Aug 7, 2016 - ... Our Fathers, Living Still. Gospel Lesson . ... is to glorify God as instruments of His love through wh
Sermon Notes: August 7, 2016 Epistle Text: ................................................... Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 "Really! Who Do You Trust Most?" Pastor Randy Paulson _____________________________________________________
Pentecost Season August 7, 2016
1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606
_____________________________________________________ Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events.
Worship Service Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost August 7, 2016
Grace Week | A Ministry and Prayer Calendar August 8th through August 14th Tuesday: 9th
Welcome and Announcements ................................... John Hendrix Invocation Call to Worship ....................................................... Psalm 33:12-22 Hymn: 628 ....................................................... God of Our Fathers
Sunday: 14th
Old Testament Lesson ............................................ Genesis 15:1-6 Hymn: 142 .................................... Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still
Next Sunday’s Scriptures: 14th
Gospel Lesson ......................................................... Luke 12: 22-34 Hymn: 560 .................................... Children of the Heavenly Father Offering Offertory …………………………………..… Randi Teigland-Hendrix Congregational Prayer
4:00 PM
Prayer Shawl Meeting at Judy’s
10:00 AM
Worship Service Holy Communion Pastor Randy Paulson, Speaking
Psalm 119:81-88, Jeremiah 23:16-29, Luke 12:49:53 (54-56), Hebrews 11:17-40, 12:1-3
Other Opportunities Continued Prayers for Robyn King would be appreciated. She is at Emerald Hills Rehabilitation Center 5821 188th St SW in Lynnwood 98037-4304. Robyn is need of encouragement and prayers for healing. Visitors and cards are welcome.
Hymn: 124, vs 1 ............................ Open My Eyes, That I May See Epistle Text: .................................................. Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 "Really! Who Do You Trust Most?" Pastor Randy Paulson Hymn: 469 .................................. All the Way My Savior Leads Me Benediction Doxology Postlude
Information for Fall Retreat: Women's Ministries Fall Retreat is Sept. 23, 24, and 25th at Hope Lutheran (Silver Lake) in Everett. Cost is $35.00. There are information and registration sheets on the cabinet in the narthex. If you need more forms, let Helga know. This is local for us. The main events are all day Saturday, the 24th.
Planning Ahead Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Thank you for joining us at Grace Lutheran today, May the Lord bless you throughout this coming week.
Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship downstairs following the service.
Our Grace Mission is to glorify God as instruments of His love through which our world will come to know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord.
August: 14th, 10:00 AM 15th, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00 PM, 19th, 1:00 PM 23rd 4:00 PM 27th, 7:00 AM September:
Worship and Holy Communion Elder and Trustee Boards Church Cleaning Prayer Shawl Meeting Men’s Prayer Breakfast
2nd, 16th, 30th, 1:00 PM 5th 11th, 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 12th, 10:00 AM 23rd to 25th
Church Cleaning Labor Day Sunday School Rally Day Worship Service Time Change SS Picnic, Edmonds Park Women of Grace Begins Women’s Retreat at Hope Church
Prayer and Praise
Prayer and Praise
With joy we praise You, gracious God, for You created heaven and earth.
With joy we praise You, gracious God, for You created heaven and earth.
Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to take a break from our daily routines and to replenish our mind, body, and souls so that we may better serve You during these Summer months.
Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to take a break from our daily routines and to replenish our mind, body, and souls so that we may better serve You during these Summer months.
Thank You for the new friendships that have formed this past weekend with the Japanese student from Akita, Japan. May each student leave having felt God's love while they have visited here.
Thank You for the new friendships that have formed this past weekend with the Japanese student from Akita, Japan. May each student leave having felt God's love while they have visited here.
We pray for those in authority to make wise, cooperative and compassionate decisions.
We pray for those in authority to make wise, cooperative and compassionate decisions.
Be merciful and gracious to Robyn King in the midst of her pain and recovery at Emerald Hills Rehabilitation Center.
Be merciful and gracious to Robyn King in the midst of her pain and recovery at Emerald Hills Rehabilitation Center.
We ask for continued prayer and blessing upon the friends who are in cancer care and treatment. Give Lon Davidson, Ruth Hays, Gerri Lake, Tom Olsen, Sherrie Sanderson, and Valentina's mom your peace and strength.
We ask for continued prayer and blessing upon the friends who are in cancer care and treatment. Give Lon Davidson, Ruth Hays, Gerri Lake, Tom Olsen, Sherrie Sanderson, and Valentina's mom your peace and strength.
Guide and direct Valentina as she makes plans to return to Seattle to begin her studies at University of Washington.
Guide and direct Valentina as she makes plans to return to Seattle to begin her studies at University of Washington.
Bring encouragement to John and Nadine Holmer and to Eldon and Lois Dennis.
Bring encouragement to John and Nadine Holmer and to Eldon and Lois Dennis.
May Your truth and comfort, strengthen those who mourn. Surround them with Your love and support.
May Your truth and comfort, strengthen those who mourn. Surround them with Your love and support.
For Prayer / Praise Concerns and Requests: Email to:
[email protected] Call the church office: 425.640.3692 and leave a message
For Prayer / Praise Concerns and Requests: Email to:
[email protected] Call the church office: 425.640.3692 and leave a message