IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and Networks
A Novel IP Routing/Signaling Based Service Provisioning Concept for Ubiquitous Grid Networking Environment Daisuke Ishii, Kenta Nakahara, Satoru Okamoto, and Naoaki Yamanaka Department of Information and Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, 3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Japan, E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract—With the advance of ubiquitous society including IPv6, it is expected that everything will be connected to the networking environment. Then, a ubiquitous grid networking environment (uGrid) has been proposed. In uGrid, everything from a device to a program is defined as “Service-Part”, and new mash-up services can be provided by connecting several ServiceParts. In this paper, IP Routing/Signaling-based uGrid service provisioning is proposed as a new concept for realizing uGrid. The feature of this concept is to assign IP addresses to ServiceParts and execute uGrid service provisioning in the network layer (IP protocol layer). IP protocol is an originally scalable protocol. Also, many sophisticated technologies accumulated for years can be used in IP protocol. Therefore, by using IP protocol, the construction of scalable and intelligent uGrid is expected. As key techniques, Service Routing and Service Signaling are introduced, and the issues of each technique are listed. By experiment, it was confirmed that the provisioning of a simple video grid service was succeeded by Service Signaling.
I. I NTRODUCTION Grid computing [1] has been researched. Grid computing can realize a high performance virtual machine by combining high performance computers in a seamless manner. This technology is a good precursor of the ubiquitous society in which everything, including CPU, memory and storage, will be interconnected by an IPv6 network. With the advance of ubiquitous society including IPv6, it is expected that various devices all over the world will be connected to the networking environment. As a new framework for ubiquitous society era, ubiquitous grid networking environment (uGrid) has been proposed [2]– [4]. In uGrid, the devices connected to the network are defined as “Service-Parts”. Users can use their desired Service-Parts all over the world, and moreover, they can use new mash-up services provided by connecting Service-Parts. For example, it is expected that uGrid realizes the next generation image distribution system by connecting Service-Parts associated with video processing [5]. In [5], when a user selects the several Service-Parts such as camera, the user can enjoy watching the video from any locations. To setup and provide mash-up services by Service-Parts, the technology to discover desired Service-Parts and combine Service-Path in the network is required. Moreover, the dynamic and rapid service provisioning is needed to response a user on-demand request.
978-1-4244-8864-3/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE
In this paper, IP Routing/Signaling-based uGrid service provisioning is proposed as a new concept for uGrid. The feature of this concept is to assign IP addresses to ServiceParts from devices to programs, and to execute uGrid service provisioning in the network layer. IP protocol is an originally scalable protocol. Also, many sophisticated technologies accumulated for years can be used in IP protocol. Therefore, by using IP protocol, the construction of scalable and intelligent uGrid is expected. Service Routing and Service Signaling are introduced as the key techniques of this concept, and the issues of each technique are listed. In this paper, the prototype of Service Signaling was implemented by extending RSVPTE (Resource reSerVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering) [7] of GMPLS (Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching) [6]. By experiment, it was confirmed that the provisioning of a simple video grid service was succeeded by Service Signaling. This paper organized as follows. Section II describes an overview of uGrid. In Section III, IP Routing/Signaling-based uGrid service provisioning is proposed, and two key techniques; Service Routing and Service Signaling are introduced. The experiment about the implemented prototype of Service Signaling is shown in Section IV. Finally, we summarize this paper in V. II.
With the advance of the ubiquitous society, it is expected that peripheral devices, cameras, televisions, home electronics, sensors, and so on will be connected to the network in addition to CPU, memory and storage. That is to say, everything all over the world will be connected to the network by assigning IPv6 addresses. This potential leads to the proposal of uGrid, a ubiquitous grid networking environment. Figure 1 shows an overview of uGrid. In uGrid, everything from devices to programs is defined as Service-Parts and new services are provided by combining both types in different ways. For example, if you link your display to a translation program and an overseas TV tuner (Service-Part), you can receive overseas TV programs in your own language. There are some research challenges that must be overcome to realize uGrid as follows.
1) Virtual cable establishment technology to combine Service-Parts
Service Service Service Service Service Internet -Parts -Parts -Parts -Parts -Parts
Service-Parts Func()
Service -Parts
uGrid Network
Camera Display Storage Computer Virtual Program Machine
Service Service -Parts -Parts
XYZ Data
IP address is assigned.
Fig. 1.
An overview of uGrid.
Signaling b:b:b:b:b:b:b:2 ng Signali a:a:a:a:a:a:a:1 c:c:c:c:c:c:c:3
2) Methods for discovering desired Service-Parts from Service-Parts widely distributed around the world: A Service-Parts discovery method is proposed in [8]. 3) Access control method: uGrid creates severe security concerns, particularly in accessing other peoples’ devices. Therefore, an access control method is essential. An access control method is described in [9]. 4) Business model development: To ensure uGrid acceptance around the world, developing an attractive business model is a key goal. An example is described in [10]. 5) I/O interface development: Various I/O interfaces are used by various devices. Therefore, to realize the “over IP” environment, a new interface is needed. III. IP ROUTING /S IGNALING - BASED U G RID S ERVICE P ROVISIONING As a new concept for uGrid, IP Routing/Signaling-based uGrid service provisioning is proposed. Figure 2 shows this concept. The feature is to assign IP addresses to ServiceParts and to execute grid service provisioning in the network layer. Based on IP address, the search of Service-Parts, the connection establishment among Service-Parts, and the setup of uGrid service are executed. For example, in Fig. 2, to connect IP address ”a:a:a:a:a:a:a:1” means to use a camera. The search for Service-Parts and the routing to Service-Parts are executed by routing protocol. The reservation of ServiceParts resources and the connection establishment are executed by signaling protocol. By connecting several IP addresses, the mash-up service of Service Parts is realized. As a mash-up service, Web Service [11] exists conventionally. Though, in Web Service, URL is used as an identifier of services, URL does not indicate the location in the network. So, it is not known whether the service is near to a user or not. On the other hand, in IP based uGrid, the position of the Service Part is known by routing. So, the mash-up service is able to be created in consideration of delay, costs, and so on. The merit of the proposed concept is that scalable IP protocol is able to be used to construct and manage uGrid. Also, various technologies accumulated for years are able to be used. By using IP protocol, the construction of scalable and intelligent uGrid is expected. As a technology to manage Service-Parts with IP addresses in the network layer, the extended GMPLS is used. GMPLS is a suite of protocols which allows to automate the provisioning and management of
f:f:f:f:f:f:f:6 a:b:c:d:e:f:0:1 e:e:e:e:e:e:e:5
uGrid Network Connection of IP addresses = Mash-up of Service-Parts * Routing: Search and Select Service-Parts * Signaling: Establish path and setup uGrid service a:a:a:a:a:a:a:1 Input: Camera
Fig. 2.
f:f:f:f:f:f:f:6 Program (Ex. Image Processing)
b:b:b:b:b:b:b:2 Output: Display
IP Routing/Signaling-based uGrid service provisoning.
the network. Originally, GMPLS was proposed to generalize MPLS for packet switched network to other networks with different switching capabilities like TDM (Time Division Multiplexing), lambda, fiber, and so on. Our motivation is to extend this ”generalized” from switching capability (network layer, data link layer, and physical layer) to Service-Parts (application layer). As key techniques in the proposed concept, Service Routing and Service Signaling are introduced as follows. A. Service Routing Service Routing is the routing protocol OSPF-TE (Open Shortest Path First-Traffic Engineering) [12] extended for dealing with Service-Parts with IP addresses. Figure 3 shows Service Routing. In Service Routing, the link state of each Service-Part is advertised. The link state includes the link cost between Service-Parts, the content of the Service-Part, current processing load, current power consumption, and so on. By the exchange of link states, the topology of Service-Parts is created. Based on this topology, the path route for the mash-up uGrid service calculated. The main issues of Service Routing are listed as follows:
1) How to create link states of Service-Parts Extensions required for Service Routing should be considered. For example, the extension of the link state message may be needed to advertise the existence and content of Service-Part. 2) How to calculate the path route for the mash-up grid service
Advertising link state by setting a large value of cost
Link State Info. * Current processing load * Link cost * Content of Service-Part * Current power consumption etc.
Func() Func() Func()
IP #b
IP #d
IP #c
Service-Parts with Same Function
Func() Func()
IP #a
Load Balancing
IP #e
IP #f
Current Power Consumption
Create topology of Service-Parts
Func() Func() Func()
Path for grid service
Func() Func()
Service-Parts with Same Function
Based on Created Topology of ServiceParts, a suitable path route is calculated for grid service.
Func() Func()
Func() Func()
Fig. 4. Fig. 3.
Power-saving Service Routing.
Service Routing.
B. Service Signaling In the conventional IP, the shortest path route with minimum cost is calculated from a source to a destination. uGrid has a different problem about the calculation of path route. Firstly, Service-Parts to transit are designated. In an example in Fig. 2, the path from a:a:a:a:a:a:a:1 to b:b:b:b:b:b:b:1 must transit f:f:f:f:f:f:f:6 with image processing program. The order of Service-Parts to transit must be considered in some cases. Secondly, there are several Service-Parts with the same function. So, which Service-Part to select from Service-Parts with the same function must be calculated. We research the path calculation by the approach of the extension of Dijkstra algorithm and ILP (Integer Line Programming). 3) Consideration for performances of Service-Parts Performances of Service-Part as well as link costs should be considered. Performances mean processing load, power consumption, and so on. For example, by considering the power consumption of Service-Parts, the power-saving routing of the uGrid service is expected in shown as Fig. 4. In Fig. 4, each Service-Part advertises the power consumption, and the path route is recalculated periodically based on the link cost and the power consumption. This routing is expected to avoid the rapid increase of power consumption at a certain Service Part due to the concentration of traffic. To realize such path route calculation, how to collect and use the information except link cost is the problem.
Service Signaling [13] is the signaling protocol RSVPTE extended for establishing the connection among ServiceParts and launching the uGrid service. Figure 5 shows Service Signaling. Along the path route calculated by Service Routing, the signaling is executed. The feature of Service Signaling is to setup the function of each Service-Part as well as to establish the connection. At IP address of Service-Part X, a tunnel of “service” is established. This tunnel is an application layer tunnel. IP packets passing through the application layer tunnel are not only forwarded but also processed at the function of the Service-Part. The Service-Part can be regarded as a router which not only forwards IP packets but also processes them. The main issues of Service Routing are listed as follows: 1) Extension to establish the application layer tunnel by signaling The conventional RSVP-TE is used to configure data transfer devices like a router, a switch, and an optical cross connect. So, the extension to setup a function of Service-Part is required. We extended RSVP-TE, and implemented the prototype to setup a program in conjunction with the receipt of RESV message. The details are explained at Section IV. 2) How to designate parameters required for the setup of Service-Parts There are Service-Parts requiring parameters except the input data. In this case, the information of parameters must be passed to Service-Parts by signaling. So, the extension for passing parameters should be considered. Examples of possible options are to create a new object to store parameters, to relate the value of a label to parameters, and so on.
Control Plane
IP #b (Face detection program) Func() Func() Func()
IP #f
IP #c
IP #d
Data Plane
IP #a
IP #e (Image enhancement program)
IP #x (Camera)
IP #y (Display)
Service -Part A (Camera)
Service -Part B (Layer2 switch)
IP #y
IP #x
Service -Part C (Image Insertion program)
Service -Part D (Layer2 switch)
Service -Part E (Display)
IP #e
IP #b
Fig. 6.
Application layer tunnel
An experimental network structure.
(4) Face detection
Fig. 5.
Image enhancement
Service Signaling.
IV. E XPERIMENTAL I MPLEMENTATION The prototype of Service Signaling is implemented, and the experiment to make a provisioning of a simple uGrid service is conducted. Figure 6 shows an experimental network structure, and Figure 7 shows a photograph of the experimental network. The network consists of five Service-Parts. ServicePart A is a client PC with a web camera. Service-Part E is also a client PC with a Display to receive of video data from Service-Part A. Service-Part B and D are layer-2 switches providing Virtual LAN (VLAN) function. Service-Part C is a server with the image insertion program. In this prototype, IPv4 address not IPv6 address is assigned to each ServicePart. Each Service-Part also uses RSVP-TE software. RSVPTE software is extended to setup and launch a program based on IP address designated by the signaling message. Figure 8 shows the tested Service Signaling procedure in the experiment. Firstly, Service-Part A (Camera) sends PATH message to Service-Part E (Display). PATH message is forwarded to Service-Part B (Layer2 switch), C (Program), D (Layer2 switch), and E (Display) in that order. Next, ServicePart E (Display) sends back RESV message to Service-Part A (Camera). In receiving RESV message, each Service-Part setup a connection or a function. Service-Part B and D (Layer2 switch) setup VLAN configuration for establishing the path connection [14]. Service-Part C (Program) launches the image insertion program. This is the extended technique for Service Signaling. Figure 9 shows the transmission of video data in the established grid service path. Video data are transmitted as consecutive bitmap picture data. Each bitmap picture data is
(3) (2)
(1) Service-Part A (Camera) : Web Camera and Server (2) Service-Part B and D (Layer2 switch) : Layer2 switch and GMPLS controller PC (3) Service-Part C (Image insertion program) : Server (4) Service-Part E (Display) : Display and Server
Fig. 7.
A photograph of the experimental network.
divided into several packets, and each packet is sent to ServicePart E in VLAN network. At Service-Part C, a portion of bits in the payload is processed. Processed picture data reaches Service-Part E, and Service-Part E displays the video data with inserted image. In this network, Service-Part C works as the Layer2 switch processing Ethernet frames from Service-Part A. By this experiment, it is confirmed that the path for uGrid service is correctly established by Service Signaling, and the image insertion program is launched by receiving RESV message as shown in Fig. 10. V. C ONCLUSION IP Routing/Signaling-based uGrid service provisioning has been proposed as a new concept for ubiquitous grid networking environment (uGrid). From devices to programs, various components of uGrid are defined as ”Service-Parts”. The feature of
IP addresses in the network layer (IP protocol layer), Service Routing and Service Signaling have been introduced, and the issues of each technique are listed. As the first step to realize the proposed concept, the prototype of Service Signaling was implemented by extending RSVP-TE which is the signaling protocol of GMPLS. By experiment, it was confirmed that the provisioning of a simple video grid service was succeeded by the prototype of Service Signaling. The proposed concept is expected to realize the construction of scalable and intelligent grid networking environment.
Launch program
VLAN setup
VLAN setup
VI. ACKNOWLEGEMENTS This work is supported by ”R&D of Highly-Reliable and Power-Saving Network Technologies (Environment-Related Network Signaling Technology)” project of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication (MIC) of Japan.
Video data transmission from Service-Part A (Camera) to E (Display)
Fig. 8.
Service Signaling procedure in the experiment.
Layer2 (VLAN) tunnel
Divided into several packets
Application layer tunnel (Image insertion)
Inserted image
Payload is processed.
Fig. 9. The transmission of video data in the established uGrid service path.
the proposed concept is to assign IP addresses to Service-Parts and to execute the uGrid service provisioning in the network layer. The merits of the proposed concept are to realize scalable uGrid by using IP protocol and to execute the dynamic uGrid service provisioning in consideration of network costs, power consumption, and so on. To deal with Service-Parts with
Inserted Image Original video data from Service-Part A (Camera)
Fig. 10.
Received video data at Service-Part E (Display)
The result of the experiment.
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