and (Customer) for Fleet Management and Maintenance Services for a period of ... can be found on the Facilities website
FLEET MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DEFINITION OF SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an agreement made between Facilities Fleet Operations (Service Provider) and (Customer) for Fleet Management and Maintenance Services for a period of one (1) year to commence April 1st annually. The agreement shall automatically renew at the beginning of each fiscal year. Facilities Fleet Operations and (Customer) commit to the roles and responsibilities as outlined and agree on the scope and service level expectations specified.
PURPOSE OF A SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT • To create a formal and harmonious partnership to professionally manage and maintain the (Customer) fleet; • To provide a fleet matched to the customer’s adopted public service levels and requirements; • To maintain the fleet in the most efficient and economical manner possible while meeting the highest level of quality and availability; • To achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction; • To identify and perform fleet management and maintenance services within the set standards, schedules, and deadlines; • To define the roles and responsibilities of each partner; • To establish and report measurable performance standards and goals; and • To continuously improve fleet services and processes.
1. Goal: Provider/Customer goal is to recover all fleet, facility, direct, indirect, and overhead costs with a break-even target so as not to incur a deficit or create an excessive surplus.
2. Labor Rates: Hourly labor rates are reviewed and set each fiscal year and are designed to recover only the salary and benefits of the fleet technicians staff as outlined in the Fleet Operations budget. 3. Overhead/Administrative Fees: All indirect and non-billed expenses for staff and facility will be recovered through Activity Based Cost accounting methodology. The Administration Fees will be calculated by the total number of fleet assets. SLA (Fleet) Version 2.0
FACILITIES FLEET OPERATIONS Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLAs can be found on the Facilities website at:
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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES 4. Parts, fuels, outsourced and consumable supplies: Provider passes on to the Customer the direct net cost of fuel, parts, services, and supplies. Incidentals are covered by the Markup Fees outlined in the Fleet Operations budget. 5. Insurance: Risk Manager obtains insurance for the fleet with premiums assessed by class schedule. Collision and comprehensive damages are subject to a $1000.00 - $2500.00 deductible depending on the vehicle classification and the cost of the deductible comes from the affected operating department fleet budget. Fleet Rate Plans Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
2017-18 $925 per year per vehicle $2,315 per year per vehicle $100 per hour plus parts
2016-17 $925 per year per vehicle $2,315 per year per vehicle $94 per hour plus parts
OPTION 1 - Included in this option: Vehicle Administration • Vehicle selector consultation services • Vehicle and equipment RFP development services • Vehicle disposals • Driver training programs administration • Alberta Transportation & National Safety Code Operating Certificates compliance administration • Fleet financing administration Maintenance and Repairs We model our maintenance program based on the manufacturers’ recommended service intervals. Your program includes: • Schedule maintenance and repairs online through out ARCHIBUS system • Oil changes – up to 4 yearly • Vehicle safety inspections • Tire repairs • Tire rotations • Battery replacement (parts extra) • Bulb replacement • Wiper replacement • Wash bay access • Coordination of off-site legislated inspections and repairs • Off-site vehicle pick up and drop off • Incidental repairs & adjustments less than 15 minutes in duration • Fluid top ups • Basic diagnostics (advanced diagnostics are considered repairs and billed accordingly) • Technical advice related to the vehicles repairs/ or accessories install • Not included: any repairs or other services listed in Option 2.
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FACILITIES FLEET OPERATIONS Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLAs can be found on the Facilities website at:
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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES OPTION 2 - Included in this option: • •
All services listed in option 1 plus repairs as necessary, tune-ups, transmission service, cooling system service, A/C service, repairs and parts. Not included: tires, batteries, service calls, brakes (i.e. pads, shoes, rotors, drums), computers, major component failure.
OPTION 3: Fee for Service - Included in this option: •
All routine maintenance and repairs are charged out at an hourly rate plus parts.
Through the ARCHIBUS Fleet Management System, all vehicle and equipment users will be billed on a monthly basis for any fuel, insurance or maintenance services incurred.
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Each party agrees to fulfill the roles and responsibilities listed in this Service Level Agreement, to abide by the official Operating Standards and Procedures, and to adhere to all other referenced and relevant documents. All partners and their staff also agree to hold each other accountable for the performance of their duties, while being flexible and realistic. Partners agree to thoroughly understand and enforce this document, review it as needed, offer and discuss changes, and agree to make changes only by a consensus. A. Partners: The following partners are included in this SLA: • Service Provider: University of Calgary Fleet Operations Department • Customer: _____________________ Department B. Agreement Administrators: The following staff members are the formal administrators for this agreement: • Service Provider: University of Calgary Fleet Operations Manager • Customer: _____________________ Department Director or designee C. Program Activators: The following staff members will be responsible for the implementation of this agreement. • Service Provider: Fleet Operations Manager All Fleet Operations staff • Customers: ____________________________ Department Director or designee All __________________________ Department staff Service Provider: Fleet Operations Department • Management Tasks: Provides a life-cycle management service and yearly budget cycle support. Propose all fleet policy and procedures. SLA (Fleet) Version 2.0
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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES Annually develops and updates all replacement schedules for the budget process in coordination with the (Customer) Fleet Advisory Team member. Ensures all authorized acquisitions are delivered on schedule. Disposes of surplus units in a timely manner at the best possible financial return to the University of Calgary. Upon request, provides consultation on any service provided by Fleet Operations. Provides adequate and appropriate fuels, sites, volumes and manages the fuel inventory and records. Conducts use and cost analysis as needed, or upon customer request. Produces monthly and annual expense reports. Processes and maintains vehicle registrations and titles; orders duplicate documents or license plates as needed. Ensures vehicle registrations, insurance cards, and collision reports are in each vehicle. Provides expense projections for the budget and financial planning process. Sets common service levels and guidelines for all fleet partners. In conjunction with Risk Management and EH&S, ensures that operators and drivers are well trained, qualified, and licensed appropriately Sets custom service levels as needed for specific fleet units. Conducts annual service satisfaction surveys and reviews the survey results and performance goals with the customer and the University of Calgary Executive Leadership Team. • Fleet Maintenance Tasks: Sets all PM programs and completes them on schedule Immediately responds to all maintenance and repair needs and completes tasks within set guidelines. Administers all service contracts to ensure that vendors are performing at the established service levels. Immediately responds to service calls with staff or towing service (or the appropriate method). Fleet Operations will provide mobile service at the U of C’s main campus and Spy Hill campus locations. Manages and maintains appropriate, safe and legal tires and tire services. Arranges for collision repair as soon as authorized by the customer and Fleet Manager, assuming a repair vs. replacement analysis supports it. Maintains a minimum inventory only of parts and supplies that cannot be obtained in a short time as needed or for emergency after-hours needs. Schedules and completes warranty and recall tasks upon notification and need. Arranges for staff training, testing, and certification to keep staff updated on current technology and fleet maintenance methods and products. Daily status updates of completed work orders and provides electronically to management at the beginning of the next work day. Arranges for all authorized up-fitting activities to meet set schedules to include ancillary equipment in coordination with the (Customer). Arranges for all authorized fabrications & modifications to meet set schedules Completes all in-service prep to set standards and schedules. Completes all disposal prep and delivery to disposal site to set standards and schedules. Completes all shop facility assignments on mutually-approved schedule. Customer: University of Calgary (Customer) • Ensures that all fleet units are operated safely and within unit design standards SLA (Fleet) Version 2.0
FACILITIES FLEET OPERATIONS Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLAs can be found on the Facilities website at:
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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Customer will respect and protect the fleet and not misuse or abuse vehicles and equipment Reports utilization as required. Refuels and enters correct odometer readings for each unit properly. Immediately reports breakdowns or maintenance needs and informs Provider of expectations or priorities on the need for return to service. Completes driver/operator checklist and maintenance inspection requirements. Completes other maintenance assignments to set standards as discussed with and approved by the Provider. Provides input to Provider on all management and maintenance issues and tasks. Completes and returns all annual customer satisfaction survey forms accurately. Transport departmental vehicles or equipment to assigned service/repair center Maintain the cleanliness of each unit inside and out. Check and maintain the safety equipment installed or provided in each unit. Report collisions and damage immediately to Fleet Manager and Provider, coordinate with Risk/Safety and complete required reports accurately and turn in within 24 hours of occurrences. Minimize engine idle time whenever possible, pursuant to Administrative Regulation. Complete written request forms for all modifications or improvements proposed; submit to Provider and receive approval from designated departmental administrators before any proposed work is done Customer has responsibility to work with the Manager, Fleet Operations to determine fleet composition needs and to request changes to type, size, and quantity for acquisition and replacement scheduling. Customer will work with the Manager, Fleet Operations to provide spec changes (approved by designated departmental administrator) to Provider on any unit scheduled for replacement at least 6 months prior to the spec writing and bidding process. Customer will not request major changes and deviations during the bidding process, especially those that will delay the acquisition schedules.
• Provider will publish all Preventive Maintenance tasks and schedules for each unit and present a copy to the Customer • Customer will review and familiarize themselves with the Preventive Maintenance task lists • Customer will accurately report either miles or hours at each fueling stop, or report number of days each unit is used annually. • Provider will notify Customer when all Preventive Maintenance is due. • Customer will schedule Preventive Maintenance with the Provider’s shop and help in ensuring Preventive Maintenance is completed. • Provider and customer mutually agree on who completes these tasks. • Provider is ultimately responsible for completing all Preventive Maintenance and resetting schedules.
• Provider will immediately respond on-site with staff, towing service, or other appropriate methods upon notification from the Customer of a need. • Customer will remain with the unit until Provider arrives on site. • Customer will provide all known information pertaining to the incident.
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FACILITIES FLEET OPERATIONS Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLAs can be found on the Facilities website at:
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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES • Provider will deliver unit to the appropriate shop for diagnosis and corrective action and inform the customer of job time and cost estimates. • Customer will arrange for transportation of their staff, but provider will assist if needed.
• Customer will report immediately to Fleet Manager and Fleet Operations any collisions, damages, and needs for body repair service. • Customer will complete all reporting requirements within 24 hours of incident. • Provider will recover the damaged unit and process. • Units unable to be driven will be towed or hauled to the providers shop or appropriate body shop(s) and 3 repair estimates will be obtained if the city contracted service provider cannot perform the repair. • Units able to be driven will be sent to the city contracted body shop for repair estimates and 3 repair estimates will be obtained if the city contracted service provider cannot perform the repair. • Customers will transport vehicles able to be driven. • Repairs will be scheduled only when authorized by the Risk Manager and a repair vs. replacement analysis has been done. • Provider will inspect and approve all repairs.
• Provider will perform a cost analysis for each incident to determine if repairing or replacing a damaged unit is the best method overall. • Customer will help this process by determining the need and urgency of the damaged unit.
• No modifications, fabrications, or improvements will be done to any fleet unit without authorization from the Parks Administrators • Providers and Customers will follow the same process for authorization and completion of approved work requests • The process requires a good drawing of the work, a good cost estimate, how the task will be completed, the funding source, and a list of the benefits and purpose and what happens if the task is not approved. This information will be scheduled for completion only after approval from the Customer’s Administrator, followed by approval from the Provider’s Administrator. • Provider may add expenses to the cost of the project if additional administrative time is required to complete the work
• Provider will consider other custom, non-fleet related tasks on a case-by-case basis. • These requests will receive the lowest priority assignments unless it is determined to be highly beneficial to the overall organization or public service and safety. • All work will be billed at time plus cost of materials and supplies, plus administrative and travel expenses.
• Provider will manage and maintain all fleet records with the assistance from the Customer, for supplying their use information accurately and in a timely manner • Inventory – Provider will maintain a minimum inventory of parts and supplies that cannot be easily and quickly obtained or is needed for after hours and emergency services.
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FACILITIES FLEET OPERATIONS Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLAs can be found on the Facilities website at:
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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES • Utilization – Provider will capture utilization information from service tickets, work orders, fuel reports, and other utilization reports from the customers. Both partners agree to focus on reporting accurate utilization information. • O & M expenses – Provider will capture all ownership costs for each unit in the fleet and provide monthly expense summaries to the customer. • Billing – Provider will generate the summary of fleet expenses by fund and customer account and send to the Finance Dept. for transfer of funds. • Budget Projections – Provider will annually produce fleet expense projection for the Customer to use in the budget request process. Customer will use these projections as the base and justify to the budget review committee any deviations. • Files – Provider will maintain files for each of the Customer’s units and make them available to the customer at any time. Customer will not remove the files, but may make copies of any and all documents.
• University -Owned Vehicles - Provider will maintain several university vehicles for customers’ use at specified locations convenient to staff without access to university-owned or assigned transportation. Use fees will be set and adjusted annually. • Loaner Vehicles – Provider does have a few loaner vehicles however, the Customer must inform the Provider if going without a vehicle is not acceptable, then work with the Provider to obtain temporary use of a loaner vehicle.
• Life Cycles - Provider will review utilization and maintenance cost records to set replacement schedules for each of the Customer’s units. • Fleet Standards Provider will set minimum standards by class for all units in the fleet. Vehicle exterior color will be white. Equipment color is the OEM standard color. Drive train – provider in coordination with customer, will determine the best engine for each unit to meet performance requirements and yet provide the lowest emissions and best fuel economy. All units will have automatic transmissions, limited slip differentials, or differential lock in equipment to provide maximum traction. . Air conditioning – The Fleet Manager and the Customer’s Administrator will determine the need for air conditioning on a case-by-case basis. Special / Custom features – Provider discourages special or customized features and accessories in order to control costs. Provider encourages using standard commercially available components to meet the needs of the customer. Customer’s Administrator will determine and authorize the addition of more expensive and custom fabrications. • Up-fitting – Provider and Customer will determine up-fitting needs on a case-by-case basis with the Customer’s Administrator approval required on any deviation from an existing unit being replaced or added to. • In Service Prep – Provider will complete all in-service prep in a set standard and uniform manner to present the most professional appearance possible. In addition, Provider will verify all new vehicle specifications. Customer will not add bumper stickers or body graphics without prior authorization from University Relations. Customer will not add other devices to the inside or outside of the vehicle or equipment without prior authorization from Fleet Operations. Any unauthorized devices, graphics, and stickers, will be removed upon discovery.
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• Provider will obtain, manage, and maintain all fleet titles and registrations, and will pay upfront any and all registration fees. The provider will bill back customer at the end of each month for any and all registration fees. • Appropriate documents or copies will be installed in the vehicles with insurance and traffic accident forms. To comply with legal requirements, Customer will inform Provider if these documents have been lost or misplaced so they can be replaced as quickly as possible.
• Prep – Provider will inspect all units removed from service, repair or replace units affecting safety or legality, and ready them for disposal. Customer is responsible for reporting any and all known problems on any unit being readied for auction. • Disposal – Provider currently uses a vendor auction service for disposal, but will utilize other methods to gain the best salvage possible and still meets authorized techniques. Those currently include trade in, sealed bids, cannibalizing, and junked out, with potential for Internet auctions or on-line bidding.
Provider maintains a maintenance facility(s) for the overall benefit of the organization and to meet the specific service demands and programs of the customer. Customer will assist the Provider in the care and use of the facility and will follow the Provider’s directions for safely entering and exiting the facility, and driving or parking around the facility
All members of each partner’s staff agree to complete all maintenance tasks safely and efficiently, to operate the fleet legally and safely, and to monitor and assist each other’s performance, to protect the fleet, staff, public, and all others from damage or harm
Fleet Operations Office & Shop • Phone #: 403-220-4379 (office) • Phone #: 403-220-5601 (shop) • Email address:
[email protected] (or)
[email protected] • Emergency Contacts: Lee Ferrari 403-973-3573 (cell) John Daem 403-371-2344 (cell) Harry Friesen 403-899-7933 (cell) Fuel Sites • Primary Site(s): Physical Plant Building Grounds Building Off campus retailers - access with programmed Fleet Card only.
Fleet Operations uses external vendors to provide the following services. Repair or maintenance tasks require coordination with Fleet Operations. SLA (Fleet) Version 2.0
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Tire repair, replacement, alignments; coordinate with Fleet Operations. Collision repair; coordinate with Fleet Operations. Towing; coordinate with Fleet Operations Outsourced maintenance repairs; coordinate with Fleet Operations Vehicle or equipment rental; coordinate with Fleet Operations
Regular Service Hours • Management Offices: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, except holidays • Maintenance Office and Shop: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday thru Friday, except holidays After Hours and Emergencies Provider will provide appropriate service 24/7 during natural disasters or as requested by Customer to support them during an emergency service. Please contact one of the individuals listed in Service Provider Locations (above).
ATTACHMENTS NOTE: All SLA Appendices can be found on the Facilities website at
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FACILITIES FLEET OPERATIONS Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLAs can be found on the Facilities website at:
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