SIDE WALK SALE Dinner Bell - Rockcastle County Public Library

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Publisher - HAY MeCLUBE. EdUae. ARLETTA WOHTOW — Social Editor. Adraittai—. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. An editorial in this week's Courier Journal ...
Ittcroni 8«rtum Signal Outside The County. H J N ELMO AlfDEMCIH. Publisher - HAY MeCLUBE. EdUae ARLETTA WOHTOW — Social Editor. Adraittai—

MAKE YOUR VOC I E HEARD An editorial in this week's Courier J o u r n a l points out something we have known for a long time. The editorial relates that Associated Press Correspondent Neil Gilbride from Washington notes that because of work on control of Kentucky's rivers, the state's future is bright. The last paragraph of the editorial is especially noteworthy: "Control of the Tennessee, the Lower Cumberland, the„0Teen and Barren and Nolin is having a g r w f h g impact on Western and West Central Kentucky. But. the Upper Cumberland, the Big Sandy, the Kentucky and Laurel rivers of Cortoin were riaiting relatives and friends at Ottawa and their tributaries still spread devasting floods and Brodhead Saturday on the chronically depressed areas of ^Eastern Sief Parkerson and his Kentucky that can least affgrd the economic loss. mother, Patsy Adams spent This section of the state especially needs river Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. development to provide an outlet for coal and Guy Hamra. Mrs. Adama timber and to create new recreational opportunistayed for a visit ties for communities that must increasingly deHerbert Ray Lawrence is pend on tourist and vacation business. Work done a patient in Rockcastle Coon our rivers has been a sound investment, But unty Baptist Hospital. A speedy recovery is wished the work Is by no means done yet, and in some for him. areas It is barely begun." Carlos Lawrence, w h o With the expectation that Congress within a few days works in Altoona. Ala. was will agree on points in Pres John Kennedy's Public Works home over the week and with Btil releasing 900 million d o 11 a.r s for rehabilitation his wife, Bonnie, and Wendwork. .! will behoove *verv citizen of Rockcastle, Laurel, ell. MP" and Mrs. Virgil Lawrence and Phyllis. and Jackson counties to send our -Congressman a n d j sociology. — ; h e r e Saturday night. Mrs. Lydie Howard of Mt. two Senators a letter pointing out that these counties are Trie schedule of courses is Sunday guests of Mr. and spent last Tuesday under the Area Redevelopment Program and could well "L. °" i U n W Y Stephens w a r y ' Yemon ght with Delia Hayes, use a dam on the Rockcastle River above Livingston. _ j * J r . and Mrs. Alvie Reynolds M r Valroy Wrieht r •i. Ohio and Mr.| a n d. r hf jA .r M * ! n d l a MW r * n ' We. and our Congressmen, alread^ have heard of the j POPLAR GAP | tLd M r T Tommy ' r m * Harold & £ & ! and childran of bSZT££t " e B