Shallow-marine carbonate facies and facies models ...

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carbonate shelf (for details see Enos & Perkins. 1977). The south Florida shelf ...... Mike Ashton for allowing me to quote from their. Ph.D. theses and to use their ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications Shallow-marine carbonate facies and facies models M. E. Tucker Geological Society, London, Special Publications 1985; v. 18; p. 147-169 doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1985.018.01.08

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© 1985 Geological Society of London

Shallow-marine carbonate facies and facies models M. E. Tucker SUM M A R Y : Shallow-marine carbonate sediments occur in three settings: platforms, shelves and ramps. The facies patterns and sequences in these settings are distinctive. However, one type of setting can develop into another through sedimentational or tectonic processes and, in the geologic record, intermediate cases are common. Five major depositional mechanisms affect carbonate sediments, giving predictable facies sequences: (1) tidal flat progradation, (2) shelfmarginal reef progradation, (3) vertical accretion of subtidal carbonates, (4) migration of carbonate sand bodies and (5) resedimentation processes, especially shoreface sands to deeper subtidal environments by storms and off-shelf transport by slumps, debris flows and turbidity currents. Carbonate platforms are regionally extensive environments of shallow subtidal and intertidal sedimentation. Storms are the most important source of energy, moving sediment on to shoreline tidal flats, reworking shoreface sands and transporting them into areas of deeper water. Progradation of tidal flats, producing shallowing upward sequences is the dominant depositional process on platforms. Two basic types of tidal flat are distinguished: an active type, typical of shorelines of low sediment production rates and high meteorologic tidal range, characterized by tidal channels which rework the flats producing grainstone lenses and beds and shell lags, and prominent storm layers; and a passive type in areas of lower meteorologic tidal range and higher sediment production rates, characterized by an absence of channel deposits, much fenestral and cryptalgal peloidal micrite, few storm layers and possibly extensive mixing-zone dolomite. Fluctuations in sea-level strongly affect platform sedimentation. Shelves are relatively narrow depositional environments, characterized by a distinct break of slope at the shelf margin. Reefs and carbonate sand bodies typify the turbulent shelf margin and give way to a shelf lagoon, bordered by tidal flats and/or a beach-barrier system along the shoreline. Marginal reef complexes show a fore-reefwreef core--back reef facies arrangement, where there were organisms capable of producing a solid framework. There have been seven such phases through the Phanerozoic. Reef mounds, equivalent to modern patch reefs, are very variable in faunal composition, size and shape. They occur at shelf margins, but also within shelf lagoons and on platforms and ramps. Four stages of development can be distinguished, from little-solid reef with much skeletal debris through to an evolved reef-lagoon-debris halo system. Shelf-marginal carbonate sand bodies consist of skeletal and oolite grainstones. Windward, leeward and tide-dominated shelf margins have different types of carbonate sand body, giving distinctive facies models. Ramps slope gently from intertidal to basinal depths, with no major change in gradient. Nearshore, inner ramp carbonate sands of beach-barrier-tidal delta complexes and subtidal shoals give way to muddy sands and sandy muds of the outer ramp. The major depositional processes are seaward progradation of the inner sand belt and storm transport of shoreface sand out to the deep ramp. Most shallow-marine carbonate facies are represented throughout the geologic record. However, variations do occur and these are most clearly seen in shelf-margin facies, through the evolutionary pattern of frame-building organisms causing the erratic development of barrier reef complexes. There have been significant variations in the mineralogy of carbonate skeletons, ooids and syn-sedimentary cements through time, reflecting fluctuations in seawater chemistry, but the effect of these is largely in terms of diagenesis rather than facies. T h r o u g h the study of recent sediments and their ancient counterparts, it is possible to synthesize the facies distributions into various facies models. These summaries of facies patterns can be extremely useful w h e n new sequences are being examined; the facies models do have a predictive quality which can be i m p o r t a n t when particular facies-types are being sought, as in p e t r o l e u m a n d mineral exploration. M o d e r n m a r i n e carbonates have been studied intensively over the last two decades and, in particular, the results of researches in the Bahamas, Florida,

the A r a b i a n Gulf and Shark Bay Western Australia have c o n t r i b u t e d m u c h to the understanding and interpretation o f ancient carbonates. The data f r o m these m o d e r n c a r b o n a t e e n v i r o n m e n t s go a long way towards providing the basis for useful facies models. H o w e v e r , there are three i m p o r t a n t deficiencies of the recent sediment record which must be b o r n e in m i n d w h e n trying to p r o d u c e generally applicable c a r b o n a t e facies models: (1) As a consequence of the Pleistocene glaciation and associated m a j o r fluctuations in 147


M. E. Tucker

sea level over the last 1 Ma, in most areas where carbonates are forming today, sedimentation only began 4-5000 years ago. Thus relic topographies exert a strong control on sedimentation and in some areas (mostly low latitude, deeper-water, mid- to outer continental shelves) relic carbonate sediments abound. A steadystate situation with an equilibrium between sediments and environments has frequently not been attained. (2) Sea level at the present time is relatively low compared with much of the geologic record. Thus there are now no extensive low-latitude shallow seas (epeiric or epicontinental seas) where carbonates are accumulating, comparable with the many instances in the past of whole cratons being covered by knee-deep marine waters. (3) Modern carbonate sediments are almost entirely produced by biogenic processes, apart from ooids and possibly some lagoonal lime muds. The organism types contributing their skeletons to limestones have varied drastically throughout the Phanerozoic due to changing fortunes: the evolution of new groups and demise of others. The roles played by organisms have also changed through time; this is particularly important when considering reef limestones. In addition, the dominant mineralogic composition of organism skeletons and inorganic CaCO3 precipitates has varied through time, in response to fluctuations in seawater-atmosphere chemistry. As a result of the above three points, facies models for carbonates cannot be derived entirely from studies of recent carbonate sedimentary processes and products; essential information has to come from the rock record. In addition, as alluded to above, in some instances facies models have to allow for the evolutionary pattern of carbonate-secreting organisms through time. The important papers or compilations in the field of carbonate facies and facies models are: Irwin (1965), Shaw (1964), Purser (1973a), Laporte (1974), Heckel (1972, 1974), Logan (1974), Bathurst (1975), Ginsburg (1975), Wilson (1975), Sellwood (1978), James (1979), Asquith (1979), Toomey (1981) and FlOgel (1982).

Major controls on carbonate sedimentation There are two overriding controls on carbonate sedimentation: (1) geotectonics and (2) climate.

The geotectonic context is of paramount importance. It controls one of the prime requisites for carbonate sedimentation, the lack of siliciclastic material, by determining hinterland topography and drainage. Geotectonics also determines the depositional setting, and three types are distinguished and discussed later: the platform, shelf and ramp. However, the setting can be modified considerably, once carbonate sedimentation is established. Geotectonics controls the orientation of shorelines and platform-shelf margins and with climate this determines the energy level and direction of wind-waves, storm and tidal currents, as well as the circulation pattern and location of upwelling, nutrient-rich zones. Both geotectonics and climate control the position and fluctuations of sea-level. This is of great significance to the production of carbonate sediment and the resulting facies mosaic. Rates of subsidence and uplift, which also affect sea-level transgressions and regressions, and the location of positive and negative areas, are also determined by geotectonic factors. Climate is important in terms of seawater salinity, especially where lagoons are involved. Salinity is a major factor, for many organisms cannot tolerate any deviations from stenohaline conditions. Where optimal conditions exist for the growth of organisms with carbonate skeletons, then it appears that the carbonate production rate is fairly constant, regardless of the types of organism involved (e.g. Smith 1973; Hallock 1981). Production rates determined for benthic foraminifera, corals and coralline algae on seaward reef flats are around 1.5-4.5 kg CaCO 3 m -2 year -l, equivalent to a carbonate deposition rate of 0.5-1.5 mm year -1. Rates are somewhat lower in back-reef lagoons (0.1-0.5 mm year-l). Production rates can be much higher on the reef front, 6 m 1000 years -1 has been recorded (6 mm year-l). The point to note is that the carbonate production rates are determined by ocean physico-chemistry, rather than organic-biological factors.

Depositional processes and facies sequences: constant sea level Where carbonate sedimentation takes place without any change in sea level, there are five principal depositional processes which lead to the formation of characteristic facies sequences (see Fig. 1). (1) Tidal flat progradation results largely from deposition of shallow subtidal sediments on flat-marginal beach ridges and on the flats themselves during major storms. Trapping and some precipitation

Shallow-marine carbonate facies tidal flat progradation on





reel progradahon at shelf ~,nd plait . . . . . . . . . . g ....

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vertical accretion of sublidal stage ! S[ carbonates, ramps pladorms. shelves FWWB . . . . E:.:::"t .--:',':.s":?:.f. ~

migration of r'albor'ale sand bodies


stage 2

(a) beach barrier hdal delta progradalion on ramps and open shelves

(b) shoreward migration (;f /shell and iwrndward marginal sand shoals platform { rnatgirls | c) offshore rnlgratlorl of ~leeward marginal sands

re- Sedlmenlatlon


(a} olfshore storm transport especlail,f On ramps


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FIG. I. The principal depositional processes of carbonate sediments. The typical settings in which these processes operate are also noted. of sediment by algal mats on the flats are important. Some carbonate (and other minerals) can be precipitated inorganically on tidal fiats in an arid climate. The net result is a shallowing-upward sequence (further discussed later) of intertidal sediments overlying subtidal sediments. In detail there are often variations in the microfacies of these shallowing-upward sequences, depending on the type of tidal flat, energy level and climate, etc. (2) Reef progradation is important at shelfbreaks and platform margins and mostly involves seaward growth of the reef over its storm-produced talus (fore-reef slope). (3) Vertical accretion of subtidal carbonates can take place when sediment production rates are high. Shallowing-upward sequences are produced, of deeper subtidal facies giving way to shallower subtidal facies (and of course intertidal facies could follow naturally). (4) Migration of carbonate sand bodies is significant in relatively high-energy locations, giving beach-barrier-tidal delta complexes, especially on ramps, and sand shoals, especially at shelf-breaks and platform margins. Under constant sealevel beach-barrier-tidal delta complexes will prograde offshore if there is a good supply of sediment (i.e. high organic productivity in the shoreface zone or abundant ooid formation in the tidal deltas). With sand shoals, their shoreward

migration into the shelf-lagoon or platform interior is important in windward locations, giving rise to quiet-water, below fair-weather wave-base packstones and wackestones passing up into above wavebase storm or tide-dominated grainstones. On leeward margins, offshore, basinward transport of skeletal sands is significant and can lead to progradation of the margin itself. (5) Offshore storm transport and deposition of shoreface carbonate sediment is very important on ramps, less so on shelves and platforms. Other resedimentation processes, slides, slumps, debris flows and turbidity currents, all of which may be storm or seismically induced, are important at shelf-breaks and platform margins. When there are fluctuations in sea level, either through eustatic or local tectonic effects, then many more facies patterns can arise. These are discussed in succeeding sections.

Depositional settings of shallowmarine carbonates Shallow-marine carbonates are being and have been deposited in a wide range of geotectonic settings. Three basic depositional settings of shallow-marine carbonates can be defined (see Fig. 2). (1) Theplatform: a very extensive (102-104 km wide), quite flat cratonic area covered by a shallow (epeiric) sea. Seawards, a platform is


M. E. Tucker

m ~lm 102 104 km




SL open shelf X



-~.. ummed s



ram;.) .---*shell p.alfol rn--.,, shelf

plalform or shelf~am~;

, . - - - ~ . ~ ~

FIG. 2. The three major depositional settings of shallow-marine carbonates, platform, shelf and ramp, along with the common transitions from one to the other. bounded by a margin which may have a gentle or steep slope. (2) The shelf: a far less extensive (10-103 km wide) area characterized by the presence of a distinct shelf-break, where the gradient increases dramatically into an adjacent basin. Although often relatively flat, there can be substantial gradients on the shelf itself, and many are rimmed--i.e, they have a barrier of reefs or carbonate sand shoals along the shelfbreak, with a shelf lagoon behind. (3) The ramp: a gently sloping surface, passing seawards into deeper and deeper water. Initially, these three depositional settings are determined by geotectonics, but once carbonate sedimentation is established, then one type of setting can be transformed into another, either through the natural processes of carbonate sedimentation itself, or through further geotectonic effects. Omitting sea-level fluctuations, there are three common patterns: (1) a ramp may develop into a shelf, especially through reef growth; (2) a platform or shelf may develop into a ramp through differential subsidence along a hinge line, and (3) a platform may develop into a shelf through contemporaneous fault movements (Fig. 2).

Carbonate facies patterns on platforms Carbonate platforms are very extensive areas of negligible topography. Although non-existent today, shallow epeiric seas covered the cratons many times during the geologic record. Examples include the Cambrian and Ordovician of North America, the Upper Dinantian and Jurassic of

parts of western Europe, and some of the Tertiary of the Middle East. Water depths on the cratons were generally less than 5-10 m, so that shallow subtidal to intertidal environments dominated. The intertidal areas would have consisted of tidal flats many kilometres to tens of kilometres wide. These would have developed extensively in the platform interiors, with supratidal flats beyond, giving way to the peneplained land surface where subaerial processes such as pedogenesis and karstification would have operated. Tidal flats would also have developed around slightly more positive areas upon the platform. Apart from local shoals of skeletal sand, the subtidal would also be a near-flat surface but probably with slightly deeper and slightly shallower areas reflecting pre-existing topography on the craton or the effects of differential subsidence. It is generally accepted that the epeiric seas had only small tidal ranges. Tidal currents would have been insignificant on the open platform, but perhaps quite strong in any channels of the broad intertidal zone. For much of the time, platforms would have been very quiet, low energy environments, with only wind-wave activity. Fairweather wave-base would have been quite shallow, less than 5 m. The platform margins on the other hand would have been sites of much turbulence for much of the time (e.g. Mazzullo & Friedman 1975). Tidal currents and waves from open ocean swell would hove been very important, especially if an abrupt change in slope existed at the platform margin, causing all wave and current energy to be dissipated over a short distance. Sand bodies and reefs could well have been developed along the platform margin, as occur along many shelfbreaks (see later section) and these could further have reduced circulation on the platform itself. The dominant process affecting platform sedimentation would have been storms, their frequency, direction and magnitude controlled by climatic factors. Severe storms can raise sea level by several metres and give rise to currents reaching 1 m s-1. On a craton-sized platform, storm winds blowing persistently from one quadrant will pile up water in a down-wind direction. Where normally quite shallow water exists ( < 2 m), the platform floor itself could be exposed as the sea is blown off it. Strong surges would cross the platform after the storm subsided and the sea returned to its normal level. During storms, the platform interior tidal flats would be flooded and much shallow subtidal sediment deposited upon them. In the subtidal, skeletal debris would be transported and sorted during storms and post-storm surges,

Shallo w-marine carbonate facies

and deposited to give grainstone beds. Winnowed shell lags (rudstones) would be left after the passage of storm currents and waves. In general terms, the facies pattern of a carbonate platform would thus consist of skeletal-peloidal wackestones with lenticular grainstones in the platform interior (tidal flat deposits), skeletal-peloidal grainstones and packstones of the shallow subtidal (above fairweather wave-base) and skeletal packstones and wackestones with grainstone horizons in the deeper subtidal (below fairweather wave-base). Below storm wave-base, skeletal wackestones would dominate with thin beds of storm-derived skeletal packstone-grainstone. Under constant sea level, apart from some aggrading of the shallow subtidal sediments through simple skeletal carbonate production, the dominant depositional process would be progradation of the tidal flats. (The movement of shallow subtidal sand shoals during storms could also be important.)

Modern platform carbonates Although there are no modern examples of the very extensive platforms of the past, we can get an indication of what sedimentation must have been like from the studies of the interior of the Great Bahama Bank (e.g. Shinn et al. 1969; Hardie 1977; Gebelein et al. 1980). To the west of Andros Island, there occur protected tidal flats and a shallow subtidal platform. Tidal range is very low (0.46 m) and wind-wave activity is also weak since Andros Island acts as a barrier to the dominant and persistent northeasterly trade winds. Occasional winter storms from the west to north produce strong waves in spite of the shallowness of the platform (average depth 5 m). Sedimentation is largely controlled by the rare storm events. Tidal flats are complex areas of many subenvironments: tidal channels, beach ridges (hammocks), lev6es, ponds, intertidal flats, areas of surficial crusts and algal marshes (often freshwater). Parts of the tidal fiat are permanently subaqueous; other areas are exposed for some of the tidal cycle or for certain seasons of the year. To describe the fluctuations in water cover, an exposure index has been introduced by Ginsburg et al. (1977) to indicate the percentage exposure of a subenvironment over a year. Two distinct types of tidal flat occur on the west side of Andros Island (Fig. 3): one type, which can be termed an active tidal flat, is dominated by tidal channels (comprising 15 T0 of the tidal flat complex), draining ponds, intertidal flats and algal marshes; the other type, a



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Fie. 3. The subenvironments of (a) an active and (b) a passive tidal flat from the western side of Andros Island, Bahamas. (a) After Hardie (1977), (b) after Gebelein et al. (1980). passive tidal flat has virtually no tidal channels and consists of broad depressions separated by former beach ridges rising 1-2 m above normal high water mark. The depressions are variably occupied by water to form ponds with intertidal flats and algal marshes around. At their seaward margin, both types of tidal flat have a low beach ridge which is constructed of sediment thrown up from the shallow subtidal during storms. The sediment of the present and former beach ridges is largely skeletal-peloidal grainstone-packstone with lamination. Algal marsh sediments are dominantly algal laminites with laminoid fenestrae, but skeletalpeloidal layers (up to 7 cm thick) of storm origin are intercalated. Pond sediments are chiefly lime mud, much of which is pelletized by gastropodannelid defecation. Surrounding intertidal flats may have surficial cemented crusts, often of dolomite, and consist of peloidal lime mud with many irregular fenestrae (birdseyes). The shallow subtidal offshore from the tidal fiats is an area of peloids and skeletal grains in the shoreface zone, where affected by wind waves, and skeletal peloidal lime muds below fairweather wave base ( > 2-5 m). Algal micritization of grains is common and algal mats may partly cover the surface. Bioturbation is ubiquitous. Skeletal-peloidal sands do occur through sed!ment reworking and winnowing during storms. The sequences generated through deposition on the two types of tidal flat will be different


M. E. Tucker


I .!-'i~'~-~\ dOlOmite I~





. \ channel deposit


~ .

soit 1/ hammock

I - I - , /?d O[Omite , ( _ [ m i x i n g .... . ~

~ / ~ /

. fenestrae algaL, algaltaminae marsh evaporativedolomite

_-I-/ t~pond : peloida[muds i"~_ , subtida[




Pteistocene I I I I limestone FIG. 4. The sequences of an active and passive tidal fiat from the west side of Andros Island. (Fig. 4). The migration of the tidal channels on the active type will give rise to skeletal lag deposits and skeletal-peloidal grainstones, with cross-bedding if it is not extensively bioturbated. Areas not affected by the channels will consist of pond and marsh deposits (lime muds, fenestral peloidal wackestones, algal laminites) plus prominent storm layers (thin packstonesgrainstones). The passive tidal flat will consist largely of pond and algal marsh deposits, with few storm layers (since the marginal beach ridge protects the tidal flat), but with no suggestion of any sediment reworking by tidal channels. Zones of beach ridge sediments will occur within the tidal flat sequence. Dolomite crusts may develop in both types of flat, but they are more likely to form intraclasts and edgewise conglomerates on the active flat through tidal channel reworking. Poorly ordered dolomite of possible meteoric-marine mixing-zone origin has been reported from the shallow subsurface of the passive-type flat (Gebelein et al. 1980). The occurrence of beach ridges on the passive flat, with their freshwater lenses below, should lead to a wider development of mixing-zone dolomite there, compared to the active flat which will have mainly marine to hypersaline groundwaters. Under a more arid climate than that of the Bahamas, evaporites would precipitate in the areas of high exposure index. Such evaporites

are accumulating along the Trucial Coast, Arabian Gulf. In upper intertidal areas, discoidal gypsum crystals are being precipitated and in the supratidal (sabkha) these are being replaced by anhydrite; farther landwards enterolithic anhydrite may form. In extremely arid locations, halite (and even potash salts) could precipitate in supratidal areas as crusts and beds in depressions (supratidal salinas). On a passive tidal flat, evaporites would accumulate extensively where waters in ponds and groundwaters beneath slightly higher areas were only infrequently replenished with seawater during major storms. Lenticular gypsum and nodular anhydrite could be expected to form within the sediment, and bedded evaporites could precipitate within the ponds. The reasons for the two types of tidal flat are thought to be related to sediment supply and shoreline orientation with regard to winter storms. Compared with the passive flats, the active flats are adjacent to shallow subtidal areas of lower sediment production rates, and they are oriented such that they receive the full force of storm winds and waves (i.e. the meteorologic tidal range is high). By contrast, the shoreline fronting the passive flats is more oblique to oncoming storms (the meteorologic tidal range is low) and sediment production rates appear to be higher. Shallowing-upward cycles of carbonate platforms

Carbonate platforms respond dramatically to sea-level changes. Left to their own devices, with constant sea level and no subsidence or uplift, platforms will build up to sea level and just above, through progradation of tidal fiats and vertical accretion of shallow subtidal sediments into shallower depths. The typical sequence produced through sedimentation on a platform is thus a shallowing-upward sequence of subtidal through to intertidal and supratidal deposits. A relative drop in sea level will expose the platform to supratidal-subaerial processes, namely sabkha evaporite precipitation if the climate is arid and there is still a source of seawater, or to soil formation, such as calcrete development if a semi-arid climate, or karstification if more humid. With a relative rise in sea-level, subtidal environments are widely established over a platform, with tidal flats at the distant shoreline. There are numerous accounts of shallowingupward cycles in the geologic record, demonstrating that subtidal environments were repeatedly established by the periodic flooding of platforms through transgressive events. For

Shallow-marine carbonate facies examples see Coogan (1969), Wilson (1975), Ginsburg (1975) and Somerville (1979). Detailed studies show that the cycles are not all the same. Microfacies analysis reveals differences within one cycle when traced laterally across a platform, and between cycles in a vertical sequence. Frequently the cycles of one particular stage or substage of a geological period have features in common, which are different in the cycles of a succeeding stage. As an example, the recent work of Gray (1981) can be cited. In the Llangollen area of mid-Wales, shallowing-upward cycles are developed in the Asbian and Brigantian stages of the Upper Dinantian, Lower Carboniferous (Fig. 5). Asbian sediments were deposited in the Llangollen and Oswestry embayments, separated by the Berwyn High. Brigantian sediments were deposited uniformly over the whole area. When cycles are traced towards the platform interior, gradual but distinct changes are observed in addition to a general shorewards thinning of each cycle. Away from the open platform, the transgressive phase (a below fairweather wave base, thin argillaceous packstone-wackestone facies), which forms the lower part of each cycle, gradually reduces in thickness. Sequences of more proximal areas tend to have shallow subtidal (above fairweather wave base) sediments in their lower parts. The


'regressive' phase tidal flat sediments (fenestral, cryptalgal peloidal wackestones) appear to increase in thickness as cycles are traced shorewards and may comprise the whole cycle in very proximal areas. Lateral variations are also seen in the nature of emergence horizons at the top of each cycle: in proximal areas, palaeokarstic surfaces are usually developed (possibly above a calcrete). These pass distally into 'sutured discontinuity surfaces', interpreted as the product of intertidal, rather than wholly subaerial, dissolution and erosion (cf. Read & Grover 1977). The lateral variations in cycle form are primarily a function of the gradient of the platform. The transgressions appear to have been relatively rapid, and during the transgression, a basal bed was developed in distal to medial areas. Sedimentation after the initial transgression was determined by depth, especially relative to wave base (see Fig. 6). Differences between cycles of different stages relate to the magnitude of the transgressions. For example, compared with Asbian cycles, those of the Brigantian are dominated by thin-bedded below wave-base packstones-wackestones. This indicates that the transgressions were more widespread, resulting in a greater depth of water over the platform. Within the Upper Dinantian sequence of mid-

Sutured drscontinu~b/ surface

Sd surface



some dolomite inlraclasts F.... {ral fab.....

I .:.!:.

b ostrome


-~-V ~ e,J co

Planar erosion surface




paiaeokarsl Calcrele I

FIG. 5. Two typical shallowing-upward cycles from the Lower Asbian (Tynant) and Brigantian (Trefor) of the Llangollen area, mid-Wales. Microfacies associations: MA. 1 calcisphere wackestone (tidal-flat facies), MA.2 algal packstone-wackestone (below fairweather wave-base sandy mud and muddy sand facies); MA.3 algal grainstones (shoreface, above wave-base sand facies). After Gray (1981).


M. E. Tucker •,,



erosion dissolution

. . . . .
