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TPA 1.

Persamaan kata dari optimis adalah … A. Sukses D. Antusias B. Yakin E. Motivasi C. Berhasil


Sudirman – Oscar = Bulutangkis – … A. Olahraga D. Iklan B. Desainer E. Film C. Piala


Lawan kata dari harapan adalah … A. Duka D. Sedih B. Sengsara E. Putus asa C. Cinta


Indonesia adalah negara yang hebat. Indonesia kaya akan ragam budaya. Jadi… A. Indonesia negara yang kaya B. Indonesia memiliki budaya C. Kekayaan Indonesia sangat beragam D. Budaya Indonesia kaya dan hebat E. Indonesia hebat karena kaya akan budaya


Beberapa orang mahasiswa Telkom University mencapai IP 4,00. Balqis mempunyai IP 4,00 A. Balqis mahasiswa Telkom University B. Balqis mungkin mahasiswa Telkom University C. Balqis bagian dari mahasiswa Telkom University D. Balqis bukan mahasiswa Telkom University E. Balqis bagian dari mahasiswa Telkom University yang IP = 4,00


SAPI berhubungan dengan ___ , sebagaimana ___ berhubungan dengan MADU. A. karapan – ratu D. susu – lebah B. peras – tawon E. sawah – bejana C. cair – hitam


BENUA : PULAU memiliki hubungan yang sama dengan … A. negara : pantai D. kapal : nelayan B. internasional : batas negara E. samudra : laut C. luas : tinggi

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8. Di iklim panas tumbuh pohon-pohon getah dan karet. Semak dan rumput hanya tumbuh di tempat yang dingin. Rumput dan karet membutuhkan banyak kelembaban. Semak-semak dan pohon getah hanya tumbuh di daerah yang cukup kering. Di dekat sungai Cimanuk sangat panas dan lembab. Tumbuh-tumbuhan manakah yang tumbuh dekat sungai Cimanuk? A. Getah. B. Getah dan semak. C. Pohon Karet. D. Rumput. E. Semak.

9. Jika Adi rajin belajar, maka dia akan memperoleh indeks prestasi yang baik. Kenyataannya Adi tidak rajin belajar. Maka manakah pernyataan yang pasti benar? A. Adi adalah anak yang pintar. B. Adi memperoleh indeks prestasi yang baik. C. Adi tidak memperoleh indeks prestasi yang baik. D. Tidak dapat disimpulkan. E. Semua jawaban salah.

10. Dengan jumlah jam tertentu seorang mahasiswa selesai mengerjakan 30 soal ujian dengan ratarata waktu pengerjaan 4 menit untuk tiap soal. Jika jumlah soal yang diberikan 40 soal dengan lama waktu pengerjaan yang sama, maka tiap soal harus diselesaikan masing-masing selama: A. 1 menit D. 4 menit B. 2 menit E. 5 menit C. 3 menit 11.

Di area kampus Telkom University yang luas itu masih ada sebidang tanah seluas 60.000 m² akan dibangun Laboratorium Teknologi Terpadu. Direncanakan 2 area laboratorium inti, 1


untuk area display, dan 1



dari luasnya akan digunakan untuk

dibangun ruang publik dan taman. Luas

tanah yang belum digunakan adalah: A. 7.000 m² B. 17.000 m² C. 50.000 m²

D. 27.000 m² E. 43.000 m²

12. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat jika dadu dibuka

A A.

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B C.

C D.

D E.



Lengkapi bilangan di segitiga paling kanan

A. 4 B. 6 C. 8

D. 10 E. 12

14. Lengkapi bilangan di lingkaran paling kanan

A. 10 B. 14 C. 15


D. 48 E. 30

Lengkapi bilangan di bawah ini :

A. 16 B. 17 C. 18 D. 15 E. 14 16.

Tentukan dua bilangan selanjutnya dari deret bilangan ini: 3 5 9 16 … A. 23 dan 30 D. 27 dan 43 B. 24 dan 32 E. 27 dan 35 C. 25 dan 36


Ilham mempunyai 20 buku tulis, 3 dari jumlah tersebut dia berikan kepada Uyung dan 1



dari jumlah buku tulis tersebut dia berikan kepada Ujang. Maka buku tulis yang tersisa di Ilham sebanyak: A. 2 buah B. 3 buah C. 4 buah

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D. 8 buah E. 10 buah


18. Dalam rangka syukuran Gedung Tokong Nanas, kantin akan memberikan potongan harga sebesar 15% untuk setiap mahasiswa dengan tambahan potongan 10% setelah potongan harga pertama untuk mahasiswa yang tinggal di asrama. Potongan harga yang dinikmati oleh penghuni asrama sebesar: A. 15% C. 35% B. 23,5% E. 37,5% C. 25%

19. Sebuah segitiga sama kaki memiliki alas 10 cm. Luas segitiga tersebut 60 cm 2 . Maka jumlah dari ketiga sisi segitiga tersebut adalah: A. 17 cm B. 22 cm C. 36 cm

D. 34 cm E. 40 cm

20. Jika X dan Y bilangan bulat kelipatan 7 yang memenuhi 20 < X < 23 dan 8< Y 3Y D. 3X = 2Y B. 2X < 3Y E. 3X < 2Y C. 2X = 3Y

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Bahasa Indonesia 21. Cermati matriks berikut! Penjualan Toko Ayu (November 2015) Ukuran No. Jenis 39 40 41 1. Baju kaos 0 50 40 2. Celana panjang 2 40 30 3. Kemeja 30 25 25

42 25 10 10

Pernyataan di bawah ini yang sesuai dengan isi matriks tersebut adalah …. A. Baju kaos merupakan baju terlaris selama bulan November 2015 B. Selama bulan November 2015 penjualan celana panjang menduduki peringkat kedua C. Selama bulan November 2015 kemeja ukuran 40 lebih banyak terjual dibandingkan kaos D. Selama bulan November 2015 kaos dan kemeja ukuran 41 jumlah yang terjual sama E. Selama bulan November 2015 celana panjang ukuran 42 paling sedikit terjual 22. Bacalah teks berikut ini dengan saksama! Para penebang pohon liar tidak peduli dengan penanaman kembali pohon atau reboisasi. Pohonpohon ditebang tanpa izin dari pihak yang berwenang. Penebang lebih mementingkan keperluan pribadi tanpa memedulikan kelestarian lingkungan. Dari 130 juta hektar luas hutan di Indonesia, seluas 42 juta hektar luas lahan hutan yang gundul menyebabkan bencana. Tanah longsor dan banjir adalah akibat dari penggundulan hutan. Teks di atas termasuk jenis karangan … A. narasi B. deskripsi C. eksposisi D. persuasi E. argumentasi 23. Cermati pengumuman di bawah ini! PENGUMUMAN Senin, 23 nopember 2015 s.d. Kamis 26 nopember 2015, mahasiswa tingkat I akan melaksanakan kuliah umum di Gedung Keong Universitas Telkom pukul 8.00 s.d. selesai. Kesalahan penulisan kata dalam pengumuman di atas adalah .... A. nopember seharusnya November B. tingkat I seharusnya tingkat satu C. Gedung Keong seharusnya gedung keong D. Senin seharusnya senin E. s.d. seharusnya s/d

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24. Penulisan nama dan gelar yang sesuai dengan EYD adalah …. A. Syauqi, A.Md. B. Syauqi AMD. C. Syauqi. A.M.D. D. Syauqi, AMd. E. Syauqi, A.Md 25. Manakah kata di bawah ini yang tidak baku? A. kudapan B. saksama C. nasihat D. handal E. utang

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Bahasa Inggris Direction for Questions 26-30 You will be given a conversation text. Choose the best answer: A, B, C, D, or E, to complete the conversation. 26.

Samantha : Hi, Dean. Do you mind if I borrow your pen? Dean : __________. Here it is. A. No, thanks B. I do C. Not at all. D. It’s my pleasure E. How do you do?


William : Hi, Cristina. ____________________ Christina : I am resting after taking a walk. A. What are you doing? B. What do you do? C. How are you doing? D. Are you working? E. Tell me about you.

28. Pete : What do you usually do in the morning? Audrey : ____________________________________. A. I went jogging. B. I go for a little walk. C. My mom asked me to make breakfast. D. I have lunch. E. I have brushed my teeth.

29. Josh : Hi, Jean, ____________________ Jean : I’d love to. A. Do you have time this evening? B. Do you want to go to the movies tonight? C. How do you like the movie? D. Do you love movies? E. What kind of movies do you like?

30. Rita : Will you join us to the party tonight? Joey : ________. I have to look after my little brother at home. A. Never mind B. I’m sorry, I can’t C. Okay, I will D. I can E. Where will the party be?

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Direction for questions No. 31-35 Choose the best answer, A, B, C, D, or E to complete the statements. 31. Employers are more __________ in experienced applicants than those who are academically potential. A. interesting B. interested C. have interest D. have been interested E. were interest

32. Many university students __________ seminar about technology development. A. attends B. attend C. are attending D. has attended E. have been attended

33. Nowadays, various journals of different fields can easily ___________ from many sources through the internet. A. download B. downloads C. downloaded D. be downloading E. be downloaded

34. Students taking high school photography qualifications often search the internet ___________ tips, ideas, and inspiration. A. to look at B. to look for C. to look after D. to look up E. to look away

35. In the 2000s and the 2010s, digital marketing became more __________ as an effective way to create a relationship with the consumer that has depth and relevance. A. sophisticate B. sophistication C. sophisticating D. sophisticated E. sophisticational

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Direction for Questions 36-40 Read each short text followed by a question about it. Choose the best answer, A, B, C, D, or E to answer each question. Mobile advertising is growing rapidly. There are more mobile devices in the field, connectivity speeds have improved, screen resolutions have advanced, mobile publishers are becoming more sophisticated about incorporating ads, and consumers are using mobile devices more extensively. 36. What is the main idea of the text above? A. The definition of mobile advertising. B. The importance of advertising in life. C. TV Screen Development enhances mobile advertising usage. D. The causes of mobile advertising growth. E. Mobile advertising encourages developments of gadgets. The rapid evolution of digital media has created new opportunities and avenues for advertising and marketing. This rapid evolution, which is fueled by the proliferation of devices to access digital media, has led to the exponential growth of digital advertising. 37. The word which refers to _________ A. The rapid evolution of digital media B. new opportunities and avenues C. advertising and marketing D. proliferation of devices E. digital media Matthew Brandt has created unexpected and dramatic running of colored ink by submerging printed photographs in water. After photographing lakes or reservoirs, Brandt collects samples of water. He then soaks the c-prints in water from the location that the image represents. 38. The word submerging has similar meaning to _________ A. subsiding B. spilling C. soaking D. lifting E. emerging Many students assume that tweaking of the color or light in a photograph takes place digitally, after the image is taken. Although digital editing tools are great, there are many benefits to starting with a higher quality image. 39. According to the text, digital editing tools ______ A. are used before capturing the image B. are not always a better option C. make images with lower quality D. are used by most students E. have more benefits

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Mobile billboards are generally vehicle mounted billboards or digital screens. The billboards are often lighted; some being backlit, and others employing spotlights. Some billboard displays are static, while others change; for example, continuously or periodically rotating among a set of advertisements. Mobile displays are used for various situations in metropolitan areas throughout the world, including: target advertising, one-day and long-term campaigns, conventions, sporting events, store openings and similar promotional events, and big advertisements from smaller companies. 40. Based on the text above, what is UNTRUE about mobile billboards? A. Billboards are carried on vehicle. B. They are often used for party campaigns. C. Only big companies afford to use mobile billboard service. D. They are used to socialize events. E. Some billboards use backlight.

Direction for Questions 41-45 Read the text followed by several questions about it. Choose the best answer, A, B, C, D, or E to answer each question. 1




After making many decisions about your new home, the idea of furnishing and decorating it may seem like a daunting task. Most folks think there are only two options to interior design. They do it themselves or hire an interior designer. However, many do not realize there is a third option: go online for virtual interior design. Online virtual interior designers can design layouts, furnish and finish for five rooms, in addition to making overall recommendations for flooring and paint colors. They may never set foot in the house nor meet the client in person. Instead, they work remotely as an online, or virtual, designer. Like traditional designers, online designers offer a range of services from consultations on an hourly basis to whole house designs. Although each designer works a little differently, clients typically complete an extensive questionnaire and provide photos and room measurements. In a phone call, they share their design goals with the designer. In return, depending on the services contracted, clients receive a custom room design, a layout, and space plan that shows where everything goes and a concept board to visualize the overall look, as well as specific recommendations and pricing for furniture, lighting, wall and window treatments, floor coverings, and most importantly, a step-by-step guide to completing the room.

20 41. What is the main idea of the passage above? A. How online virtual designers work. B. The benefit of employing online virtual designers. C. How to decide your house decoration. D. The reasons of hiring online virtual designers. E. The difference between traditional designers and online virtual designers.

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42.The word set foot (line 8) can be best replaced by _________ A. kick B. see C. visit D. plan E. decorate

43. Pronoun their (line 14) refers to_________ A. traditional designers B. online designers C. clients D. photos E. folks

44. When hiring online virtual designers, clients may have to do the following, EXCEPT _____________. A. communicate remotely B. fill out a questionnaire C. give them the photo of the room D. measure the room first E. make a guideline to building the room

45. Based on the text, we can infer that _______________________. A. It is not such a difficult task to decorate your own room B. There are more than three options to decorate your house C. Hiring an online virtual interior design is complicated D. Online interior designers are completely different to traditional designers E. A client cannot arrange a meeting with an online designer at all

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