Serotypes Profile of Salmonella Isolates from Meat and Poultry ...

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Jan 26, 1998 - The Salmonella performance standards provide a measure that industry must ... three FSIS Field Service la
United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Serotypes Profile of Salmonella Isolates from Meat and Poultry Products January 1998 through December 2011

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) sets Salmonella performance standards for establishments that slaughter or produce selected classes of food animals or raw ground products (4). The Salmonella performance standards provide a measure that industry must meet to show that their Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Critical Care Point (PR/HACCP) system controls are effective in addressing pathogens. Verification testing is a regulatory sampling program that assesses whether meat and poultry establishments have complied with existing, product-specific performance standards (6, 7). Verification testing includes information on the presence of Salmonella serotypes, providing a profile of the range of serotypes within a sample. The FSIS verification testing results presented in this report provide information on the proportion of Salmonella serotypes among FSIS regulated products. This report also includes the serotype distributions in a specific product class (i.e., carcass or raw ground product) for the 13-year period following implementation of the PR/HACCP final rule in federally inspected meat and poultry establishments. These results are not intended to indicate serotype prevalence within a respective product class since the sampling criteria is based on national public health goals. FSIS uses the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data on serotypes isolated from human cases of salmonellosis and compares these data to Salmonella serotypes isolated from meat and poultry products (2, 3). Some of the more common serotypes isolated from meat and poultry products are rarely isolated from human patients. Conversely, some of the serotypes frequently responsible for human cases of salmonellosis occur in various meat and poultry products. Salmonella serotypes identified from human cases also occur in other food and nonfood sources. FSIS continues to work with its public health partners to identify the proportion of human salmonellosis attributable to FSIS-regulated products.

Results: Each of the eight tables presented in this report identifies the ten most common Salmonella serotypes isolated annually in a specific product class. When more than one serotype ranks in tenth place, each serotype in tenth place is listed (Table 1-8). FSIS reports serotypes by product class and calendar

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Food Safety And Inspection Service

year based on the date of sample collection from 1998 through 2011. Tables 1-8 include the number of isolates of each serotype and category, the percent of total serotyped isolates, and the percent of total samples collected. The 10 most common serotypes identified in 2011, in meat and poultry products were Kentucky (237/1017), Enteriditis (132/1017), Montevideo (103/1017), Typhimurium (including Typhimurium var. 5-) (52/1017), Infantis (41/1017), Dublin (37/1017), Heidelberg (32/1017), Anatum (27/1017), Muenster (23/1017), and Hadar (20/1017). Five of these serotypes, Enteriditis, Montevideo, Typhimurium (including Typhimurium var. 5-). Infantis and Heidelberg were the serotypes found in meat and poultry products that were among the top 10 serotypes reported to cause human salmonellosis by the CDC (3). Figure 1 displays, by year, the most common serotype isolated in young chicken/broilers and the percentage of each serotype isolated in each product class during the previous 12 years. Comparing 2010 to 2011 data, FSIS verification testing showed an increase in the proportion of Salmonella Kentucky in young chickens (broilers), Meleagridis in cow/bulls, Montevideo in ground beef, Enteriditis in ground chicken, Adelaide in market hogs, Uganda, Agona, and Infantis in steer/heifers, Hadar in young turkey (turkey carcasses), and IIIa18:Z4,Z23:- in ground turkey.

In 2011, the CDC identified Enteritidis, Typhimurium (including Typhimurium var. 5-), Newport, Javiana, I 4,[5],12:i:-, Montevideo, Heidelberg, Muenchen, Infantis, and Branderup as the ten most commonly identified serotypes causing human salmonellosis in the United States (3). Figures 2-11 identify the proportion of these serotypes out of the total salmonellae isolated through Salmonella verification testing of meat and poultry products. FSIS found year-to-year variation both within and between product classes of these more commonly isolated human serotypes.

Background FSIS used nationwide microbiological baseline studies conducted prior to 1996 to establish the PR/HACCP performance standards for carcasses of cow/bulls, steers/heifers, market hogs, broilers, ground beef, ground chicken, and ground turkey (5). In June 2006, FSIS began sampling turkey carcasses for Salmonella. FSIS implemented new performance standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter in chilled carcasses at young chicken and turkey slaughter establishments in 2011. (8). The performance standards describe the maximum number of positive samples acceptable per sample set. The number of samples in a sample set varies by product class. FSIS initiated the product specific Salmonella performance standards in large establishments on January 26, 1998, small establishments on January 25, 1999, and very small establishments on January 25, 2000. FSIS inspection personnel randomly collect and submit product samples to one of three FSIS Field Service laboratories in Athens, GA, Alameda, CA, or St. Louis, MO for Salmonella analysis, according to procedures described in Appendix E, Federal Register (1996) to verify that

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Food Safety And Inspection Service

establishments meet standards (4). After one of the FSIS laboratories reports the analysis results, isolates of Salmonella-positive samples become eligible for serotyping at the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa. Salmonella testing and serotype data, along with complementary data from molecular and phenotypic analyses, provide an opportunity to compare strains isolated on-farm, from meat and poultry products, and from human cases of salmonellosis. Prior to 2006, the FSIS regulatory program for identifying Salmonella in raw products consisted of two phases: non-targeted and targeted testing. Non-targeted or "A" set sample collection occurred randomly at selected establishments with a goal of scheduling every eligible establishment at least once a year. Other codes (e.g., "B," "C," and "D") represented sample sets collected from establishments targeted for additional testing following an A set failure. In June 2006, FSIS developed new criteria for scheduling establishments for sampling, replacing the targeted/non-targeted approach with sampling based on public health goals (e.g., Healthy People food safety goals) (8). The new scheduling criteria focused FSIS resources on establishments with the most Salmonella-positive samples, including serotypes most frequently associated with human salmonellosis as defined by the CDC. Of note, FSIS suspended scheduling market hogs, cows/bulls, and steer/heifers for sampling in 2011 because of the low number of positive samples. The restructuring of Salmonella set scheduling prevents the comparison of results from 2006 onwards to previous years. For such comparisons, nationwide baseline study results provide valid estimates of the prevalence of certain pathogens of public health concern and allow for valid statistical comparisons over time.

Notes on Tables and Graphs •

The 10 most common serotypes isolated from a specified product class during a given year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the "other serotypes" category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, FSIS lists all serotypes in tenth place.

FSIS includes entries classified as "not typed" and "unidentified" in the serotype profile. "Not typed" Salmonella entries were not serotyped. Unidentified entries include isolates in which a single specific serotype could not be determined, those partially serotyped, and those identified as monophasic or nonmotile. Prior to 2004, FSIS classified serotypes identified solely by antigenic formulas as monophasic, such as 4,[5],12:i:-, and included them in the unidentified isolates category.

From 1998-2005, only "A" set samples were included in the report because they were randomly collected and most reflective of incidence. Beginning with the second 2006 quarterly report,

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FSIS summarized data from all samples in the reports.

In this report, variants of Salmonella Typhimurium are reported separately (Tables 1). Tables 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 include one variant per serotype. Reporting combined variants may facilitate comparisons of the proportion of Salmonella Typhimurium in product classes with human health surveillance data. Figures 2-10 report data with variants combined. •

The figures display the percent of isolates identified out of total isolates serotyped for each product class. The y-axis, the serotype percentage, varies from graph to graph because the percent of different serotypes varies by commodity and year.

References 1

CDC.2006. PHLIS Surveillance Data, Salmonella Annual Summary. Available at: Accessed 1 June 2013. 2

CDC. 2013. Vital Signs: Incidence and Trends of Infection with Pathogens Transmitted Commonly Through Food – Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network, 10 U.S. Sites, 1996 – 2012. Accessed on 1June 2013. 3

CDC. 2012. National Enteric Disease Surveillance: Salmonella Annual Report, 2011. Accessed June 28, 2013. 4

Federal Register. 1996. Pathogen Reduction; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems, Final Rule. Accessed on 8 January 2013. 5

Federal Register. 2005. Generic E. Coli and Salmonella Baseline Results. Available at: Accessed on 1 June 2013. 6

Federal Register. 2006. Salmonella Verification Sample Results Reporting: Agency Policy and Use in Public Health Protection. Accessed on 8 January 2013. 7

Federal Register. 2008. Salmonella Verification Sampling Program: Response to Comments and New Agency Policies Accessed on 8 January 2013. 8

FSIS. 2011. New Performance Standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter in Chilled Carcasses at young chicken and Turkey Slaughter Establishments. Accessed on 1 June, 2013.

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 1998

Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Hadar Schwarzengrund Montevideo Enteritidis Thompson Infantis Istanbul a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 139 92 41 40 33 21 16 14 14 7 7 58 39 521 92 613

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 1999

Kentucky Heidelberg Hadar Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Thompson Litchfield Infantis Schwarzengrund Istanbul a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 26.68 17.66 7.87 7.68 6.33 4.03 3.07 2.69 2.69 1.34 1.34 11.13 7.49

Percent of Analyzed Samples 2.46 1.63 0.72 0.71 0.58 0.37 0.28 0.25 0.25 0.12 0.12 1.02 0.69 9.21 1.63 10.83

5,659 Number of Isolates 188 138 83 52 41 30 16 15 12 11 102 43 731 41 772

Percent of Total Positive 25.72 18.88 11.35 7.11 5.61 4.10 2.19 2.05 1.64 1.50 13.95 5.88


Percent of Analyzed Samples 2.78 2.04 1.23 0.77 0.61 0.44 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.16 1.51 0.64 10.80 0.61 11.41

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2000

Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Hadar Montevideo Thompson Schwarzengrund Enteritidis Berta a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 219 198 57 55 42 37 27 25 23 18 112 46 859 55 914

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2001

Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Montevideo Schwarzengrund Hadar Thompson Enteritidis Berta a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 25.49 23.05 6.64 6.40 4.89 4.31 3.14 2.91 2.68 2.10 13.04 5.36

Percent of Analyzed Samples 2.18 1.97 0.57 0.55 0.42 0.37 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.18 1.11 0.46 8.54 0.55 9.09

10,057 Number of Isolates 352 260 67 35 32 32 31 26 17 13 121 62 1048 17 1065

Percent of Total Positive 33.59 24.81 6.39 3.34 3.05 3.05 2.96 2.48 1.62 1.24 11.55 5.92


Percent of Analyzed Samples 3.93 2.90 0.75 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.29 0.19 0.15 1.35 0.69 11.70 0.19 11.89

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2002

Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Hadar Typhimurium Enteritidis Thompson Montevideo Schwarzengrund Infantis Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 382 262 67 46 46 33 23 20 18 14 14 70 58 1053 6 1059

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2003

Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Enteritidis Infantis Thompson Montevideo Hadar Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 36.28 24.88 6.36 4.37 4.37 3.13 2.18 1.90 1.71 1.33 1.33 6.65 5.51

Percent of Analyzed Samples 4.16 2.85 0.73 0.50 0.50 0.36 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.76 0.63 11.47 0.07 11.53

9,183 Number of Isolates 297 164 79 50 29 20 17 17 15 15 79 44 826 2 828

Percent of Total Positive 35.96 19.85 9.56 6.05 3.51 2.42 2.06 2.06 1.82 1.82 9.56 5.33


Percent of Analyzed Samples 4.59 2.54 1.22 0.77 0.45 0.31 0.26 0.26 0.23 0.23 1.22 0.68 12.77 0.03 12.80

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2004

Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Enteritidis Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:Schwarzengrund Montevideo Mbandaka Infantis a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

409 145 84 58 50 29 27 20 15 12 105 3 957 0 957

42.74 15.15 8.78 6.06 5.22 3.03 2.82 2.09 1.57 1.25 10.97 0.31

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2005

Kentucky Heidelberg Enteritidis c 4,[5],12:i:Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Montevideo Schwarzengrund Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 5.78 2.05 1.19 0.82 0.71 0.41 0.38 0.28 0.21 0.17 1.48 0.04 13.53 13.53


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

703 226 120 87 79 68 54 44 18 153 4 1556 3 1559

45.18 14.52 7.71 5.58 5.08 4.37 3.47 2.83 1.16 9.83 0.26


Percent of Analyzed Samples 7.33 2.36 1.25 0.90 0.82 0.71 0.56 0.46 0.19 1.60 0.04 16.22 0.03 16.25

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Heidelberg d Typhimurium Enteritidis c 4,[5],12:i:Montevideo Schwarzengrund Thompson Hadar Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

703 226 147 120 87 54 44 18 16 16 121 4 1556 3 1559

45.18 14.52 9.45 7.71 5.58 3.47 2.83 1.16 1.03 1.03 7.78 0.26


Percent of Analyzed Samples 7.33 2.36 1.53 1.25 0.90 0.56 0.46 0.19 0.17 0.17 1.26 0.04 16.22 0.03 16.25

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg c 4,[5],12:i:Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Montevideo Schwarzengrund Infantis Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

570 159 132 70 57 37 19 15 12 12 75 6 1164 0 1164

48.97 13.66 11.34 6.01 4.90 3.18 1.63 1.29 1.03 1.03 6.44 0.52

5.58 1.56 1.29 0.68 0.56 0.36 0.19 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.73 0.06 11.41 11.41


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg d Typhimurium c 4,[5]12:i:Montevideo Schwarzengrund Infantis Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

570 159 132 94 70 19 15 12 12 75 6 1164 0 1164

48.97 13.66 11.34 8.08 6.01 1.63 1.29 1.03 1.03 6.44 0.52

Percent of Analyzed Samples 5.58 1.56 1.29 0.92 0.68 0.19 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.73 0.06 11.41 11.41


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007

Kentucky Heidelberg Enteritidis Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:Montevideo Berta Infantis a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

379 108 87 43 29 37 18 12 12 76 3 804 0 804

47.14 13.43 10.82 5.35 3.61 4.6 2.24 1.49 1.49 9.45 0.37

4.03 1.15 0.92 0.46 0.31 0.39 0.19 0.13 0.13 0.81 0.03 8.55 8.55


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Heidelberg Enteritidis d Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:Montevideo Berta Infantis Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

379 108 87 72 37 18 12 12 9 67 3 804 0 804

47.14 13.43 10.82 8.96 4.6 2.24 1.49 1.49 1.12 8.33 0.37

4.03 1.15 0.92 0.77 0.39 0.19 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.71 0.03 8.55 8.55


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:Infantis Montevideo Schwarzengrund Senftenber Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

179 89 63 35 21 16 10 10 7 5 5 41 5 486 0 486

36.83 18.31 12.96 7.20 4.32 3.29 2.06 2.06 1.44 1.03 1.03 8.44 1.03

2.72 1.35 0.96 0.53 0.32 0.24 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.62 0.08 7.39 7.39


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg d Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:Infantis Montevideo Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

179 89 63 56 16 10 10 7 5 5 41 5 486 0 486

36.83 18.31 12.96 11.52 3.29 2.06 2.06 1.44 1.03 1.03 8.44 1.03

2.72 1.35 0.96 0.85 0.24 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.62 0.08 7.39 7.39


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg Typhimurium 58,20:-:z6 c 4,[5],12:i:Typhimurium Montevideo Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

183 96 65 21 11 10 9 8 6 6 6 36 4 461 1 462

39.61 20.78 14.07 4.55 2.38 2.16 1.95 1.73 1.30 1.30 1.30 7.79 0.87 99.78 0.22

2.84 1.49 1.01 0.33 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.56 0.06 7.16 0.02 7.18


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg d Typhimurium 8,20:-:z6 c 4,[5],12:i:Montevideo Schwarzengrund Senftenber Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

183 96 65 30 11 10 8 6 6 6 36 4 461 1 462

39.61 20.78 14.07 6.49 2.38 2.16 1.73 1.30 1.30 1.30 7.79 0.87 99.78 0.22

2.84 1.49 1.01 0.47 0.17 0.16 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.56 0.06 7.16 0.02 7.18


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010

Kentucky Enteritidis Typhimurium 5 Heidelberg Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:Johannesburg Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Berta Braenderup Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

208 124 27 16 14 10 6 5 5 4 4 4 24 5 456 2 458

45.41 27.07 5.90 3.49 3.06 2.18 1.31 1.09 1.09 0.87 0.87 0.87 5.24 1.09

3.05 1.82 0.40 0.23 0.21 0.15 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.35 0.07 6.68 0.03 6.71


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Enteritidis d Typhimurium Heidelberg c 4,[5],12:i:Johannesburg Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Berta Braenderup Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

208 124 41 16 10 6 5 5 4 4 4 24 5 456 2 458

45.41 27.07 8.95 3.49 2.18 1.31 1.09 1.09 0.87 0.87 0.87 5.24 1.09

3.05 1.82 0.60 0.23 0.15 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.35 0.07 6.68 0.03 6.71


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011

Kentucky Enteritidis Typhimurium var 5Infantis Heidelberg Typhimurium Johannesburg C 4,[5],12:I:8,20:-:z6 Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

169 75 14 12 9 7 5 3 3 3 20 6 326 0 326

51.84 23.01 4.29 3.68 2.76 2.15 1.53 0.92 0.92 0.92 6.13 1.84 100 0

3.33 1.48 0.28 0.24 0.18 0.14 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.39 0.12 6.42 0.00




United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 1 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Young Chicken (Broilers) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Enteritidis d Typhimurium Infantis Heidelberg Johannesburg c 4,[5],12:I:8,20:-:z6 Mbandaka Berta Braenderup Brandenburg Litchfield Senftenberg Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

169 75 21 12 9 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 5 326 0

51.84 23.01 6.44 3.68 2.76 1.53 1.53 0.92 0.92 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 2.15 1.53 96.32 0.00

3.33 1.48 0.41 0.24 0.18 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.14 0.10 6.42 0.00





*The percentages listed for total positive isolates may not equal the sum of the data in the Percent of Analyzed Samples column due to rounding. a The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Prior to 2004, these isolates were included in the “unidentified isolates” category. d Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen). Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012).

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 1998

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Agona Schwarzengrund Heidelberg London Muenchen Brandenburg Hadar Infantis Typhimurium Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 13 10 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 11 1 63 18 81

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 1999

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Heidelberg Anatum Infantis Johannesburg Uganda Agona Manhattan Reading a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 20.63 15.87 7.94 6.35 4.76 4.76 4.76 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 17.46 1.59

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.94 0.72 0.36 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.79 0.07 4.53 1.29 5.83

1,390 Number of Isolates 40 11 8 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 33 3 138 51 189

Percent of Total Positive 28.99 7.97 5.80 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 3.62 3.62 3.62 23.91 2.17


Percent of Analyzed Samples 2.08 0.57 0.42 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.26 0.26 1.72 0.16 7.18 2.65 9.83

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2000

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Johannesburg Infantis Heidelberg Anatum Typhimurium Minnesota Brandenburg Manhattan Reading Saintpaul Senftenberg a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 66 47 24 20 17 10 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 51 5 292 31 323

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2001

Derby Infantis Anatum Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Saintpaul Heidelberg Reading Johannesburg Uganda Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 22.60 16.10 8.22 6.85 5.82 3.42 3.08 2.74 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 17.47 1.71

Percent of Analyzed Samples 1.28 0.91 0.46 0.39 0.33 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.99 0.10 5.65 0.60 6.25

5,170 Number of Isolates 101 26 22 21 14 13 13 11 10 9 63 3 306 1 307

Percent of Total Positive 33.01 8.50 7.19 6.86 4.58 4.25 4.25 3.59 3.27 2.94 20.59 0.98


Percent of Analyzed Samples 1.25 0.32 0.27 0.26 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.78 0.04 3.78 0.01 3.79

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2002

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Infantis Saintpaul Anatum Reading Heidelberg Johannesburg Typhimurium Uganda a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

72 31 14 14 13 8 7 7 7 7 57 0 237 0 237

30.38 13.08 5.91 5.91 5.49 3.38 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 24.05

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2003

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Infantis Heidelberg Saintpaul Anatum Johannesburg Typhimurium Reading Uganda Adelaide Brandenburg a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.96 0.41 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.76 3.17 3.17

7,479 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

26 16 11 10 8 8 7 6 5 4 4 4 38 4 151 0 151

17.22 10.60 7.28 6.62 5.30 5.30 4.64 3.97 3.31 2.65 2.65 2.65 25.17 2.65

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.44 0.27 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.64 0.07 2.55 2.55


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2004

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Anatum Infantis Adelaide Johannesburg Reading Mbandaka Muenchen Agona Brandenburg Choleraesuis var. Kunzendorf Hadar Heidelberg Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

70 42 27 19 10 9 8 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 3 247 0 247

28.34 17.00 10.93 7.69 4.05 3.64 3.24 2.43 2.02 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 9.72 1.21

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2005

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Infantis Saintpaul Anatum Reading Johannesburg London Adelaide Heidelberg a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.89 0.53 0.34 0.24 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.31 0.04 3.14 3.14

7,860 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

73 29 22 11 11 10 9 9 8 6 56 1 245 1 246

29.80 11.84 8.98 4.49 4.49 4.08 3.67 3.67 3.27 2.45 22.86 0.41


Percent of Analyzed Samples 1.10 0.44 0.33 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.84 0.02 3.69 0.02 3.70

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005 (Variants Combined)c

Derby c Typhimurium Infantis Anatum Saintpaul Reading Johannesburg London Adelaide Heidelberg a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

73 33 22 13 11 10 9 9 8 6 50 1 245 1 246

29.80 13.47 8.98 5.31 4.49 4.08 3.67 3.67 3.27 2.45 20.41 0.41

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2006

Derby Anatum Johannesburg Anatum var. 15+ Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Infantis Saintpaul Heidelberg Agona Hadar a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 1.10 0.50 0.33 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.75 0.02 3.69 0.02 3.70


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

54 31 28 26 20 16 16 13 10 10 67 1 292 0 292

18.49 10.62 9.59 8.90 6.85 5.48 5.48 4.45 3.42 3.42 22.95 0.34

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.75 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.28 0.22 0.22 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.93 0.01 4.03 4.03


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 (Variants Combined)c Derby c Anatum Johannesburg c Typhimurium Infantis Saintpaul Heidelberg Agona Hadar Manhattan a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 54 63 28 24 16 16 13 10 10 7 50 1 292 0 292

Percent of Total Positive 18.49 21.58 9.59 8.22 5.48 5.48 4.45 3.42 3.42 2.40 17.12 0.34


Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2007

Derby Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Johannesburg Infantis Typhimurium Saintpaul Adelaide London Anatum Agona Hadar a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.75 0.87 0.39 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.10 0.69 0.01 4.03


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

27 25 20 17 17 13 10 10 9 8 8 36 3 203 0 203

13.30 12.32 9.85 8.37 8.37 6.40 4.93 4.93 4.43 3.94 3.94 17.73 1.48

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.37 0.34 0.27 0.23 0.23 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.49 0.04 2.78 2.78


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007 (Variants Combined)c c

Typhimurium Derby Johannesburg Infantis Anatum Saintpaul Adelaide London Agona Hadar a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

42 27 20 17 13 13 10 10 8 8 32 3 203 0 203

20.69 13.30 9.85 8.37 6.40 6.40 4.93 4.93 3.94 3.94 15.76 1.48

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2008

Derby Infantis Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Saintpaul Agona London Anatum Johannesburg Ohio Hadar Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.57 0.37 0.27 0.23 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.44 0.04 2.78 2.78

7,308 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

23 14 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 25 0 109 0 109

21.10 12.84 7.34 6.42 5.50 5.50 4.59 4.59 3.67 2.75 2.75 22.94

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.54 0.33 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.59 2.57 2.57


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008 (Variants Combined)c

Derby Infantis c Typhimurium Saintpaul Agona Anatum London Johannesburg Ohio Hadar a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

23 14 11 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 24 0 109 0 109

21.10 12.84 10.09 6.42 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.59 3.67 2.75 22.02

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2009

Derby Typhimurium 5Johannesburg Infantis Anatum Adelaide Agona Bredeney Heidelberg Saintpaul Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.54 0.33 0.26 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.57 2.57 2.57


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

21 14 10 8 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 23 0 108 0 108

19.44 12.96 9.26 7.41 5.56 4.63 4.63 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 21.30

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.44 0.29 0.21 0.17 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.48 2.28 2.28


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009 (Variants Combined)c

Derby c Typhimurium Johannesburg Infantis Anatum Adelaide Agona Bredeney Heidelberg Saintpaul a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

21 18 10 8 6 5 5 4 4 4 23 0 108 0 108

19.44 16.67 9.26 7.41 5.56 4.63 4.63 3.70 3.70 3.70 21.30

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2010

Derby Saintpaul Typhimurium 5Infantis Adelaide Johannesburg London Heidelberg Agona Anatum Cerro Choleraesuis a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.44 0.38 0.21 0.17 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.48 2.28 2.28


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

17 11 11 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 13 3 101 0 101

16.83 10.89 10.89 7.92 6.93 6.93 5.94 4.95 3.96 2.97 2.97 2.97 12.87 2.97


Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.40 0.26 0.26 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.31 0.07 2.39 0.00 2.39

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. *Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010 (Variants Combined)c

Derby c Typhimurium Saintpaul Infantis Adelaide Johannesburg London Heidelberg Agona Anatum Cerro Choleraesuis a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

17 13 11 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 11 3 101 0 101

16.83 12.87 10.89 7.92 6.93 6.93 5.94 4.95 3.96 2.97 2.97 2.97 10.89 2.97

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2011

Adelaide Johannesburg Derby Infantis C Anatum Ohio Typhimurium var-5 Uganda Agona Muenchen Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.40 0.31 0.26 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.26 0.07 2.39 2.39


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

13 12 10 9 9 4 3 3 2 2 2 13 1 83 0 83

18.84 17.39 14.49 13.04 13.04 5.80 4.35 4.35 2.90 2.90 2.90 15.66 1.20 100 0 100 2468

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.53 0.49 0.41 0.36 0.36 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.53 0.04 3.36 0.00 3.36

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 2 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. **Market Hogs (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011 (Variants Combined)c

Adelaide Johannesburg Derby Infantis Anatum c Typhimurium Ohio Uganda Agona Muenchen a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

13 12 10 9 9 5 4 3 2 2 13 1 83 0 83

18.84 17.39 14.49 13.04 13.04 7.25 5.80 4.35 2.90 2.90 15.66 1.20 100 0 100

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.53 0.49 0.41 0.36 0.36 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.53 0.04 3.36 0.00 3.36


*The percentages listed for total positive isolates may not equal the sum of data in the Percent of Analyzed Samples column due to rounding. a The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen) and Anaturm includes Anatum var. 15+ (formerly Newington) and Anatum var. 15+, 34+. Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012). **Sample sets will no longer be scheduled for this product.

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 1998

Derby Muenchen a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 1 1 0 0 2 0 2

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 1999

Kentucky Muenster Montevideo Typhimurium Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Anatum Berta Derby Give Litchfield London Mbandaka Meleagridis Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 50.00 50.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.56 0.56

1.12 1.12 179

Number of Isolates 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 5 33

Percent of Total Positive 14.29 14.29 10.71 10.71 7.14 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.13 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07


0.20 1.84 0.33 2.17


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2000

Newport Muenster Montevideo Typhimurium Kentucky Meleagridis Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Albany Cerro Derby Dublin Fresno Infantis London Mbandaka Muenchen Reading Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 40 3 43

Percent of Total Positive 15.00 12.50 10.00 10.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05


0.05 2.01 0.15 2.16


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2001

Montevideo Anatum Kentucky Typhimurium Dublin Newport Albany Heidelberg Mbandaka Meleagridis Newbrunswick (Give var. 15+) Reading Typhimurium var. Copenhagen a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 7 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 1 52 1 53

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2002

Newport Muenster Agona Kentucky Typhimurium Infantis Montevideo Derby Mbandaka Reading a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 13.46 9.62 9.62 7.69 5.77 5.77 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 19.23 1.92

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.32 0.23 0.23 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.46 0.05 2.39 0.05 2.44

2,176 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

18 8 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 14 1 73 0 73

24.66 10.96 6.85 6.85 6.85 5.48 5.48 4.11 4.11 4.11 19.18 1.37

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.41 0.18 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.32 0.02 1.65 1.65


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2003

Muenster Newport Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Cerro Agona Derby Give Meleagridis Anatum Cubana Havana Infantis Montevideo Newbrunswick Soerenga a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 7 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 0 38 0 38

Percent of Total Positive 18.42 13.16 13.16 7.89 7.89 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 15.79

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.27 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.23 1.46 1.46


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2004

Cerro Derby Dublin Muenster Newport Typhimurium Agona Anatum Brandenburg Infantis Johannesburg Livingston London Meleagridis Montevideo Muenchen Typhimurium var. Copenhagen a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 24 0 24

8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.76 0.76


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005

Montevideo Agona Anatum Cerro Infantis Kentucky Muenster Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Bareilly Bovismorbificans Derby Dublin Hadar Meleagridis Newport Panama Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 26 0 26

11.54 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

1.33 1.33 1,949

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005 (Variants Combined)d

Montevideo d Typhimurium Agona Anatum Cerro Infantis Kentucky Muenster Bareilly Bovismorbificans Derby Dublin Hadar Meleagridis Newport Panama a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples .

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 26 0 26

11.54 11.54 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

1.33 1.33 1,949

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 Kentucky Montevideo Agona Muenster Cerro Dublin Enteritidis Heidelberg Mbandaka Meleagridis Muenchen Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 19 0 19

Percent of Total Positive 21.05 15.79 10.53 10.53 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.18 0.13 0.09 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04

0.85 0.85 2,246

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007 Anatum Newport Cerro Montevideo Muenster Infantis c 3.10:e,h:c 6,7:z10:Enteritidis Gaminara Kentucky Mbandaka Meleagridis Miami Muenchen Saintpaul Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 7 7 5 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 42 0 42

Percent of Total Positive 16.67 16.67 11.90 9.52 9.52 4.76 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.18 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03


0.03 1.07 1.07


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007 (Variants Combined)d Anatum Newport Cerro Montevideo Muenster Infantis d Typhimurium c 3.10:e,h:c 6,7:z10:Enteritidis Gaminara Kentucky Mbandaka Meleagridis Miami Muenchen Saintpaul a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 7 7 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 42 0 42

Percent of Total Positive 16.67 16.67 11.90 9.52 9.52 4.76 4.76 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.18 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03


0.03 1.07 1.07


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008 Agona Cerro Montevideo Anatum var. 15+ Hadar Kentucky London Muenster Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 12 0 12

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2009 Montevideo Give Newport c 6,7:k:Agona Kentucky Mbandaka Uganda a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 16.67 16.67 16.67 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04

0.52 0.52 2,301

Number of Isolates 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 12 0 12

Percent of Total Positive 25.00 16.67 16.67 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.59 0.59 2,036

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 3 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Cows/Bulls (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010 Montevideo Bredeney Hadar Meleagridis Senftenberg Typhimurium 5a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 9 0 9

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2011 Meleagridis Anatum Var. 15+ Kentucky Montevideo Norwich a

Other serotypes Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive b

Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 44.44 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.23 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

0.51 0.51 1,764

Number of Isolates 3 1 1 1 1

Percent of Total Positive 42.86 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.34 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11

0 0 7 0 7

0 0 100 0 100

0.00 0.00 0.79 0.00 0.79


*The percentages listed for total positive isolates may not equal the sum of data in the Percent of Analyzed Samples column due to rounding. a The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Prior to 2004, isolates fitting the designation in b were included in the “unidentified isolates” category. d Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen). Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012). **Sample sets will no longer be scheduled for this product.

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011All Samples) Serotypes 1998

Total positive

Number of Isolates 0

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 1999

Heidelberg Panama a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Montevideo Minnesota Typhimurium var. Copenhagen a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples


Number of Isolates 1 1 0 0 2 0 2

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2000

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Total Positive 50.00 50.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.13 0.13

0.26 0.26 782

Number of Isolates 2 1 1 0 0 4 0 4

Percent of Total Positive 50.00 25.00 25.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.18 0.09 0.09

0.37 0.37 1,092

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2001

Derby Dublin Cerro Heidelberg Kentucky Montevideo Saintpaul a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

4 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 11 0 11

36.36 18.18 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2002

Reading Agona Kentucky Braenderup Derby Heidelberg Montevideo Muenster Sandiego a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.24 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

0.65 0.65 1,695

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 14 0 14

21.43 14.29 14.29 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.31 0.31


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2003

Derby Kentucky Montevideo Anatum Oranienburg Heidelberg Bovismorbificans Dublin Mbandaka Muenchen Newport Ohio Uganda a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 19 0 19

Percent of Total Positive 15.79 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.42 0.42 4,480

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2004

Derby c 6,8:-:1,2 Anatum Dublin Indiana Infantis Newport Senftenberg Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 12 0 12

33.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2005

Dublin Muenchen Paratyphi B var. L-tartrate+ Poona Gaminara Havana Muenster Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.09 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.28 0.28 4,227

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 12 0 12

16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.57 0.57 2,090

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 Newport Adelaide Anatum var. 15+,34+ Bere Montevideo Muenster Reading Saintpaul Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 10 0 10

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2007 Dublin Anatum Give var. 15+ Infantis Kentucky Montevideo Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

0.27 0.27 3,674

Number of Isolates 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 0 9

Percent of Total Positive 22.22 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.20 0.20


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008 Dublin Anatum Mbandaka Montevideo Newport Typhimurium Typhimurium var. Copenhagen a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 0 9

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2008 (Variants Combined)d

Dublin d Typhimurium Anatum Mbandaka Montevideo Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 22.22 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02


0.02 0.18 0.18


Number of Isolates 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 0 9

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

22.22 22.22 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11

0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02


0.02 0.18 0.18 4,965

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009 Bareilly Give c III_61:-:1,5,7 Montevideo Muenchen Muenster Poona Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 10 0 10

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2010 Anatum Adelaide Derby Montevideo a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02


0.04 0.20 0.20


Number of Isolates 3 1 1 1 0 0 6 0 6

Percent of Total Positive 50.00 16.67 16.67 16.67

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.12 0.12 4,918

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 4 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. **Steers/Heifers (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011 Agona Infantis Uganda_var._15+ Anatum Dublin Kiambu Minnesota Muenster Newport a

Other serotypes Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive b

Total number of analyzed samples a

Number of Isolates 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Percent of Total Positive 16.67 16.67 16.67 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

0 1 13 0 13

0.00 7.69 100 0 100

0.00 0.03 0.45 0.00 0.45


The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Prior to 2004, isolates fitting the designation in b were included in the “unidentified isolates” category. d Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen). Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012). **Sample sets will no longer be scheduled for this product class.

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 1998

Anatum Montevideo Meleagridis Muenster Hadar Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Infantis Kentucky Newport Reading a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 13 9 7 7 4 4 3 3 3 3 15 1 72 11 83

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 1999

Montevideo Anatum Muenster Typhimurium Cerro Kentucky Mbandaka Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Meleagridis Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 18.06 12.50 9.72 9.72 5.56 5.56 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 20.83 1.39

Percent of Analyzed Samples 1.00 0.69 0.54 0.54 0.31 0.31 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 1.16 0.08 5.56 0.85 6.40

1,296 Number of Isolates 148 70 46 36 32 31 28 28 23 21 180 7 650 60 710

Percent of Total Positive 22.77 10.77 7.08 5.54 4.92 4.77 4.31 4.31 3.54 3.23 27.69 1.08


Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.90 0.43 0.28 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.13 1.10 0.04 3.97 0.37 4.34

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2000

Montevideo Senftenberg Newport Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Anatum Typhimurium Cerro Muenster Mbandaka Kentucky a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 131 102 85 80 70 65 52 46 45 44 287 23 1030 50 1080

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2001

Montevideo Newport Anatum Muenster Kentucky Typhimurium Mbandaka Cerro Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Reading a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 12.72 9.90 8.25 7.77 6.80 6.31 5.05 4.47 4.37 4.27 27.86 2.23

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.40 0.31 0.26 0.24 0.21 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.87 0.07 3.14 0.15 3.29

32,844 Number of Isolates 94 73 62 52 46 37 36 26 25 17 185 16 669 17 686

Percent of Total Positive 14.05 10.91 9.27 7.77 6.88 5.53 5.38 3.89 3.74 2.54 27.65 2.39


Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.39 0.30 0.26 0.21 0.19 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.76 0.07 2.76 0.07 2.83

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2002 Montevideo Newport Anatum Muenster Agona Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Kentucky Mbandaka Typhimurium Cerro a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 89 84 77 65 52 51 38 36 32 30 221 11 786 4 790

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2003 Newport Montevideo Anatum Agona Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Dublin Muenster Kentucky Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 11.32 10.69 9.80 8.27 6.62 6.49 4.83 4.58 4.07 3.82 28.12 1.40

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.71 0.04 2.54 0.01 2.55

30,933 Number of Isolates 54 49 45 29 27 27 26 24 23 22 154 10 490 0 490

Percent of Total Positive 11.02 10.00 9.18 5.92 5.51 5.51 5.31 4.90 4.69 4.49 31.43 2.04

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.53 0.03 1.68 1.68


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2004 Montevideo Anatum Muenster Newport Agona Dublin Kentucky Typhimurium Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Mbandaka a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 71 55 47 38 36 25 21 21 18 17 154 2 505 0 505

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2005 Montevideo Anatum Muenster Newport Mbandaka Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Dublin Reading Typhimurium Cerro a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 14.06 10.89 9.31 7.52 7.13 4.95 4.16 4.16 3.56 3.37 30.50 0.40

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.50 0.01 1.63 1.63

30,984 Number of Isolates 30 18 17 14 12 11 9 9 9 8 76 3 216 1 217

Percent of Total Positive 13.89 8.33 7.87 6.48 5.56 5.09 4.17 4.17 4.17 3.70 35.19 1.39


Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.15 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.39 0.02 1.12 0.01 1.12

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005 (Variants Combined)c Montevideo c Typhimurium c Anatum Muenster Newport Mbandaka Dublin Reading Cerro Agona Give Meleagridis a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 30 20 20 17 14 12 9 9 8 7 7 7 53 3 216 1 217

Percent of Total Positive 13.89 9.26 9.26 7.87 6.48 5.56 4.17 4.17 3.70 3.24 3.24 3.24 24.54 1.39


Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.27 0.02 1.12 0.01 1.12

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 Montevideo Muenster Anatum Newport Cerro Dublin Reading Mbandaka Typhimurium Infantis a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 59 34 24 24 22 18 18 14 14 13 109 1 350 0 350

Percent of Total Positive 16.86 9.71 6.86 6.86 6.29 5.14 5.14 4.00 4.00 3.71 31.14 0.29


Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2006 (Variants Combined)c

Montevideo Muenster c Anatum Newport Cerro c Typhimurium Dublin Reading Mbandaka Infantis a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.33 0.19 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.61 0.01 1.96


Number of Isolates 59 34 27 24 22 21 18 18 14 13 99 1 350 0 350

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

16.86 9.71 7.71 6.86 6.29 6.00 5.14 5.14 4.00 3.71 28.29 0.29

0.33 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.55 0.01 1.96 1.96 17,849

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples)

Serotypes 2007 Montevideo Dublin Muenster Mbandaka Newport Cerro Meleagridis Agona Anatum Infantis Kentucky Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 86 36 28 23 22 18 16 15 14 10 10 10 74 5 367 0 367

Percent of Total Positive 23.43 9.81 7.63 6.27 5.99 4.90 4.36 4.09 3.81 2.72 2.72 2.72 20.16 1.36

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.63 0.26 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.54 0.04 2.68 2.68


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007 (Variants Combined)c

Montevideo Dublin Muenster Mbandaka Newport c Typhimurium Cerro Meleagridis Agona Anatum Infantis Kentucky a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 86 36 28 23 22 19 18 16 15 14 10 10 65 5 367 0 367

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

23.43 9.81 7.63 6.27 5.99 5.18 4.90 4.36 4.09 3.81 2.72 2.72 17.71 1.36

0.63 0.26 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.47 0.04 2.68 2.68


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples)

Serotypes 2008 Montevideo Dublin Newport Anatum Typhimurium Cerro Kentucky Mbandaka Meleagridis Muenster a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 100 50 30 25 23 21 18 17 16 16 90 2 408 0 408

Percent of Total Positive 24.51 12.25 7.35 6.13 5.64 5.15 4.41 4.17 3.92 3.92 22.06 0.49


Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2008 (Variants Combined)c Montevideo Dublin c Anatum Newport Typhimurium Cerro Kentucky Mbandaka c Meleagridis Muenster a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.60 0.30 0.18 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.54 0.01 2.43


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

100 50 31 30 27 21 18 17 17 16 79 2 408 0 408

24.51 12.25 7.60 7.35 6.62 5.15 4.41 4.17 4.17 3.92 19.36 0.49

0.60 0.30 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.47 0.01 2.43 2.43 16,765

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples)

Serotypes 2009 Montevideo Dublin Newport Kentucky Typhimurium Cerro Meleagridis Typhimurium 5Anatum Muenchen a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 51 21 15 8 8 8 8 6 5 5 25 4 164 0 164

Percent of Total Positive 31.10 12.80 9.15 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 3.66 3.05 3.05 15.24 2.44


Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2009 (Variants Combined)c Montevideo Dublin Newport c Typhimurium Cerro Kentucky Meleagridis Anatum Muenchen a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.60 0.25 0.18 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.29 0.05 1.92


Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

51 21 15 14 8 8 8 5 5 19 4 164 0 164

31.10 12.80 9.15 8.54 4.88 4.88 4.88 3.05 3.05 11.59 2.44

0.60 0.25 0.18 0.16 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.22 0.05 1.92 1.92 8,541

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples)

Serotypes 2010 Montevideo Dublin Anatum Cerro Kentucky Agona Typhimurium Mbandaka Meleagridis Newport Typhimurium 5a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 52 38 9 9 9 7 7 6 5 5 5 44 6 202 1 203

Percent of Total Positive 25.62 18.72 4.43 4.43 4.43 3.45 3.45 2.96 2.46 2.46 2.46 21.67 2.96 0.49


Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.56 0.41 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.48 0.06 2.18 0.01 2.19

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples)

Serotypes 2010 (Variants Combined)c Montevideo Dublin c Typhimurium c Anatum Cerro Kentucky Agona Mbandaka Meleagridis Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

52 38 12 11 9 9 7 6 5 5 42 6 202 1 203

25.62 18.72 5.91 5.42 4.43 4.43 3.45 2.96 2.46 2.46 20.69 2.96

0.56 0.41 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.45 0.06 2.18 0.01 2.19



United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 5 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Beef (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples)

Serotypes 2011 Montevideo Dublin Muenster Kentucky Anatum Cerro Infantis Newport Meleagridis Typhimurium a

Other serotypes Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive b

Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 99 35 22 17 16 14 14 12 11 10

Percent of Total Positive 39.60 14.00 8.80 6.80 6.40 5.60 5.60 4.80 4.40 4.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 0.71 0.25 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07

72 5 327 0 327

22.02 1.53 100 0 100

0.52 0.04 2.36 0 2.36 13,884

*The percentages listed for total positive isolates may not equal the sum of data in the Percent of Analyzed Samples column due to rounding. a The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen), Anatum includes Anatum var. 15+ (formerly Newington) and Anatum var. 15+,34+. Meleagridis includes Meleagridis var. 15+. Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012).

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 1998

Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 1 0 0 1 0 1

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 1999

Hadar Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Istanbul Reading Enteritidis Infantis Litchfield Newington Schwarzengrund Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 100.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 4.17

4.17 4.17 24

Number of Isolates 12 7 6 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 44 4 48

Percent of Total Positive 27.27 15.91 13.64 11.36 4.55 4.55 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27

Percent of Analyzed Samples 4.04 2.36 2.02 1.68 0.67 0.67 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34


1.35 14.81 1.35 16.16


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2000

Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Hadar Typhimurium Infantis Newport Thompson Berta Enteritidis Reading Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

13 9 6 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 5 49 8 57

26.53 18.37 12.24 6.12 6.12 4.08 4.08 4.08 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2001

Heidelberg Schwarzengrund Kentucky Typhimurium Hadar Thompson Brandenburg Johannesburg Ohio Typhimurium var. Copenhagen a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples


Percent of Analyzed Samples 3.14 2.17 1.45 0.72 0.72 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 1.21 11.84 1.93 13.77

414 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

13 10 9 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 5 50 1 51

26.00 20.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00


Percent of Analyzed Samples 4.96 3.82 3.44 1.91 0.76 0.76 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 1.91 19.08 0.38 19.47

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2002 Heidelberg Kentucky Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Enteritidis Montevideo Hadar Schwarzengrund Infantis Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 37 20 12 10 6 6 4 4 3 3 9 11 125 0 125

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2003 Hadar Heidelberg Kentucky Thompson Infantis Montevideo Istanbul Haardt Oranienburg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium Arizona Bredeney Mbandaka Taksony a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 29.60 16.00 9.60 8.00 4.80 4.80 3.20 3.20 2.40 2.40 7.20 8.80

Percent of Analyzed Samples 8.62 4.66 2.80 2.33 1.40 1.40 0.93 0.93 0.70 0.70 2.10 2.56 29.14 29.14

429 Number of Isolates 29 27 21 6 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 105 0 105

Percent of Total Positive 27.62 25.71 20.00 5.71 3.81 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

Percent of Analyzed Samples 9.80 9.12 7.09 2.03 1.35 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34


1.35 35.47 35.47


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2004

Kentucky Enteritidis Typhimurium Heidelberg Montevideo Schwarzengrund Thompson c I4,[5],12:i:Infantis c 6,7:k:Agona Braenderup Hadar Havana Mbandaka Oranienburg Senftenberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Uganda a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

50 7 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 99 0 99

50.51 7.07 7.07 6.06 5.05 5.05 4.04 1.01 2.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01

Percent of Analyzed Samples 12.89 1.80 1.80 1.55 1.29 1.29 1.03 0.26 0.52 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26

25.52 25.52 388

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005

Enteritidis Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var. Copenhagen c 4,[5],12:i:Alachua Hadar Kiambu Muenster Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

15 15 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 47 0 47

31.91 31.91 12.77 6.38 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13

Percent of Analyzed Samples 10.34 10.34 4.14 2.07 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69

32.41 32.41 145

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005 (Variants Combined)d

Enteritidis Kentucky Heidelberg d Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:Alachua Hadar Kiambu Muenster Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples .

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

15 15 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 47 0 47

31.91 31.91 12.77 6.38 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13

Percent of Analyzed Samples 10.34 10.34 4.14 2.07 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69

32.41 32.41 145

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 Kentucky Heidelberg Enteritidis c 4,[5],12:i:Berta Infantis Schwarzengrund Typhimurium Typhimurium var. Copenhagen c 8,(20):z6 Anatum Hadar Mbandaka Montevideo Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 42 16 16 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 100 0 100

Percent of Total Positive 42.00 16.00 16.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00

Percent of Analyzed Samples 18.92 7.21 7.21 1.80 1.35 1.35 1.35 0.90 0.90 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.90 1.35 45.05 45.05


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Heidelberg Enteritidis c 4,[5],12:i:d Typhimurium Berta Infantis Schwarzengrund c 8,(20):z6 Anatum Hadar Mbandaka Montevideo Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 42 16 16 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 100 0 100

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

42.00 16.00 16.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00

18.92 7.21 7.21 1.80 1.80 1.35 1.35 1.35 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.90 1.35 45.05 45.05 222

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007 Enteritidis Kentucky Heidelberg c 4,[5],12:i:Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Infantis Thompson Typhimurium Minnesota Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 34 33 27 9 5 3 3 3 2 2 10 2 133 0 133

Percent of Total Positive 25.56 24.81 20.30 6.76 3.76 2.26 2.26 2.26 1.50 1.50 7.52 1.50


Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2007 (Variants Combined)d

Enteritidis Kentucky Heidelberg c 4,[5],12:i:d Typhimurium Infantis Thompson Minnesota Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 6.72 6.52 5.34 1.77 0.99 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.40 0.40 1.98 0.40 26.28


Number of Isolates 34 33 27 9 8 3 3 2 2 10 2 133 0 133

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

25.56 24.81 20.30 6.76 6.02 2.26 2.26 1.50 1.50 7.52 1.50

6.72 6.52 5.34 1.77 1.58 0.59 0.59 0.40 0.40 1.98 0.40 26.28 26.28 506

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008 Kentucky Heidelberg Enteritidis Typhimurium Typhimurium var. Copenhagen c 4,[5],12:i:Infantis Montevideo c 6,7:-:1,5 c 8,20:-:z6 Berta Blockley Braenderup Hartford Kralingen Oranienburg a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 30 26 21 6 6 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 105 0 105

Percent of Total Positive 28.57 24.76 20.00 5.71 5.71 3.08 1.90 1.90 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

Percent of Analyzed Samples 7.28 6.31 5.10 1.46 1.46 0.97 0.49 0.49 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24

25.49 25.49 412

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Heidelberg Enteritidis d Typhimurium c 4,5,12:i:Infantis Montevideo c 6,7:-:1,5 c 8,20:-:z6 Berta Blockley Braenderup Hartford Kralingen Oranienburg a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 30 26 21 12 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 105 0 105

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

28.57 24.76 20.00 11.43 3.08 1.90 1.90 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

7.28 6.31 5.10 2.91 0.97 0.49 0.49 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24

25.49 25.49 412

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009 Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg Typhimurium 5c 4,[5],12:i:c 8,20:-:z6 Braenderup Blockley Cerro Infantis Montevideo Schwarzengrund Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 21 20 7 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 68 0 68

Percent of Total Positive 30.88 29.41 10.29 7.35 7.35 2.94 2.94 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47

Percent of Analyzed Samples 5.61 5.35 1.87 1.34 1.34 0.53 0.53 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27

18.18 18.18 374

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg d Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:i:c 8,20:-:z6 Braenderup Blockley Cerro Infantis Montevideo Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 21 20 7 6 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 68 0 68

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

30.88 29.41 10.29 7.35 7.35 2.94 2.94 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47

5.61 5.35 1.87 1.34 1.34 0.53 0.53 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27

18.18 18.18 374

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010 Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg Typhimurium 5c 4,[5],12:i:Berta c 8,20:-:z6 Hadar Infantis Montevideo Newport Ohio Thompson Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 28 24 8 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 80 0 80

Percent of Total Positive 35.00 30.00 10.00 6.25 26.25 2.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

Percent of Analyzed Samples 6.57 5.63 1.88 1.17 1.17 0.47 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23

18.78 18.78 426

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010 (Variants Combined)d

Kentucky Enteritidis Heidelberg d Typhimurium c 4,5,12:i:Berta c 8,20:-:z6 Hadar Infantis Montevideo Newport Ohio Thompson a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 28 24 8 6 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 80 0 80

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

35.00 30.00 10.00 7.50 6.25 2.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

6.57 5.63 1.88 1.41 1.17 0.47 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23

18.78 18.78 426

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011

Enteritidis Kentucky Heidelberg Typhimurium var 5Braenderup Infantis Mbandaka Typhimurium 8,20:-:z6 3,10:e,h:4,[5],12:I:8,20:I:Johannesburg Lille Newport Roodepoort a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 57 48 18 6 5 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 158 0 158

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

36.54 30.77 11.54 3.85 3.21 2.56 2.56 2.56 1.28 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0 1.27 100 0 100

10.84 9.13 3.42 1.14 0.95 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.38 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0 0.38 30.04 0 30.04 526

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 6 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Chicken (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011 (Variants Combined)d

Enteritidis Kentucky Heidelberg d Typhimurium Braenderup Infantis Mbandaka c 8,20:-:z6 c 3,10:e,h:c 4,[5],12:I:C 8,20:I:Johannesburg Lille Newport Roodepoort a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 57 48 18 10 5 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 158 0 158

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

36.54 30.77 11.54 6.41 3.21 2.56 2.56 1.28 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0 1.27 100 0 100

10.84 9.13 3.42 1.90 0.95 0.76 0.76 0.38 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0 0.38 30.04 0 30.04 526

*The percentages listed for total positive isolates may not equal the sum of data in the Percent of Analyzed Samples column due to rounding. a The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Prior to 2004, isolates fitting the designation in b were included in the “unidentified isolates” category. d Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen). Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012).

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 1998

Hadar Heidelberg Senftenberg Reading Schwarzengrund Muenster Saintpaul Anatum Kentucky Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 36 35 21 17 17 7 7 5 5 5 32 1 188 28 216

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 1999

Hadar Heidelberg Senftenberg Reading Muenster Agona Saintpaul Schwarzengrund Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive 19.15 18.62 11.17 9.04 9.04 3.72 3.72 2.66 2.66 2.66 17.02 0.53

Percent of Analyzed Samples 6.09 5.92 3.55 2.88 2.88 1.18 1.18 0.85 0.85 0.85 5.41 0.17 31.81 4.74 36.55

591 Number of Isolates 72 61 27 26 18 16 13 12 12 7 54 7 325 7 332

Percent of Total Positive 22.15 18.77 8.31 8.00 5.54 4.92 4.00 3.69 3.69 2.15 16.62 2.15


Percent of Analyzed Samples 6.86 5.81 2.57 2.48 1.71 1.52 1.24 1.14 1.14 0.67 5.14 0.67 30.95 0.67 31.62

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2000

Number of Isolates Isolates 80 57 35 31 29 22 18 12 10 8 8 61 4 375 24 399

Heidelberg Hadar Agona Senftenberg Schwarzengrund Reading Saintpaul Muenster Brandenburg Arizona Muenchen a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

21.33 15.20 9.33 8.27 7.73 5.87 4.80 3.20 2.67 2.13 2.13 16.27 1.07

5.16 3.68 2.26 2.00 1.87 1.42 1.16 0.77 0.64 0.52 0.52 3.93 0.26 24.18 1.55 25.73

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2001

Heidelberg Senftenberg Hadar Arizona Reading Agona Newport Saintpaul Schwarzengrund Derby Typhimurium Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

1,551 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

33 18 14 10 10 8 7 5 4 3 3 3 15 0 133 3 136

24.81 13.53 10.53 7.52 7.52 6.02 5.26 3.76 3.01 2.26 2.26 2.26 11.28

Percent of Analyzed Samples 6.35 3.46 2.69 1.92 1.92 1.54 1.35 0.96 0.77 0.58 0.58 0.58 2.88 25.58 0.58 26.15


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2002

Heidelberg Reading Hadar Saintpaul Senftenberg Arizona Newport Schwarzengrund Uganda Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

37 24 23 14 14 10 10 9 8 5 30 8 192 0 192

19.27 12.50 11.98 7.29 7.29 5.21 5.21 4.69 4.17 2.60 15.63 4.17

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2003

Heidelberg Hadar Arizona Reading Saintpaul Newport Senftenberg Kentucky Schwarzengrund Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 3.44 2.23 2.14 1.30 1.30 0.93 0.93 0.84 0.74 0.47 2.79 0.74 17.86 17.86

1,075 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

55 44 31 28 19 18 11 9 6 5 24 5 255 0 255

21.57 17.25 12.16 10.98 7.45 7.06 4.31 3.53 2.35 1.96 9.41 1.96

Percent of Analyzed Samples 5.48 4.38 3.09 2.79 1.89 1.79 1.10 0.90 0.60 0.50 2.39 0.50 25.40 25.40


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2004

Heidelberg Hadar Reading Derby Saintpaul Senftenberg c IIIa 18:z4,z23:Typhimurium Schwarzengrund Kentucky Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

38 27 16 15 15 10 9 9 8 6 6 47 2 208 0 208

18.27 12.98 7.69 7.21 7.21 4.81 4.33 4.33 3.85 2.88 2.88 22.60 0.96

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2005

Hadar Saintpaul Heidelberg Reading Schwarzengrund c IIIa 18:z4,z23:Senftenberg Agona Albany Kentucky Muenchen Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 3.64 2.59 1.53 1.44 1.44 0.96 0.86 0.86 0.77 0.57 0.57 4.50 0.19 19.92 19.92

1,044 Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

44 27 25 18 12 11 8 7 6 5 5 5 40 2 215 0 215

20.47 12.56 11.63 8.37 5.58 5.12 3.72 3.26 2.79 2.33 2.33 2.33 18.60 0.93

Percent of Analyzed Samples 4.76 2.92 2.70 1.95 1.30 1.19 0.86 0.76 0.65 0.54 0.54 0.54 4.32 0.22 23.24 23.24


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7—Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2005 (Variants Combined)d

Hadar Saintpaul Heidelberg Reading Schwarzengrund c IIIa 18:z4,z23:Senftenberg Agona Albany d Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified isolates Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

44 27 25 18 12 11 8 7 6 6 40 2 215 0 215

20.47 12.56 11.63 8.37 5.58 5.12 3.72 3.26 2.79 2.79 18.60 0.93

Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Analyzed Samples 4.76 2.92 2.70 1.95 1.30 1.19 0.86 0.76 0.65 0.65 4.32 0.22 23.24 23.24


. Serotypes 2006 Hadar Saintpaul Heidelberg Agona Anatum Kentucky Muenchen Derby Senftenberg Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

31 8 7 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 17 1 90 0 90

34.44 8.89 7.78 5.56 4.44 4.44 4.44 3.33 3.33 3.33 18.89 1.11

6.98 1.80 1.58 1.13 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.68 0.68 0.68 3.83 0.23 20.27 20.27


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006 (Variants Combined)d Hadar Saintpaul Heidelberg Agona Anatum Kentucky Muenchen Derby Senftenberg d Typhimurium Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

31 8 7 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 14 1 90 0 90

34.44 8.89 7.78 5.56 4.44 4.44 4.44 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 15.56 1.11

6.98 1.80 1.58 1.13 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 3.15 0.23 20.27 20.27


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007 Hadar Heidelberg Saintpaul Agona Newport Reading London Minnesota Muenchen Schwarzengrund Typhimurium Uganda a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

62 17 13 11 8 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 0 143 0 143

43.36 11.89 9.09 7.69 5.59 4.20 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 9.79

7.56 2.07 1.59 1.34 0.98 0.73 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 1.71

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2007 (Variants Combined)d Hadar Heidelberg Saintpaul Agona Newport Reading d Anatum London Minnesota Muenchen Schwarzengrund Typhimurium Uganda a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

17.44 17.44 820

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

62 17 13 11 8 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 0 143 0 143

43.36 11.89 9.09 7.69 5.59 4.20 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 8.39

7.56 2.07 1.59 1.34 0.98 0.73 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 1.46 17.44 17.44


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008 Hadar Saintpaul c III 18:z4,z23:Schwarzengrund Newport Heidelberg Senftenberg Agona Muenchen Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

35 15 14 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 28 1 135 0 135

25.93 11.11 10.37 5.93 5.19 4.44 4.44 3.70 3.70 3.70 20.74 0.74

4.00 1.71 1.60 0.91 0.80 0.68 0.68 0.57 0.57 0.57 3.20 0.11 15.41

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2009 Saintpaul Hadar Agona Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Albany c III 18:z4,z23:Derby Heidelberg Newport a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

15.41 876

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

17 14 5 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 6 1 65 0 65

26.15 21.54 7.69 7.69 7.69 4.62 4.62 3.08 3.08 3.08 9.23 1.54

2.80 2.30 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.49 0.49 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.99 0.16 10.69 10.69


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010 Hadar Saintpaul Heidelberg c III 18:z4,z23:Albany Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Anatum Newport Montevideo Reading a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

15 15 9 9 8 6 6 4 3 2 2 10 0 89 0 89

16.85 16.85 10.11 10.11 8.99 6.74 6.74 4.49 3.37 2.25 2.25 11.24

1.72 1.72 1.03 1.03 0.92 0.69 0.69 0.46 0.34 0.23 0.23 1.15

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2010 (Variants Combined)d Hadar Saintpaul Heidelberg c III 18:z4,z23:Albany Schwarzengrund Senftenberg Anatum Newport Montevideo Reading d Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

10.19 10.19 873

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

15 15 9 9 8 6 6 4 3 2 2 2 8 0 89 0 89

16.85 16.85 10.11 7.89 8.99 6.74 6.74 4.49 3.37 2.25 2.25 2.25 8.99

1.72 1.72 1.03 0.80 0.92 0.69 0.69 0.46 0.34 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.92 10.19 10.19


United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 7 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Ground Turkey (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011 c

III 18:z4,z23:Hadar Muenchen Schwarzengrund Heidelberg Newport Reading Saintpaul Berta Kentucky Worthington a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

13 9 9 7 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 10 0 66 0 66

23.21 16.1 16.1 12.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 3.6 3.6 15.15 0 100 0 100

2.4 1.7 1.7 1.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.86 0 12.24 0 12.24


* The percentages listed for total positive isolates may not equal the sum of data in the Percent of Analyzed Samples column due to rounding. a The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Prior to 2004, isolates fitting the designation in b were included in the “unidentified isolates” category. d Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen), and Anatum includes Anatum var 15+,34+. Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012).

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 8 Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. YoungTurkeys (Turkey Carcasses) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2006

Hadar Heidelberg Reading Schwarzengrund Saintpaul Agona Senftenberg Anatum Derby Muenster a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 65 33 13 13 10 8 8 4 4 4 32 4 198 0 198

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2006 (Variants Combined)c

Hadar Heidelberg Reading Schwarzengrund Saintpaul Agona Senftenberg c Anatum Derby Muenster a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

32.83 16.67 6.57 6.57 5.05 4.04 4.04 2.02 2.02 2.02 16.16 2.02

2.33 1.18 0.47 0.47 0.36 0.29 0.29 0.14 0.14 0.14 1.15 0.14 7.11 7.11 2,785

Number of Isolates 65 33 13 13 10 8 8 5 4 4 31 4 198 0 198

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

32.83 16.67 6.57 6.57 5.05 4.04 4.04 2.53 2.02 2.02 15.66 2.02

2.33 1.18 0.47 0.47 0.36 0.29 0.29 0.18 0.14 0.14 1.11 0.14 7.11 7.11 2,785

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 8 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. YoungTurkeys (Turkey Carcasses) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2007

Hadar Senftenberg Saintpaul Heidelberg Newport Agona Berta Montevideo Mbandaka Muenchen Reading Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive

Number of Isolates 54 9 8 6 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 8 1 108 0 108

Total number of analyzed samples Serotypes 2007 (Variants Combined)c

Hadar Senftenberg Saintpaul Heidelberg Newport Agona Berta Montevideo Mbandaka Muenchen Reading Schwarzengrund c Typhimurium a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

50.00 8.33 7.41 5.56 4.63 2.78 2.78 2.78 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 7.41 0.93

3.10 0.52 0.46 0.34 0.29 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.46 0.06 6.19 6.19 1,744

Number of Isolates 54 9 8 6 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 1 108 0 108

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

50.00 8.33 7.41 5.56 4.63 2.78 2.78 2.78 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 5.56 0.93

3.10 0.52 0.46 0.34 0.29 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.34 0.06 6.19 6.19 1,744

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 8 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. YoungTurkeys (Turkey Carcasses) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2008

Hadar Agona Berta Newport Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 8 0 8

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

37.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50

2.33 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78


0.78 6.20 6.20 129

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 8 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. YoungTurkeys (Turkey Carcasses) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009

Hadar Agona Albany Muenchen Senftenberg Derby Heidelberg Kentucky c 4,[5],12:I:8,20:-:z6 Anatum Infantis Johannesburg Mbandaka Montevideo Newport Saintpaul Schwarzengrund Typhimurium Typhimurium 5a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 18 9 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 54 0 54

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

33.33 16.67 5.56 5.56 5.56 3.70 3.70 3.70 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85

1.25 0.63 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07

3.77 3.77 1,432

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 8 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. YoungTurkeys (Turkey Carcasses) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2009 (Variants Combined)c Hadar Agona Albany Muenchen Senftenberg Derby Heidelberg Kentucky c Typhimurium c 4,[5],12:I:8,20:-:z6 Anatum Infantis Johannesburg Mbandaka Montevideo Newport Saintpaul Schwarzengrund a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed Total positive Total number of analyzed samples

Number of Isolates 18 9 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 54 0 54

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

33.33 16.67 5.56 5.56 5.56 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85

1.25 0.63 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07

3.77 3.77 1,432

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 8 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. YoungTurkeys (Turkey Carcasses) (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2010

Hadar Muenchen Saintpaul Heidelberg Schwarzengrund Agona Brandenburg Berta Newport Typhimurium 5a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive

Number of Isolates 15 9 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 11 1 65 1 66

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

22.73 13.64 9.09 7.58 7.58 6.06 4.55 3.03 3.03 3.03 16.67 1.52

1.04 0.62 0.42 0.35 0.35 0.28 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.76 0.07 4.50 0.07 4.57

Total number of analyzed samples

Serotypes 2010 (Variants Combined)c Hadar Muenchen Saintpaul Heidelberg Schwarzengrund Agona Brandenburg c Anatum Berta Newport Typhimurium 5a Other serotypes b Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive Total number of analyzed samples


Number of Isolates 15 9 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 9 1 65 1 66

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

22.73 13.64 9.09 7.58 7.58 6.06 4.55 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 13.64 1.52

1.04 0.62 0.42 0.35 0.35 0.28 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.62 0.07 4.50 0.07 4.57 1,444

United States Department of Agriculture

Food Safety And Inspection Service

Table 8 - Continued Profile of Serotypes from Analyzed PR/HACCP Verification Samples by Calendar Year. Turkeys (1998–2005 'A' Set Samples; 2006–2011 All Samples) Serotypes 2011

Hadar Albany Berta Saintpaul Schwarzengrund Agona Heidelberg Montevideo c 4,[5],12:I:Brandenburg Cubana Dublin Newport Orion var.15+ Reading Typhimurium Uganda a

Other serotypes Unidentified Total serotyped isolates Not typed *Total positive b

Total number of analyzed samples *

Number of Isolates 10 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Percent of Total Positive

Percent of Analyzed Samples

27.03 8.11 8.11 8.11 8.11 5.41 5.41 5.41 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70

0.62 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

0 0 37 0 37

0 0 100 0 100

0 0 2.31 0 2.31 1,605

The percentages listed for total positive isolates may not equal the sum of data presented in the Percent of Analyzed Samples column due to rounding. a The ten most commonly isolated serotypes during a listed year are identified by name while less commonly identified serotypes are included in the “other serotypes” category. When there is more than one serotype in tenth place, all serotypes in tenth place are listed. b The “unidentified” designation includes isolates for which a single specific serotype could not be determined including rough, and/or nonmotile. c Typhimurium includes Typhimurium 5- (formerly Copenhagen), and Anatum includes Anatum var. 15+ (formerly Newington). Note: For information on the most commonly identified serotypes causing human infection in the United States see CDC (2012).

Figure 1 Top Salmonella Serotype for Each Product Class—PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year*(1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph

Young Chicken (Broilers) - Kentucky

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2008







2007 2007









0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates



Cow/Bull - Meleagridis 45% 40%

30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%











0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 1 - Continued Top Salmonella Serotype for Each Product Class—PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year*(1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 2011













0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

Ground Beef - Montevideo
















40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

Ground Chicken - Enteritidis

Figure 1 - Continued Top Salmonella Serotype for Each Product Class—PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year*(1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)















18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

Market Hogs Adelaide Figure


18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0%

Figure 1 Uganda Agona















Infantis 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

Steer/Heifer - Uganda, Agona, Infantis

Figure 1 - Continued Top Salmonella Serotype for Each Product Class—PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year*(1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

Young Turkey (Turkey Carcasses) Hadar 50% 40% 30% 20%





Figure 1














Ground Turkey IIIa 18:z4,z23:25% 20% 15% 10% 5%















0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 2 Enteritidis Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Broilers Ground Chicken














Ground Turkey


% of Serotyped Isolates



Cattle - Enteritidis

5% Cows/Bulls




Ground Beef

2% 1%















0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 2 Enteritidis - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%















Market Hogs


% of Serotyped Isolates

Market Hogs - Enteritidis

Figure 3 Typhimurium (Variants Combined) Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph


% Serotyped Isolates

30% 25% Broilers


Ground Chicken


Ground Turkey


Turkey Carcasses

5% 2011
















Cattle-Typhimurium (variants combined) 25% 20%



Steers/Heifers Ground Beef

10% 5%















0% 1998

% Serotyped Isolates


Figure 3 Typhimurium (Variants Combined) - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

Market Hogs-Typhimurium

20% 15% 10% 5%















0% 1998

% Serotyped Isolates


Figure 4 Newport Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph





Ground Chicken


Ground Turkey


Turkey Carcasses

4% 2% 2011













0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates



30% 25% Cows/Bulls




Ground Beef

10% 5%















0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 4 Newport - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%















0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

Market Hogs-Newport

Figure 5 Javiana Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph

1.80% 1.60% 1.40% 1.20% 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20% 0.00%

Broilers Ground Chicken Ground Turkey














Turkey Carcasses


% of Serotyped Isolates



0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.20% 0.10% 0.00%

Cows/Bulls Steers/Heifers















Ground Beef


% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 5 Javiana - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)















1.00% 0.90% 0.80% 0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.20% 0.10% 0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

Market Hogs-Javiana

Figure 6 I 4,[5],12:iSerotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (Incompletely identified prior to 2004; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph

6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0%

Broilers Ground Chicken Ground Turkey









Turkey Carcasses


Cattle - 4,[5],12:i:0.90% 0.80% 0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.20% 0.10% 0.00%

Cows/Bulls Steers/Heifers









Ground Beef


Serotyped Isolates

% of Serotyped Isolates

Poultry - 4,[5],12:i:-

Figure 6 I 4,[5],12:iSerotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (Incompletely identified prior to 2004; 2006-2011 - All Samples)









1.40% 1.20% 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20% 0.00% 2004

Serotyped Isolates

Market Hogs - 4,[5],12:i:-

Figure 7 Muenchen Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph

Poultry-Muenchen 16.00% 14.00% Broilers Ground Chicken Ground Turkey Turkey Carcasses

10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 2011













0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates



Cattle-Muenchen 60.00%

40.00% Cows/Bulls Steers/Heifers Ground Beef

30.00% 20.00% 10.00%















0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 7 Muenchen - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

Marke Hog-Muenchen 5.00% 4.50% 4.00% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%















0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 8 Heidelberg - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph

Poultry-Heidelberg 35%




Ground Chicken


Ground Turkey Turkey Carcasses

10% 5% 2011













0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates









Ground Beef

20% 10%















0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 8 Heidelberg - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%















0% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates

Market Hogs-Heidelberg

Figure 9 Montevideo Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph


5.00% 4.00%

Broilers Ground Chicken Ground Turkey Turkey Carcasses

3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 2011













0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates



Market Hogs-Montevideo 1.80% 1.60% 1.40% 1.20% 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20%















0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 9 Montevideo - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

% of Serotyped Isolates

Market Hogs-Montevideo 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year

Figure 10 Infantis Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples) *Please note that the y-axis percent varies from graph to graph

Poultry - Infantis 4.50% % of Serotyped Isolates

4.00% 3.50% 3.00%


2.50% 2.00%

Ground Chicken


Ground Turkey

1.00% 0.50% 2011
















Cattle - Infantis 12.00%

8.00% Cow/ Bulls


Steers/Heifers Ground Beef

4.00% 2.00%















0.00% 1998

% of Serotyped Isolates


Figure 10 Infantis - Continued Serotype Profiles in FSIS Product Classes for Top 10 Serotypes Identified by CDC as Causing Human Infections in 2011 – USDA, FSIS, PR/HACCP Verification Sampling by Calendar Year* (1998-2005 - “A” Set Samples; 2006-2011 - All Samples)

Market Hogs - Infantis 14.00%

% of Serotyped Isolates

12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00%















