Journal of Coastal Research
Coconut Creek, Florida
Month 0000
Simulation of Flow within Armour Blocks in a Breakwater Fabio Dentale†‡, Giovanna Donnarumma†, and Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli†‡ †
Department of Civil Engineering MEDUS (Maritime Engineering Division University of Salerno) University of Salerno Fisciano (SA), Italy
[email protected]
CUGRI (University Consortium for Research on Major Hazards) Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 84080–Penta di Fisciano (SA), Italy
ABSTRACT Dentale, F.; Donnarumma, G., and Pugliese Carratelli, E., 0000. Simulation of flow within armour blocks in a breakwater. Journal of Coastal Research, 00(0), 000–000. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. This paper provides some results of a new procedure to analyze the hydrodynamic aspects of the interactions between maritime emerged breakwaters and waves by integrating computer-aided design and computational fluid dynamicsCFD. The structure is modeled in the numerical domain by overlapping individual three-dimensional elements (Xbloct), very much like the real world or physical laboratory testing. A computational grid is fitted fine enough to provide enough computational nodes within the flow paths. Flow of the fluid within the interstices among concrete blocks is evaluated by integrating the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations inside the voids instead of using the ‘‘porous media’’ approach. The aim is to investigate the reliability of this approach as a design tool. Therefore, for the results’ validation, the numerical run-up and reflection effects on virtual breakwater (armour in Xbloc, toe protection, and filter layer in stones) were compared with some empirical formulas and some similar laboratory tests. Obviously, the presented model can be supportive to the physical modeling, comparing multiple preliminary design solutions, and providing guidance on the optimal choice to be subjected to subsequent laboratory tests. Here are presented the results of a first simple validation procedure. The validation shows that, at present, this innovative approach can be used in the breakwater design phase for comparison between several design solutions with a significant minor cost.
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: VOF, wave, Run-up, reflection, rubble mound.
INTRODUCTION Coastal structures, especially rock mound breakwaters, are normally designed by using well-proven formulas and by laboratory scale tests. In the last decade the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation of the Navier–Stokes equation has been developed to the point that it can now be used as an affordable design tool to substitute or supplement tank experiments. The references on this topic are far too many to be examined in detail here; however, it may be useful to recall some interesting examples of how these issues have been addressed both physically and numerically (developed by Garcia, Lara, and Losada, 2004; Giarrusso, Dentale, and Pugliese Carratelli, 2003; Greben et al., 2008; Lara, Garcia, and Loasada, 2006; Lin and Liu, 1998; Losada et al., 2008; Yang, Lu, and L¨ohner, 2010). Mounds of rock or concrete blocks, however, still seem to defy the computational possibilities, due to the geometrical and hydrodynamical complexity of the problem. Water flows through the paths of the interstices within the blocks, featuring strongly nonstationary flow, free boundaries, turbulence, interaction with solid transport, and complex geometry (Koutandos, Prinos, and Koutitas, 2006a,b). Current practice for tackling this problem has so far followed two different approaches. The first and easiest one is based on the DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-13-00035.1 received 11 February 2013; accepted in revision 28 June 2013; corrected proofs received 11 September 2013. Published Pre-print online 10 January 2014. Ó Coastal Education & Research Foundation 2014
assumption that, even if the porous mound influences the global phenomenon because of its external shape, the flow within it does not bear an essential influence on the hydrodynamics. Hence, the mound is considered as a single waterproof block within the calculation domain, thus neglecting the effects of porosity; the equations are discretized, therefore, by using finite differences on a mesh that has no calculation nodes inside the structure. This approach is now obsolete and a second methodology has been developed, by assuming that within the rubble mound the flow can be treated by using a classical ‘‘porous media’’ methodology, i.e. by using, within the rubble mound, the equations that treat the filtration motion (Darcy or Forchheimer, if the head loss is linear or quadratic respectively). In practice, an additional term is added to the equations to reproduce the interactions between the fluid and the inner flow paths using homogeneous coefficients for the entire filtration domain. Such an approach was reported in Hsu, Sakakiyama, and Liu (2002), later implemented in the Cornell Breaking Waves and Structure (COBRAS) numerical code and finally perfected by Lara, Garcia, and Losada (2006). The results obtained through these types of modeling, although certainly more reliable compared with the waterproof block model, present several drawbacks. First of all, this approach overlooks the convective aspects of the flow and the structure of turbulence; it is heavily reliant on the numerical parameters of the filtration equations and therefore it requires a careful empirical calibration.
Dentale, Donnarumma, and Carratelli
Table 1. Wave characteristics at toe breakwater. ID Simulation
Hi (m)
T (s)
L (m)
0.820 0.943 0.832 1.307 1.182 1.038 1.575 1.445 1.971 1.863 2.058 2.823 2.039 2.386 3.161 2.144 3.664 3.197
3.43 4.29 5.15 4.20 5.25 6.30 4.85 6.06 7.28 5.42 6.78 8.14 5.69 7.11 8.53 6.15 8.02 9.63
17.8 25.8 33.5 25.0 34.4 43.4 30.9 41.4 51.6 35.9 47.4 58.6 38.2 50.2 61.8 42.1 57.7 70.6
0.512 0.758 0.825 0.701 1.015 1.255 1.380 1.313 0.980 1.439 1.706 1.475 1.543 — — — — —
3.21 3.54 3.92 4.15 4.62 5.03 5.23 5.73 5.13 5.82 6.89 6.48 6.93 — — — — —
15.8 18.9 22.4 24.5 28.8 32.4 34.2 38.6 33.3 39.3 48.4 44.9 48.7 — — — — —
Regular Wave
Figure 1. Numerical setup and probes Pi in the numerical flume.
Only recently serious attempts have been made to model the detailed hydrodynamics of block mound structures on the basis of their real geometry by using advanced digital techniques: by using a fine computational grid, an adequate number of computational nodes is located within the interstices so that a complete solution of the full hydrodynamic equations is carried out, thus including convective effects and possibly also resolving the turbulence structure. All these aspects cannot be taken into account with the classical porous media approach, inadequate in such situations. Pioneering work with full simulation of the flow within the armour units (FWAU) method was carried out by using Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes–volume of fluid (RANSVOF) (Dentale, Monaco, and Pugliese Carratelli, 2008; Dentale, Donnarumma, and Pugliese Carratelli, 2012; Cavallaro et al., 2012); smoothed particle hydrodynamics was applied to this problem by Altomare et al. (2012), whereas a somewhat similar approach involving computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques in the interstices and numerical solid mechanics in the block itself, is being attempted by Xiang et al. (2012). The aim of the present work is to introduce a validation of FWAU procedures against classical empirical formulas and to show how it is already a useful design tool in some complex configurations. It will also be shown that by using FWAU, it will be possible to assess the rock stability of the single blocks and therefore of the whole armour layer.
PROCEDURE A FWAU approach should in principle be 3D since the geometrical structure of the interstices among the blocks has inherently a very complex spatial structure; some successful attempts have indeed been made by Dentale, Pane, and Pugliese Carratelli (2009) to develop equivalent 2D schemes, but they have not been followed in the present work.
Figure 2. General and local mesh (mesh 1 and mesh 2).
Numerical reconstructions of the breakwater are thus produced by using a computer-aided design (CAD) software system for modeling 3D geometries; a database of artificial blocks such as the cube, the modified cube, the Tetrapode, the AccropodeTM, and the Xbloct has preliminarily been produced; also natural rocks can be reproduced either by using spheres of various diameters or by randomly shaped blocks. Breakwaters, both submerged and emerged, are numerically reconstructed by overlapping individual blocks under the conditions of gravity, collision, and friction, according to the real geometry, very much like in the case of real constructions or laboratory test models. In this case a classical breakwater is reconstructed by a CAD software with the following scheme: a waterproof core; a filter layer in natural stones; a toe protection in natural stones; an armour layer in Xbloc reconstructed with respect to collision, gravity, and interlocking forces; the slope of the armour layer is 2/3 in accordance with constructive prescriptions for Xbloc. Once the breakwater geometry is defined, its geometric configuration is imported into the CFD system. FLOW-3Dt (Flow Science Inc. 2009) was used for all calculations. Like many other CFD systems used for similar
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000
FWAU Simulations
Figure 3. Snapshot of turbulent energy (j/kg) in local mesh.
tasks, FLOW-3D is based on the RANS equations combined with the VOF method to apply the proper dynamic boundary conditions and to track the location of the fluid surfaces (Hirt and Nichols, 1981). It has been thoroughly tested for coastal hydrodynamics problems, as shown in Chopakatla, Lippmann, and Richardson (2008) and Dentale et al. (2008, 2009, 2012). FLOW-3D, as well as other RANS/VOF software systems, also incorporates a numerical procedure to define general geometric regions within rectangular grids, as it is essential for the construction of the breakwater block geometry. The turbulence model associated with the RANS equations is Re-Normalisation Group (RNG) for all simulations presented in this study. A numerical wave flume was set up to carry out the numerical experiments described in the following: its crosssection—as shown in Figure 1—is rather conventional, based as it is on typical experimental arrangements; its length is 170 m in the x direction, 4.5 m in the y direction, and 18 m in the z direction. The water depth (d) in quiet conditions is 6 m.
In the sections indicated in Figure 1 (P1 and P2) the g parameter is measured (instantaneous water height). This parameter is used for the application of the Goda and Suzuki method (1976) for the separation of the incident wave from reflected. The position of the probe 2 (P2 in the Figure 1) is determined as L/4 and the distance between two gauges is determined in accordance with the Goda and Suzuki prescription: 0:05L DProbes 0:45L
The values of L (wave’s length) are determined by the dispersion equation: gT 2 2pd ð2Þ L ¼ s tgh L 2p where Ts is the period of the wave. The computational domain is divided into two subdomains (Figure 2): in a typical test case, after appropriate convergence tests, the mesh 1 (general mesh) for all the computations was
Figure 4. Comparison between turbulent energy in the ‘‘porous media’’ model (left) and flow within the armour units (FWAU) (right).
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Dentale, Donnarumma, and Carratelli
Figure 5. Definition of measured numerical run-up.
chosen to be made up of 243,000 cells, 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.20 m, whereas the local one (mesh 2) was 3,240,000 cells, 0.10 3 0.10 3 0.10 m. The computational burden is naturally very heavy: the computational time required for a simulation of 300 seconds in real time is approximately 12 hours with a machine-type processor (Intelt Coree i7 CPU, 2.67GHz). Since the more complex hydrodynamic interactions within the breakwater (mesh 2) obviously require a higher number of computational nodes, to fully accommodate the 3D block mound model, the virtual geometrical setup is wider than the actual computational domain. Once the geometry of the structure, imported into the CFD, has been rebuilt and the size and the scope of the computing grids have been set, attack waves were chosen.
TESTS AND VALIDATION The simulated wave’s attacks are of the regular and random types; the virtual wave generator requires two input parameters: wave height (Hm0—joint North Sea wave project [JONSWAP] spectrum) and T (period) for regular waves; wind speed and fetch for random waves.
It is important to consider, as already said above, that in numerical simulations—very much like in laboratory tests—a great deal of care should be take to correctly evaluate the incident wave height (Hi) by separating it from the reflected wave (Hr); to do so the water height time series were analyzed by using the two probe method as proposed by Goda and Suzuki (1976). Table 1 shows the values of Hi (incident wave) and Ts (wave period) (JONSWAP spectrum) that were used for the tests. These values were obtained using the method of Goda and Suzuki (1976) applied to all simulations. In the Figures 3 and 4 the results of turbulent energy are shown; in particular in Figure 3 is shown the calculation grid for the FWAU model, whereas Figure 4 shows a comparison between what happens in the porous media model and what occurs in the FWAU model in turbulent energy terms. A consistent turbulent kinetic energy develops among the flow paths inside the blocks, mostly due to the strong velocity gradients. This influences the wave profile evolution at the breakwater, giving a different shape from the one obtained with the porous media model, which obviously not only cannot reconstruct the dynamic effects inside the permeable layer, but also produces an entirely different turbulence structure outside it (Figure 4). The final aim of a FWAU computational procedure is to provide a design tool, and therefore a proper calibration should in principle involve a comparison between real and simulated fluid forces acting on the blocks within the mound. However, although the latter can be certainly computed with the methods we just described, there is no way to differentiate between the fluid actions and the forces exerted on a single block by the neighbouring ones, unless the structural dynamic problem of the block is tackled simultaneously. This approach, now being pursued by Latham et al. (2008) and Xiang et al. (2012) for very simple groups of blocks, is not yet mature enough to provide a proper assessment of the method. At present, the only way to verify FWAU is to make use of global parameters such as the reflection coefficients and the run-up heights, on which plenty of experimental data is available in the technical literature.
Figure 6. Correlations between equations and flow within the armour units (FWAU) for regular waves.
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FWAU Simulations
Figure 7. Correlations between equations and flow within the armour units (FWAU) for random waves.
RUN-UP VALIDATION The wave run-up level is one of the most important factors affecting the design of coastal structures because it determines the design crest level of the structure in cases where no overtopping is accepted (Kobayashi, Pietropaolo, and Melby, 2012; Wang, Dai, and Lee, 2011), and is also a good calibration parameter, since a great deal of experimental evidence is available in the form of comprehensive formulas. The values of run-up were measured according to the scheme shown in Figure 5, through the snapshot of the central section of breakwater, with a frequency of 0.5 seconds, and the value of the corresponding run-up was measured. Particularly, the run-up measured is the distance between the still water level and the highest point of contact with the breakwater. For each simulation, then, 601 run-up values have been measured. From the latter have been extracted the so called run-up statistics: run-up 2%: average of the highest 2% of the numerical measured run- up values; run-up 10%: average of the highest 10% of the numerical measured run-up values; runup 1/3: average of the highest third of the numerical measured run-up values; run-up medium: average of all numerical measured run-up values. To quantify the distortion, the mean error and the regression coefficient were calculated 2%, 10%, medium, and significant run-up, and compared with the results by ACES (Ahrens and McCartney, 1975) and Losada and Gim´enez Curto (1981) for regular waves and with the results by Burcharth (1998), Van der Meer and Stam (1992), and Van der Meer, Tonjes, and de Waal (1998) for random waves. The runup determined by Ahrens and McCartney, Losada and
Gim´enez Curto, and Van der Meer and Stam formulas is the significant run-up (Ru1/3), whereas the run-up obtained by Burcharth and Van der Meer (1992) formulas is Ru2%. Figures 6 and 7 show the regression between FWAU results and formula results. It is noted immediately that the run-up values estimated by FWAU in the case of random waves tend to be lower than those derived from the literature formulas, whereas those determined in the case of regular waves have an alternating pattern. In general, the trend is satisfactory, and also, at present, the model intends to provide a tool to support the physical modeling in the preliminary design phase, without replacing the latter and, therefore, the results shown are considered acceptable. We wanted to explore these differences in subsequent physical testing to make direct comparisons between identical models at the same scale and identify the causes of these incoherent results. Table 2 summarizes the results of the comparisons developed. The regression coefficient R2 is the usual ‘‘goodness of fit parameter’’; ‘‘distortion’’ is defined as j1aj%, a being the slope of the straight line, so a ¼ 1and distortion ¼ 0 stands for perfect agreement. Also defined is a mean error as a ratio of the predictions by the empirical formulas and FWAU simulations to obtain a rough estimate of the differences. Obviously, the closer this ratio is to 1, the more the numerical model approximates the empirical formula. Mean error ¼
n Xfk 1X n k¼1 Ynk
Table 2. Run-up validation. Wave Regular Regular Random
Author Ahrens and McCartney Losada and Gim´enez Curto Van der Meer and Stam
Burcharth and Van der Meer
Distortion (%)
Mean Error
1975 1981 1992
Ru ¼ Hi[(an)/(1 þ bn)] (Ru/Hi) ¼ A[1 – exp(Bn)] (Rux%/Hi) d (Ru2%/Hi) 1.97 (Ru10%/Hi) 1.45 (Rumean/Hi) 0.82 (Ru/Hi) 1.35 (Ru2%/Hi) ¼ (An þ C)crcbchcb
7.3 2.2
0.819 0.785
1.10 1.03
12.1 6.2 9.6 6.2 16.8
0.936 0.920 0.939 0.931 0.878
1.22 0.99 1.14 1.12 1.29
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000
Dentale, Donnarumma, and Carratelli
Figure 8. Correlations between numerical flow within the armour units (FWAU) Kr and Zanuttigh and Van der Meer equation (2006).
where Xfk ¼ kth run-up as calculated by the literature formula; Ynk ¼ kth run- up calculated by the FWAU numerical simulation. The literature formulas tend to overestimate the run-up values, as constructed, presumably, in view of design, to the advantage of security. Furthermore, the purpose of the presented validation is not to obtain identical parameters in values, but similar trends, such as to say that the model FWAU can be used to support the physical modeling, as a useful tool in preliminary design phase to allow a selection of design alternatives. Consistency between numerical and experimental evidence is fully satisfactory, especially considering that no ad hoc calibration parameter was used for the flow in the rock mound.
REFLECTION VALIDATION Wave reflection coefficient, i.e. the ratio between the reflected and incident wave Kr ¼ Hr/Hi, is also a useful validation parameter, as well as having some practical design application. Computed data for Hi and Hr, derived by the same Goda and Suzuki procedure discussed above, were therefore used to compare Kr against experimental tests. Figure 8 provides two examples of correlation on the basis of the Zanuttigh and Van der Meer formula (2006) for regular waves (left) and random waves (right). In Figures 9a and b the FWAU Kr results are shown over the graphs proposed by Zanuttigh and Van der Meer (2006), which report a substantial number of experimental tests carried out in scale models or prototypes.
Figure 9. (a) Flow within the armour units (FWAU) numerical Kr vs. f0–numerical and physical data (Zanuttigh and Van der Meer, 2006) for breakwater scheme (Xbloc)–refitted Ahrens & Seelig formula–all blocks. (b) FWAU numerical Kr vs. f0–numerical and physical data (Zanuttigh and Van der Meer, 2006) for breakwater scheme (Xbloc)–Zanuttigh and Van der Meer formula only Xbloc.
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 00, No. 0, 0000
FWAU Simulations
Table 3. Kr validation. Mean Error Author
Seelig and Ahrens Buerger Postma Van der Meer Hughes and Fowler Zanuttigh and Van der Meer
1981 1988 1989 1992 1995 2006
Formula Kr Kr Kr Kr Kr Kr
¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼
[(0.6n2)/(6.6 þ n2)] [(0.6n2)/(12 þ n2)] 0.125n2 0.07(P0.08 þ n) [1/(1 þ 7.1n0.8)] tgh(0.12n0.87)
In the following graph, on the x-axis is represented the Irribarren parameter, obtained by the equation: tgb n ¼ qffiffiffiffi ð4Þ Hi L
where tgb ¼ 2/3, and Hi and L are obtained as above described. The scattering of both numerical and experimental results is high, as a consequence of the high number of parameters involved and of the inherent randomness of the phenomena; all the results are, however, located within the same range of parameters. In Figures 9a (right) and b (right) are shown only the results of the experimental tests carried out on Xbloc with the results of the FWAU model to make the comparison more readable. To provide a more precise validation, with the same procedure shown above for the run-up, comparisons between FWAU Kr and formulas from the literature (Buerger, 1988; Hughes and Fowler, 1995; Postma, 1989; Seelig and Ahrens, 1981;Van der Meer, 1992; Zanuttigh and Van der Meer, 2006) were carried out and are summarized in Table 3: Another interesting comparison can be made by using the relative water depth k0d as an independent parameter (here k0 ¼ 2p/L0 and d is the depth): Figure 10 shows the results of Kr vs. k0d used for constructing a new formula, on the basis of empirical tests with regular and random waves, of Muttray, Oumeraci, and ten Oever (2006) for a given breakwater type of construction (Xbloc single layer). On this graph are reported the numerical results of FWAU for a further comparison. The results appear qualitatively positive, but need further laboratory testing, as already explained above.
Regular Waves
Random Waves
1.19 0.95 0.97 1.00 1.10 1.07
1.29 0.99 0.99 1.07 1.13 1.13
(pull out), (Muttray et al., 2005), but they do provide some important indications. In the first place the stability of the single element can be defined by comparing the force with the rock weight; if such force exceeds the block’s weight, the element is potentially at risk, and its balance within the breakwater is only guaranteed by the interlocking forces. This makes it possible to calculate a minimum block size, and also identify which of the elements would be most subjected to damage caused by extreme hydrodynamic action. Another important result is that the highest forces are experienced by blocks nearer to the average waterline, an aspect that was already known by the construction practice but had never been quantified before and that might lead to some design improvement.
CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES A new approach has been set up and tested to evaluate wave actions on rock mound breakwaters within 3D-RANS-VOF hydrodynamical simulation. Unlike the conventional procedure, whereby the flow within the rock mound is treated as a simple seepage flow, the water movement between the blocks is dealt with the full Navier–Stokes equations. A virtual structure is modeled, as it happens in real construction practice, by overlapping individual 3D elements, and a sufficiently thin numerical grid is fitted to evaluate the flow in the passages between the blocks. An assessment of the procedure, carried out against wellproven experimental results on wave reflection and run-up, has
FORCES ON BLOCKS One of the most important perspectives of FWAU is certainly the computation of hydrodynamical loads on single blocks to improve the safety and the cost effectiveness of coastal structures. Once the full computational setup is ready and tested, calculating forces by integrating surface stresses is a relatively easy procedure that can be performed through available software features. Figure 11 gives some results, referring to regular wave tests on a virtual breakwater with Xbloc. It is thus possible to evaluate the time evolution of the total hydrodynamic forces (pressure and shear) over a single block; these results do not completely solve the problem of evaluating the stability of a block armour (Burcharth and Thompson, 1983; Nielsen and Burcharth, 1983), which depends also on the structural connection between blocks
Figure 10. Flow within armour units (FWAU) numerical Kr vs. k0d– numerical and physical data (Muttray et al., 2006) for breakwater scheme (Xbloc).
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Dentale, Donnarumma, and Carratelli
Figure 11. Example of hydrodynamic forces on single submerged block: Hs ¼ 2.75 m,Tp ¼ 5.69 s.
shown that the methodology described here can be successfully used without any need to calibrate physical parameters. Tests have also been performed to evaluate the time-varying hydrodynamic forces on single blocks. Although a direct experimental check of these latter results is still impossible, physically sound conclusions and design hints have already been obtained. By appropriately combining and tuning modern CAD and CFD techniques a relatively easy—if computationally expensive—tool has been created to investigate the interaction between a rubble mound and wave motion, thus filling as much as possible the gap between empirical formulas and the physical laboratory.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Barbara Zanuttigh for providing help, advice, and data. CUGRI’s (University Partnership for Research on Major Hazards) support is also gratefully acknowledged.
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