Settling your account by Bank Arrangement - American Express

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address, we can send the statement to your bank and they can settle the account on your ... in the way that suits you be

Settling your account by Bank Arrangement

Settling your account by Bank Arrangement The International Dollar Card and the International Euro Currency Card have been designed to make your life easier - providing you access to funds both at home and when travelling. And paying your Card account each month should be just as simple as using the Card itself. That’s why we offer a special facility for our Cardmembers. Instead of sending your monthly statement to your home or business address, we can send the statement to your bank and they can settle the account on your behalf. This saves you writing a cheque each month and ensures that your account is always paid on time - even if you are away from home when the statement arrives. It also means that you will avoid any late payment charges which may be incurred if your account is not settled on time. To arrange for your bank to pay your Card account simply complete the attached form and forward it to your bank. We hope you will take advantage of this facility which has been designed to further simplify your financial affairs.

Customer Service These payment options have been designed to help you settle your account in the way that suits you best. For further information please contact: American Express Services Europe Limited International Currency Card Bank Services Telecom House 125-135 Preston Road Brighton BN1 6AG United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 1273 576 136 | Fax: +44 (0) 1273 664 274 Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 1273 868 900 (for Green, Gold and Company Cardmembers) Tel: +44 (0) 1273 576 454 (for Platinum Cardmembers) Or visit us on the web at:

Alternative ways to pay In addition to paying by Bank Arrangement we offer the following payment methods: 1 By Bank Transfer You may arrange payment by bank transfer. Our bank account details are: For International Dollar Card: Account Name: AE Services Europe Ltd Account No: 3582022339001 S.W.I.F.T: SCBLUS33 Standard Chartered Bank One Madison Avenue New York NY 10010 Federal Reserve Bank ABA Code: 026002561 CHIPS Participant Code: 0256 Payment reference: Please state your Card number starting 3745 For International Euro Currency Card: Account Name: American Express International Inc Bank A/C Number: 180 992 05 IBAN Number (International Bank Acct No): DE28512305000018099205 SWIFT Number: SCBLDEFX Beneficiary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank Germany Franklinstrasse 46-48 60486 Frankfurt, Germany Payment reference: Please state your Card number starting 3743 Please instruct your bank to quote your Card account number and bank account number on the transfer details. 2 By Cheque A US dollar cheque (if you have an International Dollar Card) or a euro cheque (if you have an International Euro Currency Card) should be sent with the remittance advice slip in the envelope provided to: American Express Europe Ltd Royal Avenue Widnes United Kingdom WA88 1AB Please include the bank account number and Card account number on the front of the cheque. Please make cheques payable to American Express Services Europe Ltd. For the International Dollar Card: Cheques drawn on accounts not held in the USA, UK or Switzerland, or which are not in US dollars, will incur a handling fee of US$25. For the International Euro Currency Card: Cheques drawn on accounts not held in the UK, Switzerland or countries in which the euro is the official currency, or which are not denominated in euros, may incur a handling fee. 3 By Hand Hand deliver your cheque to any American Express Travel Service Location.

American Express account payment Bank Arrangement Application Form

To arrange for your bank to pay your Card account it is first necessary to check with them that they are willing to receive, forward and settle statements on your behalf*. If they are happy to do this, simply complete this form and forward it to your bank with the request that they sign and stamp it before faxing to American Express on the number provided. Please return by post to: American Express Services International Currency Card Bank Services, Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Road, Brighton, BN1 6AG United Kingdom, Phone: +44 (0) 1273 576 136 | Fax: +44 (0) 1273 664 274 E-mail: [email protected] FAX

Please fax this completed document to American Express on +44 (0) 1273 672 220 and keep on file for your records.

Bank Instructions 1. On receipt of our Customer’s Statement please transfer funds quoting the American Express Card number to: International Dollar Card: AE Services Europe Ltd Account No: 3582022339001 S.W.I.F.T: SCBLUS33 Beneficiary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank One Madison Avenue New York NY 10010 Federal Reserve Bank ABA Code: 026002561 CHIPS Participant Code: 0256 Payment reference: Please state your Card number starting 3745

Your Details

2. Or please forward your payment by cheque, together with the Remittance Advice, quoting the American Express Card account number and bank account number in the envelope provided. 3. Ensure that payments are made in US dollars or euros (depending on the currency of the Card).

Cardholder Name Home Tel. number ( inc. area code) Please state your Card account number

3 7

International Euro Currency Card: Account Name: American Express International Inc Bank A/C Number: 180 992 05 IBAN Number (International Bank Acct No): DE28512305000018099205 SWIFT Number: SCBLDEFX Beneficiary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank Germany Franklinstrasse 46-48 60486 Frankfurt, Germany Payment reference: Please state your Card number starting 3743

Your Bank Details

4. After payment is made please forward statements to your customer for their information unless otherwise stated. (In order to be able to investigate any account queries American Express must be informed immediately).

To be completed by bank

Name of Bank

The bank agrees to receive and forward the above mentioned customer’s monthly American Express statements and pay them on his/her behalf.

Bank branch address

Bank Officer’s Name

Street name Town

Bank Officer’s Signature


Country & Postcode Name of Account to be debited


Bank Account number

Official Bank Stamp

I authorise my new Bank to disclose information about me and my American Express Card account to American Express and to issue instructions on my behalf for the purpose of administering my Card account. I also authorise American Express to answer any enquiries or requests made by the Bank and to carry out the Bank's instructions for the above purpose. I discharge American express from all responsibility in respect of any disclosures by it to the Bank of my information and any execution by it of the Bank's instructions. Please also accept this as my authority to debit my account with you, and pay American Express Service Europe Limited in respect of the above mentioned Card account. Signature of Cardmember




X Some banks may charge for this service and you should check with your bank and agree any charges before proceeding. American Express can not be responsible for any bank charges incurred.


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American Express Services Europe Limited. Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX. Registered in England and Wales with No. 1833139.