SFB The Farthest Stars Campaign Archive 2008 January - March

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Jan 5, 2008 ... The Hydran peoples in the Farthest Stars have no world named 'Hydrax'. However, we have found ...... So much for "shore duty". So, if Tom hasĀ ...
SFB The Farthest Stars Campaign Archive 2008 January - March By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 08:55 pm: Edit

Just spoke to Dale gents. We can expect maps and the call for turn orders no later than 11 Jan. Finish up diplomacy, get those orders ready, and warm up the guns. Time to get back to killing each other. This public service announcement brought to you by the Tholian committee for intergalactic upheaval.


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 09:14 pm: Edit

I plan to start on maps on 1/8 - last-minute request for CL art means I'll spend my "free time" on 1/7 drawing. ;) No promises of maps until 1/11, but of course, I hope to have them sooner. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 11:42 pm: Edit

Going to be a little late. First week back to school/work was more hectic than I'd hoped, and I just finished up working on art for SVC yesterday. By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 01:55 am: Edit

Take your time, FOG6 is about to start brewing and the timing is gonna be crunchy for me. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 02:18 pm: Edit

I'm waiting with baited breath so I can send in my orders before you've finished sending the maps. Again. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 03:25 pm: Edit

And I look forward to crushing more Federation fleets. >8)


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 06:14 pm: Edit

The Fed player needs ships to do that with. And at the rate they're being blown up, I don't think they'll last. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 10:34 pm: Edit

The Fed fleet remains robust. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 10:38 pm: Edit

Any more debacles like the last one, and it won't be. Take more care of your ships! By

Joe Stevenson (Alligator)


Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 10:46 pm: Edit

SFB campaign players are my favorite SFBers. They know what we F&E guys know....

getting your fleet blown up has consequences!!! By

Mike Strain (Evilmike)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 04:41 am: Edit

So when is the Fed Space Amoeba Fleet going to show up? And what CR does a Space Amoeba have, anyway?


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 04:47 am: Edit

Progress on the turn continues. Hope to have them out ASAP. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 03:51 pm: Edit


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 04:10 pm: Edit


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 04:22 pm: Edit


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 04:46 pm: Edit


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 05:14 pm: Edit

1/10 maps done. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

2/10 sent. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

3/10! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

4/10 complete. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

Okay, halfway there! Breaking to go pick up the chil'en. Hope to finish tonight. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 05:29 pm: Edit

Romulan orders submitted. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 06:27 pm: Edit


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 07:00 pm: Edit

7/10. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

All maps have been sent! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 07:22 pm: Edit

TURN 8 ORDERS DUE WED 1/16! 2/10 orders received so far. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 07:29 pm: Edit


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 07:29 pm: Edit

[duplicate post] By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)

Tholians report the food in Vorta Vor and Remus-1 is quite good. This Romulan cuisine is outstanding. The Romulan Ale makes the crewmen turn blue, but its a

good look for them. Tholian orders submitted. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 09:58 pm: Edit

Hydran orders in. Sorry that took so long, I was at work when the map came in. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 11:20 pm: Edit


Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 03:56 am: Edit

3/10 received. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

No new orders Saturday. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 11:47 am: Edit

Lazy! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 07:16 pm: Edit


Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 09:00 pm: Edit


Monday, January 14, 2008 - 11:31 am: Edit

Or just busy. ;) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

4/10 received! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

5/10 received! Halfway there. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Monday, January 14, 2008 - 02:17 pm: Edit

Who's left?


Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Monday, January 14, 2008 - 03:51 pm: Edit

Not me. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, January 14, 2008 - 06:45 pm: Edit

You slackers hear that? Be prompt or I shall unleash Jon Berry upon you! IN: Tholian Romulan Hydran ISC Peladine OUT: Kzinti Klingon Gorn Federation

Lyran Deadline's not til Wednesday though, so no worries. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Monday, January 14, 2008 - 07:36 pm: Edit

Zin is working on his, and promises to have it in by tommorow evening. Failure will result in me going to his place and holding his cats hostage. -Jon Berry By

Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 12:36 am: Edit

But the cats... they luvs you! http://www.thecheezburgerfactory.com//completestore/128340951715468750but iluvsy.jpg That said, math will be done by tomorrow. :3 Cat-Who-Crunches-Numbers cannot be foiled by mere spreadsheets! I just hope the next turn moves a little more briskly. :3 By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 12:57 am: Edit

Gorn orders in. 6/10 received.

Mishca, the GORN beat you this time. The shame of it all... By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 01:02 am: Edit

Hrm. That is a problem. If I go to kidnap the cats, they might want to stay with me. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 02:01 pm: Edit

7/10 recieved. Now just waiting on the Kzinti, Federation and Klingon orders. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 04:19 pm: Edit

Kzinti & Klingon orders received. Now just waiting on George Ebersole for the Fed orders. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 04:26 pm: Edit

Clearly, the Romulans have stumped the Federation, causing delay while the Federation admirals desperately search for a way to avoid their righteous doom.


John Carroll (Jcwl)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 04:53 pm: Edit

Silence Romulan. Doom awaits for all.... By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 05:29 pm: Edit

But for some, it'll come faster than others. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 06:41 pm: Edit

What turn are we on. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 07:09 pm: Edit

Y120 By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 08:05 pm: Edit

George, pay attention, it is Turn 8 which makes it Fall 173... In dog years... By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 08:36 pm: Edit

Orders sent. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 08:36 pm: Edit

All Turn orders now received. A day early too. Stop the press. I'll get working on these. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 08:39 pm: Edit

Whoo Hoo! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 02:13 pm: Edit

Mapping complete. Now generating encounters & turn results... By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 03:41 pm: Edit

/me celebebrates! I can't wait to see the Fireworks that go down this turn! By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 04:13 pm: Edit

Hey! Aren't those fireworks Hydrax in flames???? ;) By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 04:22 pm: Edit

Nope. The Hydran peoples in the Farthest Stars have no world named 'Hydrax'. However, we have found that oxygen is a better combustable than methane. ;) Hope to see those results soon! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 07:22 pm: Edit

*compiles encounter/contact reports for this turn*

(Kirk voice) "...Oh my." (/Kirk voice) By

Mike Strain (Evilmike)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 07:31 pm: Edit

Dale...you didn't include the Death Probe/Juggy in your Random Monster List, did you? Er.....did you? *realizes it might be a short game* By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 07:58 pm: Edit

Why... yes. Yes I did. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 08:04 pm: Edit

The Juggy also has a SIBC aboard. ;)


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 08:12 pm: Edit



Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 08:29 pm: Edit

Super-Intelligent Battle Computer By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 08:52 pm: Edit

Oh that too. Yeah, that's the ticket. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 09:22 pm: Edit

Turn results complete. Sending emails... By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 09:29 pm: Edit

Turn results sent! By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 09:45 pm: Edit

My battles look interesting. I might play all of them, depending on what kind of responses I see. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 09:51 pm: Edit

VICTIMS AT VORTA VOR The Romulans strike back at their captured system, Vorta Vor, only to find it welldefended. ROMULAN FLEET: KE Audax, SNB Corvus, WE Acheron, SE Owl of the Halls, BH Moonwing, BH Nightwing, F-S. THOLIAN FLEET: CC Avenger, ATG Victorious (w/BP), DD(L) Helix, DD Triax, DDP Division, SC Prism, LMON Defense.

Both sides are at WS-III, speed-max. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 09:54 pm: Edit

RED DAWN AT REGULUS The Hydrans launch an unexpected attack against a Tholian border system, even as a Federation Exploration Freighter bumbles into the war zone! HYDRAN FLEET: LNH Shwerkrutz(6xST-2), LNH Raising Heart (9*ST-2, 2*ST-H, ST-E), LNH Bardiche (6xST-2), RN+ Loyalty (5x ST-2)). THOLIAN FLEET: Base Station Inflexible (Y170 refit), HBM (6xSP-III), 12 hexes of web (range 2 around planet), CC Vanguard, SC Sentinel, F-S Albatross FEDERATION FLEET: F-ES Edsel. The Hydrans are at WS-III; the Tholians are at WS-II; and the Feds are at WS-I. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 09:59 pm: Edit

***OPEN BROADCAST*** ((Audio Only, no Encryption)) "With much trepidation, the Hydran peoples, as well as many other peacable races here in the Farthest Stars, have watched as the Tholians have repeatedly assaulted the Romulan Star Empire in some midguided attempt at retribution for crimes of the previous regieme. "We of the Royal Hydran Kingdom have offered tentalces to give peace between these two races, but have been rebuffed. "The inability of the Tholian leadership to accept the multitude of peace overtures have lead his Highness, King Hydraxacette XVII to consider the Tholian peoples in default in thier ability to properly and legitamately carry on a war of aggression against the Romulan people. "It is therefore with great sorrow that sections of the Royal Hydran Navy are moving to remove the Tholian Navy from Romulan worlds, to hold them in trust for their proper rulers until such time as the Romulan navy and citizenship can reclaim and maintain their borders. "Should we encounter native Tholian worlds, they will be properly inderdicted, and cut off from other Tholian worlds, to be returned at such a time as the Tholians withdraw from Romulan space. "Some may ask why the Federation or Gorn have not been place under a similar interdiction. His Highness states that there is no need to do so at this time, as the

Federation have suffered severe set-backs in thier own attacks on the Romulan peoples, and the Gorn have limited their action to reconnaissance-in-force, and we hold hopes that they will both respond to words of peace. "We start with the world of Regulus. We end when the Tholians have humbly learned the lessons of mindless assault on those who desire peace." -His Highness, King Hydraxacette XVII, Royal Hydran Kingdom By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 09:59 pm: Edit

At Vorta Vor, as at Remus-1, the DDs will be in a pinwheel, with web around them. I look forward to the Romulans impaling themselves. At Regulus, to the Hydrans, "You have two minutes stand down and depart this system. Refuse, and you invite retaliation from the Coalition of the Far Stars. Attack, and your ships and fighters will die on our web." As for the post from the Romulan lovin', Hydran gas bag...about what we Tholians would expect from a three-legged ash-can full of hot air. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 10:00 pm: Edit

UNEXPECTED ALLIANCES The Klingons, with some Gorn help, launch an attack on the Romulan colony of Yadera, only to find the Roms ready with their Paravian allies! KLINGON FLEET: D7C Darkslayer, D5K Rapier, F5C Audacity, F5B Vandal, F5SB Scorn. GORN FLEET: BDD Spinecrusher. ROMULAN FLEET: KVL Venerable Leader, K5B Cenaturii, BH Bloodwing. PARAVIAN FLEET: CA Talon, DWS Owl. All sides are WS-II, speed-max. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 10:08 pm: Edit

Tholian Admiral; "You are under the vain impression that your 'Web' is a deterrent to they Hydran Navy. "You are wrong. Your 'Web' is all but useless against us, and it is with great sorrow that we commit ourselves to this action. "We do ask the Federation to say out of this battle, as we dread the thought of members of the Tholian navy seeking to hide themselves using you as a hostage"

((OOC; Do you not see the *30* stingers coming??)) By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 10:19 pm: Edit

Out of character:.. All's fair in love and war. Regulus will be a blood bath, but I'm looking forward to it. Less talk, more pow-pow! Back in character... What ever success the Hydrans gain in Regulus will come at a price. And the future reprisals from my allies and I will likely be severe. This in no way changes the Tholian position on the Romulan campaign. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 10:32 pm: Edit


At Vorta Vor, as at Remus-1, the DDs will be in a pinwheel, with web around them. I look forward to the Romulans impaling themselves.

And as at Remus-1 I refuse to impale myself. I simply won't play against this tactic, unless I bring overwhelming force. Since I don't have overwhelming force, I retreat from Vorta Vor. Quote:

UNEXPECTED ALLIANCES The Klingons, with some Gorn help, launch an attack on the Romulan colony of Yadera, only to find the Roms ready with their Paravian allies!

This battle is very interesting. I will definitely play it personally. Dale, do you want me to fly the Paravians too? No, I won't treat them like cannon fodder. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 10:38 pm: Edit

Sorry Ted. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 10:40 pm: Edit

Ted: You are welcome to fly the battle of Yadera personally, and yes, the Paravians will be yours to fly. Any doubt was removed the moment the Klinks showed up with a Gorn warship. Since the Klingon player is not on SFBOL, we'll need a Klingon/Gorn player.


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 11:00 pm: Edit

Is anyone here up to flying the Hydrans against the Tholians at Regulus? I would do it, but am uncertain of my ability to properly fly my battleforce to its fullest. -Hydran Admiral By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 11:02 pm: Edit

Jon: MAY have a hook-up with Craig Tenhoff to fly your force against Jeremy personally this weekend. Will let you know. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 11:27 pm: Edit

ROMULAN REVENGE! The Romulans launch a strike against the nearest Gorn system, Eminiar-7 - the launching point of several attacks against the Roms! Unfortunately, they find what appears to be a staging ground, ready for combat... ROMULAN FLEET: K7B Valiant, KDR Treachery, BH Sunwing, K5S Endeavor, FS-6. GORN FLEET: BS, 2xGWS, 3xGB P-IV, 5x DEF; DN - Dragon of Three Stars, Mon+ SupP - Lcd, CA+ - Dragonfire. Both sides are WS-III, speed max. By

Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 11:56 pm: Edit

To concerned parties near Lyran and Kzinti space: The Kzinti Scout Drone Frigate SDF(1) has observed the Andromedan forces occupying the joint Kzinti/Lyran system 'Cat's End' to be constructing a -base- in the system. Assistance is requested in order to assemble a task force capable of dislodging the Andromedans before they grow any more entrenched within the next few months. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 01:04 am: Edit

BTW (again out of character here), I honestly don't expect the Tholians to hold Regulus against the Hydrans. I can put up a good fight, and it should cost the Hydrans a bit to take it down, but for the most part, I consider this sort of an academic exercise. It is a sneak attack (Jon and I were exchanging peaceful diplomatic e-mails right up to the attack), but what's good for the goose is good for the gander... no above board issue with it on my end. The more important thing is the Hydran entry into the war, and the impact will have on almost every race in the Far Stars. This connects the majority of the 10 major races with the fighting, and the potential for broader conflict is high. Fun stuff!

Long live the Far Stars Coalition! By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 01:31 am: Edit

It wasn't a sneak attack! I told you last turn that I would be sending appropriate ships into Regulus this turn. It's not my fault you thought I was gonna send freighters and a scout.

Dale must be so proud. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 01:40 am: Edit

BATTLE REPORT: VICTIMS AT VORTA VOR The Romulans strike back at their captured system, Vorta Vor, only to find it welldefended. ROMULAN FLEET: KE Audax, SNB Corvus, WE Acheron, SE Owl of the Halls, BH Moonwing, BH Nightwing, F-S. THOLIAN FLEET: CC Avenger, ATG Victorious (w/BP), DD(L) Helix, DD Triax, DDP Division, SC Prism, LMON Defense. Both sides are at WS-III, speed-max. The Victims turn out to be the Romulans, who tuck tail and disengage as the Tholians form a webbed pinwheel to defend the system. This marks the second aborted attack on Tholian-claimed Romulan space by Romulan 'liberators'. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 01:52 am: Edit

Hydran admiral, you can wish it away if you like, but it WAS a sneak attack (again, all's fair in love and war). The allies of the Tholians will recognize it for what it is. Enjoy the bed you've made to lie in. You'll find it much hard to get out of than it has been to get into. Just ask the Romulans. Of course, you could put your money where your mouth is and play me on SFBOL, instead of looking for a proxy. I'm not the one worried about "my ability to properly fly my battleforce to its fullest." For a guy always chomping at the bit for another battle or the next campaign turn, you seem awful sheepish now. *** Visions of ST-II..."Khan, I'm laughing at the 'superior' intellect" *** By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:18 am: Edit

(Tholian Captain, in best Jack Burton voice): "Come on and fight like a MAN!"


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:24 am: Edit

It's not sheepishness, it's the recognization that I am a far better Admiral than Captain at this point, and flying this battle to its fullest is currently beyond my reasonable capacity to fly on SFBOL. In person, I could do it, no problem, but I doubt you would let Mishca fly for you, or trust my friend to try and kill my ships and fighters. I will try to improve myself, of that, I am sure. Although I am suprised that no one has added up the FCR of my fleet yet, and commented on it. Bonus points to any peson not named Mishca who recognizes the name scheme for my ships there. And Dale, what 'man'? This is Hydran v. Tholian, the two most un-humanoid player species in the core SFU. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:25 am: Edit

Dude, have you not seen "Big Trouble In Little China"? What ARE they teaching you kids in college these days... By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 03:26 am: Edit

A general note on battles. As an admiral, you have the right to ask to fly your battle personally. You don't have the right to insist the other admiral fly his battle personally. If the other admiral wants to fly it personally as well, and/or if timing doesn't work out, you may have to be flexible and farm it out. But, if you aren't going to fly your battle personally, and don't have an immediate proxy, you don't have the right to "cherry pick" your captain, either. Just want this to be clear, because I'm not holding up any campaign battles so folks can find the ideal "ringer" to fly in their stead. This is NOT directed at any specific player, rather, this is addressed to everyone, for informative purposes. By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 04:02 am: Edit

Well, I want . . . no, I insist that SVC and SPP jointly fly all my battles with the stipulation that should they lose, that battle doesn't count. If you can't accept those simple requests, I'm outta here!!! (slams door on the way out)

(peeks back in) Psych! By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 08:10 am: Edit

Jon, I do hope you know I'm just yanking your chain a little. Nothing personal meant. The winds of war blow all kinds of crazy ways... sometimes you get the bar, sometimes the bar gets you... you win some, you lose some... etc, etc. I'm not sweating this battle, win or (likely) lose. BTW, that Juggy mentioned yesterday... Tholians drew that one too. Good news (for me) is it's a small version. I'll let Dale post the details when he's ready. Lots of fun for me this turn. If I hear anything from Craig, I'll let you know. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 09:51 am: Edit


ROMULAN REVENGE! The Romulans launch a strike against the nearest Gorn system, Eminiar7 - the launching point of several attacks against the Roms! Unfortunately, they find what appears to be a staging ground, ready for combat... ROMULAN FLEET: K7B Valiant, KDR Treachery, BH Sunwing, K5S Endeavor, FS-6. GORN FLEET: BS, 2xGWS, 3xGB P-IV, 5x DEF; DN - Dragon of Three Stars, Mon+ SupP - Lcd, CA+ - Dragonfire.

I'm outclassed, but this battle is interesting enought that I will fly it. I might farm it, if necessary, but I'm going to try to do this one myself as well. Quote:

Dude, have you not seen "Big Trouble In Little China"? What ARE they teaching you kids in college these days...

Dale.... we're OLD!!!

That being said, Jon, you have GOT to rent this

movie. It's an all-time classic - like, up there with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Just don't go into it expecting to take it seriously and you'll have a blast. Quote:

Hydran admiral, you can wish it away if you like, but it WAS a sneak attack (again, all's fair in love and war). The allies of the Tholians will recognize it for what it is. Enjoy the bed you've made to lie in. You'll find it much hard to get out of than it has been to get into. Just ask the Romulans.

I don't know the particulars of the communications, but it sounds like a sneak attack to me. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.... However, I agree with Jeremy - what's good for the goose is good for the gander. (I will admit to feeling fowl today. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)

) on

Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 10:58 am: Edit

Yeah, I'm not certainly complaining. While I wasn't exactly chatting with Roger a few days before the attack on Remus-1, he certainly didn't know the Tholian attack was coming. Declarations of war appear to be pretty rare at this point in the campaign. Sneak attacks are a fact of life in warfare. They might be a surprise, but we shouldn't be surprised, if you know what I mean. I'm cool ... my Tholians will just need to deal with it. I'm having fun, and I'm getting attacked! (as well as attacking)...I hope everybody else is having fun too. This is the way it should be! By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 11:23 am: Edit

King Hydraxacette XVII, Royal Hydran Kingdom Be advised that His Imperial Majesty, Klothar IV, Emperor of all the Klingons, has taken a dim view of your attempt to intervene as a cobelligerent of the Romulans under the guise of peace. The struggle between the Romulans and their neighbors is no concern of yours, withdraw your outstretched tentacles. Should you fail to withdraw from Tholian space and cease your interference His Imperial Majesty Klothar IV has directed the Klingon Admiralty to provide our Tholian Allies such assistance as we are able. We await your reply, by either words or actions. Office of the Imperial Chancellor, Klingon Empire By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 11:33 am: Edit


I'm having fun, and I'm getting attacked! (as well as attacking)...I hope everybody else is having fun too. This is the way it should be!

Yeah, I am having fun. Even if I'm getting my arse handed to me, I like to "take 'em down with me" - or at least try! The only thing that's even moderately irritating is the Web (particularly as Rom), but since *I* agreed to play in the campaign, I'm just taking it in stride and moving along. By

Richard Sherman (Rich)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 12:34 pm: Edit

Yep, that's because Tholians in a free territorial-based campaign where they are: 1. allowed to generally economically compete on an equal footing with other races, and 2. allowed to use web to defend fixed (or sometimes even mobile) installations, are virtually unbeatable in the hands of even just a competent player, let alone a good one. Even if the Tholians are given BPV or force penalties, the amount of force an opponent has to mass to overcome even hastily prepared defenses is all out of proportion to the Tholian forces likely present. This is even more true for the plasma using races. To be clear, this is NOT a slam on Jeremy from somebody in the "peanut gallery." He's a great player with ALOT of integrity. It's just that, generally speaking, the Tholians in a free campaign are just to take and hold territory with (their own or others). Just my 2 cents, based on my past campaign experiences. By

George Duffy (Sentinal)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 12:37 pm: Edit

Is there a way for an outside observer (your truly) to get a better understanding of territories and fleet placement. Reading this from the boards is fine but I'm missiing some scope. Especially where the Romulans ar concerned. If not is it possible I can see the rules and setup for the game? You've peaked my interest gentlemen; besides I need something to bide the time waiting for Dale's and Jeremy's campaign to continue... B^)


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 12:46 pm: Edit

Your Imperial Highness Klothar IV; "We understand your concerns over the nature of our intervention in the ongoing Tholian-Romulan conflict. Please be rest assured that we are not in this for our benifit, as Tholian worlds we interdict and censure will be returned to their rightful owners once the Tholian Assembly has reached a peace with the Roluman Star Empire, and withdrawn from their worlds. "Let it be known that upon our arrival in the Regulus System, we offered the present Tholian vessels the opprotunity to surrender or flee. It was the Tholian choice to stand and fight, and we ruefully accept this outcome. We do not desire it, but we accept it. "Romulan worlds we liberate from the Tholian Assembly will be held in trust until such time as the Romulan Peoples and Navy can safely secure thier own worlds and borders from unprovoked attack. "That we commenced in a 'sneak attack' is, we agree, lamentable, but militarily justified action to present the most favourable outcome to all involved. We would like to be sure that you can respect that decision, even if you find our motivations to be lacking. "We hope that by virtue of this action, the Tholian Assembley will move military units against our incursion, resulting in less pressure on the Romulan peoples, allowing them the capacity to properly eject the Tholian navy from their worlds. "Our own allies have offered aid to I, and while I cannot speak for them, I would ask that they gird themselves against you and your aggressive allies, to defend themselves from your advances. "Should we meet on the field of battle then, let us meet as honest and honourable foes, acting in the best intrests of our friends and allies, and not with anger in our souls." With respect; The Hydran Admiralty On behalf of King Hydraxacette XVII By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 01:24 pm: Edit

Richard, there are only two races that can aggressively compete with the Tholians, in attacking Tholian fixed defenses. The Federation (whom are a far distant second) and the Hydrans. You can see the Hydran Method for dislodging entrenched Tholians in the above scenario, that is, to bring insane numbers of Stingers to the party.

The Federation have to use the power of the Photon to dislodge the Tholians, but at far greater cost than to the Hydrans. Your other concerns about the Tholians from a strategic level were adresses much earlier in the archives, and I would like to add one thing to that. The Tholian's don't get a 'real' DN or CW until Y178 at the earliest. Sure, they field a BCH (the D) and a DW (DD) before everyone else, but they lack the proper war hulls the rest of us get for several years. They have to use the Web to make up for this deficiency, and by the time they do get the Web Caster and proper war hulls, the rest of the races can field battle forces to take them on. -Jon Berry By

Richard Sherman (Rich)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:00 pm: Edit

Jon, The balance you say exists because of the limited types of hulls available to the Tholians is misplaced. Let me see if I can reframe my assertion by way of an example. How much force do you think an opponent needs to overcome, say, a relatively small static Tholian force like: 3 DD in a pinwheel configuration, surrounded by web at low strength, with another manuever element available (say, a PC+)? Certainly, if it were a pick-up game, the BPV cost incurred for the web might allow the opponent to bring enough forces over the 305 BPV of the ships to have a chance at victory. Not so in a campaign, where - even if BPV penalties exist - the Tholian player can use economics to defer or reassign costs to other areas of his empire not immediately threatened. He is therefore able to compete on equal or better footing NOW, in this battle. And can do that in as many successive battle as he has forces available (which will be approximately equal to his opponent because it is a free campaign). So, if his opponent needs substantially more than 305 BPV in the above example, AND the Tholian can inflict casualties (very likely), then it's ultimately a losing proposition for the opponent (again, unless he has a significant economic or strategic advantage). This is why the strategy of the Tholians in free campaigns is almost always the same: Don't engage in open space. Only attack fixed installations with web-capable units.

Force your opponent to attempt to recapture those installations. Let him beat his head against your brick wall. An option that, in this campaign, the Romulan refuses to do. Result? Without competent allies willing to spend their own forces to rescue him, the Tholians will keep all their gains without fear of loss. And they will only grow stronger, even if they didn't have any allies of their own (which - to make matters worse - they do). BTW, I agree that the Hydrans have an "out" here because of cheap fighters. The Hydran has to hope however, that he won't need to fight successive battles with the same forces against fixed installations. In other words, as the Hydran player, beware that the Tholian can suck you in, and lay a trap you can't get out of ('cause those wonderful fighters of yours got chewed up). There's a reason the Tholians conquered an entire galaxy and ruled it successfully (and with an iron fist) for millenia. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:01 pm: Edit

Of course, if the Tholians abuse this, the Seltorians may arrive sooner, rather than later. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:03 pm: Edit

Rich, Thanks for implying my campaign's broken and I don't know what I'm doing as GM. Last turn, the Romulans met the Tholian web on an equal BPV basis and had the opportunity to engage in mutual destruction. Due to STRATEGIC reasons they chose not to do so. But I don't think having two 900-point fleets able to annihilate each other makes them broken. But, I'm done defending it. Time will tell. I did state last turn, and stand by it, that the Tholians WILL win if everyone turns tail and retreats at the first sign of web; and that hardly proves they are 'broken' if people will not engage them. Good to see someone actually going after them this turn. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:07 pm: Edit

George Duffy: I've been extremely reluctant to release any copies of the map, as the campaign uses a hidden, explore-as-you-go map. But I don't mind sharing the rules. I'll drop you an email. ;)


Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:45 pm: Edit

Dale, I've known Rich for more years than I can count. (okay, I can count that high but just lost track). I don't believe Rich is implying you don't know what you are doing as a GM, only pointing out that in this situation, the Tholian web is an extremely potent device, that if let unchecked and unchallenged, will put all other races at a severe disadvantage. I have to agree with the idea that the Hydrans are best equipped to deal with the Tholians. I also have to agree with his analysis of the Tholians as a whole, which is why we never had them in our personal campaigns. But, hell. I love a good challenge. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:46 pm: Edit

"Let it be known that upon our arrival in the Regulus System, we offered the present Tholian vessels the opprotunity to surrender or flee. It was the Tholian choice to stand and fight, and we ruefully accept this outcome. We do not desire it, but we accept it." Given 50% of the Tholian military forces in the system are fixed defenses, surrender or retreat is a non-option. OOC here, if anyone ever expects me "surrender" something (bases, planets, etc), you're wasting your breath. I'm a "they can have it when they pry it out of my cold dead hands" kind of guy. Diplomacy, trade, etc are all fair game of course, but one-sided stuff with no return isn't going to throw my skirt up. Anyone who knows me well enough already knows I don't typically respond in the positive to demands or threats. "We hope that by virtue of this action, the Tholian Assembley will move military units against our incursion, resulting in less pressure on the Romulan peoples, allowing them the capacity to properly eject the Tholian navy from their worlds." This, unfortunately for the Hydrans, is a dire miscalculation. The Tholian Holdfast has ample resources and allies to deal with this act of Hydran aggression. No resources will be diverted from the Romulan theater of operations. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 02:58 pm: Edit

Jon; if I understand correctly you said you were going to engage in trade with the Tholians, and instead of sending merchants and freighters you sent an attack force. You're also tableing a similar offer to the Federation colonies, who are also likewise engaged with the Romulans. In light of this Federation Space is now closed to Hydran shipping until tensions are eased, and Hydran forces withdraw from Tholian space. The ultimate resolution to this is for Ted to stand down his navy, and cede what

territory he's already lost, or offer some form of negotiated settlement (RPs and/or systems in exchange for whatever). No hostilities are forthcoming from the Federation to the Hydrans, but I'm mildly alarmed at the similarity of the Tholian and Federation circumstances. By

George Duffy (Sentinal)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 03:03 pm: Edit

Got the rules Thanks Dale B^) By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 03:16 pm: Edit


The ultimate resolution to this is for Ted to stand down his navy, and cede what territory he's already lost, or offer some form of negotiated settlement (RPs and/or systems in exchange for whatever).

But killing Federation ships is so much more fun. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 03:24 pm: Edit

As for Dale's campaign and the Tholians, I have always shared some of the same concerns expressed by Rich and others here about the Tholians. I was initially hesitant about playing them and only agreed when I saw the campaign rules. I wish I could share my campaign orders without totally compromising myself, so you can see how much I pay each turn for the ability to use web. And despite that, I am not invulnerable...this turn if anything should be evidence of that (you all have not seen all the battles I'm facing yet). Web certainly makes Tholians powerful on the defense, but without it, they are a walk over for almost any race in the game. I personally believe Dale has found good balance here, but I can't really prove it without hanging myself completely out to dry. All I can hope is that you all can take Dale (and me) at our word. If that's not good enough for anybody here, please say so, and I'll be out of this campaign in a heartbeat. I'd hate to leave, but I have no desire to deal with charges of being cheezy or unfair. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 03:26 pm: Edit

Federation Admiral; We never one said that were sending freighters to the Tholian worlds. They assumed it.

We understand your choice in this regard, and accept it. We are not going to interdict your worlds as we have the Tholians as you are not as persistant in your assaults, and the recent loss of one of your battle fleets, we feel is fair enough that we need not move any further. Nor are we fools enough to fight on multiple fronts if we can avoid it. We acknowledge your concern, and assure you that we do not find you to be in the same league as the Tholian Assembely. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 03:38 pm: Edit


Web certainly makes Tholians powerful on the defense, but with out it, they are a walk over for almost any race in the game. I personally believe Dale has found good balance here, but I can't really prove it without hanging myself completely out to dry. All I can hope is that you all can take Dale (and me) at our word. If that's not good enough for anybody here, please say so, and I'll be out of this campaign in a heartbeat. I'd hate to leave, but I have no desire to deal with charges of being cheezy or unfair.

I'll add that Romulans are particularly disadvantaged against Web due to the arming cycle/nature of plasmas. Since I'm the Roms, it sucks to be me. However, that's just an RPS issue that I'm not overly concerned about. On the attack, at least in this campaign, the Tholians have to fight like anyone else. The problem is that my predecessor left certain systems undefended - meaning that taking them back is going to be very hard. Not losing them in the first place is the obvious solution. In this campaign, the fact that the Feds and Tholians are allied means they don't have to face the Fed crunch if they pinwheel. However, Hydrans are good at taking on webs and now it appears that Jeremy has to deal with them. Advisory note to Jon: Don't get cocky. Always remember that if you launch your stingers inside the web the fighters are also are stuck. At Regulus, not a big deal - as you will be at range 2 (webs range 2) and the stingers can lay waste to the base at that range (so you can just send them in -launched from range 9 early in the turn - to prevent your ships from being scragged). However, next turn, I'd be surprised if Jeremy didn't increase that web range to 3 in systems near you - and then you'll have to put your ships into the web. (Ouch).


Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 04:21 pm: Edit

But a range 3 web is SOOOOOOOOO much more expensive. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 04:59 pm: Edit

Glenn: I know, and I'm trying to take it in the spirit of good humor indicated by my smiley face there. That, or John Erwin Hacker has possessed my keyboard.

That said, I worked with Jeremy to put restraints and limits on the Tholians that I feel makes them viable in the campaign. They don't get their web for free. But we both knew going in that there would be wanking as soon as anyone saw a web, because it flies in the face of "conventional wisdom" (i.e., that Tholians cannot be allowed in campaigns). I disagree with this "conventional wisdom", and have worked out a way to put them in fairly, even though I knew we'd hear doomsaying over it. Truth is, if play shows the Tholians are STILL unbalanced - and this would require PLAY, and consideration for the RPS issues Ted mentioned - I have reserved the right to increase the cost of their webs as needed. So far, that has not been called for. As campaign GM, I'm the only one who sees everything that goes on. I'm also sworn to impartiality. So far, I see nothing that I find to be unfair or unbalanced in the mechanics (Yes, having five races gang up on one is unbalanced, but that's the nature of the beast, and not something my rules need to address - people make their own path in this game). I'd also add that Jeremy is the kind of player that, if he sees something is broken, even if it favors him - he addresses it. He's not one to look for a cheese-hole and try to "sneak it past the GM". One of the reasons he was allowed to fly the Tholians is because I knew that if there WAS an issue, he would be agreeable to fixing it, not the type to dig in his heels or stomp off in a huff for not "getting his way". By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 05:04 pm: Edit


Yes, having five races gang up on one is unbalanced, but that's the nature of the beast, and not something my rules need to address

Heh. Life is not fair. Besides, it's more in how you stood than that you fell. Just look at the true tale of 300 Spartans... By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 07:09 pm: Edit

OK, so enough talk; more blowing things up. VICTOR AT VORTA VOR is resolved, and the battle report posted. RED DAWN AT REGULUS will hopefully be flown this weekend with Jeremy and Craig Tenhoff. ROMULAN REVENGE and UNEXPECTED ALLIANCES are up. Ted has expressed an interest in flying both battles personally. We'll need opposing captains to face him, of course. There are PLENTY MORE BATTLES this turn, but I'm releasing them a few at a time as usual. ;) By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 09:19 pm: Edit

Free intel. Tholian warships seeing combat in this campaign turn (I'm counting Vorta Vor here - no shots fired there)... ATG Victorious (w/BP), CC Vanguard, CC Avenger, CC Protector, DD(L) Helix, DD Triax, DDP Division, NFF Defiant, SC Sentinel, SC Prism, SC Sentry, LMON Defense, LMON Spartan, F-S Amarillo Hauler, F-S Albatross I do love the Tholian DD. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 10:03 pm: Edit

Something to keep all you Tholian-haters happy... and a smaller battle: AND COMES A JUGGERNAUT The Tholian system Pollux is surprised by an unexpected visitor, a smaller version of an extragalactic robot starship they have faced once before (historically)... THOLIAN FLEET: 2xGBDP, 12 hexes of web (range 2 around planet); CC Protector, LMON Spartan, SC Sentry, F-S Amarillo Hauler. MONSTER: Juggernaut CL. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 10:13 pm: Edit

Interesting monster. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 10:39 pm: Edit

I give the Juggie fight to the Tholians. Although I don't see it in SFBOL. Just Juggies Alpha and Beta.


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 11:16 pm: Edit

It was in the last Captain's Log, so it probably hasn't got a def yet. Should be okay to get one done though... we can make a request. By

Richard Sherman (Rich)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 12:32 pm: Edit

Dale, I know you put out the smiley face, but nevertheless let me be absolutely clear. I meant absolutely no offense to your campaign format, organization, or your skills as a GM. Although we've never met, you must know from my previous posts that I have nothing but respect and admiration for both your and Jeremy's level of play and good gamesmanship. You're right...my "rail" is the conventional wisdom against allowing Tholians with full web capabilities in free campaigns. However, if your campaign solves that conundrum, then I will be the first to sing your praises (and it should probably get published if we could talk SVC into it, as the "no tholians in a campaign" notion is rather widespread). Now, if I can just get my still-and-seemingly-forever-ongoing computer issues worked out, I can get SFBOL, and start pulling my weight as a Captain for this shindig! By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 01:05 pm: Edit

Rich, I'll be online with you in less than two weeks on SFBOL when you let me know you're on. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 03:21 pm: Edit

I'll fight the Juggernaut battle if needed. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 04:32 pm: Edit

Rich: I understand. I have just made alot of effort to make the Tholians playable in this game, and so tend to react when I see it "declared in stone" that they are 'broken'. I know you didn't mean anything personal. It's not a shot at anyone; I just believe outlawing the Tholians completely, or taking away their webs, is a lazy answer to the complex problem of the web in a free campaign. Anyway, I would love to have you flying as a captain in the campaign, and it would be great to have Glenn as a captain as well as an admiral. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 04:33 pm: Edit

Sheap: I've asked Paul and the gang to get a DEF for the JUG-CL online. Once it's up, see if you can get with Jeremy to fly the battle online. ;) By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 04:44 pm: Edit

Declared in stone: Tholians are broken.

At least after I get done with them. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 04:50 pm: Edit

I don't actually have the appropriate CL or I would do the def. I guess Paul is planning to make the def himself. If he doesn't I can maybe get the CL but you would have to wait a few days for it to arrive in the mail as I won't have time to trek to the game store this weekend. By

Jean Sexton (Jsexton)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 05:40 pm: Edit

Gentle Beings (and Not-So-Gentle), Your Archives from October-December, 2007 have been placed into a group Archive folder.

You may now resume your plans for "blowing 'stuff' up". Jean WebMom By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 06:10 pm: Edit

Ted; if you cease hostilities on all fronts, and declare it so here in public, then I think there's a good chance the anti-Rom coalition won't steam roll over you. Otherwise ... "things are going to happen" By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 09:01 pm: Edit

Webmom; There are no such plans. Things *will* blow up. Thank you for your encouragement. -Jon Berry By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)



Friday, January 18, 2008 - 09:18 pm: Edit


The former Romulan Emperor has had an unfortunate accident. Due to my house position, pedigree, and recent victories, *I* am now Emperor. Soon, I shall send diplomatic envoys to all capitals. You will find me easier to negotiate with, as compared to my predecessor. Consider this before my envoy arrives. To my future friends I give welcome and safe harbor. May that my envoy find a friend in you. Given that the Tholian Will has already wished us death, I shall make war on the Tholians with the entire might of the Empire until I break their Will or I destroy them utterly - even if by doing so some other Power will be able to destroy the Empire. Even if the Empire fails to break the Tholian Will, I shall cause such havoc that they must fall before another Power.

This is a quote from when the current Emperor took over. He has already tried to ask for peace and had the attempt summarily dismissed out of hand by ALL empires current at war with him. The other empires are the warmongers here, NOT THE ROMULANS, strange as it may seem. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 09:54 pm: Edit

Heh, Michael, thanks. I was just going to ignore George's note about me not negotiating... but glad to see someone noticed. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 11:24 pm: Edit

I don't want to sound mean or anything, and I have nothing against Ted or anybody else who might find themselves on the business end of a Tholian disruptor, but this is Star Fleet BATTLES, not Star Fleet PEACENIKS. Sitting around playing nice with everybody like this is some kind of lollipop land is not what this game is about. If you want that, go hang out in the Ebersoland topic (no offense George). It is, above all else, about combat. If the label "warmonger" is applied to me in this context, I couldn't be happier. Bottom line, the Tholian and Klingon offensive against the Romulans was planned from turn 2 of the campaign. We spent several turns getting ready, building forces, carefully planning strategy, etc. And frankly, it worked. Other races, largely by coincidence and as a result of Romulan aggressive actions, got into the war as well, and we moved quickly to form a strong and dedicated alliance, not easily broken. I feel no need to apologize for that, nor do I feel obligated to back

down just because the original Romulan player left the campaign. This isn't about the player, its about the game. The Romulan situation is unfortunate for Ted, who inherited a rough situation mid-stream, but to expect guys who spent the first 4-5 turns of the campaign working on an objective to suddenly abandon it because somebody else took their ball and went home is flat out BS. So, to expect us to give up all that we've worked for out of the kindness of our heart is pretty far-fetched. As I see it, the Roms have three choices: Take their territory back (either directly or with the help of allies), accept the situation as it stands (in otherwords, give up any vain hope that lost systems are going to be returned for nothing in return), or to go down fighting against tough odds. All are honorable paths. But this, "you guys are so mean and you should give the systems back" business is going in one ear and out the other on this end. War isn't about being nice, and while we can and should be classy to each other on a personally level, this is a War-game. That means nobody should feel like they need to apologize for winning, nor should they rub it in. No outcome is ever really certain, but ultimately, some have to win, and some have to lose. Otherwise, there isn't much point in all of this. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 11:53 pm: Edit

Jeremy, you are mean. ;) You should give his systems back. ;) Of course, I expect you to give them back over the burning hulks of your starships, but hey, can't ask for much more, right? By

Loren Knight (Loren)


Friday, January 18, 2008 - 11:56 pm: Edit

I don't play here but I've got to give Jeremy a nod for that. The Romulan Emperor is between a rock and a hard place but so much greater the glory. No Romulan, not even the Emperor, that takes the easy path, the path of negotiation and peace, will remain strong for long. But one that rises like a pheonix from a doomed empire and brings forth the lightning and thunder of the Ru'Ahkthur shall live forever in the glory of the Empire. Or maybe it is the Preator that should lead in these difficult times. [BTW, see this chain I'm yanking? Cool?] By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 12:28 am: Edit

Who asked you to give them back? Besides the Romulans of course. And the Hydrans. Just wait until the Romulans actually kick you out of their borders. I wonder if the Hydrans will actually hand the system back (if they take it from you).


Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 01:21 am: Edit

Jeremy: This is a campaign. If you've pissed off 5 admirals, they'll smite you. If you've befreinded 5 admirals, they'll kiss your furry, naked, unmentionable pink butts. This is not one of them. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:20 am: Edit

Ted; just cry uncle, state publicly you won't attack anymore, but acknowledge that your captured systems are spoils of war, and I think I can persuade my allies to ease up. The coalition will not be fractured. By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:31 am: Edit

Hmmmm. Lets see. You attack him, you take a couple systems from him, and then you want him to say he will not try to take them back. RIIIIIIIIIIGHT. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:47 am: Edit

Nevermind. I won't comment on ongoing political spinning of the situation in the game. Carry on. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:51 am: Edit

That said, Ted, your Paravian and Hydran allies seem ready to fight to the hilt for you! Go team go! *sits back to watch the fireworks* By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:52 am: Edit

Jean: Thanks! By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 03:47 am: Edit


By Michael Lui (Michaellui) on Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:31 am: Edit Hmmmm. Lets see. You attack him, you take a couple systems from him, and then you want him to say he will not try to take them back. RIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

Roger started it, but Ted can put an end to it. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 05:34 am: Edit

The Romulans also attempted to fracture the Coalition by threatening each individual race with "make peace with me or we'll suicide ourselves on you". Including threats and demands with a request to end the fighting isn't going to get them anywhere - and no race bought it. Any agreement for a ceasefire will not include the return of any lost systems. Such a demand requires the Romulans to negotiate from a position of strength, or have something to offer in return. So far, neither is the case, and as a result there is no point in demanding it if they really want a ceasefire. All things remaining equal, it will never be accepted with such a stipulation. We Tholians also think the Hydrans are lying through their teeth about simply "holding" Regulus until the war ends and returning it. After the move that got them this sneak attack, their word is pretty much worthless. If there are other races in some sort of freindly diplomatic engagement with them, our only advice is watch your back. The Hydran and Paravian entry into the conflict has not changed the Coalition position. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 08:48 am: Edit


I don't want to sound mean or anything, and I have nothing against Ted or anybody else who might find themselves on the business end of a Tholian disruptor, but this is Star Fleet BATTLES, not Star Fleet PEACENIKS.

Amen, brother. There's a *reason* I ignored the comments about not negotiating. Besides, in a winner-take-all game like this, all negotiations (yes, including mine) are nothing more than part of the jockying for position. As in real life, combat is part of that negotiation. Ultimately "there can be only one." If my predecessor failed in the "jockeying" (negotiations) phase, resulting in 5:1 odds, then that's too-bad-so-sad. Now that I've taken over, if I can actually kick *everyone's* arse, then I get huge bragging rights. Otherwise, I go down fighting. As for the threatening of suicide attacks... that's just part of the jockeying for position. While I'm in a position of weakenss, it's the only bargaining chip I have. If it doesn't work, then my only recourse is combat - possibly making good on my

threat - which is fine with me. BRING IT ON. And, George, please stop trying to get me to negotiate over giving up territories lost. It's not going to happen, especially when your "allies" are doing their best to knock me out. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 09:04 am: Edit

Works for me Ted. I think you and I are on the same wavelength, and I don't think we're alone. Crappy stuff happens to folks (and nations) in war, and that is being shown in spades in this campaign so far. If nothing else, we should all be enjoying the show. And yeah, if you can come back against 5:1 odds, you will have earned substantial bragging rights. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 11:27 am: Edit

*waves a tentacle* 5 on 2, I'll thank you to count. Although I'm only going after the Tholians. So perhaps it would be better to say 5 on 1.5 (Rom + Paravians) and 2 on 1 (Hyd/Rom v Tholians) By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 11:38 am: Edit

Jon, Craig and I getting together shortly to play the battle. Just want to make sure we get your LNH configurations right. I know one is a CV, one is a flagship/scout, and one is an escort, but I want to make sure we get the boxes right and get the right ships with the right names. Can you post here or zap me an e-mail? Thanks in advance. Oh... and don't assume my allies will sit by while the Tholians get attacked. Just because you don't want war with them doesn't mean they will not come after you. As we say in the Navy....BRACE FOR SHOCK!!! By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 11:54 am: Edit

"If you would have peace, be prepared for War." Jeremy, I sent Craig an e-mail with that info, and I'll forward a copy to you. The -CS is the Schwertkreuz, the -V is the Raising Heart and the -ER is the Bardiche. ((Gawd, I love having HDWs 20 turns before everyone else.)) ((Edit; Sent on the hour. Have fun you guys!))


Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 12:51 pm: Edit


5 on 2, I'll thank you to count.

Of course! I ask your forgiveness... I've gotten so used to being alone. Hydran help is most welcome and appreciated! 5 on 2 it is. The Paravians count, even if they're a minor power. 5 on 3. Much better odds than 5:1. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:51 pm: Edit

Ted; I'm not trying to get you to negotiate, just to get you to accept that you've lost systems, and can lose more if you continue to fight. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 05:29 pm: Edit


Ted; I'm not trying to get you to negotiate, just to get you to accept that you've lost systems, and can lose more if you continue to fight.

With all respect, I think this stance is a bit naive or disingenuous. I'm probably going to lose more no matter what - at least as a result of the Gorns, Tholians, and Klingons - even if you and the ISC decide not to press further. Thus, if I fight I probably lose more systems. If I don't fight, I'll definitely lose more systems. Your assertions to the contrary hold no weight unless I hear something different from what I have been hearing from the other members of your alliance. However, if YOU want to negotiate, I'm all ears. I'll cede my claims to Gamma Hydra, Beta Naiobi, and Galorndon Core in exchange for Beta Stromgren and peace. That's a good deal, 3 systems for one - two of which I still own so they're not "lost." By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 05:55 pm: Edit

Spoke briefly with Jeremy this morning, he was in the second turn of the battle with Craig. I'm sure I'll get a report soon enough. This will make two battles resolved so far!


Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 09:00 pm: Edit

Battle Report RED DAWN AT REGULUS The Hydrans launch an unexpected attack against a Tholian border system, even as a Federation Exploration Freighter bumbles into the war zone! HYDRAN FLEET: LNH Shwerkrutz(6xST-2), LNH Raising Heart (9*ST-2, 2*ST-H, ST-E), LNH Bardiche (6xST-2), RN+ Loyalty (5x ST-2)). THOLIAN FLEET: Base Station Inflexible (Y170 refit), HBM (6xSP-III), 12 hexes of web (range 2 around planet), CC Vanguard, SC Sentinel, F-S Albatross FEDERATION FLEET: F-ES Edsel. The Hydrans are at WS-III; the Tholians are at WS-II; and the Feds are at WS-I. Craig and I got together around noon today, headed to the local gaming store, and got to work. Turn 1: The Hydrans set up in the corner of the map and closed at relativly high speed (in the 20's) under heavy EW. The Federation F-ES disengaged immediately, and, after dropping off its shuttle, the Tholian F-S headed directly away and eventually did the same (it was never a factor in the battle). The CC and the SC headed towards the Hydrans at speed 20, leaving all their shuttles with the base and beaming out T-bombs to help the BS lay a ring of mines just outside the web. The BS then powered up the web to strength 1 (and would keep it there the rest of the game - it never got any stronger). Late in the turn, the CC fired three disruptors against the RN+'s #1, which was leading the Hydran force, and turned off. The Hydrans turned to pursue, and launched a group of fighters. Turn 2: With the Tholian CC and SC reopening the range, the RN turned back toward the BS at speed 10, and the LNHs followed at speed 15-20. The CC and SC accelerated to 24 and turned back in on the Hydrans. In response, more stingers were launched, trailing the initial group of 4 by several hexes. The CC beared down on the group of four, and upon reaching range 4, killing one and crippling the rest of them with ph-1 fire. Ph-3s from the fighters then dropped the #1 shield on the CC by 10 before it could turn off. Disruptor fire crippled another fighter (which eventually died to the SC+) and aft ph-3s killed off the closer cripples. The Hydrans turned back to pursue the CC again, this time firing two big spreads from their Stingers (including the HBs) out at range 8-10. The #5 and #6 shield collapsed and, in total, about 20 internals were scored. The BS retaliated with a Ph-4 shot on the Schwertkreuz, down the #2 shield and scoring a hull hit. Turn 3: The Hydrans pressed their pursuit of the CC. Firing fusions and phaser-1s (some from range 15), they continued to score damage as the CC sped away at

27. The \i(Raising Heart} gave chase, but could not reach range 3 for a tractor before the CC disengaged. While this was going on, the SC circled back towards the base, sniping a crippled fighter to death. The RN continued its slow march toward the base, with 12 fully loaded fighters in company. The Bardiche circled around and recovered the spent Stingers to reload. The base took a long range shot through heavy EW at the Schwertkreuz, scoring more hull hits. Turn 4: Things start to get decisive. The RN+, trailing the fighters by a few hexes, along with the Schwertkreuz and \i(Raising Heart}, pursued the SC back toward the base. Sniping shots eventually took down a shield on the SC, scoring two internal. The SC got through to the far side of the planet, and would not engage again in the battle, sticking around to loan ECCM to the BATS until the inevitable happened. Toward the middle of the turn, with the lead group of fighters closing, the BS took another shot, this time at the closest group of Stinger-2s. Ph-4 destroyed three of five fighters (the other two were crippled, and eventually died to ph-3s and a T-bomb), but the remaining seven and RN+ continued to close. A sixth fighter was later killed by a Ph-4. Late in the turn, the mine field was breached by the sacrifical stinger, and the Tholian SP-IIIs accelerated to enter the web. The six fighters met four stingers at range 1 on impulse 32 and carnage insued. The SP-IIIs bagged four stingers before falling to gatlings. At the end of the turn, the base orbited behind the planet. Turn 5. Calm before the storm. With the BS behind the planet the RN was free to breach the web. It moved in the shadow of the planet, along with two Stingers and waited for the orbit to carry the BS into range 2. Meanwhile, the LNHs continued to close, launching fighters, and ending the turn at about 12 hexes from the BS. Turn 6. Mutually Assured Destruction. Impulse 1, two Stingers and a RN at range 2 from a fully loaded BS with 8 shuttles in company. What can I say. Mayham. Seven Ph-4s and forest of ph-3s turned the RN into an expanding ball of plasma, taking the Stingers with it. But the damage was done. The BS survived, but was a gutted wreck with no weapons ready to fire before the LNH's could close. The LNH's moved through the web and finished off the BS at range 2. Conclusion: The SC opened the range and disengaged, leaving the planet to the Hydran landing parties. The Hydran ground forces made great inroads against the 54 Tholian BPs, but ran out of shuttles and ground forces before the job was complete. Regulus ended the battle in hands of the greatly reduced Tholian ground forces. With the only 10 BPs remaining, and a Hydran seige likely, there is no way they can hold out next turn without assistance. Final Tally: Hydran Losses: RN+ Loyalty, 17xST-2. Superfical damage to other ships (easily repaired). LNH's should take crew experience points for destroying the BS, and the remaining ST-2s and 1 ST-H

should take pilot experience points for scoring internals (on the CC). All the remaining ST-2s should also take credit for two successful sorties, with the ST-E and two ST-Hs taking credit for one. Tholian Losses: BS Inflexible, HBM, 6 SP-IIIs. F-S disengaged undamaged, SC disengaged with all damage repairable. The CC Vanguard will not be able to repair all of its damage between campaign turns. After repairs, it will still be down 3 APR and 3 Batteries going into next turn. A fun game. It was a pleasure meeting Craig and getting to play a rare face to face game. All and all a great afternoon. Congrats to the Hydrans on the win. I'm sure they will take the planet down next turn with no problems, assuming they maintain a seige. (I apologize in advance for any typos. I did this pretty quick and I'm beat. Playing a base assault at the pace of 45 minutes per turn can leave you...drained.) By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 10:06 pm: Edit

Frak. I was hoping for a kill on the Cruiser as well, but them's the losses. Only 17 Stingers dead? Wow, I was expecting more. The loss of the Loyalty will felt, and mourned. Of course, if she didn't blow up, I may have had enough BPs and shuttles to take that planet. Thanks for doing this, Craig and Jeremy. You guys rock. Dale; The Hydrans beseige Regulus. Incoming E-Mail this evening. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 10:12 pm: Edit

That's what I like to see. Blood for Lord Arioch. Jeremy, thanks for an excellent and fast battle report! By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 10:14 pm: Edit

On the CC, it was close. If the LNH had caught up, it was toast. On the Stingers, Craig did a nice job handling them. There were opportunities to kill a few more, but it would have cost the Tholians a lot (the CC for starters). Overall, I'm happy with the results. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 10:29 pm: Edit

As long as both of you enjoyed the fight. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 10:33 pm: Edit

Oh yeah, definately. A good time.


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 01:13 am: Edit

A THOUSAND PSYCHIC WARS A well-defended Kzinti colony has an eerie visitor from beyond - the dreaded Mind Monster! KZINTI FLEET: CVS (Flagship - rating 37); 5x DEF (-5), MB (-7), 12x AAS (-6), MEC (-9), EFF (-5), SF (-5) MONSTER: Mind Monster. Jon and Mischa are going to resolve this one Monday. Guys, don't forget to use the CL rules as listed, and don't forget to adjust the strength of the monster by (SM2.7)! [Edited to form an FCR-legal fleet] By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 01:32 am: Edit

We will *try* to resolve it on Monday. No guarentees.


Mike Strain (Evilmike)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 01:39 am: Edit

Yikes. MM be nasty-nasty. Then again, the Kzinti have two scout-frigates out there. Might not take very long to kill it. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 01:48 am: Edit

Mischa: Better double-check your FCR there. CVS (Flagship - rating 37); 5x DEF (-5), MB (-7), 12x AAS (-6), MEC (-9), EFF (5), DD (-6), SF (-5), SF (-6), F-S (-4), F-S (-4). That puts you 20 FCR over. Since you are supposed to have worked out your legal fleet beforehand, I am now forced to do it for you. Revised Kzinti Fleet: CVS (Flagship - rating 37); 5x DEF (-5), MB (-7), 12x AAS (6), MEC (-9), EFF (-5), SF (-5) = 37 FCR. Left out of the battle are: DD(4), SF(3), and both small freighters.

Bad Kzinti. No catnip!


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 01:52 am: Edit

ATTENTION to all campaign players! It's important that you calculate your FCR and have a legal fleet ready. It doesn't mean you can't have more units in the system, but I need to know what fleet will face any potential encounters. If you do not specify a legal fleet, I will be forced to choose one for you. I prefer not to do that, but if I have to, I will not accept appeals to what fleet I put together. So it benefits you to form your OWN legal fleets! REMINDER: Fixed defenses (bases, DefSats) *must* be included in the fleet! I have seen SEVERAL of you fail to do this. Please be more conscientous in the future.

Capish? By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 06:08 am: Edit


UNEXPECTED ALLIANCES The Klingons, with some Gorn help, launch an attack on the Romulan colony of Yadera, only to find the Roms ready with their Paravian allies! KLINGON FLEET: D7C Darkslayer, D5K Rapier, F5C Audacity, F5B Vandal, F5SB Scorn. GORN FLEET: BDD Spinecrusher. ROMULAN FLEET: KVL Venerable Leader, K5B Cenaturii, BH Bloodwing. PARAVIAN FLEET: CA Talon, DWS Owl. All sides are WS-II, speed-max.

On an SFBOL Chat, Jeremy mentioned that either he or Tom Carroll might run this one. I'll fly against anyone, though. I've heard a couple of other possible fleet captains are interested in flying battles, so I thought I'd ask again. By

Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 08:15 am: Edit

Sorry about that slip-up, Dale... still trying to get a handle on the system. At least I'm not the only offender, from the sounds of it... :3

Also rather lucky my first major encounter is a monster one, so I can run it on my own. There's the possibility I might not get it done on Monday, as it's my birthday and I'm not entirely sure how much time I'll have. If not this Monday, it'll get done on the 28th. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 09:26 am: Edit

I'd really like to play the Rom/Para-Kli/Gorn battle, but I probably can't get to it before next weekend. Dale and I are really trying to kill the current battle in Admiral's game. Its been crawling along for months now, and we currently plan to work on it tomorrow. After spending the day yesterdy playing SFB, and potentially spending Monday doing it too, I owe momma and baby some time today. I also need to find time to play the Juggernaught battle in Pollux against Sheap. Weeknights have gotten hard for me lately (working 10-12 hour days right now). So much for "shore duty". So, if Tom has more time available or can play sooner, I'll defer to him. If not, I can probably play next weekend. Need to check with CINCHOUSE on what other plans we have. Should have an answer after work on Tuesday. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 10:12 am: Edit

Next weekend if fine. By

Tom Carroll (Sandman)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 11:50 am: Edit

I might be able to play this week. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday night. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 11:52 am: Edit

If so Tom, I'll yield the game to you. My plate is pretty full right now. By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 10:27 pm: Edit

The Peladine must report a devestating defeat in System Lambeau. We are in mourning. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 10:40 pm: Edit

Glenn; Details? What/Who did you loose, and against what? By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 10:52 pm: Edit

Jon, you don't watch sports much do you. By

James Lowry (Rindis)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 11:05 pm: Edit

Probably about as much as I do. (Translation: I don't get it either. By

Mike Strain (Evilmike)


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 11:36 pm: Edit


Packers lost... By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Monday, January 21, 2008 - 01:08 am: Edit

The Defense of Peladine's system Lambeau (which orbits a red dwarf star making space combat conditions somewhat unpleasant) was strong but nearly every attempt of setting up an offensive front simply kept falling short. The battle lasted longer than anticipated (into the 5th turn) only because the Giant forces could not accurately target their long range weapons. Finally, only after our flagship "Favre" fired on the wrong target was there a single distant shot fired, sealing the fate of Lambeau. (This will be the final report) By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Monday, January 21, 2008 - 09:59 am: Edit

And there was great mourning throughout all the Land. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Monday, January 21, 2008 - 04:40 pm: Edit

When's the next turn due. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Monday, January 21, 2008 - 05:20 pm: Edit

George; It's due after you turn over all your ships and planets to the Romulans. ;) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, January 21, 2008 - 05:31 pm: Edit

George; we have many battles left to resolve. Including several of yours. Turn order due dates will be announced after all battles are resolved. ;) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, January 21, 2008 - 09:03 pm: Edit

But since George is obviously in a hurry... LIKE A ROCK Exploring a new system, a small Federation task group finds a valuable world... but there is something on a collision course with it! FEDERATION FLET: F-ES Pontiac, CSa+ Jason. ENCOUNTER: MONSTER: Igneous. Federation fleet is at WS-I. Igneous inbound on the planet! By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Monday, January 21, 2008 - 10:03 pm: Edit

I might do it this weekend. By

Jim Davies (Mudfoot)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 05:43 pm: Edit

I note that George has had such heavy losses that he can't even get a fleet

together. He has to settle for a flet. By

George M. Ebersole (George)

Jim; heh. By


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 06:15 pm: Edit

Do you have SFB Online? Interested in being a Fed captain?

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 06:39 pm: Edit

George: I trust you to play fair. Please make sure to post a battle report when it is done! Sadly, gang, our local group is "not happening" at the moment, so we'll be relying on more battles online for the short-term. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 06:39 pm: Edit

Jim: We are always looking for more captains.


Jim Davies (Mudfoot)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 07:35 pm: Edit

Unfortunately, I'm you're all on the wrong side of the planet so SFBOL is impractical (time zones) and FTF is impossible. Besides which, I'm so rusty that my dice creak. Were I let loose with George's flet he'd be lucky to be left with a fl. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 07:45 pm: Edit

Heh! No worries, I understand. Well, last I heard (correct me if I'm wrong), Tom is meeting Ted for "Unexpected Alliances", to begin sometime this week. Ted has also expressed interest in "Romulan Revenge", where the Roms attack the Gorn, but we don't yet have a Gorn captain for that one. By

Kevin M. McCollum (Kevinmccollum)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 04:53 am: Edit

I have a subscription to SFBOL but haven't used it, is anyone up to running me through some so I can possibly captain some battles? By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 05:09 am: Edit

Cross-planet SFBOL battles are still relatively easy to set up on weekends... after all, aren't all SFB games interplanetary? By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 03:18 pm: Edit

Jim; I hope all things are good on your side of the Atlantic. Maybe someday you can meet up with a Euro-SFBer or, at least an online person who lives on the East coast of North America. Let me know if you feel differently. You're probably as good a player as I. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 10:05 pm: Edit

BATTLE REPORT: ON THE GROUND IN GALORNDON CORE A Federation fleet thunders in to the recently liberated (and undefended) Romulan system of Galorndon Core. FEDERATION FLEET: CC+ Kongo, CLV Mississippi, FFE Sminov, SC De Gama, DD+ Thurmost, FFG Montgomery. ROMULAN FLEET: None - undefended world. Commencing planetary assault with marines, the Federation troops beat down the war-weary populace and demoralized colonists. Rumors that local colonists now keep two sets of flags to change, as often as the system has changed hands, remain unconfirmed... By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 10:09 pm: Edit

BATTLE REPORT UNWELCOME GUESTS The Scout Hermes arrives in conquered Beta Stromgren, only to find they have company... FEDERATION FLEET: SC Hermes. ROMULAN FLEET: KVB Praetorian (4x G-1, 6x G-F), FS-4. The Hermes, not expecting much resistance... okay, let's be honest... not expecting ANY resistance... turns to disengage, leaving the system behind. (Ted - the Praetorian to begin ground assault? LMK...) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 10:21 pm: Edit

BATTLE REPORT RUN AWAY! A lone Kzinti scout pokes its nose into the system where they encountered Andros last turn with the Lyrans, only to find the Andros still there... and apparently constructing some kind of orbital base! KZINTI FLEET: SDF-1.

ANDROMEDAN FLEET: Andromedan INT w/1x MAM, 2x CS. Hopelessly outgunned, the scout drone frigate turns and bravely RUNS AWAY...! By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 10:22 pm: Edit

Hermes disengages. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 10:25 pm: Edit

Editing that to be a Battle Report, then. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 10:41 pm: Edit


Once those get under way, I'll announce some more. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 11:11 pm: Edit

Dale, The Praetorian will conduct the ground assault, using the fighters and ground support pods for additional ground support. I don't have to run this one I'll let anyone play it out. Tom or Jeremy, let me know about availability. I can probably do some evenings. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 11:26 pm: Edit

Ted: I'll see about resolving it myself, then - attacking an undefended world is often just an excercise in dice-rolling. But first I have to get over this dang flu. Ugh. By

Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 10:51 am: Edit

NEWS FROM Galorndon Core: Populace rename planet to FRANCE! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 03:59 pm: Edit

BATTLE REPORT: HAPPY DAYS ARE OVER After several turns of living high on the hog and raiding an undefended Lyran/Peladine system, the Orion CR+ BOSS HOGG is intercepted by a joint

Lyran/Peladine force! ORION FLEET: CR+ Boss Hogg. LYRAN FLEET: CWLp, MP+. PELADINE FLEET: CWL. The Hogg knows it is hopelessly outmatched, and despite calls for the surrender of all its captured booty, it turns and disengages at high warp. Reports of the Hogg crew mooning the Lyran/Peladine fleet on the viewer as they left cannot be confirmed by ISN at this time... By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 07:45 pm: Edit

Sheap, if you have some time available this weekend, do you want to knock out the Juggy battle? I'm on east coast time, and can probably put together a few hours on Sat or Sun to play. I have some other things to do around the house this weekend, so I probably can't do both days, but can work something for one or the other. Ted/John, I remain interested in the Klingon vs Romulan battle, but I'm concerned about my availability over the next couple of weekends. I have a little time to knock out one of my own battles this weekend, next weekend is clobbered, and the weekend after that is also tight (only Saturday available). If your game in Yadera is still available after I get this Juggy thing wrapped up, count me in. I still have a smaller battle to finish that remains unannounced, but that shouldn't be as tough to knock out. I know you guys are anxious to get going on that one - I just wanted to let you know where I stand. If you want results soon, I may not be your guy. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 07:55 pm: Edit

Saturday would be OK for me. Which side am I flying? By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:04 pm: Edit

I'm the Tholian player, so you have the Jug. I can probably be available starting about 9am EST. What's your time like that day. By

Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:29 pm: Edit

And the Duke boys felt it was time to show ol' Boss Hogg just what raiding systems was all about! By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:31 pm: Edit

Dale; Any change on the Fed systems that are blockaded by those freighters? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:31 pm: Edit

Tom, Ted: Any progress made in scheduling or flying "Unexpected Alliances"?


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:32 pm: Edit

Jon: It would probably help if you were more specific. I have the flu and my brain is mush. Email me if neccessary. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:38 pm: Edit

Beta Stromgren and the other one whose name I can't find. There was some joking about giving the Freighter a legendary officer of some sort. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:42 pm: Edit

Beta Stromgren is the system in "Unwelcome Guests", above. As you can see the freighter got some reinforcements. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 08:57 pm: Edit

Opps. My bad. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 09:55 pm: Edit

Nothing scheduled yet for Yadera with Tom. However, I'll play *anyone.* Anyone willing to captain the Klingons, please setp up and I'll make the time. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 09:57 pm: Edit

There's also "Romulan Revenge" that needs a Gorn captain, as well. Ted, any of your other gaming buddies up for this one? LMK. I'd do it, but am still pretty FUBAR from this flu. Interested parties can refer to this thread, Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 11:27 pm for order of battle. I know Tom already has John Carroll's mission orders for "Unexpected Alliances"... but if Tom is unable to fly, we'll need someone else in there, and time for them to communicate with John. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 11:33 pm: Edit

I'm in Pacific time, so I don't want to start at 9AM Eastern. I would fly any time after let's say 12 or 1PM Eastern. I would prefer to start around 3 or 4 PM Eastern, but if your schedule requires an earlier start, I'm ok with that. By

Tom Carroll (Sandman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 10:56 am: Edit

Sorry Dale, I've been busy and haven't had a chance to set up a time to play. I also have a RAT game and a Void War battle I need to give priority to. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 11:24 am: Edit

Calling all fleet captains! Anyone out there want to fly a Klingon/Gorn squadron against a Rom/Paravian squadron? By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 02:40 pm: Edit

I see all these battles to be played out, but I can't join in due to conflict of intrests. Dale, anything that I can do with no player/political reprocussions? By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 03:13 pm: Edit

Ted, I'll still play the battle if you want. Can it wait until Feb 16 for a start date? That looks like my first open day on a weekend. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 03:15 pm: Edit

GORN CAPTAIN NEEDED! "Romulan Revenge" needs a Gorn captain. Interested parties can refer to this thread, Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 11:27 pm for order of battle. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 03:48 pm: Edit

Jon: I'll check, but many of the battles probably involve a conflict of interest for you. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 03:54 pm: Edit

Sheap, Jeremy: Paul Franz announced the Juggie CL is in the library now, so you guys should be good to go for tomorrow. Enjoy! By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 04:00 pm: Edit

Jeremy, I'm cool with you (or anyone else) flying the Klingons. We can wait till mid Feb., if needed. I was just trying to get the battle done faster so that the campaign moves faster. That's up to Dale, I suppose. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 04:26 pm: Edit

Ted: Since you're involved in two major battles, perhaps see if you can get someone to fly the Gorn/Rom battle with you in Eminiar first, while you're waiting on Jeremy? I don't really care who flies what but John did ask his strategic allies (Tom, Jeremy) to captain his battle if possible. If it becomes a major impedement, obviously, anyone will do. So far, though, no takers for the Gorn. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 05:35 pm: Edit

Dale, I"ll play either battle fairly quickly. Just get me a captain.

I don't

have any local gaming buddies. I can play YOU if you want - but totally understand why you might say no. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 06:20 pm: Edit

Ted, if I get over this damned flu anytime soon, sure. Unless someone else wants it. I am happy to remain OUT of large PC vs. PC battles if possible... By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 07:44 pm: Edit

SLINGSHOT A Paravian marauder attempts to raid an ISC system! ISC FLEET: FF Asteroid. PARAVIAN FLEET: FF Kobold. Both sides are at WS-II, speed max. By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 07:54 pm: Edit

Personally I would have named this battle "Slingshot". Because the Kobold is going to be shooting the rock instead of throwing it.

Is it still a CR 1/2 if it has a weapon upgrade? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 07:57 pm: Edit

Ooh. I like that idea. (remames) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 08:05 pm: Edit

Battles announced but unflown: UNEXPECTED ALLIANCES ROMULAN REVENGE AND COMES A JUGGERNAUT A THOUSAND PSYCHIC WARS LIKE A ROCK SLINGSHOT "And Comes a Juggernaut" is being flown tomorrow with Jeremy and Sheap. Mischa, Jon: Any progress on "A Thousand Psychic Wars"? George: How goes "Like a Rock" with Igneous? I am fairly sure Tom will follow his usual policy of flying his ships personally wherever possible - Jon, any interest in flying the Paravian against him in "Slingshot"?


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 09:23 pm: Edit

Sheap: Clarification for "And Comes A Juggernaut" - regardless of what official ruling is made regarding Juggy Self-Destruction, the JUG-CL is not to self-destruct in this scenario. It's there to kill things - not blow itself up. Given the nature of the beast, i.e., cannot be boarded, I don't see it as being eligeable for SD anyway, and don't want to see randoms turned into giant seeking weapons. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 09:33 pm: Edit

Argh, and NOW it comes to my attention there is no L-MON in the library. The game with the JUG-CL will have to be postponed until we get that DEF. Jeremy, Sheap: Are you guys up for a different battle tomorrow? The Tholians have another encounter. Will post setup momentarily. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 09:38 pm: Edit

CLASH AT CANOPUS A Tholian ship on patrol encounters an old enemy. The WYN, who the Tholians crushed early in the campaign, are back - and seeking vengeance! THOLIAN FLEET: NFF Defiant. WYN FLEET: LDD (No refits, no fighter). Both sides WS-II, speed max. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 10:34 pm: Edit

Sheap, 3 Pm EST is fine for me, assuming you want to play the above battle. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 11:38 pm: Edit

I can do Slingshot or Canopus as the Paravians or WYN respectively. Just need to brush up on the arming costs of the QWT. -Jon Berry By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 11:42 pm: Edit

Jon: Most of the "modern" Paravian rules are in CL 28, I believe. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 12:30 am: Edit

*nod* Just have to find the right issue. Heck, gotta sort everything back together again.


Mike Strain (Evilmike)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 05:48 am: Edit

We nicknamed the QWT the 'plasma disruptor' back in the Y1 playtest....you'll find out why pretty soon. By

Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 11:07 am: Edit

The QWT is about the best weapons in sfb for the saber dance/ ballet style of play. By

Steve Cole (Stevecole)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 12:12 pm: Edit

We could print a write-up (up to a page) about this campaign in CL37 if you can make it interesting (i.e., "light bathroom reading") for people who have never read the topic. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 03:12 pm: Edit

Anybody seen Sheap? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 06:23 pm: Edit

SVC: I'll give it a shot! What is the word count of one page in CL? By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 08:16 pm: Edit

Battle Report: CLASH AT CANOPUS A Tholian ship on patrol encounters an old enemy. The WYN, who the Tholians crushed early in the campaign, are back - and seeking vengeance! THOLIAN FLEET: NFF Defiant. WYN FLEET: LDD (No refits, no fighter). Both sides WS-II, speed max. A pretty quick and indecisive duel. The NFF, with nothing to keep the heavier LDD from marching down on it from behind a wave scatterpacked drones, had no choice but to disengage or face an ESG overrun. Inaccurate particle cannon fire componded the problem, and no damage was scored on the WYN ship. Canopus is now under siege by the WYN. Thanks to Sir_Goofy for the game! By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 08:27 pm: Edit

Some bad news. I need to farm out the monster scenario because I can't find my SFB maps. I left them with either Derek or Justin, or they're tucked away somewhere that I've totally forgotten about. If anybody's up to it, drop me a line at GME -at- sfsu -dot- edu

Sorry about this to my fellow campaigners. On the upside I got my office straightened out (mostly). By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 08:28 pm: Edit

Battle Report: AND COMES A JUGGERNAUT The Tholian system Pollux is surprised by an unexpected visitor, a smaller version of an extragalactic robot starship they have faced once before (historically)... THOLIAN FLEET: 2xGBDP, 12 hexes of web (range 2 around planet); CC Protector, LMON Spartan, SC Sentry, F-S Amarillo Hauler. MONSTER: Juggernaut CL. A fairly straightforward battle. With the LMON and F-S restricting Tholian fleet speed, the defenders had little choice but to sit behind the web and await the closing monster ship. At the end of turn 2, the Juggernaut CL crashed the web with a pair a shriek missles. In the exchange of fire that insued, the LMON was gutted and the intruder took heavy internals. On turn 3, the Tholians attempted to move clear of the terminal LMON, but not before the wounded Juggernaut dealt the death blow. The F-S was caught in the blast and took minor internals. The CC and a GBDP retaliated and severly crippled the Juggernaut, leaving it no ability to manuever. The GBDP finished the job on turn 4. The Juggernaut exploded in a huge fireball, seen over half the planet and reflected on the inner face of the web all over the planet. Surface temperature on Pollux has increased by 30 degrees Kelvin. Fortunate for the Tholian populace, who believed climate condition prior to the attack might be the early signs of an ice age. Thanks to Sheap for the game! A little lopsided for the Jug, but the loss of the LMON hurts. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 08:33 pm: Edit

George, I may have some odd bits of time to play "LIKE A ROCK" out this week. The CS is my baby! You want me to resolve it? Dale, is that OK? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 08:54 pm: Edit

Jeremy: Go ahead, it's fine with me. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 09:07 pm: Edit



William T Wilson (Sheap)


Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 09:43 pm: Edit

I will, as a member of the animal kingdom, offer my services to play any monster scenario I thought about attacking the CC instead, but knew that I couldn't do enough damage in one shot to totally knock out its mobility. I didn't want to have him TAC a new shield to me (or worse, turn by normal movement) and not be able to kill ANYTHING, so I focused on the LMON which I knew I could wipe out. Up until I got surprised by a ground based phaser 4, I thought about splitting fire to knock out the engines on the LMON and damage the CC as well, but it turned out my clock was too short for that. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 12:22 am: Edit

Appreciate the offer, Sheap - stay tuned for captains needed in this thread! Thanks for flying today. Jeremy is certainly earning his stripes this turn in flying battles. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 01:04 am: Edit

Is the ISC admiral willing to fly Slingshot against me himself, or will he opt to farm that one out? By

Francois Lemay (Princeton)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 08:27 am: Edit

Ted has convinced me to fly the 'Unexpected Alliance ' battle. Will the Admiral of the Klingons and or Gorns contact me please as to mission details .

CHeers Frank aka Princeton By

Tom Carroll (Sandman)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 11:14 am: Edit

I will be flying the ISC-Paravian battle. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 11:39 am: Edit

Tom; Cool. When are you available? By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 03:14 pm: Edit

Thanks to Frank for playing Unexpected Alliances. We're setup and should get

playing very soon. I have all of Romulan Revenge setup - including the Gorn pieces. All I need is a fleet captain, and I'll transfer the ships over to be played. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 04:39 pm: Edit

Battle Report: LIKE A ROCK Exploring a new system, a small Federation task group finds a valuable world... but there is something on a collision course with it! FEDERATION FLET: F-ES Pontiac, CSa+ Jason. ENCOUNTER: MONSTER: Igneous. Federation fleet is at WS-I. Igneous inbound on the planet! This didn't take nearly as long as I expected. Preplotted turns against a ship at speed 1 in a ship with firepower like a CS? Priceless. Battle took 11 turns+1 impulse. The big excitement happened on turn 2, when the CS got hit by a PL-R for 15 points of damage (thank the maker for range and phasers), then a Pl-F on turn 3, then was nailed by hellbores over the next two turns. Shields were getting pretty soft by that point, but the damage to Igneous was mounting. The first battle pass by the CS left Igneous with 100 points of damage and down 1 weapon. This created a weakness in Igneous' defenses, and the CS would remain in that arc for the rest of the game. By the end of turn 9, it was getting very ugly for the monster. Favorable die rolls left the facing weapons on Igneous with options like ph-1, disruptor, fusion, while the weapons on the far side where maulers, PPDs, and TRs. Drone racks appeared three times, but ADDs made quick work of them. Four battle passes had left the Fed's shields in shreds, but Igneous had sustained 339 points of damage and MCIDS was down. With no close in protection from seekers, and only one weapon in arc on the circling CS, Igneous was doomed. After a scatter pack and two ship launched drones slammed into the monster on turn 10, it was left with no weapons facing the CS. The ship closed to point blank range and finished Igneous off with a full alpha strike, followed by another phaser strike and drones a turn later. The CS sustained no internals, but shields had been reduced to 9-3-21-19-8-2. Lessons learned in fighting Igneous: 1) Pray you don't draw a Pl-R. With preplotted movement, you could wind up eating a big one if you're not careful.

2) Score as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. Getting to 200 damage on the monster will leave it with a pretty weak gunnery arc in direction B. Once that's done, the attacker can slow down and stay in that arc, reducing the number of weapons the ship must face each turn. 3) If you are flying a Fed, go with ADDs early. Load a scatter pack and keep a reload of drones handy. Beat up on the monster in the opening turns and keep your drones on deck. Once MCIDS goes down, feed the beast a bunch of drones for some decisive and unavoidable damage. 4) The die rolls for the weapons are everything. I was getting rocked early on. If the high or low die rolls happen too often you could end up with a crunched ship in a hurry. George, for experience points, the CS did all the heavy lifting, killing the monster and 9 drones. By my quick caluclations, total experience points under Dale's rules for this one is 118, but you might want to check that. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 04:49 pm: Edit

Frank, thanks for flying! Ted, Frank, have fun and blow things up. Ted: The F5C Audacity has a LWO - fair notice. Jeremy: Great report, thanks for solving that one for us! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 04:55 pm: Edit

Ted, re: Romulan Revenge, I will let you know if I can get time to fly it. I am recovering from the flu but of course now my kids have it. Hard for me to commit/make plans at this point - will let you know as soon as I can. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 05:10 pm: Edit

Dale, O.K. I had no idea about the LWO. That's good to know. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 06:58 pm: Edit

Some people list them in their fleet deployments; others only in their manifest. Should probably really be listed in both places... The important thing is that it is announced at setup; nobody should be surprised by the presence of a LO in the middle of a battle. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 09:58 pm: Edit

Noted. It's been years since I played "A Stone's Throw", and don't recall much of it. I think the last time I played I used a BCJ, when the class was first published.

I really wanted to play it too, but no maps means no game. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 10:09 pm: Edit

George: Next time I see you, whenever that may be, remind me - I have extra maps you are welcome to.


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 10:11 pm: Edit

Battles announced but unflown: UNEXPECTED ALLIANCES* ROMULAN REVENGE A THOUSAND PSYCHIC WARS SLINGSHOT *UNEXPECTED ALLIANCES is scheduled to be flown tomorrow night (Monday night). By

Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias)


Monday, January 28, 2008 - 08:10 pm: Edit

A THOUSAND PSYCHIC WARS Update Currently at the end of turn 2. The Kzinti have launched 30 probe drones at the Mind Monster, and have so far collected just over 400 of the approximately 2,400 points of lab data required to defeat it. Only 5 crew units lost so far. The monster remains about 45 hexes from the planet. The Kzinti are currently optimistic about their chances for successfully stopping the monster before it reaches the planet. By

Francois Lemay (Princeton)


Monday, January 28, 2008 - 11:10 pm: Edit

Unexpected Alliance battle. End of Turn 1. Fleets are about R12. Fire from Klingons disruptors nets 18 on BH #6. No other damage to report. Plasmas and QWT in flight at R8 to Klingon fleet. BDD Spinecrusher launches 2 torps imp 32. Lots of ECM and ECP units in flight. Battle to continue Tuesday night at 2100 EST ish.

Cheers Frank By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Monday, January 28, 2008 - 11:28 pm: Edit

Yup, that pretty much covers it. near perfect oblique at the moment. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


The only thing I'll add is that we're on a

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 12:44 am: Edit

General announcement; though I've suffered some serious fleet losses, I plan on seeing this campaign all the way through to its end. I expect more losses, and greater challenges in the future. Dale; let me know when we can hook up and do lunch. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 12:44 am: Edit

Tom; When are you available for the ISC-Paravian battle? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 12:47 am: Edit

George: Sure! My people will call your people. ;)

Ted/Frank: How goes the battle of Yadera? By

Francois Lemay (Princeton)


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 06:20 am: Edit

I did not make it Tuesday night.

Next turn will be most likely be to run the 2*R torps & 4*QWT torps out of gas! Ging to try for Wednesday night now. Cheers Frank By

Tom Carroll (Sandman)


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 09:25 am: Edit

Jon, I'm not sure when I can play next. Thursday night is available if my Void War game falls through. Otherwise I think next Tuesday might be the earliest I can play. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 03:09 pm: Edit

I can do either/or, and will wait for you. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 09:47 pm: Edit

Frank could't make it tonight, either. He had a hard day at work, and his job can be physically very demanding - particularly in the Winter. We're trying to schedule the next session - probably this weekend. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 01:52 am: Edit

No worries guys, it's really not a race. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 01:59 am: Edit

SNAKE IN THE GRASS Repulsed from one Klingon system, an Andromedan Python strikes another! KLINGON FLEET: Planet w/2x GBDP, E4B, F-S. ANDROMEDAN FLEET: 1x PYT. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 02:00 am: Edit

Barring any last-minute breakdown of diplomacy, this should be all the battles for T8, now announced. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 04:53 am: Edit


William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 06:19 am: Edit

I'll volunteer to fly the Python in Snake in the Grass... By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 10:16 pm: Edit

Still need an opposing captain for Romulan Revenge. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 09:00 am: Edit

Computer Dying: Just a quick note for anyone attempting to contact me via email. My home computer is on the fritz. Not sure if its terminal, or if I'm going to be able to save my five year old dinosaur, but its entirely possible I'll be down for the next few days. I'll still be able to check in here from work, but please understand if I don't respond to e-mails. By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 11:46 am: Edit

Ted, or Frank, Any updates on the Unexpected Allies battle? By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 12:42 pm: Edit

John, Not yet. Battle to continue on Saturday night. By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 12:58 pm: Edit

Ted, Thanks for the update. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 02:53 pm: Edit

Sheap: Lemme see if I can find a Klingon player for that one, to fly with ya. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 03:55 pm: Edit

Dale, do you want to fly the Gorns in Romulan Revenge? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 05:16 pm: Edit

As long as I'm not stuck home with sick kidlets, sure. What's your schedule like? By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 05:37 pm: Edit

Fortunately, I can spare a couple of hours on most work days, till about 4:30 pm central time. Thus, we can get it done pretty fast. If you can do the Gorn setup, that would help. How about this Monday? Name a time.


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 06:52 pm: Edit

Ted, how about 9:30 AM Pacific Time Monday? I'll have about 2 hours. I'll set up the Gorn units, you can just plug in your fleet. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, February 01, 2008 - 09:25 pm: Edit

KLINGON CAPTAIN NEEDED! Klingon captain needed for battle, "Snake In The Grass", posted Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 01:59 am, this thread. Apply here! By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)



Friday, February 01, 2008 - 09:56 pm: Edit

Sounds like a plan! See you then. By

Pierre Savard (Bigjim)


Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 02:35 am: Edit

New SFBOL player here. I'm looking to do some battles as a reserve captain if people are willing to put their ships in my hands. I'm usually around on SFBOL from about 8PM-midnight EST. Feel free to contact me there or on this forum. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 04:41 pm: Edit

Pierre, we're always glad to have captains. My email is in my profile - drop me a line and we'll see what kind of battle to set you up with. Currently there's an opening for a Klingon captain in a small battle, above... By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 01:46 am: Edit

Snake in the Grass has begun. The Andromedan streaked toward the Klingon emplacement. The Klingon E4 cowered under the umbrella of the ground-based P4s while the freighter bravely sallied forth to meet the extragalactic raider. The E4 chucked out five drones from a scatterpack and added one more from his rack. The Andromedan then displaced directly next to the E4, taking two P4 shots and 8 P3 shots from the ground based phasers, resulting in an overloaded front panel and 16 internals. But the Andromedan's return fire did 27 internals to the E4, knocking out about half the weapons and power, and causing serious damage to the light ship's electronics. The E4 suffered a partial sensor failure as well as total loss of its on-board computer network, resulting in disruption of control as well as total darkness in the ESS's monitoring station. Once the crew realizes they are no longer under surveillance, a mutiny may break out. The Andromedan raider then turned to face its undamaged rear panels to the Klingon forces and get out of range of the northern hemisphere's ground station. Battle resumes tomorrow. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 06:00 am: Edit

Or, Pierre could come right back online and want to resume the battle And then things got weird. I will be honest: This sort of battle is the reason I originally started playing SFB. I laughed, I cried. Immediately following the end of the last report (which went up through turn 2), the crew of the E4 "Adamant," dismayed at the cowardice of Kommander Korent, took matters into their own hands and rose up against him. But Korent was a krafty Kommander, and while his bravery was doubted, his political acumen and cunning were not. He had hired twenty mercenaries, added to the normal

complement of marines on his ship, who were devotedly loyal to him personally. Rumors swirled about how these mercenaries had been hired at the same planet where the Adamant's previous commanding officer had mysteriously disappeared. Though five were slain in the uprising (along with two Slidarians, a Zoolie, and their Klingon squad leader), the fifteen mercenary survivors, as well as Korent himself, and several of the officers, holed up in what remained of the bridge, protected by the security doors present on all Klingon ships. Meanwhile, the self destruct device, triggered when the Andromedan's bizarre weaponry disrupted the Adamant's electronics network, armed itself. The crew in the rear hull succeeded in blocking the self destruct, meanwhile the ship came to a halt, drifting aimlessly above the planet, structurally sound but incapacitated, with no systems operational except life support and shields. Seeing an opportunity to capture Korent and interrogate him, the Andromedan abandoned its plan to retreat and clear its panels. Careful to not present its fullto-capacity front panels to the phaser-4's on the planet, and also careful to stay out of the firing arc of the northern hemisphere's phaser battery, the Andromedan looped back around, staying at about R5, and beamed ten combat robots into what remained of the Adamant's bridge. But the Andromedan robots were not prepared for what awaited them, finding Korent's mercenaries equipped with EMP weapons. With no need for concern about damage to the crippled ship's electronics, the EMP weapons disabled the Andromedan robots before they could get a shot off. Just as the Andromedan received word of the disappointing outcome of the battle on the Adamant's bridge, there was more bad news. The southern ground phaser battery fired, doing 12 damage to the rear panel bank, and then the freighter chipped in from R4 with an overloaded disruptor, two phaser-2's and a phaser-3. The freighter was actually a Q-ship! Everything hit, still not enough to penetrate the rear panels, but the disruptor caused one point of internal damage from panel leakage. The damage turned out to be a scanner hit, and the Python-class raider is not equipped with redundant scanner systems. Meanwhile, the Andromedan repaired a phaser-2. (Start of turn 4). The crew on board the Adamant, struggling valiantly, managed to stave off the self-destruct system again, but it appears to still be functioning. The Andromedan concluded that the battle was suddenly not going well. It accelerated and flew away from the battle at maximum speed. The Q-ship stopped, and is now 2 hexes from the planet, 1 hex from the Adamant. Upon reaching long range, the Andromedan finally had an opportunity to flush the accumulated energy from its power absorbers, and emptied both panels in succession into its vast battery banks. The panels won't be available for the first

few impulses of turn 5, but at range 26, out of range of the Q-ship's weapons and even out of the effective range of the planetary defenses, that doesn't matter too much. The Andromedan repaired another phaser-2 and now has its full suite of weapons operational (if gimped slightly from the scanner hit). Turn 5 will resume tomorrow after the Super Bowl. By

Marc Baluda (Marc)


Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 11:23 am: Edit

Great write-up. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 12:58 pm: Edit

Unexpected alliances continues. It's a wild, spread-out kind of battle. The D5 and F5C outran the R torps (learning they were real), but in doing so left the scene of the battle. The D7L, F5, and BDD turned around to rejoin battle. The F5S ended up running way from the Paravian CA (who turned off to avoid the BDD torps though it still took 14 damage to the #4 from the real torps) and a couple of G torps from the BH. Various disrupter and phaser fire, blunted by ECM, lowered the #6 on the BH and did two internals after armor - a bridge and a left warp. Of the 6 shuttles launched by the Klingons, three were scatterpacks. One of the SP stacks was wiped by a T-Bomb. Three shuttles (manned), including one MRS, died to another Rom T-Bomb. Roms used phasers to kill another several drones, including two ECM drones. Several drones remain on the map. One (a type I) is guaranteed to impat the K5RB next impulse. Currently, the KVL and K5RB are about 4 hexes from the D7C, F5B, and BDD. The BH is two more hexes out. Roms are speed 20, Klinks at 15. BH is dry of phasers, but all but 1 P2 is available on the K5RB and KVL. Battle to resume Monday night, possibly tonight. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, February 03, 2008 - 08:11 pm: Edit

Great battle reports guys! Keep 'em coming! By

Peter Thoenen (Eol)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 12:55 pm: Edit

My campaigns are also grinding to a halt so also available to captain if needed. Can only give maybe 6 hours a week though (Sunday afternoons) so that could be a limiter. Drop me a line if you need me, else I will check in occasionally. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 01:26 pm: Edit

Pete, which you'd spoken up earlier, you could have taken this Gorn battle against the Roms! (So I don't have to do it). Stay tuned, and keep an eye on the topic. We are always in need of captains,

more so now than ever as my "local group" is on a coincidental hiatus (everyone got busy at the same time). This campaign turn is just about done, and when next one rolls in, there will be plenty of battles to fly! By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 02:35 pm: Edit

Battle report Romulan Revenge We just finished turn 1. The Roms split into two groups - the K7R and K5S heading A and the BH and KDR heading C. The Gorn DN and CA sallied, but not outside the 15 hex range of the BS special sensors. KDR launched an S torp, but the DN and CA turned away towards the KDR and then back into the base. The DN launched an S and an R and the CA launched an S. The R is targeted on one of the KDR and the BH. The S's are probably targeted on the K7. Late in the turn, the K7 turned in towards the S torps. The KDR and BH turned away from the R to out-run it a bit. However, the R torp is guaranteed to hit for 10 next turn, so we'll see. Nothing too amazing yet. Mostly jockeying for board position at the moment. Battle to continue Wed. morning - 9:00 am Pacific. By

Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 08:10 pm: Edit

BATTLE UPDATE: A Thousand Psychic Wars; Captain Cat-Who-Watches-Grass-Grow reporting to Kzinti Fleet Command, under the auspices of the Captain of the CVS Sabre. The Mind monster continues to approach the planet, and is currently 140,000 km from the Plantet. We have completed an approximate 75% of the study of the creature. Hope are high that we will be able to find a way to destroy the creature before it does more than superficial damage to the Colony infrastructure, Further reports to follow. (End of turn 6, ~1800/2400 Lab points acquired.) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 09:07 pm: Edit

Glad to see some progress being made Mischa! Keep at it. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)

Battles unflown:


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 09:17 pm: Edit


Jean Sexton (Jsexton)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 10:45 pm: Edit

William, your report is the kind of thing that makes good reading in Captain's Log. You're invited to send it to me and I'll style book it and pass it to SVC. Anyone else with similar "interesting to read" items of this nature is welcome to send them by the same route. (I did clear this with SVC by the way, so it is on the up and up.) Jean (who is reading her proofreading hat) By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 11:04 pm: Edit

I'll finish the writeup once the battle is done By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, February 04, 2008 - 11:50 pm: Edit

Any word on when the battle will continue? By

Peter Thoenen (Eol)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 12:02 am: Edit

I can do slingshot this week if needed (ja I am itching to captain ;P) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 12:11 am: Edit

Peter: Jon's offered to play the Paravian, and Tom is the ISC admiral and wants to fly it personally. Unless, that is, you've changed your mind Tom and would allow Peter to fly for you? By

Tom Carroll (Sandman)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 12:52 am: Edit

Jon and I will be playing Tuesday night (how about 8pm EDT Jon?). I do see some names here that haven't signed up for RA08Q1(RAT26) yet. Come and join the fun! By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 12:54 am: Edit

That'll be 6 my time. Sure, I can blow you up then. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 01:11 am: Edit

Tom, Jon: Fair enough, have fun guys, and don't forget to post here and let us

know how it went! Peter: Stay tuned, I may have something for you... will know in a few days or a week on the outside. By

Peter Thoenen (Eol)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 02:21 am: Edit

LOL .. its all good Dale ... this campaign seems to move pretty fast so just didn't want some as simple as a FF v. FF to hold it up


Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 02:23 am: Edit


Jean (who is reading her proofreading hat)

Shouldn't this be "wearing" instead of "reading"? By

Jean Sexton (Jsexton)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 07:49 am: Edit

Michael, Nope. I was reading all the notes I had made on the hat (and it is getting covered with notes). I may have to add length to my proofreading hat. I only fear it may form the core of the Planet Killer. (It was such a simple thing. Designed to destroy jargon, it started destroying stray commas, moved to words spelled incorrectly, advanced to dangling elliptical clauses, and soon was killing entire texts. No one knows when it programmed itself to destroy all printers and decided that task was most easily accomplished by killing the whole planet. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)



Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 11:33 am: Edit

Peter: No, what is liable to hold us up are the larger battles, depending on how long they take. But that's okay. It's not a race. I'm happy as long as steady progress is being made. Tom: Wish I had time for a RAT, I've never done one. But good luck with it man!

Jean: That explains everything. Poor Decker. Actually I had a horrible rant the other day, reminded me of you - I saw a

Washington Mutual that had a sign on front - "WaMu". This, and "BevMo" (for Beverages & More") is a sign of the Apocalypse, I kid you not... By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 09:39 pm: Edit

BATTLE REPORT; SLINGSHOT The ISC FF /Asteroid/ successfully defended thier planet from a Paravian Raider, destroying the enemy before it could leave the system. It received minor shield damage in return. ((Dale, I'm 0/5 against Tom. Give me a better match up next time!)) By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 10:17 pm: Edit

Jon, Tom Carroll is a six time national champion. Heck, the man just flew a TKE to victory in the last SFBOL RAT against an Orion Ace in the Orion - which I assure you is a phenomenal feat.

Observe how he kills you... and learn while you burn. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 10:26 pm: Edit

Problem is is that half the time I'm dead so fast, I have no idea how it happened. I'm not blaming him, of course. I've just got to get better at avoiding superior ships with superior armaments. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 10:56 pm: Edit

Tom: Congrats on another easy win and some more XP. Boy, I need to ratchet up the challenge level for the ISC or something... Jon, I'll see what we can do for future encounters re: flying someone else. But you did ask for a battle to fly. ;) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 11:00 pm: Edit

OK. Ted and I are scheduled to continue "Romulan Revenge" tomorrow AM. Any word on when "Unexpected Alliances" will continue? I've heard from Mischa and "A Thousand Psychic Wars" is in progress. Hopefully to resolve soon. I haven't heard back from Pierre regarding "Snake in the Grass". Sheap hasn't been able to get ahold of him either. I'm going to give him a few more days to respond, but at last word he was wanting to concede and not interested in

finishing the battle. At this point, I think that will mean a GM adjudication to the battle. We'll see. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 10:03 am: Edit

Frank and I have been having scheduling difficulties with Romulan Revenge. However, it is on both of our minds and we are working on getting it done. By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 01:14 pm: Edit

Dale, Concede "Snake in the Grass"? Why? He will be put in the booth on setting 12! By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 04:34 pm: Edit

No, the Klingons won't concede. The battle with either be continued (with Pierre), recreated/continued (with another captain), or adjudicated (by me). By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 05:19 pm: Edit

Battle report: Romulan Revenge Turn 2 was a bit more exciting. The two prongs of the Romulan assault turned in towards the fixed defenses while the Gorn CA and DN swung around the planet. The R torp launched on turn 1 struck the #4 of the KDR for 5 damage. One of the Gorn S torps turned out real (hitting for a point), but the other Gorn S torp was destroyed by Gorn phaser-4 fire in an attempt to prevent either torp from being revealed. I suspect both S torps were real. Phaser-4 fire knocked down about half of the #1 of the K7B. The K7B, supported by EW from the K5S, turned in and dared range 10 to the BS. This action prompted a couple of S torps, one from the Monitor, one from the BS. The K7B launched 100 points of plasma at the BS at range 10 and then turned off. However, I mistimed the attack run, resulting in what would be guaranteed to be 44 points of plasma to strike the K7R on Impulse #1 of Turn #3. Considering that on the same impulse I'd eat a bunch of phaser-4's in a down shield, I elected to announce ED, weaseling the torps on 1.31. This action puts the K7R in a precarious position, as the CA and DN can now achieve range 0 on the K7R next turn. Cloak or no cloak, 16 ph-1 (and possibly bolts) can hurt. On the other prong, the KDR launched 2 S torps towards the end of the turn and then turned off from a pair of S torps launched by the Monitor. The KDR's S torps could be targeted on the CA, DN, BS, or Monitor. Battle to continue this Friday afternoon, 2:00 CST, picking up on Turn 3. By

John Carroll (Jcwl)



Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 05:24 pm: Edit

Thanks for the no concession ruling. By

Mischa Chad Robuliak (Alias)


Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 08:06 pm: Edit

BATTLE REPORT: A THOUSAND PSYCHIC WARS The Kzinti forces managed to acculumate sufficient sensor data at the end of Turn 8 to determine that the Mind Monster could be destroyed by a suicide shuttle. The EFF, valiantly moving at speed 5 and 1 hex away from the monster in order to lure it off course, was able to launch the shuttle at the start of turn 9, destroying the monster upon its next movement. The monster got no closer than 4 hexes to the planet, protecting the populace there. The EFF suffered the greatest loss in crew (approximately half), but the other vessels and the mobile base only lost a small portion of their crew. All were restored to full health after the defeat of the monster. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 02:31 am: Edit

Congrats Mischa! Don't forget to collect XP for your win. By

Peter Thoenen (Eol)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 02:41 am: Edit

BATTLE REPORT: SNAKE IN THE GRASS Bill requested I take this over from Jim so him and I will finish it this weekend sometime. I don't expect much as the E4 is mutinied and a single Small Q-Ship + 2 ph4 bases will have hard time v. an Andro who can dump panels but will give it a shot. Bill will write it up all nice and flowy later ;) By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 03:09 am: Edit

Ouch! Now, the hard question: Who gets the E4? It can't be any of the races currently allied to the Klingons that are attacking the Romulans because they would return it. I hope it's not ruled "out of play". Might be interesting to have a K4 that wasn't brought from the Klingons. Of course those Phaser-4s could decide that the E4 isn't going to get off the map if they aren't going to survive either. Or the Python could decide to pick it off. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 04:10 am: Edit

Peter: Thank you, good luck, and most of all, enjoy. Do your best but have fun. It is unfortunate Jim bailed out on us for this one. Keep in mind the Klingons maintain control of the boom, although, being an E4, it cannot seperate. When in doubt, Sheap can bring you up to speed. Michael: The disposition of the E4 depends on the outcome of the battle. Perhaps the Andros will have a new, second raiding ship operating along the Klingo-

Tholian border... By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 04:14 am: Edit

That might be an interesting conversion. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 04:16 am: Edit

Michael, typically in my campaign we don't convert captured hulls, but use them "as is". However, I might be tempted in this case, as it is an NPC race (Andros) and it could be, as you say... interesting. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 05:49 am: Edit

I would think the E4 would have to be converted, since it's captured by the Andromedans. Assuming it is captured intact. Looking at CL31, it looks like such a conversion would be interesting as the ship would experience a significant upgrade in firepower and protection (compared to Klingon standards), but with only one battery, have essentially no panel-clearing capability. It would be extremely unique and fun to fly - according to CL31, such a ship would have Viper panels, retain its P2's, have two forward and one aft TRL (and absolutely no way to power all this), and carry a MWP in place of the shuttle! What a hoot. A more "conventional" Andro design might replace the drone rack and shuttle with batteries, but that is not what CL31 says to do... Right now it is actually in very good shape, as such things go; either side could destroy it, but doing so would use up a lot of weapons that are better used shooting at the actual functional ships. It is actually in sufficiently good shape that even a P4 base would probably not be able to destroy it in one turn unless the Q-ship chipped in, and this would leave them all sitting ducks for the Python, which still packs enough punch to cripple the Q-ship or destroy a P4 base in one turn. Because of the positioning, it is in the arc of only one P4 base. By rule, if the Klingons can defeat the Python without the E4 being captured or destroyed they regain control of it automatically. By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 07:17 am: Edit

Convert the security station into a battery? Maybe? By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 08:04 am: Edit

Maybe. Usually captured security stations get converted to hull. Another option might be for the Andros to convert the drone rack into a DisDev. Normally a ship as small as the E4 would not have one, but this was done on specialized designs, like the Rattler. This would certainly be a "special case" ship, as the Andromedans don't operate ships that aren't either satellites or equipped with their own DisDev. Installing a DisDev seems less weird than deploying the E4 as a satellite ship


Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 08:27 am: Edit

This isn't a democracy of course...Dale is King here when it comes to campaign rules...but if it were up to me, we would either use "Anarchist" conversions for everything, or nothing. I'm actually a fan of Anarchist conversions, but if used, I think it should be evenly applied. And I definately think it should be done following the CL articles rather than by some homebrew conversion. As for this particular mutinous E4 (or the Python for that matter), if it should somehow finds its way into Tholian space, it will receive a hot reception. Either way, with the E4 banged up, the Python has potential to make a mess of things in this particular Klingon system. I hope for the sake of my Klingon ally that the results turn out to be favorable. Should be interesting to see how this turns out. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 08:52 am: Edit

Well, I generally support following CL articles too, but I seem to remember you deviating from the guidelines a time or two when the results came out strange. And a ship the size of the E4 with three TRs but only one battery certainly qualifies as strange. Actually, the lack of provision in the CL article for adding battery capacity just seems like a flaw in general to me. Maybe the Andromedans simply could not add batteries or maybe it's just an oversight in the article. Whatever Dale decides to do, though, the resulting ship will certainly be 1) interesting and 2) hypothetical, as I have not secured the ship yet By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 09:02 am: Edit

Sheap, keep in mind most of the SSDs on my website were done before we had Anarchist articles. And only a portion of them were used in campaigns. I can't think of any cases where I deliberatedly deviated from a published article. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 09:08 am: Edit

I was actually referring to the Kzinti battle tug I captured in the first Admiral's Game campaign. Dunno what it is, it seems like every battle I fly for you guys involves captured ships. This is the third time it has happened By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 09:24 am: Edit

At the time, we had no article for a Kzinti to Fed conversion. If I had tried to adapt some of the other articles that existed at the time, it would have been an even uglier ship than it already is. Of course, the ship also never actually saw a battle. The Fed fleet from the first

Admiral's Game initially got carried over to the second (see turn 1), but the captured Kzinit tug was quickly dropped (see turn 2). There were multiple reasons for that, one of them being concerns about how whonky that ship was. And yeah, what is it with you and captured ships??? By

Peter Thoenen (Eol)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 10:06 am: Edit

Just a word with no relevance in the real rules: 1) Would a Klink even mutiny v. a Andro .. I seriously doubt the slave crew want to die and they know that will be their fate if the Andro's get them. 2) Ok so maybe the mutineers logic is they can simply mutiny and disengage (via standard disengagement rules). Right now the mutineers outnumber the loyalists so minus some crap rolls they are going to get the boom one of these days. At this point should it maybe become a 3rd party (and non a Andro ally) ... you could even set it on auto-pilot w/ the rules "attempt disengage in the easiest / fastest way possible, only fire weapons defensively at seekers". This way the possible out come is: 1) Klinks kill them 2) Andro's kill them 3) The escape and become a NPC 4) Andro's board and capture the mutineers become a odd strange andro conversion. While normally the mutineer would simple join the opposite, nobody is going to join the Andro's so don't really like this rule. Just talking out loud here; as I said, no basis in the rules. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 10:10 am: Edit

I trust Dale will figure it out if it comes to it, but the mutiny still has to be ultimately successful, and then the wounded ship has to actually make it off the map. Neither are really forgone conclusions. By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 11:08 am: Edit

The last the KLINGON ADMIRALTY (me) has heard the situation was as follows: 1) E4B out of control and in Mutiny. 2) Loyal crew hold the boom. 3) Self Destruct sequence may be active on E4B at this time... 4) The Python is currently withdrawing to dump the energy in the panels. 5) At least 17 internals have been scored on the Python, of which he has repaired only one, leaving 16 unrepaired internals.

I forsee NO captured Klingon vessel in Andro hands. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 11:34 am: Edit

Yeah, guys, I hate to say it, but the E4 will probably just stay a normal E4 in Andro service. Assuming it is captured at all that is. I personally have never liked using Anarchist conversions, and the extra work of creating SFBOL defs for every captured hull was the nail in the coffin. The Andro could easily capture it if he abandoned his assault on the rest of the system. As for mutiny, I don't recall any rules saying Andros always kill prisoners. They simply don't interact with them - they let the robots do that. Yes, they would probably end up in a slave camp, but that happesn to Tholian prisoners in the history all the time, and they don't get a "we can't mutiny vs. Tholians" pass. By

Mike Strain (Evilmike)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 12:48 pm: Edit

Bah. If the mutineers survive and manage to escape, they'll obviously join the Orions and hoist the Jolly Roger. Arrrrrrgh. By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 01:18 pm: Edit

Or join the WYN, and become a K4? By

Michael C. Grafton (Mike_Grafton)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 01:26 pm: Edit

It would be a FINE ship with a couple PA fore and aft and just a few P2. Give it some a SMALL cargo/ hanger capacity and it could function like a FCR... Alternately it would be a way for andros to infiltrate the Klingon empire or otherwise cause the Klinks trouble with their allies. I have to agree though, mutineers wouldn't join the Andros. Is there a NPC pirate group out there? By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 01:33 pm: Edit

To quote SHEAP (the Adnro player) (Start of turn 4). "The crew on board the Adamant, struggling valiantly, managed to stave off the self-destruct system again, but it appears to still be functioning. " No E4 in Andro handsd seems likely I would say...


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 04:34 pm: Edit

To clarify, as it currently stands, we don't do conversions of captured ships to "native tech". There is a partial exception in that if there is a published SSD as part of a mainstream product, a conversion could be done. So the Klingons could convert a captured SPA to a RKL, for example, or the Roms, a D5 to KDR, because they already have access to such ships. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 08:49 pm: Edit


"The crew on board the Adamant, struggling valiantly, managed to stave off the self-destruct system again, but it appears to still be functioning. " No E4 in Andro handsd seems likely I would say...

Well, under the mutiny rules, mutineers can't permanently block self destruction, they can only temporarily block it, but they have a 5/6 chance of doing so. Enemy boarding parties have a normal, independent roll to block self destruction, either permanently or temporarily. So I have to get some troops over there to either capture the boom outright, or block self destruction permanently under the normal procedures. I tried to capture the boom a couple turns ago but the Klingons fried all my robots. So I can either beam some troops into the rear hull, where they're safe and can work on the SD, or try to retake the boom outright again. Or I can just ignore the E4 and let the Klingons blow it up if they are able to roll well or want to expend the firepower The Python has taken 17 internals: 2 phaser, 4 warp, 2 impulse, 6 hull, 1 battery, emergency bridge, scanner. Both of the phaser hits have been fully repaired. Panels are degraded about 25% but were fully cleared last turn. Aside from the panel degradation and scanner hit, the Python has all its combat capability (if slightly less energy) By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 11:14 pm: Edit

Battle Report: Unexpected Alliances We completed the turn. I killed a few more drones and we maneuvered some more. The CA is still pursuing the F5S, but nothing exciting happening there. One drone impacted the K5B's #3 for 12. The D5K and F5C turned back in and are returning to the battle. They fired at range 18/20 and scored an internal through the #3 shield of the K5B.

The K5B and KVL made it to range 3 off the #5 of the D7C. 8*p1 and 1*P2 netted 16 internals through the fresh shield. Each ship also launched 2 F torps. The Klingon group played more tractor games to make sure the torps would hit at range 6-10, released 3 shutles from the wings of the BDD, and fired their remaining phasers into the F torps. Ultimately, 46 points of plasma hit the #3 of the D7C, scoring another 24 internals. The D7C is bloodied, but unbowed. She's down 5 warp, 2 impulse, 4 APR, 2 disrupters, 2 ADDs, and all of the waist ph-2s, and the obligatory hull and a few misc. systems. BDD launched an F torp. It's going to hit one of my ships (KVL, BH, K5) early on the next turn. My bet is the K5B. My torp status: Next turn the F torps on the KVL and K5R will be on turn 1. R torps on the KVL will be on turn 2 of arming, so I could have fast loads if really needed. G torps on the BH are either on T1 of arming, or are available - Frank doesn't know if the ones I launched last turn at the F5S are real as he outran them. Of course, I have QWTs and phasers - so plenty of firepower left on the Roms. Battle may continue on Saturday. Will update as we get more. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Friday, February 08, 2008 - 02:27 pm: Edit

Had to postpone "Romulan Revenge" until Monday 9 AM. We'll pick it up then. By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 03:18 pm: Edit

Battle Report: Unexpected Alliances. Turn 3 is complete. The torp was targeted on the K5 and was real. After phasers and movement it hit for 7 on the #2. Mostly a turn of maneuver. The Paravian CA forced the F5SB to disengage by moving off the map edge - or face certain destruction. Afterwards, the CA swung around to rejoin the battle. The BH went speed 0 and cloaked after launching a pair of fake torps at the D5 and F5C. At the end of the turn, the BH successfully used EDR to repair its damaged left warp. The two fake torps did their work by keeping the D5 and F5C away for a while. Eventually, the two Klingons swung around, reaching r7 to the BH. Long range fire from the two ships' disrupters did 8 damage to the #5 of the K5B - which now has some battered shields.

The DWS moved speed 15 and swung in a big circle, tractoring the MRS shuttle. Prior to tractor, the MRS launched a plasma-D and killed a GAS. It killed another GAS with two ph-3. The third Gorn shuttle was killed by ph-3 fire from the KVL and K5. The D7C and F5B and BDD swung around at relatively high speed. They are now head-to-head with the CA at range 12. The CA launched 4*QWT on 3.28 to greet them. Disrupters netted 3 damage on the CA's #1 (3 fired, 2 missed). 3 Drones launched by the D7C and F5B, as well as the BDD's ECM drone, were distracted by the DWS's special sensors. The KVL and K5R followed the D7C group, avoiding a T-Bomb laid by the D7C out the hatch. They're now range 9 to the D7C group off the D7C's group's collective #5 shields. In insult, the three Gorn shuttles fired through the down #2 shield of the KVL. I forgot to raise it! 7 damage through a +1 shift killed 7/8 armor. Shortly thereafter, I raised shields and killed the shuttles. Note to self: Don't forget to raise shields! Battle continuing now. Another battle report to follow. By

Francois Lemay (Princeton)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 05:14 pm: Edit

Unexpected Alliance is done. Klingon fleet while disengaging suffered a major set back. KVL bolts 2 R torps and 6 ph 1 ( all in a narrow salvo ) and all hits ! D7C Dark Slayer was destroyed as it took the 70 damage on the downed # 3. A dark day for the Klingon Empire. (sorry John ) Cheers Frank By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 05:16 pm: Edit

Battle Report: Unexpected Alliances. End Game. The D5K and F5C made a run at the BH, dropping shields and laying some TBomb near the BH. Immediately sensing the imminent flashcube effect, the BH

captain dropped his NSM, tac'ed, and then burned all batteries to increase speed to 8 early (imp 4, rather than imp 16). The NSM was sufficient deterrent, as the Klingons turned off to avoid hot, nuclear death. Another, later-laid, T-Bomb failed to flashcube the BH. I got lucky, rolling a 6 on mine activation. With the +3 cloak roll, I avoided the flashcube, barely. BH breathes a sigh of relief. (Note that the BH could have announced ED if the Klingons had retained lockon, nearly ensuring that lockon would be lost again in a later impulse - the presence of the NSM prevented close range and the Tractor of Doom (TM)). On the other side of the battle, the CA played chicken with the D7C, BDD, and F5, launching 4 more QWTs at the BDD. (THe first set of QWTs were ID'd as being targeted on the D7C). The KVL launched a pair of fake R torps at the BDD, as well. The BDD launched a G and an F at the CA. The CA blinked and turned to out-run the plasma. This took it into the path of the D5K and F5C, but the Klingon ships slowed down (relieving the pressure). The BDD and F5B also blinked, turning off to avoid the QWTs. Neither the CA nor the BDD/F5B fired at each other. The K5R fired a ph-1 into the #3 of the D7C at range 8, scoring 2 internals (warp). This prompted the D7C to turn away towards the map edge, presenting the up #4. The KVL and K5R pursued, slowly gaining. When the QWTs got near the D7C, Frank fired phasers. The net result was killing two QWTs. Hoping that the R torps were real, he turned the D7C to present the down #3 to the KVL and K5R again but he would not take some 10 internals by doing so. However, the R torps were fake. Just before the D7C could disengage, I fired everything narrow salvo. This time, I got lucky. I rolled a 2 for both R torps and another 2 for the 6*ph-1 on the KVL. Combined with another gratuitious ph-1 from the K5R I scored 70 internals - which was enough to blow the D7C out of space. The debris slowly floated off the map edge.... At that point, Frank decided to disengage. His battle force was squarely split by my fleet (D5K/F5C on one side, BDD/F5 on the other). I could force the BDD/F5 to disengage, or accept huge damage, and take less damage in return from the D5K/F5C team. Frank decided to preserve the remainder of the Klingon fleet instead of fighting on. I will note that the Klingons *could* have continued the battle, with some expectation of success, as I was now down the R torps for 2.5 more turns. However, Frank chose the safer option - a choice that I could not fault him for. Battle concluded. Romulan victory. Net casualties:

Romulan: KVL: 7/8 armor destroyed. BH: 5/5 armor destroyed. 1 LWarp repaired by EDR, 1 Bridge destroyed (to be repaired by CDR). K5R: 1 AuxCon destroyed. Klingon: D7C Destroyed Dale, I assume armor is not self-repairable. Can I assume the other damage is repaired after the battle? By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 05:43 pm: Edit

For outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty, the captain and gunnery crew of IRS Venerable Leader are to be awarded the Romulan Cross, and her entire crew is to be awarded commendations of merit. Long has been the service of Venerable Leader, long and honorable. Longer still may her service continue. Humble thanks, also, to my Paravian allies. Without them, victory would have been impossible. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 09:09 pm: Edit

Wow. The Romulans are pushing back everyone except the Tholians. Or at least holding the line. The only fight left is sue to be continnued on Monday Morning then? By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 09:34 pm: Edit

Yes, Rom Revenge to continue Monday. By

George M. Ebersole (George)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 09:39 pm: Edit

I'm resigning as the Fed Admiral. Anyone interested in taking up the Fed slot? I can send you the spreadsheet. Post here, or drop me an email at GME-at-sfsu.edu By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 09:42 pm: Edit

George, sorry to see you go. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 10:03 pm: Edit

I already have several replacement Admirals lined up. And the person to contact in this case is me, not George. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 10:12 pm: Edit

Ted: All damage on your fleet except armor is fully repairable in the field. The armor, sadly, will need a shipyard or base to repair.

Congrats on a battle well-fought.


Mike Strain (Evilmike)


Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 11:54 pm: Edit

Holy frack. The KVL obviously has a LWO on board... By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 12:00 am: Edit

Heh. If I gave a LWO for every lucky narrow salvo, all of Jeremy's Feds would have them in our "Day of the Eagle" campaign by now. Ted's fleet is certainly eligeable for a roll on my table though. Battle has its rewards. Speaking of which, Ted, don't forget your earned XP. If you have time and would be willing, calculations for the Klingons and Paravians as well would be appreciated (but not required). By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 12:10 am: Edit

Dale, I'll do those XP calculations tomorrow. I'll admit that it would be deliciously ironic if the KVL ended up with a LWO.


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 01:06 am: Edit

The thought of being GloryZoned by a KVL with a LWO scares me, as I can't use my copius supply of Gatlings to shoot them down. By

Jeremy Gray (Gray)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 12:25 pm: Edit

Any more word on "Snake in the Grass"? By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 02:46 pm: Edit


Heh. If I gave a LWO for every lucky narrow salvo, all of Jeremy's Feds would have them in our "Day of the Eagle" campaign by now.

Ah, but there's a BIG difference between hitting with a lucky shot that just ticks

the enemy off and hitting with one to kill a ship that just thought it was getting away. Especially a CC. And the enemy fleets flagship too. At least maybe some extra fleet XPs for morale if nothing else. By

John Carroll (Jcwl)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 03:59 pm: Edit

Why do we not just let Dale award XPs and LOs as per his campaigns rules? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 04:19 pm: Edit

I typically roll for LO's on a table to avoid what would otherwise result in a glut of LWOs and LCs, perhaps an LE, but rarely a LD, LMM, LSO or LN. A possible result on the table is "no officer", so you are never guarenteed a LO even for the best of battles. Also, as the old saying goes, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game"... the award of LO's is not contingent on victory. One of the rewards of actually ENGAGING instead of choosing not to fight is XP, and the chance for an officer. By


Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)

Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 05:24 pm: Edit

Can we get spontanious Legendary Aces or Legendary PF crews this way, or will we have to earn then the hard way? By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 05:37 pm: Edit

Jon: Hard way, and btw, fighter/PF XP is *not* doubled as ship XP is. ;) By

Jon Berry (Laz_Longsmith)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 05:38 pm: Edit

I know. But then again, I'm Hydran, so it's not like there's going to be a shortage of Fighters to put into battle. By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 06:50 pm: Edit

Just curious, the table you roll on, is it the standard one in the rulebook (G22.111)? By

George Duffy (Sentinal)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 07:01 pm: Edit

I always like the spunky fighter aces myself... Dale I sent you an email, got bounced, sent second, let me know if you got it

B^) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 07:16 pm: Edit

Sentinel, got it, replied. ;) By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Sunday, February 10, 2008 - 08:44 pm: Edit

Michael Liu: Pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain... By

Michael Lui (Michaellui)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 02:41 am: Edit

L U I, not L I U By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 04:04 am: Edit

Apologies Michael, was typing in a hurree. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 04:11 am: Edit

Still to be resolved: SNAKE IN THE GRASS ROMULAN REVENGE and the ground assault portion of UNWELCOME GUESTS. I am in contact with a potential new Fed Admiral and am in the process of bringing him up to speed. Stay tuned! By

Peter Thoenen (Eol)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 09:09 am: Edit

SNAKE IN THE GRASS We are still working scheduling on this to finish it By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 10:41 am: Edit

Romulan Revenge postponed again. Hoping to continue Wednesday. Peter, thanks, keep working on it... By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 11:31 am: Edit

Yeah. Stephanie (my wife, AKA WifeWhoWhipsHusband) is pregnant with our second child. Missing the first OB appointment would result in my untimely death. By

Andrew J. Koch (Droid)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 11:41 am: Edit

Hey Ted, Congrats on the impending BOJ. Andy


Dale McKee (Brigman)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 11:41 am: Edit

We would not wish more whipping upon Ted. Congrats on the podling and good luck with the appointment! By

Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 11:51 am: Edit

Thanks, all. Looking forward to it all again, though with some trepidation at the diapers, barfing, sleepless nights, and screaming. Still, nothing like that first smile on a baby's face. By


Paul Franz (Andromedan)

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 01:25 pm: Edit

Ted, Trust me when I say it is easier the second time just because you know what to expect and you not so anxious about every little thing. By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 01:31 pm: Edit

Ted, For what its worth, you are experiencing everything a father should that I cannot ever. I am envious, and yet I wish you the best. To all fathers! (Lifts a glass up) Cheers. By

William T Wilson (Sheap)


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 05:14 pm: Edit

Yeah. It's not so much "we don't have compatible schedules" as it is "I have an SFB tournament game scheduled every night" Or, in some cases, the SAME tournament game scheduled every night. Flying the TKE against someone in Australia will do that to you ;)

And, congratulations to Ted on the new... kitten? Oh, cub. That's right. By

Dale McKee (Brigman)


Tuesday, February 12, 2008 - 05:33 pm: Edit

Your stalwart GM is down with a severe case of Rhinitis Medicamentosa. May be infrequent on the BBS for a few days, slow in responding to email - sorry fellas. By

Glenn Hoepfner (Ikabar)


Wednesday, February 13, 2008 - 01:34 am: Edit

Quick! Everyone!! While he's not looking! ATTACK!!!