Original Article
Shear Bond Strength of Metal Brackets on Enamel Paola Cozzaa; Leonardo Martuccib; Laura De Toffolb; Santiago Isaza Pencoc ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the shear bond strength of different metal orthodontic brackets. Materials and Methods: Five types of orthodontic metal brackets were selected (S1, Victory Series, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif; S2, Mini Dyna-Lock, 3M Unitek; S3, Mini Sprint, Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany; S4, Topic, Dentaurum, Inspringen, Germany; and S5, equilibrium 2, Dentaurum). Brackets were bonded on enamel surfaces of bovine incisors (Transbond XT, 3M Unitek) and were tested for shear bond strength with an Instron universal testing machine (Instron Corp, Canton, Mass). Data obtained in newtons and megapascals were analyzed with descriptive statistics and with analysis of variance and Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD) tests. The adhesive fracture site was classified with the adhesive remnant index (ARI). Results: All the specimens tested had shear bond strength adequate to resist orthodontic forces. S5 showed significantly greater bond strength when compared with the other samples, except for S1. S1, S3, and S5 showed a significantly greater bonding force. The ARI index demonstrated a large variability. Retentive structure of S1, S3, and S5 had equal validity. The enlargement of the retentive surface enhances adhesion but affects the adaptability to surface irregularity of the enamel, increasing the risk of fracture at the interface with the bracket. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that probably the retentive base extension can be lower than 7 mm2 proposed in previous studies as the minimal area. KEY WORDS: Bracket; Adhesion; Shear bond strength; ARI index
perforated bases, mesh foils, and photoetched bases. In the second group, the base and the remaining parts of the bracket are a unique piece. Four types of bases belong to this group: retention groove bases, mesh bases, waffle bases, and laser-structured bases. The base retentive system is only one of the factors that influences the shear bond strength of metal brackets. Furthermore, cleaning and conditioning procedures of the enamel, adhesive systems, polymerization type, and time and moisture contamination of conditioned enamel can modify the retention of metal brackets.4,5 Therefore, the authors recommend a retention of metal brackets greater than 6–8 MPa.6,7 Many studies have been performed to compare bond strength of metal brackets with different retentive bases.4,6,8–11 The aims of this study were to (1) compare the shear bond strength of different ‘‘generations’’ of retentive bases, mesh foil, a new type of waffle base, and laser-structured base and (2) evaluate the influence of the base extension on the bond strength. Furthermore, the specimens were evaluated with the adhesive remnant index (ARI) index to localize the sites of adhesive fracture. Before testing, the base sur-
The introduction of the acid etching technique by Buonocore1 allowed the substitution of metal bands with directly cemented brackets.2 Mitchell,3 in 1967, was the first author to report on the use of metal bracket with a retentive base. The adhesion of metal brackets is obtained with mechanic interlock between base-adhesive resin-enamel. Many types of metal bracket bases exist, and they can be classified into two principal groups: brackets with soldered bases and brackets with integral bases. In the first group, the metal bases are soldered to the bracket bodies. The bases used in this class are a Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata,’’ Rome, Italy. b Fellow, Department of Orthodontics, University of Rome, ‘‘Tor Vergata,’’ Rome, Italy. c Graduate, Department of Orthodontics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Corresponding author: Dr. Paola Cozza, via Veio 53, Rome 00183, Italy (e-mail:
[email protected])
Accepted: September 2005. Submitted: June 2005. 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc. DOI: 10.2319/061205-201
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 5, 2006
Table 1. Descriptive Statistic of Shear Bond Strength (N) and Nominal Area (mm2) 95% CI for Mean Bracket Victory Series Mini Dyna-Lock Mini Sprint Topic Equilibrium 2
Area (mm2)
Mean (N)
Lower Bound
8.97 9.25 5.9 12 10.4
273.40 145.20 200.60 215.10 302.30
71.67 52.46 30.57 80.80 90.14
22.66 16.59 9.67 25.55 28.50
222.13 107.67 178.73 157.30 237.82
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
faces were observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at 20⫻. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five types of maxillary incisor metal brackets were selected for this study: Victory Series (S1) and Mini Dyna-Lock (S2) (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif), Mini Sprint (S3) (Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany), and Topic (S4) and equilibrium 2 (S5) (Dentaurum, Inspringen, Germany). Ten brackets for each type were used. In the first part of this study, the base surface of the brackets selected was observed using a SEM (Zeiss DSM 950) at 20⫻. For the morphologic analysis with SEM, the slot surfaces of the bracket were bonded on appropriate stubs leaving the retentive surface exposed. The mean base surface area of the brackets was calculated by measuring length and width and computing the area. A bovine tooth model was used in this study because the enamel of bovine incisor has been shown to be histochemically similar to human enamel.12 Fifty bovine incisors were extracted, washed, and deprived of pulps and of the greater portion of the roots. The criteria of tooth selection were crown grossly perfect with absence of cracks caused by extraction forceps. The teeth were then embedded in self-curing acrylic resin (Ortocryl, Dentaurum), leaving the labial enamel exposed. The specimens were stored in normal saline solution for 1 week until testing. A prophylactic treatment was performed with pumice-powder paste-water containing no fluoride, then rinsed with an air-water syringe for 10 seconds, and dried with an air-water syringe. Before bonding, the enamel was etched for 15 seconds with a 35% orthophosphoric acid gel solution, sprayed for 20 seconds, and dried with an air-water syringe. The primer (Transbond XT Primer, 3M Unitek) was applied on the enamel and sprayed with air to promote the complete penetration of the resin. After photopolymerization for 10 seconds, brackets with a small layer of adhesive (Transbond XT, 3M Unitek) were positioned and pressed on the labial surfaces of the teeth. The excess of adhesive extruding from the periphery of the base was removed, and the adhesive was cured at 380 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 5, 2006
Upper Bound
324.67 182.73 222.47 272.90 366.78
184 87 143 34 144
391 248 236 300 417
mW/cm2 (Curing Light XL 3000, 3M Unitek) applying the light from both interproximal sides for 10 seconds each. The intensity of the lamp has been measured with a radiometer (Optilux Radiometer Model 1000, SDS Kerr, Danbury, Conn), and the error reported by the producer was 5%. The specimens were tested on an Instron universal testing machine (Instron Corp, Canton, Mass): a blade was placed at the bracket base-enamel interface at the occlusal side using a crosshead speed of 6 mm/min and a 50-kg load cell; in this way the brackets were shear tested to failure. The force producing failure was recorded in newtons and converted into megapascals by dividing the measured force values by the mean surface area of the brackets. The ARI was used to evaluate the amount of adhesive left on the enamel surface after debonding and to establish the sites of adhesive fracture. Brackets were observed with a stereomicroscope at 10⫻ magnification, and the remaining adhesive was scored with respect to the amount of resin material remaining on the enamel: ARI 0, less than 10% of the adhesive remained on the enamel; ARI 1, more than 10% but less than 50% of the adhesive remained on the enamel; ARI 2, more than 50% but less than 90% of the adhesive remained on the enamel; ARI 3, more than 90% of the adhesive remained on the enamel with a clear impression of the bracket base on the adhesiveenamel surface.13 Statistical method Descriptive statistics included mean and standard deviation (SD) for each group, in megapascals and in newtons. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s HSD post hoc tests were carried out to analyze the effect of bracket base design on mean shear bond strength. RESULTS The overall mean bond strengths are shown in Table 1. The one-way ANOVA test showed that there were statistically significant differences among the five groups with respect to shear bond strength (P ⫽ .001).
BRACKET ADHESION Table 2. Statistical Comparison (Tukey’s HSD Post hoc Test)a Newtons Bracket Base Comparison Victory Series
Mini Dyna-Lock
Mini Sprint
Equilibrium 2
S2 S3 S4 S5 S1 S3 S4 S5 S1 S2 S4 S5 S1 S2 S3 S5 S1 S2 S3 S4
Mini Dyna-Lock Mini Sprint Topic Equilibrium 2 Victory Series Mini Sprint Topic Equilibrium 2 Victory Series Mini Dyna-Lock Topic Equilibrium 2 Victory Series Mini Dyna-Lock Mini Sprint Equilibrium 2 Victory Series Mini Dyna-Lock Mini Sprint Topic
Mean Difference 128.20 72.80 58.30 ⫺28.90 ⫺128.20 ⫺55.40 ⫺69.90 ⫺157.10 ⫺72.80 55.40 ⫺14.50 ⫺101.70 ⫺58.30 69.90 14.50 ⫺87.20 28.90 157.10 101.70 87.20
Megapascals P
Mean Difference
.001*** .141 .331 .878 .001*** .382 .170 .000*** .141 .382 .989 .015* .331 .170 .989 .050* .878 .000*** .015** .050*
14.78 ⫺2.52 12.55 1.41 ⫺14.78 ⫺17.30 ⫺2.23 ⫺13.37 2.52 17.30 15.08 3.93 ⫺12.55 2.23 ⫺15.08 ⫺11.14 ⫺1.41 13.37 ⫺3.93 11.14
.000*** .931 .002** .992 .000*** .000*** .955 .001*** .931 .000*** .000*** .730 .002** .955 .000*** .009** .992 .001*** .730 .009**
The mean difference is significant at *P ⫽ .05; **P ⫽ .01; ***P ⫽ .001 levels.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistic of Shear Bond Strength (MPa) and Nominal Area (mm2) 95% CI for Mean Bracket Victory Series Mini Dyna-Lock Mini Sprint Topic Equilibrium 2
Area (mm2) Mean (MPa) S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
8.97 9.25 5.9 12 10.4
30.48 15.70 33.00 17.92 29.07
Lower Bound
7.99 5.67 6.00 6.73 8.67
2.53 1.79 1.90 2.13 2.74
24.76 11.64 28.71 13.11 22.86
Upper Bound
36.19 19.75 37.29 22.74 35.27
21 9 24 3 14
44 27 40 25 40
Table 4. ARI Scores in Percentagea Value
No adhesive left on the tooth (⬍10%)
Less than half of the adhesive left on the tooth More than half of the adhesive left on the tooth All adhesive left on the tooth (⬎90%), with distinct impression of the bracket base
Adhesive fracture at cement-enamel interface Mixed fracture
30 20 —
10 30 50
50 — —
10 40 40
20 20 20
Adhesive fracture at bracket-cement interface
ARI indicates adhesive remnant index.
Application of Tukey’s HSD post hoc test showed that S5 and S1 presented significantly greater shear bond strength in comparison with the other samples (Table 2). The mean bonding force per area squared is shown in Table 3. The Tukey’s HSD post hoc test demonstrated significant differences between the brackets evaluated (Table 2): S1, S3, and S5 showed a significantly greater bonding force when the data were expressed in megapascals.
The location of the fracture for each test sample was evaluated with the ARI index (Table 4). Three possible types of fractures were observed: cohesive fracture, within the body of the cement; adhesive fracture, at the cement-bracket base or enamel-cement interface, and mixed fracture.8 For all the brackets, 40–50% of breakage was a mixed fracture. S1 and S3 showed 50% of fractures at the cement–enamel interface, and S2 showed 50% of breakage at the bracket-cement interface. Regarding S4, 40% of the fractures occurred Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 5, 2006
FIGURE 1. Victory Series: photomicrograph at 20⫻.
FIGURE 3. Mini Sprint: photomicrograph at 20⫻.
FIGURE 2. Mini Dyna-Lock: photomicrograph at 20⫻.
FIGURE 4. Topic: photomicrograph at 20⫻.
at bracket-cement interface. S5 showed greater variability of fracture sites, and in 20% of the specimens the fracture occurred within the enamel. DISCUSSION With the exception of S1, all brackets used in this study were ‘‘integral brackets,’’ in which the body and the retentive base are a unique piece. S1 presents with an 80-G mesh foil, which seems to be the most retentive size, providing large spaces for the penetration of the adhesive and the curing light.9,14,15 However, some authors consider that the mesh size does not influence the retention significantly or that it depends on the filler content of the adhesive used5,16 (Figure 1). In S2, the retentive system, the retention groove base, is characterized by horizontal undercut channels open at the medial and distal extremities, with a ‘‘V’’ grooved pattern running vertically on the surface of the Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 5, 2006
base. In theory, such a design should reduce the chances of air entrapment because excess material can escape. The retention of this kind of base does not seem to be completely satisfying10 (Figure 2). S3 presents the smallest base surface among those selected in this study (5.9 mm2). Retention is provided by a waffle base, consisting of metallic indentations coming out from the bottom of the bracket. Scanning electron micrograph shows that each indentation seems to be tipped occlusogingivally, creating adequate undercuts. The free volume among the indentations allows the escape of air and excess resin (Figure 3). S4 is characterized by a laser-structured base in which the retention is obtained with many hole-shaped cavities on the bottom of the brackets that are realized by a laser beam scanned over the base surface. Photomicrograph shows the presence of projecting metallic margins, probably derived from the laser beam action (Figure 4).
FIGURE 5. Equilibrium 2: photomicrograph at 20⫻.
The perfectly quadrangular base shape is the main characteristic distinguishing these brackets from S5, which presents a smaller and more concave and anatomic base shape (Figure 5). The analysis of the shear bond strength indicates that all the retentive systems used in the brackets tested provide the clinically acceptable bond force levels (6–8 MPa) suggested by Reynolds and von Fraunhofer.7 However, this is an in vitro study and care should be taken in extrapolating the results to those that might be obtained in the oral environment, in which moisture contamination dramatically reduces adhesion.6 In fact, the aim of this study was to determine the retention capacity, without considering in vivo real conditions. To compare the retention capacity of brackets selected, it is necessary to express the shear bond strength (in N) and the bonding force (in MPa). The values in newtons describe the shear bond strength considering the retentive base surface, whereas the values in megapascals, obtained by dividing the values in newtons for the base areas, exclude the influence of the millimetric extension of the base and reflect strictly the effectiveness of the retention mechanism. S5 showed the highest shear bond strength. This value is not significantly greater than S1, but it is significantly greater than the values shown by the other specimens. When the values are expressed in megapascals, S3, S1, and S5 demonstrate a similar and significantly greater bonding force with respect to the others. Comparing the results with the extension in square millimeters of the base surfaces, it is evident that the latter factor can influence the shear bond strength: increasing the surface area of the bracket, the load carrying capacity increases, as observed in previous studies.5,9 Interestingly, S4 showed significantly lower values
(both in N and in MPa) with respect to the similar S5. This phenomenon is probably due to the greater base extension, to the consequent decreased adaptability of S4, and to the smaller number of laser shots per area for S4 than for S5. Moreover, S4 presents a particular anatomic design, probably incompatible with the bovine incisor profile. Finally, the ARI index analysis showed a considerable variability in the fracture sites. In S1 and S3, 50% of bond failures were located at the enamel-adhesive interface (ARI 0) and 50% were mixed fractures (ARI 1). No ARI 2 and ARI 3 cases were present for S3 and no ARI 3 cases were present for S1. This seems to be a confirmation of the high retention of these bracket bases. In S2 and S4, most of the bond failures were located at the bracket-adhesive interface (50% and 40%, respectively), with variable percent values in the other ARI scores. This finding is comparable to those found at the Instron machine test, expressing the lower retention capacity or their lower adaptability. S4 showed an equal distribution in all the ARI index scores and two cases of crown fracture. In general, ARI results should be interpreted with caution because they are subjective.17 CONCLUSIONS • All brackets tested provided acceptable bond force levels. • Victory Series and equilibrium 2 brackets showed the highest shear bond strength when values are expressed in newtons. • When values are expressed in megapascals, the foil mesh base of Victory Series, the waffle base of Mini Sprint, and the laser-structured base of equilibrium 2 brackets demonstrated a similar and significantly greater bonding force compared with the others specimens. • The enlargement of the surface area of the bracket can increase the load carrying capacity, but it causes an adaptability drop. The results of this study showed that probably the retentive base extension can be lower than the 7 mm2 proposed as the minimal area in previous studies.11 • The ARI index values showed considerable variability. REFERENCES 1. Buonocore MG. A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling materials to enamel surfaces. J Dent Res. 1955;34:849–853. 2. Newmann GV. Epoxy adhesives for orthodontic attachments: progress report. Am J Orthod. 1965;51:901–912. 3. Mitchell DL. Bandless orthodontic bracket. J Am Dent Assoc. 1967;74:103–110. Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 5, 2006
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