singularities - SSRN papers

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A princess – my bride. Is the whole world's pride. ... A princess most noble. There on Heaven's ......‎.

Professor Christopher Fynsk October 10, 2013

MacRobert 252 / 4 p.m. Electronic copy available at:

‘Creative Partnership’ as a type of reflection and prospect on our Humankind: Qvo Vadis Homine_2050? [How Interdisciplinary & Intercultural Science-Praxis Relation Matter on Contemporary World within the Systemic Thinking ?]

Nicolae Bulz Associate Professor: National Defence College, Romania Honorary Researcher: World Economy Institute / NERI/ Romanian Academy Research Associate External: Center for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia E-mail: [email protected]

Electronic copy available at:


•Humanities and General Systems Theory •Richard Mattessich •Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy •Subtle Corpus / subtleness --- probability --- fuzziness •Gödel --- completeness / consistency •person's fragility / subtle positioning human-machine and Information/Knowledge Economy/Society // Martin Heidegger •SCIENCE-PRAXIS RELAT. SYSTEMIC THINKING •A CYBERNETICS OF THE OPERATIVE ACTIONS •Interdisciplinarity / inter/trans/co/cross-disciplinarity •Solomon Marcus •An invariant (?) pattern: Humankind evolution frame / Creative Partnership / Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity Electronic copy available at:

A CYBERNETICS OF THE OPERATIVE ACTIONS There is a presentation of a systemic approach entitled: “OPERATIVE ACTIONS”. This type of systemic action delimitates the contextual resources (R), criteria (C), types of actions/reactions (-->) and (desired versus obtained) objectives (O); i.e. R --C--> O – as an existential-(hypothetical)represented relation.

THREE SPECIFIC CONSTRAINS: *1. All of these conceptual entities (reflecting the both non-observable and observable entities) are to be (operatively) represented alongside the case that an OPERATIVE PROBLEM is constituted. So, an OPERATIVE PROBLEM, if it is constituted and identified, than an OPERATIVE ACTION (one at least) is STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIRED within that system [i.e. the system that contents that constituted problem – and, as soon as possible, that there are represented “ the parts” of the problem / also according to R --C--> O – as a representational relation].

**2 All of these conceptual entities (R; C; O; -->) have not a “large” amount of material and ideal elements. One of the most constrained resources being a temporal resource: ADMISIBLE TIME FOR REACTION (reaction to the constituted and identified OPERATIVE PROBLEM). ***3 The entire OPERATIVE SYSTEM which is able to act/react operatively is either “before” constituted, or “alongside” constituted to an identified OPERATIVE PROBLEM. Within this OPERATIVE SYSTEM – as a HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEM – the representation, the decision(s) making, the action/reaction – and its step by step recurrence, the revised functionality / and structure / of the entire system fronted with an OPERATIVE PROBLEM (persistent or not) have/may have operative features. The representation (the initial and the step by step adapted model) would be based on probability / statistic, fuzzy and subtle knowledge / information. The above synthesis (re)presents the related knowledge within the (1989/1990) Nicolae Bulz’s research/study – and an actual research finding: SUBTLE CORPUS (as a model for decision making flows, including the operative case).

A vocabulary for the SUBTLE CORPUS: < R --C--> O; { information_1; decision; action; information_2 }; {awareness; insight; action}; UNCOMPLETENESS; INCONSISTENCY; (OPERATIVE) DECISION; TEMERITY; INDECISION; ... > Example of OPERATIVE SYSTEMS may be given within the following domains: military, health emergence, economic and political/social alerts/incidents/accidents, natural and urban/rural disasters (earthquakes, floods, fire, etc.), etc. Within the large possible, probable, fuzzy and subtle cases of the adversity, affliction, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, emergency, exigency, failure, fall, misfortune, ruination, the worst, tragedy, war, woe, etc. The DECISION MAKER (military or civilian) must (can and will) to (re)act – and not to postpone the situation – just in order to stop the damage and to continuously prevent the extent of the damage (including human death, and ecological failure).




LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG RECORD LC classification (full) HD30.23 .B85 1989 Personal name · Bulz, Nicolae. Main title · Decizia in rezolvarea problemelor operative / Nicolae Bulz. Published/Created · : Editura Militara, 1989. Description 215 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9733200646

Decizia in Rezolvarea Problemelor Operative (The Decision Inside the Operative Problem Solving) Editura Militara, Bucuresti, 1989, ISBN 973-32-0064-6 This is my first published book: in December 1989; it was presented into the windows of the books-shops in Bucharest just on the days of the Romanian Revolution December 16-22, 1989, at the collapse of the communist regime.

A new edition was launched just on the first days of the January 1990, under the diligence of the publisher (erasing the preface and three bibliographical items - items related to three now ex-personalities, also making a new editorial entry/pagination). Within the irony of the fate, other three bibliographical items were before erased during the editorial checking alongside the 1989 year - these items were related to three emmigrated/escaping personalities during Ceausescu regime.

The entire book is dedicated to the theoretical approach and the praxis of the complex (quasichaotic) problems to be solved under constrains; the short temporal period is the defining constrained pattern of an operative problem. The book is constructed on the background/alonside my personal experience within military operative problems, and energy crisis operative problems - extending this experience within an original systemic and cybernetic approach to larger categories of operative problem (medical surgery, agriculture, transportation, commerce, business, and general decisional tension within managerial processes. [Measurement of the recordable patterns of the human neurological diseases using psychophysical techniques, and the adaptive and interactive proceeding, till the recovering of an experiential / experiencial / analytic / holistic neuro-therapy may be an operative problem, sometime.] My first book is an original contribution within Decision Science - openning the realm of Operative Problem Solving (resolving the problem within -at least- proper methods, and not at all disolving the problem).

The book takes the conceptual inspiration from the important background of Artificial Intelligence domain - where the representation and the solvation of a problem are sequential but different tasks. The book adds an other sequence and differential tasks: the preinternalization of a problem, then the internalization of a problem, the representation and the solvation of a problem - attaing the operative decision making - but, then, (re)adapting the entire function/functionality of the system inside which the operative problem was constituited or was constitutiong, then (re)adapting the entire structure of the system with the operative problems - and at an end - (re)adapting the conceptual architecture of the category of the respective systems. All being circular - as the proposed cycle: information1 - decision action - information2 / alongside all the above described processes.

The book has five parts: 1_Contextual approach of the operative problems (linguistic, systemic, cybernetic, philosophical, general human, managerial); 2_Development versus complexity; 3_Becoming of a definition for the operative problem; 4_Resolutive models; 5_Open problems and open concepts. Regarding the search for definitions, models and real problem frames, there were useful some original constructs (developed till the impact with corresponding mental concepts – as step inward System Engineering): • magellanity (the individual and/or collective stage to have a long-term iterative confidence into the problem representation), • internalization (decisional skill versus hard problem representation), • reflecting the reflection (first step consciousness), • Cybernetics of the Operative Actions (practical collection of rules for the operative decision makers), • Cybernetics of the New Products (practical collection of rules and cases for the operative decision makers into the productive / competitive area), • equivalent state number (beyond probability classical frame), • mixed system (stationary preservation of human and technical resources), • minimal security zone (within solving a conflict), • development rank (quantization of the humankind development trend),

• (awareness) knowledge subspace, (meta-knowledge) consciousness subspace, (toward objectives) action subspace, responsibility subspace (subspaces for an analytical model of the operative decision making), • heuristic determinism (other than probabilistic determinism and causal-dynamic determinism), • concept-construct duality (human mental efforts to decline the unknown terms within mental embedded patterns – innate and/or obtained till the magellanity threshold), • analysis/synthesis dual flow (regarding representation and solving of an operative problem), • structure/functionality sections into a systemic entity (the basic approach into the book), rational subject (delimitated entity in front of complex constituted problems), entity/system appearance and reality (an insight into the complex amalgamation of the properties: synergy, neg_entropy, ephemerality = to do more and more with less and less), • triad: (hypothetical) reality, model, ideal, • triad (production, intelligence, moral), • operative teams – operative problems (organizational response in front of the operativity), team for generating teams, eight types of teams/problems, their becoming, • identification of the problem elements [resources, objectives, criteria, criteria for criteria, procedures and linkage; (neo)kantian space-time-causality], • induced and included operativity (two varieties), • constituting and constituted frames for the problems,

• general characteristics of the operativity and of the operative problems, • (resources1; teams; systems; resources2) – a new type of representing (action; reaction; their carriers), • nine moods of constituting operative problems in mixed system, • flow of the problem in mixed system, • operativity-complexity relation(s); two types of development within operative contexts, • models, methods, relations; operative examination(s) and conflict(s) cancellation(s) . The book (above presented), the examples and the open problems (included into the book) were useful (from 1990 till now) for my military students at the course Large Scale System Automatization (into military radioelectronic warfare), for my civil students at the course System Modelling and Simulation, for civil specialists (Electro-command centres), for military and civil doctorate candidates preparing their Ph.D. thesis in various domains firmly connected to Complex Problems, for general readers – in front of the contemporary complexity within all human acts, beliefs, knowledge and technology transfer.

MAGELLANITY the individual and/or collective stage to have a long-term iterative confidence into the problem representation (versus CIRCULARITY / SUBTLE CORPUS) A contextual comprehension (but no explanation) on the intercourse between the (hypothetical) real # reality and the model (as a tool of our humankind) would be possible. So, here, let "start" an observation upon the social world, which becomes itself a real (social) world only through an existence-reflection connection. This insight draws out several types of mental constructs (the "visible" peaks connected to mental concepts): non-observable reality mental concepts |\ |\ || || \| \| observable reality mental constructs non-theoretic concepts theoretic concepts notions


Source: Richard Mattessich, “Epistemological Aspects of Accounting", Praxiology I, 1992. Figure 1Theory and Its Correspondence to Reality

Let be an open list: real (hypothetical) system, model (related to the real system), ideal system/norms, rational subject, profound zone (temporary sooner than penetrable into rational subject's competencies), responsibility zone (narrow path between security and evolution of the cycle: real system model ideal system rational subject real system), ... . If it is accepted that the existence of our world is represented by a set of real entities and by a set of concept entities, then a rational subject delimitates the observable from the non-observable real and the theoretic concepts from the nontheoretic concepts. Let consider the magellanity property (shortly M* ): There are: some parts of non-observable real some notions. These connections (inside the relation 1 as a representation) point out (as the members of Magellan’s 1514 expedition around our Earth) the new stationary facts inside our world – inside and between reality and reflection. To attain the magellanity property, within a context, it is like to pass over a threshold (M*) WITHIN OUR REAL WORLD, THE PROPERTY OF CIRCULARITY IS MORE RECKON. TO HERE, TO ASSOCIATE THE MAGELLANITY PROPERTY WITH THE PROPERTY OF CIRCULARITY.

Figure 1 and (M*) relation enrich the "research contexts" toward the terms "holistic capacity" and "eco-consciousness". Within these terms, within their "research contexts", there are the following cycles (cy): (2) cy|faith cy|ignorance WSIminding |cy |hope |evidence WSIthinking | personality |will |belief WSIreasoning| rationality logic knowledge language

[Note: WSI construct refers the World of Systemhood and Individualhood is depicted inside the next Table 1&2] . According to relations 1 and 2, it results: WSI =>{notion/”fire”}1 =>(real; model; ideal/norms) =>(mental concept/construct) =>{notion/”water”}2, there is cy:{notion}2 => responsibility => {notion}1. (3) So, the cycles from the above relations are presenting the magellanity property. Within the context of the relations 1, 2 and 3, let COMPREHEND the dual quasi_definitions for "System" and "Rational Subject". Also, let be elicited the

"Entity" quasi_definition. An Entity supports any position / relation between a System and a Rational Subject. an Interactive Modelling stance, sustained by the following set of Tables 1&2, and 3-11. The content of the following table denominates the systemic entities versus their systemic properties (synergy of parts; non-entropy; ascending efficiency - as ephemerality).

*1 (non)systemic entities: integron ... metatron ... net ... Internetron ... transitron ... individicity; as an ontic (aiming "to become" ontological) string - accepted by our gnoseologic/epistemic insight, or not accepted; *2 the triad of the verbs: to do / to be / to have versus the triad of systemic properties: synergy / non-entropy / ascending efficiency;

*3 the triad information1 – decision – action – information2 => cycle (IDAI); this cycle to be thought on a completeness / consistency evaluation of the (non)systemic background; *4 the triadic properties: self-reflexivity /efficiency/ magellanity; *5 to be --> probabilistic treatment across universal operator . The single dimensioned insight upon completeness and self-reflection; *6 to have --> fuzziness approach (apart and beyond the fuzzy primary insight) associated with the universal operator  and fuzziness startinsight on [0; 1] definition-domain of the characteristic function of a fuzzy system. The double dimensioned insight upon consistency and, respective, intro-opened entities (open toward itself) is associated with efficiency (consistency) and, respective, ascending efficiency (introopenness) on [1; 2] definition-domain of the characteristic function of a fuzzy system. The points of intersections inside this double characteristic are here presented, only, as numeric conjectures: f1 = π/2, f2 = 8/13 golden section, f3 = √π; depending by the other "future" approaches inside the following definition-domains [2; 3], [3; 4], [4; 5], [5; 6], ... , their possible multiple characteristic function will be elicit – promoting gaps decreasing [on Problem 1 solving]; 7. to do versus synergy, information_1-decision-action-information_2 cycle (IDAI) (and magellanity property: relation (M*); but not as an universal operators; *8. the ascending level of synergy and non-entropy (see Table 1&2) is a necessary condition toward a holistic capacity: thus integron and – sometime- transitron presence/appearance; *9. the ascending level of efficiency (better and better products with lower an lower resources) and non-entropy (see Table 1&2) is a sufficiency condition toward eco-consciousness: thus integron and –sometime- metatron presence/appearance; *10. a necessary condition to realize both holistic capacity and eco-consciousness is to be inside an integron; there are not other entities – to be depicted across Table 1&2. So, a minimal condition for a predictive model and for the procedures shown within the Figures 1 and 2 (regarding Living Support Entities and their Existence_Reflection) is to "isolate" an integron –as a nucleus- inside the systemic context (it requires/does the anticipation or/and the emergency action). The overlapping of the integron with the entire systemic context is only and only a favourable case, at least. Upon the Responsibility concept within the Worlds of Systemhood and Individualhood: Let be the representation of the initial (non)systemic context, according to the next table:

This is not a planar table. Elements a, b, d, c exist into a cycle (evidently closed) a, b, d, c, a, … constituting a virtual corpus with one single face (type: Klein bottle / This corpus is a higher equivalence for the Möbius band (strip) with one face only). [See, into the Table 7, on other references (than here) at the c mental constructs INTRO and EXTRO.] All humankind's acquisitions (science – literature – philosophy / theology – arts), according or not to the model assured by the Table 3, are gaining the knowledge power within an equilibrium state, Eq, according to a (one, at least) discovered or invented "zone": the system. But our worlds are based not only on systems. There are, also, some other states beyond Eq. But, one state may be into Fire_Water gap. Humankind likes Eq, likes systems, likes its security, but dreams toward the status of progress (so, a form of evolution). Thus, this is the contradiction. This is a fundamental desire and contradiction: security evolution. This is one of the deeper causes of the feeling that science, the post-(Galilee, Descartes, Leibniz, and Newton) science, an outstanding structural science may be enlarged, as a structural-phenomenological

act. So, there is a (re)new approach beyond a long-term structural science: structural / phenomenological modelling. According to this background, let be elicited the emerging concepts aggregated within the string:

substance-energy-information – reflection – consciousness (S1), and the other string:

brain-reflection-mind–thinking–soul-spirit-consciousness–evil-philosophical tension (S2). The “words” supporting S1 refer structural science accepted notions; the “words” supporting S2 are notions related to a non-structural science. The word consciousness has a dual

elicitation. There is a long-term hope to discover consciousness neural embodiment / structural science. There is a major topos inside structural-phenomenological modelling: consciousness. [No Evil matter.] the Existence_Reflection gap as a FIRE_WATER gap and EARTH and AIR . The above patterns would attempt to the context of eliciting the concept/construct “THINKING” by, within, alongside an individual/community participation to fragmentized “Interactive Modelling” methodological approaches.

Moral Market / Creative (e-) Partnership construct 2004

Invitation for a partnership addressed to - Whom It May Concern – related to the near stage applications (FP7/COST program, Templeton Foundation, etc.). This Invitation is presented to you on behalf of the

International Consortium Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity: The title and the cognitive / application domains:

Creative Partnership: Qvo_Vadis_Homine_2050? Networking: Eco-Bio-Geo-rethinking our energy and food Theory:

Spirituality AND Biodiversity

- Heritage, Challenge, Perspective

Logic and Praxis: Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity within, without, and beyond a Knowledge Society towards Consciousness Society Interdisciplinary Applications: EXPERTISE on ENERGY SECURITY; GLOBAL versus LOCAL on FOOD SYSTEMS A set of inquiries / foreseen solutions to elicit within, alongside, by the three constructs: , , , , and

Acronym: Homine_2050_NET

Executive Summary The strategic problem is to respond to the basic inquiry: Does a cognitive space of exist?

The related opportunity consists into a positive response, per se, a proposal of a conceptualized “to BE X to HAVE” (quasi)orthogonal representational space. So, the primal main activity will consist in the projection and implementation of a “testable pattern” (consisting into seven recursive Hypothesis / Invariants) within this “to BE X to HAVE” representational space. The dual main activity will consist in the projection and interactive/iterative steps to grasp / to foresee solutions to a set (consisting in nine sub-sets) of inquiries and tasks that would elicit the contribution of the “Full Proposal related to the Project” toward the constructs: , , , , and . The both main activities are innovative, and draw up the nine outputs (corresponding to the nine sub-sets of inquiries and tasks). The outcomes will consist into original cognitive, epistemic/gnoselogic, ontologic, praxiologic, axiologic, prospective acquisitions, and systematic bibliographic research, praxis and feed-back tasks addressing: , , , , and .

Project (length constrained) description Does exist a cognitive (DISTINCTIVE) space of JUST ?; but an epistemic/gnoseologic one?; but an ontic one? E.g. a conceptualized “to BE X to HAVE” (quasi)orthogonal representational space - conceptualized, as much as possible, beyond the exclusive linguistic competences/performances; it would be at least a psycholinguistic space – as a tool to represent and solve the constituted problems related to . Ideally this initial “to BE X to HAVE” at least psycholinguistic space would (self-)adapt and/or (self-) evolve according to the inter/trans/co/cross-disciplinary heritage, challenge, and perspective eliciting by the constructs , , , , and . Per se this space would (self-)adapt and/or (self-)evolve according to the solutions and feed-back through the embedded researches proper to the next sub-sets of inquiries / foreseen solutions.

Could be conceptualized a testable pattern – embedded into this cognitive (DISTINCTIVE) space? E.g. a conceptualized testable pattern: Hypothesis / Invariants [The hypothesis should be tested / the invariants should be confirmed or not. Here and now, there is a synthesis only, standing as a cognitive nucleus of affirmed hypothesis and presupposed invariants that could minimally prove the stance of “conceptualized testable pattern – embedded into a cognitive (DISTINCTIVE) space of JUST ”. Here and now, it is presented a kind of title for each of the seven hypothesis / invariants (H/I) – {followed} by a string of names of great personalities addressing separately but quasi-equivalent issues to the respective H/I]

H/I 1: Foreseen CONSISTENCY - elicited by, within, alongside the COSMIC, TERRESTRIAL, UNIVERS SENSES - HUMAN, HUMANKIND TENSIONS addressing the H/I 2-:-7 {Pascal; Galbraith; Mesarovic; Vulcanescu}

H/I 2: SCIENTIFIC TEXTS co-existing with SACRED textS paradigmS of BELIEVES/UNDERSTANDING/EXPLANATION {Contemporary Scientific and Popularising-Science entities co-existing with Contemporary Religions and Non-Religion entities; di Lampedusa; Kalman} H/I 3: “FREE WILL” paradox addressing the “source” of EVIL and CONSCIOUSNESS {Calvin / Moses / Confucius / Lao Tzu; Simon; Klir; von Neumann} H/I 4: SUBJECTIVE/OBJECTIVE balance addressing the COSMIC, TERRESTRIAL, UNIVERS SENSES - HUMAN, HUMANKIND TENSIONS {Pre-Socrates; Luther / Knox; Kant; Heisenberg; Piet; Gibson} H/I 5: Mythic/magic // analytic/algebraic thinking ratio addressing the INFINITE [self-]construct {Socrates -:- Heidegger; Eminescu; Schrödinger; Wiener} H/I 6: Mythic/magic // analytic/algebraic thinking ratio addressing the LIGHT and LOVE [self-]constructS {Christ / Saint Paul; Einstein; Blaga; von Bertalanffy; Mattesich} H/I 7: Foreseen COMPLETENESS - elicited by, within, alongside the (DES)AGGREGATION TENSION addressing the H/I 1-:-6 {Brahma / Buddha / Mahomet; Saint Spyridon of Trimythous; Gödel; Arrow; Paun}


H/I 4: SUBJECTIVE / OBJECTIVE balance H/I 5: Mythic/magic // analytic/algebraic thinking ratio --- INFINITE [self-]construct H/I 6: Mythic/magic // analytic/algebraic thinking ratio --- LIGHT and LOVE [self]constructS H/I 7: Foreseen COMPLETENESS --- (DES)AGGREGATION TENSION ---> H/I 1-:-6

MOTTO: “We will ever strive for the ideals and sacred things of the city, both alone and with many; we will unceasingly seek to quicken the sense of public duty; we will revere and obey the city’s laws; we will transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful that it was transmitted to us.” Ancient Athenian Oath

"Cloud Computing today is the foundation of the agile enterprise. As it reshapes the way organizations design, consume and manage IT resources, it opens the window of innovation – for more efficient business processes, new products, new lines of business and greater revenue opportunities. The result is a dynamic enterprise where change is a constant, due diligence a requirement and entrepreneurial vision a must. Getting there, of course, is easier said than done." The Power of Cloud – Conference, Bucharest, Romania, May 24, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 2: The connections between, “intro/extro” Input and Output (I and O) within the representation of the Living Support Entities, Eco-consciousness, Holistic capacity, Operative Problems, Human-Machine Systems, Linguistic Systems, ... Problem 1: After 2.5 millennia (proved within the structural science) of life learning across the unknown environment, eliciting innate profoundness, and transmitting information among the parts of the group and to the next group of living support systems, at the beginning of the III rd millennium, with the discover of own humankind genome, the society is facing with its own increasing complexity. There is a profound societal gap between aspiration and limitation – within an indirect scientific responsibility.

If there is a constituted problem, then Humankind includes its solution, or there is a collapse. The current humankind tends to (re)solve the constituted problems (Problem 1 too). Also, there is a dilution of the tension between material and spiritual keen approaches over our worlds; but, thus, the entire responsibility is relatively not increased. Now and here, a possibility consists in an aggregation of the concepts related to: *1. The connected problems of the Planet (poverty/welfare, culture, religion, ideology, science, environment, individual/societal becoming, survival within the becoming); *2. The worth or/and worthless Knowledge Transfer as a basis for the future decisions and actions; the turning point of the individual and societal tensions; *3. The today necessary transition-net: Universal ==> Particular ==> Planetary. As a becoming of a solution for Problem 1, the Rational Subject minds upon the individual and collective flows of the cycle: *1-*2-*3-*1, according to the synergy of the increasing knowledge. It would stand between / across / around / besides an understanding and an explanation inside / during humankind self-"lost / hidden / unseen". According to all the above are proposed two new challenges and metaphor: * Holistic capacity (an instant insight and correct representation of an entire context); here it is metaphorical associated with the FIRE symbol – regarding the existence; * Eco-consciousness (at least, a harmonic decision versus the contrary tendencies of all the parts); here it is metaphorically associated with the WATER

symbol – and reflection. So, there is a better contextual understanding / explanation of the connections, Input and Output. The “between” expand is assured by reviewing both predictive architecture and operative interaction according to some systemically minimal properties, in order to transfer some heuristics into algorithms, and to improve some heuristics. Information and decision terms describe the respective contemporary linguistic entities if the holistic capacity and eco-consciousness are not attained. If the holistic capacity and eco-consciousness are attained, then the respective linguistic entities may be: metainformation and metadecision, at least through the “between” expansion. These constructs (metainformation and metadecision) would better support the Holistic capacity and Eco-consciousness - as proposed terms connected to the Living Support Entities fronted to Problem 1. The mental construct (here and now): information_1-decision-action-information_2 (IDAI) cycle is supposed to be elicited within a profound mental concept. A minimal proof is the contemporary status of the managerial science: both science and art. From / upon / inside the managerial corpus –as act, observer, reflexive mind- it is desired a threshold to be revealed / discovered / invented. Till then the societal gap is a basic problem of the contemporarey humankind. The Humankind has an implicitly passed (sometime in the future, possible) threshold. Otherwise, if the complexity would

increase (over), then a collapse would be possible. The positive reverse is presented as a synthesis (of all above):

Proposition 1. A necessary condition as N – 1 properties from an acted, observed, self-reflected IDAI (efficiently cycled, but problematic) context support an extension to N properties is that: a threshold of knowledge is attained and, so, a (new) probabilistic / fuzzy / subtle procedure can reduce the Existence-Reflection gap. Universal knowledge "tendency" is possible to be tempered by a fuzzy and/or subtle (-planetary) "tendency" |beside probabilistic (-individual) co-"tendency". Are there: a low probability but not an equivalent low possibility that all these three tendencies to be a duplex connection between Rational Subject and Universal Consciousness? Following this Proposition 1, remembering the Problem 1 (and Figure 1) to present a possible insight for Living Support Entities (as an anticipatory sub-processor, at least):

According to the above context of a locally better explanation would consist in a fuzzy approach to the verb "to HAVE" and, consequently, associating the belonging universal operator [as meanwhile, the verb "to BE", and, consequently, the existence universal operator, within a probabilistic context]. So, instead of a generalized linguistic pattern (as a basic insight upon any anticipatory and operative skills;

"operative" - i.e. at least temporal limitation of the inner processing), it would add a fuzzy pattern. This locally better explanation may be an opening one. It is a minimal explanation, resulting as an “intro/extro” insight. The classical roles of the universal operators (the belonging and the existence) are connected with the verbs "to have" and "to be". All these are versus the associate role of the verb "to do" but not as an insight toward an “other” universal operator. The role of the verb "to do" is clearly resulting from every language's frequency word dictionary.

For the Romanian language it results: to have (aux. verb) – level of frequency 12,665; to be – level of frequency 12,423; can – level of frequency 2,428; will – level of frequency 2,186; to have (princ. verb) – level of frequency 2,114; to do – level of frequency 2,084; ... ; must – level of frequency 978; ... ; to bolt (trans.) – level of frequency 4 (all these from a sample of approximately 500,000 words). Similar data are related to the frequency of the English language . The nucleus of the processing within Figure 2 would correspond with a predictive model (supported by the “Interactive Modelling”). The nucleus of the processing within the next "to BE" X "to HAVE" space would correspond with an incursive model - so, Interactive Modelling shows its variability (incursion - prediction). Some heuristics may be embodied - as would be the pattern of the heuristic insight produced over a linguistic frequency case, presented above.

Space to BE X to HAVE


Partnership’ as a type of reflection and prospect on our Humankind: Qvo Vadis Homine_2050?

- I - Would previous milestones of Humankind support the near future evolution within a recursive perspective? [‘Broken Stone’, ‘Wheel’ onto the ‘Bio/Quantum Computing’, ‘Evolved Bioengineering’, ‘Micro/Bio/Macro-Cosmos re-investigation’] [A retro-prospective conjecture_matrix: ‘Göbekli Tepe the oldest known example of monumental architecture’ / 10000-8200 B.C., ‘Cucuteni-Trypillian culture’ / c. 4800 - 3000 B.C., ‘Otzi the Iceman’ / 3300 B.C. vs. ‘Mioritza’ ballad, ‘Stonehenge’ / 3100 - 1600 BC vs. ‘Amesbury Archer’, ‘Stonehenge Archer’, ‘Boscombe Bowmen’ / 2300 BC; is this matrix a generalised Humankind pattern?] - II - The today classic interfaces between Humanities (including Language Studies, Lin guistics) and Mathematics, Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Biology [Mathematical Linguistic and Poetics, Cognitive Science, Neurosciences, Neuro-management, Information/Knowledge Economy/Society]

- III - Would there be possible a challenge and perspectives beyond the actual interfaces? [Consciousness Society, Transdisciplinary Manifesto, Postmodernism and Fuzziness, Geomodernity, Interactive Modelling and Perspective, Spirituality AND Biodiversity, Dialog (and Negotiation): Science – Literature and Art – Religion – Philosophy – Management, Creative Partnership / Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity] - IV - Case Studies with subtle approaches - beyond probabilistic/statistic and fuzzy approaches [related to some Aberdonian personalities: Andrew Cant (1584-1663), Robert Hamilton (1743 - 1829), William Alexander Hunter (1844-1898)]

- I - Would previous milestones of Humankind support the near future evolution within a recursive perspective? [‘Broken Stone’, ‘Wheel’ onto the ‘Bio/Quantum Computing’, ‘Evolved Bioengineering’, ‘Micro/Bio/Macro-Cosmos re-investigation’]

[A retro-prospective conjecture_matrix: ‘Göbekli Tepe the oldest known example of monumental architecture’ / 10000-8200 B.C., ‘Cucuteni-Trypillian culture’ / c. 4800 3000 B.C., ‘Otzi the Iceman’ / 3300 B.C. vs. ‘Mioritza’ ballad, ‘Stonehenge’ / 3100 1600 BC vs. ‘Amesbury Archer’, ‘Stonehenge Archer’, ‘Boscombe Bowmen’ / 2300 BC; is this matrix a generalised Humankind pattern?]

‘Broken Stone’

subtle approaches beyond probabilistic/statistic and fuzzy approaches

Would be a “Heidegger” approach possible? Which are the distinctive contemporary features of the Phenomenon?


From MARTIN HEIDEGGER , “Vorträge und Aufsätze”, 1954 The Question Concerning Technology (Die Frage nach der Technik) [initially entitled "The Framework", presented on December 1, 1949, in Bremen, was the second of four lectures, called "Insight into what is." The other lectures were entitled as: "The Thing," "The Danger," and "The Turning."

Klaus Schmidt - researcher at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI); autumn of 1994

Göbekli Tepe the oldest known example of monumental architecture / 10000-8200 B.C.

Modelling Göbekli Tepe National Geographic Magazine Staff artist Fernando Baptista builds a clay model of Göbekli Tepe and explains why such a model is useful for creating the story art.

The Birth of Religion We used to think agriculture gave rise to cities and later to writing, art, and religion. Now the world’s oldest temple

suggests the urge to worship sparked civilization.

By Charles C. Mann [American journalist and author, specializing in scientific topics] Photograph by Vincent J. Musi Published: June 2011

Göbekli Tepe the oldest known example of monumental architecture ... 11,600 years ago, it is revolutionizing theories on the development of agriculture, religion, and civilization. -------------------------At first the Neolithic Revolution was viewed as a single event—a sudden flash of genius—that occurred in a single location, Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in what is now southern Iraq, then spread to India, Europe, and beyond. Most archaeologists believed this sudden blossoming of civilization was driven largely by environmental changes: a gradual warming as the Ice Age ended that allowed some people to begin cultivating plants and herding animals in abundance. The new research suggests that the "revolution" was actually carried out by many hands across a huge area and over thousands of years. And it may have been driven not by the environment but by something else entirely. -------------------------Puzzle piled upon puzzle as the excavation continued. For reasons yet unknown, the rings at Göbekli Tepe seem to have regularly lost their power, or at least their charm. Every few decades people buried the pillars and put up new stones—a second, smaller ring, inside the first. Sometimes, later, they installed a third. Then the whole assemblage would be filled in with debris, and an entirely new circle created nearby. The site may have been built, filled in, and built again for centuries. Bewilderingly, the people at Göbekli Tepe got steadily worse at temple building. The earliest rings are the biggest and most sophisticated, technically and artistically. As time went by, the pillars became smaller, simpler, and were mounted with less and less care. Finally the effort seems to have petered out altogether by 8200 B.C. Göbekli Tepe was all fall and no rise.

James Tainter (1988) The Collapse of Complex Societies. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Pres Challenges toward a Moral Market: Creative (e-)Partnership Nicolae Bulz, Marcel Stoica 1. Historic trace and consequences ... 2. Large scale model Regarding the contemporaneous world description, into large-scale interdisciplinary models, there is the prominent line to stimulate the realization of remarkable studies by the Club of Rome. [Mesarovic, 1974] But worth is that all the large scale reports show that a world wide passive attitude [regarding global and local development, the rate of using natural resources, education, population growth, etc.] will mean a way to a global disaster. Are there possible theorems (propositions) to be elicited? The acquired 1970-2002 modelling & simulation, beside worldwide praxis and an "separate" global political experience would imagine: Proposition 1: Humankind did not and does not attain the required level of local-global development praxis and cognitive internalization of the (hypothetical) reality to sustain large scale modelling & simulation to be a support set of the decision making regarding local-global development (including pro-market reform and poverty eradication).

Proposition 2: Instead of short plans and programs to be the background of the decision making, regarding local-global development. There are lexicographical climaxes inward an international diplomacy and a high professionalism to supervise complex and huge problems, but within empty or even wrong cognitive synthesis. If a cognitive synthesis is a necessary mean to avoid chaotic methodology on approaching and decision making regarding local-global development, then the contemporary status on approaching local-global development is chaotic (including pro-market


is a natural humankind tendency to chaotic approaching the complexity. Also, there is a lexicographical transfer to denominate (only) the systems of non-liner equation which are modelling the complex processes as Chaos Theory. Its main characteristic is that "small size inputs" lead at "large size outputs within high order non-linear patterns". Meteorological and metaphoric . But the actual chance of implementing Chaos Theory models as on approaching and decision making regarding local-global development is nearly as low as for the entire string of studies connected with the Club of Rome.] [The contemporaneous model of the decision-maker on local-global development is a high-educated person, a prominent political professional, with a large-scale inter cultural expertise, but a minimal or absent interdisciplinary career or praxis and consequent desire.] Proposition 3: The developing countries will continue on a long-term their efforts on (a harder and harder attained) development (alongside a very possible collapse), while the developed countries will remain developed (harder and harder attained, but out of a collapse; possible only within a significant loss of complexity [Tainter, 1988]). Proposition 4: The cause of the long-term development of the developing countries is a quasicontinuos collapse, in the absence of attaining a significant complexity. Proposition 5: There is a high possibility that the complexity across the global world to be limited, and so, to be impossible to enlarge it (as humankind summed planetary reservoir) out of structural changes. Are there methodological gaps? Yes, there are three main structural methodological gaps inward the strictly disciplinary sciences of our period of education and praxis: - Between Macro_Economics and Micro_Economics; - Between Economics and Sociology; -Between the Foresight, Prospective Studies, Forecasting across the respective different temporal periods (specific to these future studies efforts).

Proposition 6: All these embedded, at a sub-conscious level of the decision-maker, are the objective cause of the events as Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 show. So, locally, and much more globally, a ratio POVERTY / WELFARE, as a qualitative indicator inward a large-scale model is avoided before to be implemented through a political will or interest. [Stiglitz, 1999] A strange effect is that of remaining high complexity in the absence of a large-scale model. But also, it may promote the danger of cognitive simplification up the reality, which may be a cause of collapse. May be a natural equilibrium and stationarity are prevalent. So, a heuristic leaded pro-market reform is prevalent in transition / developing countries . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Proposition 3: The developing countries will continue on a long-term their efforts on (a harder and harder attained) development (alongside a very possible collapse), while the developed countries will remain developed (harder and harder attained, but out of a collapse; possible only within a significant loss of complexity [Tainter, 1988]).

Proposition 3_A: The high status entities will remain developed (harder and harder attained), but out of a collapse; possible only within a significant loss of complexity [Tainter, 1988]). ----------------------------------------------Charles C. Mann

Göbekli Tepe the oldest known example of monumental architecture ... 11,600 years ago, it is revolutionizing theories on the development of agriculture, religion, and civilization. -------------------------Bewilderingly, the people at Göbekli Tepe got steadily worse at temple building. The earliest rings are the biggest and most sophisticated, technically and artistically. As time went by, the pillars became smaller, simpler, and were mounted with less and less care. Finally the effort seems to have petered out altogether by 8200 B.C. Göbekli Tepe was all fall and no rise.

Decizia in Rezolvarea Problemelor Operative (The Decision Inside the Operative Problem Solving) Editura Militara, Bucuresti, 1989


Change in language

Rajmund G. Piotrowski

Measurement concerning individual phenomena can be found in (1960), Graudina (1964), Lazard (1965), whose results have been empirically fitted by Piotrovskaja, Piotrowski (1974) using an arctangent function.

The interaction can be presented in the form

dpt = kt pt (C - pt)dt where pt = proportion of new forms, pkt = a function of time (can also be a constant), C = limit of change, t > 0, time, dpt = change in the proportion.

Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1938 predicts the length of a shark as a function of its age, L = L(t): L(t) = Loo - (Loo - Lo) exp(-kt) As outlined above k is not a growth constant but apparently sharks with large growth rates have large k. k (rate constant) and dL/dt (growth rate) are related as follows:

k = (dL/dt)/(Loo - L) If "growth" is understood to be the growth rates of pups or juveniles (large adult sharks no longer grow much) then we can replace L by Lo and now compare two shark of SIMILAR Loo. Furthermore let's assume that Loo>>Lo, and we have k ~ (dL/dt)/Loo i.e. k is proportional to dL/dt. k in the VBGF is assumed to be a constant. However, Von Bertalanffy (1960) indicated that k could change as a shark get older. Sevengill shark growth data indicated that indeed k is not constant and becomes smaller as they get older.

Neural human structure / new neurons – new synaps

COULD BE ASSIGNED ONE OF THE COGNITIVE MODES TO THE HUMANS from GÖBEKLI TEPE [the oldest known example of monumental architecture / 10000-8200 B.C.] ???

CucuteniTrypillian culture’ / c. 4800 3000 B.C.


Otzi the Iceman’ / 3300 B.C. vs. ‘Mioritza’ ballad

Near a low foothill At Heaven’s doorsill, Where the trail’s descending To the plain and ending, Here three shepherds keep Their three flocks of sheep, One, Moldavian, One, Transylvanian And one, Vrancean. Now, the Vrancean And the Transylvanian In their thoughts, conniving, Have laid plans, contriving At the close of day To ambush and slay The Moldavian; He, the wealthier one, Had more flocks to keep, Handsome, long-horned sheep, Horses, trained and sound, And the fiercest hounds. One small ewe-lamb, though, Dappled gray as tow, While three full days passed Bleated loud and fast; Would not touch the grass. ”Ewe-lamb, dapple-gray, Muzzled black and gray, While three full days passed You bleat loud and fast; Don’t you like this grass?

Eyes with their tears flowing, Are you too sick to eat, Whith its soft, sweet speech, Over the plains going, Asking one and all, Little lamb so sweet?” One small pipe of bone ”Oh my master dear, Saying to them all, Whit its loving tone, Drive the flock out near ’Who has ever known, One of elderwood, That field, dark to view, Who has seen my own Fiery-tongued and good. Where the grass grows new, Shepherd fine to see, Then the winds that blow Where there’s shade for you. Slim as a willow tree, Would play on them so With his dear face, bright ”Master, master dear, All my listening sheep As the milk-foam, white, Call a large hound near, Would draw near and weep His small moustache, right A fierce one and fearless, Tears, no blood so deep. As the young wheat’s ear, Strong, loyal and peerless. How I met my death, With his hair so dear, The Transylvanian Tell them not a breath; Like plumes of the crow And the Vrancean Say I could not tarry, Little eyes that glow When the daylight’s through I have gone to marry Like the ripe black sloe?’ Mean to murder you.” A princess – my bride Ewe-lamb, small and pretty, ”Lamb, my little ewe, Is the whole world’s pride. For her sake have pity, If this omen’s true, At my wedding, tell Let it just be said If I’m doomed to death How a bright star fell, I have gone to wed On this tract of heath, Sun and moon came down A princess most noble Tell the Vrancean To hold my bridal crown, There on Heaven’s doorsill. And Transylvanian Firs and maple trees To that mother, old, To let my bones lie Were my guests; my priests Let it not be told Somewhere here close by, Were the mountains high That a star fell, bright, Fiddlers, birds that fly, By the sheepfold here For my bridal night; All birds of the sky; So my flocks are near, Firs and maple trees Torchlights, stars on high. Back of my hut’s grounds Were my guests, priests But if you see there, So I’ll hear my hounds. Should you meet somewhere, Were the mountains high; Tell them what I say: Fiddlers, birds that fly, My old mother, little, There, beside me lay All birds of the sky; With her white wool girdle, One small pipe of beech Torchlights, stars on high.”

Romanian Academy 1866

William De Witt Snodgrass (1926 – 2009)

Vasile Alecsandri (1821 – 1890) Ion Ghica (1816 – 1897)

Alecu Russo (1819 - 1859) is credited with having discovered one of the most elaborate forms of the Romanian

Vasile Alecsandri toured the Moldavian countryside, collecting, reworking, and arranging a vast array of Romanian folklore, which he published in two instalments, in 1852 and 1853. The poems included in these two enormously popular collections became the cornerstone of the emerging Romanian identity, especially the ballads “Mioritza", "Toma Alimoş", "Mânăstirea Argeşului", and "Novac şi Corbul." His volume of original poetry, "Doine şi Lăcrămioare", further cemented his reputation.

COULD BE ASSIGNED ONE OF THE COGNITIVE MODES TO OTZI THE ICEMAN / 3300 B.C. vs. ‘Mioritza’ ballad. ??? Ewe-lamb, small and pretty, For her sake have pity, Let it just be said I have gone to wed A princess most noble There on Heaven’s doorsill. To that mother, old, Let it not be told

That a star fell, bright, For my bridal night; Firs and maple trees Were my guests, priests Were the mountains high; Fiddlers, birds that fly, All birds of the sky; Torchlights, stars on high.”

Stonehenge’ / 3100 - 1600 BC vs. ‘Amesbury Archer’, ‘Stonehenge Archer’, ‘Boscombe Bowmen’ / 2300 BC

COULD BE ASSIGNED ONE OF THE COGNITIVE MODES TO HUMANS FROM ‘STONEHENGE’ / 3100 - 1600 BC vs. ‘Amesbury Archer’, ‘Stonehenge Archer’, ‘Boscombe Bowmen’ / 2300 BC


A retro-prospective conjecture_matrix a generalised Humankind pattern?

An open problem respectfully addressed to the Centre for Modern Thought: -IIf there are certain items that the presented “retro-prospective conjecture_matrix” is a valid pattern within the contemporary risks and uncertainty on the contexts related to the four embedded (specifically Neolithic cultural) cases, then would a type of a (revised and generalised) “retro-prospective matrix” be taken as “a Humankind evolution pattern”? Which are the paradoxes involved and the procedural limits?

- II - Classic today interfaces between Humanities (including Language Studies, Linguistics) and Mathematics, Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Biology [Mathematical Linguistic and Poetics, Cognitive Science, Neurosciences, Neuro-management, Information/Knowledge Economy/Society]

A measurement technique to distinguish the systemic from the non-systemic entities (related to linguistic entities) The final utility of such a technique is not to offer a quite magellanity advice for a manager but to reduce the risk of applying any traditional systemic method to non-systemic entity. Obviously, the hard core will be to abilitate new specific methods to each non-systemic identified variety from our living support systems world. So, this section only presents an identification technique. This technique is related with mathematical linguistics – as two problems of identification from two linguistic contexts were related to two supposed systemic, and respective, non-systemic entities. The first problem (P1): Which from the systemic and the non-systemic is the proper qualifying term for Mihai Eminescu’s antume poetry (1850-1889)? The graphical solution is presented as Figure 6.

The second problem (P2). Similar with P1 in a scientific work (analysis and synthesis of decisional operative sub-systems, 1995)? Figure 5 presents the solution. The identification technique (verified upon P1 and P2) consists of a representation of the (linguistic) problem, and a graphical solution of it; then the interpretation of the solution eliciting the answer: systemic or non-related to the context (domain) of the problem.

Representation (1) The usage of a word-frequency pattern of the natural language proper to the text of the problem (i.e. words frequency ¼ function (words ordinal number), word frequency from “Frequency Dictionary of Rumanian Words”, Mouton & Co, 1965; NJ – the number that reflects the natural ascending order versus the decreased in word frequency). (2) The usage of a notion/word frequency pattern for the (con)text of the problem P1, and for P2 – for P1 related to “About Self and Sense inside Eminescu’s Utterance” (in Romanian), Editura Mondero, 1993; for P2 related to a personal measurement of a personal scientific text). (3) The unification as words ordinal number of the independent variables of both P1 and P2, relative to the most frequent word: “eye” for P1, “system” for P2. (4) Words Frequency = Function (Words Ordinal Number) representation for P1 and P2 (after the “double whole” representation, then the polygonal contours corresponding to the observed concentration of the points is marked). (5) Verifying of all local (contextual) heuristic algorithmic methods.

Solution (1) Identification of the discontinuities proper to Words Frequency = Function (Words Ordinal Number). (2) Identification of groups of words (notions) with high frequencies. (3) Identification of the correlation between the first and the second sets; it is resulting from the above two solution steps; resulting a specific string. (4) Comparison of the elements of the specific string identified above with other functions (related to the same (context) of the same words ordinal number; for P1 there were “other functions”.

(5) Interpretation of the set of functions for each problem. The result is: graphic harmony (Mihailo Mesarovic’s notion) for P1; graphic monotony for P2. 7. Conclusions (resulting from P1 and P2 comparative solutions) Proposition 11. There are graphical harmony/non-systemic entities, respective graphical monotony/systemic entities according with two types from the world of systemhood and individualhood: metasystem (m_SM)/mixed system. [There is the evidence from P1/P2 solutions.] It is necessary to underline that the above presented measurement techniques related to poetry and scientific texts show their metasystemic, respectively systemic lexical background. As there is a profound relation between thinking and language, it is possible to hope for a future identification of systemic and meta-systemic patterns of poetry and scientific thinking. It is a real base for a profound understanding of a part of the living support system.

Figures 5 and 6 present the graphical solutions for P1 and P2. Tables/Figure 7 presents an iconic synthesis of this procedural hope. Proposition 12. If a lexical background and a related identification measurement technique would be related to a generative linguistic tool proper to be generalized inside a part (at least) of living support system, then systemic/non-systemic differentiation conceptualization might be a hopeful “unrevealed yet profound zone” (possible source for useful inventions and surprising discoveries).

Figure 5. Identification of metasystemic context inside Mihai Eminescu’s antume poems

Figure 6. Identification of systemic context inside a scientific text

Tables/Figure 7 presents an iconic synthesis on a conceptual approach on systemic and meta-systemic entities (including linguistic entities)

Sources of subtleness - proposed as a CMT research domain If the emergent presentation of the actual personalized patterns, within informationknowledge dynamics, would be accepted, then one can try to find a prospected evolution of the initial “Information-Knowledge corpus”. To put this prospected task in relation to the above-comprehended contemporary concepts: Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Society. So, into the information-knowledge corpus, supposing the prevalence of dynamic and probabilistic determinism, the reality of our circular worlds affirms the existence of knowledge economy and knowledge society. For all working hard into these contexts the above affirmation is obvious. But, for an external observer (at least) it is necessary to have not only the affirmation regarding the insight and action within the reality, it is necessary, also, to have a model (a set of models). A student, any learner, would use the model – if it exists. A specialized person may realize this model – within an interactive effort to comprehend the reality; within the current use of probability and information theories, on one hand, and fuzzy sets on another hand. Within the model, may be involved the use of a contemporary stage of epistemology (e.g. divided into the following part: knowledge; perception; scepticism – or according to another stage) – which means an entire track of human thinking regarding knowledge. The actual model(s) for Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Society would be elemental based on probabilities and fuzziness. As participant to this informationknowledge journey, one can claim more than actual approaches. So, let us use a natural existing term, referring the initial idea of a mathematician, Petre Osmatescu (2000,

“Modelling the knowledge transfer by means of subtle sets”, paper presented at SIGEF Congress, Lausanne); he was revisiting into a formal manner Spinoza’s approach to our circular worlds and God. Let us use the term “subtleness”, and so to imply (through a kind of axiomatic power of a denomination) a subtle profoundness regarding the information-knowledge corpus. An other background, eliciting innovative approaches, is framed by Simon, H.A. (1957), Administrative Behaviour, The Free Press, New York, NY. But, does subtle profoundness exist beyond probabilistic and fuzzy approaches for Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Society? Here, it is proposed an affirmative answer, sustained on three short-presented arguments – as (hypothetical) sources of subtleness: (Hypothetical) Source 1 of subtleness - related to our VARIETY. There is a contemporary fragmentation of human thinking (see the final detailed note within the fifth frame of the comparative core study). One of the presented “fragments” may be in act; the other “fragments” are passive versus the respective act of human thinking. There is a subtle evolving of this fragmentation within the six frames of the presented information-knowledge journey, within the presented information-knowledge dynamics, within comprehension on the knowledge economy and knowledge society

(Hypothetical) Source 2 of subtleness - related to our SIMPLE PROCEDURES. There is an implication of circularity and rhythm as generalized co-patterns of the humankind – not only into the (hypothetical) real circular worlds, but into the model world, too (so let accept, at least, two-three worlds: real world and model world/metareal or prereal ). It is a subtle implication: the use of both heuristics and algorithms, as two open sets of models within potential frames to be selected by the rational subject. There is not a universal selection rule. There are two connected/argumentative facts: (1) The most prevalent types of algorithms (within their areas supporting a known convergence) seem to be circularly linked (Flake G.W., 1998/2001, The Computational Beauty of Nature/Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems, and Adaptation, MTI Press, Cambridge, MA): complex systems – environmental feedback – adaptation – self-reference – computation – structural selfsimilarity – Fractals – functional self-similarity – Chaos – multiplicity and parallelism – (and the circularly linkage toward the) complex systems. (2) The most known heuristics (Pearl J., 1990, Heuristique/Strategies de recherche intelligente pour la resolution de problemes par ordinateur, Cepadues-Edition, Toulouse.) seem to be divergent into a conceptually transformed space, supporting a kind of rhythm and divergence. (More, within an empirically stated comprehension: the types of algorithms supporting a known convergence seem to be circularly linked AND the heuristics supporting a divergent trajectory into a conceptually transformed space seem to be

rhythmically linked, ONTO a larger implication of circularity and rhythm as generalized co-patterns of the humankind.

(Hypothetical) Source 3 of subtleness - related to our COMPLEX POSSIBILITIES. A meta-model as a corpus aggregating our humankind ways to/of action has a nonregular form of the entireness: (1) There is an embedded circular form of information1-decision-actioninformation2. (2) There is an embedded open sequential form (subtle rhythmic) of awareness insightaction. The separate two forms may be imagined as prevalent on the two imaginary opposite sides of an imaginary subtle corpus (a geometrical shape; a quadrilateral shape into a first stage of observation) referring our action into our world(s) (obvious based on information-knowledge). Let denominate this corpus aggregating our humankind ways to/of action as the non-regular form corpus of the entireness – a subtle corpus. Let shortly present the three (hypothetical) sources of subtleness, as: (1) fragmentation of human thinking; (2) circularity and rhythm; and (3) non-regular form corpus.

Remark 4. All these three (hypothetical) sources of subtleness synthesize through recollation the above-three paragraphs of this study, enriching them, and then as a result, enriching this (fourth) paragraph, too. This enrichment belongs, also, to the information-knowledge journey – accepting, or not, a subtle approach regarding the modelling of our world(s) – combining or not the probabilistic and fuzzy approaches with a subtle approach.


- II Could the theoretic research and critical praxis analysis on “Information/Knowledge Economy/Society” stand as a suitable in ovo “bridge” over the contemporary gap(s) between Humanities (including Language Studies, Linguistics) and Mathematics, Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Biology? Could a dual benefit between an enlarged openness over these contemporary gap(s) exist?

- III - Would be possible a challenge and perspectives post actual interfaces? [Consciousness Society, Transdisciplinary Manifesto, Postmodernism and Fuzziness, Geomodernity, Interactive Modelling and Perspective, Spirituality AND Biodiversity, Dialog (and Negotiation): Science – Literature and Art – Religion – Philosophy – Management, Creative Partnership / Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity]

Table 6 “Existence” / “Belonging” filter over the (e-)World (e-)WORLD as a Dimension of “belonging” to the (e-)Worlds; (hypothetical) real / model / connections to: ideal system comprehension after / beyond / human human social in accordance to PLATO awareness insight action (humanmachine) REACTION To TO HAVE Dimension of Human (ex. understand “existence” Awareness judiciary) within the (e-)Worlds; Human Insight to „pass” to explain QUALIA again Connections Social Action TO BE To „live” ACTION to: again (ex. (humanindustrialmachine) financial)


Let us denominate this relation as “I/O Wisdom relation”. Just at this level of this presentation/ study, a minimal statement / remark is necessary, according to the drawn out invariance, within, from, by the “I/O Wisdom relation”. .................................................................................................................

This presentation/ study proposes a personalized outlook from each mind-worker within contemporary virtual contexts, but not only onto the interdisciplinary scientific background, and onto an intercultural background. Beyond different schools, within interdisciplinary approaches the authors and the users of virtual entities would have their awareness and insight – within the track toward action. The proposed subtleness awareness (dependent on the future solutions of the above and other possible open problems) may be a future stimulating (e-)factor within Information-Knowledge, and Humankind-Nature interactions, within the context of the “I/O Wisdom relation”.

Homo Sapiens, as a species, are distinguished clearly from other species by their socio-cultural nature, drawing on a deep inner universe of cultural meanings and values which inform both individual and group behaviours. These meanings are created phenomenologically in the gestalt of consciousness, framed in the context of deep value-systems which shift as a result of psychological, biological (and existential) realities. Recent research has begun to uncover the complex waves and patterns associated with these shifts. They indicate a dynamically stable system which underpins human activity at the level of both the individual and the civilization. In this context, technology is a materialization of the culture of our civilization and its material nature as a cultural meaning needs exploration and understanding. On this way, can we really begin to understand the trajectory (or multiple trajectories) of our current civilization, with all its new connectivities and disconnectivities mediated as they are through information and other technologies.

Is this comprehended relation a sufficient stage of the transition from an ordinary (contemporary) community toward an Information-Knowledge Dynamics regarding the complexity of our communities? Are there explicit stages? - necessary stage(s) and/or sufficient stage(s), for a community to become toward the evidence of its Information-Knowledge Dynamics. Finally, this study is reviewed as a proposed project centered on an Information-Knowledge Dynamics relating the complexity of our communities, within an Information-Knowledge journey (as, at least, an inter-disciplinary tool), toward the attainment of an Information-Knowledge corpus. May only this type of (Information-Knowledge assisted) community promote an interdisciplinary project, at least, on the background presented above (problem identification, representation, solving / decision making, restructuring community context)?

May the delivery of this interdisciplinary project deepen the necessary and sufficient stages of the supposed transition? Is this transition a deepening inside, from, by the Contemporary Complexity? But a benefic inquiry on the subtleness of any community is, anyway, possible.

ASPECTS OF HOW THE PROPOSED PROJECT FITS WITHIN CMT Objectives and Programs The G-C-S project will focalize and apply on the following topics (and questions): A: Comparative cross-national research on political, economic, and techno-cultural impacts on generosity – based on a scientific approach and utilizing a range of empirically-oriented methodologies recently developed and validated at coinvestigators’ sites as a basis for meta-theoretical work in this space;

B: Institutional and comparative cross-national research on generators of generosity and creative partnership – based on a Science-Religion Dialogue approach (Kile, 2008), and crosscultural analysis. So, in addressing itself to these questions G-C-S project responds to issues arising in the worldwide society, as follows: * AB1: Development of an original approach to social network dynamics shaping generosity and creative partnership (understanding / explaining how creative people learn to be generous and to be partners ( by the adequacy of the available cross-national primary data on creativity and generosity – and by the deduced secondary/tertiary outcome data)); * AB2: The roll out of the actual technologically-mediated world versus generosity and creative partnership (using inter/trans/codisplinary research approaches and methods to identify the causal mechanisms of melting generosity and creative partnership, as: fuzzy and subtle emerging systems development, human-technology corpus management and leadership paradigms);

* AB3: A vision and a frame for possible nuclei of humantechnologically-mediated social networks specifically dedicated to shaping generosity and creative partnership (exploring the consequences of generous creative behavior on worldwide society). The Exploring Approach of the G-C-P Project / The Six Questions of the Project – as an Outlook Current information society processes in the worldwide research area at least remain largely understood in terms of the technologies we can create, their possibilities and potentialities. However, we are also becoming to understand certain limitations, limitations in terms of human socio-economic structures and cultural realities are not so easily understood. What will happen to our connectedness as a species with each-other, what happens in the physical connectedness to local community, when our primary experiences of connectedness are computer-mediated and involve humans framed within windows and data, and whom we can turn off.

There are new possibilities, challenges and complexities. The complexities cannot be understood without the development of a systematic model of the interpenetration of the emerging world we describe and experience, with the ancient internal which is our evolved nature as a species, and the more ancient universal systems which have shaped us and continue to shape us. The notion of generosity is crucial in this analysis – a key distinguishing feature of our species is to be empathetic (even the chimpanzee cannot experience empathy) and to reach out in creative generosity.

But how does this dimension of our nature, which has sustained civilizations, outwork in the information society: in technologicallymediated relations at work, in community and across cultural borders (Q1)? What kinds of knowledge are exchanged (Q2)? What happens to embodied and tacit knowledge in a space that reduces the physicality of social experience, or perhaps embodies it in a new way (Q3)?

How do we share and give of ourselves, as embodied, social creatures (Q4)? How and what do we receive from the other (Q5)? How do we understand this receiving and giving (Q6)? Information on the methodology and significance These realities need a systematic, rational approach based on a fundamentally interdisciplinary perspective (and then: methodology) which can, at a systems level, provide an analysis that can inform a range of processes from governance, to technology-development, to ethics, to culture. The systemic complexity of the contemporary governance, the complexity of representing and solving the local and global problems, regarding the education, participation and globalization, seem(s) to be dependent on the open / closed appearance of the alternatives background. Does this alternatives background propose to enhance understanding and explaining how creative people learn to be generous and to be partners?

It is not a crisp appearance; it is a probabilistic, a fuzzy and a (self)adaptive appearance. Would a brilliant synthesis provide “inner solutions” toward representing and solving of the contemporary governance problems by inter/trans/co-displinary research approaches and methods to identify the causal mechanisms of melting generosity and creative partnership? Would the same act within non-governmental organizations (NGO) – mostly exploring the consequences of generous creative behavior? To all these questions on significance, the G-C-S project responds positively connecting the „Generosity” concept to the „Creative Partnership” construct – both very much dependent on the Knowledge Transfer and Technology Transfer – as a primal methodology of the (next) action. Also, more, an inter/trans/co-displinary (meta)methodology must be elicited / delivered (just related / correlated to I and II) / e.g. Crossnational etimology / etimologies regarding the topic of the project / informational language dialogue support // Understanding / explanation // Science-Religion Dialogue issues // … // Information/Knowledge

// … // Information/Knowledge dynamics according to generosity and creative partnership // concurrent models // Verbal and non-verbal occurrences related to the Knowledge Society – toward Consciousness Society and future prospect for the e-World. Identification of partners and collaborators Here, there is an order only and only according to the data of replay with a completed Letter of Interest toward the initiator – *(1) Prof. dr. Nicolae Bulz – Associate Professor at National Defence College, Bucharest, Romania / Honorary Researcher at World Economy Institute, INCE, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania / Executive President of Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania / Founder of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory , 2000 – by:

*(2) Dr. Larry Stapleton - Director of INSYTE: Centre for Information Systems and Technoculture, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Republic of Ireland; *(3) Dr. George Ghinea - Reader in Computing, Director of Postgraduate Studies, NITH Programme Manager, School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom; *(4) Dr. Jozef Bohdan Lewoc - Director of BPBiT Leader (Leading designer: the Design, Research and Translation Agency), Wroclaw, Poland; *(5) Dr. Dorien DeTombe - Chair of International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; *(6) Dr. Laszlo Karvalics - Chair of Department of Library and Information Science Faculty of Arts, Szeged University, Hungary;

*(7) Prof.dr. Petre Prisecaru – Senior Researcher at Institute of World Economy, INCE, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania // Prof.dr. Nicolae Secalis / previous Director of Popular University „Ioan Dalles”, Bucharest, Romania, and Ileana Boeru - Projects manager // Dr. Florin Rotaru – General Director of Metropolitan Library, Bucharest, Romania, and Adrina Pana - Manager in chief for the Dimitrie Cantemir branch ML; *(9) Dr. Cristiana Glavce – Director of Institute of Anthropology “Francisc I. Rainer", Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania; * (10) Dr. Corina Sas – Computing Department, Lancaster University, United Kingdom. *(11) Prof.dr. Marcel Stoica, Prof.dr. Ana Bazac, Lect.dr. Mihaela Buia, Dr. Dan Farcas, Assist.Prof.dr. Laura Pana, Dumitru Mateescu – members of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania;

*(12) Dr. Karolin Kappler - Director of COBAWU-Institute [COmplexity Balanced World United-Institute], Wuppertal, Germany [also, in the name of Andrés Ginestet Menke - artist and sociologist]; *(13) Dr. Iudith Ipate - Researcher of the Center for Agroforestry Biodiversity Study and Research „Acad. David DAVIDESCU” / NIER - INCE / Romanian Academy, Bucharest [in the name of Prof. dr. Alexandru T. Bogdan, Correspondent Member of Romanian Academy, Director of this Center]; *(14) Professor ssa. Marcella Pompili Pagliari – Direttrice Laboratorio di Politiche e Strategie di Genere / Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale / Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy; *(15) Marta Donolo - researcher of Eutropia ONLUS, Roma, Italy [also, in the name of Professor Carlo Donolo]; *(16) Associate Professor Akbar Javadi, PhD - Head of Computational Geomechanics Group, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK;

*(17) Professor dr. Florentin Smarandache – Chief of Math. and Science Department, University of New Mexico - Gallup, US; *(18) Michel R. Nilles – Chief Executive Officer of AAA Commercial Broker and Consultancy Inc., Cebu, Philippines also, in the name of Anna B. Pollok]. The partners and collaborators within the Generosity-CreativitySolidarity International Consortium have succeeded to (e-)publish the following recent studies: ◊ Inquiry on the global (post) crisis versus humankind wisdom as a turning point: Does the generosity-creativity-solidarity triad matter? - into the International Research Journal of Police Science, Criminal Law and Criminology, September 2012;Vol.1,No.1, pp. ): 7-44 nt/September.htm

co-authors: Nicolae Bulz, Larry Stapleton Waterford Institute of Technology, Republic of Ireland, Jozef B. Lewoc BPBiT Leader, Poland, Laszlo Z. Karvalics University of Szeged, Hungary, Mihaela Buia Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania, Ana Bazac Politechnica University Bucharest / Romania

◊ An Extended Presentation of the Inquiry on the Expected Synergy between the Quatro-Construct Reducing Trauma, Enhancing Empathy, Guiding Epigenetics, Governing Complexity and Triad GenerosityCreativity-Solidarity co-authors: Andrés Ginestet Menke, Karolin Eva Kappler, Johannes Gottlieb, Joao Canelas Raposo all these four co-authors are from: COmplexity BAlanced World UnitedInstitute (COBAWU-Institute), Germany, Nicolae Bulz

◊ Integrated Project for the Exergy and Sustainable Development: From the Knowledge Based Eco/Bio-Economy and Digital Business Eco/Bio-Systems Toward the Necessary Synergy According to the Gap(s) Between the Actual Knowledge Society and the 'Next'

Consciousness Society By the Generosity - Creativity - Solidarity Triad Versus a Spirit of Integrity, Humility, Patience and Love co-authors: Nicolae Bulz, Alexandru Bogdan, Sorin Chelmu, Amalia Strateanu all these last-three co-authors are from: Center for Agroforestry Biodiversity Study and Research "Academician David Davidescu" Romanian Academy, Romania, Jozef B. Lewoc BPBiT Leader, Poland, Antoni Izworski Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, Slawomir Skowronski Wroclaw University of Technology - Informatics and Management Faculty, Poland, Antonina Kieleczawa Institute of Power Systems Automation (IASE), Poland, Andrés Ginestet Menke, Karolin Eva Kappler, Johannes Gottlieb, Joao Canelas Raposo all these last-four co-authors are from: COmplexity BAlanced World UnitedInstitute (COBAWU-Institute), Germany. These (e-)published three studies represent a kind of program of the Consortium. More, within the structure of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania [where the author of this paper is the (Executive) President], there are overseas members dedicated to affirm the program of the Consortium and, so, to be authors of important related studies (e-sent to the Interdisciplinary Research Group, in Romania), as from (alphabetical ordered): Archbishop Chrysostomos Diocese of Etna in California, US, Richard Amoroso Director, Noetic Institute, US, Marianne Beliş Directrice Académique, Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique (Academy of Computer Science), Paris, France, Mariano L. Bianca Dean, Department of Historical, Social and Philosophical Studies, Arezzo, University of Siena, Italy, Soerj L. Bonting Emeritus professor of biochemistry and Anglican theologian, Goor, the

Netherlands, Dorien J. DeTombe Chair, International Research Society on Methodology Societal Complexity, Amsterdam, The Netherland, Carlo Alberto Donolo President Eutropia Onlus; Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Marta Donolo Director, Eutropia Onlus, Italy, László Z. Karvalics Professor, Szeged University, Hungary, + Frederick Kile, Past-President SWIIS_IFAC; Microtrend, Wisconsin, US, Dora V. Marinova Professor, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, Matjaž Mulej; Vojko Potočan; Zdenka Ženko Professors, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia, Constantin Virgil Negoita Professor, City University of New York, Hunter College, US, Dana Nicolau Researcher, Technology Transfer - Industrial Parks, Melbourne, Australia, Philippos Nicolopoulos Professor, University of Crete - University of Indianapolis, Athens, Greece, Marcella Pompili Pagliari Professor ssa., Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Pauline Rudd Reader, University College Dublin, Belfield, Republic of Ireland, Florentin Smarandache Chief of Math. and Science Department, University of New Mexico – Gallup, US, Kazimierz Turkiewicz – Domenika B. Turkiewicz Lecturer, Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia, Robert Vallée President, World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, Prof. Émerite Université Paris-Nord, France.

There are important related e-received studies [from the above enumerated overseas members of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy]. ( 2130246 2124098 2043310 2044095) These e-links are/were parts at the long-term (re-)constructed intellectual architecture of the entire GenerosityCreativity-Solidarity International Consortium - so, based on generous ideals per se. The last stage of applications/III.2013 within our International Consortium was a benefical event as new partners were taken active roles: i.e.

*(19) Prof.dr. Alexander Makarenko, and Dr. Evgeniy Samorodov Institute for Applied System Analysis at National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine [also, within a later participation: Dr. Zinaida Klestova, Institute for Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine]; *(20) Prof.dr. Cristin Bigan – Ecological University of Bucharest, Dean of the Faculty of Managerial Engineering”, Bucharest, Romania [also, within Dr. Cristian Tsakiris ‘s participation]; *(21) Prof.dr. Pompiliu Manea – Academia de Stiinte Medicale, Bucharest, Romania; *(22) Amy Stapleton – Africa Direct, Waterford, Republic of Ireland; *(23) Dan Costa Baciu - Schweizer Heimatschutz, Zürich, Switzerland; *(24) Dr. Aurel Florentin Badiu - Academia de Stiinte Agricole si Silvice “Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti” , Bucharest, Romania; *(25) Drd. Claudiu Bolcu, Drd. Mihaela Mecea - Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; *(26) Dr. Mike Fitzgibbon – Cork University, Cork, Republic of Ireland.

The entire Consortium GENEROSITY-CEATIVITYS-SOLIDARITY has generous ideals, per se.

* Generosity and solidarity in the creative process / a project versus subtle items of our humankind; ** Aspects of how the contemporary complexity may be reflected by the (post) worldwide crisis /// information / knowledge dynamics; *** Toward an (axiomatic) subtle approach on our world(s); IV* On the networking of sciences and humankind.

The next slides present an application of the “Interactive Modelling” approach toward the G-C-S matter:

Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity

(space) Humankind / singularities Humankind diversity/ spatial

GENEROSITY Partnership

Solidarity Our INTENTIONALITY Axis

Solidarity Partnership CREATIVITY Humankind diversity/ temporal

Humankind / communities (time)

Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity


(space) Humankind / singularities Humankind diversity/ spatial

GENEROSITY Partnership




Our INTENTIONALITY Axis Solidarity

Partnership CREATIVITY

Humankind diversity/ temporal Humankind / communities (time)



Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity

A pattern

(space) Humankind / singularities

Humankind diversity/ spatial


Partnership Our RESPONSIBILITY_Labyrinth:





CREATIVITY Humankind diversity/ temporal

C pattern Humankind / communities (time)

D pattern

Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity Tricky merchants Toxic (e-)products

to Damned people to Failed countries



A pattern (space)

Humankind / singularities

Humankind diversity/ spatial "NEGATIVE" CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP



Partnership Our RESPONSIBILITY_Labyrinth:





D pattern




Humankind diversity/ temporal "ADAM AND EVE OUT OF PARADISE“ Humankind / communities (time)



C pattern Research entities, Banks, Audit; Industries

Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity

A pattern (space) Humankind / singularities Humankind diversity/ spatial

GENEROSITY Partnership



D pattern


Partnership CREATIVITY

Humankind diversity/ temporal Humankind / communities (time)

C pattern

Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity

A pattern (space) Humankind / singularities Humankind diversity/ spatial

GENEROSITY Partnership



D pattern


Partnership CREATIVITY

Humankind diversity/ temporal Humankind / communities (time) C pattern

Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity

A pattern

GENEROSITY Partnership



D pattern




Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity

A pattern EDUCATION D pattern

B pattern LIBERTY /









Central pattern: Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity

A pattern EDUCATION Circularity (Magellanity property) >> Partnership

B pattern LIBERTY /

D pattern





CONSTRUCTION beyond space Dual Cause





beyond time Primal Cause


C pattern



Evolutionary iteration of solidarity “ / partnership



“Creative” Societal (des)illusion

< Temporal evolution/decay >

Rhythm (Uniface/Möbius property)

Q/A C: On SUBTLENESS A paradigm of complex recurrence. The resolutive solution of a model to comprise: ego, world, nature, society, thinking

The following cognitive and interactive model would be devoted to sustain the existence of a complex recurrence between the ascendant Action and the ascendant levels of the Memory. Q/A C_1: The infra and hyper-incursion is due to connectedness. The anticipation is due to communication. Q/A C_ 2 : The world of Paradoxes is a crystal or a broken one as are the harmonization regarding connectedness and communication. D

Profound Zone


Light I-becoming A


Light O-becoming G

Model becoming

Q/A C_3. Conceptual expand inward the each face of the pyramid (A; B; C; D; G):

* inward A face: algebraic thinking Existence edge: to BE

edge: THINKING Reflection analytic thinking


to COMBINE Objectivity Subjectivity the name of the A face equilibrium: EGO-REFERENTIALITY

** inward B face: algebraic thinking high frequent nouns Fuzzyfication Structural-Phenomenology edge: THINKING edge: NOUNS Geomodernism Transdisciplinarity analytic thinking low frequent edge:

to CONDUCT proto-Responsibility next-Responsibility the name of the B face equilibrium: RESPONSIBILITY

*** inward C face: high frequent nouns a WORLD meta WORLD closed edge: NOUNS edge: STRUCTURE low frequent trans WORLD real WORLD open edge: to CONCORD Extro-vity Intro-vity the name of the C face equilibrium: SYSTEM-REFERENTIALITY

IV * inward D face: the name of the D face equilibrium: RISK-UNCERTAINITY-HEURISTIC REFERENTIALITY closed Negativeness edge: STRUCTURE edge: to HAVE open Positiveness edge:

to ACT (to COMBINE; to CONCORD; to CONDUCT) Negative Feed-back

Positive Feed-back

V * inward G face: D face Objectivity


to BE ; to HAVE


A face

C face



G face Subjectivity edge:


B face



to COMBINE edge: to CONDUCT edge: proto-responsibility meta-responsibility RESPONSIBILITY


the name of the G face equilibrium: A-INTENTIONALITY & NON-INTENTIONALITY vs. “upper” INTENTIONALITY and META-INTENTIONALITY VI * The arrow :: to BE to HAVE

the name of the arrow of the pyramid equilibrium: INTENTIONALITY & META-INTENTIONALITY vs. “lower” A-INTENTIONALITY and NON-INTENTIONALITY

Q/A C_4. Conceptual expand beyond the faces of the pyramid (A; B; C; D; G):

VII * The arrow expandation of the pyramid onto A face: God’s pointer (as Trinity’s pointers) onto B face: Redeemer’s primal pointer onto C face: Redeemer’s dual pointer onto D face: Holy Ghost’s pointer

VIII * The expandation of the G face to A face: from God’s pointer (to BE; THINKING; to COMBINE) (as Human Being’s pointers) to B face: from Redeemer’s primal pointer (THINKING; NOUNS; to CONDUCT) to C face: from Redeemer’s dual pointer (NOUNS; STRUCTURE; to CONCORD) to D face: from Holy Ghost’s pointer (STRUCTURE; to HAVE; to ACT)

IX * The correspondence between VII and VIII expandation would reveal Qualia (the property to have properties; see again Definition 9 and Table 6, for more). Qualia’s relevation is higher or lower as the INTENTIONALITY and META-INTENTIONALITY, and AINTENTIONALITY and NON-INTENTIONALITY are aggregated. The Trinity may express INTENTIONALITY and META-INTENTIONALITY, the Human Being may express A-INTENTIONALITY and NON-INTENTIONALITY. All these may express the Profound Zone as a World of INTENTIONALITY.

The turning points into the Profound Zone, as a World of INTENTIONALITY, to be expressed by the attaining of the Magellanity property (within its neuro-geometrical equivalence with the mental acceptance of the spherically Earth).

The following mental string would support the presupposed neuro-geometrical equivalence as to exist within the above presented Human Being’s pointers: to BE; the pointer (to BE; THINKING; to COMBINE); the primal pointer (THINKING; NOUNS; to CONDUCT); the dual pointer (NOUNS; STRUCTURE; to CONCORD); the pointer (STRUCTURE; to HAVE; to ACT); to HAVE.

X * The connectedness and the communication are due to Qualia, and present high or lower status as –


inward communication: as the tensions onto the edges of the pyramid are attained a harmonization or not even: Objectivity / Subjectivity with the proto-Responsibility / next-Responsibility, proto-Responsibility / next-Responsibility with Extro-vity / Intro-vity, Extro-vity / Intro-vity with the Negative Feedback / Positive Feedback, Negative Feedback / Positive Feedback with the Objectivity / Subjectivity. The functionalism of the world of Paradoxes is supported by the infra and hyper-incursion, and anticipation.

The turning points into the world of Paradoxes, to be expressed by the attaining of the Möbius-ity property (within its neuro-geometrical equivalence with the band of one face).

The neuro-geometrical ascension on a neuro-shape with Möbius-ity property would consist into: XI.1: To cut the circular mental shape:


XI.2: To cut the circular mental shape: Objectivity / Subjectivity proto-Responsibility / next-Responsibility Extro-vity / Intro-vity Negative Feed-back / Positive Feed-back Objectivity / Subjectivity

XI.3: To put “opposite” the sticker between the XI.1 and XI.2, “now” linear mental shapes.

Remark 5: So, Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension gains new perspectives by the procedural utility of the scheme from the sub-paragraph 3.2 (The world of Paradoxes presenting the status of the harmonization regarding connectedness and communication). So, Table 6 – is a proper approach on the ascendant Action by ascendant levels of the Memory (through the concept of social Qualia), and the scheme from the sub-paragraph 3.2. is a proper approach on the complex recurrence between the ascendant Action and the ascendant levels of the Memory.

Q/A C_4’. On Information / Knowledge relation 4’. The paradigm on moral society in conjunction with Project: the “Memory  Action” tension / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity

4’.1. The presentation of the Project as a contemporary replay to Reinhold Niebuhr’s paradigm: Moral Man and Immoral Society

The presentation of the author’ replay as a four folded insight / I: The first fold

There is into the American mass-media pool a new trend: to (re)present into an unexpected way the climax of the financial competition and the locus of the high stress human activity, the stock exchange - the place where people (merchants, stockbrokers, dealers, etc.) publicly buy and sell stock and shares in companies, the turning point of investing money. Starting from the fact that there are human beings involved, then there is the possibility to replace the abstract and invisible competition with a commonplace co-operation, during a so short individual work-life into a stock exchange.

II: The second fold of the author’ replay as a (surprising) insight

There is into the American intellectual pool a very complex reflection of the corpus of works from Reinhold Niebuhr (18921971), but SEPARATING the two books: “The Nature and Destiny of Man : A Christian Interpretation”, and “Moral Man and Immoral Society”

Regarding “The Nature and Destiny of Man: A Christian Interpretation”, into e-book sites:

“Niebuhr has developed the most balanced statement of our character, identity, and core behavior motivations. He references all major worldviews from Eastern Naturalism to Western Rationalism to Biblical Revelation. The Biblical Worldview provides the most balanced perspective of our human nature, which is offensive to the contrasting perspectives. In Volume 1, he identifies our form and our vitality as essential components of our nature. He also identifies that our desire for freedom, our ability to transcend our natural state and our self-interest leads to "Mans Problem." Volume 2 focuses on worldviews that have messianic expectations and resolutions of history through corporate identities. One can understand Niebuhrs perspective on the eve of WWIIs Fascist nations. In summary, this is absolutely one of the best works I have read to help clarify our human nature. His perspective is pragmatic, but is still very focused on core Christian doctrines. Buy it, read it, wait a year, read it again, and ponder the depth and breath of his insights!” (e-book site, 2004).

“This work is known to be a classic, and in my opinion, it is the best written last century. I even enjoyed R. Niebuhr better than Tillich and Barth. His erudition and conclusions are powerful and engaging. I recommend reading this for those familiar with political thought and philosophy of the modern era. By no means is this work parochial, it scope makes it a enthralling read even for those who find themselves outside to spectrum of Christian belief “(“Best 20th Century Theological Work” e-book site, 2004).

“In the Nature and Destiny of Man, Reinhold Niebuhr, the influential "Christian realist" theologian, deals with big issues: the nature of man, history, and the end of the history. He offers deep - I would say profound - support for his views, but not proof. He offers one interpretation of the meaning of lives mysteries but not the only possible interpretation.

IV: The fourth fold of the author’ replay as an (synthetic proposed) insight

Adam Smith (1723-1790), is the European civilization all over remembered author of An Inquiry into the nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, London, 1776. Into the context of this paper, and more over, it is to express that the European civilization would better benefit, preserving actively into its intellectual and collective memory the fact that he is, also, the

expressing the construct of “invisible hand” as metaphor for the self-regulation of an (equilibrated) market, if his other construct: fellow-feeling is acting into a moral context, co-depicted into XVIIIth century Scotland, within Shaftesbury, Hutchenson, and his friend David Hume, by the so called “School of good feeling and real sentiments”. Later on, W. Stanley Jevons, into his more than 14 edition reprinted, Political Economy, 1878, is worth to point after a century on Adam Smith’s five principal circumstances which make for small wages in some occupations, and balance great wages in other ones, as follows: “The agreeableness or disagreeableness of the employment themselves. The easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and expense of learning the occupation. The constancy or inconstancy of employment. The small or great trust which must be reposed in those who exercise the employment. And lastly, the probability or improbability of success in employment greatly affects the wages of those who succeed.” Then, arguing on the “leaving everybody at perfect liberty to enter any trade”, Jevons states on “What is a fair day’s wages”. Happy times, of good memory within all Adam Smith’s heritage: wealth + morality. This heritage is not integral preserved into contemporary period, but may be, still, restored – evidently into a more complex scientific context, and into a tremendous more complex reality.

In 1935 Harcourt, Brace and Company had published the translation of the book The Mind and Society by Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923). Written in Italian, translated in French, it was made available in English, and reviewed by Aldous Huxley: ‘Hunger and thirst after rationality are at least as characteristic of the human mind as hunger and thirst after righteousness. As keenly as they desire to behave well or at least to be thought to behave well –men desire to understand. To live in a world that makes no sense is intolerable to them. They feel an overwhelming need to explain the universe and themselves within it. But

whereas the hunger and the thirst after righteousness find their satisfaction (so far, at least, as theory goes) in such things as the Ten Commandments, the Nine Beatitudes, the Eightfold way, the hunger and the thirst after rationality can never be fully assuaged except by the one. Man’s ambition is to explain everything in terms of a single principle, to reduce the bewildering diversity of phenomena to intellectual Unity. Ultimately, it may be science will actually achieve the complete unification of the diversity. It is possible, it

is perhaps even moderately probable, that all phenomena will suffer themselves to be interpreted in terms of one explanatory principle. ... It is the great merit of Vilfredo Pareto that he resisted the two opposite temptations which confront the sociologist: the temptation, on the one hand, merely to describe without attempting to explain; and on the other, the temptation to

explain everything in terms of only a single principle. The residues of the fifth class are those having to do with “the integrity of the individual.” Every individual in a society has a certain notion of his relations with other individuals and with the community in general. When these “right” relations are disturbed, he feels more or less acute distress and tries either really or symbolically to restore the equilibr ium. ... cardinal important book” (Huxley, Aldous. Pareto’s Museum of Human Stupidity / With the Face of Confucius and the Fierce Irony of Voltaire. The New York Herald

4’.2. An individual attempt proposed to be continued through Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension. The research on the BODY AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS; PARADIGMS OF MIND AND SOCIETY, constituted as a sub-project: Sub-Project: (In)visible (Hu)man

*4’.2.1. Abstract A theoretical approach upon the Consciousness versus the Body aims at re-defining Mind-Body problem according with an ideal stratum of the nature (as matter and reflection). Information-rational subject, brain-mind-body, nature-consciousnesssociety would be the main pieces of this stratum, involving both Cognitive Science and Interdisciplinary Sociology.

Our real (hypothetical systemic) body comprises both paradoxes and limitations regarding (hypothetical non-systemic) consciousness:

* I: Ancestors-successors images and mental insight upon consciousness (non-personal body);

* II: Face / hands / nude / clothes / sensors acquired shapes (static and dynamic balanced items - as aggregated substance&energy and "revealed" information toward body);

* III: Individual&collective body (an "unrevealed" gap related to consciousness);

* IV: From dolls toward photos album (a chronological humankind passage);

* V: Equilibrium between: energetic needs, sexual behavior, knowledge eliciting (the convergence of the body mental concept as pattern). In this context two complementary paradigms of mind and society would prove a normality according with a fuzzy topos :

#1 The divergence of the body mental concept is a meta-equilibrium pattern between: "will - must - can" humankind triad;

#2 There is a fuzzy centered topos through the open domain: * I - * V

Focusing upon the sustainable balance: nature and paradigms #1 - #2 , there is a circular flow: "the intelligence/I stage/ of the body" - "mind-body problem" - "paradigms of mind and society" - "consciousness inputs and emergence" - "the intelligence/II stage/ of the body".

*4’.2.2. Initial argumentative imagery [Why?]

1. Is there an eco-consciousness? A. The individual reflection (between mechanic and creation – parts of the reflection, as an entire complex relation: nature, human being, society, Universe, seen and unseen parts of micro, inner and macro-Cosmos) upon other individual; the individual reflection upon its ego; B. The individual reflection upon the collectivity (from mechanic agglomeration of people, to superior aggregation, to extreme aggregations, till the (non-)consonance of the thinkers); C. The paradoxes of the repetitive individual1-collective-individual2 backtracking of the eco-consciousness: killing, war, lying, escaping from the essence, hiding in mud; 2. Does his eco-consciousness exist? 3. Does her eco-consciousness exist? 4. The basic problem of the eco-consciousness : do not kill! The background of contemporaneous religions: the infinitesimal magnitude –but very precious- of each individual inside the Universe.

[Note: the pages depicting this above shortly presented imagery are jpg files; the author shall send the CD at the request]

Initial argumentative key-patterns: * A / eco-consciousness balanced locus –as sociocybernetical topos inside/for a community - has a particular complexity (nearly different from both clear sides: he and she); ** The identity, the process of surveillance, and the progress of the respective community are the most correlated items from the huge emergent items of a (possible) / eco-consciousness balanced locus ; *** "Positive", "negative" and "gray" / eco-consciousness balanced locus (according to the "values-knock" of their set of items); *4* / eco-consciousness balanced locus from different points of "view": each individual's (man's, woman's, older person's, child's), group's, village's/city's, region's, country's, group of country's, [geographic] zone's, cultural zone's, continental area's, planet's [all of these as humankind entities amalgamated with their technical resources, with their artifacts, with their soul/spirit (individual – collective)].

Second-stepped argumentative key-patterns: * Universal, and particular complexity of the human aggregation | general, planetary, and particular complexity of a community;

** Implicit and explicit balance of the "identity-surveillance-progress" of a human aggregation | of a community; *** The interval of the balanced values for a human aggregation | for a community (estimation, measurement); *4* / eco-consciousness balanced locus versus the balance of the "identity-surveillance-progress"; versus: from different points of "view" (as the above *4* shows); *5* The "values-knock" of a / eco-consciousness balanced locus :=: the estimations and/or the measurements for all the depicted items of the description (representation) of a city, of its initial actions (planned and/or "selforganized"), of its constituted problems (real, imaginary, false). Like Alexander the Great – in front of the legendary knock from Gordium ( 334 BC) the mayor, his counselors, the communities dedicated scientists, the citizens "have the innovative" Alexander's solution: to cut the knock with the sword, or the classical solution: to solve the problem (related to a complex knock: to find its beginning, to pass till the end of the thread). As each problem (city problem) is a thread with its metaphoric knock, then or the problem are the alternatives; each of them with its deep profoundness. Logically, the solving of a problem follows (may) after its representation; meta-logically may be amalgamated (as the heuristics capacities of the human beings much involve, albeit the huge amount of methods and algorithms for modeling/simulation of a problem). [It is one of the principles from Sociocybernetics.]

The presupposed innovative capacities of : ## the insight upon the owner of a (hypothetical) eco-consciousness: to his/her heart [yet unrevealed profoundness], brain [mental profoundness], social security threat, ## body correlation to eco-consciousness, ## body mental concept, construct and eco-consciousness, ## ... the finding of an innovative solution; any famous general would be granted with fame not for classical solutions, but for operative, surprising (and successful) attempts, ## ... the future insight upon communication, knowledge, culture "features" would project the complex knock of the / eco-consciousness balanced locus inside a cognitive space "where" to find the beginning, and to pass till the end of the thread/balanced locus – the way is to be "seen", and then follow, ## the insight upon a complex knock of the / eco-consciousness UNbalanced locus. It would denominate the situation for the finding of one or even some cognitive space(s), "where to see", but the observable thread ... is broken. (Metaphorical) is comminuted towards "threats". Then, it is to change the typical thinking at all. To find a broader inter/trans-disciplinary renewed approach.

*4’.2.3. The content of the Sub-Project: (In)visible (Hu)man Aim: The seeking of "our inner words" - insight as an interdisciplinary experiment, a transdisciplinary experience, and an intercultural approach versus the balance : Body Consciousness (both as mental constructs / concepts)

Content: Humankind problems require different types of specialists. It seems that one type (at least) is missing: specialists that could study the general and particular mistakes and errors of the scientists and/or praxis oriented people, trying to reduce the propagation of the mistakes and errors from one generation of specialists to an other. As a possible insight into this search of a new type of specialists, and also as an emulation, this paper presents a "thinking language" driblet. The existence-reflection connection may reveal some deep features of our worlds, as mental concept mental construct is. Then, the focus upon security evolution is facing the responsibility mental construct versus different types of systemic thinking. This context promotes an analytical effort into the representation and solving problems. An internalizing of existence and belonging -on one side- and of genesis, acting, doing, and making -on the other side- would promote an outlook on open / closed entities within, inside, by and around a rational subject. So, he/she will engage an insight in and around its ego and world image, through the verbal usage of to be and to have. The projected emergence would be an understanding/explanation of the verbal sequence to combine_to concord_to conduct. According to this paper it would be elicited within, inside, by and around some of the contemporary problems, some of the imminent problems, and would promote an inter / trans-disciplinary research as experiment / experience, and an intercultural approach. An adequate main frame for this type of research / approach would be imbedded in the Universal Consciousness and Ecoconsciousness mental constructs / concepts. All these means -according within a long-term understanding / explanation / reconstruction- an other type of scientific behavior.

An adage belonging to Romanian scientists from the post-second war period read as follows: . Today, though, none of us [Romanian, at least] seems to act accordingly. We are somewhat open (to this adage) but quasi-non-engaged. Each of us is seeking grants, contracts, and higher remunerated vacancies rather than searching for ideas and [selfconstructed] projects. That is why the metaphor (In)visible (Hu)man, here, is proposed as title of this paper - as a desired application, a distributed project.

We are not quite scared, but we are far from an inner-harmonic [and self-constructed] reaction in front of the quasi-constant emergent palette of the observed individual and humankind. This palette being quasi-constant (from extrovert behavior to introvert despair), it is of the same type as in the Ancient, Medieval, Modern Worlds. But it was and is [only] systemically minded.

There are no totally new or [self-]changed attitudes. Contemporary World(s) are still non-innovative and quite conservative about their inner patterns, despite the huge innovative man-machine interface and broader artifact world(s). [These stationary attitudes may be based upon a huge power of the natural archetype(s) of humankind - this power is not yet fully observed/explained/understood. Today, it seems that there is no room for a "humankind (holistic) psychoanalyst".] Final remarks The seeking of "our inner words" - insight as an interdisciplinary experiment, a transdisciplinary experience, and an intercultural approach Let be a rational subject, our world and a problem. Considering a desired representation and solution for the problem, an "initial" step is proposed. The rational subject, according with his/her comprehension of the problem will try to carry the entire problem across the cognitive effort to balance the verbs meaning of the existence, belonging and concordance_combination_conduct with nouns or groups of nouns which are the most proper versus the problem. Then he/she will represent and solve the problem. Then, he/she will search the nouns representing the open and closed entities, which are describing the context of the just solved problem. This maybe a circular Archimedes-type point, a confidence. The ideal emergence of any case study, practically applying within the theoretical frame supposed to be elicit, would be concretely both "inner" verbs and nouns to reveal: the Universal Consciousness and Eco-consciousness mental constructs / concepts of ourselves - individuals and humankind. Project: (In)visible (Hu)man The rational subject, the constituted problems, the solved and yet unsolved problems are constituting our world. If our desire is to change the contemporary world, the "the seeking of our inner words" may be merged -across different moments- within the real problem representation and solving. The critical feedback upon the efficiency of this attempt is strictly necessary. This is an adaptive "loop" facing the variety of our problems, searching the Eden trees of "consciousness" and "life".

A representation of a problem is attached (Append). It is an invitation to an other type of solving the problem. So, the project: (In)visible (Hu)man maybe an open link. The Visible Human may be acted by each of us, into his/her "consciousness" and "life", his/her community as a complex (hypothetical) real + model + ideal (hyper_perenitity). [The circular Archimedes-type point, magellanity property, the hard and soft contradictions, the responsibility, the variety of systemic thinking, the Universal Consciousness and Eco-consciousness, the enlargement of the structural science are proposed topics for other theoretical approaches / praxis.]

This or another inter/trans-disciplinary/intercultural attempt may contribute to an equitable, sustainable and societal world of tomorrow (one of the possible worlds / see Table 1, 2). One of the possible wolds being a continuos one flow from the Informational Society to Knowledge Society toward Consciousness Society, and for ever returning, into an open and larger humankind spiral. To travel through the light beam of (consistence; completeness).

APPEND to 4’.2.: The BODY / CONSCIOUSNESS into the Social Context - a proposed sub-project: (In)visible (Hu)man -

************************************************************************ {Verbal stimulus} | Words – as profound proofs "open / closed" Entities ************************************************************************ to be | (new) nature human person / human persons

to have

to combine

| body(_soul_spirit) | name | human nature




| nature logic item / responsible item | human nature | human artifacts [BODY ; soul ; spirit]'s paradigm : the hidden body into non-figurative topos

to concord | being_nomination(s) charm item / organizational item | having_possesion(s) [body ; SOUL ; spirit]'s metaphor :memory_library & artifact_innovation

to conduct


| consciousness good item / sustainable item | body (ies) | society & steps toward a science of body and consciousness [body ; soul ; SPIRIT]'s emergence : education & work || science & religion (inter / trans-disciplinary approaches)

Conceptual markers: as [ x ; xx ; xxx ] ; x* as BODY { o ; oo ; ooo } as { o individual ; oo planetary ; ooo universal entities }

The tabular defragmentation of the reactions at {verbal stimulus} open closed N-1/N Entity intro x* xx o extro x xxx o ; oo

oo ooo

Remark 6: So, Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension gains a new subproject, across the previous perspectives mentioned by the procedural utility of the scheme from the sub-paragraph 3.2 (regarding connectedness and communication), and Table 6 (through the concept of social Qualia).

Now and here, the complex recurrence between the ascendant Action and the ascendant levels of the Memory has a analytic support through the author’s replay to Reinhold Niebuhr’s paradigm: Moral Man and Immoral Society.

Also, on the ascendant Action by ascendant levels of the Memory (as a cognitive interactive concept) it is worth to engage the results from the expanding (according to each interested context) Sub-Project: (In)visible (Hu)man.

5. The minimal starting nucleus for Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension

5.1. Challenges toward a Moral Market: Creative Market, Creative Economy, and Knowledge Society / as a two parts of innovative sociological research within interdisciplinary approach

Justification of the sociological research as finding the modeling context (the first part), and then, there, to construct a solution (the second part). Meantime the forecasted aggregation of the two parts means an answer to the really global and theoretically basic question: WHY DOES NOT THE RATIO POVERTY / WELFARE WORK as a dynamically pro-market reform indicator, into the contemporary MARKET and ECONOMY?

The representational stage of the context (obvious facts and preliminary questions):

* ECO-CONSCIOUSNESS (our individual and collective consciousness; it would be promoted only inward a SUBTLE WORLD –or may be into an other kind of world- so, there will be possibly to strengthen the CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP, as a suitable trace of the human being(s), a suitable reflection of the reflection. The ECO-CONSCIOUSNESS would be: to fulfill [the predictive knowledge, the long-term moral edificium, the intelligence (e-)market momentum, the humankind action as efficient production and service, the continuous adaptation of the functions till the structures]; to self-replace [the local progress through irrational race on rational profits]; to acquire [the new human being torn mentally by the risen computational power]; to focus [on the collective and then individual happiness - through giving more than receiving]; to harmonize [the individual and collectives objectives as the insight, the care, and the responsibility for: the “local” with the “global”; the “narrow” with the “major”; the “short term” with the “long term” and “very long term”]; to co-ordinate [the local intelligence –within distributed problem solving- toward “a society of minds”]; to end [within serenity, compassion, humility instead of non-confidence, aggressiveness, boasting] but to remain [not forcing within our spiritually quasi-perennial insight, kindly gifted inward, from, by an Universal Consciousness, but within our constructed steps inward an ever open Eco-Consciousness, a not rejected “included tertium”] .

Original methodology to construct the solution:

5.2. The proposed CHARTA OF THE CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP [between all the human beings, the NGOs, the world states and the planetary specialized entities - connected into a first stage by their interest in pro-market reform and the poor]

A. Global and local ethical education-work helix B. Global and local research-action helix on equitable, sustainable and societal topics, and the consequent knowledge transfer and technologies transfer C. Human relations (as basic state of the: embedded ECO-CONSCIOUSNESS, self-constituted and sustained INTERNATIONALLY CIVIL SOCIETY, resulting

SUBTLE WORLD - within its CREATIVE (E-)MARKET, and initially desired and designed CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP, and possible attained through all these)

D. Amenities, health care, tourism, generalized access to the products_processes of science, technology, sport, literature and arts

6. A proposed “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity Charta It is the place for a conclusive rehearsal, generating a seven step common project:

6.1. To identify the levels of resource-consumption according to: humankind progress versus its societal price. Remark 1: The quasi-negative and the quasi-positive level of resource-consumption till a social action is accountable estimated according to the aposteriori outlook from the holistic entity: humankind progress versus its societal price. 6.2. To promote the assistance for operative actions within low memory level. Remark 2: The quasi-co-generation of an entity and its primal level of the Action, according to operative constrains (low levels of societal resources and knowledge) may happen according to an apriori expected: humankind progress versus its societal value for the holistic entity. It may be a zero level of the primal level of the Memory, just only to start an operative primal Action. 6.3. To check and meditate to the string, and to its Quattro-basis: 1: Poverty level / Demographic pulse; 5: Financial pulse; 2: Popular scenarios; 6: Happiness pulse; 3: Stochastic appearance of life. 7: Attractive education 4: Prospective track surveillance stimulation bureaucracy

bases of data, knowledge and moral items

Remark 3: The ascendant Action (by ascendant levels of the Memory) ascends, step by step, through its quasi-negative nuclei, into the order: 1; 2; 3, and through its quasi-centered positive nuclei, into the order: 4; 5; 6; 7.

6.4. To try to elaborate varieties of cognitive societal model “Memory  Action”, minding to connectedness communication. Remark 4: To associate all the first six tables with the cognitive patterns, elaborated step by step through axioms, definitions, propositions, remarks and consequences, and constituted as: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity cognitive societal model. Those six tables, and mainly the last in its climax, through the proposed association, attain lower proper levels of resource-consumption till an attained social memory and /or action mark. So, Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension gains new perspectives by the procedural utility of the Table 6 – just devoted to assure a quasi-completeness and quasi-consistency to the previously denominated mental construct: the ascendant Action by ascendant levels of the Memory – just involving and expanding, here, the concept of social Qualia.

6.5. To try to comprehend “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension by social Qualia. Remark 5: So, Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension gains new perspectives by the procedural utility of the scheme from the sub-paragraph 3.2 (The world of Paradoxes presenting the status of the harmonization regarding connectedness and communication). So, Table 6 – is a proper approach on the ascendant Action by ascendant levels of the Memory (through the concept of social Qualia), and the scheme from the sub-paragraph 3.2. is a proper approach on the complex recurrence between the ascendant Action and the ascendant levels of the Memory.

6.6. To critically comprehend on the paradigm: “Moral Man and Immoral Society” and/or to .” (In)visible (Hu)man” Remark 6: So, Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension gains a new sub-project, across the previous perspectives mentioned by the procedural utility of the scheme from the sub-paragraph 3.2 (regarding connectedness and communication), and Table 6

Now and here, the complex recurrence between the ascendant Action and the ascendant levels of the Memory has a analytic support through the author’s replay to Reinhold Niebuhr’s paradigm: Moral Man and Immoral Society.

Also, on the ascendant Action by ascendant levels of the Memory (as a cognitive interactive concept) it is worth to engage the results from the expanding (according to each interested context) Sub-Project: (In)visible (Hu)man. 6.7. According to the above six steps, to initiate, complete, and (re)adapt varieties for the Project: the t“Memory  Action” Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension.

7. Bibliography [“Within, only, a Systemic and Cybernetic Outlook " regarding the Project: the “Memory  Action” / Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity tension] •Bailey, D.K. (1997), “System and conflict: towards a symbiotic reconciliation”, Quality & •Quantity, Vol. 31, pp. 425-42. •DeTombe, D.J. and van Dijkum, C. (1996), Analyzing Complex Societal Problems/A Methodological Approach, Rainer Hampp Verlag, Munchen und Mering, p. 300. •Draganescu, M. (1984), Science and Civilization, Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucharest, p. 288 (in Romanian). •Fuller, B.R. (1969), Utopia or Oblivion: the Prospect for Humanity, Bantam Books, Toronto, •New York, NY, London. •Geyer, F. (1977), “General systems theory and the growth of the individual’s inner complexity as a function of time”, in Rose, J. and Bilciu, C. (Eds), Modern Trends in Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 2, Springer, Berlin, pp. 59-78.

•Haken, H. (1977), Synergetics, and Introduction. Nonequilibrium Phase-Transitions and •Self-Organization in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Springer, Berlin. •Lasker, G.E. (1998), “Synergistic effects of local and global developments on our lives and our future”, in Ramaekers, J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on •Cybernetics, International Association of Cybernetics, Namur, pp. 587-664. •Marcus, S. (1974), “Linguistics as a pilot science”, in Sebeok, Th.A. (Ed.), Current Trends in •Linguistics, Vol. 12, Mouton, Hague. •Parra-Luna, F. (1998), “The notion of system as conceptual bridge between the sociology of •organizations and organizational efficiency”, Proceedings of the Xth International •Congress of World Organization of System and Cybernetics, Vol. 2: Sociocybernetics, Bren, •Bucharest, pp. 248-56. •Sanders, T.I. (1998), Strategic Thinking and the New Science/Planning in the Midst of Chaos, Complexity, and Change, The Free Press, New York, NY. •Valle´e, R. (1995), Cognition et Syste`me/Essai d’Episte´mo-Praxe´ologye, L’Interdisciplinaire/ Syste`me(s), Limonest, p. 136. Further reading •Amoroso Richard, L. (1999), “A brief introduction to noetic field theory. The quantization of •mind”, in Rakic, K., Rakovic, D. and Koruga, D. (Eds), Brain and Consciousness, ECPD, •Belgrade, pp. 297-302. •Arrow, K.J. (1963), Social Choice and Individual Value, Wiley, New York, NY. •Balaceanu, C. and Nicolau (Eds) (1972), Personalitatea umana O interpretare cibernetica, •(The Human Personality. A Cybernetic Interpretation), Editura Junimea, Iasi. •Belis¸, M. (1981), Bioingineria Sistemelor Adaptive Si Instruibile (The Bio-engineering of the Adaptive and Instructive Systems), Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti. •Bonting, S.L. (2001), “Need and usefulness of a revised creation theology: Chaos theology”, •Science and religion Antagonism or Complementarity? paper presented at Science and •Spiritual Quest – International Symposium, 8-11 November, Bucharest. •Bunge, M. (1977), “Philosophical richness of technology”, in Suppe, F. and Asquith, P.D. (Eds), Philosophy and Social Action 2. •Dubois, D. (1998), “Modelling of anticipatory systems with incursion and hyperincursion”, in •Ramaekers, J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Cybernetics, pp. 306-11.

•Dumitriu, A. (1944), Paradoxele stiintelor (Science’s Paradoxes). Imp. Nationala. •Geyer, F. (1998), “The increasing convergence of social science and cybernetics”, Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of World Organization of System and Cybernetics, Vol. 2, Sociocybernetics, Bren, Bucharest, pp. 211-6. •Gödel, K. (1931), “Uber formal unentscheidhare sa¨tze der principia mathematica und verwandter •systeme”, I. Monatshefte fu¨ r Math. u. Physik. Bd., Vol. 38, pp. 173-98. •Goguen, J.A. (1969), “The logic of inexact concepts”, Synthese, Vol. 19, pp. 325-73. •Juilland, A., Edwards, P.M.H. and Juilland, I. (1965), Frequency Dictionary of Rumanian Words, Mouton & Co, The Hague. •Malitza, M. (2000), “Ten thousand cultures, one single civilisation [Toward geomodernity of the XXI century]”, International Political Science Review, Vol. 21 No. 1, Zidul si iedera (The Wall and the Ivy), Cartea Romaneasca, 1978. •Mora˜rescu, J. and Bulz, N. (2000), “Pentru abordarea extins-matematica a paradoxurilor si •limitarilor (“Toward extended-mathematical approach of the paradoxes and limitations”), •Academica, Vol. 11 Nos 1-2, pp. 121-2, pp.44. •Negoita Constantin, V. and Ralescu Dan, A. (1975), Application of Fuzzy Sets to Systems Analysis, Birkha¨user Verlag. •Nicolescu, B. (1996), La Transdisciplinarite´. Manifeste, Editions du Rocher, Monaco. •Pa˜un, G. (1977), “Generative grammars for some economic activities”, Foundations of Control Engineering, 2 1 pp. 15-25. •Pa˜un, G. (1995), Artificial Life: Grammatical Models, Black Sea University Press, Bucharest. •Searle, J. (2000), “The three gaps. From the classical theory of rationality toward consciousness approach”, paper presented at the Analytical Philosophy Insight Conference, The New Europe College, Bucharest, 19 May. •Smith, M. (1995), “The prospects for machine consciousness”, in Ramaekers, J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Cybernetics, pp. 306-11. •Victor, S. (1996), De La Omul Necunoscut La Omul Cognoscibil (From the Unknown Human toward Cognitive-known Human.), Editura Ramida, Bucuresti. •Zadeh, L.A. (1965), “Fuzzy sets”, Information and Control, IEE Transactions, Vol. 8, pp. 338-53.

The Bibliography for the study Challenges toward a Moral Market: Creative (e-)Partnership (2004) •Bloch, Ernst (1988) The Utopian Function of Art and Literature: Selected Essays. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. •Braudel, Fernand (1985) La dinamique du capitalisme. Paris: Les Editions Arthaud.

•Bulz, Nicolae (2003) "Trans, inter, mono-disciplinary approaches upon the (computing) anticipatory systems", in Daniel Dubois (ed) Abstracts - VIth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems CASYS'03, pp. 8.18. Liege: University of Liege. •Chomsky, Noam (1996) Powers and Prospects: Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order. Boston: South End Press. •Croce, Benedetto (1966) Philosophy, Poetry, History: an Anthology of Essays. London: Oxford University Press. •Derrida, Jacques (1978) Writings and Difference. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. •Friedman, Milton (1968) The Role of the Monetary Policy. New York: American Economics •Association. •Galbraith, John Kenneth (1996). The Good Society: the Human Agenda. Boston: Houghton •Mifflin. •Giarini, Orio and Malitza, Mircea (2003) "The Double Helix of Learning and Work", in Leland Conley Barrows (ed) UNESCO CEPES Studies on Science and Culture. Bucharest: CEPES. •Hayek, Fredrich August von (1967) Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. London: •Routledge & Kegan Paul. •Heidegger, Martin (1977) The Question concerning Technology and other Essays. New York: Garland. •Mesarovic, Mihailo and Pestel, Eduard (1974) Mankind at the Turning Point / The Second Report to the Club of Rome. New York: Reader's Digest Press. •Myrdal Gunar (1970) The Challenge of World Poverty / A World Anti-Poverty Program in Outline. New York: Vintage Book. •Popper, Karl Raimund (1966) The Open Society and its Enemies. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. •Simon, Herbert (1988) "Methodological Foundations of Economics", in Methods of Economics,May 10. •Stiglitz, Joseph (1999) "Whither reform? Ten years of the transition", in World Bank, Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, Washington, D.C.: World Bank. •Stoica, Marcel (2003) "Subtle sets in Economics", in Economic Computation and Economic •Cybernetics Studies and Research, pp. 29-54. Bucharest: Academy of Economic Studies. •Tainter, James (1988) The Collapse of Complex Societies. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian who lived in the 4th century A.D. / used extensively in Lenten services in he Eastern church Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργίας, φιλαρχίας, καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῷς. Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς, καὶ ἀγάπης χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ. Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαι μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

An English translation of this is: O Lord and Master of my life! Give me not (Take from me) the spirit of sloth, faintheartedness, lust of power, and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Yea, O Lord and King! Grant me to see my own errors and not to judge my brother; for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

An open problem respectfully addressed to the Centre for Modern Thought: - III – Could the “Creative Partnership / Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity” interdisciplinary approaches stand as a proper [not so diffuse and not too complex] “turning point” over the contemporary gap(s) between the contemporary Humanities and the contemporary Mathematics, Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Biology?

- IV - Case Studies within subtle approaches beyond probabilistic/statistic and fuzzy approaches [related to some Aberdonian personalities: -Andrew Cant (1584-1663), -Robert Hamilton (1743 - 1829), -William Alexander Hunter (1844-1898)]

Andrew Cant (1584-1663) /

HAMILTON, ROBERT (1743-1829), political economist and mathematician, was born in Edinburgh on 11 June 1743. He was the eighth son of Gavin Hamilton, a bookseller and publisher; and his grandfather, Dr. William Hamilton, had been professor of divinity and principal in Edinburgh University. After being clerk in a bank he became a partner in the management of a paper-mill. In 1769 he was appointed rector of the Perth Academy, and in 1777 appeared the first edition of his 'Introduction to Merchandise,' the first of a number of unpretending but useful and well-written treatises. In 1779 he was appointed to the chair of natural philosophy in Aberdeen University, but soon after made an arrangement with Mr. Copland, the professor of mathematics, to exchange classes till 1817, when Hamilton was appointed to the mathematical chair. He published in 1790 'Peace and War,' showing philanthropic tendencies, and in 1800 'Heads of a Course of Mathematics.' His chief work first appeared in 1813, under the title ' Inquiry concerning the Rise and Progress, the Reduction and Present State, and the Management of the National Debt of Great Britain and Ireland.' A second edition was issued in 1818. This book commanded attention from its bold attacks on prevailing views of national finance, as well as from its philosophic tone. 'This important work,' says McCulloch, 'opened the eyes of the public to the delusive nature of the sinking fund' (see also LECZY, Hist. of England, v. 53). In it there is much sound reasoning as to principles combined with a great body of well-marshalled historical and statistical facts. After nearly completing half a century of teaching, Hamilton died on 14 July 1829. His last work, the 'Progress of Society,' was published posthumously in 1830.


So, this starting-study entitled as an open interdisciplinary research is a draft and a co-research proposal addressing interdisciplinary dedicated persons and personalities, but which maintains an open address to theologicians, “pure” economists, mahtematicians, neuro scientists, sociologists, historians and philosophers, artists and writers, engineers and managers (scientists and practicians) who want, at their turn, to address research based studies and praxis case studies. This study has presented a starting-list proposing an initial per se comparative study on the sets of two works from each of the:

Adam SMITH (1723 - 1790) Robert HAMILTON (1743 - 1829) Reinhold NIEBUHR (1892-1971) Each of these three personalities had addressed a two stages (at least) sequential opera. The scientific and large scale humankind active memory was and is still focused on their separated works – eliminating the step by step possible consonance and interference between each of the two books into these sets. This starting-study is mainly intended to propose to “introduce” Robert HAMILTON alongside the ideatic frame presented upward as “III: The third fold”. May be that our humankind (post-)crisis stance would be a more sensitive topos on a recovered linkage between the analysed two stages (at least) sequential opera – and it will be worth if a generalized linkage would be possible between all the six works – towards a larger and larger network. Let this network (“ideal”, now, but may be “real” into a near future) to act on the co-responsibility from Science Arts/Literature Religions Philosophy Management. Note: This starting-study (which does not contain a firm Bibliography – but refers important biblio items) is inviting the e-readers to take a look to some published studies (an so, the idea of a common Project as (In)visible e(Hu)man – and Table 1, 2 may be more connected with the brief content presented here) on: Inquiry on the global (post) crisis versus humankind wisdom as a turning point: Does the Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity triad matter? - into the International Research Journal of Police Science, Criminal Law and Criminology, September 2012;Vol.1,No.1 free download at

William Alexander Hunter was the author of the inspired analysis entitled: Leibnitz as a Metaphysical and Ethical writer /// MSS Univ. ABD // Mss. From 1882 / 1884 – at the 40 years.

William Alexander Hunter 1844 – 1898

Input Output stance of the circular, rhythmic and labyrinthic string





------------------------------------------------An open problem respectfully addressed to the Centre for Modern Thought: - IV Could the subtle approaches - beyond probabilistic/statistic and fuzzy approaches related to the life and works of the personalities: Andrew Cant, Robert Hamilton, William Alexander Hunter to be taken as an innovative start-up driven methodology to analyse onto the risky and uncertain contexts related to human life and thought? Which are the related methodological paradoxes involved and the procedural limits?

Four open problems respectfully addressed to the Centre for Modern Thought:

-I– If there are certain items that the presented “retro-prospective conjecture_matrix” is a valid pattern within the contemporary risks and uncertainty on the contexts related to the four embedded (specifically Neolithic cultural) cases, then would a type of a (revised and generalised) “retro-prospective matrix” be taken as “a Humankind evolution pattern”? Which are the paradoxes involved and the procedural limits? - II – Could the theoretic research and critical praxis analysis on “Information/Knowledge Economy/Society” stand as a suitable in ovo “bridge” over the contemporary gap(s) between Humanities (including Language Studies, Linguistics) and Mathematics, Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Biology? Could a dual benefit between an enlarged openness over these contemporary gap(s) exist?

- III – Could the “Creative Partnership / Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity” interdisciplinary approaches stand as a proper [not so diffuse and not too complex] “turning point” over the contemporary gap(s) between the contemporary Humanities and the contemporary Mathematics, Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Biology? - IV – Could the subtle approaches - beyond probabilistic/statistic and fuzzy approaches - related to the life and works of the personalities: Andrew Cant, Robert Hamilton, William Alexander Hunter to be taken as an innovative start-up driven methodology to analyse onto the risky and uncertain contexts related to human life and thought? Which are the related methodological paradoxes involved and the procedural limits?


- Jan Christian Smuts - Ludwig von Bertalanffy - Memory AND Action (graph) - Acknowledgement / an open list of the e-Bibliography

Upon two personalities’ lives and works [implicit dedications]:

Jan Christian Smuts 24 May 1870 - 11 September 1950

There is into the Western traditionally intellectual pool a very complex reflection of the corpus of works and public activities from Jan Christiaan Smuts (1870–1950). But within this complex reflection it is SEPARATING his works and public activities: Philosophy and Politics. This is (simply viewing) to separate thinking/memories by actions. This study that proposes to imply SCIENCE-PRAXIS RELATION WITHIN THE SYSTEMIC THINKING and CYBERNETICS OF THE OPERATIVE ACTIONS into this review regarding the separation of the thinking/memories by actions - and, so, to elicit a model engaged to (re-)unify thinking/memories and actions.

The figure of Jan Christiaan Smuts is one of those tantalising elusive in the history of both Philosophy and Politics. Though widely admired in his day, his long term military heroism, his eight periods of occupying South African political offices (1910 / 1948) and three academic offices (1931 / 1950), and a set of original constructs (i.e. 'Holism', Holism and Evolution’, supreme argument for the human existence, emotional appeal of nature) have just "disappeared" from today’s knowledge (versus active memorised initiator). It is to propose, here, an inquiry on a subtle positioning of Jan Smuts' insight versus firstly, Ludwig von Bertalanffy's linear and/or homogeneous 'open (growth and isomorphic) systems and the limitations of conventional models (within reductionism, and mechanism)', and secondly, versus the entire heterogeneous discourse from a long term . So, here, it is proposed a re-focusing on a ( evolving) person's fragility but (re)collecting a subtle positioning of Jan Smuts - and Aristotelianism.

Ludwig von Bertalanffy Born September 19, 1901, Vienna, Austria-Hungary Died June 12, 1972(1972-06-12) (aged 70), Buffalo, New York, USA Fields Biology and systems theory Alma mater University of Vienna Known for General System Theory Influences Rudolf Carnap, Gustav Theodor Fechner, Nicolai Hartmann, Otto Neurath, Moritz Schlick Influenced Russell L. Ackoff, Kenneth E. Boulding, Peter Checkland, C. West Churchman, Jay Wright Forrester, Ervin László, James Grier Miller, Anatol Rapoport

Here and now, it is worth to simulate, through a personalist cognitive track the environment of social qualitative data. The result is presented into the coupled graphics, as beforehand:

The qualitative graphics refer an accountable estimation of the aposteriori outlook from the holistic entity – as survival, persistence and/or progress. The space: (ox): Action; (oy): Memory; (oz): Politics




7 2

6 1



St 4



+ Action -


Symbols into the above graphics: / Spatial representation: bureaucracy: Bu, and surveillance: Su; bases of data, knowledge and moral items: Ba, and stimulation: St Planar representation ( a section into the space / within “zero” level Politics ): 1; 2; 3, and 4; 5; 6; 7 figures according to Remark 3.

Axiom 6: the embedded accountable aspect of the tension Memory  Action: It shapes the curve function inward a domain of freedom (linear, non-linear: quasi-cosinus hyperbolic – quasi-circular)

Acknowledgement / an open list of the e-Bibliography The (e-)author, Nicolae Bulz, expresses his gratitude to preceding (e-)authors dealing with topics on parts of this study/presentation. Within our contemporary e-World , they are e-co-authors of this this study/presentation. There is an important praxis and sub-discipline: Knowledge Transfer; all parties are in benefit, all become partners. It is a great case of Creative Partnership. The (e-)author, Nicolae Bulz, expresses his gratitude to for the long term engagement into an elevate, worldwide, Knowledge Transfer. The general public, the young researchers, the students are the first beneficiaries.

Here and now, the (e-)author, Nicolae Bulz present an open list of bibliographical e-sources for this study/presentation:‎‎ .................................................