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Shareholder Value, Stakeholder Management, and Social Issues: What's the Bottom Line? Author(s): ... We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms ..... found to be one of the best measures of CSP.
Shareholder Value, Stakeholder Management, and Social Issues: What's the Bottom Line? Author(s): Amy J. Hillman and Gerald D. Keim Source: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Feb., 2001), pp. 125-139 Published by: John Wiley & Sons Stable URL: Accessed: 20/04/2010 23:11 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].

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Strategic Management Journal Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139 (2001) I


We test the relationship between shareholder value, stakeholder management, and social issue participation. Building better relations with primary stakeholders like employees, customers, suppliers, and communitiescould lead to increased shareholder wealth by helpingfirms develop intangible, valuable assets which can be sources of competitive advantage. On the other hand, using corporate resourcesfor social issues not related to primary stakeholders may not create value for shareholders. We test these propositions with data from S&P 500 firms and find evidence that stakeholder managementleads to improved shareholder value, while social issue participation is negatively associated with shareholder value. Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


ments or other nongovernmentalorganizations. But, is this the appropriaterole for business in Globalizationhas increasedcalls for corporations society? Should the mandateof business extend to use firms' resourcesto help alleviate a wide beyond its traditionalstakeholders(shareholders, variety of social problems. The pharmaceutical customers,suppliers,employees, local communiindustry, for example, is asked to donate free ties, and government)?These are essentiallynordrugsand vaccines to ThirdWorldnationswhere mative questions. the afflictedcannotpay. Firms engagedin manuEmpirical researchersinterested in the way facturing are encouraged to apply developed firms interact with stakeholders,however, can nation's laws and norms to issues such as child examine related but somewhat more objective labor and environmental pollution in less questions. For example, when firms do expand developed countries,regardlessof local laws or their activities beyond those associated with the customs. direct stakeholderrelationships,what is the effect These calls for expanded responsibilitiesfor on the economic viability that createdthe wealth business are intuitively appealing to those who of the firm? That is, if the economic success of see existing governmentsas unable or unwilling firmsraises societalexpectationsto considermore to deal with such problems. Firms may indeed than the interests of primarystakeholderswhen have resourcesthat could be used to help with making resourcedecisions, can firms respondto issues that are typically dealt with by govern- these social issues and continue to be economicallyviable?In a world of increasinglycompetitive capital markets,how are a firm's shareKey words: shareholder value; stakeholder man- holders affected by firm decisions to respondto agement; social issues; market value added these increasedresponsibilities? to: Amy J. Hillman,Ivey School of Busi*Correspondence Previous literaturehas studied the relationship ness, Universityof WesternOntario,1151 RichmondStreet between firm financial performance and firm North,London,OntarioN6A 3K7, Canada. Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Received 24 August 1999 Final revision received 14 August 2000


A. J. Hillman and G. D. Keim

social responsibilityor social performance(e.g., formanceand stakeholdermanagementas well as Aupperle,Carroll,and Hatfield,1985; Griffinand the resource-basedview of the firm. Next, we Mahon, 1997; McGuire, Sundgren,and Schnee- use a sampleof S&P 500 firmsto empiricallytest weis, 1988; Pava and Krausz, 1996; Waddock the proposedrelationships.Finally,we discuss the and Graves, 1997a) but to date there is no clear implicationsof our results for futureresearchin empiricalrelationship.For example,Waddockand social performance,stakeholdermanagement,and Graves (1997a) find a recursive relationship financial performanceas well as for practicing between social performanceand financial per- managers. formance.They find empirical supportfor both the propositionthat social performanceleads to improved financial performanceand that better VALUE CREATIONAND DECOUPLING financialperformanceleads to social performance. SOCIAL PERFORMANCE Do socially responsible strategies create value for shareholders?Or, is social performancea Corporate social performance is a multidiscretionaryactivity fundedby slack cash flow? dimensionalconstructdefined by Carroll (1979) The relationshipbetween social performance as having four components:economic responsiand financialperformancemay be better under- bility to investorsand consumers,legal responsistood by separatingsocial performanceinto two bility to the government or the law, ethical components:stakeholdermanagementand social responsibilities to society, and discretionary issue participation.Corporatesocial performance responsibilityto the community.CSP incorporates (CSP) is a multidimensionalconstruct (Carroll, the interactionbetween the principles of social 1979) that is related to stakeholdermanagement responsibility,the processesof social responsivealthoughnot synonymous(Clarkson,1995). We ness, and the policies and programsdesigned by believe a key distinctionbetweenthe two compo- corporationsto addresssocial issues (Wartickand nents of CSP, stakeholdermanagementand social Cochran, 1985). Despite the lack of a shared issue participation,pertains to their respective precise definitionin the literature,CSP is generroles in the firm's value creationprocess. Build- ally conceived as a broadconstructcomprisedof ing betterrelationswith primarystakeholderslike stakeholdermanagementand social issue manemployees,customers,suppliers,and communities agement (Clarkson, 1995; Swanson, 1995; (Freeman,1984) could lead to increasedfinancial Wood, 1991). returnsby helping firms develop intangiblebut valuableassets which can be sources of competiStakeholder management tive advantage.For example, investing in stakeholderrelationsmay lead to customeror supplier In this paper, we adopt what Mitchell, Agle, loyalty, reduced turnoveramong employees, or and Wood (1997) would classify as a 'narrow' improved firm reputation.These valuable assets definition of stakeholdersin that we consider in turn lead to a positive relationshipbetween primarystakeholdersas those stakeholderswho stakeholdermanagementand shareholdervalue 'bear some form of risk as a result of having wherein effective stakeholdermanagementleads investedsome formof capital,humanor financial, to improved financialperformance.Participating somethingof value, in a firm' (Clarkson,1994: in social issues not related to the firm's direct 5). These stakeholdersare those without whose relationshipwith primarystakeholders,however, participation the corporation cannot survive may not create similar value for shareholders. (Clarkson, 1995). Primary stakeholdersinclude Instead,we expect that social issue participation capital suppliers(shareholders),employees, other is negatively related to shareholdervalue. Thus, resource suppliers, customers, community resiwe posit that shareholdervalue may be affected dents, and the natural environment (Clarkson, differently depending upon the nature or scope 1995; Starik,1995). Clarksonarguesthat 'primary stakeholdergroups typically are comprised of of the socially responsiblestrategy/activity. In the following section of this paper,we build shareholdersand investors,employees,customers, a theoreticalrationaleto supportthese claims and and suppliers,together with what is defined as advanceour hypotheses.Our theoreticaldevelop- the public stakeholdergroup: the governments and ment drawsupon existing literaturein social per- and communitiesthat provideinfrastructures Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139 (2001)

Shareholders, Stakeholders and Social Issue markets, whose laws and regulations must be obeyed, and to whom taxes and other obligations may be due' (1995: 106). While not all community residents are employees, suppliers, customers or investors, they do provide various for the firm and forms of importantinfrastructure in turnare impacteddirectlyby tax revenuesand environmental protection (or physical degradation). Clarksonassertsthat 'the survivaland continuing profitabilityof the corporationdependsupon its ability to fulfill its economic and social purpose, which is to create and distributewealth or value sufficient to ensure that each primary stakeholdergroupcontinuesas part of the corporation's stakeholdersystem' (1995: 107). Thus, an organizationcan be viewed as a set of interdependent relationships among primary stakeholders (Chakravarthy,1986; Donaldson and Preston,1995;Evan and Freeman,1988; Greenley and Foxall, 1996; Harrisonand St. John, 1994; Hill and Jones, 1992; Jones, 1995; Kotter and Heskett,1992). For example,purchasinga quality productat a reasonableprice is a consumerobjective. If desiredvalue is not delivered,fewer products will be purchased. This, in turn, affects presentand futureexpectationsresultingin lower stock prices, possibly leading to lay-offs, reductionsin purchasesof inputs from suppliers, and lower taxes being paid by the firm, etc.negative consequences for all primary stakeholders. Managing relationships with primary stakeholders, however, can result in much more than just their continued participationin the firm. Effective stakeholdermanagement-relationswith primary stakeholders to include customers, employees, suppliers, community residents and the environment-can constituteintangible,socially complex resourcesthat may enhance firms' ability to outperformcompetitors in terms of long-termvalue creation. The resource-basedview of the firm (Barney, 1991; Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt,1984) contends that a firm's ability to perform better than the competitiondepends on the unique interplayof human, organizational,and physical resources over time (Amit and Schoemaker,1993; Barney, 1991; Dierickx and Cool, 1989; Lippman and Rumelt, 1982). Many scholars now argue that intangible, difficult-to-replicateresources must undergirdthe business processes if a firm is to Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


outperformits rivals and create value for shareholders (Atkinson,Waterhouse,and Wells, 1997; Barney, 1991; Teece, 1998). Resources that are most likely to lead to competitiveadvantageare those that meet four criteria: they should be valuable, rare, inimitable, and the organization must be organized to deploy these resources effectively (Barney, 1991). Using these criteria, resourcesthat may lead to competitiveadvantage include socially complex and causally ambiguous resources such as reputation,corporateculture, long-term relationshipswith suppliers and customers, and knowledge assets (Barney, 1986; Leonard,1995; Teece, 1998). Some strategy researchershave explored the firm as an institutionalsetting that can facilitate learning and the creation and disseminationof value-producingknowledge (Grant,1996; Moran and Ghoshal, 1996; Nahapietand Ghoshal, 1998; Spender, 1996). This institutional context can include, for example, a historyof repeatdealings with actors such as employees, customers, suppliers, and local communitiesthat generatereputational capital and trust (Barney and Hansen, 1994; Ring and Van de Ven, 1992, 1994). By developing longer-termrelationshipswith primary stakeholderslike customers, suppliers, and communities,as well as present and future employees,firmsexpandthe set of value-creating exchanges with these groups beyond that which would be possible with interactionslimited to markettransactions.Our emphasishere is on the value that can be createdby interactions,between firms and primary stakeholders, which are relational rather than transactional since trans-

actionalinteractionscan be easily duplicatedand thus offer little potentialfor competitive advantage. Relationshipsinvolve investmentsby both (or multiple) parties and thereby include a time dimension;reputationis importantand fair dealing and moral treatmentby both (or multiple) partiesenhancethe value of relationships. Harrisonand St. John(1996) describeexamples of 'webs of interdependencies[that can be] created among stakeholders'as organizationalmeans to deal with increasinglyuncertainand competitive environments.Cooperationamong competitors and other firms operating in geographic locales to support infrastructureinvestments in communitiesare relationaltransactionsthat lead to value creation(Hart, 1995; Sharmaand Vredenburg, 1998). Other examples of activities conStrat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139 (2001)


A. J. Hillman and G. D. Keim

sistent with long-term value creation through nancialperformanceare the relationshipsa comrelationshipswith key stakeholdersare coopera- pany develops with customersand the relationtive planning and design efforts that unite firms ships internal to the firm that shape customer with suppliers and customers and rewarding relations and impact customer service. Legnickmanagers/employeeson the basis of customer Hall (1996) emphasizesthe importanceof loyaltysatisfactionmeasuresor other measuresof exter- producing relationships with customers that nal reputation(Lado and Wilson, 1994; Martin, extend beyond traditionalfirm boundariesas a Mitchell, and Swaminathan,1995; Mudambiand source of competitiveadvantage.Atkinson et al. Helper, 1998; Nayyar, 1995; Oliver, 1988; Rao, (1997) argue that employees and communities 1994). Because of the relational aspects that shouldalso be includedin this list of relationships underliethese activities, the time dimensionwill that drive financialperformance,such that effecconstitute an important,intangible, path depen- tive stakeholdermanagementwith primarystakedent quality of the relationshipwith that stake- holders is seen as driving financialperformance. holder group. In turn, these relationshipswill be Bennett Stewart, creator of the financial mandifficult for other firms to duplicate at least in agementsystembased on EconomicValue Added the short run. (EVA), arguesthat 'to increaseshareholdervalue, We are not alone in emphasizingthe impor- a company must addressthe needs of its staketance of improvingrelationswith primarystake- holders more efficiently and effectively than the holders as competition increases. Chakravarthy companiesagainst which it competes' (Birchard, (1986), Pfeffer (1998), and Prahalad (1997) 1995: 49). Therefore,we proposethe following: express similar views and Jones (1995) in his instrumental stakeholder theory contends that Hypothesis 2: Stakeholder management leads to improved shareholder value creation. firmsthat contractwith theirprimarystakeholders on the basis of mutualtrust and cooperationwill have a competitive advantage over firms that Social issue participation do not, all else equal. Therefore, we propose If stakeholdermanagementis positively related the following: to shareholdervalue creation and the nature of Hypothesis 1: Stakeholder management is posi- causality is such that effective stakeholdermantively associated with shareholder value cre- agementleads to improvedshareholdervalue creation. ation,does this relationshipalso extendto another component of corporate social performanceNext, we address the question of causality. If social issue participation? We have suggested above that investing in effective stakeholdermanagementis positively associated with financial performance,in what relationshipswith primarystakeholderscan lead to direction is the causality? The primary stake- valuable, intangible competencies that are holder interdependenceperspective holds that importantin gaining and maintainingcompetitive effective stakeholdermanagementleads to finan- advantage.Using corporateresources to pursue cial performance.Firms can be more successful social issues that are not directly related to the by developing (up to some margin)relationships relationshipwith primary stakeholdersmay not with customers, employees, communities and create such advantages.Social issue participation governments(Harrisonand St. John, 1994; Kotter refersto elementsof corporatesocial performance that fall outside of the directrelationshipsto priand Heskett, 1992). This sentiment is reflected by Robert Wood mary stakeholders.For example, common forms Johnson(quotedin Prestonand Sapienza, 1990), of social issue participation may include:avoiding who led Sears in its postwar growth, when he nuclear energy, not engaging in 'sin' industries listed 'four parties to any business in order of (alcohol, tobacco, and gambling),refrainingfrom importance'as 'customers,employees, communi- doing business with countriesaccused of human ties, and stockholders.'He contends that if the rights violations,refusing to sell to the military, interestsof the firstthree groupsare looked after, etc. While each of these may be an important then the stockholdersbenefit. Similarly, Kaplan issue for some membersof society, the fundamenand Norton (1996) argue that the drivers of fi- tal difference between social issue participation Copyright? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Shareholders, Stakeholders and Social Issue


and stakeholdermanagementis the absence of scarce resources.MVA is calculatedas: direct ties to the relationshipsbetween the firm MVA = market value - capital and its primarystakeholders.That is, social issue as pertainingto may be characterized participation a more 'broad'definitionof social responsibility where market value refers to the equity market beyondthe primarystakeholderexchange(Mitchell valuation of the company and capital refers to et al., 1997) that recognizes companiescan be the debt and equity invested in the company. affectedby or affect almost anyone. MVA is simply the differencebetween the cash Normatively some groups (even within the that both debt and equity investorshave contribcompany)may desire taking stances on such is- uted to a companyand the value of the cash that in such does not necessarily they expect to get out of it. Essentially,MVA is sues, but participation provide the basis for value creation that stake- the stock market'sestimationof net presentvalue. holder managementdoes. For example,while the Thus, MVA is unique in its ability to capture gamblingindustrymay be viewed as undesirable shareholdervalue creation because it captures by a segmentof society, firms that choose not to both the valuation(the degree of wealth enrichbe in this industryare not necessarilymaking a ment for the shareholders)and performance(the decisionthat could providefor sustainedcompeti- overallqualityof capitalmanagement)(Ster Stetive advantage.Otherfirmscould easily make the wart, 1996). We use MVA in our analysis not same choice not to participate.Choice of industry cross-sectionally,but by examiningthe change in or overseas investment locations in themselves MVA between one year and the next in orderto cannotprovidefor the intangiblesourcesof com- more accuratelyreflect changes in the measure petitiveadvantageso importantin today'scompeti- that are attributableto events in the prior year tive landscape.Similarly,an international corporate ratherthan total capitalizationacross time. That giving programmay providesome value to share- is, the measureof MVA for 1996 representsthe holders in the form of tax deductions.However, change in marketvalue addedbetween 1995 and tax advantagesare readily duplicatedby other 1996. This operationalization is more appropriate firmsand, therefore,this type of advantagecannot in causal models, such as those we use to test providethe basis for competitiveadvantage.Thus, Hypotheses 2 and 4, because it representsnot we contendthatthe very natureof the relationship total capitalizationthat may have to do with betweenshareholdervalue and social issue partici- events outside the timeframeof interest,but only pation could be different from that with stake- the portion of MVA that is created/destroyed holdermanagementbecause of the lack of a link duringour sample. to importantunderlyingsources of competitive While many different operationalizationsof shareholdervalue creation,or firm performance, advantagefor the firm. could have been used, we chose MVA for a Thus, we propose the following: variety of reasons.First, accountingmeasuresof Hypothesis 3: Social issue participation is firm performanceare inherentlymore short term negatively related to shareholder value cre- in nature (Briloff, 1972, 1976; Fisher and ation. McGowan, 1983; Hayes and Aberathy, 1980; Ouchi, 1980), tap only historicalaspects of perHypothesis 4: Social issue participation leads formance(McGuire,Schneeweis,and Hill, 1986) to decreased shareholder value creation. and are subjectto a great degree of manipulation by managers(Bentson, 1982; Briloff, 1972, 1976; Fisher, 1979; Livingstone and Salamon, 1971; METHODS McGuireet al., 1988; Solomon, 1970; Watts and Zimmerman,1978, 1990). Therefore,accounting Variable operationalization measures of performance,such as Return on Shareholder value creation is operationalized as Assets and Returnon Equity, are less useful for MarketValue-Added,or MVA. MVA was chosen the projectat hand because they are not successbecause it is a measurethat capturesthe relative ful in capturingthe long-termvalue of the comsuccess of firmsin maximizingshareholdervalue pany or value created for shareholders. In through efficient allocation and managementof addition, accounting measures of performance Copyright? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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A. J. Hillmanand G. D. Keim

have difficulty capturingintangiblerelationships (Barney, 1991; Dierickx and Cool, 1989; Itami, 1987), such as those with stakeholders. For example, it is extremely difficult to capturethe value of customer service or reputationon a balancesheet (Bentson, 1982; Wattsand Zimmerman, 1990). Accountingmeasuresof performance are better suited for measuring tangible asset utilizationand, thus, are inadequatefor capturing the type of performanceof interestin this papershareholdervalue creation. When comparedto other market-basedmeasures of shareholdervalue creation,MVA also has advantages. Lubatkin and Shrieves (1986) and Rappaport(1992) assert that market-basedmeasures of performanceare preferableto accounting measures because of the ability to capture the future value of income streams more appropriately. MVA was chosen for this reason and also because MVA is more thanjust representativeof the future stream of income as it takes account of debt and equity invested in the company. It has been shown in finance literaturethat firms thatapplynet presentvalue, or NPV, performance measures and invest in positive NPV strategies maximize the wealth of stockholders(Copeland and Weston, 1983). Simple firm calculatedNPV measures,however,are also subjectto accounting problemsregardingthe anticipationof futurecash flows and discount rates. Therefore, by using MVA, which approximatesthe stock market's estimation of net present value, subjective accountingissues are avoided. Another market-basedmeasure that approximates the stock market'sestimationof net present value is Tobin's Q (Tobin and Brainard,1968). Tobin's Q is calculated by dividing the firm's marketvalue by a firm's asset replacementcosts. While Tobin's Q is commonly used in strategy research,we have chosen MVA over Tobin's Q because the valuationof asset replacementcosts in Tobin's Q suffers from the same issues identified with many accountingmeasuresof performance- difficulty in valuing intangible assets. Therefore,because shareholdervalue creation is the performancevariable of interest, MVA is the most appropriatechoice because it captures shareholdervalue creation without being subject to accountingmeasureshortfalls. MVA data for this study was taken from the Ster StewartPerformance1000 data base. This is a database compiledby Ster StewartManageCopyright? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

ment Services, Inc. to trackthe Fortune 1000. In this data base, MVA is calculatedbased on data availablefrom Compustat. Stakeholder Management (SM) is a variable

that has been rarely quantified.Two exceptions are Greenleyand Foxall (1997), who use survey methodology to measure a firm's orientation towardsmultiple stakeholders,and Waddockand Graves (1997b), who use the Kinder,Lydenburg, Domini (KLD) index as a measureof stakeholder performance.Because our question of interest involves stakeholder management performance outcomes,we were more interestedin quantifying this relationshipbased on firm behavior rather than beliefs and thus turn to the KLD data base for our data. KLD is a commonlyused measureof corporate social performance(e.g., Graves and Waddock, 1994; Ruf, Muralidhar,and Paul, 1993; Sharfman, 1996; Waddock and Graves, 1997a). The KLD index of social performanceis compiled by an independentrating service that focuses exclusively on ranking approximately800 firms (to include the Standard& Poor's 500) on a range of nine areas of social performance.These areas include:communityrelations,employee relations, environmentalperformance, product characteristics, treatmentof women and minorities,military contracting, production of alcohol or tobacco, involvement in the gambling industry, involvement in nuclearenergy, and investmentin areas involved with human rights controversies.KLD uses a variety of sources to capturethese data including annual surveys, annual reports, proxy statements,and quarterlyreports,as well as external data sources such as articles in the general business press and agencies. This rating scheme, in additionto being adoptedin recent empirical testing of corporatesocial performance,has been tested for constructvalidity against other measures of CSP by Sharfman(1996) and has been found to be one of the best measures of CSP availableto date. In orderto adaptthe KLD measureto capture primary stakeholdermanagementand create a variable SM (stakeholdermanagement),we customized this scale to exclude issues outside of the primarystakeholderdomain of CSP. These excluded issues were then used in creating the variable Social Issue Participation (SIP). In order

to divide these measures into the categories of stakeholdermanagementand social issue particiStrat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139


Shareholders, Stakeholders and Social Issue pation, we screened items based on their direct relationship to primary stakeholders. As in the case of the Waddock and Graves (1997b) study, the items for stakeholder management chosen came from five existing categories of the KLD measures: employee relations, diversity issues, product issues, community relations, and environmental issues. These five categories parallel the primary stakeholder groups (other than capital suppliers) for corporations: employees (items from employee relations and diversity issues), customers (items from product issues and community relations), the community (items from community relations, environmental relations and diversity issues), and suppliers to the extent that among the diversity issues are reports of dealings with minority-owned suppliers. Ideally, we would like to have broader measures of supplier relations. While none of these measures captures the full range of relations with these primary stakeholders, each provides some important evidence pertaining to the nature of stakeholder relations with these groups. The SIP variable includes the KLD categories of Other, Alcohol/ tobacco/gambling exclusionary screens, military exclusionary screens, nuclear power exclusionary screens, and non-U.S. concerns over investment in Burma and Mexico. For individual item components of SM and SIP, please refer to the Appendix. The KLD categories are rated on a scale ranging from -2 (major concerns), -1 (concern), 0 (neutral), +1 (strength), to +2 (major strength). Each category in the SM and SIP measures is given equal weighting in that each may range from -2 to +2. Prior use of KLD as a measure of CSP has used differential category weightings (Graves and Waddock, 1994; Ruf et al., 1993; Waddock and Graves, 1997a) based on either academic opinion about importance of the categories (Graves and Waddock studies, 1994, 1997) or the analytic hierarchy process (Ruf et al., 1993). However, since theoretical work in stakeholder management and social issues participation has yet to identify a ranking of importance for the various stakeholder groups and issues (and indeed, Mitchell et al. (1997) assert that no such universal ranking can be made), we have chosen in this paper to give equal importance to the categories adopted from KLD identified above in order to construct our variables SM and SIP. Given this, we chose to construct our measures Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


of SM and SIP as gestalt measures and used simple summing of the dimensions of the KLD measure adapted for the study at hand. Control variables are also included in our analysis to ensure that any relationship found between shareholder value creation, as measured by MVA, stakeholder relations, as measured by SM, and social issue participation, as measured by SIM, are not a result of other confounding variables. Because size has been suggested in previous articles (Ullman, 1985; Waddock and Graves, 1997a) to be a factor that affects both firm performance and the larger construct of CSP, we have included control variables in our analysis for net sales and net income. Size is a relevant variable because size may be related to the urgency and salience of stakeholder relations. In addition, previous literature has indicated a need to control for industry (Waddock and Graves, 1997a) and risk (Aupperle et al., 1985; Pava and Krausz, 1996; Waddock and Graves, 1997a). Industry and risk are also included as control variables to ensure that differences in MVA across our sample are not merely an effect of industry differences or differences in risk profiles. Industry has been operationalized in this study using the standard 2-digit SIC code. Firm risk has been operationalized using beta as reported in Standard & Poor's. Analysis While ideally an event study methodology would allow us to evaluate changes in shareholder wealth associated with stakeholder management and social issue participation, the multidimensionality of each of the constructs and the lack of discrete events associated with such activities make this methodology difficult. Therefore, we use regression analysis as the primary methodology to test our hypotheses. Testing of the hypotheses was performed for the years 1996, 1995, and 1994. The change in MVA between 1995 and 1996 is used as our dependent variable in testing Hypotheses 2 and 4. The stakeholder management and social issue behavior measured took place during the year 1994 (reported by KLD in 1995) and the shareholder value measure is that created/destroyed in 1995. We chose to model a lagged effect between our independent variables and our dependent variables because the effect of stakeholder manStrat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139



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agement or social issue participation is not expected to have an immediateeffect on shareholder value and due to reportingpracticalities (KLD measures are gestalt measures over the year and not logged as specific timed behavior duringthe reportingyear). We considerit likely, however, that the stakeholdermanagementand social issue participationthat is observed in the year 1994 will take fairly quick effect in the market'sestimationof the firm. Merging the Stem StewartPerformance1000 data base used for the MVA variable with the KLD data base, along with data available from Compustatfor our control variables, yielded a final sample size of 308 firms. In orderto make sure that this remaining sample did not differ from those firmsdroppeddue to data availability, we tested for the difference in means for our control variables (industry,risk, and size). We found no significant differences. Testing of Hypotheses1 and 3 was performedthroughcorrelation analysis and Hypotheses 2 and 4 were tested using regressionanalysis. RESULTS In order to test Hypothesis 1, we examinedthe correlationbetween MVA, as measuredby the changebetween 1996 and 1995, and SM in 1994. As representedin Table 1, SM and MVA are significantlyand positively correlated(0.244, p < 0.01). Thus, Hypothesis 1 is supported. While a positive and significantcorrelationis evident between MVA and SM, Hypotheses 2 focuses on issues of causality. In order to test Hypothesis 2, we ran regression analyses with MVA (change between 1995 and 1996) as our dependentvariable,SM for 1994 as our explanatory independentvariable, and control variables of beta, net income, sales, and industry from 1994. Table 2 presentsthe resultsof this analysis. The overall model is significant(p < 0.01) with an adjustedR2 of 0.414 and SM is positively and significantlyassociated with improved MVA (p < 0.01). Table 2 also shows that the control variablesrepresentingsize (net income and sales) are significant, but risk and industry are not.' 1 While it is surprising that risk is not significant in our model, the finding is greatly influenced by the appearance of net income in the model. Without net income in the model,

Copyright? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Thus, Hypothesis 2 stating that effective stakeholder managementleads to improved financial performanceis supported.In orderto ensurethat our resultswere not the result of a 1-yearanomaly, we also checked our analysis with a 3-year lag and found no significant differences from this model. Hypothesis3 posited that social issue participationwould be negativelyrelatedto shareholder value creation.Table 1 presentsthe resultsof this test. As hypothesized,social issue participationis significantly(-0.286, p < 0.01) and negatively correlatedwith shareholdervalue creation. Hypothesis4 contendsthat social issue participation will lead to decreased shareholdervalue creation. This hypothesis was tested using SIP measuresfor 1994 as our independentvariable, along with the control variables, and MVA change 1995-96 as our dependentvariable.Table 3 presents the results of this analysis. As expected, SIP has a negative relationshipto the creation of shareholdervalue and is significant (p < 0.05). Thus, Hypothesis 4 also receives supportin our analysis. Additional analyses As noted in the introduction,broader investigations of the relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance have found a recursive relationship (Waddock and Graves, 1997a). In order to evaluate the reverseordercausality,that financialperformance leads to stakeholdermanagementand social issue participation,we did additionalanalysesusing the change in MVA between 1993 and 1994 as our independentvariableand SM and SIP from 1994 as our individualdependentvariables.The model predictingSM was not significant(p = 0.134), indicatingthat the reverse causality is not supported. Using SIP as our dependent variable yielded a significantmodel, but the only predictor variableof significancewas the control variable of net income with a negative effect. MVA was not significant,again indicatingthat the reverse causalityis not supported. Additionally,although we believe that MVA is the most appropriateoperationalizationof shareholder value creation, many studies of the relationship between risk and return is as expected in a typical two-parameter model. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139 (2001)





Table 1. Correlations and descriptive statistics S.D. MBASS MVA ROA ROE SALES NET SIC BETA SIP SM

462.245 4913.883 0.055 0.170 18518.398 1049.636 14.914 0.371 1.948 2.005

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01



39.402 2212.939 0.064 0.152 10124.786 523.056 37.397 1.068 -1.016 0.842

1.000 -0.033 -0.095 -0.066 -0.030 -0.037 0.052 -0.190** 0.090 -0.080







1.000 0.165** 1.000 0.161* 0.708** 1.000 0.404** -0.089 0.060 1.000 0.623** 0.268** 0.352** 0.779** 1.000 -0.101 -0.140* -0.232** -0.028 -0.133* 1.0 0.044 0.048 -0.036 -0.090 -0.015 -0.00 -0.286** 0.086 -0.006 -0.319** -0.299** 0.0 0.244** 0.101 0.105 0.160* 0.189** -0.01

MBASS = Market-to-Book Assets; MVA = MarketValue Added; ROA = Returnon Assets; ROE = Returnon Equity;SALES = N Income(proxyfor size); SIC = Industry;BETA = Risk; SIP = Social Issue Participation;SM= StakeholderManagement Cq


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A. J. Hillman and G. D. Keim

Table 2. Regression results for market value-added (MVA 95-96): stakeholder management independent variable

three cases yielded no significant results for our two variables of interest: SM and SIP. Thus, the findings using these more accounting-based measures of firm financial performance are not Variables consistent with those using MVA. 0.128** (124.397) Finally, there has been some precedent set in SM 94 the literature for examining the individual dimen-0.202* (0.021) Sales 94 0.758** (0.376) Net Income 94 sions of KLD as they pertain to CSP. Given this, -0.007 (16.567) Industry 94 we also conducted our analysis with MVA as 0.041 (660.363) Risk 94 our dependent variable using the five dimensions 146.757 (990.972) Intercept of our stakeholder management (SM) variable 0.426 R2 0.414 entered individually as presented in Table 4. Adjusted R2 F 35.132** Results of this analysis indicate that the dimension of community relations is the primary driver Standardized regressioncoefficientsare shown;standarderrors of the relationship between MVA and shareholder are in parentheses value creation. N = 308 *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01

DISCUSSION Table 3. Regression results for market value-added (MVA 95-96): social issue participation independent variable Variables SIP 94 Sales 94 Net income 94 Industry 94 Risk 94 Intercept R2 Adjusted R2 F

-0.127* (132.538) -0.215** (0.21) 0.762** (0.376) -0.005 (16.589) 0.043 (661.510) 104.044 (994.786) 0.424 0.412 34.904**

We have argued that a more fine-grained approach to studying the relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance is important because of differences underlying two dimensions of CSP: stakeholder management and social issue participation. Our results using MVA as a measure of shareholder wealth creation indicate a positive relationship with stakeholder management and a negative relationship with social issue participation. Our

Table 4. Regression results for market value-added Standardized regressioncoefficientsare shown;standarderrors (MVA 95-96): five individualcategoriesof stakeholder are in parentheses managementindependentvariables N = 308 *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 Variables

corporate social performance and financial performance in the past have used more traditional accounting-based measures. In order to frame this study in the context of the existing literature and to test for the sensitivity of our results to performance measure, we also ran our analyses using three additional variables often used to measure financial performance: Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and the ratio of Market to Book Assets (often called the Q ratio as it approximates Tobin's Q). Table 1 also indicates the descriptive statistics and correlation of these additional dependent variables to our predictor variables. Regression analyses in all Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PRD (Product) ENV (Environment)

-0.074 (351.574) -0.046 (293.524)

DIV (Diversity) COM (Community) Sales 94 Net Income 94 Industry 94 Risk 94 Intercept R2 Adjusted R2 F

0.046 (305.401) 0.225** (378.267) -0.196* (0.021) 0.689** (0.373) 0.012 (16.265) 0.056 (643.943) -800.273 (1007.584) 0.474 0.454 23.359**

ER (Employeerelations)

0.019 (276.568)

Standardized regressioncoefficientsare shown;standarderrors are in parentheses N = 308 *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139 (2001)

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resultsalso indicatethat the directionof causality sample scored negatively for the dimension of is from stakeholdermanagement/socialissue par- CommunityRelations,where firms with negative ticipation to shareholder wealth creation/ scores capture 16.9 percent of Diversity Issues, destruction. Additional analyses support this 20.9 percent of ProductIssues, 21.7 percent of directionalcausality in that the reverse causality EmployeeRelationsand 29.1 percentof Environis not statisticallysupported.Thus, our findings mental Issues. This skewness may also have an are consistentwith our theoreticallybased predic- effect on our results. Therefore,we have reason tions that stakeholdermanagementcan lead to to believe that the findings in our additional shareholderwealth creationand that participation disaggregationmay be a result of the data rather in social issues does not lead to shareholder than an indication that only one dimension of wealth creation. stakeholdermanagementis positively related to Our results, however, should be interpreted shareholderwealthcreation.These analyses,howwith caution.Additionalanalysesusing alternative ever, also indicatepromisefor furtherresearchin measures of financial performance,ROA, ROE this area. and Market-to-BookAssets, are not significant. As discussedin the Methodssection, we strongly believe that this is a result of the problems IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSION associated with these operationalizations,rather than an indicationof lack of robustnessof our Business firms face an increasinglycompetitive findings.Conceptually,MVA is the closest oper- environment.The developmentof a world market ationalization available to us to capture our for investmentcapital,in particular,increasesthe dependentvariableof interest:shareholderwealth importanceof competing for investmentcapital. creation. However, this is an area for future Such increasedcompetition,we believe, encourresearch. ages firms to searchfor sourcesof organizational Finally,while our fundamentalargumentis that advantagethat cannotbe easily or quickly dupliCSP is multidimensionaland that disaggregation cated in order to continue to attractinvestment is necessaryto betterunderstandthe relationships capital.Sustainableorganizationaladvantagemay studied herein, our additionalanalysis also indi- be built with tacit assets that derive from cates promisein disaggregatingstakeholderman- developing relationshipswith key stakeholders: agementeven furtherinto individualcomponents. customers,employees, suppliersand communities Unfortunately,while the KLD data are the best where businesses operate. availableto researchersstudyingcorporatesocial Implicationsof our researchare that investing performance,these data have unique issues in in stakeholdermanagementmay be complementheir constructionand aggregationthat cannotbe taryto shareholdervalue creationand may indeed disentangledhere. For example,while community provide a basis for competitive advantage as relationsis the only positive and significanteffect importantresourcesand capabilitiesmay be crefound in our regression analyses, employee ated that differentiatea firm from competitors. relationsand diversityissues are also significantly On the other hand, participatingin social issues correlatedwith MVA. Interestingly,product is- may be seen at best as a transactionalinvestment sues and environmentalissues have an insignifi- easily copied by competitors. cant but negative relationship.This may be a We think these findingshelp shed light on the resultof the actualcompositionof the dimensions dilemmafaced by managerswhen called upon to trackedby KLD. The Appendix shows that the serve an expandedrole in society. Our findings dimensionsof communityrelationsand diversity suggest that if the activity is directly tied to issues track more 'areas of strength'than 'areas primarystakeholders,then investmentsmay beneof concern.' The other three dimensionshave a fit not only stakeholders but also result in more equal balancebetween strengthsand weak- increased shareholder wealth. Participating in nesses. How the individual items within each social issues beyondthe directstakeholders,howcategory are summed to form a score for each ever, may adversely affect a firm's ability to category is undisclosedby KLD. In addition,a create shareholderwealth. We are not making the normative assertion frequency analysis of the individualdimensions indicatesthat only 1.2 percentof the firmsin our that firms should not engage in such activities. Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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A. J. Hillman and G. D. Keim

Indeed, many firms have multidimensional performance goals that may include social issue activism. However, the conflict between these goals and shareholder wealth creation should be recognized. The use of a firm's resources always has an opportunity cost. Implementing a social issue participation strategy appears to come at the cost of forgone opportunities to increase shareholder value. Moran and Ghoshal argue for a reorientation of business strategy 'to reflect the fact that what is good for society does not necessarily have to be bad for the firm, and what is good for the firm does not necessarily have to come at a cost to society' (Moran and Ghoshal, 1996: 45). Consistent with this view, the emphasis on shareholder value creation today should not be construed as coming at the expense of the interests of other primary stakeholders. Participation by firms in all the social issues that beckon, on the other hand, may not lead to the same competitive value creation prospects as stakeholder management. In addition, our findings may provide insight into the pattern of relationship between social performance and financial performance in past literature. Evidence here suggests the two dimensions of corporate social performance-stakeholder management and social issue participation-have opposing relationships to financial performance. This may partially explain why aggregating the two together into a measure of corporate social performance may lead to ambiguous results. Furthermore, as noted in our Methods section, our operationalization of financial performance using market value added may be an improvement over accounting measures of return in understanding the effect of intangible assets such as stakeholder relationships. This suggests that future research may extend the decoupling of social performance and further explore the differences between the dimensions as well as reconsidering measures of financial performance. These findings create other opportunities for further research. First and foremost are the methodological issues discussed in our Discussion section. Further research focusing on alternative measures of performance and further disaggregation of our constructs is promising. In addition, the processes by which stakeholder relations are managed and the balancing of diverse demands of stakeholder groups is a ripe area for further Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

inquiry. Understanding how stakeholder demands may differ and how managers prioritize each would be a valuable area of future research. Are resources devoted to stakeholder relations subject to diminishing returns? If so, questions about marginal returns and optimal levels of investment should be addressed. In addition, the motivation behind social issue participation and the effects of such on the organization beyond shareholder wealth represents a gap in our understanding of social issues. We hope these results will spur further research on these and other related issues. REFERENCES Amit R, SchoemakerP. 1993. Strategic assets and organizationalrent. Strategic ManagementJournal 14(1): 33-45. Atkinson A, WaterhouseJ, Wells R. 1997. A stakeholder approachto strategicperformancemeasurement. Sloan ManagementReviewSpring: 25-37. AupperleK, CarrollA, HatfieldJ. 1985. An empirical examinationof the relationshipbetween corporate social responsibilityand profitability.Academy of ManagementJournal28: 446-463. Barney J. 1986. Organizationalculture: can it be a sourceof sustainedcompetitiveadvantage?Academy of ManagementReview 11: 656-665. BarneyJ. 1991. Firm resourcesand sustainedcompetitive advantage.Journalof Management17: 99-120. as a source BarneyJ, HansenM. 1994. Trustworthiness of competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal,WinterSpecial Issue 15: 175-190. Bentson G. 1982. Accountingnumbersand economic values. AntitrustBulletinSpring: 161-215. BirchardB. 1995. How many masterscan you serve? CFO 11: 48-53. Briloff R. 1972. UnaccountableAccounting.Harper& Row: New York. BriloffR. 1976. TheTruthaboutCorporateAccounting. Harper& Row: New York. CarrollA. 1979. A three-dimensional conceptualmodel of corporatesocial performance.Academyof ManagementReview4: 497-505. ChakravarthyB. 1986. Measuringstrategic performance. StrategicManagementJournal7(5): 437-458. ClarksonM. 1994. A risk based model of stakeholder theory:Toronto.Proceedingsof the Second Toronto Conferenceon StakeholderTheory,Centrefor CorporateSocial Performanceand Ethics,Universityof Toronto:Toronto. ClarksonM. 1995. A stakeholderframeworkfor analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance. Academyof ManagementReview20: 92-117. CopelandT, Weston J. 1983. Financial Theory and CorporatePolicy. Addison-Wesley:Reading,MA. DierickxI, Cool K. 1989. Asset stock accumulationand sustainabilityof competitiveadvantage.Management Science 35: 1504-1511. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139


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APPENDIX: KLD MEASUREMENT SCREENS Items used for stakeholder management (SM): Community relations. Areas of concern. Fines or civil penalties paid, or involvement in major litigation or controversies, relating to a community in which it operates; the company's relations with a community in which it operates have become strained due to a recent plant closing or general breach of agreements

with the

community. Areas of strength. The company in recent years has consistently given over 1.5 percent of pretax earnings to charity or otherwise demonstrated generous giving; the company is known for innovative giving, such as support of nonprofit agencies promoting self-sufficiency among the economically disadvantaged; the company supports education through a long-term commitment to improve programs at the primary or secondary level, or the company is a prominent recent supporter of job training programs; prominent participation in public/private initiatives that support housing initiatives for the economically disadvantaged.

Employee relations. Areas of concern. The company has poor relations with its unions relative to others in its industry; the company has had recent lay-offs of more than 15 percent of employees in 1 year or 25 percent of employees in 2 years; the company has paid significant fines or penalties over employee safety or been involved in major safety controversies; the company has a substantially underfunded pension plan or an inadequate benefits plan. Areas of strength. The company has strong union relations relative to others in its industry; the company has maintained a long-term policy of company-wide cash profit sharing; the company has a substantial sense of worker involvement/ownership, sharing of financial information with employees, or employee participation in management decision making; the company Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 125-139 (2001)

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offers its employees strongretirementbenefits,or emissionsof toxic chemicalsin the United States; other innovative benefits, relative to others in the company is among the top producers of its industry. ozone-depletingchemicals; the company's legal Diversity issues. Areas of concern. The com- emissions of toxic chemicals into the air and pany has paid substantialfines or penalties or water are among the highest of the companies been involved in major controversiesrelated to followed by KLD; the company is one of the its affirmativeaction record. largest producersof agriculturalchemicals. Areas of strength. The company's CEO is a

womanor memberof a minoritygroup;the company has made notableprogressin the promotion of women and minorities, particularlyto line positions; women and/or minorities hold board seats in the company;the companyhas outstanding benefitprogramsaddressingwork/familyconcerns; the company has a strong and consistent recordof supportfor women-and minority-owned businesses (purchasingfrom or investing in); the company has taken innovative hiring initiatives or other human resource programs directed at employmentof the disabled. Product issues. Areas of concern. The com-

pany faces major recent product safety controversies; the company faces a major marketing controversyor has paid fines or penaltiesrelated to advertising practices, consumer fraud, or governmentcontractingpractices. Areas of strength. The company has a long-

standing company-widequality programjudged to be amongthe best in the industry;the company is an industryleaderin researchand development, as evidenced by expenditureas a percentageof sales, effective new product development, or unusualinventiveness;part of the company'sbasic mission is provision of products or services

for the economicallydisadvantaged.

Environment issues. Areas of concern. The

company's liabilities for hazardouswaste sites exceed $30 million or the companyhas significant involvementin more than 30 federal Superfund sites; the company has recently paid significant fines or penalties, has a pattern of regulatory problemsor has been involved in major controversies involving environmentaldegradation;the company'semissions are among the highest legal

Copyright ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Areas of strength. The company has policies

to reduce emissions througheliminationof toxic chemicals;the company is a substantialuser of recycled materials;the company's environmentally sensitive property,plant, and equipmentis among the most superior environmentally;the company derives substantial revenues from developing, using, or marketing fuels with environmental advantages, or has undertaken notable energy conservationprojects; the company derives substantialrevenuesfrom alternative fuels including natural gas, wind power, and solar energy. Items used for social issue participation (SIP) Non-U.S. Issues. Areas of concern.Operations in Burma;operationsin Mexico are controversial especially related to employees or the environment. Areas of strength. The company has established

a substantial,innovative charitablegiving program outside of the United States. Other. Areas of concern. Notably high levels

of compensationto top managementor board, companyis involved in tax disputes,the company owns a substantialportion of a company with social concerns. Areas of strength. Company has notably low

compensationfor top managementor board,company owns a substantialpart of a companywith social strengths. Exclusionary screens. Alcohol/tobacco/gambling. Military weapons contracting or supplies to Departmentof Defense. Nuclearpowerelectricalutility,designs or constructsnuclearenergy plants or uranium.

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