Fuzzy Expert System For Diagnosing Chili Plants Disease. Under the direction of
MARIMIN and AZIZ KUSTIYO. Chili plant is one plant that has high economic ...
ABSTRACT MUHAMMAD MULYAWANTO. Fuzzy Expert System For Diagnosing Chili Plants Disease. Under the direction of MARIMIN and AZIZ KUSTIYO. Chili plant is one plant that has high economic value for farmers in Indonesia. The risk of plants that have high economic value was also high. Production of the national average chili plants is still not maximized. One reason is the number of pests and pathogens that can attack chili plants and cause plants can not grow optimally. This study developed an expert system that uses the concept of Fuzzy Inference System with Mamdani method to diagnose disease in chili plants. This system can provide early diagnosis of diseases affecting the chili plant from the symptoms caused without having to ask directly to the specialist or expert. The parameters used as input parameters consist of fuzzy and non-fuzzy parameters. Fuzzy parameters such as leaf color, the color or pattern of leaf spot, leaf spot diameter, number of leaf spot, stem color, pH, and moisture. The non-fuzzy parameters used are the location of plant, leaf condition, position of leaf spot, stem rottenness, spots on the stems, bumps on the stem, blackish brown ring at the base of the stem, and dead shoots. The results showed that the Fuzzy Inference System can be used as a way to cope uncertainty for the case of chili plant disease diagnosis. Keyword : chili, disease, expert system, Fuzzy Inference System.