ways to evaluate what really matters so we can gain a new perspective on life. 6
Simple Ways to Simplify Your Life. 1. Determine what is important. Make a list of ...
Simplifying Your Life When you are stressed out and you can't seem to find a moment of peace for yourself, you probably need to simplify your life. We often make our lives more difficult than they need to be, so when we dial it down a notch and make things simpler, our stress levels will fall rapidly and our life will be much more enjoyable. Many times we think everything is of equal importance in our lives, but there are some great ways to evaluate what really matters so we can gain a new perspective on life. 6 Simple Ways to Simplify Your Life 1. Determine what is important. Make a list of all activities you have going on in your life right now. You should look at the first four or five and make sure that you are putting more of your energy into these things. It is the first four or five things in your life such as your relationship, family, and work that should get the most emphasis on a day-to-day basis. Once you make this list, it's a whole lot easier to see where you're spending most of your time (and where you should be spending more time). 2. Reconsider your commitments. Many times we simply over-commit ourselves. You should look at the "extras" in your life and see how they align with the things that are most important to you. If there are things that you are committed to doing that you don't enjoy or don't add meaning to your life, consider giving them up. You can reduce stress and make your life more relaxed when you release yourself from commitments that are only tying you down. 3. Say no. Many times when we're stressed it's because we don't know how to say no to the people in our lives. Saying no to kids, family, friends, and even the boss is important. I know it can be tough to say no, but you can say it with grace or by delegating the request to another capable person. If you're finding it difficult to stay firm, remember that you are not superman or superwoman. You can't possibly take on the world by yourself! 4. Simplify your work. Every day when you're at work you likely have a 10-page to-do list. In reality, there are things that just aren't all that important and aren't worth the effort. And yes, there will be some things that you'll never get around to. That's okay! Accept that fact and re-evaluate your activities to determine what is really essential and do away with the rest. 5. Involve the family. There is as much to do at home as there is at work. Make your family your team and involve them in the home activities. Get everyone involved in the little tasks around the home such as taking out the trash, dusting, and doing the dishes. For example, you can require that each family member pick up 20 things around the house before bed. This way, cleaning the house is a lot easier and you can spend more of your time relaxing instead of worrying about every little task around the home.
6. Clear the clutter. In your home and office there are probably a lot of things that are cluttering your space. Everything must have its place – even if it's in the trash! When you clear the clutter from your space, you'll find that cleaning, finding things, and simply going about your daily life is a lot simpler and a whole lot less stressful. As you can see, simplifying your life does not have to be difficult. You just need to get back to basics and do away with everything else. Living a simple life is living a happier, less stressed life and that's something that we can all aspire to do.