Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education

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AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer .... and Aerospace Engineering as well as in Mechatronic, Electric and Electronic associate programmes. In.
AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science Vol 04 (2013) 596-601

3rd World Conference on Innovation and Computer Sciences 2013

Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education Mehmet Fatih Işik *, Hitit University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Çorum, Turkey. Erhan Çetin, Hitit University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Çorum, Turkey. Halil Aykul, Hitit University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Çorum, Turkey. Suggested Citation: . Işik F., M., Çetin E. & Aykul H. Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 04, pp 596-601. Available from: Received December 09, 2012; revised February 16, 2013 ; accepted March 09, 2013. Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Sadıkoglu, Near East University. ©2013 Academic World Education & Research Center. All rights reserved. Abstract In this paper, a virtual education environment is created in order to give students a better understanding of robot arm and a type of scara robot arm mechanism. Theorical informations are given students about robot and robotics applications by developed platform. For virtual laboratory applications, Visual Basic are used. The six-axis robot arm application which is similar to industrial formis provided by the improved software. Angular control prosess of robot arm is transferred to the virtual environment. It is shown, in animation, how the robot arm is directed by entering angle value. The entered value of angle is required in a certain range. When you exit out of this range, the robotic arm may be damaged. This platform will help students who recieve robot and robot arm education to understand matter of subject visually. This study will provide computer based robotic arm training for students who do not have access to necessary equipments and hardware. This study also can be used, as a supplementary training guide, by students who access necessary equipments and hardware. Keywors: Visual Basic, computer based robotic, robot arm;

*ADDRESS FOR COURROSPANDANCE: Mehmet Fatih IŞIK, Hitit University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Çorum, Turkey, E-mail Address : [email protected]

Işik F., M., Çetin E. & Aykul H. Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 04, pp 596-601. Available from:

1. Introduction The word “robot” entered the international literature by Czech author Karl Capek on a novel [1]. The word “robota” in this novel means slave or worker. Famous science-fiction writer of our time Dr. Isaac Asimov studied the robot’s behaviour in a realistic manner. The works published in 1941, this branch of science that studies the behaviour of robotic named [2]. Robotic in industrial automation systems has a widely usage area such as material handling, assembly, measurement and control, packaging, painting, welding, sorting, component selection etc. Robots can simply be able to process the long manufacturing processes by using software. These robots can also operate on places that threaten human health. Robots enable the mass production in an industrial area and ease the everyday life more effectively. For these reasons robot and robot arm education is very important. In addition to theorical robot and robot arm education, practical education and applications are so important for students who study in engineering faculties and technical department. However, each university cannot provide the necessary laboratory facilities du to required high cost of the mechanical and electrical components. In addition, the unstoppable technological progress causes loss of existing laboratories to date. Before practice, testing to applicability of the design to real systems is significant. Moreover before production, detecting errors is also important. For these reasons computer-based educations and virtual laboratory applications are quite popular subjects in recent years [3-9]. Created virtual lab and virtual courses overcome to limitation of time and space on education. 2. Robotic Arms - Areas of Usage There are different types of robotic arms used in the industry. These are; Cartesian Robotic Arms, Cylindrical Robotic Arms, Spherical Robotic Arms, SCARA Robotic Arms and Articulated (Jointed) Robotic Arms. 2.1. Cartesian Robotic Arms Cartesian Robot Arms have linear movement on joints (axes) X, Y, Z and are only capable of handling and transporting heavy objects. They have fewer fields of study in the controversion of its structure which in the form of a rectangular or square prism. They cannot perform bending or twisting movements. Cartesian Robots have greater load-carrying capacity than other robot types [10]. 2.2. Cylindrical Robot Arms Cylindrical arms are composed of one fixed shaft, rotating around itself, and any number linear joints and arms that located on X,Y,Z plane. Cylindrical robot’s axes form an inflexible cylindrical coordinate system. Have a wider motion area capability than Cartesian Robot Arms. According to the number of joints, Cylindrical robot arms can rotate in different variations [10]. 2.3. The Spherical Robotic Arms These thypes formed by the elements; waist, shoulder and elbow joints. While shoulder and waist joint can able to swivel around, elbow joint enables arms to make shortening and extension movements. In terms of arm structure they are similar to articulated arm robot. Since it is not easy to revitalize the working principle in mind, programming and controling of Spherical Robot Arms are not easy as well [10].


Işik F., M., Çetin E. & Aykul H. Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 04, pp 596-601. Available from:

2.4. Scara (Selective Compliance Assembly Robotic Arm) Robot Arms This robot consits of two joints that can move up and down over the pneumatic arm and an electric motor. Rotation of the axis provided by electric motors at the joints. Scara Robot is mostly used to carry out intilation of materials to electronic cards in electric industry, most because it is very good in terms of position and velocity performances. Since transportation and handling costs are cheaper and it is not difficult to handle programming, Scara robot arm has been the most widely used robot arms in the industry[10]. 2.5. Jointed Robot Arms It is the most capable robot to imitate motion of human arm. There is a necessity to robots that have 5 or 6 joint due to limited capability of other arms. In this kind robot arms, each joints consist of separately controlled servomotors. These are the most flexible motion arms. Each joint on arm can move three dimensional on X,Y,Z planes. Allow for reaching to a described point in the shortest way and in the shortest time. While these robots are more complex than others, their programming is more difficult. Each joint can move in an area that limited by program. Thus, robot doesn’t damage other parts in a safe work area and also robot can reach faster to preferred point [10]. There are lots of stimulation systems to move robot arms. These are hydrolic, pneumatic, step motors, ac servomotors and dc motors. Nowadays, the most preferred ones are AC motors. But In Industry, different ones should be use [11]. 2.6. Pneumatic Pneumatics is used in industrial robots and their costs are notably low. However, their controls are quite complex. While it is used as a stimulator of axis motion in simple structure robots, commonly be used as a stimulator of bridle parts of improved robots [10]. 2.7. Hydrolic There are commonly used in big and strong robots. Because it is not possible to get such a strong stimulating force from others. Disadvantages of hyrolics are working slowly and bleeding oil[10]. 2.8. DC servomotor These are used for controlling velocity and position easily. The cost of Installation and maintenance of DC servomotor is a lot more. Because of these disadvantages, electric motors are preferred more than DC motors [10]. 2.9. AC servomotor Considerable improvements are seen on velocity and position controlling of AC servomotors according to the improvement of electronic control. These are cheaper than DC servomotors. AC servomotors work silently and have less necessity for maintenance [10]. 2.10. Step motor These are preferred due to cheap cost of their driver unit. These motors provide more sensitive controlling on supervising of position. Step motors are commonly used on bridles of robot [10]. 598

Işik F., M., Çetin E. & Aykul H. Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 04, pp 596-601. Available from:

3. Robot Arm Simulator Nowadays, robot and robotic-arm training are taught in undergraduate programmes such as Mechanical Engineering, Control Engineering, Electric-Electronic Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Aerospace Engineering as well as in Mechatronic, Electric and Electronic associate programmes. In these programmes, laboratory costs can reach maximum for robotic education. In this case providing simulation programme is crucial for education of the students. Simulation of the robotic-arm using computer based programme before its production and assembling process is useful to realize the errors in advance and save the possible economic loss of the errors. For these reasons, using Virtual Basic, simulation environment is formed for robot and robotic-arm education. This simulation programme shows the axial movement of the operating status for entered parameters and the mechanical action form of the robotic-arm manipulator. The entered parameters on the screen for axial movement and required minimum and maximum angle values to avoid physical damage of the robotic-arms are part of the simulations. This study helps to learn robotics and robotics-arm more effectively. Furthermore, this study provides working opportunity on computer environment for students without laboratory equipment. Education programme created with Virtual Basic is shown in Figure 1. There are many theorical training about robot arms on this programme. Theorical education’s screenshot is shown in Figure 2. This view has some information about types of robot arm.

Figure 1. Robot arm main selection menu

Figure 2. Theorical robot arm education

When robot arm simulator is selected on the main selection menu, six-jointed robot arm simulator programme is observed. Movement of robot arm according to entered angle value is shown. Holding part of robot arm is able to open or close depend on user command. Related joint are moved along Zaxis according to value entered in Figure 3. Motion range of axis is limited. Incorrect angle error is seen on programme. In Figure 4, warning window, would come up as a result of incorrect value, is shown.


Işik F., M., Çetin E. & Aykul H. Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 04, pp 596-601. Available from:

Figure 3. Movement of robot arm

Figure 4. Warning window on simulation

4. Conclusion Computer based virtual laboratory practices play an important role in the education system. Virtual laboratory on robotic applications for engineering education are gained importance because of cost. Theorical education about robot arm is supported by animations with developed robot arm simulator. Six-axis robot arm simulator, similar to the robot arm used in application, is designed. Working condition of robot arm is shown by entered the desired angle value for each joint. This application can be used robotic classes. This study provides a better understanding of robot and robot arm. Furthermore it will provide computer based robotic arm training for students who do not have access to necessary equipment and hardware. References Capek, K., R.U.R.-Rossum’s Universal Robots, 1920 Asimov, I., Liar!, 1941” Bauer, P., Fedak, V. And Rompelman, O., “PEMCWebLab-Distance and Virtual Labaratories in electrical engineering- Development and Trends” Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Pznan, 23542359, 1-3 September 2008 Li, S. And Challoo, R., “Restructuring an Electric Machinery Course With an Integrative Approach and ComputerAssisted Teaching Methodology”, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 49, No. 1, 16-28, 2006. Ertugrul, N., “New Era in Engineering Experiments:An Integrated and Interactive Teaching/Learning Approach, and Real-Time Visualisations”, Int. J. Eng. Ed., Vol. 14, No.5, 344-355, 1998. Işık M. F.,Coşkun, İ., “Servo Control Education Tool for Industrial Applications” Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2010. No. 10(106) Erdal Bekiroğlu ve Alper Bayrak Sanal Elektrik Makinaları Labaratuarı: Senkron Jeneratör Deneyleri J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Gazi Univ, Vol 25, No 2, 405-413, 2010 Chen, S.H., Chen, R, Ramakrishnan, S.Y., Zhuang, Y, Ko, C.C., Chen, B.M., “ Development of Remote Labaratory Experimentation Through Internet”,


Işik F., M., Çetin E. & Aykul H. Simulation of Robotic-Arm Manipulation for Education. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 04, pp 596-601. Available from:

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