SIOP Relaunches Consultant Locator Service to Connect ...

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advertise their consulting expertise. You can find the CLS now on the “Services” menu of the SIOP homepage. This is
SIOP Relaunches Consultant Locator Service to Connect Organizations With Professional Members Stephany Below SIOP Communications Manager SIOP successfully relaunched its professional I-O directory, the Consultant Locator Service (CLS), in October, creating a new look and benefit for professional members to advertise their consulting expertise. You can find the CLS now on the “Services” menu of the SIOP homepage. This is a free membership benefit designed to help connect SIOP professional members who provide consulting services with organizations seeking I-O expertise. For organizations, SIOP’s Consultant Locator Service assists in finding industrial-organizational psychologists who perform consulting services in their geographical area and/or specialize in their organization’s particular area of need. Nearly 200 professional members were advertising their services on the CLS as of December—a large increase from the previous version of the service—and SIOP would like to encourage other professionals to take advantage of this unique member benefit. “We are very proud of the professional, sleek new look of the Consultant Locator Service,” said Dave Nershi, SIOP’s Executive Director. “We feel this is a service that can really benefit not only our members who are consultants but also SIOP as a whole. We now have a very easy way for organizations to find the I-O experts they need.” The CLS enables users to search for I-O consultants based on the types of services provided, key words, name, or geographic location. The user’s search results will display 188

consultants who match the criteria and can be expanded to show a photo, consultant bio, contact information, and the geographic areas in which the consultant provides service. To be included as consultant in the SIOP CLS, you must opt in. To do so, visit www.siop. org and log in using your SIOP user name and password. Then, once you are directed to the my.SIOP homepage, go to “edit profile” using the drop down next to your name on the right side of the black bar. You’ll see a number of categories of information. Expand “Consultant Locator.” This is where you will input all the information that will be displayed in the CLS. Start by clicking “yes” in response to the question, “Would you like to be included in the SIOP Consultant Locator?” You may then input the information that will comprise your consultant profile. Please note January 2015, Volume 52, Number 3

that this information can be different from your SIOP membership information (e.g., you want consultant inquiries to go to your cell phone instead of your office number). The CLS is an individual based service, so there are no listings for companies or organizations. However, you can certainly highlight your organization in your consultant bio and include a link to the company website. Here’s a brief explanation of the information you can submit: • Consultant area of service: This is where you input the geographic areas where you provide services. You can check “USA Only,” and you will be prompted to select those states in which you operate. If you choose Canada, you will be prompted to input provinces. You can also select international if you provide services beyond the US and Canada. We suggest that you provide additional detail in your bio if you choose “international” because we do not provide a list of countries. • Keywords: Input words separated by commas that will provide the best search results for the services you provide. • Consultant services: You can select up to six consulting services from the list. If you don’t see a service, be sure to add that in your keywords so users will be able to locate you. • Consultant bio: Here is your opportunity to provide a bio outlining your credentials and other helpful information. Note that this is different than your my.SIOP profile.

The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

This bio is focused on your consulting work. There are a number of editing features to help you customize your bio. The “preview” button will not change your view unless you have used HTML in your bio. • Links: You can include up to two links. The first box is the text you wish to display. The box underneath is the URL to which the text is hyperlinked. • Consultant resumé: This is where you upload your CV or resume. Please note that documents can’t be deleted once uploaded, but you can overwrite them by uploading a new document. • The remaining parts of the form allow you to input your contact information. This can be different than your regular SIOP contact information. After you enter your Consultant Locator profile information, you can view your information by searching for yourself on the CLS homepage to make sure you are happy with the results. The CLS uses the photo you uploaded into your my.SIOP profile. If you haven’t already done this, the “upload picture here” location is right below the CLS section you have been working on in your my.SIOP profile. Members can also find tips for optimizing their CLS profile here. “We hope SIOP’s professional members will find the CLS beneficial,” Nershi added. “We’re pleased to present this service free of charge to members as part of our efforts to meet the needs of those engaged in the practice and science of I-O psychology.”