automatically continue annually unless you contact the Association to cancel or terminate your ... credit card for the f
Sign Up for Auto Pay! RSAR offers convenient payment options for all your needs. Store Purchases and Courses Under the Auto-Pay program, your credit card will be charged automatically between the 1st and 5th of each month for store purchases, courses or other Reno/Sparks Association of REALTORS® items. (This is NOT your monthly Northern Nevada Regional MLS fees.)
(RSARPAC) in my final payment. (Fair share amount may be subject to change.)
Your written authorization and signature are required to complete your enrollment in the Auto Pay plan. The plan will automatically continue annually unless you contact the Association to cancel or terminate your REALTORauto-pay option. You will be notified of any increase or decrease of annual dues and RSARPac Fair Share amounts.
I (Print/type your name), Member # , authorize the Reno/Sparks Association of REALTORS®, to automatically charge my credit card for the following (choose all that apply): Store purchases, classes, and other non-dues items (Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express) Card # E-Mail (required) Signature
Exp. Date Phone
Please notify us if any of the card information should change (i.e. new expiration date, new card, stolen card, etc.)
FAX: 775.823.8805 - EMAIL:
[email protected] Mail: RSAR - 5650 Riggins Ct. #200 - Reno, NV 89502 QUESTIONS? Call: 775.823.8800