funds from my bank account. This authority will remain in effect until I. notify the parish in writing to cancel it or c
T he people of Sacred Heart parish strive to be disciples of Jesus Christ by receiving the sacraments, living their faith and welcoming others to follow Him.
September 25, 2016
Those Who Serve You
Sacred Heart Parish Office & Mass Times (605)665-3655 Fr. Larry Regynski - Pastor
Melissa Kralicek - Office Manager Deb Broders - Bookkeeper Director of Religious Education - Camille Massing Ann Engen - Pastoral Care Mary Wuestewald - Music Ministry Dan Broders - Maintenance Supervisor
Prayer Line
Foundation Office
Lynda Healy
Kelly Kathol - Director
Sacred Heart Schools: Middle School (605)665-1808 Dr. Tim Mulhair - Principal
Elementary School (605)665-5841 Laura Haberman - Principal
General Mass Schedule Monday – No Mass Tuesday – 5:15pm Wednesday - 8:30am and 5:15pm Thurday-Friday – 8:00am and 5:15pm Saturday – 4:30pm Sunday – 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00am Spanish Mass – 4th Sunday of every month at 2:00pm with Confessions at 1:15pm
Sacrament of Penance: Tuesday: 4:30pm – 5:00pm Thursday: 12:30, 2:30 and 7:30pm Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office by calling 665-3655. Marriage Preparation: Need to contact the pastor 6 months before the wedding date. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday mornings starting at 8am through 8am on Friday mornings. Fax #: 605-665-6768
[email protected]
Sacred Heart Parish
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FOUNDATION OFFICE NEWS Sydney Ingalls, a 2012 graduate of Sacred Heart School, generously donated her graduation money towards a buddy bench for Sacred Heart Elementary School. Sydney is the daughter of Kevin and Vonnie Carda. After graduation I was talking to my mom about ways that I could give back to the school. We discussed a “buddy bench” for recess. I am thankful for the friends that I met at Sacred Heart and the fun we had. Those friendships helped ease the nervousness as we entered the high school. When we gathered at the alumni mass, sang songs, and talked of our traditions it was a feeling of family. Walking the SHS halls in our graduation cap and gown brought a sense of pride to know that our accomplishments were in part the efforts of our families and teachers along the way. Funny how the halls and lockers seemed so much smaller, I guess we have grown in other ways also. I realized that I have been very fortunate to be at Sacred Heart School. It was here that I learned the value of hard work, academics, friends, family, and most importantly my faith. I hope that the students at Sacred Heart will have those same experiences and take time to talk and build friendships at recess on the “buddy bench.” Sydney Ingalls SHS class of 2012 YHS Class of 2016
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Foundation Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2016 at St. Agnes Catholic Church, Vermillion, SD. Sessions are held on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm. Cost of $45 per person includes a “Personal Survival Guide”, refreshments and all materials for 6 weeks. For information or to register contact Margi at Catholic Family Services, 605988-3775
[email protected]. Scholarships are available.
♦♦♦ FROM THE PASTOR ♦♦♦ The following is a reflection on this Sunday’s Gospel from Pope Francis on May 18th of this year: “I should like to pause with you today on the parable of the rich man and the poor Lazarus.… Lazarus is a good example of the silent cry of the poor throughout the ages and the contradictions of a world in which immense wealth and resources are in the hands of the few. Jesus says that one day that rich man died…. In life he showed no consideration toward God. Instead he made himself the center of all things, closed inside his world of luxury and wastefulness. In excluding Lazarus, he did not take into consideration the Lord nor his law. To ignore a poor man is to scorn God! We must learn this well: to ignore the poor is to scorn God…. In the second part of the parable, we again meet Lazarus and the rich man after their death (vv. 22-31). In the hereafter the situation is reversed: the poor Lazarus is carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom in heaven, while the rich man is thrown into torment. Thus the rich man “lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom”. He seems to see Lazarus for the first time, but his words betray him: “Father Abraham”, he calls, “have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame”. Now the rich man recognizes Lazarus and asks for his help, while in life he pretended not to see him. How often do many people pretend not to see the poor! To them the poor do not exist. Before he denied him even the leftovers from his table, and now he would like him to bring him a drink! He still believes he can assert rights through his previous social status. Declaring it impossible to grant his request, Abraham personally offers the key to the whole story: he explains that good things and evil things have been distributed so as to compensate for earthly injustices, and the door that in life separated the rich from the poor is transformed into “a great chasm”. As long as Lazarus was outside his house, the rich man had the opportunity for salvation, to thrust open the door, to help Lazarus, but now that they are both dead, the situation has become irreparable. God is never called upon directly, but the parable clearly warns: God’s mercy toward us is linked to our mercy toward our neighbor; when this is lacking, also that of not finding room in our closed heart, He cannot enter. If I do not thrust open the door of my heart to the poor, that door remains closed. Even to God. This is terrible. At this point, the rich man thinks about his brothers, who risk suffering the same fate, and he asks that Lazarus return to the world in order to warn them. But Abraham replies: “They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them”. In order to convert, we must not wait for prodigious events, but open our heart to the Word of God, which calls us to love God and neighbor. The Word of God may revive a withered heart and cure it of its blindness. The rich man knew the Word of God, but did not let it enter his heart, he did not listen to it, and thus was incapable of opening his eyes and of having compassion for the poor man. No messenger and no message can take the place of the poor whom we meet on the journey, because in them Jesus himself comes to meet us: “as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40), Jesus says. Thus hidden in the reversal of fate that the parable describes lies the mystery of our salvation, in which Christ links poverty with mercy.”
September 25, 2016 | Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
♦♦♦ PARISH NEWS ♦♦♦ SACRED HEART PARISH EXTENDS OUR SYMPATHY to the family, friends and loved ones of Gary McDonald. May God’s
peace and consolation be with you and your family in your time of sorrow.
– sponsored by Catholic Daughters, Court Willard #967 – Co-sponsored by Knights of Columbus & Benedictine Sister of Sacred Heart Monastery
♦♦♦ SHS NEWS ♦♦♦
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This past week YHS celebrated Homecoming 2016, Sacred Heart School would like to congratulate all of the Homecoming Royalty Court. We would like to send out a special blessing to Jordan Kathol, Kristen Rezac, McKenzie Schroeder, Avery Brockberg, and Nate Stephenson for being nominated for YHS Homecoming Royalty as they all graduated from Sacred Heart School. We are proud of them!!
On Thursday, September 29, 2016, at Sacred Heart Church we will Students and staff are excited to attend Mass begin with mass at 8:00am with the intention of Divine Mercy for America followed by 24 hours of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with special with their Grandparents at the Middle School on Wednesday, October 12. Mass will begin prayers at 3:00pm and 7:00pm. We pray for the people of America, for legislators, and candidates. May we all return to our moral ideals. For prayer time availability, please consider to sign up on the sheets located at the church entrance. All parish members are welcome to participate!
PICTURES AND CERTIFICATES If you have not picked up your pictures
and/or certificates from First Communion or Confirmation from 2016, please stop by the parish office between 8AM & 5PM M-F to pick them up. We still have several that are waiting to be picked up.
Sacred Heart Bazaar– The Sacred Heart Bazaar will be on November 6th this year. If you are interested in becoming more involved, now is your chance! We are looking for energetic Chair and Co-Chairs for the event and also committee members, to learn the ropes this year and then to lead it next year. If you are interested please contact the parish office or contact Brenda Schroeder @ 660-5030 or Jodi Salvatori @ 660-3977.
FROM THE DESK OF CAMILLE MASSING ~ Director of Religious Ed ~ Dates to Remember! September 26: Registration Deadline September 28: Religious Ed Program Kick-Off 6 PM October 2: Confirmation Prep 1st Meeting/Session October 19: First Reconciliation Parent Meeting November 12: Youth Rally in Brookings RSVP needed February 12: Confirmation April 29 & 30: First Holy Communion The Religious Education Program is looking for help with Religious Ed nights. If you feel God is calling you to serve kiddos or teens, call the office and ask for Camille.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization I hereby authorize Sacred Heart Parish of Yankton County to transfer funds from my bank account. This authority will remain in effect until I notify the parish in writing to cancel it or change the amount. Check one: ____checking (attach voided check) ____savings (attach deposit slip) Amount to be debited: $_______ on the 5th day of the month $________ on the 20th day of the month Name: _____________________(please print) _____________________ (signature)
Date: ____________________ NOTE: If you have previously signed up to Automatic Withdrawal, please only return this form if you are changing the amount.
at 1:30, followed by cookies, refreshments and a tour of the school. Students at the elementary will attend Mass with their Grandparents on Tuesday, November 1 at 1:30. Sacred Heart School will be having a “Pumpkin Carving Night” on Thursday, October 13 from 6:30-8 at Sacred Heart Elementary. All Sacred Heart School families are welcome; there will be food, fun and fellowship for all ages: Fall Photo Shoot for families, yummy treats, carving and painting stations, games, prizes and much more! Families will need to bring pumpkins with them to carve or paint. Thank you to all of the families who donated items to Springfield/Bon Homme County. We had an outpouring of support. Items have all been delivered. We will continue to pray for all of the families who lost their homes and belongings in the storm on Labor Day. Blessings, Mrs. Haberman & Dr. Mulhair Upcoming Events: Thursday, September 29 & Friday September 30: 7th & 8th Retreat @ Broom Tree Tuesday, October 4: FOSH meeting 7pm SHES gym Thursday, October 6: Cookie Dough pick-up will be from 3:30-6 at Link Tuesday, October 11: 3rd Adopt-a-Grandfriend at Majestic Bluffs 2-2:45 Wednesday, October 12: Grandparents Mass at the Middle School Thursday, October 13: SHES Pumpkin Carving Night 6:30-8 Thursday, October 20: End of 1st quarter Friday, October 21: No School / Teacher Workday Friday, October 28: FOSH Bingo 5:30 Pizza, 6:30 Bingo @ SH Community Center Tuesday, November 1: Grandparents Mass at the Elementary School 1:30
Sacred Heart Parish
Page 4 VIDEO ROSARY – Cable TV Channel 3 & 98 Monday – Fridays at 12:30pm FAMILY RADIO ROSARY — KVHT 106.3 FM (Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 p.m.) From the cross, Jesus gave His Mother to us to be our Mother. The progression of that is that Jesus becomes our Brother as well as our God, as He is Mary’s Son and Her God. We have been raised to an immense level, we who are flawed, but belong to prestigious holy family. To continue the tremendous thread of that action, we know that the holy angels cannot call Mary their Mother nor can they call Jesus their brother. God has lifted us up in His Love for us. Mary as our Mother, helps us to maintain our best qualities and resist sin. She has given us a most powerful weapon, the Rosary. Those who use it are on the pathway towards sanctity.
BROOM TREE RETREATS For upcoming retreats: call 605-263-1040; email
[email protected]; or go online to
♦♦♦ COMMUNITY NEWS ♦♦♦ SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM: The parish members of Sacred Heart and St. Benedict are invited to join the students of Sacred Heart School in a 9-month program of prayerful support for unborn children. Please check the parish entrances for pledge cards to "spiritually" adopt, name, and pray for protection of an unborn child until Mother's Day 2017. First Month: Thank you for praying for me. During this
month, my heart begins to beat and pump my blood and I have a backbone. I have my own unique set of DNA and my own soul. Both were given to me by God when I was conceived. My soul will live forever! At four weeks old I am very, very tiny. But, I am ten thousand times bigger than I was at conception. CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL “GATHER4GOOD” FAMILY-FRIENDLY SERVICE PROJECT COMING TO YANKTON! A Gather4Good Service event
will be held on the grounds of St. Benedict’s Catholic Church on Sunday, Oct. 2nd at 12:00 Noon. At Gather4Good events, people of all ages assemble personal care kits that are distributed to local service organizations. The kit will include hopeful messages reminding people in need that they aren’t forgotten. Catholic United Financial will be providing the supplies, musical entertainment, refreshments and family fun-all free of charge! We invite you to volunteer to work at your own pace and to enjoy the other activities provided. All volunteers who pre-register will receive a t-shirt. Go to or call 1-888-346-7183 to pre-register.
MASS INTENTIONS at Sacred Heart Parish CHILDREN’S GRIEF PROGRAM NEW!! Children's grief program directed by Mary
may be scheduled in advance up to one Weber begins Thursday October 6, 2016 from 5:30pm-7:30pm at Catholic Family Services, 523 N Duluth Ave, Sioux Falls SD. This four-week program is designed for year from the date of the request.
P ARISH C OLLECTIONS Envelopes: ACH & On-Line Loose: Children: Total collected:
$ 10,824.00 (181) 2,918.00 (89) 987.73 164.97 $ 14,894.70
Fiscal YTD Actual Collection: $166,279.00 Fiscal YTD Budget: $182,681.00 ONE HEART, ONE MIND, ONE SPIRIT CAMPAIGN Investment Certificate Balance Average interest rate YCC Certificate Savings Total Certificate Savings
$2,706,604 1.6% $778,772 $1,159,575
SYMBOLON - THE CATHOLIC FAITH EXPLAINED PART 2 We will be offering a 10 week study beginning the week of October 10th. Please call Linda Frick at 664-2561 or email her at
[email protected] by Monday, Oct. 3rd to sign up for one of the following times: Mondays - 6:30- 8 pm or Wednesdays - 9:30 - 11 am Cost for study guide: $20.00 Location: Sacred Heart Parish Dining Room
children according to their age and specific loss. To register for this program or for more information contact Catholic Family Services 605-988-3775.
PIZZA! CHICKEN! AND MORE PIZZA! - Court Willard #967 Catholic
Daughters will be holding a fundraiser at the Yankton Pizza Ranch, 1501 Broadway, on Monday, October 10, 2016 from 5-8PM. Members will be present to bus tables and visit with patrons. Some local projects supported by these funds are House of Mary Shrine, Homeless Shelter, Contact Center, Radio Rosary, Catholic Radio, Girl's State, as well as many other worthy causes. Come out, eat, visit, and eat some more, all while supporting the Catholic Daughters.
RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT–October 14-16, 2016- Strictly Confidential. A safe, loving, non-judgmental environment. Open to men, women, mothers, fathers, grandparents who have been affected by abortion. Non-denominational. Sponsored by Catholic Family Services. For registration materials & more information, call Margi at 605-988-3775 or 1-800-700-7867 or email
[email protected].
Upcoming Silent Retreat Schedule: Women’s: October 20-23; and November 3-6 Men’s: November 17-20 For more information on any of the retreats, go to:
SAVE THE DATE! Former Quarterback Fr. Joe Freedy is
coming to Sacred Heart Parish and school October 28-30. “God already said he loves you. Why are you constantly looking for proof?" --Fr. Joe Freedy
COOK NEEDED - Broom Tree Retreat Center near Irene, SD is looking for a
cook. Flexible scheduling, including late morning, afternoon, and early evening hours, including some weekends. Benefits available including health & dental insurance, long-term disability, life insurance, paid holidays, and earned sick and vacation time, competitive wage. Contact Tracy Hauger, Kitchen Manager, at 605-263-1040 or email
[email protected] for more information.
September 25, 2016 | Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Monday, September, 26th 7PM-8PM Yahweh Shalom Prayer Grp. @ St. Ben’s Tuesday, September, 27th 4PM - Hour of Prayer for Non-Practicing Catholics 4:30PM - Confessions
Thursday, September, 29th 12:30, 2:30 & 7:30PM - Confessions 8AM-8AM Friday Morning Eucharistic Adoration
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COFFEE AND ROLLS OCTOBER 2ND AFTER THE 8:30 AM & 9:30AM MASSES
ROLLS AND COFFEE will be served this Sunday September 25th, after the 8:30 & 9:30 AM Mass. All are invited!
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH,Wagner, SD., will be holding their annual
bazaar on Sunday, September 25th, 2016. Turkey and dressing will be served with all the trimmings, including pies and kolaches. Serving will begin at 4:00 until 7:00 P.M. Elevator is available to basement. Games, food booths and many other activities will b taking place at the CCD Center, located directly behind the Church. Please join us for a fun time of food and fellowship. ST. WENCESLAUS CHURCH PARISH will be holding its parish bazaar on Sunday, October, 2, 2016 at Beseda Hall, Tabor, SD. Serving will be from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. Serving chicken, dressing ,dumplings, mashed potatoes, gravy, sauerkraut, salads, kolaches and assorted desserts. Variety of games, concessions and prizes!
will be at St. Rose Parish, Crofton, Sunday, Oct. 2, from 2 to 3 pm. All participants are asked to stand as a witness for life and to peacefully protest abortion, praying for its end. Please gather on the south side of St. Rose Rectory and St. Rose Education Center along Hwy 12. Signs will be available on site. SIGEL, ST. AGNES CATHOLIC CHURCH ANNUAL SOUP KITCHEN - The parishioners of Sigel, St. Agnes Catholic Church will be having their annual Soup Kitchen this year on Sunday, October 9th. Serving times will be 11:00AM until 3:30PM at the Sigel Parish Hall. The menu includes their tasty taverns, hot dogs, chili dogs, chicken noodle soup, chili, potato soup, homemade desserts, pies and beverages. They will also have a raffle, a bake walk and a country store. The Parish Hall is located 10 miles north of Yankton on Hwy. 81 to the Lesterville Rd, then 1 mile west. MASS TIME
SUN. OCT. 2ND 8:00AM
Lisa Berry & Linda Schrempp
Jeanne Haas & Darlene Pokorney
SUN. OCT. 2ND 9:30AM
John & Vicki Swensen
Chris Davenport & Lorie Mulhair
SAT. OCT. 1ST 4:30PM
Tara Arens
SUN. OCT. 2ND 8:00AM
Jacqueline Sempek
SUN. OCT. 2ND 9:30AM
Mark Adderley
Sun. OCT. 2ND 11:00am
Janelle Brenden
MUSICIANS C:Tammy Tacke O: Shirley Jennewein
C: Lisa Wiepen O: Julie Koch
C: Cantor needed O: Julie Koch
C: Cantor needed O: Julie Koch
MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 Monday - September 26th NO MASS Tuesday - September 27th 5:15pm - (l) The Dan & Deb Specht Family Wednesday - September 28th 8:30am- (d) Sam Garrity 5:15pm - (d) Ed Kaiser Thursday - September 29th 8:00am - Divine Mercy for America 5:15pm - (d) Jacob Bennett Friday - September 30th 8:00am- (l)The Justin & Elizabeth Nuxoll Family 5:15pm - (d) Laddie Cabalka Saturday - October 1st 4:30pm- (l&d) Sacred Heart Parish Sunday - October 2nd 8:00am - (d) Mary Rezak 9:30am - (d) Laddie Cabalka 11:00am - (d) Arnold Albrecht & (d) James Albrecht READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 Sunday: AM 6:1A, 4-7; 1 TM 6:11-16; LK 16:19-31 Monday: JB 1:6-22; LK 9:46-50 Tuesday: JB 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; LK 9:51-56 Wednesday: JB 9:1-12,14-16; LK 9:57-62 Thursday: DN 7:9-10, 13-14; JN 1:47-51 Friday: JB 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; LK 10:13-16 Saturday: JB 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; LK 10:17-24 Next Sunday: HAB 1:2-3; 2:2-4; 2 TM 1:6-8, 1314; LK 17:5-10
Dave Brown/Cyndi Hunhoff Jean Salvatori/Sharon Oien Calvin Carlson/Donna Carlson Volunteer Needed
Andrew Bahm Isaac Bahm Nathan Bahm
Roger Schroeder Sheryl Schroeder Robert Peitz Linda Peitz
The Nicole Bohlmann Family
Kelly Vornhagen/Kevin Wiepen Mary Lou Deuschle/Michael Healy Mark Hunhoff/Patricia Loeffler Volunteer Needed
Emily Kolker Joaquin Kolker Alan Feimer
Ralph Guenther Patricia Loeffler Cody Vornhagen Mary Pesek
The Dale Trenhaile Family
Tim Mulhair/Lori Ibarolle Dan Hicks/Paula Hicks Caitlyn Oien/Eugene Kocer Volunteer Needed
Holly Hicks Luke Abbott Volunteer needed
David Budig Doris Budig Rob Stephenson Nate Stephenson
The Charles Wagner Family
Paul Harens Kathleen Harens Gail Gubbels Debra Gubbels
The Jay Fitzgerald Family
Mary Lou Anderson/Wayne Anderson Aiden Anderson Betty Bray/Charlotte Herman Brooke Anderson John Hughes/Maxine Hughes Noah Anderson Volunteer Needed