Sharan June 2002 - Volkswagen UK

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1 Jun 2002 ... Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited 2002. Issue: 1 ... other beauty of the Sharan is its flexibility .... All manual Sharan models feature a.
Volkswagen Information Service. Telephone 0800 333 666 Internet: © Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited 2002. Issue: 1 June 2002. Printed in UK. PVW000NSB

The Sharan 2 0 0 3

M o d e l

Y e a r

The Sharan. E n g i n e e r i n g for all the family.

Model shown is SL.

6 8 16 22 26 32 34 36 38 42 50 58 62 64 66


Interior Design



The S h a r a n .


The Sharan SL

The Sharan Sport

The Sharan Carat

Optional Equipment Accessories

Colours and Upholstery Technical Specification

Standard Equipment Dimensions and Glossary Volkswagen Service

4 5

Model shown is Sport.






a totally new world of driving. One in which travel itself becomes an experience to savour. Driving is no longer a chore because all around you





comfort. In fact, there’s ample room for the driver and six adult passengers to sit back, relax and enjoy their individually formed ‘business class’ seats. But the other beauty of the Sharan is its flexibility – by removing the rear seats you can open up a massive 2,610 cubic litres of storage space.

6 7

Model shown is Carat.

Raise your e x p e c t a t i o n s and have them f u l f i l l e d .

8 9

Model shown is Sport.

10 11

Model shown is the Sport fitted with optional parking sensor, front and rear electronic climate control and ESP.

When travelling in the

The storage compartment

The front and middle windows

The height-adjustable driver’s

in the centre console is softly

can be electrically operated

seat is standard on all models.

lined to prevent rattling.

via switches in the driver’s

Sport and Carat models also

door. Standard on Sport and

have a height-adjustable front

Carat models.

passenger seat.

The styling of the Sharan is

other reasons why it’s such a joy

Sharan, you’ll enjoy a different

extremely resourceful. It manages

to get behind the wheel of the

perspective of the world. There

to blend a compact exterior size

Sharan. Like the convenient

are two reasons for this – the

with a spacious interior, allowing

position of all the switches and

large areas of glazing and the

great comfort and freedom for

controls, plus the attractive

high positioning of the seats.

both driver and passengers. In

design and high quality materials

The result is improved all-round

fact, its overall size is comparable

throughout the interior. But the

vision for the driver and excellent

with a medium sized saloon car,

optical highlight must surely be

views of the passing scenery for

thereby ensuring that the Sharan

the instrument dials – edged in

your passengers.

remains manoeuvrable and easy

chrome with red needles and a

to drive. But there are plenty of

fetching blue illumination.

12 13

The middle row of three seats folds down to allow easy access to the two rear seats. Model shown is the Sport fitted with optional front and rear electronic climate control and ESP.

As you climb aboard the

Choose a Sharan and

Sharan, you’ll immediately notice

you’ll also gain great versatility.

business meeting or a family

three things – space, comfort

Because with a few simple steps

picnic. You can even specify

and quality. Every model in the

you can transform your car from

180˚ rotating front seats* as

Sharan range is equipped with

a spacious saloon to a vehicle

an optional extra, allowing

five single seats in the rear. And

capable of transporting large,

you to face your companions

with wide opening doors, it’s

bulky items.

around a table.

extremely easy for your passengers to get in and out of the Sharan.

formed which is ideal for a

When the rear seats are folded down, a useful table is

* Not available on 4MOTION or automatic models.

Each of the five rear seats can be

As an option at extra cost, you can

folded down to reveal a table top

specify 180° rotating front seats.

with integrated cup holder.

Not available on 4MOTION or automatic models.

When you need to transport the bulkiest of items, the Sharan

small feature that highlights

is at your disposal. Its ingenious

the attention to detail in

seats can either fold down or

the Sharan.

be removed altogether, creating

Luggage can be securely fastened through the pre-fitted tying loops.

and damaged. It’s just another

Loading and unloading

a huge 2,610 cubic litres of

often means sliding items on

capacity, according to ISO 3832.

the lip of the boot, which can

Once removed, the seat sockets

damage the paintwork. Not

have their own covers to ensure

with the Sharan, as it’s fitted

that no luggage will get caught

with a specially designed loading edge protector.

Need room for large, bulky items? Why not use your Sharan?

Please note that leather upholstery is optional at extra cost, 180° rotating front seats are not available on 4MOTION or automatic models.

14 15

Volkswagen s a f e t y provides m a x i m u m peace of mind.

16 17

Model shown is Sport.

The chassis works in harmony with the suspension by ironing out Performance can be viewed

uneven road surfaces, providing a

in many different ways. Some

smooth ride along a straight road,

look for top speed, others seek

but also perfect balance through

acceleration statistics. At

a corner.

Volkswagen we also include

Braking is also a feature that

engine efficiency, roadholding

we are justifiably proud of in the

and safety. We believe such a

Sharan. Its short stopping distance

measurement is a more accurate

is achieved through an advanced

reflection of the Sharan’s superior

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)


that works in conjunction with

The chassis, for example,

Electronic Brake-pressure

is extremely rigid, so that in the

Distribution (EBD). This system

event of an accident, damage

regulates the front and rear brake

is minimised and controlled

pressure via the ABS system.

around the inner survival zone.

Volkswagen’s Electronic

Its strength also helps create

Stabilisation Programme (ESP)

the kind of roadholding that

is standard on V6 models and

sets the Sharan apart from

optional on certain other engines.*

the competition.

This intelligent system detects critical situations developing, such as understeer. It responds in milliseconds by applying the brakes to individual wheels and automatically adjusting the engine’s power.

* Please refer to page 62 for details.

Electronic Stabilisation Programme (ESP) is available as an optional extra.

18 19

identify the most vulnerable

equally important role. Airbags

active safety features that help

areas. These areas then received

have been one of the most

you avoid accidents in the first

added strength, like the vertical

significant safety advancements

instance, the Sharan is also

fixed supports and columns that

in recent years and the Sharan

equipped with many passive

are developed to absorb energy.

not only benefits from driver’s

safety features. Passive features

After computer simulations,

and front passenger’s airbags,

are there to protect you in the

actual crash test scenarios were

but also front seat side airbags

unfortunate event of an accident.

performed to verify effectiveness.

to provide added protection for

The results are clear to see – the

the driver and front passenger.

protection begins with the

Sharan surpasses the strictest

Following an accident, airbags

immense strength built into its

safety conditions with ease.

activate in milliseconds to

Whilst ABS and ESP are

The Sharan’s great

design. The crash optimised bodywork was initially conceived

When it comes to the highest protection, airbags play an

cushion the front occupants

Middle row, centre seat three-point seat belts are standard on all Sharan models.

and minimise any injuries.

by computer simulations to

The seat belts in the Sharan

20 The integrated child seat has three

are designed for maximum

settings suited to children between

comfort and protection. The

9-18 kg, 15-25 kg and 22-36 kg. The seat shown has been set up for

driver’s and front passenger’s seat

The proven safety of ABS

Front airbags are standard to protect

Seat-mounted side airbags are also

(Anti-lock Braking System) is

the driver and front seat passenger.

standard, protecting the driver and

standard on all Sharan models.

front passenger from side impact.

children classified by ECE-R 44 in

belts are height-adjustable. All

child safety seats. These seats take

seven seats are equipped with

away all the hassle of installing

three-point belts, with the outer

and removing a traditional child

belts on the middle row also

seat. Two are fitted as standard to

being height-adjustable.

the Sharan SL model (in the outer

class 1 (9-18 kg). Please refer to the safety section of the Sharan Owner’s Manual for operating instructions.

seats of the middle row) and up

Isofix child safety seat to be fixed

an adjustable head restraint,

to two more can be fitted as an

securely to the Sharan. Please

not just for comfort, but as

optional extra. On Sport and

note that the Isofix mounting

a safety measure in the event

Carat models, up to four seats can

system is not available with

of a collision.

be fitted as optional extras. There

integrated child seats. In

is also the innovative Isofix child

addition, all rear doors are

members of your family receives

seat mounting system which

fitted with child locks.

special attention with integrated

allows the Volkswagen approved

Every seat is fitted with

Protecting the youngest


The summit of engineering e x c e l l e n c e . The Sharan V6.

22 23

Model shown is Carat.

As an alternative there are

Both TDI PD engines produce

you’ll experience a method of

four further engines available –

excellent torque, resulting in

travel that’s hugely different from

two petrol and two diesel. As a

good pulling power and reduced

your average saloon. Add a V6

choice of petrol engines, there’s

exhaust emissions.

engine and you have a unique

a 2.0 litre 115 bhp unit available

mode of transport. One that

for the SL, or a more powerful

relaxed driving of an automatic

can cruise effortlessly along a

turbocharged 1.8 litre version,

transmission, there are two options

motorway in refined comfort, yet

developing 150 bhp, for the SL

available. A 4 speed automatic

deliver impressive acceleration

and Sport.

for the 2.0 litre petrol engine or

When you drive a Sharan,

and speed when required.

Two diesels are available

Our highly efficient 1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp engine benefits from turbocharging and ‘Pumpe Düse’ technology.

For those who prefer the

a 5 speed automatic tiptronic

for the Sharan, both 1.9 litre,

available for the 1.8T, V6 or

is a powerful 2.8 litre capacity

both featuring Volkswagen’s new

1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp.

that develops an appetising

‘Pumpe Düse’ (PD) technology

Diesels have long been

204 bhp. Its torque is equally

that is capable of producing an

associated with outstanding fuel

exciting, delivering 265 Nm at

injection pressure of over 2,000 bar.

economy, saving money through

The secret of the V6 engine


just 3,400 rpm, thereby providing

more miles per gallon. But have

great flexibility throughout the

you ever considered a diesel

performance. For example,

range of the 6 speed gearbox.

because of its performance?

the 1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp

Experience one of the latest

can reach 112 mph, where the

generation diesels from

law permits, accelerate from

Volkswagen and you’ll be

0 - 62 mph in 13.7 seconds, yet

in for a pleasant surprise.

return 42.8 mpg* over the

been a ‘pilot injection’ system.

We’ve patented a number of

Combined fuel cycle. Air cooling

This ignites a minuscule amount

technological breakthroughs

and variable turbo geometry add

of fuel before the actual combustion

such as the ‘Pumpe Düse’

to its performance capability,

and serves to reduce engine noise.

injection technique that injects

allowing a smooth supply of

It means that the quietness and

fuel under extreme pressure direct

power even at low revolutions.

smoothness of Volkswagen’s latest


A further advancement has

into the combustion chamber.

generation diesels makes them

This results in a much more

hardly distinguishable from a

efficient combustion process,

petrol engine.

thereby combining low fuel All manual Sharan models feature a 6 speed gearbox to obtain maximum efficiency from the available power.

consumption with excellent

* According to EU Directive 99/94. Please see pages 58 and 59 for fuel consumption figures.

Pure q u a l i t y . Whether you measure it in millimetres or years.

26 27

Model shown is Carat.

Narrow gaps are a sure sign of the highest build quality.

There are numerous ways of measuring the quality of a car. One is to drive it for many years


and see how it withstands the test


of time. The easier way is to look closely at its build quality. Study the Sharan and you’ll

We also take several other measures to ensure your Sharan retains its attractive looks. Like

see the signs of true quality – small,

zinc treatment to corrosion

consistent gaps between each and

endangered areas and hot wax

every panel. Each single part is

flooding in all hollow spaces to

constructed to the highest standard

prevent damp penetration.

and fits like a jigsaw to create a

To ensure gleaming

chassis with immense strength

paintwork for many years to

and rigidity.

come, we subject every Sharan to several layers of paint. Finally, all Sharans come with a 6-year body protection warranty, giving you added peace of mind.

You can fit an enormous amount into the Sharan. Like a c o m p r e h e n s i v e range of standard equipment.

30 31

Model shown is Sport.

32 33

The Sharan S L .

An MPV can provide the

integrated child safety seats, four

remote central locking, heat

space, comfort and practicality

airbags, three-point seat belts and

insulated tinted glass, electric

required for business needs or the

adjustable head restraints for all

rear vent windows, and a

growing family. Decide upon the

seven seats.

multifunction computer.

Sharan SL and you’ll appreciate

The standard equipment list

And to power your Sharan

the many standard features others

continues with air conditioning, an

SL you can choose from two

would class as extras, such as two

alarm with interior protection and

petrol and two diesel engines.

With central locking, all doors

Manual air conditioning, combined

The electric rear vent windows can

can be locked from the inside

with a dust and pollen filter, gives

be operated from the comfort of

at the touch of a button.

a pleasant driving environment.

the front seats. Standard on SL and optional on Sport and Carat models.

34 35

Model shown is the Sport fitted with optional parking sensor, front and rear electronic climate control and ESP.

The Sharan S p o r t . Take one look at the The Sharan Sport epitomises

sports seats, front fog lights,

everyday driving. Its character

Sharan Sport and its intentions

dash-mounted 6 CD autochanger,

engineering excellence. It manages

stems from a choice of two highly

are perfectly clear – 16 inch

‘Cosmo’ cloth upholstery, and a

to combine the practical side of

capable engines – a 1.8 litre

‘Magny-Cours’ alloy wheels,

leather rimmed steering wheel.

owning an MPV with the style

20V Turbo or a 1.9 litre TDI PD

sports suspension, height-

But why not make up your own

and performance that inspires

115 bhp with ‘Pumpe Düse’

adjustable front sports seats

mind with a test drive at your

injection system.

with lumbar support, rear

local Volkswagen retailer?

‘Magny-Cours’ 16" alloy wheels

Front fog lights are

with 215/55 tyres are standard

standard on the Sport.

on the Sport.

The Sharan C a r a t .

If you are chauffeuring The Sharan Carat is a

VIPs, you can remove one of the

sophisticated traveller. It blends

rear seats and fit comfortable

the latest technology with a

armrests to the remaining 4 seats,

luxurious specification.

creating an even more spacious

The signs are there when you

and relaxing environment. This

view its gleaming paintwork and

is made even more inviting by

16 inch ‘Magny-Cours’ alloy wheels.

electronic climate control that

But it’s from the inside where you’ll

even has its own temperature

truly appreciate its limousine

setting for the rear compartment.

qualities. For example, you’ll find

Naturally, there are

sumptuous Leather/Alcantara

electrically-adjustable front

trimmed seats complemented

and middle windows (the rear

by walnut wood inserts around

vent windows open manually),

the dashboard, doors, gear knob

dash-mounted 6 CD autochanger,


and ashtray lid.

electrically-adjustable and heated


door mirrors, heated front seats and carpet mats throughout. So next time, why not travel in style?

The walnut wood trim extends to the doors on the Carat.

Walnut wood inserts are typical of the exclusive finish throughout the Carat.

Model shown is the Carat 1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp with optional front and rear electronic climate control.

Choices are never easy, but they’re so much b e t t e r when it’s the r i g h t one.

38 39

Navigation/radio systems Electric glass sunroof

The combined satellite

This sunroof is easy to

navigation and radio unit with

operate thanks to automatic

colour screen offers route guidance

pre-selection. Just turn the

via the display of road maps, route

dial and let the sunroof open

information, spoken instructions

to your desired setting.

and visual arrow symbols in the

When the sunroof is open,

centre of the instrument panel.

a wind deflector automatically

Radio functions and control of

extends to reduce buffeting and

the optional 6 CD autochanger

a blind prevents dazzling from

are also provided. The navigation

A glass electric sunroof

Radio and satellite navigation system with colour screen.

Please note the separate

CD reader is mounted in the top

front-loading single CD player,

of the unit. Please note that the

dash-mounted 6 CD autochanger

unit will only accept navigation

or navigation/radio system are

CDs and NOT audio CDs.

not available in conjunction with

appreciate that the rear passengers

Available as a factory-fitted

each other.

may prefer a different temperature

option at extra cost on Sport

air conditioning, you can opt

setting than the front. You can

and Carat models.

Automatic dimming

for electronic climate control on

specify front and rear electronic

rear-view mirror

SL and Sport models. Climate

climate control on Sport and Carat

the monochrome navigation

control electronically monitors

models, giving the rear passengers

system, radio and CD player

rear-view mirror is designed to

the temperature to your desired

their own temperature control

in one unit. Route guidance

stop you becoming dazzled from

setting. Climate control is not

and vents. Please note that

is supplied via arrow symbols

behind. If light is judged excessive,

only useful on warm summer days,

this option is not available

in both the unit and a display

it will darken.

it can also help rapidly demist a

in conjunction with electric

in the centre of the instrument

windscreen in damp conditions.

rear vent windows or sunroof.

panel together with audible

the sun. Please note that this

provides a refreshing atmosphere.

option is not available in Climate control – front and rear

conjunction with 4MOTION

With the Sharan, we

or front and rear electronic climate control.

Climate control As an alternative to manual

The automatic dimming

Navigation, radio and CD player in one unit with monochrome screen.

40 41

Alternatively you can choose

With a parking sensor you’ll have

Cruise control helps take the

more spaces to choose from.

strain out of long journeys.

recommendations. The CD slot can be used for music CDs when the navigation system is not

The automatic dimming interior

Electronic climate control consistently

Front and rear electronic climate

rear-view mirror darkens if a

maintains your desired temperature.

control accommodates the needs

following car’s lights are too high.

of the rear passengers.

Parking sensor This ingenious system makes

Cruise control For relaxed motorway

in use. In addition, this system

parking in the smallest spaces so

driving, cruise control is the

will also operate the Volkswagen

much easier. Sensors in the front

perfect answer. Operational

optional 6 CD autochanger. The

and rear bumpers operate by

at speeds above approximately

monochrome navigation system

ultrasound and emit a bleep.

20 mph, the system can be set

is available as a factory-fitted

As objects get closer, the sound

to maintain a constant speed.

option at extra cost on Sport

signal becomes more frequent.

and Carat models.

With a choice of accessories, the Sharan becomes an i n t e g r a l part of your l i f e s t y l e .

42 43

Model shown is Carat.

Whether for aesthetic appeal or greater practicality, the Volkswagen accessories range

If you seek maximum

could have the answer for those

performance from your

who desire something extra.

Volkswagen, the sports range

All items are specifically designed for Volkswagen models to ensure a harmonious fit.

If you’d like to complement your Sharan’s stylish lines and

is sure to appeal.

Quality hi-fi All Sharan models are

add a touch of individuality,

equipped with a high quality

roof spoiler that is wind tunnel

why not consider alloy wheels?

radio/cassette player – the

tested to achieve maximum

The 17 inch ‘Estemo’ is precision

8 speaker ‘Beta’ in the Sharan

aerodynamic efficiency.

engineered from lightweight alloy

SL and the 10 speaker ‘Gamma’

for performance, durability and

in all other models.

Take, for example, the

aesthetic appeal. Our anti-theft wheel bolts

If you’d like to add a CD facility, tested and installed to

(Part No. ZGB 7M0 071 591 A) will

Volkswagen standards, here’s

keep them securely in place.

your chance. You can choose

Front-loading CD player. Part No. 1J0 057 119 C

either a single, front-loading

44 45

CD player that fits neatly into the second DIN slot or, alternatively, a 6 CD capacity autochanger for hours of uninterrupted entertainment.

Roof spoiler. Part No. 7M0 071 640 B 9AX

Estemo 8J x 17. Part No. 7D4 071 492 666

6 CD autochanger. Part No. 1J5 057 111 A

Please note the head restraints shown are for 2001 model year. 2003 model year head restraints are tubular, not solid. See pages 12-13 for illustration.

Heavy duty loadliner (requires removal of third row of seats). Part No. 7M0 061 160 Flexible loadliner (fits behind third row of seats). Part No. 7M0 061 160 B Bobsy G3 booster seat with removable back (not shown). Suitable for

Cleaning made easy

children of approximately 4 to 12 years or for a weight of 17-36 kg. Base Part No. 000 019 904 B Sleep support Part No. 000 019 905 B

As the proud owner of a

an extensive range of protective

Sharan, we appreciate that you’ll

products. You can choose from

want to maintain it in first-class

rubber mats, mudflaps or a choice

condition. At Volkswagen we

of two highly practical loadliners.

believe the easiest way to protect

All designed to minimise dirt and

your Sharan is to restrict dirt in

make light work of cleaning.

46 47

Protecting the youngest passengers Volkswagen is at the industry

safety seat to be fixed securely to

forefront when it comes to child

the Sharan, and is suitable for

safety and the development

children aged between 8 months

of Isofix, an innovative child

and 4 years or a weight of 9-18 kg.

safety system, is proof of our

the first place. So we’ve developed

The G1 ISOFIX DUO is just

commitment to safety. The

one of the child safety seats in the

Isofix child seat mounting

Bobsy range. Three other seats, the

system allows the Volkswagen

G2, the G3 and the G1-3 cater for a

approved ISOFIX DUO child

wider age range. Please ask your retailer for further information.

Please note the head restraints shown are for 2001 model year. 2003 model year head restraints are tubular, not solid. See pages 12-13 for illustration.


Rubber mat sets.

Headlight protectors.

Front Part No. 7M0 075 101 A

Front Part No. ZGB 7M3 061 501

Part No. ZGB 7M3 072 100

Rear Part No. 7M0 075 111 A

Other sections also available. Please ask your retailer for details.

Ski/Snowboard holder

Ski holder (holds 6 pairs or 3 pairs using

(4 pairs skis/2 snowboards max).

only two fitments, leaving room for other

Hydraulic bicycle lift (two shown).

Part No. 3B0 071 129

equipment such as a bicycle carrier or a

Part No. 4D0 071 128 D

(6 pairs skis/4 snowboards max).

Davos ski and luggage box).

Part No. 3B0 071 129 A

Part No. 357 071 129 A

Roof bars. Part No. 7M0 071 151

48 49

Rear bike rack. For transport of three bicycles and a maximum weight of 45 kg. Not in conjunction with rear roof spoiler. Part No. 7M0 071 104 B

Practical travel solutions The Sharan is desired for its

This removes the need for

fine engineering, practical qualities

or simply additional holiday

any additional fixing holes or

and flexible accommodation. But,

luggage. So why not consider

external mountings that could

occasionally, you may wish to

the Volkswagen roof system?

possibly damage your paintwork.

retain its comfortable interior seats,

The system is based on two

In a matter of seconds the bars

yet still carry additional loads such

roof bars that attach to the

fix firmly in place and can hold

as bikes, windsurf boards, skis,

roof rails.

a variety of attachments – from a bike rack to a luggage box.

Please note the head restraints shown are for 2001 model year. 2003 model year head restraints are tubular, not solid. See pages 12-13 for illustration.

Polar 500 ski and luggage box. Part No. 191 071 170 B


What is your children’s f a v o u r i t e colour?

Please note that black roof rails are fitted as standard to all Sharan models.


Exterior paintwork.

Non-Metallic paint

Black (A1)

Cool White (B7)

Tornado Red (G2)

Metallic paint*

52 53

Satin Silver (X1)

Pearl Effect paint*

Bright Green (T3)

Please note: The print process does not allow for exact reproduction of the paint colours. For further details, please contact your Volkswagen retailer. * Metallic and Pearl Effect paint are optional at extra cost.

Green Collection (6F)

Indigo Blue (7D)

Blue Atmosphere (7E)

A choice of upholstery.

SL ‘Tools’ cloth

Flannel Grey (BP)

Anthracite (BQ)

Flannel Grey/Flannel Grey (DT)

Anthracite/Anthracite (DU)

Sport ‘Cosmo’ sports seats

Blue/Anthracite (DV)

Red/Anthracite (DW)

Green/Anthracite (DX)

54 55 Carat Leather/Alcantara sports seats

Flannel Grey (JV)

Anthracite (JW)

Beige (JX)

Flannel Grey (YM)

Anthracite (YN)

Beige (YP)

Sport, Carat Optional leather sports seats

Please note: The print process does not allow for exact reproduction of the upholstery colours. For further details, please contact your Volkswagen retailer.


rl E ffec t 7E * Pea ere Blu

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rl E ffec t 6F * Gre

en C olle ctio

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rl E ffec t T 3* Pea Brig

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rM eta llic X1* Sat

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G2 Red Torn


ite Coo

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A1 ck Bla

hbo Das

Flannel Grey


Flannel Grey

Anthracite/Flannel Grey





Flannel Grey/Flannel Grey


Flannel Grey

Anthracite/Flannel Grey

















Flannel Grey


Flannel Grey

Anthracite/Flannel Grey









Flannel Grey


Flannel Grey

Anthracite/Flannel Grey














t up hols t



Colour combinations.

SL – ‘Tools’ cloth

Sport – ‘Cosmo’ sports seats

Carat – Leather/Alcantara sports seats1

Sport, Carat – Optional leather sports seats1

 Standard 1

µ Optional at extra cost

– Not available

Consists of: leather upper surface of seat base and backrest, leather door panel centre and door pull, front part of head restraints and top part of front and rear armrests, leather rimmed steering wheel, handbrake grip and gear lever gaiter (not auto).

Please note: * Metallic and Pearl Effect paint are optional at extra cost.

56 57

Technical specification.


SL, Sport



SL, Sport, Carat

2.0 litre 115 bhp

1.8 litre 20V Turbo

2.8 litre V6, V6 4MOTION

1.9 litre TDI PD 90 bhp

1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp

Front transversely mounted

Front transversely mounted

Front transversely mounted

Front transversely mounted 4 cylinder in-line – diesel,

4 cylinder in-line – petrol, cast

4 cylinder in-line – petrol, cast

6 cylinder 15˚ ‘V’ – petrol, cast iron

cast iron cylinder block, alloy cylinder head with single

iron cylinder block, alloy cylinder

iron cylinder block, alloy cylinder

cylinder block, single alloy cylinder head

overhead camshaft

head with single overhead

head with double overhead

with one camshaft per bank, variable


Number of valves



valve timing

2 per cylinder

5 per cylinder

4 per cylinder

2 per cylinder

2 per cylinder

Cubic capacity, ltrs/cc






Bore/stroke, mm






Max. output, bhp/kw





















Compression ratio

10.5 : 1

9.5 : 1

10.5 : 1

18.0 : 1

18.0 : 1


Multipoint injection

Multipoint injection

Multipoint injection,

Direct injection

Direct injection

Turbocharger with intercooler

variable inlet manifold

Turbocharger with intercooler

Turbocharger with intercooler

at rpm Max. torque, lbs.ft/Nm at rpm





Exhaust emission control

Regulated catalyst

Regulated catalyst

Regulated catalyst

Unregulated catalyst

Unregulated catalyst

Fuel grade, minimum

Premium 95 RON unleaded

Premium 95 RON unleaded

Premium 95 RON unleaded



Battery, V/A (Ah)

12/280 (60)

12/280 (60)

12/340 (70)

12/340 (70)

12/340 (70)

Alternator, amps






58 59

Transmission: Gearbox

Four wheel drive 1

Front wheel drive

Front wheel drive

Front wheel drive

6 spd man

6 spd man

6 spd man 5 spd auto 6 spd man

4 spd auto

5 spd auto tiptronic

Front wheel drive

Front wheel drive

6 spd man

6 spd man 5 spd auto



Performance (with half payload): Top speed, mph (km/h) (where law permits)

110 (177)

107 (173)

124 (199)

121 (195)

135 (217)

132 (212)

133 (214)

103 (166)

112 (181)

110 (177)

Acceleration, secs 0 - 62 mph











ABI insurance group











Environmental information: Official fuel consumption according to EU Directive 99/94, mpg/ltr per 100 km Urban

































Fuel tank capacity, galls/ltrs




Official CO 2 emission, g/km*











Noise, dB












V6 4MOTION only.

* Please see page 67 for further information on CO 2 emissions.



Specifications subject to change without notice. Information correct as at 1 June 2002. Please note: All data subject to manufacturer’s tolerances.

Technical specification.


SL, Sport



SL, Sport, Carat

2.0 litre 115 bhp

1.8 litre 20V Turbo

2.8 litre V6, V6 4MOTION

1.9 litre TDI PD 90 bhp

1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp

Running gear: Front axle

McPherson suspension struts with lower wishbones. Anti-roll bar

McPherson suspension struts with lower wishbones. Anti-roll bar

Rear axle, two wheel drive

Coil springs with telescopic shock absorbers, semi-trailing arms

Coil springs with telescopic shock absorbers, semi-trailing arms with subframe. Anti-roll bar

with subframe. Anti-roll bar Haldex rear differential 1

four wheel drive Steering

Power-assisted rack and pinion

Power-assisted rack and pinion

Power-assisted rack and pinion

Power-assisted rack and pinion

Power-assisted rack and pinion

Brake system

ABS with EBD

ABS with EBD

ABS with EBD

ABS with EBD

ABS with EBD

Diagonally split circuits

Diagonally split circuits

Diagonally split circuits

Diagonally split circuits

Diagonally split circuits

Servo assisted

Servo assisted

Servo assisted

Servo assisted

Servo assisted

Front Rear

ESP – Electronic Stabilisation Programme

Ventilated discs

Ventilated discs

Ventilated discs

Ventilated discs

Ventilated discs











Wheel size

6J x 16

6J x 16 2

7J x 16

6J x 16

6J x 16 3

Wheel type


Steel 2

Alloy ‘Magny-Cours’


Steel 3

215/55 R16 95W

195/60 R16 C99/97H

195/60 R16 C99/97H 3

Full size steel

Full size steel

Full size steel 3

Turning circle, ft/m Wheels and tyres:

Tyre size

195/60 R16 C99/97H

195/60 R16 C99/97H

Spare wheel

Full size steel

Full size steel




Weights, lbs/kgs: Front wheel drive

Front wheel drive

6 spd man

6 spd man

6 spd man 5 spd auto 6 spd man

4 spd auto

5 spd auto tiptronic

Unladen weight

Four wheel drive 1

Front wheel drive

Front wheel drive

Front wheel drive

6 spd man

6 spd man 5 spd auto













Gross vehicle weight











Payload †











Axle load limit:























Trailer load limits, lbs/kgs: Braked 12% incline












Towbar load






Max. roof load






Max. luggage capacity, cu.ft (litres):

VDA measuring method using 200 x 100 x 50 mm blocks

VDA measuring method using 200 x 100 x 50 mm blocks

Without rear seats, loaded to the roof

92 (2610)

92 (2610)

92 (2610)

92 (2610)

92 (2610)

Without 3rd row of seats

30 (852)

30 (852)

30 (852)

30 (852)

30 (852)

With 3rd row of seats

9 (256)

9 (256)

9 (256)

9 (256)

9 (256)


V6 4MOTION only.


7J x 16 ‘Magny-Cours’ alloy wheels with 215/55 R16 95H tyres and full size steel spare wheel on Sport.


7J x 16 ‘Magny-Cours’ alloy wheels with 215/55 R16 95H tyres and full size steel spare wheel on Sport and Carat.

Figures quoted are maximum weights.

Specifications subject to change without notice. Information correct as at 1 June 2002. Please note: All data subject to manufacturer’s tolerances.


Anti-lock brakes

Sports suspension


Driver’s airbag


Front passenger’s airbag

Front seat side impact airbags

With interior protection

Alarm: Body: Central locking:



Electric front with roll back safety system

Electric middle

Manual rear vent windows



Electric rear vent windows





Functional Equipment (continued):

Safety and Security







Standard equipment.

Door side impact protection

2 speed with wash/wipe and intermittent wipe with adjustable delay

Rigid safety cell with front and rear crumple zones

Heated windscreen washer jets

With security protection and radio wave remote control

Rear screen wash/wipe with intermittent delay


Electronic engine immobiliser, coded transponder



Electronic Stabilisation Programme 1 (standard with V6)




Head restraints:

Front and rear adjustable

High level third brake light

Front, middle and rear

Integrated child seats, 2 child seats with slumber rolls, 2nd row, outer



Cup holder:

Front x 2

Isofix child seat preparation (not available with integrated child seats)


Air conditioning, manual – rear heater with separate control

Seat belts:

Front height-adjustable three-point seat belts with tensioners

Air conditioning, electronic climate control – rear heater control



2nd row, outer, individual height-adjustable three-point inertia reel

Speedo and rev counter, electronic odometer and trip, service

2nd row, centre, individual three-point inertia reel

interval display, fuel and temperature gauge, low fuel warning

3rd row, individual three-point inertia reel

light, blue adjustable panel illumination

Interior Equipment and Styling: Carpet mats:


Front and middle

Rear reading lights x 4

Interior lighting: With time delay and front passenger reading light Functional Equipment: Manually adjustable, black

Luggage compartment lights

Electrically heated and adjustable, black


Footwell illumination for driver and front passenger

Electrically heated and adjustable, housing painted in body colour

Luggage cover:



Dust and pollen filter

Luggage protection strips in chrome



Door mirrors:

Multifunction, single and total journey memories

Front, with height adjustment

Driver’s Both


Information given on: Driving time, average fuel consumption,

Front, centre armrests

instantaneous fuel consumption, distance driven, average speed

Front, with lumbar adjustment



Front, sports seats


Front, heated (in conjunction with leather upholstery)


Electric height adjustment

Rear, removable, reclining backrests and fore and aft adjustment x 5

Combined headlight and fog light switch

Rear, sports, removable, reclining backrests and fore and aft adjustment x 5

Heated rear window

Removable armrests 3


‘Beta’ radio/cassette with 4 digit security code and flashing LED

Steering wheel:

Height and reach adjustable


2 x 20 watt output with FM/MW manual/seek tuning, RDS/EON

Leather rimmed (in conjunction with leather pack)



Glovebox with illumination, lockable

GALA adjustable vehicle speed-responsive volume control

Centre dash-mounted storage area with lid, including sunglasses storage

8 speakers and rear side window aerial

Passenger’s side storage area with lid, located above airbag

and external temperature Front fog lights Headlights:

Auto reverse mechanical tape deck

Front door pockets

4 x 20 watt output with FM/MW manual/seek tuning, RDS/EON

Rear door pockets

Logic tape deck with ‘Dolby’ and MSS Music Search System

Rear storage areas

‘Tools’ cloth

‘Cosmo’ cloth

‘Gamma’ radio/cassette with 4 digit security code and flashing LED


GALA adjustable vehicle speed-responsive volume control


10 speakers and rear side window aerial 

Power-assisted steering

 Vanity mirrors:


Passenger’s side

ESP is not available on 1.8 litre 20V Turbo and 1.9 TDI PD models with automatic tiptronic gearboxes.

Warning display: Graphic display for door or tailgate open


Not in conjunction with front and rear electronic climate control air conditioning.

12V socket in luggage compartment


Armrests can only be used with 4 rear seats and must be removed when using all 5 rear seats.

¥ Standard 1


µ Optional

– Not available

Carat models have 215/55 R16 95W tyres with 2.8 litre V6 and V6 4MOTION engines and 215/55 R16 95H tyres with 1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp engines.

Driver’s and passenger’s side, illuminated

62 63





Glossary. rt

Standard equipment.


Painted in body colour with black bump strip

Door handles:


Exterior Equipment and Styling:

ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)

Front grille painted in body colour

Roof rails:

Side rubbing strips, black

Tinted glass:

Heat insulating, green

Heat insulating, 35% tinted from B pillar backwards




Painted in body colour



full size steel spare wheel 7J x 16 ‘Magny-Cours’ alloy wheels with 215/55 R16 95H tyres, anti-theft wheel bolts and full size steel spare wheel

¥ Standard 4

µ Optional

4MOTION is a new four wheel

wheels from locking during heavy

system which includes the ‘Haldex’

situation, ESP reacts by braking

or emergency braking, enabling

coupling mounted in the rear axle.

the outer front or inner rear

This ‘Haldex’ coupling

values and, according to the

wheel (according to direction

When braking, wheel speed sensors

contains an electronically and

of slip) and automatically

measure the road wheel speed and,

hydraulically controlled multi-

adjusting the engine’s output.

should one or more wheels start

plate clutch that allows the

to lock, the system reduces brake

engine power to be transferred to

pressure to that wheel.

the wheels with the best traction.


7J x 16 ‘Magny-Cours’ alloy wheels with 215/55 R16 95W tyres, anti-theft wheel bolts and full size steel spare wheel

of the vehicle with predetermined

The ABS system prevents the

the vehicle to remain steerable.

6J x 16 steel wheels with 195/60 R16 C99/97H tyres and

4MOTION with ‘Haldex’ coupling

steering characteristics when

distribution of the drive between

accelerating on road surfaces

the front and rear axles and

where each wheel has a different

transponder’ fitted within the

because the system is electronically

degree of traction. The system

ignition key. When an attempt is

controlled, it gives the optimum

operates automatically and is

made to start the engine, the engine

traction for all driving situations.

combined with the ABS system.

Engine Immobiliser

215/55 R16 95H tyres with 1.9 litre TDI PD 115 bhp engines.

Each car has a unique ‘code

Exterior dimensions.

EDL improves driving and

The coupling constantly regulates

– Not available

Carat models have 215/55 R16 95W tyres with 2.8 litre V6 and V6 4MOTION engines and

EDL (Electronic Differential Lock)

64 65

The Sharan:

management system interrogates 1530

The advantages of the

Using the ABS wheel sensors,

the transponder and if the incorrect

4MOTION system are as follows:-

EDL monitors the speed of the

code is received (i.e. the wrong key

Front wheel drive characteristics,

individual driving wheels.

is used), the engine will not run.

very quick response, no drive

When a difference in driving

train ‘wind-up’ when parking,

wheel speed is detected (i.e. when

compatible with different tyre sizes

one wheel starts to spin due

(e.g. space-saver temporary spare

to differences in road surfaces,

additional data sent by the

wheel). Allows car to be towed with

e.g. due to water or ice), the

station to display the name of

the axle raised off the ground.

system brakes the spinning wheel,


1454 1151

RDS (Radio Data System) The radio receiver uses 1530


) 729-939




n.A.*/875 9 -108 905


the station you are listening to 1730/1759


(95 959


9) 1

06)1 8(10 103




transferring engine power to the

and, given poor reception, it will

ESP (Electronic Stabilisation

wheel with the best traction. EDL

retune the selected station to an


is active in forward and reverse.


alternative frequency if available.

ESP is designed to stabilise

The system can also provide local

the dynamic handling response

EON (Enhanced information

traffic reports, interrupting the

of the vehicle by counteracting

concerning Other Networks)

current station, CD or cassette

any tendency towards oversteer

if required.

or understeer. The ESP constantly

announcements within a traffic

compares the actual movement

programme area are put through.

2841 4634 All figures in millimetres.

Ensures that all traffic

Approved Accessories. A comprehensive range of accessories from alloy wheels to carpet mats is

Volkswagen service for your p e a c e of mind.

The Volkswagen Warranty.

Every new car is registered for

fitted option list. Volkswagen Approved

Volkswagen Assistance for 1 year.

accessories purchased and fitted by

This provides vehicle recovery in the

Some illustrations in this brochure

your Volkswagen retailer at the point

unlikely event of a breakdown (subject

do not necessarily reflect UK

of vehicle sale will also benefit from

to conditions). Volkswagen Assistance

specifications and may not be

the 3-year vehicle warranty.

can also be purchased for subsequent

available. Consequently, controls

years. For full details, please contact

and some items of equipment are

your Volkswagen retailer.

positioned differently for the UK.

Volkswagen Insurance.

Please Note:

Competitive insurance premiums

3-year Warranty. All Volkswagen Sharans come with a 3-year/60,000 miles warranty, which protects your car against

Volkswagen Assistance.

available to complement the factory-

3-year Paint Warranty.

Service Intervals for Petrol and

are available to Volkswagen owners

Diesel Engines.

Tax Free Sales.

The specifications contained in this

through Volkswagen Insurance Service

For full details, please contact your

brochure are for information purposes

Volkswagen has always been dedicated

(Great Britain) Limited. Volkswagen

Volkswagen retailer.

only and are subject to change. If you

the failure of most mechanical

The paintwork of the Sharan is

to protecting the environment. That’s why

Insurance guarantee that all repair

and electrical components due to

covered against manufacturing

many Volkswagen Sharans now come

work is undertaken by an authorised

manufacturing defects. This comprises

defects for a period of 3 years.

with a choice of service schedules –

Volkswagen retailer using only

The weight of a vehicle will influence

is regularly updated with any change

a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty

Naturally, the Sharan must be cared

Extended and Variable Service regimes.

genuine parts, thus ensuring that the

the level of CO2 emission it produces;

in specification. Please check model

with unlimited mileage plus a further

for in compliance with the operating

manufacturer’s warranties remain in

as a result, vehicles with higher levels

availability and full specification

1-year/60,000 miles (whichever is

instructions which will be found

Your vehicle will be set to operate on

force. For a quotation, telephone

of specification and factory-fitted

details with your Volkswagen retailer

soonest) Retailer Warranty. Should the

in your vehicle handbook. Please

Extended Service, which means an oil

Linkline: 0845 600 8006.

options may emit higher levels of CO2.

prior to ordering.

mileage exceed 60,000 miles within

consult your Volkswagen retailer

service is required at 10,000 miles or

the first two years, the manufacturer’s

for full warranty details.

12 months (whichever is sooner) with a

The CO2 figure quoted for each vehicle

All vehicles fitted with accessories in this brochure have been registered.

2-year warranty will still be valid. If an additional warranty for

6-year Body Protection Warranty.

require any specific feature, you must CO2 Emission.

consult your Volkswagen retailer who

66 Extended Warranty.

main service required at 20,000 miles

You may purchase additional

is the maximum possible. The unladen

or 24 months (whichever is sooner).

protection from your retailer or

weight of the vehicle is calculated by

contact 0870 9000 115.

range at the time of manufacture and

The TDI® is a registered trademark

the maximum possible CO2 emission for


subsequent years or higher mileage

The internal body sections and

is desired, it may be purchased from

panels of the Sharan are covered

Some engines can also be set to run

any authorised Volkswagen retailer,

against rusting through from the

on Variable Service regime. Please

however this additional warranty must

inside for a period of 6 years.

contact your Volkswagen retailer for

Volkswagen Finance offers a

to the Council Directive 80/1268EEC


be purchased before the mileage

Naturally, the Sharan must be

further information.

dedicated service to meet the needs

as amended by Commission Directive

We would like to advise you that

reaches 59,999. Cover is subject to the

cared for in compliance with the

of both the business user and the

1999/100/EC on the approximation of

telephone calls to Volkswagen

car being serviced and maintained at

operating instructions. Please consult

private motorist. We can help you

the laws of the member states relating

Customer Care may be monitored

an authorised Volkswagen retailer

your Volkswagen retailer for full

choose the right type of finance and

to the carbon dioxide emissions and

and recorded as part of our training

according to the manufacturer’s

warranty details.

will tailor the package to meet your

the fuel consumption of motor vehicles.

and quality assurance processes.

Volkswagen Finance.

that weight range is applied according

recommendations. Full details of the

specific requirements. Please consult

All our monitoring and recording

3-year warranty are available from

your Volkswagen retailer for details.

processes meet Oftel regulations.

your Volkswagen retailer. This 3-year warranty is only available on vehicles purchased in the UK through an authorised Volkswagen retailer.


Discover the d i f f e r e n c e . At your local Volkswagen retailer.

Model shown is SL.