famous. He wrote the first story in (F) 1887, while he was still a doctor, and in the next twenty. years, he wrote (G) f
SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE – READING 1. Fill in the gaps in the passage using the words in the box below. Scotland Baker Street London Edinburgh Doctor Watson Scotland Medicine 1887 1930 Twenty-two Fifty Romances, adventure stories, and historical novels Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is famous as the writer of the Sherlock Holmes stories. He was born in (A) ______________ in 1859. He went to (B) _____________________ University and studied (C) _________________________. He worked as a doctor for several years, but when he was (D) _____________________, he became a full time writer. He wrote (E) ________________________________________________________, but it was the detective stories which made him famous. He wrote the first story in (F) _________________, while he was still a doctor, and in the next twenty years he wrote (G) ___________________ more. Sherlock Homes lived in (H) _________________________ with his friend and assistant, (I) ______________________. Their enemy in many stories is a man called Moriarty. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died in (J) ______________________, aged seventy – one.
2. Answer the questions using information contained in the passage above. (A) Where____________________________________________________________? ____________________________________. (B) Which _________________________________________________________________? ____________________________________. (C) What _________________________________________________________________? ____________________________________. (D) How old _______________________________________________________________? ___________________________________. (E) What sort of __________________________________________________________? ___________________________________. (F) When ______________________________________________________________? ___________________________________. (G) How many ____________________________________________________________? ___________________________________. (H) Where________________________________________________________________? ___________________________________. (I) What___________________________________________________________name? ___________________________________. (J) When _______________________________________________________________? ___________________________________. (EXERCISE I12E70) gerardoneil.blogspot.com.br
ANSWERS SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE – READING 1. Fill in the gaps in the passage using the words in the box below. Scotland Baker Street London Edinburgh Doctor Watson Scotland Medicine 1887 1930 Twenty-two Fifty Romances, adventure stories, and historical novels Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the great detective. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is famous as the writer of the Sherlock Holmes stories. He was born in (A) Scotland in 1859. He went to (B) Edinburgh University and studied (C) medicine. He worked as a doctor for several years, but when he was (D) twenty-two, he became a full time writer. He wrote (E) romances, adventure stories, and historical novels but it was the detective stories, which made him famous. He wrote the first story in (F) 1887, while he was still a doctor, and in the next twenty years, he wrote (G) fifty more. Sherlock Homes lived in (H) Baker Street, London with his friend and assistant, (I) Doctor Watson. Their enemy in many stories is a man called Moriarty. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died in (J) 1930, aged seventy – one.
(A) Where did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle live? He lived in Scotland. (B) Which university did he go too? Edinburgh University. (C) What did he study? Medicine. (D) How old was he when he became a full time writer? Twenty-two years old. (E) What sort of things did he write? He wrote romances, adventure and detective stories and historical novels. (F) When did he write his first story? In 1887. (G) How many novels did he write? Fifty. (H) Where did Sherlock Homes live? Baker Street, London. (I) What was Sherlock Homes friends name? Doctor Watson. (J) When did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle die? 1930.
(EXERCISE I12E70) gerardoneil.blogspot.com.br