Simple Present oder Present Progressive? - englisch-nachhilfe ...

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Simple Present oder Present Progressive? Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach

Die wichtigsten Regeln zur Verwendung und Bildung Simple Present – Verwendung:

Present Progressive – Verwendung:

Du benutzt das Simple Present für:

Du benutzt das Present Progressive für:

   

Handlungen, die sich wiederholen (He gets up very early every day.) Tatsachen (The sun rises in the East.) Handlungen, die aufeinanderfolgen. (When I come home, I eat lunch, do my homework and…) Handlungen in der Zukunft, die nach Fahrplan / Kinoprogramm / … festgelegt sind. (The film starts at eight o‘clock.)

  

Eine im Ablauf befindliche Handlung (That plane is flying to Kennedy Airport.) Eine auf einen bestimmten Zeitraum begrenzte Handlung (I am working at the supermarket in my holidays.) Eine abgesprochene Handlung in der nahen Zukunft (At noon I am playing hockey with my friends.)

Merke: jetzt / in der nahen Zukunft; fest vereinbart

Merke: immer / regelmäßig / Tatsachen / Fahrplan / Programm Signalwörter:


Signalwörter des Simple Present sind:

Signalwörter des Present Progressive sind alle Wörter, die darauf hindeuten,

Die Häufigkeitsadverbien: always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever und never. Zeitangaben, welche darauf hinweisen, dass eine Handlung wiederholt stattfindet: on Sundays / every (day / week / month / year / Chrismas /…)

 

Bildung (Nur das Wichtigste):  

Bei he / she und it –s / - es an den Infinitiv des Verbs hängen. Bei allen anderen Personen einfach nur den Infinitiv verwenden.

dass eine Handlung JETZT stattfindet: at the moment / now / just now / right now / Look! / Listen! / Be quiet! dass etwas für die NAHE Zukunft fest vereinbart oder geplant wurde: in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening / at noon / tonight / tomorrow / next… dass eine Handlung nur vorübergehend / außerplanmässig stattfindet: today / this week / this month / this year

Bildung (Nur das Wichtigste): Eine Form von „to be“ in der Gegenwart + Verb+ing. Die Formen von „to be“ in der Gegenwart lauten: I am You are He / She / It is We are You are They are Version 2.2

Seite 1

Simple Present oder Present Progressive? Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach

Fragen, Anregungen oder sogar einen Fehler entdeckt? Ich freue mich über Dein Feedback oder neue Ideen zu meinen Übungen! Die Online Version zu den Übungen findest Du hier:

Andreas Felis - Flying English Coach 07231 / 4436430 [email protected] Englisch Nachhilfe Pforzheim Nachhilfe auch via Skype möglich!

Extra Lerntipp zur Vorbereitung auf Klassenarbeiten: In Klassenarbeiten liegen die Schwierigkeiten von Schülern nicht immer nur an grammatikalischen Inhalten, sondern an der Aufgabenstellung! Viele typische Aufgabenstellungen habe ich für Dich auf meiner Seite Aufgabenstellung in Englischarbeiten zusammengetragen.

Hier gibt's die passenden Lösungen

Version 2.2

Seite 2

Simple Present oder Present Progressive? Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach

1. Simple Present ODER Present Progressive? 1. Emily's parents _______________________ (do) the dishes at the moment. 2. Today the pupils ______________________________ (not / talk) about their holidays in class. 3. Kim's sister ______________________ (know) a lot about Geography. 4. "______________________ (I / sit) in front of you?" "Yes, you ________ (be)!" 5. The train usually ________________________ (come) very late. 6. ___________________________________ (your parents / be) from Freiburg? 7. She ______________________________ (not / work) this month. 8. Her mother never __________________________ (worry) about something. 9. "Why _______________________________ (Michelle / take) a shower now?" 10. He often ____________________ (tidy) the rabbit's cage at the weekend. 11. Most children ______________________________ (not / drink) coffee. 12. Our train ____________________________ (come) right now. 13. We ______________________________ (not / play) the piano today. 14. "______________________________ (you / get up) late on Sundays?" 15. Listen! Hannah ________________________ (knock) at the window! 16. Mr. Kaul ______________________ (not / be) our teacher. 17. Her mother always ______________________ (write) a shopping list before she______________________ (go) to the supermarket. 18. Why ______________________________________ (the pupils / not / read) in their exercise books now? 19. ____________________________________ (your mother's name / be) Lena? 20. We ________________________________ (not / have) bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning. 21. I __________________________ (clean) the bathroom today. 22. Mareen ____________________________ (not / hate) Biology. 23. The pupils ____________________________ (not / listen) to Mrs. White at the moment. 24. "Why ____________________________ (she / open) the door now?" "I __________________________ (not / know)." 25. They always ______________________ (take) the bus. 26. His sister __________________________ (clean) the fridge every weekend. 27. He always _____________________ (push) his sister against the cupboard. 28. Becky's friend __________________________ (walk) home at the moment. 29. I really ________________________ (love) my dancing lessons. 30. ______________________________ (Sam / clean) his desk at the moment? 31. She always _________________ (touch) her hamster carefully (vorsichtig). 32. Her pencil case ______________________ (not / be) red. Version 2.2

Seite 3

Simple Present oder Present Progressive? Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach

2. Simple Present ODER Present Progressive? 1. We ________________________ (visit) the museum today. 2. They ___________________ (not / do) judo in the gymnasium on Sundays. 3. Look! The bank robbers ________________________ (run) out of the bank. 4. "Where ________________________ (we / have) dinner today's evening?" 5. Her Biology teacher ________________________ (teach) Maths, too. 6. Jenny _____________________________ (not / dance) with Mary's brother this month. 7. How far ____________________ (it / be) to the bus station? 8. Oh no! The children ____________________________ (make) a mess in the dining room. 9. The twins __________________________ (not / feed) their rabbits because their mother __________________________ (feed) them this weekend. 10. School _______________________ (not / finish) at half past two on Fridays. 11. ______________________________ (you / know) where Sharon lives? 12. Carmen often ________________________ (do) her homework in the bus. 13. In the afternoon I ____________________________ (play) table tennis with Jenny at the sports ground. 14. Mary ________________________________ (not / sleep) in her room today. 15. She __________________________ (not / have got) long hair. 16. "____________________________ (I / walk) too fast for you?" 17. Many teenagers ____________________________ (visit) the zoo this month. 18. His uncle ____________________________ (go) riding on Friday afternoons. 19. Samantha ______________________________ (not / wear) her new school uniform today. 20. What ________________________ (swim) in the river over there? 21. ____________________ (be) she Andrew’s sister? 22. Look! The girl ___________________________ (drop) a plate with potatoes. 23. There ____________________ (be) five trees behind our school. 24. After school Sandy _______________________ (hurry) to the clothes shop, ____________________ (try) on a dress, ____________________ (buy) it and ____________________ (be) back home 30 minutes later. 25. Peter's sister __________________________ (not / like) Maths. 26. We ____________________________ (drink) an apple juice now. 27. She ______________________ (live) in a beautiful town. 28. They __________________________ (get) on the train now. 29. Look! There is Jenny. Why __________________________ (she / run) to school? ______________ (be) she late for school? 30. ____________________________ (Laura / share) a room with her brother? Version 2.2

Seite 4

Simple Present oder Present Progressive? Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach

3. Simple Present ODER Present Progressive? 1. Look! The children ____________________________ (tidy) the dining room. 2. My cousin never ______________________ (walk) alone to the city centre. 3. They ____________________________ (not / wear) their school uniforms in December and January. 4. She _______________________ (not / visit) her aunt in London every week. 5. Where ____________________ (be) my pencil case? 6. "Why ____________________________ (they / shout) at her?" 7. Her younger sister __________________________ (not / do) her homework on Sundays. She always ____________________ (do) it on Saturdays. 8. The police _________________________ (sit) in their office at the moment. 9. Mr. Robertson ___________________________ (not / teach) Biology today because he __________________ (be) ill. 10. We usually __________________________ (play) hockey in the sports club. 11. "Don't make such a noise! Your sister __________________________ (sleep) upstairs!" 12. "Who ____________________________ (drink) tea over there?" 13. How often____________________________ (you / go) to church? 14. He usually __________________________ (not / go) to bed before 10 p.m.. 15. We _________________________________ (not / work) today, because we ____________________ (be) on holiday. 16. Please be quiet! Betty and Kirsten ______________________ (write) a test! 17. My friend ________________________ (not / like) her new English teacher. 18. Catherine and Dennis always _________________________ (have) bacon and eggs for breakfast. 19. Look! Liz ____________________________________ (not / wear) her uniform! 20. ____________________________ (Laura / buy / often) expensive earrings? 21. His mother never ________________________ (eat) hamburgers. 22. Why ______________________________ (she / wear) a dress today? 23. Listen! The choir ____________________________ (sing) a lovely song. 24. We ____________________________ (not / have got) a big dog. 25. When ____________________ (be) your birthday? 26. Tim and Tom __________________________ (not / wait) for their mother in front of the school today. They _________________________ (walk) home. 27. _______________________________ (she / listen) to a CD now? 28. Why _____________________________ (you / sit) on my chair? 29. Mrs Robertson _____________________________ (not / work) at our school. 30. My father never ________________ (sleep) on the sofa in the living room. Version 2.2

Seite 5

Simple Present oder Present Progressive? Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach

4. Simple Present ODER Present Progressive? 1. __________________________ (Jack / drink) orange juice at the moment? 2. Mr. Miller __________________________ (not / teach) Maths today. 3. Valentine __________________________ (watch) "The Voice Of Germany" every Saturday evening. 4. ____________________________ (she / know) where Mr. Brown __________________ (live)? 5. What ______________________________ (the family / bring) to their room now? 6. They never __________________________ (share) their ideas. 7. The police __________________________ (open) the library at the moment. 8. The library _______________________ (not / open) on Sunday afternoons. 9. ______________________________ (he / sleep / always) under the bridge? 10. Laura never __________________________ (help) her brother. 11. I ______________________________ (not / play) basketball with Tobias in the afternoon. 12. We __________________________ (read) a book at the moment. 13. In the Biology lessons we __________________________ (not / sing) songs. 14. Her father ___________________________ (not / feed) the hamster today. 15. Why _____________________________________________ (Steve and Lesley / walk) home today? 16. ______________________________ (they / go) to school on Saturdays? 17. She ______________________ (be) never late for school. 18. Look! Your cat Minky ______________________________ (kill) a mouse! 19. How old __________________________ (be) you? 20. My mother never ________________________ (drink) black tea with milk. 21. Most people ________________________________ (not / work) today, because it's Sunday. 22. Jennifer __________________________ (knock) on the window at the moment. 23. I ___________________________ (not / walk) to the sports club this month. 24. My grandmother ______________________________ (not / like) Rap music. 25. Who ____________________ (be) I? 26. "Why __________________________________ (you / not / wear) your uniform today, Peter?" 27. We ______________________ (not / have) fish and chips for dinner today. 28. What ________________ (be) your hobbies? Version 2.2

Seite 6

Simple Present oder Present Progressive? Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach

5. Simple Present ODER Present Progressive? 1. Why ____________________________________________ (Tom and Jim) / not / ride) to school by bike today? 2. They ________________________________ (not / swap) pictures today. 3. Cathy usually __________________________ (wear) glasses at school. 4. Lisa ________________________ (get) dressed for her dancing lesson now. 5. ______________________ (be) there many boys in your class? 6. Their son __________________________ (not / eat) breakfast in the kitchen this week. 7. Tobias _______________ (be) very tall and he _______________ (have got) short dark hair. 8. Why ________________________________ (her child / buy) food this week? 9. School __________________________ (finish) at half past twelve and Laura ________________ (be) back home at three o'clock. 10. Why _______________________________ (she / not / drink) milk every day? 11. Mara ________________________ (not / write) in her diary at the moment. 12. Where ____________________________________ (the new guest / drink) his tea today? 13. Her child never _____________________________ (swim) in the river (Fluss). 14. Her neighbour's daughter ________________________________ (listen) to a CD at the moment. 15. Most people ______________________________ (not / like) milk in their tea. 16. Simon never ________________________ (pass) the ball to Tom when they play volleyball. 17. Sophie _______________________________ (not / try) on a new dress now. 18. Why _______________________________ (your brother / eat) in the kitchen today? 19. Our fridge __________________ (be) always empty. 20. Look! His daughter ___________________________ (dance) in the garden. 21. Her son ____________________ (go) to the Fritz-Erler-School in Pforzheim. 22. "Peter! Why __________________________ (you / sit) on the dish-washer?" 23. I __________________________ (not / laugh) about them. 24. Why ___________________ (you / be) late for your dancing lessons, Sue? 25. She __________________________ (do) her homework now. 26. ___________________________________ (your parents / have) an appointment with your teacher today? 27. My father ______________________ (not / play) volleyball. He hates sport. 28. Laura's mother __________________________ (not / close) the windows at the moment. Version 2.2

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