Starry Night Stories (to age 6). Kids can wear Pajamas. Stuffed friends are welcome! Mondays @ 7:00 9/19, 10/17. Little
Electronic ElectronicResources Resources Showcase Showcase September September September10, 10, 10,1:30-4:00 1:30-4:00 1:30-4:00 Demo Demo Demoand and andhands-on hands-on hands-onhelp help helpwith with with e-Resources e-Resources e-Resourcesand and andDatabases Databases Databases
Art ArtGallery Gallery September: September: September:Oak Oak OakTree Tree TreeWater Water WaterArtists Artists Artists October: October: October:Ray Ray RaySkibinsky, Skibinsky, Skibinsky,Solo Solo SoloShow Show Show Reception Reception Receptiondates dates datesTBD TBD TBD
Cookbook CookbookSwap Swapand andSale Sale September September September17 17 17atat atthe the theFarmers' Farmers' Farmers'Market! Market! Market!
Special SpecialHealth HealthPrograms Programs September September September29 29 297:00—8:30 7:00—8:30 7:00—8:30 Journey Journey Journeyfor for forBetter Better BetterHealth Health Healthfor for forMom Mom Mom and and andBaby, Baby, Baby,presented presented presentedbyby byM.D. M.D. M.D.Tuma Tuma Tuma&& & RN RN RNLaurie Laurie LaurieKelly Kelly Kellyfrom from fromJFK JFK JFKMedical Medical Medical Center. Center. Center. October October October13 13 137:00—8:30 7:00—8:30 7:00—8:30 "Breast "Breast "BreastCancer Cancer CancerAwareness Awareness AwarenessTalk Talk Talkfor for for Men Men Menand and andWomen: Women: Women:Prevention Prevention Prevention&& &ProceProceProcedures" dures" dures"
THE THE THEFRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDSOF OF OFTHE THE THE METUCHEN METUCHEN METUCHENLIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY WHO WHO WHOWE WE WEARE: ARE: ARE:An An Anall-volunteer all-volunteer all-volunteer501(c)(3) 501(c)(3) 501(c)(3) charitable charitable charitablenonprofit nonprofit nonprofitorganization. organization. organization. WHAT WHAT WHATWE WE WEDO: DO: DO:Provide Provide Provideprogramming, programming, programming, materials, materials, materials,and and andsupport support supporttoto tothe the theMetuchen Metuchen MetuchenPublic Public Public Library Library Librarythrough through throughfundraising fundraising fundraisingand and and your your yourmembership membership membershipdues dues duesand and andgifts. gifts. gifts.
September September--October October Programs Library LibraryPrograms Sponsored Sponsored Sponsoredby by by
WHY WHY WHYYOU YOU YOUSHOULD SHOULD SHOULDJOIN: JOIN: JOIN:We We Weprovide provide provide funding funding fundingoror orvolunteers volunteers volunteersfor for forallall allthe the theprograms programs programsinin in this this thisbrochure! brochure! brochure!We We Wereach reach reachout out outtoto toallall allages ages agesand and and interests. interests. interests. Your Your Yourhands, hands, hands,hearts, hearts, hearts,and and anddollars dollars dollarssupport support supportthe the the library library libraryand and andthe the thecommunity community communitythat that thatdepends depends dependsonon it. Every Every Everypenny penny pennyyou you youdonate donate donateisisistax-deductible, tax-deductible, tax-deductible,even even even your your yourmembership membership membershipdues, dues, dues,and and andtogether together togetherwith with withyour your your volunteer volunteer volunteerhelp, help, help,we we wecan can cankeep keep keepupup upthe the thegood good good work. work. work. Please, Please, Please,join join joinusus ustoday! today! today! For For Formore more moreinformation information informationabout about aboutthe the theFriends: Friends: Friends: Visit Visit Visitour our ourwebsite: website: www.FOTML.orgwhere where where you you youcan can canbecome become becomea amember, a member, member,sign sign signupup upfor for foremail email email updates, updates, updates,and and and even even evenvolunteer volunteer volunteeronline! online! online! Visit Visit Visitusus usonon onFacebook Facebook Facebookoror orTwitter. Twitter. Twitter.
September September Septemberisis isLibrary Library LibraryCard Card CardSign-Up Sign-Up Sign-Up Month! Month! Month! Don't Don't Don'tlet let letyour your yourchild child childstart start startschool school school without without withoutaaalibrary library librarycard. card. card. That That Thatgoes goes goesfor for foryou, you, you,too. too. too.
Maker Maker Maker Space Space Space Technology
Children Children Children
Babies, Books & Blocks (up to age 3 with caregiver)
Adult Adult Adult Adult
MiniBooks Story &&playtime. Program has moved Monday for summer! Edna Babies, Babies, Babies, Books Books &Blocks Blocks & Blocks (up (upto (up to age to age age 3 3with with 3towith caregiver) caregiver) caregiver) Edna Newby International Film Festival Edna Newby Newby Fall FallFall International International Film Film Festival Festival Mini Workshops Mini Mini Workshops Workshops Summer Fun with Science Edna Newby Spring International Film Festival 11:00; July 11, 18, 25 & August 1, 8, 15, 22 Mini Mini Mini Story Story Story &&playtime. playtime. & playtime. Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday @@10:30 @ 10:30 10:30 Junior Robotics (Grades Junior Junior Robotics Robotics (Grades (Grades 3-5) 3-5) Each film is shown at 2:00 and 7:30 Each Each film film is is shown shown at at 2:00 2:00 and and 7:30 7:30 (ages 5 and up, & 83-5) and up) Each film is shown at 2:00 and 7:30 Starry Night Stories (To age 6) 9/14, 9/14, 9/21, 9/21, 9/21, 9/28, 9/28, 9/28, 10/5, 10/5, 10/5, 10/12, 10/12, 10/12, 10/19, 10/19, 10/19, 10/26 10/26 10/26 Monday, October - TBA Monday, Monday, October October 3,3,-inTBA -3,TBA Tuesdays, 9/20, 10/11, 10/25, 5:00-6:00pm Tuesdays, Tuesdays, 9/6, 9/6, 9/20, 9/20, 10/11, 10/11, 10/25, 10/25, 5:00-6:00pm 5:00-6:00pm 9/14, 6/21,9/6, 7/19, 7/26, 8/4 and 8/16. Registration July 11 - Lady the Van (England, 2015) Kids can wear Pajamas. Stuffed friends are welcome! Starry Starry Starry Night Night Night Stories Stories Stories (to (to age (to age age 6) 6) 6) opens 3 weeks prior to each program, so check July 18 Son of Saul (Hungary, 2015) Wednesdays @ 7:00 7/6, 8/17 Robotics (Grades 6 6and Up) Robotics Robotics (Grades (Grades and 6 and Up) Up) Yoga Friday Mornings 10:30-11:30 Yoga Yoga Friday Friday Mornings Mornings 10:30-11:30 Kids Kids Kids can can wear can wear wear Pajamas. Pajamas. Pajamas. Stuffed Stuffed Stuffed friends friends friends are are welcome! are welcome! welcome! July 25 - Samba (France,10:30-11:30 2014) Thursdays 9/8, 9/22, 10/13, 10/27 5:00Thursdays Thursdays 9/8, 9/8, 9/22, 9/22, 10/13, 10/13, 10/27 10/27 5:005:00Drop In Crafts (All Ages) September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 September September 2, 2, 9, 9, 16, 16, 23, 23, 30 30 Mondays Mondays Mondays @ @ 7:00 @ 7:00 7:00 9/19, 9/19, 9/19, 10/17 10/17 10/17 Little ones may need your help. Thursday 3:00 7/7, 14, 21, & 28 August 1 - The Second Mother (Brazil, 2015) 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm October 7,821, 14, 21, October October 7,7,14, 14, 28 2828 Home (China, 2014) Little Little Little Listeners Listeners Listeners (Stories (Stories &&activity activity & activity ororcraft, or craft, craft, Ages Ages Ages 3-5) 3-5) August -21, Coming Tiny(Stories Tales (Stories with activity or craft, Ages 3-6)3-5) Mini Workshops 3D &&Printing (Grade 6 6and Up) 3DDesign 3D Design Design & Printing Printing (Grade (Grade and 6 and Up) Up) Tuesdays 11:00, 7/12, 19, and 26, 8/2, 9 and 16 10/18, Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays 10:30 10:30 10:30 9/20, 9/20, 9/20, 9/27, 9/27, 9/27, 10/4, 10/4, 10/4, 10/11, 10/11, 10/11, 10/18, 10/18, 10/25 10/25 10/25 August 15 - Labyrinth of Lies (Germany, 2014) Junior Robotics 3-5) Thursdays 9/15, 10/20 5:00pm –(Grades Thursdays Thursdays 9/15, 9/15, 10/20 10/20 5:00pm 5:00pm –7:00pm 7:00pm – 7:00pm Metuchen Book Discussion Program Metuchen Metuchen Book Book Discussion Discussion Program Program Book Friends (Entering Grades 1&2) Preschool Preschool Preschool Dance Dance Dance Party Party Party with with with Mr. Mr.Mr. Ron Ron Ron ononGuitar on Guitar Guitar Tuesdays, 7/12, 8/9, 8/23 Registration isislimited -7/26, check http:// Registration Registration limited is limited - check - check http:// http://5:00-6:00pm Fridays 11:00 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 2nd Tuesdays @ 7:30 2nd 2nd Tuesdays Tuesdays @@7:30 7:30 Yoga Friday Mornings (AllAges) (All Ages) Robotics (Grades 6 and Up) under under under New readers practice(All with a Ages) trained teen partner. Next, the ‘Bigs’9/13 read 9/13 7:30-8:45 Benjamin Franklin: 9/13 7:30-8:45 7:30-8:45 PM PMPM Benjamin Benjamin Franklin: Franklin: anan an July 1, 10:30 - 11:30 July 8, 15, 22, 29 - 9:30 Rock Rock Rock out to out toMr. to Mr.Ron’s Mr. Ron’s Ron’s tunes tunes tunes && our our & kid-friendly our kid-friendly kid-friendly music music toout their ‘Littles’! Each session concludes with an artmusic project. Thursdays 7/14, 7/28, 8/25 5:00-7:00pm Program Program Events Events toregister, to register, register, 3weeks weeks 3 weeks prior prior Program Events to 38/11, prior toto to American Life by Walter Isaacson. American American Life Life by by Walter Walter Isaacson. Isaacson. Registration required; 15 child limit. CDs! CDs! CDs! Thursday Thursday Thursday @@10:30 @ 10:30 10:30 9/8, 9/8, 9/8, 10/13, 10/13, 10/13, 11/10 11/10 11/10 &&12/8 12/8 & 12/8 10:30 each each workshop workshop date. date. each workshop date. 10/11 7:30-8:45 A Different Kind 10/11 10/11 7:30-8:45 7:30-8:45 PM PMPM AADifferent Different Kind Kind ofof of Book Tac Toe (Ages 5 and up) August 5, 12, 19, 26 10:30 11:30 3D Design & Printing (Grade 6 and Up) Paws Paws Paws to to Read…Read to Read…Read Read…Read to to a to a Therapy Therapy a Therapy Dog! Dog! Dog! Daughter by Maria Toorpaki. Daughter Daughter bybyMaria Maria Toorpaki. Toorpaki. Thursday 3:00, 8/4, 11, 18, & 25 New New New and andand struggling struggling readers readers canread can read read totoBrewster. to Brewster. Thursdays 7/21 5:00pm 7:00pm It’s astruggling library twistreaders on an oldcan favorite. Prizes forBrewster. all! Crafty Crafty Fridays Fridays (Age (Age and 5 and up)up) Crafty Fridays (Age 5–5and up) Bring Bring a abook book a book from from from home home home ororpick or pick pick one oneone out outaout alibrary library a library book book book . . . Adult Summer Reading 7/5—8/19 4:00—5:00: 4:00—5:00: 9/30, 10/28 10/28 Registration Registration limited iswebsite limited Bring 4:00—5:00: 10/28 isislimited Classes9/30, are9/30, limited -Registration check the library Adult Tech Help Sessions Adult Adult Tech Tech Help Help Sessions Sessions Lego in the Library (Ages 3 and up) Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, 2:00—3:00 2:00—3:00 2:00—3:00 Visit Visit Visit website website website after after after 9/1 9/1 9/1 for for schedule for schedule schedule Saturday 2:00, 7/9, 8/6. Duplo blocks available. Learn to download ebooks, e-audiobooks, Learn Learn totodownload download ebooks, ebooks, e-audiobooks, e-audiobooks, and andand and and opens opens weeks 3 weeks prior prior to each program. program. See and opens 3 3Program weeks prior totoeach program. See under Events foreach registration, 3See weeks Adult Tech required; Help Sessions Afternoon Movie (All Ages) Wednesdays @3:30 3:30 Afternoon Afternoon Movie Movie (All Ages) (All Ages) Wednesdays Wednesdays @ 3:30 digital Paws to Read…Read to a Therapy@Dog! digital magazines. Registration required; dates digital magazines. magazines. Registration Registration required; dates dates prior to each workshop date. New and10/26 struggling readers invited to read to Brewster. 9/28, 10/12, 10/26 (Titles tobeto be announced.) 9/28, 9/28, 10/12, 10/12, 10/26 (Titles (Titles toare announced.) be announced.) Learn tochange: download ebooks and audiobooks-subject to check library website.. subject subject totochange: change: check check library library website.. website.. Bring a book from home or pick one out a library book . Crafty Fridays (Age 5 and up) Overdrive, Hoopla, andopens other e-contents 9/20 (Registration opens 9/6) 9/20 9/20 7-8 7-87-8 PM PMPM (Registration (Registration opens 9/6) 9/6) Math Math Math club club club (grades (grades (grades K-2) K-2) K-2) Storytime Metuchen Farmer’s Market Storytime Storytime atatMetuchen at Metuchen Farmer’s Farmer’s Market Market Check the library for Brewster's schedule. 3:00: 7/8, 7/22, 8/12 and 8/26. Registration is resources. Bring your own tablet or e-reader and 10/12 2-3 PM (Registration opens 9/28) 10/12 10/12 2-3 2-3 PM PM (Registration (Registration opens opens 9/28) 9/28) Hear story, then help pick fresh produce take home. Hear Hear a astory, a story, then then help help pick pick fresh fresh produce produce tototake to take home. home. Fridays Fridays Fridays 3:30 3:30 3:30 — —4:30 — 4:30 4:30 3 weeks prior to each Book Discussion—sign-up required for AM or PM. limited and opens remember your password and library PIN#. It’saIt’s atreat treat forGroups—Thursdays your mind andand your body! 9/10 @10:00 10:00 a treat for your for your mind mind and your your body! body! 9/10 9/10 @ 10:00 September September September 2,2,9,2, 9,so 16, 9, 16, 23 16, 2323the library website calendar It’s Morning 11:00. Books given out at@ first program, check Please call 732-632-8526 to register. Adult ESL—Thursdays Adult Adult ESL—Thursdays ESL—Thursdays meeting. October October October 7,14, 7, 14,21 14, 21November 21November November 44 4 Kid’s Paperback Swap (AllAges) Ages) Kid’s Kid’s Paperback Paperback Swap Swap (All (All Ages) for7,more information. Book Buddies (Entering K-2) 8/4, 8/11, 8/18 9/8 Registration and assessment required 5-7:30 9/8 9/8 Registration Registration and and assessment assessment required required 5-7:30 5-7:30 7/7 11-12 AM (Registration opens 6/20) Limit: Limit: Limit: 16. 16.Online 16. Online Online registration registration registration only; only; only; check check check library's library's library's Bring Bring inupup to3 to 3gently gently used children’s books, andand swap Bring in inBuzz toup 3 gently used used children’s children’s books, books, and swap swap Book (Entering 3-5. ) 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 Classes 6:30—8:30 Classes Classes 6:30—8:30 6:30—8:30 7/19 7-8 PM (Registration opens 7/5) flyer flyer flyer ororonline or online online events events events calendar, calendar, calendar, them fortitles titles you haven’t read. Your books must them them for for titles you you haven’t haven’t read. read. Your Your books books must must bebeup bedates. Evening book groups—Wednesdays 7:00. Note book pick September 22, & October 6, 20, 13, 20, September 22, 29 29&29 & October October 6,6,13, 13, 20, 27 27277/8) 7/2222, 2-3 PM (Registration opens Oneby &byMiss Done (Entering K-2) Pick up starts 7/14; Meeting 7/27September approved Miss Glynis before you swap! Leftover approved approved by Miss Glynis Glynis before before you you swap! swap! Leftover Leftover Lego Book Buzz (Entering 3-5) Pick up starts 7/28; Meeting 8/10 8/9 7-8 PM (Registration opens 7/25) titles willbe beput putinto into theFriends’ Friends’ book sale. Saturday, titles titles will will be put into the the Friends’ book book sale. sale. Saturday, Saturday, Build a Hoberman Sphere with LEGOS (gradesSeptember Movie Socials: Tribute to Tom Hanks Movie Movie Socials: Socials: Tribute Tribute totoTom Tom Hanks Hanks Wacky Wednesday September 24th, 2:00-4:00 September 24th, 24th, 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00Nights (Family programs @ 7:00.) 7/13 Don Dougherty Presents Going Wild in the Jungle 5-8) Wednesday,Teens July 13 from 6:30-8:30 pm (Mondays 2:00 PM, Refreshments) (Mondays (Mondays 2:00 2:00 PM, PM, Refreshments) Refreshments) Teens Teens Brazilian Storytime Brazilian Storytime Storytime 7/20 Mark theBrazilian Magician Presents An Evening of Magic and Comedy September 12, Apollo September September 12, 12,Apollo Apollo 131313 Teens Lego Mindstorms EV# Robotos All-Day BuildThis 8/3 Enjoy,story Explore India Presents Slow andconducted Steady Wins the Race This preschool story program willbe beconducted conducted entirely This preschool preschool story program program will will be entirely entirely September 19, Saving Banks September September 19, 19, Saving Saving Mr. Mr.Mr. Banks Banks (grades 6-12) Monday, August 22 from 10am - ininBrazilian Brazilian Portuguese byMari-Lia Mari-Lia Caldwell in Brazilian Portuguese Portuguese by by Mari-Lia Caldwell Caldwell Saturday Special @ 2:00 Ask atatthe desk about teen activities Ask Ask at thecirculation the circulation circulation desk desk about about teen teen activities activities September 26, A League of Their Own September September 26, 26, A A League League of of Their Their Own Own 7/23 Rizzo’s Reptiles Saturday 1:00 10/8, 11/12 &12/10 12/10 Saturday Saturday @@1:00 @ 1:00 10/8, 10/8, 11/12 11/12 & & 12/10 3pm. Ask at the circulation desk about the teen and the Advisory Board. and and theTeen the Teen Teen Advisory Advisory Board. Board. October 17, Sleepless in Seattle October October 17, 17,Sleepless Sleepless ininSeattle Seattle 8/6 Dragonfly Multicultural Arts; Tenali Raman reading club. Sample Gym Class with Mr. Danny ( to age 5) Sample Sample Gym Gym Class Class with with Mr. Mr. Danny Danny ( to ( age to age 5) 5) . October Registration for the special programs is through 24, October October 24, 24,Big BigBig Danny Kwack from thebrand brand new Little Gym Edison, Danny Danny Kwack Kwack from from the the brand new new Little Little Gym Gym ininEdison, in Edison,October **The **The **The Library Library Library reserves reserves reserves the theright the right right totorecord to record record oror or October 31, Forrest Gump October 31, 31, Forrest Forrest Gump Gump **The Library reserves the right to record or photograph patrons for
photograph photograph photograph patrons patrons patrons for forpublicity for publicity publicity purposes, purposes, purposes, unless unless unless anan an individual individual individual files files files a aPhoto Photo a Photo Opt OptOut Opt OutRelease Out Release Release form.** form.** form.**
where funis isserious serious business! where where fun fun is serious business! business! publicity purposes, unless an individual files a Photo Opt Out Release Thursdays 10:30-11:15, 9/19/1 10/27 Thursdays Thursdays @@10:30-11:15, @ 10:30-11:15, 9/1 &&10/27 & 10/27 form.**