£125,000 offers in excess of. Shackleton Way Yaxley Peterborough
Cambridgeshire England PE7. 3AB. Situated in the village of Yaxley, this newly
Shackleton Way Yaxley Peterborough Cambridgeshire England PE7 3AB SituatedinthevillageofYaxley,thisnewlybuilt twobedroomcoachhousecomprisesof:Lounge, Kitchen,TwoBedrooms,BathroomandAllocated Parking.
Landing Double glazed window to rear, airing cupboard, storage cupboard,radiator. Lounge 11'7"x10'(3.53mx3.05m) Double Glazed window to front, radiator, TV point, telephonepoint,carpet. Kitchen 17'x8'4"(5.18mx2.54m) Fitted kitchen with a range of wall and base units with work surfaces over, stainless steel one and a half bowl sink/drainer with splashback tiling, electric oven with gas hoboverandcookerhood.Centralheatingboilerandtiled floor. Bedroom One IrregularShapedRoom13'10"Maxx11'5"Max(4.22m Maxx3.48m) Doubleglazedwindowtofront,TVpoint,radiator,carpet. Bedroom Two 13'4"x6'8"(4.06mx2.03m) Doubleglazedwindowtofront,radiator.
Directions From the London Road, turn onto Broadway, take the second left into Scott Drive. Turn right at the T-junction where the propertycanbefound. toviewthispropertypleasecontactConnellson
T 01733 421 866 E
[email protected] 62HargateWayHamptonHargate PeterboroughPE78DS PropertyRef:HAH302167-0003
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