Simulation of the Dynamic Behavior of Aircraft landing Gear Systems

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aircraft and its landing gear system during ground maneuvers is an essential part ... possible to adjust the model for changes in the structural design of the airframe and ... 3: Arrangement of flexible beams of fuselage and wings. Fig. 2: Airbus ...
Customer Application | Reinhard Lernbeiss, TU Wien, Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics

Simulation of the Dynamic Behavior of Aircraft Landing Gear Systems Simulation and the resulting prediction of the dynamic behavior of an aircraft and its landing gear system during ground maneuvers is an essential part in the design process. A realistic estimation of unwanted oscillations, such as gear walk and shimmy, for the landing gear and whole aircraft can be readily obtained with an MBS-model. It is then possible to adjust the model for changes in the structural design of the airframe and the landing gear so as to optimize the aircraft stability. pre-select certain values of residual vertical INTRODUCTION speeds upon touch-down. Additionally, the Vibrations resulting from the elastic behavior application of the brakes was performed or from dynamic loads may result in material by an automatic braking system combined fatigue and failure. Loads acting on the landwith an anti-skid system. ing gear at touch-down are of major interest. Addressing these issues during testing is DYNAMIC PHENOMENA crucial. Elastic properties of the airframe and Undesired oscillations can occur in the the landing gear have an essential influence longitudinal, lateral and yaw directions. on their dynamic behavior. Emphasis was Longitudinal vibrations are normally placed on developing an “elastic” model of induced by changes of vertical and the whole aircraft so as to realistically simulongitudinal loads acting on the late a complete landing and rollout with its wheels. They can be generated braking, and in particular, the influence of by landing the landing gear. “Emphasis was placed on impact or To demonstrate developing an “elastic” model during the capabilities of of the whole aircraft...” braking this approach an and are existing aircraft commonly called gear(Airbus A320-200) was selected. To control walk. The lateral and the aircraft during flare, touch-down and yaw oscillations are roll-out, a control system was introduced, called shimmy oscillacapable of achieving any desired angle of tions when generated the aircraft in relation to the runway at the by self excitation forces. exact moment of touch-down. This enabled However, such vibrations may also be inthe simulation of possible crosswind condiduced by asymmetric conditions occurring tions as well as different landing techniques at landings with prevailing crosswind. Even applied by the pilot. It was possible to


forward rolloscillation

longitudinal-oscillation gear walk


yaw-oscillation shimmy

Fig. 1: Dynamic phenomena

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the asymmetric structure of the landing gear itself, as occurs on most main landing gear

systems, may be a source of unstable conditions, see Fig. 1. Rolling motions of the wheels about their longitudinal axis also exist. SIMULATION MODELS To generate a good approximation of the mass distribution of an aircraft like the Airbus A320 and the structural properties, existing and accessible data were used together with the statistical mass approximation method published by Raymer. These data were the main sources used to establish a CAD-model of all of the structures. To comply with the goal of simulating different loading cases of passengers, cargo and fuel, a balance calculation similar to those applied before each flight of the real aircraft was used. The data obtained for the air-frame structure was pre-processed to facilitate the generation of an elastic model in SIMBEAM. The elastic structure was assembled with the use of beam elements accounting for

Reinhard Lernbeiss, TU Wien, Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics | Customer Application

Fig. 2: Airbus A320; structure of aircraft

the main parts of the fuselage and the whole wings. Other elements, for example the foremost part of the fuselage in front of the nose landing gear, as well as the empennage, are considered rigid, but have the correct mass-properties and were attached to the corresponding elastic beam element. Implementing beam elements to generate elastic structures reduced the required time for simulation. Different beam elements were defined between certain markers and reflected a change in structural properties. In addition, those markers were set at positions to easily accommodate major mass concentrations and structural attachments, especially for the wings and the landing gear, see Fig. 3. To compensate for possible elements which have no structural influence, for example aircraft systems and fairings, the masses were equally distributed along the elastic beams between certain positions, and the mass was adjusted accordingly.

Fig. 3: Arrangement of flexible beams of fuselage and wings

SIMPACK News | September 2010 | 3

Customer Application | Reinhard Lernbeis, TU Wien, Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics

1st Eigenmode

2nd Eigenmode

lift and drag forces were calculated using the basic aerodynamic equations acting on the corresponding surfaces belonging to each marker. The angle of attack is measured for each section of the wing considered, taking flexibility of the wings into account. With this aerodynamic model, neither static nor dynamic stability of the aircraft model is possible. This is accomplished by using artificial stability generated by a flight control model which simply generates forces on the horizontal stabilizer and elevator to produce flight stability and control. In the case of a real aircraft, the vertical speed upon touch-down is minimized. For the simulation, however, pre-determined vertical speeds are required for the intended parameter variations. Therefore, a schedule for the target vertical speed, dependent

4th Eigenmode

Fig. 4: Eigenmodes

All other elements were added as rigid mass elements. This facilitated changing the loading of the aircraft and the amount of fuel for simulation of different landing mass and centers of gravity. Some of the resulting eigenmodes of the elastic aircraft model are shown in Fig. 4. LANDING GEAR A similar procedure was applied to establish elastic models of the landing gear system. The elastic structure of the landing gear model was comprised of a system of beam elements. The method of using distributed masses and mass concentrations, where needed, was also applied. To generate appropriate forces acting on the wheels and tires, a modified HSRI-tyre model was used. An automatic braking system in conjunction with an anti-skid system was used to achieve braking action during the rollout phase. The functions of these systems were basically reproduced by models programmed with MATLAB® and Simulink® using cosimulation. CONTROLLING OF THE LANDING MANEUVer To accomplish a realistic landing-flare, it is imperative to incorporate aerodynamic forces. However, one of the goals is to keep total simulation time low. Therefore, the aerodynamic model was kept as simple as possible and only those aerodynamic loads were applied which are essential to generate a nearly realistic landing maneuver and which have possible influence on the elastic structure with respect to the dynamic behavior of the landing gear. On the wings

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SIMPACK model data aquisition SIMPACK output

aerodynamic wings flare trajectory

reverse thrust

aerodynamic hor. stabilizer

autobrake selection

engine thrust

yaw & roll pre-selection

brakes & directional control

Fig. 5 and 6: Landing simulation

data aquisition SIMPACK intput


Reinhard Lernbeiss, TU Wien, Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics | Customer Application

CONCLUSION To facilitate the design process, it is advantageous to implement and use simplified models to simulate a number of operational aspects to prevent undesired and costly but necessary improvements during flight tests. It is of utmost importance to have an easy to use and changeable model at any stage of development to predict the behavior of the landing gear. It is then possible to modify the design or to make appropriate adjustments to a shimmy damper or similar device at an early stage of design. Implementing a flexible SIMULATION OF LANDING structure in the simulation model is essential. AN AIRCRAFT In addition, it is possible to produce a realistic It is crucial to have sufficient model detail landing maneuver using only limited applicato gain insight into the dynamic behavior tion of aerodynamic calculations and save of landing gear. Fig. 8 computational time to fa“It is crucial to have presents a comparative cilitate the design process sufficient model detail to study of the relative by testing various structural gain insight into the displacement and configurations early in the dynamic behavior of twisting of the wheel design process. The model the landing gear.” axis of the main landing presented enables the use gear using different of real-time simulations modeling techniques of the elastic properties used in flight simulators, and is necessary for of the aircraft structure. It can be seen that aircraft that use an extensive amount of flexthe results may differ quite significantly. ible composite components. the design of the landing gear and for the flight test later in the development process. Therefore, it is imperative to conduct sufficient simulations of that test in advance to save resources and time. In addition, the simulation of drop tests of the landing gear with flexible structure models enables a touch-down with different side slips (yaw angles) and the motion of the de-rotation of the aircraft, which is the lowering of the nose after touch-down of the main landing gear.

Fig 7: Nose landing gear; Airbus A320

upon height, was introduced. To simulate crosswind conditions upon landing and corresponding landing techniques used by the pilot or the automatic landing system, certain angles of roll and bank were selected. These angles were kept constant during flare until touch-down of the main wheels by a separate controlling system. SIMULATION SET-UP The model of the elastic aircraft structure together with the landing gear system in the MBS-software SIMPACK was simulated with the controlling system of the aircraft, programmed in Simulink using a co-simulation. Simulink was used for aerodynamic forces, anti-skid, autobrake system and steering on the runway during roll out. Thrust control during flare and reverse thrust were also provided, see Fig. 5 and 6. DROP TEST SIMULATION During the design and development process, a so-called drop test conducted in a laboratory is used. Here a single real landing gear unit, loaded with the appropriate mass, falls onto a rotating drum which represents the moving runway surface. This test is a vital source of information and the data generated are used to optimize both

Fig 8: Relative displacement of the wheel axis; different levels in modeling the aircraft structure

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