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Setting up a PHP Debugging Environment © Software Engineering Solutions, Inc. 2010 Damodar Chetty Please note that this material is presented without any warranty or support whatsoever. If you wish to retain my services, I can be reached at
[email protected].
Overview Any programmer who has spent a weekend getting something to work, will readily admit that any programming language is only as strong as its debugging support. While it is a rather straightforward exercise to set up a complete development environment for Java EE, getting everything spinning smoothly for PHP development was a bit of an uphill struggle. This article is aimed at making it easier for others who want to tread the same path. I have executed these steps repeatedly (over a dozen times) to ensure that I have not missed anything critical. The host operating system used was Windows 7 64-bit.
Software Components The software components that you will deal with during this exercise include:
VirtualBox When playing with unfamiliar software, I find it easiest to work with an environment that is totally under my control. And Oracle's VirtualBox (version 3.2.12) lets me create such environments. When you've hosed your environment beyond your ability to fix, it is a simple matter to simply blow it away and restart!
Ubuntu This is probably the simplest Linux distribution available and is perfectly suited for newcomers to Linux.
Apache This free web server is extremely easy to install and run within a Linux environment.
PHP The language under discussion in this article, PHP is a mature server side scripting language that
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Page |2 is a must have in a web developer's toolkit. It is simple to learn, available for free on even the stingiest hosting environments, and is amazingly functional.
MySQL and phpMyAdmin This is the perfect relational database foil for use with PHP. phpMyAdmin provides an administrative console for managing your database.
Zend's Eclipse PDT All In One Eclipse is the best IDE out there (yes, I'm biased), and this single download gives you all that you need to get started with PHP.
Zend Debugger This distribution contains the all important and dummy.php files.
For the purposes of this article, the installation of VirtualBox being rather unremarkable, does not merit further detailed treatment. A number of people who tried this guide indicated that using an older version of VirtualBox ended up making their lives miserable when using the guest additions. Please make sure that you download the latest version. Do note that screenshots grow stale almost as soon as they are published. However, I've chosen to provide a detailed blow-by-blow account of the installation process. This is for the simple reason that this is a fairly involved process, and it's easy for me to miss an important detail otherwise. Please extrapolate the images to whatever version is current when you are performing this install.
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Setup the Virtual Machine and Virtual Disk Download the latest version of Ubuntu's 32-bit distribution from The version that is current at the time of this writing is Ubuntu 10.10. 1.
Start up VirtualBox and click the New button
Click Next.
Pick a name for your VM instance. Pick the appropriate OS and version.
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Specify the RAM allocated to this VM. If you pick a number that's too high, your VM might fail to start up. In that case, try reverting this to the default value of 512 MB.
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Create a new hard disk for this virtual machine.
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Click Next.
Choose the dynamic sizing option
Choose the location of this virtual disk (by clicking the folder icon) and an appropriate max size. I've had good luck with picking 20GB.
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Click Finish to create your new disk, as a .vdi file, in the specified location.
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Page |8 10. Click Finish to create your virtual machine.
With this step, you have successfully created a virtual machine that will use your newly created virtual disk as its boot disk.
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Identify the Installation Image for the Ubuntu OS 1.
In VirtualBox, select your newly created virtual machine and click the Start button.
Click Next.
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P a g e | 10 3.
Mount the media that represents the Ubuntu distribution's image by clicking the Folder icon to display the Virtual Media Manager. This is what will be installed to your VM.
Click the Add button, and navigate to the downloaded image.
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P a g e | 11 5.
The ISO image will be added to virtual media that will be accessible to your virtual machine.
Click Finish.
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P a g e | 12 7.
Pick the installation image from the drop down list.
Click Finish and let the install proceed.
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Install Ubuntu 1.
Choose Install Ubuntu
Click Forward
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Click Forward
Click Install Now.
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P a g e | 15 5.
Pick your time zone.
Select your keyboard layout
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P a g e | 16 7.
Specify your login name and password
Sit back and wait for the install to complete.
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P a g e | 17 9.
Click Restart Now.
10. Wait for the restart to complete.
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P a g e | 18 11. Hit Enter when you see this message. Make sure you haven't closed the VirtualBox window – that can cause it to hang.
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Update your installation of the Ubuntu OS 1.
Choose System > Administration > Update Manager to download and install updates.
Wait until the changes have been downloaded.
Once the download is complete, you will need to enter your password before install can begin.
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P a g e | 20 4.
Click Restart Now.
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Install Guest Additions 1.
Choose Devices > Install Guest Additions, and Restart the VM.
The CD image should now appear on your desktop.
Double click the CD image to open it.
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P a g e | 22 4.
Either double click the file, and choose to "Run in Terminal".
Or click the "Open Autorun Prompt" button:
Enter your password and wait.
Restart the VM and your virtual box will now expand to fit the size of its containing window.
Open Firefox and verify that you are able to access the Internet.
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Setup Ubuntu packages 1.
Use the Synaptic Package Manager to install: apache2:
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Verify that Apache and PHP are successfully installed, by browsing over to http://localhost.
Complete the setup of the Apache web server, by setting your server's document root: a. cd /etc/apache2/sites-available b. sudo cp default webserver c.
sudo gedit webserver By default, the document root for Apache is /var/www. Change this to a public_html folder within your home directory. For me, this is /home/damodar/public_html.
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d. sudo su e. a2dissite default && a2ensite webserver f. /etc/init.d/apache2 reload 5.
Verify PHP and Apache are running. a.
Create the public_html folder and change to it: mkdir /home/damodar/public_html cd /home/damodar/public_html
b. Create a test PHP file, phpinfo.php with the following content: c.
Restart Apache sudo apache2ctl restart
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P a g e | 26 d. Browse to http://localhost/phpinfo.php. You should see this page:
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Install MySQL and PHPMyAdmin 1.
Use the Synaptics Package Manager to install: phpmyadmin, php5-mysql, mysql-server, mysql-client
This will invoke the configuration of MySQL – enter a password, and choose apache2 as the web server to configure.
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P a g e | 29 Verify that MySQL and phpMyAdmin are installed. At a Terminal prompt, type: $ mysql -u root -p New > PHP Project.
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P a g e | 39 6.
Click Finish:
Create the following PHP Files - File > New > PHP File a.
A form processing site Enter your Name:
b. showName.php © Software Engineering Solutions, Inc. 2010
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8. Copy both these files over to your docroot at /home/damodar/public_html
Set up a debug configuration. This is a bit tricky, so follow along carefully. a.
Run > Debug Configurations
b. Select PHP Web page, and click the new file icon at the top left. c.
Enter the Name (getName). Click the Browse button and pick /test/getName.php from your project's workspace. Uncheck Auto Generate, and write the URL to the script in your Apache docroot.
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In the image above, I have already setup my PHP Server – which links Eclipse to my Apache Server. In order to set one up, click the New button.
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P a g e | 42 i. Click the New button. Enter a server name and the docroot URL. Click Next.
In the Server Path Mapping dialog, map the path on the server (the docroot's absolute path) to the local path in your Eclipse project. Click the Browse button to pick your project.
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P a g e | 43 ii. Click Finish
d. Click the Test Debugger button to verify that Eclipse can communicate with your Apache web server.
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P a g e | 44 e.
You should get the success message below:
Click the Apply button to save all the changes you've made so far.
g. Click the Debug button to begin your new debug session. 10. At the prompt, to display the Debugger perspective, choose Yes, and you'll be presented with the Debug perspective. The debugger will be poised at the last line of the getName.php file. Press F8 to let it complete processing the file. The resulting screen should look like this.
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Note the Browser view on the far right – don't use that. Else, you'll get the following message:
Instead, make sure you are interacting with the Internal Web Browser as defined in the next step.
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P a g e | 46 11. Choose Window > Show View > Other and pick the Internal Web Browser:
12. This opens up a fully functional web browser. 13. Type in the URL, http://localhost/getName.php and hit Enter. Press F8 again when the debugger pauses at the last line of this PHP file.
14. Enter a name and press Submit. The debugger will breakpoint on the first line in the showName.php file.
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15. Observe the various displays in Eclipse. You can see the $_POST superglobal with the submitted name. You can see the execution paused at line 2 in showName.php. And you can now take control of the execution of this script using the Step Into (F5), Step Over (F6), Step Return (F7), and Resume (F8) keys. 16. Press F8 to resume the script, and to complete its execution. An appropriate welcome message is displayed on the web browser view.
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Note: If you are seeing this error message:
Then you didn't follow my advice and are actually using the Browser Output view. Make haste to the Internal Web Browser view instead.
That's it folks! Good luck and happy bug hunting!
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P a g e | 49 An Alternative to avoid having to physically copy files to the docroot A shortcut option is to use a Linked folder for your source - where the target of the link is your Apache public_html folder. 1.
Right click the ics325 project, and choose Build Path > Link Source. As shown, we are linking our Apache document root as the public_html folder in our project. Click Finish.
Apache's docroot is now visible as part of our ics325 Eclipse project.
Setting up the Debug Configuration is a bit different now.
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P a g e | 50 a.
First, set up a PHP server configuration as shown.
The "path on server" is your docroot as before, but the "Local path" is your linked alias folder.
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P a g e | 51 b. The final change is the URL that should be used to invoke the script.
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P a g e | 52 c.
The scripts added to the docroot now show up without your having to copy the files over physically.
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