ergy, Falkirk Mine, and Dakota GasificaÆon. These local experts highlight the need to have. a combinaÆon of base knowl
WASHBURN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #4 P.O. BOX 280 WASHBURN, ND 58577 PH.: 701.462.3221 FAX: 701.462.3561
"The mission of the Washburn School District is to provide a quality education addressing the academic, physical, social, and emotional well-being of each student." V O L U M E
BRAD RINAS Superintendent GLEN WEINMANN Secondary Principal JERAD VOGLEWEDE Elementary Principal
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From the Superintendent’s Desk…
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Brad Rinas
We’ve been in school for only a week ‐‐ a pre y small sample size when it comes to the en‐ re school year. I want to express my apprecia on to both the students and the staff for being ready for the school year to begin. We basically hit the ground running. It didn’t take long for rou nes to get established, and within a day or two it really didn’t seem like we had been out of school for a whole summer. There have been years when we came back to school in the fall with the idea of making a significant change to some part of our overall program. An example would be when we adopt‐ ed the Olweus Bullying Preven on program a few years ago, or establishing Professional Learning Communi es last year. This is not one of those years. Many changes have occurred in educa on over the past decade. Some of these changes were driven by na onal ini a ves. Others were the result of statewide laws or regula ons. Some have been the result of local decisions. Some are the results of data compiled through tes ng. Others are in response to changes in society and what people expect from the public school system. All have had varying degrees of success. There are mes when we need to make a conscious decision to have con nuity, with the stated purpose of becoming be er at what we’re doing, rather than implemen ng a new pro‐ gram or ini a ve. I really believe that is what is important for 2016‐2017. For several years we have emphasized the importance of transi oning from a school that measures success by hav‐ ing students demonstrate their knowledge of facts to a school that measures success by having students show what they can do. We’ve made progress in that direc on, but there is much more to do. Con nuing that transi on is essen al, and not simply because that is what professors, re‐ searchers, and school administrators say we should do. It’s what business and industry leaders, as well as demographers are telling us. It is never more apparent than when we take our Coal Country Leadership Academy students to meet with management and staff at Great River En‐ ergy, Falkirk Mine, and Dakota Gasifica on. These local experts highlight the need to have a combina on of base knowledge, problem‐ solving skills, collabora on skills, communica‐ on skills, and flexibility to thrive in the energy industry. Our geographical loca on, as well as our role in North Dakota’s economy, requires us to give students a chance to prac ce those skills. I’m looking forward to a great school year. As always, I hope that you will take the me to visit the school, take in some ac vi es, and be involved in our students’ educa on.
PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: DATE CHANGE The dates for fall Parent-Teacher Conferences have been changed from September 27th and 28th to November 2nd and 3rd. It was decided that the move would be more beneficial to parents and students because it eliminates a conflict with Homecoming Week and places the conferences at the end of the first quarter. Standards-based report cards are being used in the lower elementary grades, and teachers and parents will have an opportunity to meet and discuss what this means for reporting students’ progress.
Washburn Public School District 4
713 7th St.; Box 280 Washburn, ND 58577 Ph.: 701.462.3221 Fax: 701.462.3561
Home of the Cardinals Superintendent BRADLEY RINAS High School Principal GLEN WEINMANN Elementary Principal JERAD VOGLEWEDE Business Manager JANET HANSON School Board President RICK TWEETEN School Board Vice President LUKE RETTERATH School Board Directors STACY BOESHANS SANDI ERBER BRENT PETERSEN KELLY SCHATZ-JENNINGS STACEY SCHERESKY
Dear Families of Washburn Elementary School, Welcome back! I want to extend a warm welcome to all of the students, parents, staff, and all involved at Washburn Elementary School. I am proud that we have dedicated staff, students, and parents who work hard to ensure all students learn. For those of you whose children have attended our school in the past, we are so glad to have you returning. Also, for those of you whose children are just entering Washburn, we are thrilled to have you as part of our school community. It is my belief that one of the most significant areas of my work as Washburn's elementary principal is building solid relationships with students, parents, and teachers. In addition, communication between the home and school is essential. We know that parents and families are our most valuable partner. For this reason, I will always encourage you to contact your child's teacher or me with questions. Again, I want to welcome all of you to another great school year. Please do not hesitate to stop by the school or give me a call if I can assist you in any way. I look forward to visiting with all of you throughout the school year. Sincerely,
Jerad Voglewede, Elementary Principal Mission: "The mission of the Washburn School District is to provide a quality education addressing the academic, physical, social, and emotional well-being of each student."
The Washburn FFA Chapter attended the State FFA Convention in Fargo June 6-10.
Members attending from left to right: Emily Scheresky, Dakota Harrison, Tolya Boeshans, Mandy Schell, Hannah Chrest, Katlyn Olson, Hunter Kamrath, Ben Fredericks, and Advisor Mike Kamrath. Results were as follows: The Food Science team received a silver award. Individually Emily received a gold, Katlyn and Hannah received silvers. Tolya received a silver award in Basic Ag. Mechanics and Courtesy Corp. The Meats team received a bronze award with Hunter, Dakota, and Ben all receiving bronze awards. The Small Animal Care team received a bronze award with Mandy, Katlyn, Dakota, Hannah, and Emily all receiving bronze awards. Hunter was also the high individual in SAE record keeping.
Hunter Kamrath was a State Champion in Landscape Management Proficiency, a state finalist in Turf Grass Management Proficiency, State Runner-up in Star of Agribusiness, and received his State Degree.
Music Department on the move
As we begin the new school year, students have come in and are excited about playing their instruments again. 5th and 6th grade music students will have the opportunity to participate in Surround the State in Song in Bismarck on October 8th. Students will be auditioning for the Northwest Music Festival and UND Honor Band/Choir Festival in the very near future. All parents who have students involved with the music program in grades 5-12 are encouraged to attend the Music Boosters meetings. This organization helps sponsor many of the music department activities. We need your support and input; come and be a part of a very important phase of the Washburn Music Program. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 20th , at 7:00 PM in the commons area of the school. Election of Officers will take place at this meeting. Information will also be sent through PowerSchool. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade band students will not be selling magazine subscriptions this year. We would like to thank all of you for supporting this fundraising project in the past. The Junior/Senior High music students will be doing a gourmet coffee fundraiser this year. More information will be in the November newsletter.
Why Music? I. Music is a Science II. Music is Mathematical III. Music is a Foreign Language IV. Music is History V. Music is Physical Education VI. Music Develops Insight and Demands Research VII. Music is all these things, but most of all Music is Art. This is why we teach music, not because we expect everyone to major in music, and not because we expect everyone to play or sing all your life…. Although you can. The Music Boosters are in the final process of updating the community calendar. If you would like to add or delete a birthday or anniversary please contact Mr. Hall at the school or email (
[email protected]) before September 23rd. We encourage you to participate in this fundraising project. There is no cost to you in having a birthday or anniversary placed in the calendar.
September 2016
Milk & juice or fruit will be served at breakfast. Su
Tuesday, September 6th, is "Bring Your Grandparents to Breakfast" Day!
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September 2016 Tu
6 13 20 27
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2 9 16 23 30
Sep 1
8:00am No School
8:00am Omelets, Toast, Fruit ot Juice, Milk 11:00am Knoephla Soup, Sandwiches, Carrots/Celery, Peaches
8:00am Cereal, Cake Donuts, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Cheesy Bread or PBJ, Fresh Veggies, Applesauce
8:00am Cereal, Toast, Fruit or Juice. Milk 11:00am Popcorn Chicken, Macaroni Salad, Romaine Lettuce, Tomatoes, Oranges
8:00am Long Johns, Fruit or Juice, Milk, Students, Bring your Grandparents for Breakfast! 11:00am Chicken Quasadillas, Romaine Lettuce, Salsa, Black
8:00am Cereal, Teddy Grahams, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Rib/Bun or PBJ, Potato Wedges, Califlower/Brocolli w/ Ranch, Pineapple
8:00am Breakfast Parfait, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Hamburgers, Fries, Cheese Slices, Fresh Veggies, Watermelon
8:00am Caramel Rolls, Fruit Or Juice, Milk 11:00am Meatballs, Potatoes, Dinner Rolls, Cheesy Brocolli, Peaches
8:00am Cereal, Biscuits, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Hamburger-Macaroni Hotdish, Green Beans, Bread, Peaches
8:00am Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce, Bread Sticks, Corn, Pears
8:00am Cereal, Petite Cinnamon Roll, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Sausage Pizza, Romaine Lettuce, Green Peppers, Applesauce
8:00am Cereal, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Stir-Fry or Ham Sandwiches, Salad Bar, Apples
8:00am French Toast, Sausage, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Corn Dogs, Waffle Fries, Baked Beans, Romaine Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Jello / Fruit
8:00am Cereal, Toast, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Chicken Burger, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Jello w/ Fruit
8:00am Raised Donuts, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Chicken Strips, Potato Salad, Dinner Rolls, Apples
8:00am Yogurt, Granola, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Tomato Soup, Sandwiches, Gold Fish Crackers, Carrots/Celery w/ Ranch, Peaches
3 10 17 24 31
October 2016
4 11 18 25
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Aug 29
8:00am Cereal, Granola Bars, Fruit or juice, Milk 11:00am Sloppy Joes, Baked Chips, Corn, Apples
8:00am Breakfast Sandwich, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Ham Sandwiches, Macaroni Salad, Romaine Lettuce, Tomatoes, Green
8:00am Cereal, Muffins, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Taco Salad, Applesauce
8:00am Breakfast Pizza, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Chef Salads w/ Garlic Beard or Ham Sandwiches, Fresh Veggies, Banana
8:00am Cereal, Granola Bars, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Taco Salad, Bread Sticks, Pineapple
8:00am Cereal, Bagel, Fruit or Juice, Milk 11:00am Pancakes, Sausage, Bananas 8/30/2016 8:00 AM