The Regional Joint Director Intermediate Education, _______________________
/ Regularisation , Dated:
-0 -201
Sir, Sub:- APIES – Submission of proposals for Regularization of Service and Declaration of Probation-Sri._________________________________________Government Junior College, __________________Dist_______________ - Request - Regarding. *
* *
With reference to the subject cited above, I am here with submitting the proposals for regularization of service and declaration of probation of Sri. , working as ______________in this college. The following documents are here with enclosed.
Yours faithfully
Encl: 1. Proforma-A for Regularization 2. Proforma-II for Declaration of Probation 3. Appointment Order copy 4. EOL Certificate 5. Service Satisfactory certificate
PROFORMA-A (PROPOSALS FOR REGULARISATION OF SERVICES) Service Particulars of Sri _____________________________________ 1. Name of the Incumbent (In Bold Letters) 2. Fathers Name 3. Designation 4. Place of Working 5. Date of Working 6. Qualifications 7. Date of Birth
8. Date of Commencement of Probation in the present cadre. 9. Periods of EOL Availed in the Category and the same not countable for Increment 10. Whether Faced and Retirement if so give the date of relief the date if retirement 11. Total Service in the particulars scale which units for increment as on whether selected by APPSC/DSC
CERTIFICATE Certified that the above particulars have been verified by me reference to the entries recorded in the Service Requester of the concerned.
PROFORMA - II (PROPOSALS FOR DECLARATION OF PROBATION) 1. Name of the Incumbent (In Bold Letters) 2. Fathers Name 3. Designation 4. Date of First Appointment in the Category 5. Date of Promotion’s as 6. Category in which the Probation of the incumbent has to be declared. 7. Office in which Incumbent is working at present. 8. No. and date of Orders in which his previous service were. 9. Date of regular Appointment i.e. Date from which the incumbent is on probation. 10. Date of completion of 3 Years from the date of Regular appointment(including all kinds of leaves availed by the incumbent)
11. Leave availed if any by the incumbent with and without pay and allowance during the above period 12. The year duty period of service incumbent the date of regular appointment deduction leaves 13. Date of completion of two years 14. Date from which the probation of the incumbent has to be declared as satisfactory by conferred 15. Remarks
SATISFACTORY SERVICE SERTIFICATE This is certify that Sri.________________________has been working as _____________________________in this college, his service is satisfactory. There are no pending allegations against him, that he has not been punished in any disciplinary cases in the service. Hence Certified
E.O.L. CERTIFICATE This is certify that Sri. _____________________S/o_____________has been working as _____________________in this college. He has not availed any E.O.L. during the period from _________to ____________