SheDecides Day Toolkit 2018 - Squarespace

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your own creativity, passion, networks, and resources ... Speak Out; Change the Rules; Unlock Resources. ..... of the ma
SheDecides Day Toolkit 2018




SheDecides Day 2018 Toolkit

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SheDecides Day 2018 Toolkit



SheDecides Day 2018: what is it?

The manifesto


Create an event

Stand Up, Speak Out

Change the Rules

Unlock Resources

Amplify your action


Social media

Alert the media


Download, print and project


On the day of the event

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WHAT IS SHEDECIDES DAY 2018? The SheDecides Story SheDecides was launched at the start of 2017 as an urgent reaction to the Global Gag Rule. It has rapidly evolved from two words, to a oneday conference into a global, political movement which is guided by the vision as articulated in the SheDecides manifesto: A new normal where girls and women decide about their bodies, their lives, their futures. Without question. Since March 2017, the term SheDecides has become an urgent rallying cry leading to the formation of a global movement, now generating national and regional movements to mobilise all those who define themselves as Friends of SheDecides to maintain the momentum. The uniqueness of the movement lies both in its bold approach and its transformative working model. SheDecides breaks down traditional silos, builds on the work of others and brings in the energy of many new voices. SheDecides is a political movement with community support. Friends of SheDecides are individuals and organisations who share the values of the manifesto to work together for: “A world where every girl and woman can decide what to do with her body, with her life, and with her future. Without question.” Friends of SheDecides take action to reach that new normal.

Stand Up, Speak Out Already, there are governments, organisations, public figures and individuals across the world who believe that, of course, she should decide. They stand up, speak out and publicly express support for SheDecides (and applaud others who do, too!). By celebrating the bold, they push others to be brave. Change the Rules Many people already play a role in this: parliamentarians, ministers and senior policy-makers can reform laws, policies and all sorts of operational rules that block girls and women from making their own decisions. And citizens can call on them to make sure that laws and policies make it easy for girls and women to decide. Unlock Resources It costs money to ensure that girls and women everywhere have access to the right information and a full range of services, so that they really can decide. This means finding and spending the money – from governments, foundations, donors, individuals – so that all women and girls have the services, information and education they need to decide.




SheDecides Day 2018: what is it? SheDecides was born at one event, when global leaders banded together to defend girls’ and women’s rights to decide what they do with their bodies – and their lives. One year on, we will see hundreds of events of different sizes and formats take place all over the world, affirming continued passion for – and commitment to uphold – these rights. SheDecides Day is about standing up, speaking out and taking action to say yes, SheDecides. Without Question. To help make this happen, we need ALL of you to get involved and spread the word. This toolkit is here to inspire and support you to plan and participate in events of all different sizes and formats. For those of you who are unable to hold or attend events, we provide other ways to get involved so together we can grow the movement and push for a new normal: where every girl and every woman can decide about her own body. Without question.

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TAKE ACTION Create an event 2 MARCH IS A DAY OF ACTION TO BUILD THE SHEDECIDES MOVEMENT AND PROMOTE THE VALUES AND VISION TO PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD. PLAN YOUR OWN EVENT AND USE THIS MOMENT TO CO-CREATE THE MOVEMENT WITH OTHER FRIENDS OF SHEDECIDES. How? Start with the SheDecides manifesto. This note explains what’s behind the manifesto so you can use your own creativity, passion, networks, and resources to take action and create events that builds the SheDecides movement in your community: Stand Up, Speak Out; Change the Rules; Unlock Resources. Here are some ideas to help kick-start your plans. These are just starting points to get the ball rolling – not a definitive list. Unleash your creativity and organise events that are playful, serious, creative, academic, political, activist, inspiring. You Decide!

STAND UP, SPEAK OUT AIM: Encourage individuals and organisations to sign-up as Friends of SheDecides. Promote the manifesto, the values of the movement and explain the issues. Mobilise friends, community members, colleagues, peers and family – everyone you can reach.  rally or march – inspire friends to go to an A identified public area to call for a new normal where SheDecides; use placards, signs, and hand out other materials to amplify the message.  ost a meeting – invite people to your home, work H place, student union, political space or any other exciting place to explore the vision of the manifesto. What does it mean to you? Maybe invite speakers to kick-start your discussions.  ost a social event – organise a picnic, supper or H cocktail party to explore what SheDecides means to you – and sign-up new friends and invite those that have already signed up to explain what the manifesto means to them.  obilise friends through social media – use your M great networks to encourage live sign-ups to the manifesto from your mobile phone: promote the manifesto through Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and whatever else you use.




CHANGE THE RULES AIM: Bring together other friends, advocates, experts and policymakers to identify the laws, policies and guidelines in your country that need to be addressed and changed and co-conspire ways to do that.  xpert panel or ‘Ted’ style talk – assemble experts E like lawyers, individuals affected by bad laws (e.g. women not able to access contraception, abortion, justice for assault) academics, sexual health workers, politicians. Explore how the laws should change in line with the manifesto. What does the manifesto mean for their lives, their work and your country? Make an action plan: How can you work together to change unjust rules? Examples of invitations can be found here.  all-in summit – invite friends, colleagues, C community members and others to meet for a ‘callin summit’. Take the time to call identified members of government to raise awareness and mobilise support for SheDecides.

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UNLOCK RESOURCES AIM: Boost the finances needed to make sure that SheDecides by inviting friends, community members and the public to a fundraising event. Money raised can be donated via Rutgers in the Netherlands or directly to an organisation that advocates for and supports girls and women, especially those that stand up against the Global Gag Rule and have had their funding cut.  oncert or open-mic night – organise a concert, C play or other event and encourage people to sign the manifesto as they arrive.  xhibition – organise an exhibition with a focus E on SheDecides. Encourage artists or friends to use art, photos or other imagery to interpret the manifesto, the impact of the Global Gag Rule on communities; what SheDecides means to them.  dinner party – organise a ‘pay what you like’ A dinner to mobilise friends, and discuss what the SheDecides manifesto means to different people, groups and communities.




SheDecides Day 2018 Toolkit

DOWNLOAD AND PRINT AS MUCH SHEDECIDES MATERIAL AS YOU WISH! The full list – including manifesto postcards in English, French, Spanish and Arabic – is available for download here. And you are welcome – and encouraged – to use the logo to brand your own events and material. For all SheDecides Day activities please use the SheDecides Day logo. This can be downloaded here. Guidance on logo usage can be downloaded here.

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Amplify your action Showcase your event before, during and after 2 March 2018. Here are some suggestions: Pre-event  ublicise the event through flyers, brochures and ads P – and strategically place them to meet the objectives of your event (e.g. if you are hosting an expert panel, distribute flyers at universities, academic institutions, relevant organisations, etc.).  dvertise the event on your website and social media A – work from this messaging so you stay close to the goals of SheDecides Day.  reate a social media plan: if possible, draft and C share posts in advance of the event to create interest by using the available social media assets here. Use #SheDecides, #SheDecidesDay, #WithoutQuestion in all of your posts – but also feel free to link with any other hashtags that resonate with the message.  sk other supporting organisations, groups, peers A and friends to publicise the event via their own social channels using the hashtags listed above.  egister your event at the SheDecides website so it can R be listed on the SheDecides Day web page.

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On the day of the event  ake photographs and videos throughout the day, T film vlogs, write blogs – use lots of branding and materials to highlight the SheDecides message, capturing the distinct look and feel.  ost these images on the day on your social P channels to generate awareness – and then keep on sharing other content over the following weeks. Remember to include #SheDecidesDay so other Friends of SheDecides can amplify your action.  eep on providing updates of the day via your K social media channels to sustain momentum and convey the energy and action of the day. See example posts here!  ost your images, stories, blogs and vlogs on the P SheDecides Facebook page, and email info@ to get your event highlighted on the SheDecides website.  acilitate as many media interviews on the day F as possible – make sure you have enough team members assigned to this role.




Post-event  eep on sharing the best imagery from the day on K your website and via your social media channels.  evelop a blog post/newsletter shortly after the D event to reflect on the success of the day and share any key highlights with your followers. Here are some ideas for invitation letters to hook great speakers, performers and guests. This is just a template – tailor it to however suits you! These entry points can be used to help you integrate the SheDecides manifesto into your organisations’ existing messaging and priorities.

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Take pictures, create videos, record sound bites from your friends and get loud about why she should decide.



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SPREAD THE WORD Social Media Some ideas:

Sample Tweets  oday, #SheDecidesDay we stand up and speak T out until #SheDecides every day and everywhere #WithoutQuestion.

 ake a photo of yourself or your friends with a T poster finishing the sentence ‘When she decides...’ or ‘When she does not decide…’

#SheDecides about her own body. #WithoutQuestion. It’s obvious. Sign the manifesto now.

 reatively interpret the manifesto! Record a liveC reading of the manifesto, or illustrate some of the points that speak most strongly to you.

 his #SheDecidesDay stand up, speak out and take T action.

 espond to the question: what does a world where R SheDecides look like?

 March 2018 is the first ever #SheDecidesDay – to 2 ensure that only #SheDecides about her own body. Without question. Stand up. Speak out. Sign the manifesto now.

Hashtags Please use the below hashtags to ensure that SheDecides Day is making enough noise for the world to take notice. Remember to tag other Friends and Champions of SheDecides, plus feel free to align your tweets with other campaigns. #SheDecides #SheDecidesDay #WithoutQuestion

 ho should decide what a woman does with her W body? The answer is simple. She should. #SheDecides  hen #SheDecides the world is, better, stronger and W safer. Stand with us on #SheDecidesDay


Photo credit: Poulomi Basu/CIFF

 orking on SDG5 for gender equality? Sign the manifesto W now for a world where only #SheDecides. #SHEDECIDESDAY

 oing nothing bolsters the status quo. Take D action. Sign the manifesto now. #SheDecides #WithoutQuestion  heDecides. It’s obvious. On #SheDecidesDay and S every other day. Without question. It’s obvious.



SheDecides Day 2018 Toolkit


Sample Facebook posts  oday is #SheDecidesDay. Today we stand up T and speak out. Today we say it’s obvious that #SheDecides. Today – and every day. Sign the manifesto now and join the movement.


 round the world, millions of girls and women A are denied the right to make decisions about their own bodies. This threatens their ability to build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. #SheDecides #SheDecidesDay. Sign the manifesto now and join the movement.  SheDecidesDay is a moment of energy and # activity. We challenge anyone or anything that denies women and girls the basic human rights needed to make decisions that are theirs and theirs alone. Sign the manifesto now and join the movement. Feel free to create your own Facebook event for your SheDecides activities. We advise you don’t create a whole new Facebook page. Instead, take advantage of official SheDecides social media by tagging @shedecidesgfi and #SheDecides - and don’t forget to register your event so we can announce it on the official SheDecides Day web page.

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Alert the Media Thought starters for blog/articles Have fun with these thought starters to create blogs, vlogs, web posts and articles for the first ever SheDecides Day on 2 March 2018. This is a pivotal moment to grow our movement and promote the values we stand for these thought starters are designed to grow awareness and impact by linking to current news agendas. SheDecides Day is a powerful moment to link the movement to the seismic shift we are seeing around the world as women’s rights to decide about their bodies becomes centre stage. Highlight the issues:  hy contraception matters – and how few women W and girls get what they need Why access to safe abortion and support matters  upporting communities to end child marriage and S female genital cutting/mutilation (FGC/M)  he positive impacts of access to education and T information about sex Bringing an end to violence, rape and coercion The massive impact of HIV on women and girls




The Resistance SheDecides Day is a moment of energy and activity and forms an important part of the broader resistance. This resistance shines the spotlight on the challenges facing girls and women from all walks of life. Some points to keep in mind: The powerful Women’s Marches, from DC to Delhi  RiseInSolidarity with 1 Billion Rising from Kenya to # Haiti to Iraq  metoo exploding across the globe – from Senegal # to Indonesia  he TIMESUP initiative spreading socially across the T globe since its inception in the US International Women’s Day calling us to #pressforprogress in 2018

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Beyond the Global Gag Rule The Global Gag Rule directly affects the ability of girls and women to decide what happens to their bodies. More than a year after it was reinstated, we’re already seeing the impact. Some key points to highlight:  arly stories of impact – women and girls around E the world are being denied their right to decide  rganisations prevented from providing O essential care Politicians standing up for legal change If you want to write a press release about SheDecides Day to share with local, regional or national media then please download the below sample. Press release template




Some rules are changing Big progress is happening elsewhere around the world. Celebrate the recent wins:  hile lifting its total ban of abortion in the country, C making it available for a woman to have an abortion when her life is at risk, in case of rape and when a foetus is not viable.  olivia, changing its laws so women can access B safe, legal abortion in the first eight weeks of pregnancy under a broad range of circumstances. India’s Supreme Court’s brave decision to strike down a part of the country’s legal code that had permitted men to have sex with their underage wives. L ebanon, Jordan and Tunisia’s bold moves in abolishing laws that let rapists walk free by marrying their victims. You can also use SheDecides Day to reach out to decision-makers and generate vital support for the movement from politicians and community leaders. Template letter/email to politician or community leader

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SheDecides Day 2018 Toolkit


PAINT THE TOWN DOWNLOAD, PRINT AND PROJECT SheDecides Day branded content SheDecides manifesto postcard (English) SheDecides manifesto postcards (French, Spanish, Arabic)

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DRILLING DOWN TO THE DETAILS THIS SECTION PROVIDES YOU WITH GUIDANCE ON KEY ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER WHEN ORGANISING AN EVENT. Pre-event Internal Planning: Define the scope and objectives of your event Identify colleagues, friends or peers who will work alongside you to deliver the event and ensure everyone is clear on roles and responsibilities  etermine your budget – list all costs and identify D sources of funding to cover expenses such as: •  Venue hire •  Catering: meals, tea and coffee breaks •  Audio-visual equipment (e.g. projector, microphones, etc.) •  Stationery and printing •  Event advertising  gree and set timings – consider when is the A optimal timing for your SheDecides event either on 2 March or shortly after if it is not possible to hold it on the day. If applicable to your event, prioritise inviting speakers, performers and VIPs to provide them with as much notice as possible.

Logistics: Identify and secure a venue. Consider the following questions when researching venues: •  How many people does your venue need to accommodate? •  Is the venue within budget? •  Are permissions required for this type of event? •  Will the venue be able to accommodate any technical/audio-visual equipment requirements you have (e.g. strong Wi-Fi capabilities, screens, a podium with a microphone)? •  Is the venue easily accessible for attendees? Can people with disabilities easily access the venue? Is there parking? •  Is the venue in a safe area? •  Are there private side rooms available to accommodate for media interviews or VIPs in case they request a private meeting room?




 rganise venue logistical requirements – in O the run-up to the event, liaise with the venue to organise all your requirements for the day, e.g.: •  Request a table at the entrance to sign guests in as they arrive •  Request or set up a stand dedicated to manifesto sign-ups •  Request a table where you can distribute SheDecides materials (e.g. manifesto, FAQ, etc.) •  Organise catering •  Organise microphones, screens, headsets, etc  rganise a photographer – consider hiring a O photographer or assigning a team member to take photographs.  rganise a videographer – consider hiring O a videographer if hosting a formal event or encouraging attendees to take videos themselves if it is an informal event.  rganise attendee information pack – this should O include an agenda, background information, FAQs and any media materials (e.g. press release)  rganise printing – consider how you are going O to print out materials for use on the day (e.g. manifesto, flyers, posters, attendee information packs.)

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Materials Development  evelop an event agenda that meets your D objectives showing what time guests should arrive at and when each activity will occur. Once finalised, this agenda should be circulated to guests and printed for distribution at the event.  evelop speaker/performer invitations. This D can take the form of an email or a more formal electronic or hard-copy invitation, depending on local protocols. Download a template here.  evelop guest invitation for friends, community D members, media and other stakeholders. This can take the form of an email, or a more formal electronic or hard-copy invitation, depending on local protocols. Download a template here. If speeches are being made, work closely with your speakers to ensure their presentations at the event will be relevant, concise and impactful.




If presentations or performances are taking place, develop talking points for all speakers and performers. This will ensure the content in their presentations/performances is consistent and aligned with SheDecides’ messaging. If presentations or performances are taking place, develop briefs for each speaker/performer and schedule in time ahead of the day to walk them through it.  or formal events (e.g. expert panel), develop a F document with short speaker biographies once all speakers confirm their attendance. If media is attending your event, ensure you begin developing media materials (e.g. a press release, background information, FAQs, etc.) as soon as possible. This will also allow sufficient time to secure quotes or sign-offs from the relevant stakeholders if required.  onsider what kind of signs, such as branded C banners, you will need for your event. You may also wish to produce name badges for attendees, speakers, and the organising team. Ensure you have sufficient copies of the manifesto available at the event.

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Attendees: media and/or key stakeholders  arget the right audience depending on your event T and corresponding objectives (e.g. invite academics or policymakers if you are organising an expert panel) Issue invitations as soon as the key event details are confirmed: •  If possible, issue invitations via email and leverage this opportunity to increase sign-ups to the manifesto and newsletter. •  Follow-up the invitations by phone, to have an opportunity to speak with them to pique their interest in the event, and get an attendance confirmation. Send a reminder email one or two weeks before the event to get any lastminute sign-ups. •  Send confirmation emails to ensure attendees have all the information they need for the event: meeting date/time, venue address and map if appropriate, contact person for in case of emergency and for any queries from VIPs, top-line agenda, etc.




If it is not an invitation only event, publicise the event on your website, social channels and through any flyers or brochures. If possible, also ask any stakeholders or peers to publicise the event via their own social channels and/or websites. •  When publicising the event on social ensure you and your stakeholders or peers are using the correct hashtags: #SheDecides, #SheDecidesDay #WithoutQuestion. Direct any invitees who are unable to attend the event, but are interested in the topic, to the SheDecides website On the day of the event Logistics  rrive at the venue early to allow time to set up A properly. Provide all event staff with an agenda and give them a short briefing on their individual responsibilities  nsure you have contact details to hand for E your key venue liaison person, audio-visual contact, speakers, performers, journalists, other participants, as well as for any local taxi companies, in case you need to get in contact with them

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Speakers/Performers  rganise a briefing session with your speakers/ O performers to ensure they are familiar with running order and content of the entire event and/or run through their presentations/performances.  nsure you have printed relevant materials for them E (e.g. agenda and a copy of any presentations, and of the materials journalists will be receiving, for instance a press release).  nsure a team member is assigned to liaise with all E the speakers/performers and attend to any needs they have in addition to helping with interviews following any media requests



SheDecides Day 2018 Toolkit


Media If you have invited members of the media to your event, ensure one team member (or more) is responsible for liaising with the media. This will mean there is someone to greet them, to confirm they have all the information they need, and to put them in contact with the speakers/performers following the event for any interviews.  eep track of media attendance at registration. K At the registration table you can provide each journalist with a name badge. Post-event After your event, you may wish to consider these follow-up actions to thank the participants as well as evaluate your success:  end a ‘thank you’ letter/email to speakers/ S performers and attendees.  emain in contact with the journalists you invited R and monitor for media coverage related to the topics covered in your event in the two months following your event.  hare any coverage using photographs and S highlights from your event with SheDecides via Josephine Smart ([email protected]) or directly via the website.


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