May 22, 2016 - Psalm 96:1-9, 1 Kings 8:22-24, 27-29, 41-43, Luke 7:1-10,. Galatians 1:1-12 ... Our prayer and concern go
Sermon Notes: May 22, 2016 Epistle Text .......................................................... Ephesians 1:9-10 ”Living the Mystery” Pastor Rich Erickson _____________________________________________________
Pentecost Season May 22, 2016
1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606
_____________________________________________________ Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events.
Worship Service Holy Trinity Sunday May 22, 2016
Grace Week | A Ministry and Prayer Calendar May 23rd through May 29th
Welcome and Announcements ................................. Gary Stueckle Call to Worship ................................................................... Psalm 8 Invocation
Tuesday: 24th
Hymn: 153 .................................. How Marvelous God’s Greatness Hymn: 372 ....................... Who Made the Sky So Bright and Blue?
Friday: 27th
4:00 PM
Prayer Shawl Meeting at Flo’s
Wednesday: 18th 5:00 PM 1:00 PM
Last Bible Study, until Fall Church Cleaning
Saturday: 28th Old Testament Lesson .......................................... Genesis 1:26-31 Gospel Lesson .................................................... Matthew 28:16-20 Hymn: 373 ...................................... All Things Bright and Beautiful
7:00 AM
Sunday: 29th 10:00 AM
Offering Offertory ................................................................. Sanctuary Choir “His Eye is On the Sparrow” Congregational Prayer Hymn: 182, vs 1 and 5 ......................... For the Beauty of the Earth Epistle Text .......................................................... Ephesians 1:9-10 ”Living the Mystery” Pastor Rich Erickson Hymn: Insert ................................................... Morning Has Broken Benediction Doxology
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Pancake Haus, Edmonds Worship Service Pastor Randy Paulson, speaking’
Next Sunday’s Scriptures: 29th Psalm 96:1-9, 1 Kings 8:22-24, 27-29, 41-43, Luke 7:1-10, Galatians 1:1-12
Other Opportunities Women of Grace Will Meet for the Last Time, until Fall on June 13th. 12:30 PM Luncheon is planned after at Olive Garden. ALL women are welcome to attend. Email Helga at:
[email protected], if you plan to attend, so she can make the necessary reservations.
Edmonds Food Bank needs food items each week. Please bring at least one canned food item per week. See posted list for suggestions
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Planning Ahead May:
Thank you for joining us at Grace Lutheran today, May the Lord bless you throughout this coming week.
30th 5th, 12th, 19th 10th 1:00 PM 13th 10:00 AM/12:30 PM 13th 6:00 / 7:00 PM 14th 24th 1:00 PM 25th 7:00 AM
Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship downstairs following the service.
Our Grace Mission is to glorify God as instruments of His love through which our world will come to know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord.
Memorial Day
Pastor Randy Paulson, speaking Prayer Shawl Meeting Women of Grace, and Luncheon Elder / Trustee Board Meetings Flag Day Church Cleaning Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Prayer and Praise
Prayer and Praise ~ Continued
Open our eyes to behold Your gracious hand in all Your works; that rejoicing in Your creation, we may learn to serve you with gladness, faithfully managing the gifts You have given us here at Grace Lutheran Church.
Our prayer and concern goes out to Robyn King. Be with her as she has had a procedure this past Friday to prepare her for dialysis. Please help LaVonne Myers as she recovers from her fall.
Thank you for your faithful servants, Pastor Curtis Atneosen who preached last week, and for Dr. Richard Erickson who is sharing your Word with us today. Give Pastor Randy and Linda travel safety as they return from Colorado.
We bring Mardelle Lida to you as she heals from the 7 stitches in her finger. Thank you that Parry Adams is out of the hospital and that he was able to visit his brother Larry this week! We continue to pray for Parry during his cancer treatments.
We pray that marriages, family, and friend relationships throughout the congregation will be strengthened as we fellowship with one another and serve together.
Thank you that Tom Olsen has finished his chemo therapy. Be with him as he faces radiation.
We pray for our college graduates. We ask for guidance and strength for Nathaniel Hendrix and Max Marcus. We ask for safety for Erika Solli as she goes to Madagascar for a mission trip. We also pray for Daniel Carter as he graduates this weekend.
We ask for strength and encouragement in times of weakness, treatment, and recovery for all those in various stages of their cancer care: Lon Davidson, Glenn Johnston, Sherri Sanderson, and Gerri Lake.
Be with Valentina as she is with her mother and family. We thank you that her mother is out of a coma. We ask for strength for her mom who is fighting cancer with her white cell count being very low.
Thank you for your servants, John Holmer, Eldon and Lois Dennis. Daily give them Your peace and strength.
Pray for the Smalley family, who has lost Monte Smalley, brother to Gary Smalley and uncle to Kim Eisinger this past week. Comfort Monte's wife, Sandy and all the other family members during this time of sadness. Be with the Wathne family, (Hosmer's, Kraakmo's, Carter's, and Lund's) in their sorrow as they have lost a brother, uncle, and cousin. Steve Wathne's memorial service was Saturday.
Over, Please
We ask for full physical recovery and strength for Martha Heiser and Allan Paulson. When our hearts are broken, and as our spirit mourns the loss of those we have lost, and nothing seems to help the sadness we feel, remind us of Your presence and that Your grace is sufficient for all of our needs.
For Prayer / Praise Concerns and Requests: Email to:
[email protected] Or call the church office: 425.640.3692 and leave a message.