Listed below are a few general guidelines for NSF Letters of Collaboration for
those interested ... collaborating as possible school participant and a sample
Tonto Creek Camp Exploratory Pathways Project National Science Foundation
How to be considered for the Exploratory Pathways Project ELIGIBILITY
A school must have attended a TCC STEM Centered Outdoor Education Camp during either the 2014-15 school year, or the 2015-16 school year. A school must have reserved and express their intent to reserve a STEM Centered Outdoor Education Camp within the 2015-16 or 2016-17 school-year.
Send an email expressing your schools interest to Jamie Aiken, TCC Executive Director at
[email protected] Submit a Letter of Collaboration (as per the requirements of NSF) to Jamie Aiken no later than October 19, 2015.
Letter of Collaboration Guidelines and Sample Listed below are a few general guidelines for NSF Letters of Collaboration for those interested in collaborating as possible school participant and a sample letter. TCC understands that inevitably schools must obtain school board approval for such process and therefore wants you to know that your letter of collaboration is not binding. Guidelines:
Please simply indicate your desire to help but do not comment on the merit of the project.
Must be on official school letter head.
Should follow a single-sentence format For example, “If the proposal submitted by Tom Fraker, entitled Exploratory Pathways Project is selected for funding by the NSF, our school would welcome the opportunity to collaborate as a school participant.
Please feel free edit to rephrase the information in sample so that the letters we submit reflect the culture of your school/district.
Departure from these guidelines could result in the proposal being returned with review. Page | 1
Tonto Creek Camp Exploratory Pathways Project National Science Foundation
Example of letter of collaboration:
[Letterhead] [Date] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, Zip code] Dear Tom Fraker: I was very happy to learn about your proposal to the National Science Foundation and I look forward to working with you and the researches involved in the project. Contingent on funding of your proposal, we look forward to possibly participate as a school taking part in the research based from participation during a school camp, experiential expeditions and summer STEM centered camp experience. By signing below, I acknowledge that I am listed as a collaborator and will help support the activities of the Exploratory Pathways Project with Tonto Creek Camp. In closing, I thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Exploratory Pathways Project and will be eager to hear the outcome of the review process. Sincerely, (Insert Signature) (Insert Organization) (Insert Date)
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