Simultaneous bilateral scaphoid fractures in a soldier ...

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Dear Sir,. Simultaneous bilateral scaphoid fractures are quite rare. Current trends favor internal fixation to avoid pro- longed cast immobilization and morbidity; ...
Short Communication

Archives of Clinical

Experimental Surgery

Arch Clin Exp Surg 2016;5:63-64 doi:10.5455/aces.20131127010347

Increased of Langerhans Cells in Smokeless Tobacco-Associated Oral Mucosal Lesions Simultaneous bilateral scaphoid fractures in a soldier managed 1 2 Érica Dorigatti de Ávila , Rafael Scaf de Molon , Melaine de casts Almeida Lawall1, Renata Bianco conservatively by scaphoid 1 1

Consolaro , Alberto Consolaro

Nasir Muzaffar, Iftikhar Wani, Mohammad Ehsan, Shamim Ahmad

Dear Sir, reduction in grip strength. Thus, he underwent regular Simultaneous bilateral scaphoid fractures are quite physiotherapy, and after 3 weeks, regained full range of rare. Current trends favor internal fixation to avoid pro- motion and grip strength. He subsequently returned to Abstract longed cast immobilization and morbidity; however, full active duty. theseObjective: fractures can be successfully 1% of scaphoid fractures are bilateral, siTo also evaluate the changestreated in thewith number ofOnly Langerhans Cells (LC) observed in the and epithelium of conservative cast immobilization conservatively by multaneous bilateral scaphoid fractures are even more smokeless tobacco (SLT-induced) lesions. casting with comparativelyly early return to full activ- rare. Most of these fractures occur in athletes and manMethods: Microscopic sections from biopsies carried out in the buccal mucosa of twenty patients, who were ity. Here, we report a case of a soldier who was man- ual workers [1]. Typically, a fall on outstretched hands users ofwith smokeless were utilized. For the control group, non-SLT users of SLT agedchronic conservatively an earlytobacco return to(SLT), active duty and hyperextended wrists, withtwenty most pain and tenderwith normal mucosa were selected. The sections were with coloring and were immunostained [1–5]. nessstudied localized in routine the anatomical snuffbox of the wrist, S-100, CD1a, Ki-67 These data were statistically by the Student’injury. s t-testThis to investigate the Afor32-year-old soldier felland on p63. outstretched hands is indicativeanalyzed of this type of bilateral classiwhile training, resulting in acute pain and mild markers swell- incalnormal presentation wasand seenininSLT-induced our patient. Diagnosis can lesions. differences in the expression of immune mucosa leukoplakia ing Results: of both wrists. physical examination revealed confirmed by X-rays posterior-anterior, lateral,mucosa ThereAwas a significant difference in thebe immunolabeling of all(e.g., markers between normal tenderness in the anatomical snuffbox of both wrists, oblique), computed tomography, magnetic resonance and SLT-induced lesions (p