Sir Dudley Digges Dudley Digges was born in Kent, England ...

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Dudley Digges was born in Kent, England, around 1583, the child of Thomas Digges and. Amr St. Leger of Digges Couft, Barham. He attended Oxford for one  ...
Sir Dudley Digges DudleyDiggeswas born in Kent, England,around1583,the child of ThomasDiggesand Amr St. Legerof DiggesCouft, Barham. He attendedOxford for one yearand graduatedin 1601. He wasknightedby JamesI in April 1607. By 1609he was associated with the ventureto Virginia, beinga subscriberto the Second Charlerof the Virginia Company,which was approvedin 1609. While thereis no evidencethat Sir Dudleyor eitherof his oldesttwo sons,who togetherwith hinr werein l6l2 membersof the Virginia Cornpany,everwent to Virginia,the fact that he was closelyfollowing the storiesfrom Virginia is evidentin that he was a rnenrberof the groupwhich in I 612 boughtthe Bermudas fi'onrthe Virginia Cor.npany.His deepinterestin finding the fablednofthwestpassage resulted leavinghis namein today'sCanadian in HenryHudson's1610expeditions' Norlhwest arnongotherparlicularplantations l'erritorieson the DiggesIslands. DiggesHunclred on the U p p e rJ a n r eR s i v e rw a sa l r e a d yi n t h er e c o r d si n 1 6 1l . intenr-rittcntly bctween l6l0 and 1626for Sir Dudleywas a menrbero1'Parliament, 'fervkcsbury, of tlreMuscovyCourpany, and in 1628for Kent. IJewasan activenrenrber and in to negotiate l6l8 at the clirection of the king he unclertook a loarrrequestccl by the [:nrperorof lbrthe DastlncliaCompanyin an Lrnsuccessful Ilussia.. In 1620he scrvedas a cotnnrissiotrer attcrnptto ncgotiate of disputesbelween1heIlnglishanclDutchEastIndia a settletncnt ( ' o n r p a inc s . Whilc hc contcncled vigorouslywith the crownon behall-ofpoliticalfreeclonr anclhclpccl Ii'omthe crownin 1630the plonriseof the in thc crcatiorr of the Pctitionof Right,he acoeptcd l,actrrrt.IIe lradbeenadrnittedto Gray'sInn in ollice of Masterofthe Rollswhcn it becanre I (rI 8 anclbccanreMastclof thc ltolls in 1636. Ilc nrarriecl Mary, daughtcrof Sir'l'honrasKcnrpcanclhisrvifeDorothyThonrpson, ancl ihrrrushtlrisrriarriagc acqiriredthc inartolitnclclrstlcof Cirilharr.alrcilogetlreltlreybuilt Chiliriul 'l'hey irrtuan inrprcssive h