Signals are used for permission to speak Use your ... - Google Sites

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Signals are used for permission to speak a. Wait for the teacher to call your name before you speak b. Do not yell out c
Divine Saviour School 4th Grade Contract 2007-2008 “S.U.R.F.” Rules

Signals are used for permission to speak a. b. c. d.

Wait for the teacher to call your name before you speak Do not yell out Signals are used to respect others Signals are used for directions

Use your resources

a. If you need help, do not yell just ask someone b. If you need help, look at the things around the classroom c. If you do not understand something look for things around the classroom or ask for help

Respect yourself and others a. b. c. d.

Respect others so that you can be treated nicely Respect the environment around you, including our world and city Treat others as you want to be treated Respect the rules

Follow directions a. b. c. d.

Do not hit people/keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself Do what the teacher says Do not play or talk when the teacher is talking If you need to go to the bathroom, wait until recess or lunch

While I came up with the S.U.R.F rules, the students gave me the specifics. By signing this contract the student and parent understand “S.U.R.F” and agree to follow them. _________________________________

(Parent Signature) ________________________________

(Miss Flores)


(Student Signature)