up through Career Services myCCO to be considered for an interview.

Salary Breakdown 1st year: $80,000 2nd year: $88,000 3rd year: $95,000 4th year: $100,000

ALDI is an Equal Opportunity Employer.




Gain access to opportunities exclusive to Purdue Students and Alumni


Drop-in & have your resume reviewed YOUNG 132 M-F 10am-4pm


Stay connected with your online career community by connecting with us: Purdue CCO


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

September 14, 2017

Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions- underpinned by the world's largest delivery network-Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With approximately 373,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Visit us at

Ace Hardware Corporation has grown to become one of the nation's leading retailer owned cooperatives with more than 5,000 domestic and international stores and an expansive network of distribution centers in the U.S. Our annual retail sales in the multi-billions rank Ace in the top 25 of all U.S. retailers. If you're passionate about your career and want to contribute to a company you can believe in, consider sharing your talent with us. Join us in continuing our legacy of making Ace "the helpful place." September 14, 2017

Founded in 1853 in Hartford, CT, Aetna is committed to providing individuals, employers, health care professionals, producers and others with innovative benefits, products and services. We offer challenging summer internships and full-time training programs for students to learn and grow professionally. Gain confidence and sharpen your skills as a summer intern. You'll be amazed by what you learn and the connections you'll make.

September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

Air Liquide develops innovative technologies and sustainable solutions, optimizing the use of air and natural resources, enabling progress and preserving life. Located in over 80 countries, we have more than 1,000,000 customers globally in industries such as steel, food and beverage, electronics, and pharmaceuticals. By using gases naturally present in the atmosphere, Air Liquide separates and purifies them into oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and various rare gases, then distributes them to clientele by pipeline, compression, cylinders, or in some cases, produced directly on a clients' site. Air Liquide also uses other natural resources of gas to produce other gases caused by chemical reaction for their clients' usage (hydrogen, carbon dioxide, acetylene, helium, ozone, carbon monoxide).


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

ALDI District Manager $80,000 The District Manager position at ALDI is defined by responsibility and rewards. It's a challenging position, but that's just one of the reasons why our investment in you begins with a $80,000 per year starting salary plus benefits. We invest in ambition, reward success and promote from within.

September 14, 2017

At Allegion, we help keep people safe and secure where they live, work and visit. With more than 25 brands sold in almost 130 countries across the globe, we specialize in security around the doorway and beyond: everything from residential and commercial locks, door closer and exit devices, steel doors and frames to access control and workforce productivity systems.

September 14, 2017

Alro processes and distributes metals, plastics and industrial supplies with next day delivery to over 25,000 customers in North America. Alro offers rewarding and challenging career opportunities. We work hard to provide our teammates with comprehensive on-the-job training for a multitude of business disciplines, so that they can maximize their career expectations. September 14, 2017

Most importantly, employment at Alro is about being a part of something bigger. It's about being on a team that employs the highest levels of loyalty, honesty and integrity. It's about exceeding customer expectations on a daily basis by taking a true interest in their needs. An Alro career provides a dynamic work environment that allows our teammates to learn, grow and succeed in whatever they put their minds to.

We're a company of pioneers. It's our job to make bold bets, and we get our energy from inventing on behalf of customers. Success is measured against the possible, not the probable. For todays pioneers, thats exactly why theres no place on Earth theyd rather build than Amazon.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

American Woodmark manufactures cabinetry for the remodeling and new construction markets: American Woodmark™, Shenandoah Cabinetry®, Waypoint Living Spaces™, & Timberlake Cabinetry®, a core vendor to Lowe's & The Home Depot; operating 9 manufacturing facilities & 9 builder service centers in the USA.

September 14, 2017

We are a $10+ billion pioneer in the direct-selling industry, offering millions of people an opportunity to become entrepreneurs in more than 100 countries and territories. Established in 1959, with the belief that all people should have a chance to reach their greatest potential, Amway now employs more than 20,000 people worldwide. We offer 450+ products that are primarily focused on nutrition, beauty and home, led by our brands NUTRILITE, ARTISTRY and eSpring. September 14, 2017

Based in Ada, MI, Amway is not only a center of health, skincare and home product innovation and top-selling, global brands. We are a company committed to providing employees with challenging career opportunities. Here, you have the opportunity to add value and be valued - to deliver your highest value professionally, while

September 14, 2017

Budweiser. Bud Light. Stella Artois. Over 19 billion dollar brands, to be exact. But there's more to us than a portfolio of top notch brands. We are a company built on a dream. We want to brew great beers that can not only be enjoyed responsibly but are also created with low impact on the environment. We take pride in our work, regardless of the task or department. Over 160 years, we've grown to operate 15 breweries and our Brewmasters still taste every batch. We are a company that believes our people are our greatest asset. We believe in the spirit of ownership because our employees take results personally. We value talented employees who aren't afraid to be bold. Want to learn more? Visit us at

Anixter is a Fortune 500 company, and the world's leading supplier of products used to connect voice, video, data, security systems, specialty electrical and electronic wire and cable for building construction, industrial maintenance and original equipment manufacturing, as well as the leader in providing fasteners and C-class components to OEMs and production lines.

September 14, 2017

Anixter can be defined by one overriding characteristic: the immense value we deliver to our customers. By offering superior products, technological expertise and worldwide Supply Chain Services, Anixter has distinguished itself from other distributors to help our customers address their business problems. Anixter would not be in this strong position without the support of a strong team across departments, divisions an...


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Aramark (NYSE: ARMK) is in the customer service business across food, facilities and uniforms, wherever people work, learn, recover, and play. United by a passion to serve, our more than 270,000 employees deliver experiences that enrich and nourish the lives of millions of people in 22 countries around the world every day. Aramark is recognized among the Most Admired Companies by FORTUNE and the World's Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute. Learn more at or connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. September 14, 2017

ArcelorMittal USA is part of ArcelorMittal, the world's leading steel and mining company. Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, we are a leading supplier of quality steel products in major North American markets including automotive, construction, pipe and tube, appliance, container and machinery. ArcelorMittal USA employs more than 20,000 people at 27 operations across the United States.

September 14, 2017

For more than a century, the people of Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) have transformed crops into products that serve the vital needs of a growing world. Today, we're one of the world's largest agricultural processors and food ingredient providers, with more than 32,300 employees serving customers in more than 160 countries. With a global value chain that includes 428 crop procurement locations, 280 ingredient manufacturing facilities, 39 innovation centers and the world's premier crop transportation network, we connect the harvest to the home, making products for food, animal feed, industrial and energy uses. Learn more at September 14, 2017

Archway is a technology firm whose software solution supports the accounting, investment management and reporting functions for family offices, private banks, private wealth advisors and fund administrators. Archway's primary objective is to help private wealth management firms better serve their ultra-high net worth clients through a single, integrated technology offering.

September 14, 2017

Archway's proprietary software solution is designed to efficiently handle complex partnership, portfolio and corporate accounting alongside bill payment, investment management and multi-asset class data aggregation.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Arconic (NYSE: ARNC) creates breakthrough products that shape industries. Working in close partnership with our customers, we solve complex engineering challenges to transform the way we fly, drive, build and power. Through the ingenuity of our people and cutting-edge advanced manufacturing techniques, we deliver these products at a quality and efficiency that ensures customer success and shareholder value. For more information: Follow @arconic: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. September 14, 2017

If AT&T is anything, we're a leader. We lead in the way we develop technology, and in the ways we develop people. Our internships and development programs are great examples of that. Find one that will lead the way to your future. Welcome. You found us, which means we've probably already met. We're doing our part to minimize our impact on the environment, that's why we're using this cool website. And we believe that by coming here, you will find all you need and more. September 14, 2017

AT&T is a different kind of company. At our core, you'll find diversity. It's the reason our products are so exceptional, our services are world-class and why we have been recognized as a top company for diversity 10 years in a row (DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity).

September 14, 2017

AXA Advisors is a leader in helping individuals and businesses address their financial goals through financial strategies, investment services and risk management. We have more than 50 branches across the country employing approximately 5,000 financial professionals. AXA Advisors is an equal opportunity employer committed to a workplace that is diverse, inclusive and merit-based. We're looking for highly motivated, achievement-driven individuals who want the opportunity to establish and grow a financial services practice with the support and strength of one of the nation's leading financial services firms. Our work environment is fast-paced, energetic and enthusiastic. If you have an entrepreneurial mindset and are not looking for just a job, then this is the place for you.

Founded in 1930, Baldwin & Lyons specializes in marketing and underwriting insurance for the transportation industry. Today, we operate three domestic property and casualty insurance companies that provide both admitted and excess and surplus lines platforms, a Bermuda-based captive solution, a fully licensed Canadian branch and two brokerage firms. Our companies accept risks covering more than a dozen different specialty products and services and provide brokerage services for virtually any property and casualty risk. September 14, 2017

We have a vision and a plan for growth that is supported by our stability, experience and commitment to innovation.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

September 14, 2017

Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small- and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. We serve approximately 51 million consumer and small business relationships with approximately 5,300 retail banking offices and approximately 16,350 ATMs and award-winning online banking with 30 million active users and more than 13 million mobile users. Bank of America is among the world's leading wealth management companies and is a global leader in corporate and investment banking and trading across a broad range of asset classes, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the wor...

When you prepare with Becker, you're not just prepared to pass the CPA Exam, you're Becker prepared. For 60 years, Becker has helped make the most of each student's valuable study time to help drive exam success.

September 14, 2017

Becker's all-new CPA Exam Review is designed to prepare students for the recently updated 2017 exam. This new course is more personalized and more efficient than ever before with our innovative Adapt2U Adaptive Learning Technology. A specially designed pre-assessment provides a recommended learning path focusing on key areas where students need the most help. Progress tests along the way also track development and provide feedback to build knowledge and instill confidence. And, we offer our course material in an array of study formats designed to fit your lifestyle.

September 14, 2017

Don't Work for a Good Company, Work for a Great Company! Belden Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets cable, connectivity, and networking products in markets including industrial automation, enterprise, transportation, infrastructure, and consumer electronics. It has approximately 7,500 employees, and provides value for industrial automation, enterprise, education, healthcare, entertainment and broadcast, sound and security, transportation, infrastructure, consumer electronics and other industries. Belden has manufacturing capabilities in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, and a market presence in nearly every region of the world. Belden was founded in 1902, and today is a leader with some of the strongest brands in the signal transmission industry. Visit

Take your career to the next level one of the largest CPA and advisory firms in the U.S. At BKD, we offer the resources you need to go as far as your talent will take you. Build your skills focusing on specific industries and service areas while delivering unmatched client service to high-profile organizations. Provide real insight and value while jumpstarting your career in public accounting. Take a closer look at BKD, a stable, growing firm that offers you experience that will last a lifetime. September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Blue & Co., LLC, ranked as the 52nd largest CPA firm in the U.S. by Accounting Today, has seen unprecedented growth since its inception in 1970. With 13 offices in four states (IN, KY, OH, and TX) and over 450 professionals, Blue is proud to serve clients in the Construction, Manufacturing, Distribution, Healthcare, Agribusiness, Financial Services, and Not-for-Profit industries.

September 14, 2017

When you work with Blue, you work with a group of professionals who serve each of our client's unique needs with the same enthusiasm, dedication, and responsiveness that helped shape our firm over 45 years ago.

September 14, 2017

BMM Transportation, Inc. is a fast growing Chicago based business. We are a third-party transportation provider servicing the United States and Canada. BMM Transportation is the bridge between businesses that need products shipped and transportation companies that need to keep their drivers moving. Driven by our dedicated sales team BMM ensures to provide the best customer service to our customers, a pleasurable experience for our carriers and a relaxed, fun, energetic environment for our employees. BMM Transportation has grown year after year since 2008 and we are looking to keep growing and moving forward. BMM Transportation, Inc. is a business where young professionals can jump start their careers and love what they do. It all starts here.

September 14, 2017

Brooksource and Technical Youth is a cutting edge IT services company. Established in 2000, Technical Youth was launched to supply entry-to-mid level support to corporations around Indiana. In 2003, Brooksource was created as an alternative to Technical Youth to supply a full range of technology skill sets, especially senior level talent. Together both divisions have built a strong reputation of delivering innovative solutions for technical projects across the Midwest. Technical Youth and Brooksource have been recognized for over seven consecutive years as one of Indiana's most successful and fastest growing technology-based companies and was recently recognized by the Princeton Review as one of the "Nation's Best Entry Level Employers." Brooksource services the following markets: I...

Blue Ribbon Transport (BRT) was incorporated in 1996. Based from years of experience as a produce carrier, and refrigerated carrier we have grown into a premier, non-asset based logistics company that manages various customers' temperature-controlled transportation needs.

September 14, 2017

Our services include freight booking, dispatching, tracking, reporting and full AR/AP services. BRT also offers temperature-controlled warehousing, cross-docking and forward distribution from our Indianapolis, IN and Newcomerstown, OH facilities.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

September 14, 2017

Overview and Company Description: Buckeye International, Inc. has a heritage that is marked with a history of quality products, profitable operations, and consistent financial strength. The company was founded in 1844 in Dayton Ohio as the J.P. Davies Company, producer of oils for oil burning lamp and lubrication uses. The discovery of petroleum in 1888 led to a shift in production to bar soap manufacturing. Motivated by a desire to boost the cleaning effectiveness of its bar soap products, J.P. Davies Company became the first company to market chip soap in a box on a commercial basis, beginning in 1892. In 1905, it became the first company to package chip soap for household use. The company was incorporated under Ohio law as The Davies-Young Soap Company in 1914. The nut of the ...

See for more information

September 14, 2017

We are looking for top notch talent and leaders that share our work ethic and drive as well as someone who can grow our already thriving dealerships/teams. After going public this past October (CWH ticker) we are experiencing significant growth nationwide. We are the nation's largest RV dealer group ($3 Billion+ Corporation). The two main reasons people are joining the Camping World Team are... THE OPPORTUNITY: 1. We are growing at an extremely rapid pace; we have grown from 50 dealerships in 2009 to 120+ as of today. Moving forward, we are planning to have a minimum of 200 dealerships in less than 5 years. 2. The income and growth opportunity is exceptional. Unlike many very large and

Cargill is a unique place to grow your career, your experience and your abilities. Every day, we grow our reputation as a leading international producer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products and services. We take pride in our global reach, ability to contribute, and strong work ethics and values. Founded in 1865, Cargill is a privately held company and employs 140,000 people in 65 countries with annual revenues in excess of $133 billion. Through innovation, creativity and teamwork, we are transforming entire markets and people's lives worldwide, and we can have the same impact on your career. Discover how we can be Better Together at September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

For more than 90 years, Caterpillar Inc. has been making sustainable progress possible and driving positive change on every continent. Customers turn to Caterpillar to help them develop infrastructure, energy and natural resource assets. With 2016 sales and revenues of $38.537 billion, Caterpillar is the world's leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. The company principally operates through its three product segments - Construction Industries, Resource Industries and Energy & Transportation - and also provides financing and related services through its Financial Products segment. For more information, visit


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

The belief in the power of investing to transform people's lives is at the heart of the company Chuck started over 40 years ago.

September 14, 2017

Charles Schwab is a leading provider of financial services, with more than 300 offices nationwide. Through its operating subsidiaries, the company provides a full range of securities brokerage, banking, money management and financial advisory services to individual investors and independent investment advisors. Named "Highest in Investor Satisfaction with Self-Directed Services" by J.D. Power and Associates, its broker-dealer subsidiary, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (member SIPC) affiliates offer a complete range of investment services and products.

Cintas leads the industry in supplying corporate identity uniform programs, providing entrance and logo mats, restroom supplies, promotional products, first aid, safety, fire protection products and services, and industrial carpet and tile cleaning. We operate more than 400 facilities in North America-including six manufacturing plants and eight distribution centers.

September 14, 2017

CLA is a professional services firm delivering integrated wealth advisory, outsourcing, and public accounting capabilities to help clients succeed professionally and personally. Our industry-focused teams offer services that support clients locally, nationally, and globally. Investment advisory services are offered through CliftonLarsonAllen Wealth Advisors, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor.

September 14, 2017

Through its people and brands, CNH Industrial delivers power, technology and innovation to farmers, builders and drivers all around the world. Each of its brands, including Case IH, New Holland Agriculture, Case and New Holland Construction, FPT Industrial, Capital, and Parts & Service, is a major international force in its specific sector.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

CNO is the 4-billion-dollar insurance company better known by its subsidiaries - Bankers Life and Casualty, Washington National, Colonial Penn, and 40|86 Advisors. Together, we serve the basic insurance needs of the fast-growing, but under-served middle market and provide our customers with financial security for their life, health, and retirement needs. Our corporate offices are located in Carmel, Ind.; Chicago; and Philadelphia. September 14, 2017

In 1957, the two locations of the Electric Corporation of San Francisco became CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS, INC. CED has since expanded into a coast-to-coast network of sales and distribution warehouses with more than 600 locations nationwide. The CED management philosophy allows each manager to operate an independent business or "Profit Center" by remaining sensitive to local customers' needs while still benefiting from the advantages afforded to a national distributor. Managers are guided by the principles of "service, integrity and reliability." CED is an Equal Opportunity/Disability/Veteran Employer September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

The transportation and logistics industry-responsible for coordinating and moving the goods we buy and consume every day-is expected to grow by 20 percent over the next decade, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. In this industry, Chicago-based Coyote Logistics, founded in 2006, is a leading transportation and logistics service provider that is constantly innovating-a great place to embark on your career. Powered by proprietary technology, smart people, and unrivaled commitment, Coyote is successful because of the company's "No Excuses" mentality to provide shippers and carriers with the best service in the industry. Coyote's culture fuels this mission every day. Talent is one of the most important things in our business, which is why Coyote primes its employees for career succe...

Central Indiana carwash, family owned and operated since 1948. As our Founder Joe Dahm often reminds us, we're really in the people business. We just happen to wash cars.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

September 14, 2017

Crowe Horwath LLP ( is one of the largest public accounting and consulting firms in the United States. Under its core purpose of "Building Value with Values®," Crowe uses its deep industry expertise to provide audit services to public and private entities while also helping clients reach their goals with tax, advisory, risk, and performance services. With a total of more than 3,000 personnel, Crowe and its subsidiaries have offices coast to coast. The firm is recognized by many organizations as one of the country's best places to work. Crowe serves clients worldwide as an independent member of Crowe Horwath International, one of the largest global accounting networks in the world, consisting of more than 150 independent accounting and advisory services firms in mo...

September 14, 2017

Founded in 1994, Crown Castle is one of the country's largest independent owners and operators of shared wireless infrastructure. We own, operate, build, and lease towers, rooftops, and Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) in prime markets for wireless communications. With a nationwide presence, we have the local resources to provide comprehensive site deployment services - including site acquisition, engineering, zoning and permitting, and construction - all designed to provide flexible solutions for customers. As the owners and operators of the infrastructure, our focus is on safety, reliability and regulatory compliance through regular inspections, utilizing state-of-the-art processes and tools, and a 24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC). Publicly traded, Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI) offer...

Cummins Inc. designs, manufactures, sells and services diesel and alternative fuel engine from 2.8 to 95 liters, diesel and alternative-fueled electrical generator sets from 2.5 to 3,500 kW, as well as related components and technology. The company's headquarter is in Columbus, Indiana and has about 55,000 employees worldwide. Cummins serves customers in more than 190 countries and territories. Cummins reported revenues of $19.1 billion and net income of $1.4 billion in 2015. September 14, 2017

Dauby, O'Connor & Zaleski, LLC ("DOZ") was established in 1987 to provide accounting, consulting, and tax services to owners, managers, and syndicators of multifamily housing communities. We are located on the north side of Indianapolis in Carmel, IN and serve clients all across the country.

September 14, 2017

DOZ started as a two man firm and has grown to a nationally recognized leader in the real estate arena with clients in over 46 states. Our niche focus in the real estate arena has resulted in staff of over 150 employees that truly understand the nuances of multifamily finance. We have seen tremendous growth over the past decade and more than doubled our office space in 2010. * Never heard of us? That's ok! We are one of the top 3 Firms in the country in Real Estate Accounting!


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

In the scrap recycling industry, DJJ has a well-earned reputation for integrity and innovation. Were recognized as a good community citizen who is trustworthy, financially strong and environmentally proactive. Since 1885, weve followed the principles of our founder Joseph Joseph. And become one of the most respected leaders in the industry.

September 14, 2017

Founded in 1981, Dayton Freight is a private, union-free LTL freight carrier headquartered in Dayton, Ohio. With 50 Service Centers in the Midwest region, Dayton Freight offers shippers 1 or 2 day service to thousands of points throughout a 13 state area. With our Strategic Alliance Network, we can serve all of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Guam.

September 14, 2017

DFAS' mission is to lead the DoD in finance and accounting by ensuring the delivery of efficient, exceptional quality pay and financial information. We take pride in serving the men and women who defend America. DFAS is seeking goal-oriented people who like a challenge and care about serving our country. We offer rewarding careers in finance, accounting, information systems, contracting services, human resources, clerical work and many other areas. For more information, visit September 14, 2017

Dell is a collective of customer-obsessed, industry-leading visionaries. At our core is a commitment to diversity, sustainability and our communities. We offer unparalleled growth and development opportunities for our team members. We believe that technology is essential for driving human progress, and we're committed to providing that technology to people and organizations everywhere, so they can transform the way they work and live.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

September 14, 2017

In the US, Deloitte & Touche USA LLP is the US member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and services are provided by the subsidiaries of Deloitte & Touche USA LLP (Deloitte & Touche LLP, Deloitte Consulting LLP, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, Deloitte Tax LLP and their subsidiaries), and not by Deloitte & Touche USA LLP. The subsidiaries of the US member firm are among the nation's leading professional services firms, providing audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services through nearly 30,000 people in more than 80 cities. Known as employers of choice for innovative human resources programs, they are dedicated to helping their clients and their people excel. For more information, please visit the US member firm?s web site at

Competition in the video entertainment industry is fierce, as major players vie for new customers with innovative products and services. In the middle of this highly dynamic space is DISH. We make a difference in the lives of consumers by delivering the best content experience at an unbeatable value. To ensure our continued success and keep our competitive edge, we need highly skilled strategic talent-leaders who seek to engage in this exciting industry with creativity, enthusiasm and a relentless drive for innovation. September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

Dow Chemical is a leader in the chemical industry with its diversified product portfolio that harnesses the power of science and technology to constantly improve what is essential to human progress. The Company offers a broad range of innovative products and services to customers in more than 175 countries, helping them to provide everything from fresh water, food and pharmaceuticals to paints, packaging, and personal care products. Built on a commitment to its principles of sustainability, Dow has annual sales of $57 billion, employs 53,000 people worldwide, and stands as a member of the Fortune 500. Visit the company's website at or

Elanco is a global research-based company that develops and delivers product and services to enhance animal health and production. We value innovation, both in scientific research and daily operations, and strive to cultivate a collaborative work environment for more than 7,000 employees worldwide. Founded in 1954, Elanco is a division of Lilly. Our worldwide headquarters and research facilities are in Greenfield, Indiana.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Lilly is a global healthcare leader that unites caring with discovery to make life better for people around the world. We're a Fortune 500 company, determined to bring life-changing medicines to those who need them and give back to communities through philanthropy and volunteerism. To learn more about Lilly, please visit us at September 14, 2017

Follow Lilly Careers on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

A family-owned, world-class portfolio of brands. A global network that spans across more than 70 countries. Some 97,000 dedicated team members sharing common values. And more than 1.9 million vehicles taking our customers wherever they need to go. Any way you measure it, we've become a leader in the transportation service industry. How did we get here? By taking care of our customers, our communities and our employees - and staying true to our mission. September 14, 2017

At enVista, we are Supply Chain, Enterprise, Retail, and IT experts delivering innovative supply solutions for leading retailers, distributors, and manufacturers. Our unrivaled consulting experience, deep vertical industry expertise and comprehensive solutions portfolio, enable clients to leverage one strategic partner that consults, implements and operates across Supply Chain, Transportation, Retail, IT and ERP. We assume end-to-end responsibility and are committed to optimized delivery of every project. September 14, 2017

Equifax powers the financial future of individuals and organizations around the world. Using the combined strength of unique trusted data, technology and innovative analytics, Equifax has grown from a consumer credit company into a leading provider of insights and knowledge that helps its customers make informed decisions. The company organizes, assimilates and analyzes data on more than 800 million consumers and more than 88 million businesses worldwide, and its databases includes employee data contributed from more than 5,000 employers. September 14, 2017

Headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., Equifax operates or has investments in 24 countries in North America, Central and South America, Europe and the Asia Pacific region. Equifax employs approximately 9,200 employees worldwide.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

September 14, 2017

Evonik Corporation is part of Evonik Industries, an international industrial group with a workforce of over 43,000 and activities in more than 100 countries all over the world. Evonik demonstrates its strong commitment to hiring and retaining diverse, well qualified employees by offering a comprehensive yet competitive flexible benefits program, including pension, health care, 401(k) and flexible spending programs.

September 14, 2017

Faurecia is the world's sixth largest automotive supplier with four key Business Groups: Automotive Seating, Emissions Control Technologies, Interior Systems and Automotive Exteriors. In 2013, the Group posted total sales of nearly $23.5 billion and employed 100,000 people in 34 countries at 320 sites.

September 14, 2017

Our teams are committed to helping automakers differentiate their vehicles by making them lighter and more fuel-efficient, with trendsetting design features and exceptional performance, applied inside, outside and under the vehicle. Faurecia designs, develops and manufactures complex automotive systems for all the major automakers and supplies one in four vehicles worldwide. To learn more about job opportunities at Faurecia, visit and click on Careers. For more i...

The FDIC insures finanical institutions nationwide and serves as the primary federal regulator of about 6,000 state-chartered "nonmember" banks. Thousands of financial institutions depend on our expert supervision and examinations to help maintain their safety and soundness.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Ford Motor Company is about more than making world class vehicles-at Ford we Go Further to meet the needs of our customers, the challenges of our industry and the issues confronting our world. In order to do that, we are looking to attract the top talent-like you. Ford is a place where development is valued for all, and employees are encouraged to learn, build skills and continuously improve year-after-year. When you work at Ford, you and your team will Go Further each day to deliver great products, build a strong business and contribute to a better world. The distance between you and an amazing career has never been shorter! September 14, 2017

GE Appliances, a Haier company, is more than a place to work. We imagine, design and build some of the world's best appliances. Our people strive to improve themselves, the company and the community-building challenging and rewarding careers along the way. We value diversity, teamwork, innovation and lean manufacturing. We work with some of the best people in the world who take pride in our products and thrive on challenges. More than a place to work, GE Appliances is a place of opportunity, a place to grow and a place to develop your career. September 14, 2017

For more than 75 years, GEICO has stood out from the rest of the insurance industry! We are one of the nation's largest and fastest-growing auto insurers thanks to our low rates, outstanding service and clever marketing. We're an industry leader employing thousands of dedicated and hard-working associates. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, we offer associates training and career advancement in a financially stable and rewarding workplace. September 14, 2017

Where the brightest minds come together to build exceptional automobiles and to strive towards being the best in technology, safety, and innovation. Share your talent, your passion and your determination, and become part of a revolution that's designing, building and selling the world's best vehicles.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Millions of US electrical customers trust the expertise, resources and relationships of Rexel Holdings USA. As the US presence of one of the world's largest electrical distributors, we apply our knowhow, productivity tools and hands-on business-building initiatives to help our customers thrive. Rexel Holdings USA is the home to many of the leading energy, communications and supply-chain brands in the US. As part of Rexel Holdings USA, Rexel Inc. and Gexpro play a significant role in meeting customer demands. September 14, 2017

Rexel Inc. is the leading distributor worldwide of electrical supplies. With some 2,400 branches in 34 countries, most of the Group's 33,000 employees are in daily contact with clients (contractors, technicians and industrial customers) and process over 10 million orders pe...

Groupon (NASDAQ: GRPN) is building the daily habit in local commerce, offering a vast mobile and online marketplace where people discover and save on amazing things to do, see, eat and buy. By enabling real-time commerce across local businesses, travel destinations, consumer products and live events, shoppers can find the best a city has to offer. Groupon is redefining how small businesses attract and retain customers by providing them with customizable and scalable marketing tools and services to profitably grow their businesses. September 14, 2017

Hillenbrand is a global diversified industrial company with multiple market-leading brands that serve a wide variety of industries across the globe. We pursue profitable growth and robust cash generation in order to drive increased value for our shareholders. Hillenbrand's portfolio is composed of two business segments: the Process Equipment Group and Batesville. The Process Equipment Group businesses design, develop, manufacture and service highly engineered industrial equipment around the world. Batesville is a recognized leader in the North American death care industry. Hillenbrand is publicly traded on the NYSE under "HI". September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

Inspired People. Inspired Food.™ Established in 1891, Hormel Foods Corporation is a $9.3 billion Fortune 500 company based in Austin, Minn. Founded upon a commitment to the highest standards of food safety and product quality, Hormel Foods continues to expand as a global maker and marketer of consumer-branded foods. Even after 125 years, Hormel Foods follows the vision of its founder to "Originate, don't imitate," and seeks out people who make that a reality. Employees at Hormel Foods are highly regarded as some of the best and brightest in the industry. A career with Hormel Foods means joining a team of more than 20,000 people dedicated to inspiring each other and bettering food for all. Learn more at


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Hotta Liesenberg Saito LLP is a professional services firm that specializes in providing accounting & assurance, tax compliance & advisory, and business consulting services. The firm was founded in 1990 in Los Angeles with the goal of delivering high quality services to assist international businesses. Since then, we have expanded to Indianapolis and 4 other major cities in the United States.

September 14, 2017

We also have offices in Tokyo and Mexico City to provide international accounting and tax services to overseas clients. Most of our clients are subsidiaries or branch offices of Japanese business operating in the United States. We welcome applicants with strong accounting backgrounds who are presently preparing for CPA examinations. H1 Visa Support

September 14, 2017

At Huth Thompson LLP, we take pride in developing strong client relationships built on trust. Our clients consider us more than accountants. We are consultants and strategists, deeply involved in their business and dedicated to their success. We appreciate our role as key advisor and take every client's prosperity seriously. Our approach is to initiate recommendations that we believe can help a business grow, prosper, and succeed. Our philosophy is to challenge yesterday's way of doing things by being creative in our approach and entrepreneurial in our style. This, along with our broad experience provides Huth Thompson LLP with a distinct advantage that works for the benefit of our clients.

Indiana INTERNnet is a FREE internship-matching program linking employers, students, high schools, colleges and universities. It is a dynamic, searchable database, matching and reporting system coupled with personal assistance-including a toll-free hotline to answer questions and provide internship guidance and resource materials. The goal is to help create or expand high-quality experiential opportunities within Indiana.

September 14, 2017

Ingersoll Rand (NYSE:IR) advances the quality of life by creating comfortable, sustainable and efficient environments. Our people and our family of brands-including Club Car®, Ingersoll Rand®, Thermo King® and Trane®-work together to enhance the quality and comfort of air in homes and buildings; transport and protect food and perishables; and increase industrial productivity and efficiency. We are a $13 billion global business committed to a world of sustainable progress and enduring results. September 14, 2017

At Ingersoll Rand, we are committed to meeting the world's growing critical need for clean and comfortable air, safe and fresh food, energy efficiency, and sustainable business practices. We are passionate about building a better future - a world of sustainable progress and enduring results...


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Insight Global is a premier staffing services firm with 38 locations in the US and Canada. Insight Global provides contract staffing for IT and Accounting, Finance, and Engineering through its AF&E division. The company has been ranked one of the fastest growing staffing firms for the past 9 consecutive years and named the 4th largest IT staffing firm in America by The Staffing Industry Analysts. Insight Global will continue this growth by continually expanding office locations and new markets. Insight Global employs over 26,000 people in companies each year with revenues over $1 Billion. September 14, 2017

#4 "America's best companies to work for" - Yahoo Finance

Jellyvision makes interactive media experiences that talk people through big life decisions, like selecting a health insurance plan, saving for retirement, managing finances, and navigating a career. Our recipe: behavioral science, cutting-edge tech, great writing, purposeful humor, original animation, and oregano. We hate confusion, and we make products to fix it. September 14, 2017

And that's where you come in...we need new Jellyvisionites to help make those products. If you're interested in joining an award-winning* company, stop by our booth and chat with our friendly representatives (or just stop by for a kazoo and chocolate). *Seriously. We won Best Company Culture and Best Software Company at the 2015 Moxie Awards. We were on

September 14, 2017

Founded in 1989, Jet Support Services, Inc. (JSSI) is the world's largest independent provider of hourly cost maintenance programs for aircraft engines and airframes. JSSI provides its clients with comprehensive, flexible and affordable financial tools for managing the often unpredictable costs of operating and maintaining nearly all types of turbine-powered aircraft, including jets, turbo-props and helicopters. JSSI serves clients around the world by managing maintenance services through its international network of technical advisors. JSSI has always been deeply committed to providing its clients with the highest standard of service and excellence. Our management team is adding further value by developing innovative products and services and expanding into additional markets.

National Sandwich Franchise

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

At John Deere, our more than 60,000 employees are committed to those linked to the land. We are a global company in size, but responsive to the needs of our local customers. The diverse backgrounds, talents and perspectives of our employees help our customers meet the world's dramatically increasing need for food, fuel, shelter and infrastructure. Our employees live by the core values of integrity, quality, commitment and innovation. And they are rewarded for the meaningful work they do each day. For more information, visit September 14, 2017

John R. Waters & Company was founded on the belief that personal attention, trust, mutual respect, and quality service were the key elements to helping families and privately-held businesses succeed. Those principles are still the foundation of our firm today.

September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

Katz, Sapper & Miller (KSM) is an employee-owned public accounting firm headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. KSM is proud to have locations in Fort Wayne, Oklahoma City, and New York City. With over 300 employees, KSM is ranked as one of the largest independent certified public accounting firms in the nation. The firm provides clients of all sizes in every industry with a wide array of service offerings including assurance, tax and consulting services. KSM has received several awards of recognition, including being named as one of the "Best Places To Work In Indiana" and one of the "Best of the Best" accounting firms in the nation by INSIDE Public Accounting magazine.

KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm, is the U.S. member firm of KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"). KPMG International's member firms have 145,000 professionals, including more than 8,000 partners, in 152 countries.

September 14, 2017

KPMG delivers a globally consistent set of multidisciplinary services based on deep industry knowledge. Our industry focus helps KPMG professionals develop a rich understanding of clients' businesses and the insight, skills, and resources required to address industry-specific issues and opportunities. Our history spans three centuries and features a number of significant mergers, most recently the combination of Peat Marwick International and Klynveld Main Goerdeler, and their individual member firms, into KPMG in 1987.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Kronos is the global leader in workforce management solutions that enable organizations to control labor costs, minimize compliance risk, and improve workforce productivity. Tens of thousands of organizations in 100 countries - including more than half the Fortune 1000® - use Kronos time and attendance, scheduling, absence management, HR and payroll, hiring, and labor analytics applications. Kronos customers include enterprises large and small across diverse industries worldwide including retail, hospitality, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, services, and distribution. September 14, 2017

Kronos is a privately held company and was founded in 1977. Headquartered in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Kronos employs more than 4,000 people worldwide. Kronos is proud to be an equal opportunity emplo...

Driven by innovation and integrity, Lockheed Martin employees dream big and then turn those dreams into reality. Every day the men and women of Lockheed Martin are reminded of the vital importance of the work they do in support of our customers missions.

September 14, 2017

Lockheed Martin is a leading systems integrator and global security company principally engaged in creating systems vital to the safety and security of free nations. We design and manufacture platforms such as aircraft, ships, satellites and land vehicles that support the U.S. armed forces and allied nations. We also partner with the Department of Homeland Security to assist in keeping Americans safe from the adversaries of freedom.

September 14, 2017

Lutron Electronics, headquartered in Pennsylvania, designs & manufactures energy-saving light controls & automated window treatments for both residential & commercial applications. Its innovative, intuitive products can be used to control everything from a single light, to every light, shade & even stand-by power in a home or commercial building. Lutron products make any space more versatile, while enhancing ambiance, comfort & productivity. They also save energy & make light bulbs last longer, making them an eco-friendly addition to the home and workplace. Founded in 1961, Lutron estimates that the installed base of its products saves the nation nearly 10 billion kWh of electricity, or approximately $1 billion in utility costs per year.

September 14, 2017

MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc., the #1 cabinet manufacturer in North America, offers consumers a full breadth of product ranging from stock to custom cabinetry. MasterBrand team members have opportunities to work within several channels of distribution including top retail outlets, develop award-winning cabinetry designs, and be part of the best-in-class customer service program within our industry. With nearly 15,000 employees and net sales exceeding $2.5 billion, we are poised for growth as the housing market improves. Our corporate office is based in Jasper, IN.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Monsanto is a sustainable agriculture company. We deliver agricultural products that support farmers all around the world.

September 14, 2017

We are focused on empowering farmers-large and small-to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world's natural resources such as water and energy. We do this with our leading seed brands in crops like corn, cotton, oilseeds and fruits and vegetables. We also produce leading in-the-seed trait technologies for farmers, which are aimed at protecting their yield, supporting their on-farm efficiency and reducing their on-farm costs. We strive to make our products available to farmers throughout the world by broadly licensing our seed and trait technologies to other companies. In addition to our seeds and traits business, we also manufacture Roun...

Myers and Stauffer LC provides professional accounting, consulting, data management and analysis services to state and federal agencies managing government-sponsored health care programs. The firm has more than 30 years experience assisting Medicaid agencies with complex reimbursement issues for all provider types.

September 14, 2017

NAPA Balkamp, part of Genuine Parts Company, is a global leader in automotive & industrial parts distribution. As a fortune 200 company with over 40,000 employees worldwide, Genuine Parts has enjoyed a 90 year history of growth. NAPA Balkamp supplies parts to over 60 NAPA distribution centers and over 6,000 NAPA stores through operations in Plainfield, IN and Salt Lake City, UT. September 14, 2017

With our headquarters, located just a few miles from downtown Indianapolis, Balkamp offers unmatched professional growth opportunities. Our family of employees enjoy a fun work environment, competitive wages, benefits, employee discounts, and opportunities to be part of multiple racing sponsorship events

Come learn about opportunities at Nielsen! Founded in 1923, Nielsen is the global authority on the consumer. We help over 20,000 clients, from Coca-Cola to Walmart to Apple to Disney, in 105 countries understand consumers and grow their businesses, every day.

September 14, 2017

Nielsen's business is organized into two areas: What Consumers Watch, serving media, telecom and tech industries; and What Consumers Buy, serving consumer goods, retail, financial services and automotive industries.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Northwestern Mutual helps its policyowners and clients achieve financial security. Through a needs-based process, Northwestern Mutual works with clients to determine their financial security needs and then address those needs using a wide range of products and services. For clients seeking personal financial security or security for their business or estate, Northwestern Mutual and its subsidiaries offer an array of solutions, including permanent and term life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, annuities, trust services, mutual funds and advisory services. September 14, 2017

Northwestern Mutual's purpose is to develop life-long relationships with clients founded on sound guidance and expert solutions, backed by the company's exceptional financial strength and the promise we ma...

September 14, 2017

Nucor Corporation is made up of more than 20,000 teammates whose goal is to "Take Care of Our Customers." We are accomplishing this by being the safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world. We are committed to doing this while being cultural and environmental stewards in our communities where we live and work. We are succeeding by working together. Nucor is looking for full-time and intern teammates to work in various commercial roles within our Steel Making divisions, Buildings Group divisions, and Vulcraft/Verco group divisions. Commercial roles within these divisions involve District Sales Manager, Inside Sales, Project Coordinator, Estimator, and Business Systems Improvement roles.

NVR, Inc. is a Top 5 US Homebuilder and an industry leading company. While you may not know us, you probably know our brands. We're the parent company of Ryan Homes, NVHomes, and Heartland Homes, which construct many of the country's finest new homes. You'll find our homebuilding operations in more than 27 metropolitan areas throughout 14 states and we've built more than 365,000 homes - and counting - since we began in 1948. September 14, 2017

Commitment to quality and our customers has made us a leader in homebuilding. It's also contributed to our industry-leading position in the areas of profitability, return on capital, inventory returns, debt to capital ratio, and more. Wall Street analysts consistently rank NVR as one of the most financially stable publicly held companies in the US. We're...

September 14, 2017

OmniSource Corporation, a metals recycling company and subsidiary of Steel Dynamics Inc., was founded in 1943. Headquartered in Fort Wayne, Indiana, OmniSource is one of the largest processors and brokers of scrap metal in North America. Operating more than 70 facilities and offices, the company employs almost 1700 people throughout the United States and Ontario. Its broad capabilities encompass scrap management and consulting, ferrous and non-ferrous processing, aluminum smelting, metal trading and brokerage. In addition the company has expertise in critical areas, like transportation and logistics, safety & environmental management, and mergers & acquisitions. Our vision is to build an enduring organization that is the best in the metals industry.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Orr Fellowship matches exceptional graduating college seniors with dynamic, high performance companies in the Indianapolis area. It is a nonprofit that encourages entrepreneurial spirit, strong leadership, and high achievement. The Fellowship annually recruits top talent and provides two years of preeminent curriculum and unique opportunities for personal and professional growth, with the goal of retaining this talent in central Indiana into the future. Orr Fellowship is a two year full time salary opportunity. September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. is a great alternative to the "Big Firms." We are a dynamic and aggressive certified public accounting firm located in downtown Chicago. With 20 partners and total personnel of over 100, we are one of Crain's Chicago Business' top 25 accounting firms. We have a team-oriented, client-focused environment encouraging leadership, initiative and creativity. Our client base consists of successful privately held companies of various sizes in a diverse range of industries, not-for-profit organizations and individuals. We render services in the areas of accounting, auditing, taxes, management advisory and business consulting services in a wide variety of personal, commercial and institutional settings.

September 14, 2017

PepsiCo offers the world's largest portfolio of billion-dollar food and beverage brands, including 22 different product lines that generate more than $1 billion in annual retail sales each. Our main businesses -- Quaker, Tropicana, Gatorade, Frito-Lay, and Pepsi Cola -- also make hundreds of other enjoyable and wholesome foods and beverages that are respected household names throughout the world. With net revenues of approximately $60 billion, PepsiCo's people are united by our unique commitment to sustainable growth by investing in a healthier future for people and our planet, which we believe also means a more successful future for PepsiCo. We call this commitment Performance with Purpose: PepsiCo's promise to provide a wide range of foods and beverages for local tastes; to find inno...

From day one, experience our difference. Industry expertise, integrity, innovation, and an ongoing commitment to quality are principles that have guided Plante Moran. We're among the largest US public accounting, consulting and wealth management firms. With 275+ partners and affiliated entity members, 2,200+ staff and a network of 20+ offices, we deliver outstanding services.

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Recognized as the leader in the Powersports industry, Polaris Industries prides itself on recognizing and developing top talent to take its people and company to the next level.

September 14, 2017

Polaris is transforming from a North America-based company to a global company with more than 8,000 employees in 16 countries, spanning five continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Polaris Industries is headquartered just outside of Minneapolis in Medina, Minnesota, with annual 2015 sales of $4.5 billion. Polaris offers you an opportunity to come on board and make a difference. We offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive relocation package. To round it off, we offer a benefits package that allows you to work hard and play harder.

Drawing on the talents of our professionals in over 150 countries, PricewaterhouseCoopers is a global network of auditing, accounting and tax firms. Our people have the access to unparalleled resources and serve many of the world's largest and most prestigious companies.

September 14, 2017

We see big potential in lifes little moments. Brushing teeth. Washing hair. Showering. Shaving. Caring for the baby. Cleaning the house. Doing the dishes, and the laundry. We make the products that help make these moments a little easier.

September 14, 2017

Purdue's Krannert School: Preparing analytical global business leaders. This is the foundation provided in the world-class MBA and Master's Programs at Krannert. The curriculum inspires critical thinking and essential innovation in any field. Krannert's student body represents many countries which creates a global network. Faculty focus on experiential learning and graduates attract attention from Fortune 500 companies. September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Republic Airline, based in Indianapolis, Ind., operates a fleet of about 170 Embraer 170/175 aircraft and offers scheduled passenger service with about 900 flights daily to 100 cities in 38 U.S. states, Canada, the Caribbean and Central America. The airline provides fixed-fee flights operated under our major airline partner brands of American Eagle, Delta Connection and United Express. The airline employs about 5,200 aviation professionals. Visit for more information, follow the company on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, and connect on Facebook or LinkedIn. September 14, 2017

At Roche Diagnostics, our focus is to improve the lives of patients, from research to lab tests to personalized healthcare; we touch the entire spectrum of diagnostics users. Roche Diagnostics is a member of the Roche Group, which is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. Roche's personalized healthcare strategy aims at providing medicines and diagnostic tools that enable tangible improvements in the health, quality of life and survival of patients. September 14, 2017

To learn more about why we continue to be on FORTUNE's 100 Best Places to Work, visit us at

As a world-leading provider of power systems and services for use on land, at sea and in the air, Rolls-Royce has established a strong position in global markets - civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy and nuclear. In 2011, we performed well in difficult market conditions and continued to invest for future growth, including £908 million in R&D. September 14, 2017

We have an £62.2bn order book, underlying revenue has grown to £11.3 billion and underlying profit has increased 21 per cent to £1.2 billion. This success is due to the extraordinary team of over 40,000 people that work for Rolls-Royce around the world. Our business operates in four global market sectors: civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine, and energy.

September 14, 2017

Ryerson is an international, diversified company that processes and distributes metals. The company serves industries including aerospace, defense, oil and gas, semiconductors,heavy equipment and transportation. Ryerson drives value by leveraging its knowledge and experience with metals processing and distribution. Ryerson believes in being a premier employer. The company strives to recruit and retain employees through a mix of meaningful work, competitive benefits, an inspiring workplace with opportunities for training, development and career advancement. Founded in 1842, Ryerson is headquartered in the United States, and has approximately 4,000 employees at more than 100 locations on three continents. EOE M/F/D/V


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

SC Johnson - A Family Company - is a privately held company & leading manufacturer of household consumer products with $10 Billion annual sales. SCJ employs 13,000 employees & operates in over 70 countries worldwide. As a family company, SC Johnson is always thinking about the families who use its product today, and the future generations affected by its choices for tomorrow.

September 14, 2017

Schlumberger is the world's leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Employing more than 120,000 people representing over 140 nationalities and working in approximately 85 countries, Schlumberger provides the industry's widest range of products and services from exploration through production. This year, the company is recruiting more than 5,000 graduates in: Engineering, Science, Geoscience, Business and Finance, and HSE. September 14, 2017

Schlumberger Limited has principal offices in Paris, Houston and The Hague, and reported revenues of USD $48.58 billion in 2014.

Schneider National, Inc. is the premier provider of truckload, logistics and intermodal services. Offering the broadest portfolio of services in the industry, Schneider National's solutions include Van Truckload, Dedicated, Regional, Bulk, Intermodal, Transportation Management, Supply Chain Management, and Port Logistics services. Headquartered in Green Bay, Wis., Schneider National has provided expert transportation and logistics solutions for over 76 years. A $3.5 billion company, Schneider National provides services throughout North America and China. September 14, 2017

Schneider Electric is the global specialist in energy management and automation. With revenues of ~€25 billion in FY2016, our 160,000+ employees serve customers in over 100 countries, helping them to manage their energy and process in ways that are safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable. From the simplest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations. Our connected technologies reshape industries, transform cities and enrich lives. At Schneider Electric, we call this Life Is On. September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Sears Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ: SHLD) is a leading integrated retailer focused on seamlessly connecting the digital and physical shopping experiences to serve our members - wherever, whenever and however they want to shop. Sears Holdings is home to Shop Your Way®, a social shopping platform offering members rewards for shopping at Sears and Kmart as well as with other retail partners across categories important to them. The company operates through its subsidiaries, including Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Kmart Corporation, with full-line and specialty retail stores across the United States. September 14, 2017

Shell Oil Company, including its consolidated companies and its share in equity companies, is one of America's leading oil and natural gas producers, natural gas marketers, gasoline marketers and petrochemical manufacturers. Shell, a leading oil and gas producer in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, is a recognized pioneer in oil and gas exploration and production technology. Shell Oil Company is an affiliate of the Shell Group, which operates in over 140 countries and territories and employs more than 109,000 people. September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

Shepard Schwartz & Harris has been an integral part of the Chicago business community since 1935. Our clients value our comprehensive worldview while enjoying the benefit of local expertise and relationships. Direct access to the firm's leaders distinguishes us as we bring our expertise directly to our clients without the bureaucracy inherent in larger firms. Shepard Schwartz & Harris services include: Audit & Accounting, Business Advisory, Tax, and Family Office Services. Shepard Schwartz & Harris LLP is honored to be named one of the Top 25 Chicago's Largest Accounting Firms in 2015 by Crain's List as well as Top 25 Best Accounting Firms in Chicago by AdvisoryHQ, an online news media that provides news coverage, independent reviews, and rankings of financial firms and products acr...

Sherwin-Williams is the largest paints and coatings company in the world. With $15.8 billion in sales, more than 4,100 stores, and 140 manufacturing and distribution centers worldwide. Our 60,000 employees across the globe are diverse, innovative and passionate. With a variety of rewarding and challenging opportunities, Sherwin-Williams is a great place to launch and grow a career. Find yours and join us today

September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Slalom is a purpose-driven consulting firm that helps com-panies solve business problems and build for the future, with solutions spanning business advisory, customer experience, technology, and analytics. We help companies push the boundaries of what's possible, collaborating every step of the way. Our clients come to us to find new ways to accelerate innovation, do more with less, get to market faster, create experiences their customers love, and build operational muscle for sustainable results. September 14, 2017

Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Seattle, WA, Slalom has organically grown to nearly 4,500 employees. We were named one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2017 and are regularly recognized by our employees as a best place to work. You can find us in 25 cities across the U....

September 14, 2017

Smithfield Foods is a $14 billion global food company and the world's largest pork processor and hog producer. In the United States, the company is also the leader in numerous packaged meats categories with popular brands including Smithfield®, Eckrich®, Nathan's Famous®, Farmland®, Armour®, John Morrell®, Cook's®, Kretschmar®, Gwaltney®, Curly's®, Margherita®, Carando®, Healthy Ones® Krakus®, Morliny®, and Berlinki®. Smithfield Foods is committed to providing good food in a responsible way and maintains robust animal care, community involvement, employee safety, environmental and food safety and quality programs. For more information, visit

September 14, 2017

Stryker is a world leader in medical technology that serves the healthcare professionals who help millions of people around the world lead more active and more satisfying lives. Since the Company's founding in 1941, we have taken pride in developing innovative equipment and technology that helps doctors, hospital administrators and other medical professionals perform their jobs better and more efficiently. Our wide range of products include joint replacements, trauma, spine and micro implant systems, biologics, powered surgical instruments, surgical navigation systems and endoscopic products, patient handling and emergency medical equipment, as well as medical device reprocessing and remanufacturing.

About Target Minneapolis-based Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) serves guests at 1,801 stores and at Since 1946, Target has given 5 percent of its profit to communities, that giving equals more than $4 million a week. For more information, visit For a behind-the-scenes look at Target, visit or follow @TargetNews on Twitter September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Our mission is to enlist, develop, and mobilize as many as possible of our nation's most promising future leaders to grow and strengthen the movement for educational equity and excellence.

September 14, 2017

Textron, Inc. is a global, multi-industry company employing roughly 34,000 talented makers, thinkers, creators and doers across countless disciplines. Specializing in the aircraft, defense and intelligence, industrial, and financial industries, we make things that fly, hover, zoom and launch. Things that move people. Protect soldiers. Power industries. We make things that make a real difference in the world.

September 14, 2017

With exciting brands such as Beechcraft, Bell Helicopter, Cessna, E-Z-GO and others, Textron can offer a rewarding career path and provide diverse experiences within a global company. Because when you join Textron, you don't just join a Fortune 500 giant. You join a network of more than 20 brands that cut across industries and continents. And you can explore it all-from aviatio...

September 14, 2017

The Clorox Company The Clorox Company (NYSE: CLX) is a leading multinational manufacturer and marketer of consumer and professional products with about 8,000 employees worldwide and fiscal year 2016 sales of $5.8 billion. Clorox markets some of the most trusted and recognized consumer brand names, including its namesake bleach and cleaning products; Pine-Sol® cleaners; Liquid Plumr® clog removers; Poett® home care products; Fresh Step® cat litter; Glad® bags, wraps and containers; Kingsford® charcoal; Hidden Valley® dressings and sauces; Brita® water-filtration products; Burt's Bees® natural personal care products; and Renew Life® digestive health products. The company also markets brands for professional services, including Clorox Healthcare® and Clorox Commercial Solutio...

Toyota entered the North American forklift market nearly 50 years ago and has manufactured over 500,000 forklifts on U.S. soil. Toyota has been the top selling forklift brand in the U.S. since 2002. Toyota forklifts, based in Columbus, IN, is a full-service manufacturer and distributor of high-quality forklifts, reach trucks, order pickers, pallet jacks, tow tractors and AGVs. Built on a reputation of excellence, Toyota remains popular due to its quality, durability, reliability and overall value (QDRV). September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Travelers prides itself on offering students and new graduates enriching career opportunities through a variety of internship, development and leadership programs in areas that include actuarial science, finance, human resources, information technology, operations, product management and underwriting. For more information, visit

September 14, 2017

ULTA Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc. is a chain of beauty superstores located in the United States. ULTA Beauty carries a variety of cosmetics and skincare brands, men's and women's fragrances, and professionally licensed haircare products. Each store is also equipped with a full-service salon. The company is headquartered in Bolingbrook, Illinois.

September 14, 2017

H.J. Umbaugh & Associates ("Umbaugh") provides financial advisory services to local governments throughout the Midwest. With over 65 years of experience in governmental consulting and financial analysis, Umbaugh has completed thousands of projects for municipal utilities, libraries, school corporations, cities, towns, counties, and a variety of other municipal clients. The significant growth and success of Umbaugh is the direct result of the personal attention, integrity and high-quality service we provide to our clients. We constantly seek out creative and unique approaches to each project and financing to provide the most beneficial results for our clients. September 14, 2017

We are the choice for governmental financial consulting because our clients trust our advice. We are committed to growing and...

Union Pacific is one of Americas premier transportation and logistics companies, linking 23 states in the western two-thirds of the country and serving many of the fastest-growing U.S. cities. Generations of Americans have built successful careers at Union Pacific and in the process, theyve helped build a nation delivering lumber for our homes, food for our tables, energy for our power plants and the countless raw materials and finished goods that supply the American way of life. September 14, 2017


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

United Airlines is a leading global carrier focused on being the airline customers want to fly, employees want to work for and shareholders want to invest in. United is proud to have the world's most comprehensive route network, and together with United Express we operate an average of nearly 5,000 flights a day to 342 airports across six continents. Approximately 84,000 United employees reside in every U.S. state and in countries around the world. For more information, visit, follow @United on Twitter or connect on Facebook. September 14, 2017

USCS's century of cold storage excellence in America is backboned by 38 world-class facilities across 13 states. Our purpose goes beyond industry leading locations and services. It's a child smiling with a frozen treat. The healing medicines we protect. And holiday feasts we've helped deliver.

September 14, 2017

With revenues of approximately $57 billion, United Technologies Corporation (UTC) is a Fortune 50 company that provides high technology products and services for the aerospace and commercial building industries. Our aerospace businesses include Pratt & Whitney and UTC Aerospace Systems. Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines. UTC Aerospace Systems is one of the world's largest suppliers of technologically advanced aerospace and defense products. September 14, 2017

US Foods is one of America's great food companies and a leading foodservice distributor, partnering with approximately 250,000 chefs, restaurateurs and foodservice operators to help their businesses succeed. With nearly 25,000 employees and more than 60 locations, US Foods provides its customers with a broad and innovative food offering and a comprehensive suite of e-commerce, technology, and business solutions.

September 14, 2017

US Foods is headquartered in Rosemont, IL (Metro Chicago) and generates approximately $23 billion in annual revenue. We are committed to delivering great food made easy. Discover more at


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Walgreens, the nation's premier retail drugstore, has opportunities nationwide. With 7,000 stores planned by the year 2010, we're creating opportunities for talented, ambitious individuals to be ready to contribute to future success. So, if you're a motivated, enthusiastic, people-oriented person with a knack for organization and who thrives in the fast-paced world of retail management, we want to talk to you.

September 14, 2017

Why Walgreens? Walgreens is America's best-known, largest-volume, most-trusted pharmacy retailer. We lead the U.S. chain drugstore industry in sales, store growth, and profits. We're also one of the nation's largest retailers overall ? fourteenth largest to be exact ? and one of its most progressive and successful companies. Founded in 1901, Walgreens serves more than...

Headquartered in Elkhart, IN, Welch Packaging was started in 1985 with four employees. Since then, Welch has become one of the most dynamic independent packaging companies in the United States with over 850 associates across twelve locations.

September 14, 2017

With customers at the core of our business philosophy, we have a service discipline that makes us easy to do business with. Through organic growth, strategic acquisitions, and a strong entrepreneurial spirit Welch Packaging continues to be a leader in custom packaging solutions. Welch hires individuals who fit our business culture -- people with integrity, a commitment to customer service, and a passion for success. Welch looks for life-long learners committed to making a difference in our business, our customers' business, and the lives of ot...

West Monroe is a progressive business and technology consulting firm that partners with dynamic organizations to reimagine, build, and operate their businesses at peak performance. Our team of more than 600 professionals is comprised of an uncommon blend of business consultants and deep technologists. This unique combination of expertise enables us to design, develop, implement, and run strategic business and technology solutions that yield a dramatic commercial impact on our clients' profitability and performance. September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

WestPoint Financial Group, the Indiana office for Mass Mutual, is a comprehensive financial services firm committed to helping our clients improve their long term financial success. As people become more sophisticated about their financial matters, they are looking for business professionals who possess the analytical skills and the market foresight to help them design long range strategies for achieving financial security. Whether it's planning for a college education, designing a retirement strategy, funding for a new business venture or protecting a family's quality of life, we play an integral role in shaping our client's most important life decisions. WestPoint Financial Group has been named one of the "Best Places to Work" by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce since 2008.


(09/14/17) Krannert/SMEF Business Fair Fall 2017 / Employers

Founded in 1927 and headquartered in Warsaw, Indiana, USA, Zimmer Biomet is a global leader in musculoskeletal healthcare. We design, manufacture and market orthopaedic reconstructive products; sports medicine, biologics, extremities and trauma products; spine, bone healing, craniomaxillofacial and thoracic products; dental implants; and related surgical products.

September 14, 2017

We collaborate with healthcare professionals around the globe to advance the pace of innovation. Our products and solutions help treat patients suffering from disorders of, or injuries to, bones, joints or supporting soft tissues. Together with healthcare professionals, we help millions of people live better lives. We have operations in more than 25 countries around the world and sell products in more than 100 countries...


Company Research Research Suggestions: The Company’s Website, Purdue Career Wiki (Employer Research), LinkedIn, Business Journals, Wall Street Journal, Purdue Library Database 1. Name of Company: _____________________________________________________________ 2. Company web address: __________________________________________________________ 3. List the internship opportunities they offer:___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Skills needed/responsibilities for internship: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Give the name and contact information of the person to whom you would send your cover letter and resume for this internship and tell why you would use this person. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. What steps will you take to apply for this internship? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Is this company publicly traded and if so which exchange and how listed? ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Recent headline about this company and your source. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. List 2 questions you would ask this company based on what you saw in the news: 1.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

10. Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) name: _____________________________________________ 11. Has the CEO held other positions within the company?



a. If yes, list the position(s): ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 12. List the top executive from your area of interest: _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Location of headquarters (Country, City, State)________________________________________ 14. Where would you like to be located? ________________________________________________ 15. Year the company was founded and number of employees: ______________________________ 16. Company Mission Statement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 17. Are there Purdue alumni that currently work for this company (use LinkedIn)?



a. If yes, list them: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 18. List 2 products and/or services this company provides: 1.____________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ 19. Does this company recruit at Purdue (Check MyCCO and Career Fairs)? Yes


20. List 3 top competitors of this company: 1.____________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________

SPONSORS SMEF would like to thank these generous companies for supporting the Krannert Coffee Hour and annual SMEF Scholarship Program for Krannert Students!




SMEF Eric Davis, President

Maggie Robinson, Vice President


Emily Jones

Maxwell Eibel

Brett Brooks

Grant Longacre

Parker Ellis

Caitlin Moss

Isabel Fray

Prashant Bhagavatula

Chad Bowen

Jacob Townsend

Robert Ehlerding

Daniel Livermore

Jennifer O’Neal

Rohan Gandhi

Easton Hochstein

Joseph Beaty

Ryan Bagnell

Emily Almack

Maggie Robinson

Wesley Middleton

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the School of Management Employers Forum is to establish, develop, and maintain relationships with companies throughout the world in order to enhance the career and development opportunities available to Krannert ’s student body. The values of professionalism, integrity, and diversity shall guide the School of Management Employers Forum towards success in its current and future endeavors.